Those are our values. It doesnt matter if you are in a different political party. Different political tradition. We always quite literally stand out from what is right. This is another sign of a desperate tory party willing to indulge in dangerous culture wars. Lets be honest, they have nothing else to offer the electorate. We know that the westminster establishment will throw everything at the snp. I am telling you to the, it wont work. No matter what the westminster parties throughout as, there is one thing we have that they will never have. That is an alternative to broken Brexit Britain. And that alternative is independence. That is why the snp will win the general election in scotland. We have to win the general election, because when the snp wins, scotland whence. Scotland wins. We are the only party that will put scotland first. In the years to come we will look back on our 2024 election victory as a crucial step in securing our nations independence. Friends, we are driven by our positive vision for scotland, are unwavering, unrelenting commitment to securing independence. While our opponents have grown complacent, we have only worked harder, taking action in government to make our country fairer. Standing At Westminster against the broken tony labour consensus. And campaigning for independence and communities the length and breadth of our country. And, friends, that hard work is paying off. You can feel it on the doorsteps. People across the country can see the work we are doing to protect scotland from the worst of westminster cuts. And the more people in scotland see of keir starmer� s labour, the less enthusiasm there is for a party that stands for managing uk economic decline with the only thing changing being the resident of number ten. We have every right to be confident of winning the election here in scotland. But this has never been a party to rest on its laurels. The price we seek as far too great for that. Let as a pledge today to redouble our efforts, to retain and renew the people of scotlands trust in every city, every town, every single village in the country. Let us take this message to every home in scotland. 0nly us take this message to every home in scotland. Only the snp will put scotland first. And independence is the only future that will lead as to a fairer, more prosperous country for all. Applause friends, the people we serve the snp now more than ever before. Because 14 years of a Westminster Tory government have been truly devastating. They have tanked the uk economy, they have cut Public Services to the bone, they have pushed houses of our children to poverty, because the biggest fall in Living Standards on record, and dragged as out of the european against our will. But now, in this election we have the chance to finally make scotland a tory free for the first time in almost a quarter of a century. We can make a study. It is only one way to do it. Most seats across scotland are a straight fight between the snp and the tories. Let us resolve here and now to win each and every one of those tory seats, from the highlands, to the borders, let us rid this country of tory mps once and for all. Whether it is in may, november, any month in between, let dresses from our party he heard loud and clear by every tory mp in scotland. Your is up. Let the every tory mp in scotland. Your is up. Let the message from up. Let the message from our party. Making scotland a tory free is about more than just kicking out a handful of hapless tory mps. It is much bigger than that. Making scotland tory free is about our values, about our choices. Choosing investment in Public Services over austerity. Choosing a quality over privilege. Protecting our nhs from the threat of privatisation. Putting an end to targeting the most vulnerable members of our society. Ending the Economic Disaster of brexit, and letting Scotland Prosper as an equal member of the European Union. But the reality is it is notjust the tories that are on the wrong side of these choices. Labour see the inevitable outcome of these reckless Tory Policies. They see englands crumbling Public Services. Dc skyrocketing prices. They see stagnation in wages. And yet they are pledging more of the same. We have a Labour Shadow Chancellor pledging, pledging, to keep tory tax cuts for the rich, while planning a further £18 billion of cuts. For shame. We see a labour Shadow Minister targeting people on benefits, try to prove they can be even more callous than the tories stop and, friends, it leaves us with the disgraceful position of seeing a Labour Leader who wants to cap child benefits, but not bankers bonuses. That is unforgivable. Every day labour are showing scotland exactly who they are. Our party willing to sell out its founding values for a sniff of power. And the more Tory Policies they adopt, the more right wing rhetoric they use, it is becoming clear they actually believe this. For keir starmer and anas sarwar this is who they really are. Labour believes in the same orthodoxies as the tories. The one Labour Policy that was actually different and would have helped boost scotlands renewable potential has only been binned, much like keir starmer� s principles. As always, with labour, scotland are simply an afterthought. It is only the snp that will put scotland first. That is the choice thatis scotland first. That is the choice that is facing scotland. Who do you trust to stand up for scotland . The only party that will do that as the snp. Iam snp. I am very proud to lead a Government Thatis i am very proud to lead a government that is investing in the just transition. 0ur Massive Renewable potential will lead to the next economic boom for scotland. But not believe it to westminster, who would squander that opportunity, just as they squandered the revenue from the north sea. We are out of to the just transition, and we are leading the uk on thatjourney. But that transition must be just. Uk on thatjourney. But that transition must bejust. I uk on thatjourney. But that transition must be just. I say to tories, labour, there is nojustice, none whatsoever, in throwing thousands of scottish workers on the scrapheap so you can and Nuclear Power plants in england, or give their wealthy a tax cut. The snp has made it abundantly clear, scotlands energy must first and foremost benefit the people and communities of scotland. That means an energy rich scotland, people shouldnt be paying some of the highest energy bills in europe during a Cost Of Living crisis. Right throughout this speech i have talked about our values. Scotlands values. 0ne talked about our values. Scotlands values. One of those values is protecting our Public Services. If that means doing whatever is necessary in the face of westminster cuts to protect our nhs, our schools, ourjustice system, then so be it. I make no apology, none whatsoever, for asking those who are in the most, people like me, to be a little bit more, to protect Public Services, to grow the economy, and to help tackle poverty. There can be no more precious a Public Service than our National Health service. You will remember the tories stood outside downing street, applauded the nhs during the pandemic, promising that they would support the nhs edits i would have greatest need. But what nurses and doctors got on stage from the tories in england and from labour in wales was the insult of a miserable pay offer, with the only option they were left with, to go on strike. Not even scotland. I am with, to go on strike. Not even scotland. Iam proud, and as with, to go on strike. Not even scotland. I am proud, and as a government We Security Fear for our nhs staff that made not a single of nhs staff that made not a single of nhs activity was lost to strike action. In stark contrast to the rest of the uk. The tories have chosen their course. They have chosen electoral bribes that will see more money in the pockets of the wealthy at the expense of investment in the nhs. Astonishingly, rather than reversing 14 years of tory cuts, labour, there ways its treating is proudly, in his words, holding the Door Wide Open to nhs privatisation. We have had one group of private investors boast that labour will kick start private Sector Investment much more proactively than the tories were able to do. They are not even try to hide it. Let us be blunt about what is coming down the track At Westminster. Where there managed by the tories are labour, the uk game and intends to sell off the nhs, piece by piece. Just consider that could end up. An american style system with people charged thousands of pounds for treatment. The pure cut off from health care all together while astronomical profits flow to private companies. That is not a National Health service. That is a national betrayal. It doesnt bear thinking about. Let me be clear today, whether it is brought forward by rishi sunak or by keir starmer, the snp will always stand full square against any attempts to privatise our nhs. Under our party, and the snp, the founding principles of the nhs will always be protected. Nhs free at the point of need. For the public good, not for private profit. We wont let you know westminster government, no westminster government, no westminster party, take that away from as. While our task, i would say our duty, to the people of scotland, is to get rid of the seven Spineless Scottish Tory Mps country At Westminster, our work doesnt stop there. If we are truly to make scotland 43 we need to reject not just tory politicians, but Tory Policies, tory ideas, tony values. That is where they are delivered by someone in a blue rosette or red rosette. And that is why this election, my friends, is so important. Because while westminster is locked into economic and social decline, people in scotland have the opportunity to vote for a better alternative. For a party that she their values and will stand up for scotland. And for the only party willing to make their case for investment in Public Services to help with the Cost Of Living, to rejoining the European Union, and for scotlands rate to choose her own future. The snp is the only Party Standing on that positive platform. That is exactly why we must, and we will, win the general election. Delegates, we know that the tories are on their way out. Good riddance to them. But keir starmer will ignore scotland if snp mps are not in westminster to ensure that there voices heard. Who else is going to stand up for scotland . Labours Branch Manager . After all, anas sarwar has promised us that he will stand up to keir starmer. I am sure circular is terrified at the thought, quaking in his boots. But i dont know what is more ridiculous, going into an election, campaigning on the message of vote labour to protect scotland from labour, or the idea that anas sarwar is going to stand up to anyone. He cant even stand up to anyone. He cant even stand up to his own frontbenchers. At their conference just a few weeks ago his Finance Spokesperson suggested that Labour Route Info is back door tuition fees on scottish students, and anas sarwar didnt say a word. He cant even stand up to his own scottish labour mps. Both of them the Fighters Orders on gaza and lined up behind keir starmer. Both of them defied his orders. Inverclyde council increase in council tax by 8 , against his director. Anas sarwar is not going to stand up for scotland, he would bend the knee to sir keir starmer. And we know that the only outcome thAt Westminster fears is an snp victory. The more snp mps we have, the louder scotlands voice will be. We gathered in this hall almost ten years ago, on the eve of the first independence referendum. I am sure anyone who was present will never forget it. The energy, the hope, the change that was so close. Since then we have found ourselves dragged out of the European Union against our will. We have had no fewer than five tory Prime Ministers foisted upon us. We have enjoyed a decade of austerity and cuts. The Cost Of Living crisis made in westminster. And political and economic chaos that hasnt been seen before in our lifetimes. It would be easy in the aftermath of all of that to be downbeat, to feel like real change, the type of change not offered by westminster parties, is impossible. To lose any hope of a better future. But we cant afford to lose hope. We cant Let Westminster rob us of that. Because we have a duty, we have an obligation, to the people of scotland. The opportunity that was before as that day in this hall almost a decade ago is still here. I would argue it has only grown more urgent. Because Brexit Britain is broken. And westminster has shown itself to be completely incapable of fixing it. We cant afford another ten years of this. It is time that we made decisions in the scotland for scotland. It is time to vote for the snp, for scotland to be an independent country. Friends, choosing to become independent, to make decisions for ourselves, offers so big, so vast an opportunity. An opportunity to reimagine what government is for and how we can improve the lives of our fellow citizens. Government should be about lifting our eyes, it should be about lifting our eyes, it should be about lifting our eyes, it should be about ambition, rather than decline. Let us not lose sight of what we have been able to do in scotland with the limited powers in our parliaments. Let me just give you a few examples. When the snp came to office we scrap tuition fees. Since then the number of scottish students going to university for the first time has grown by 31 . In the number of students from our poorest communities is at a record high. Those arentjust numbers on a page. That is thousands, thousands of people in scotland to have been given an opportunity to meet their full potential. Be in no doubt, for as long as the snp is in power, we will always ensure that education is based on the ability to learn, not on the ability to pay. Delegates, we know that the longest term impact we can make is in the earliest years. Notjust term impact we can make is in the earliest years. Not just with a massive expansion of Early Learning and child care, but with support for parents, like the baby box, something nadia and i are looking forward to receiving in a few months time. I see, looking forward to it, i think we are excited and terrified in equal measure. It is why we have invested in a universal Health Visiting service, and recruited 500 Additional Health visitors. A couple of weeks ago in a port on the british medicaljournal showed that this Snp Investment was changing scotland for the better. Researchers found clear differences in immunisation, breast feeding, and visits to a e between Children In Scotland and children in england. So stack are the difference is that they are urging nhs england too. Ands lead. To follow scotlands weed. That Snp Investment is benefiting scotlands children today are building a healthier scotland. Giving a baby the best start in life is what a positive snp can do. One more example. I am proud at the snp government has made tackling Child Poverty one of their top priorities. Policies like scottish child payments. At our last conference i reported to you that our actions were lifting an estimated 90,000 children out of poverty. Today, i need to correct the record. New analysis published in the last few weeks shows that is not the case. In fact, ouractions weeks shows that is not the case. In fact, our actions are lifting an estimated 100,000 Children In Scotland out of poverty. And that is the difference, that is the difference an snp government makes. And we have done this despite every obstacle thrown in our way by westminster. Despite the Cost Of Living crisis, despite the recession, despite the two child cap. We have got more to do in the fight against Child Poverty but i have no doubt whatsoever that the scottish childs payments will go down as one of the most significant achievements of the most significant achievements of scotlands parliament. That is what a positive, ambitious snp government can do. Delegates, that is just some of our record of delivery, our ambition, our success. Record of delivery, our ambition, oursuccess. I record of delivery, our ambition, our success. I could go on and on and on about more successes that we have achieved. We have shown, not by our words, have achieved. We have shown, not by ourwords, backed have achieved. We have shown, not by our words, backed by our deeds, how taking decisions in scotland, for scotland, can change peoples lives for the better. The opportunity now before as is whether we take all decisions in scotland, whether we leave so many of them to a broken westminster system. This year we marked 25 years since the Scottish Parliament was reconvened. It was a moment where we took some control away from westminster, and put it in the hands of the people of scotland. 25 years on we can proudly show how that has made our country a better place. Our that has made our country a better place. 0urtask that has made our country a better place. Our task now is to constantly make the case for completing that journey. Taking all of our decisions in scotland, for the people of scotland. This years election will be a crucial step on thatjourney. An election we approach with a renewed sense of confidence, proud of our record, secure in our values. An election we intend to win with a positive vision for our country. An election in which there are no limits to our ambition. Let us move forward with belief in ourselves. Belief in our country. Belief in our people. Confident that we will win scotlands independence and build that technician. Thank you very much. Applause you been listening to humza yousaf, snp leader, urging snp members to make history by making scotland a tory free at the general election. He said as part of a second in each of the tory held seats in scotland, claiming most constituencies will be a straight fight between the two parties. He said, let us resolve to win all those tory seats. He also reiterated the snps call for a scottish independence. Hearing his speech he alluded to the snp mps At Westminster who, as he put it, he was proud of the mps repeatedly calling for a ceasefire in gaza. The main message from him was a chance, as he said, to make scotland tory three. The scottish snp leader, humza yousaf, a speech to campaign delegates, discussing the policies for the upcoming election. We will be back in a couple of minutes. Live from london, this is bbc news. Vaughan gething is elected as welsh Labour Leader and First Minister of wales, making him the first black leader of any european country. Today, we turn a page in the book of our nations history. A history that we write together. India will vote in National Elections from 19th april in the worlds biggest democratic exercise. And i am injerusalem where there is a glimmer of progress. People in russia are going to the polls on the second day of voting in the president ial election. Hello. We start in wales, where Vaughan Gething will become europes first black leader, after winning the welsh Labour Leadership election. The outgoing First Minister, mark drakeford, will step down from the post next week. Mr gething was born in zambia and is a former solicitor. In his acceptance speech, he highlighted the historic nature of his win. Today, we turn a page in the book of our nations history

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