The heart European Security and countries of the heart of the United Nations sovereignty. Territorial integrity and independence. Drawing back borders and independence. Drawing back borders by force will embolden would be aggressors everywhere. It the prime would be aggressors everywhere. It the Prime Minister ofjapan said, ukraine the Prime Minister ofjapan said, ukraine of the Prime Minister ofjapan said, ukraine of today may be the East Asia Of Ukraine of today may be the east asia of tomorrow. Through defence contact asia of tomorrow. Through Defence Contact Groups which were set up shortly contact groups which were set up shortly after putins invasion and led by shortly after putins invasion and led by the shortly after putins invasion and led by the secretary of defence, more led by the secretary of defence, more than 50 countries working hand in hand with the military to identify hand in hand with the military to identify and fulfil urgent needs. We have the identify and fulfil urgent needs. We have the capability coalition, groups have the capability coalition, groups of allies and partners who are addressing these crucial defences of denmark, the netherlands, us leading the coalition on air force. Estonia luxembourg on technology. Norway in the uk luxembourg on technology. Norway in the uk on luxembourg on technology. Norway in the uk on maritime security. These coalitions the uk on maritime security. These coalitions are pumping more support into ukraine right now. To help with the other into ukraine right now. To help with the other needs, we are working together the other needs, we are working together to help ukraine build its future together to help ukraine build its future for together to help ukraine build its future for us. Our goal is to become Foundation Future for us. Our goal is to become foundation so strong that it dispels any doubts about ukraine pots possibilities to impose punishment on those possibilities to impose punishment on those who try to take its territory~ on those who try to take its territory. President zelensky recently territory. President zelensky recently said we are creating a security recently said we are creating a Security Architecture that ukraine is never Security Architecture that ukraine is never had but is always needed. We are is never had but is always needed. We are bringing ukraine closer to an end to we are bringing ukraine closer to an end to this we are bringing ukraine closer to an end to this. The bridge to nato must be strong end to this. The bridge to nato must be strong and well lit. The last nato be strong and well lit. The last nato summit, alex agreed that ukraine nato summit, alex agreed that ukraine will not have to complete the action ukraine will not have to complete the action plan before being invited toioin the action plan before being invited tojoin. Shortening its on ramp to the alliance tojoin. Shortening its on ramp to the alliance. We launched the nato ukraine the alliance. We launched the nato ukraine counsel elevating its cooperation and joint Decision Making to the most intensive Decision Making to the most intensive level nato has to the most intensive intensive level nato has to the most intensive level nato has to the most intensive level nato has to the most intensive level nato last offer. Ukraine intensive level nato last offer. Ukraine is much more than the recipient ukraine is much more than the recipient of advice and assistance. Warriors recipient of advice and assistance. Warriors are confronting the Transatlantic Security since the end of the Transatlantic Security since the end of the cold Transatlantic Security since the end of the cold war and have as much experience of the cold war and have as much experience is in the on earth and Fighting Experience is in the on earth and fighting the wars to come. You have a lot to fighting the wars to come. You have a lot to teach the Alliance Nato would a lot to teach the Alliance Nato would he a lot to teach the Alliance Nato would be more secure with our nrilitary would be more secure with our military lry would be more secure with our military by our side. We hold the Washington Summit injuly, will take tangible Washington Summit injuly, will take tangible steps to increase natos role and tangible steps to increase natos role and ukrainian force and supporting reforms in better integrating ukraine into the alliance. Ukraine buzz buzz bridge to nato alliance. Ukraine buzz buzz bridge to nato will be of mutually reinforced bilateral Security Agreements and we have 32 countries renegotiating these agreements with ukraine, renegotiating these agreements with ukraine, nine of which have been completed. These agreements in the clear message that ukraine can count on its clear message that ukraine can count on its partners, sustainable long term support. That is not inrparted long term support. That is not imparted to be debated from one year to the imparted to be debated from one year to the next. Imparted to be debated from one year to the next, nor is it a commitment by any to the next, nor is it a commitment by any one to the next, nor is it a commitment by any one country, it is guaranteed by any one country, it is guaranteed by any one country, it is guaranteed by a broad by any one country, it is guaranteed by a broad and powerful network of nations by a broad and powerful network of nations for by a broad and powerful network of nations for the next decade. Our team nations for the next decade. Our Team Use Nations for the next decade. Our team use agreement, Bill Support Defence team use agreement, Bill Support Defence and security across a range of essential capabilities. From its air force of essential capabilities. From its air force to of essential capabilities. From its air force to its air defence, from drones air force to its air defence, from drones to air force to its air defence, from drones to de mining. If russia or anyone drones to de mining. If russia or anyone else drones to de mining. If russia or anyone else were to attack ukraine, we would anyone else were to attack ukraine, we would work with ukraine of the highest we would work with ukraine of the highest levels to co ordinate how to help beat highest levels to co ordinate how to help beat back the threat. Our security help beat back the threat. Our Security Agreement will secure joint efforts Security Agreement will secure joint efforts to Security Agreement will secure joint efforts to build and build up ukraines Defence Industrial base so you can ukraines Defence Industrial base so you can produce artillery, ammunition, air defence and other crucial ammunition, air defence and other crucial weapons you need here in ukraine crucial weapons you need here in ukraine. The prints a and resourcefulness has been central to its Success Resourcefulness has been central to its success on the battlefield and figuring its success on the battlefield and figuring out how to use launchers to fire us figuring out how to use launchers to fire us and figuring out how to use launchers to fire us and other defence missiles, make fire us and other defence missiles, make fetching new kinds of air enabled make fetching new kinds of air enabled drones that can effectively evade enabled drones that can effectively evade detection. That same spirit for the evade detection. That same spirit for the Defence Industry counts more than 500 for the Defence Industry counts more than 500 companies and hundreds of thousands than 500 companies and hundreds of thousands of skilled employees. The key is thousands of skilled employees. The key is to thousands of skilled employees. The key is to ramp up production without losing key is to ramp up production without losing that key is to ramp up production without losing that spirit of Experimentation Adaptation that is fostered Experimentation Adaptation that is fostered so many amazing breakthroughs. That will also help ukraine breakthroughs. That will also help Ukraine Businesses to scale up and increased Ukraine Businesses to scale up and increased ukraine pots plus potential to be a Defence Exporter and weapons and training. They provide and weapons and training. They provide Concrete Support to the industry provide Concrete Support to the industry and in december, we convene some industry and in december, we convene some 350 industry and in december, we convene some 350 Government Industry Representatives to deep in industrial cooperation with ukraine. We Created Industrial Cooperation with ukraine. We created a deal team, representative of the department of state, representative of the department of state, defence and commerce ws defence state, defence and commerce ws Defence Companies navigate the hurdles Defence Companies navigate the hurdles invest in ukraine buzz buzz industry hurdles invest in ukraine buzz buzz industry. American companies average several industry. American companies average several major agreements to get munitions several major agreements to get munitions in and for ukraine. And more munitions in and for ukraine. And more are munitions in and for ukraine. And more are in munitions in and for ukraine. And more are in the works. All of these measures. More are in the works. All of these measures, ukraine increased with and support measures, ukraine increased with and support for measures, ukraine increased with and support for nato and work with Individual Support for nato and work with individual countries, the Defence Industrial individual countries, the Defence Industrial base, all of these will ensure industrial base, all of these will ensure that the moment conditions are met ensure that the moment conditions are met and allies agreed, ukraine buzz buzz are met and allies agreed, ukraine buzz buzz of session to the alliance will be buzz buzz of session to the alliance will be swift and smooth. His measures also ensure that of russian serious measures also ensure that of russian serious about negotiating a last piece serious about negotiating a last piece with ukraine, formidable, hand strong piece with ukraine, formidable, hand strong in piece with ukraine, formidable, hand strong in the path to nato secure. Second. Strong in the path to nato secure. Second. We strong in the path to nato secure. Second, we will ensure that the economy second, we will ensure that the Economy Knowledge survives but thrives~ Economy Knowledge survives but thrives. Ever since putin failed to conquer thrives. Ever since putin failed to conquer ukraine, he has been trying to lay conquer ukraine, he has been trying to lay waste conquer ukraine, he has been trying to lay waste to its economy. We cant to lay waste to its economy. We cant have, to lay waste to its economy. We cant have, he wants to destroy. And yet, cant have, he wants to destroy. And yet. Just cant have, he wants to destroy. And yet. Just as cant have, he wants to destroy. And yet, just as ukraine held their ground yet, just as ukraine held their ground on yet, just as ukraine held their ground on the battlefield, Ukrainian Workers. Ground on the battlefield, Ukrainian Workers, entrepreneurs, Business Owners workers, entrepreneurs, Business Owners have kept the Economy Running Owners have kept the economy running. From the farmers retrofitting Intelligence Tractors and workers preparing stations to keep and workers preparing stations to keep heat and workers preparing stations to keep heat and electricity on repairing keep heat and electricity on repairing. And a group of ukraines extraordinary potential for the future extraordinary potential for the future in extraordinary potential for the future. In 2023, despite living with nearly future. In 2023, despite living with nearly a future. In 2023, despite living with nearly a fifth of the country occupied by Russian Forces with cities occupied by Russian Forces with cities and occupied by Russian Forces with cities and industries under relentless bombardment, ukraines gdp grew relentless bombardment, ukraines gdp grew by 5 . Private investment increased gdp grew by 5 . Private investment increased by 17 . State revenue rose by 25 increased by 17 . State revenue rose by 25 in increased by 17 . State revenue rose by 25 in 2023, 30 7000 new businesses registered in ukraine. More businesses registered in ukraine. More than businesses registered in ukraine. More than in the year leading up to the russian invasion. Over the last six months. The russian invasion. Over the last six months, ukraine still factors of double six months, ukraine still factors of double their output in april alone, ukraine double their output in april alone, ukraine exported more than 13 million ukraine exported more than 13 Million Tonnes of goods by road, by rail, Million Tonnes of goods by road, by rail. By Million Tonnes of goods by road, by rail. By sea, Million Tonnes of goods by road, by rail, by sea, exceeding prewar levels~ rail, by sea, exceeding prewar levels as rail, by sea, exceeding prewar levels. As ukrainians know so well, this economic dynamism hangs in our ability this economic dynamism hangs in our ability to this economic dynamism hangs in our ability to provide security. Patriots ability to provide security. Patriots and other air defences, they patriots and other air defences, they do patriots and other air defences, they do more than protect soldiers and 6 they do more than protect soldiers and 6 million lives, they created umbrellas and 6 million lives, they created umbrellas of safety condor which ukrainian umbrellas of safety condor which Ukrainian Workers and entrepreneurs can adapt, Ukrainian Workers and entrepreneurs can adapt, innovate, build and attract can adapt, innovate, build and attract more investment. That is why we are attract more investment. That is why we are working within the set of allies we are working within the set of allies and we are working within the set of allies and partners to procure more air defence~ allies and partners to procure more air defence. And to do it fast. In ust air defence. And to do it fast. In just a air defence. And to do it fast. In just a security enables prosperity, prosperity just a security enables prosperity, prosperity and answer security. More robust prosperity and answer security. More robust economy means ukraine can put more revenue into building and hardening their defences. Ukraines economic hardening their defences. Ukraines economic speedy return and internally displaced people the vast majority internally displaced people the vast majority of whom want to go home. Bring majority of whom want to go home. Bring it majority of whom want to go home. Bring it with the skills and resources and ill be a boon for you ukraines economy. Providing a lifeline ukraines economy. Providing a lifeline to ukraines economy. Providing a lifeline to ukraines government were lifeline to ukraines government were beating back putin boss boss and vision were beating back putin boss boss and vision has forced the government to invest and vision has forced the government to invest all and vision has forced the government to invest all its revenue in self defense. That assistance means that first self defense. That assistance means that First Responders can charge in the residential buildings to pull people the residential buildings to pull people from the rubble of russian strikes people from the rubble of russian strikes it people from the rubble of russian strikes it means that doctors and nurses strikes it means that doctors and nurses can strikes it means that doctors and nurses can care for wounded civilians nurses can care for wounded civilians and soldiers in amidst the teachers civilians and soldiers in amidst the teachers can educate ukraines rising teachers can educate ukraines rising generations. The future of the country. For every dollar that the country. For every dollar that the united the country. For every dollar that the United States is put towards this assistance are ukraine, other donors this assistance are ukraine, other donors have invested three more. Japan donors have invested three more. Japan and donors have invested three more. Japan and korea have supplied generators and gas turbines to Rebuild Generators and gas turbines to rebuild the energy grid. Italy, loggia rebuild the energy grid. Italy, loggia are addressing the environmental costs of russias destruction in norway is something rebuild destruction in norway is something rebuild schools and hospitals and other rebuild schools and hospitals and other Essential Services that could io other Essential Services that could go on other Essential Services that could go on we other Essential Services that could go on. We talked about information sharing go on. We talked about information sharing this is what it looks like. At the sharing this is what it looks like. At the same time as we help ukraine meet at the same time as we help ukraine meet these at the same time as we help ukraine meet these immediate needs, we are laying meet these immediate needs, we are laying the meet these immediate needs, we are laying the foundation for ukraine buzz buzz laying the foundation for ukraine buzz buzz long term success through its full buzz buzz long term success through its full economic integration into europe its full economic integration into europe in its full economic integration into europe in the west. The g7 is leading europe in the west. The g7 is leading other countries, International Financial institutions and foundations of boosting the number, and foundations of boosting the number, the scale and the speed of transformative projects and reports, energy. Transformative projects and reports, energy, Digitalamong Transformative Projects and reports, energy, digital among other areas. Not after energy, digital among other areas. Not after the war ends, but right now not after the war ends, but right now. These projects will foster growth now. These projects will foster growth and increase revenues that will allow growth and increase revenues that will allow ukraine to shoulder more of its will allow ukraine to shoulder more of its military costs. It is ukraine prosperous, of its military costs. It is ukraine prosperous, we all stand to benefit from the prosperous, we all stand to benefit from the goods and services will provide from the goods and services will provide and the innovations you will produce provide and the innovations you will produce. And yet, for all the resources produce. And yet, for all the resources our government and others will invest resources our government and others will invest in resources our government and others will invest in ukraines infrastructure its innovation and its people, ukraines Economic Transformation will ultimately be driven transformation will ultimately be driven by transformation will ultimately be driven by the private sector. So, we are accelerating our effort to attract are accelerating our effort to attract more private investors. Especially towards Dynamic Industries like technology, energy, agriculture, defence and is more countries agriculture, defence and is more countries stopped Doing Business with russia, ukraine is uniquely positioned to seize the opportunities that Vladimir Putin has squandered. Lowering the cost of doing has squandered. Lowering the cost of Doing Business in ukraine, thanks to the provision war risk insurance, or grant the provision war risk insurance, or grant is the provision war risk insurance, or grant is being exported to the Black Sea Today Grant is being exported to the black sea today than before the war. In ukraine sea today than before the war. In ukraine buzz buzz breadbasket is once again feeding the world. Now were once again feeding the world. Now were working to to expand more insurance were working to to expand more insurance to other areas like road and well insurance to other areas like road and well car. The new Government Backing and well car. The new Government Backing on and well car. The new Government Backing on the table to shoulder the risk and backing on the table to shoulder the risk and that is the strongest signal risk and that is the strongest signal we can send a companies Doing Business signal we can send a companies Doing Business safely and profitably in Ukraine Business safely and profitably in ukraine. Now, they dont need to take our ukraine. Now, they dont need to take our word for it, nine of ten american take our word for it, nine of ten american businesses in ukraine are running american businesses in ukraine are running at american businesses in ukraine are running at the same or higher capacity running at the same or higher capacity than they were before putin pops capacity than they were before putin pops possible invasion. But from the putins invasion, but the steps we are putins invasion, but the steps we are taking an Investment Ukraine lies in we are taking an Investment Ukraine lies in your we are taking an Investment Ukraine lies in your hands. And lives with reform~ lies in your hands. And lives with reform~ ask lies in your hands. And lives with reform. Ask any company in the united reform. Ask any company in the United States and europe and asia, when United States and europe and asia, when theyre looking for when considering Doing Business in ukraine considering Doing Business in ukraine. It should pretty much the same ukraine. It should pretty much the same thing ukraine. It should pretty much the same thing from all of them. A strong same thing from all of them. A strong and same thing from all of them. A strong and predictable regulatory environment, open and fair competition, transparency, the rule of law, competition, transparency, the rule of law, effective Anti Corruption measures of law, effective Anti Corruption measures. In fact, the list includes many measures. In fact, the list includes many of measures. In fact, the list includes many of the measures. In fact, the list includes many of the same reforms that ukraine many of the same reforms that ukraine will need to make to get into the ukraine will need to make to get into the European Union. Ukrainian people. Into the European Union. Ukrainian people, they are also demanding these people, they are also demanding these changes in 90 of ukrainians going these changes in 90 of ukrainians going fast track Economic Reforms so the country going fast track Economic Reforms so the country can swiftly move into the country can swiftly move into the European Union and Ukrainian Government is trying to combat monopolies and strengthen anti Money Laundering monopolies and strengthen anti Money Laundering tools. But more remains to be laundering tools. But more remains to be done laundering tools. But more remains to be done in eu leadership will be good to be done in eu leadership will be good in to be done in eu leadership will be good in enabling the Free Movement of goods. Good in enabling the Free Movement of goods, capital, services, workers and people of goods, capital, services, workers and people. Two mutual benefits. Ukraine and people. Two mutual benefits. Ukraine will get accessed when the most ukraine will get accessed when the most dynamic single markets in the world most dynamic single markets in the world. Hundreds of millions more consumers world. Hundreds of millions more consumers for key exports like grain, consumers for key exports like grain, steel, eventually clean energy grain, steel, eventually clean energy and greater access to Financing Energy and greater access to financing it needs to rebuild and further financing it needs to rebuild and further power in the nation. For its part. Further power in the nation. For its part. The further power in the nation. For its part, the European Union will benefit part, the European Union will benefit from where the region possible benefit from where the region possible is most dynamic, skilled and resilient economies. They are above and resilient economies. They are above a and resilient economies. They are above a stronger footing in the economy above a stronger footing in the economy back advanced agencies and ai. Economy back advanced agencies and al where economy back advanced agencies and ai. Where ukraine is emerged already as leader ai. Where ukraine is emerged already as leader. Now, theres one more crucial as leader. Now, theres one more crucial step as leader. Now, theres one more crucial step that we can take. Making crucial step that we can take. Making russia pay for ukraines recovery making russia pay for ukraines recovery and reconstruction. But putin recovery and reconstruction. But putin destroyed, russia should and must putin destroyed, russia should and must pay putin destroyed, russia should and must pay to rebuild. Its what International Law demands and its what ukrainian people deserve. Our congress what ukrainian people deserve. Our congress is what ukrainian people deserve. Our congress is given us the power to seize congress is given us the power to seize russian assets in the United States seize russian assets in the United States and we intend to use it. We are working states and we intend to use it. We are working with her g7 partners to see that are working with her g7 partners to see that russias immobilize southern assets are used to remedy the damage that Vladimir Putin continues to cause. The g7 Catalogue Billions continues to cause. The g7 Catalogue Billions of continues to cause. The g7 Catalogue Billions of dollars and send a powerful message to putin that time is not powerful message to putin that time is not on powerful message to putin that time is not on his side. Finally, we will have is not on his side. Finally, we will have the is not on his side. Finally, we will have the ukrainian people fully realise have the ukrainian people fully realise democratic aspirations. For more realise democratic aspirations. For more than realise democratic aspirations. For more than three decades, ukrainian people more than three decades, ukrainian people have defended their right to choose people have defended their right to choose the path to democracy to europe, choose the path to democracy to europe, to choose the path to democracy to europe, to the west and that is the path of europe, to the west and that is the path of many ukrainians in every region path of many ukrainians in every region of path of many ukrainians in every region of the road voted for in 1991~ region of the road voted for in 1991 its region of the road voted for in 1991 its a region of the road voted for in 1991. Its a ukrainians defended in 2004 1991. Its a ukrainians defended in 2004 and 1991. Its a ukrainians defended in 2004 and again in 2014. And it is why you 2004 and again in 2014. And it is why you fought back so tenaciously against why you fought back so tenaciously against putin boss possible scale invasion against putin boss possible scale invasion. Your determination to write invasion. Your determination to write the invasion. Your determination to write the future of your nation is why so write the future of your nation is why so many people around the world have been why so many people around the world have been inspired by your fight. Including have been inspired by your fight. Including so Many Americans now and han including so Many Americans now and hang the including so Many Americans now and hang the yellow and blue flag next to the hang the yellow and blue flag next to the stars and stripes. That is why it to the stars and stripes. That is why it is to the stars and stripes. That is why it is so to the stars and stripes. That is why it is so important that ukraine keeps why it is so important that ukraine keeps taking the difficult steps to strengthen and consolidate your democracy because the choices that you make democracy because the choices that you make in the democracy that you build you make in the democracy that you build will you make in the democracy that you build will determine the strength and the build will determine the strength and the Staying Power of the coalition and the Staying Power of the coalition by ukraine possible side. That means notjust passing reforms but making that means notjust passing reforms but making sure they are implemented in having but making sure they are implemented in having a but making sure they are implemented in having a tangible impact on peoples in having a tangible impact on peoples lives. It means rooting out the scourge of corruption once and for all the scourge of corruption once and for all. Winning on the battlefield will prevent ukraine from becoming part of will prevent ukraine from becoming part of russia and winning the war against part of russia and winning the war against corruption will keep ukraine from becoming like russia. Ukraine security from becoming like russia. Ukraine security has eroded but the resources for its military or siphoned resources for its military or siphoned off by individuals looking to enrich siphoned off by individuals looking to enrich themselves and the economic to enrich themselves and the economic potential is an undercut of innovators economic potential is an undercut of innovators and counting on a level playing innovators and counting on a level Playing Field in ukraines democracy is weekend and the citizens stop believing is weekend and the citizens stop believing that they can hold their government accountable and fix the flaws in government accountable and fix the flaws in their system from within. Were flaws in their system from within. Were going to come away from Antony Blinken in the last few seconds about for some assets about what putin has destroyed and must pay to rebuild in 11 days of this war and having said you are not alone and we will stay with you until you have the ability to sign and decide on your own path in the future. The key lines there from Antony Blinken and if there is more, we will return. Lets turn to a breaking story from france. All available two french Prison Officers have been killed and three others wounded when gunmen ambushed the van in which they were transporting a convicted felon, at a motorway toll station. It happened near rouen. Two vehicles were used to ram the prison vehicle, but its not known how many attackers were involved. President macron said everything was being done to find those involved, with hundreds of Police Officers deployed in the hunt. Is being reported that the gang is based in marseilles and many are taking part in the manhunt. The french Prime Minister, gabriel attal, told parliament that the incident was an attack against the french republic and the justice system. Everything will be done to find the individuals responsible for this despicable crime. They will locate the fugitives and we will spare no effort, no means to track them down and will find them and i tell you this, they will pay. We owe it to the victims. I spoke to french journalist Anne Elisabeth moutet, a shocking incident and tell us the latest on the manhunt. They have launched what they call Operation Hawk which is the previous plan would kicks in when theres a previous manhunt. There is deployments and wrote checks and big areas now in the part of france. But the prisoner who escaped as a good advantage of time here and theyll be long gone before this deployment began and really, knows where they are but they will be caught but it would not be straightaway and probably in a week or so it will get them identified on the corner somewhere but big operation extends in the surrounding area and over the right here where there is this tollbooth at the beginning of the a 154 and the prison van taking back from a Court Hearing to his prison was stopped by a car wreck coming into it and the van is emerging from the tollbooth and it ran straight into it and they were dressed in black with the balaclava using guns on and there was a shooting in the man escaped and there is no idea where they are but the manhunt goes on. B. Where they are but the manhunt goes on. R. Where they are but the manhunt goes on, �. ,. , where they are but the manhunt goes on. R. ~ ,. , stifling dissent bring in the country closer to russia. Before the float, fighting broke out inside the chamber while outside, demonstrators tried to break in by forcing through metal barriers around the Parliament Building. Security forces fought back and shortly afterwards, ride police with their faces coverage converged from several directions in an attempt to encircle the protesters the government insists that new laws are necessary for georgian sovereignty. Live pictures because those crowds continue to stay around the Parliament Building and the president and said she will veto this legislation in the Prime Ministers georgia trained party has sufficient members in parliament at the numbers to overrule her, forcing a new law through. Many of the protesters are young and at stake, the future of georgia as a democratic country as they aspire to join the eu. Some of the latest pictures from tim lisi and is one of Background Information on what is happening on the ground in the protests over the past few weeks and the significance and analysis of what were seeing in tbilisi. Before we end this half hour lets turn to one more story because king charles has revealed his official portrait of himself since the coronation. The Portrait Byjonathan Yeo was commissioned in 2020 to celebrate the then Prince Of Wales 50 years as a member of the Drapers Company in 2022. The piece shows the king wearing his uniform of the welsh guards. In a moment i will be joined Byjemma Phipps an artist who has completed several royal painting, but first, lets just take a look at her portrait of Queen Elizabeth from 2006 in one of her ascot outfits, complete with matching hat. And jemma joins me now from wiltshire welcome to the programme and the new portrait and what do you make of it . Me of a giant portrait and notjust the size of it in a bid for red dominating the screen and apologies to our audiences were talking to you. To our audiences were talking to ou. � ,. ,. , to our audiences were talking to ou. You. Lets come to your painting because i you. Lets come to your painting because i mentioned you. Lets come to your painting because i mentioned in you. Lets come to your painting because i mentioned in the because i mentioned in the introduction, if painted a number of the royals and king charles himself and Queen Elizabeth in 2006, just describe what that was like and how Nerve Racking was that for you, first of nerveracking was that for you, first 0. ,. , nerveracking was that for you, first 0. ,. ,. First of all . She was brilliant with her conversation first of all . She was brilliant with her conversation and first of all . She was brilliant with her conversation and there first of all . She was brilliant with her conversation and there was l first of all . She was brilliant with her conversation and there was never any awkward moments and she was incredibly normal, really. You never forgot you were of the monarch but i had an hourand forgot you were of the monarch but i had an hour and each sitting with her and pretty much 1 1. And there was time to be relaxed and have a good chat with her. Band was time to be relaxed and have a good chat with her. Good chat with her. And am i right that looking good chat with her. And am i right that looking at good chat with her. And am i right that looking at the good chat with her. And am i right that looking at the portrait now, l that looking at the portrait now, you got to choose the outfit. Is that right . You got to choose the outfit. Is that right . Yes, i got to choose where i that right . Yes, i got to choose where l was that right . Yes, i got to choose where i was going that right . Yes, i got to choose where i was going to that right . Yes, i got to choose where i was going to paint that right . Yes, i got to choose where i was going to paint heri that right . Yes, i got to choose | where i was going to paint her in the music room and i got to choose the music room and i got to choose the outfit knows one of her, the painting was commissioned by the authority in ten minutes later, she came down during the outfit that i chosen and started sitting for many. We have to be brief, how many sittings did you actually do sit for . ,. , ,. ,. For . She gave me four sittings of an houn for . She gave me four sittings of an hour. We for . She gave me four sittings of an hour we are for . She gave me four sittings of an hour. We are seeing for . She gave me four sittings of an hour. We are seeing that picture for . She gave me four sittings of an| hour. We are seeing that picture and a olouies hour. We are seeing that picture and apologies for hour. We are seeing that picture and apologies for the hour. We are seeing that picture and apologies for the interview hour. We are seeing that picture and apologies for the interview was apologies for the interview was short, but it is such a busy afternoon for us juggling so many stories but they devey with us on the programme and to you for the new portrait of the king unveiled at Buckingham Palace and im back with deadlinesjust a moment. Buckingham palace and im back with headlinesjust a moment. Hello, good afternoon. It was a mild start to this morning, but it was also a rather wet one too, particularly for parts of the midlands, into yorkshire, South East England as well, with a Weather Front gradually pushing more Rain Northwards and eastwards and then largely stalling. But some of the best Sunshine Today will be across northern scotland. This is where we could also see the days highest temperatures. Low pressure very much dominating notjust today but as we head through much of the rest of the week as well, just pushing this Weather Front slowly northwards and eastwards. But the rain is starting to weaken on this. Always a lot of cloud, particularly for these north sea facing coasts where it is quite cool. There will be sunny spells emerging further west but also the chance of a few showers for wales, Northern Ireland and down towards the south west of england. Quite windy here for a time but the best of the sunshine for parts of Caithness And Sutherland here. Across the moray firth we could see 21 or 22 celsius perhaps. Overnight tonight, ourfront is practically stationary. The rain is gradually dying away but there could be a second pulse just pushing into South East England and east anglia up through the midlands in time for tomorrow morning. Out towards the west there will be some clear spells. Watch out for mist and fog perhaps developing early on. But it is a mild start to the day. Temperatures in double figures across the board. Then into tomorrow, for most of us it is looking a bit drier than today but still some outbreaks of rain still for these north sea facing coasts. Here again it is cool and breezy. But some sunshine across much of scotland, sunny spells for Northern Ireland, always the chance of a few showers here and out towards the west as well. There will be some brighter spells here and there. Top temperatures again for Caithness And Sutherland, 23 or even 24 celsius. On thursday there will still be some showers around and some of these showers could be heavy and thundery in nature. But again there will be some brightness and spells of sunshine to the north and also towards the south as well. Temperatures once more slightly above the seasonal average for the vast majority. Another mild night to follow as well. The low pressure will gradually pull away to the near continent as we head through friday and into the weekend. Still some showers in the south but a ridge of High Pressure will start to influence our weather further north, so here it should be largely dry and it will feel pleasantly warm in the sunshine. Live from london, this is bbc news. Welcome to bbc news. Lets turn to the made headlines. A tense standoff in tbilisi as georgia votes through a divisive law that critics say pushes the country closer to russia. A manhunt across france after an armed gang shot dead two Prison Guards helping a convicted drug dealer to escape. Americas top diplomat visits kyiv and repeats that america will stay by ukraines site until its security, sovereignty and ability to choose his own path is guarantee. In a real work of art king charles reveals his First Official pro trick since coronation. Portrait. More ina more in a moment

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