general told canada's cbc that cooperation is vital.— cooperation is vital. we are faced with _ cooperation is vital. we are faced with many _ cooperation is vital. we are faced with many security i faced with many security threats and challenges at the same time, the aggressive actions of russia, cyber attacks, the rise of china, and also global terrorism and the fact that we now have all nato leaders meeting today, on monday, together is a unique opportunity to strengthen our transatlantic bond, not least because of the us administration. �* administration. after the summit biden _ administration. after the summit biden will - administration. after the summit biden will meet | administration. after the - summit biden will meet with vladimir putin, nato leaders hoping he will send a tough message. it hoping he will send a tough message-— hoping he will send a tough messaue. , , ., message. it is very important that president _ message. it is very important that president biden - message. it is very importanti that president biden reassure allies in central and eastern europe that he is indeed going to be pushing back very hard on vladimir putin and russia's aggressive policies that they have implemented over the last several years. there is a lot of worry about that in poland and the baltic states and elsewhere.— and the baltic states and elsewhere. �* ., ,., ., elsewhere. but growing power of china will also _ elsewhere. but growing power of china will also be _ elsewhere. but growing power of china will also be in _ elsewhere. but growing power of china will also be in sharp - china will also be in sharp focus has leaders map out a longer term strategy. nato