Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702

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with hamas agreeing to release a total of 50 hostages, and israel 150 detainees. that should happen over the next three days, during that negotiated pause in the fighting. there is also scope for that pause to be extended, if the two sides can agree a further exchange of prisoners and hostages. however, israel has not withdrawn its military from gaza, and has made clear that it intends to continue its operation against hamas. meanwhile, more aid is being allowed into gaza, on friday around 150 trucks carrying medical supplies, fuel and food entered the strip through the rafah crossing. returning to the 2a hostages released from gaza on friday, they have spent the night in hospitals in israel. some of the released israeli hostages have been receiving medical care at the schneider children's medical center. there's been this update on their condition. yesterday, four boys and girls, one mother and one grandmother and one grandmother arrived at schneider children's medical and we were very excited from the first moment. we saw the kids, the parents, the hugs, the crying, and it was very, very exciting for all of us. they are in good condition, and they are surrounded by our multidisciplinary teams, social workers, psychologists, nurses, and their doctors. they are surrounded by theirfamilies, friends, and it was the most exciting evening since starting my career. we hope to see them all back and to see them in good condition. let's take a moment to look at what we know about those freed hostages — all of whom were captured during the hamas attack on israel on the 7th of october. qatar, which has been mediating between israel and hamas, says the group was made up of 13 israelis, io thais, and one filipino. among the israelis,there was one 85—year—old woman, and four children, aged two, four, six and nine. this is the moment nine—year—old ohad munder, his mother and grandmother, greeted their relatives — they were released by hamas on friday. his grandfather remains in gaza. here's how one of ohad's relatives greeted the news earlier. the only one who got to speak with them by now is ohad's father, karen's partner. he spoke to them, he said that they are fine, they are healthy. we feel very worried for the other families, we feel like we are one big family, with all the other families of the hostages. we are waiting for all of them to come back and we're still going to work hard for everyone to come back. i'm waiting to see ohad and i can't wait to give him his rubik's cube, which i know he really loved and he probably missed it so much. it is the first thing he takes everywhere he goes. let's look now at the palestinians who were released. a total of 39 people — made up of 2a women, and 15 teenage boys — were released to palestinian officials in the west bank — not gaza. the majority of them were being held in pre—trial detention. their freedom was greeted with celebrations among palestinian communities — these pictures were filmed late on friday evening. you can see the crowds waving the red, black and white flag of palestine — and also, a large number of the green flags of hamas. and this is sarah al—suwaisa — one of the palestinian women who was released from israeli detention. here's what she had to say to reporters after being freed. translation: the israelis came at ten in the morning and told i us there was a deal. we were suffering from difficult circumstances and tear gas was fired at us. we were wearing head covers all the time. the situation was humiliating and included psychological torture in addition to cutting off electricity for prisoners. we were suffering from the cold without electricity and no one helped us, only hamas cared. those who felt our suffering, i thank them very much and we love them very much. let's just take you back now to these life pictures, because i want to show them to you, because we are monitoring them and you can see there that black smoke rising. since there that black smoke rising. since the announcement of the pause in the fighting, it has held, has been moving in, people can move around, and of course, as hostages and prisoners have been exchanged. however, we are now seeing this smoke. we know nothing about it, to be absolutely transparent and clear, we do not know what has caused this. we're just keeping across the field and trying to investigate to see exactly what is going on, so just to let you know that we be monitoring and keeping across these life pictures over gaza, these images being shot from seven israel. in gaza, residents are experiencing a second day with no israeli military action. around 150 trucks carrying aid entered gaza yesterday, through the rafah crossing. they are understood to have delivered humanitarian aid, including food, medical supplies, and some fuel. the israeli military has shown video of its soldiers inspecting the vehicles before they are allowed to continue. there are many more vehicles now queueing on the egyptian side of the border, waiting for permission to cross into gaza. we will keep across all the events in the middle east, but we willjust east, but we will just take east, but we willjust take a quick look at what is happening in the rest of the day's news elsewhere. officials in ukraine say russia has launched the largest drone attack since moscow's full—scale invasion began. these pictures show the drones being shot down by ukrainian anti—missile defences. the drains being shot down. we will get those pictures for you in a moment... these are shut down by the defences. the attack, which was the most sustained in months, brought down some power lines. —— shot down. the mayor says two people have been injured in the attack. no deaths have been reported. lucy hockings spoke to our ukraine correspondent earlier, james waterhouse in kyiv, and he explained how long this latest attack lasted. it was really where we heard the the booms of the city's air defences echo around the streets, really. and we've seen footage online showing shahid drones flying overhead. they're these iranian made drones, which russia has been using of late. they are cheaper than ballistic missiles. and it's a means which russia has switched to, as its own stockpiles have dwindled. they have a distinctive whining engine and it was a fairly relentless attack. 75 drones were launched towards kyiv and the surrounding region, from the north and the east, mostly. and the majority of them were shot down, according to authorities. and i think that's a reflection of ukraine's improved air defenses. but look, it had been a quiet few weeks where they were growing fears that russia had been stockpiling its drones and missiles. and there have also been worries that russia would resume its strategy of targeting ukrainian infrastructure as winter continues to bite. and i think those fears have very much been realised in a very abrupt way this morning. more than 16,000 homes are without power and the worry is more could come. indeed, james, and we have, of course, had this overnight address from president zelensky. what has he had to say? well, he referenced the strikes this morning where he talked about the world's need to unite in the face of russian terror. it's a repetition of what he strives to do, but he's highlighted a number of international objectives he's trying to achieve. he is trying to, firstly, and i think it's quite obvious, he's trying to secure continued western support, in terms of getting it signed off by us congress. there is growing scepticism across the atlantic about where this war might head, whether a ukrainian victory is possible — as far as president zelensky is concerned, it is. and there's also another political prize he is striving for — his country's potential membership to the european union. there is a vote next month on whether negotiations can officially begin, involving all member states, and he has acknowledged, president zelensky, that there are difficult talks ahead. so he is trying to both secure the western support that is so central to ukraine's continued efforts to to both not just defend but potentially liberate its territory. but he is also trying to go after what his country has wanted for the best part of a decade politically to join politically — to join the european union. ukraine also wants to join nato. i think both are still some way off. but the progress that ukraine has made in that time in terms of domestic reforms, grappling with its age old corruption issues, i think ukraine has come a very long way. and it is clear president zelensky is feeling energised in both of those efforts despite the difficulties that surround those aims. thanks to james for that. next... us media say the former minneapolis police officer who was convicted of murdering george floyd in 2020 — has been stabbed in prison. derek chauvin is reported to be seriously injured. the bureau of prisons confirmed an inmate had been assaulted. chauvin is serving several long sentences over the death of george floyd. with more on this, let's go live to sanchia berg in the newsroom. what is the latest? welcome as you would meet. _ what is the latest? welcome as you would expect, because _ what is the latest? welcome as you would expect, because it _ what is the latest? welcome as you would expect, because it is - would expect, because it is overnight in arizona, still, the middle of the night, there has not been any updates, but as you have been any updates, but as you have been saying it was around half past 12 yesterday according to american media, at an inmate —— inmate, named as derek show van, —— derek chauvin, was attacked by another inmate, and he was taken, according to reports, hospital. forfurther he was taken, according to reports, hospital. for further assessment and treatment, that is. that was what was reported yesterday in the press, in the us yesterday. that is what we are waiting for an update on. it is worth bearing in at night —— in mind, that derek chauvin was found guilty of the murder of george floyd, back in may 2020. that murder, filmed by a bystander, prompted protests worldwide, calling for racialjustice, and also focusing on the conduct of the police. derek chauvin had been in a federal penitentiary, but he had been moved there, to arizona, for his own safety there were concerns that in minnesota, where he was originally incarcerated, his safety could not be guaranteed. this is not the first attack on a high—profile prisoner in the federal system. earlier this year, larry nasser, the gymnastics coach, was also attached the mac attacked —— attacked. there have been many questions that have arisen over the fenestration and management of the prison system at the moment. let's ta ke let's take you back to the middle east, just want to keep you across the life pictures that we are getting in to the bbc newsroom. take a look at these pictures, we have to live feeds coming in. —— live feeds. this is what is coming from southern israel, the black smoke is drifting across. the pause of the fighting is still in place, but there are those black plumes of smoke crossing over the skyline. the other live feed we have here is a bit further south. this is the rafah crossing. this is the crossing between gaza and egypt, in the south. it is a crucial point, of course, because today, it is expected in, lots of trucks yesterday, lots of trucks going on, compared to the last few weeks. we have been seeing pictures of the last few hours of trucks. let's take you to this other live feed that we have. this is the prison there in the west bank. they are the three live feeds that we are keeping across for you in the eye was to come, for any developments and any movement. on that, we can speak now to our bbc arabic correspondent. reda el mawy, just bring us up to date. this is the second day of the humanitarian truce. everyone here in israel is looking forward to the release of the second batch of prisoners. it is understood that the same mechanism that was put in place yesterday is going to be imprinted today as well. yesterday, it went smoothly, despite some delays, but it seems that the protocol that has been put in place through the negotiations is going to be followed today as well. for example, there are always last minute problems, regarding the details of either the release or the timing or the implantation of the truth. a mass mac spokesperson said this morning that there is a breach in the implementation of the truce that might scupper the deal, according to him. —— a hamas spokesperson. he said that the aid going from the south of gaza to the north of gaza, the israeli operation would split gaza in two parts, in north and south, and they are asking the population to move south, so they can control the northern part completely. also in other news, we also knew that a qatari plane just landed this morning, which is very unusual. usually the israeli official travelled to doha. doha is heavily involved in the mediation. the mission of this qatari official here in israel, is in place so far. interesting. we will keep an eye on that. we should remind us again, and a touch on it, but the kind of timetable, i suppose, a touch on it, but the kind of timetable, isuppose, not a touch on it, but the kind of timetable, i suppose, not only for the hours ahead, today, but in the coming days?— the hours ahead, today, but in the coming days? truce is spread on for da s, and coming days? truce is spread on for days, and renewable, _ coming days? truce is spread on for days, and renewable, so _ coming days? truce is spread on for days, and renewable, so if- coming days? truce is spread on for days, and renewable, so if the - coming days? truce is spread on for days, and renewable, so if the four| days, and renewable, so if the four days, and renewable, so if the four days go without problems, there are talks on the way right now to extend them for 2h hours. the sense that we have here in israel, that everyone is taking every day at once, not knowing what will happen, but the timetable is four days of a truce. no hostilities from both sides, no—fly zones over the south of gaza, this is what hamas agreed with the israeli army, and a six—day suspension of any flights over northern gaza for six hours. these are the main outlines of this truce, which is called a humanitarian a temporary truce. in gaza, people are hoping for a ceasefire, hamas is also hoping for it. the israelis are saying that as soon as the truth. the israeli operation will assume the net resume, with the main goal of —— it will resume, with the main goal of getting rid of hamas. hearing from the hostages, and some of their experiences on what they have gone through, because clearly, there will be authorities in israel very keen to know some of the more practicaljust to call —— practical and logistical, the tunnel, where they are being held, so is there any more sense that we will be able to learn any more sense. we are exnecting _ learn any more sense. we are expecting several _ learn any more sense. we are expecting several press - learn any more sense. we are - expecting several press conferences by the families of those who were freed yesterday. they will take place this afternoon and this evening in tel aviv. we know yesterday, and i was yesterday at an air base, which was the first stop for the hostages on their way to freedom, basically, and in that military base, they went through a medical checkup and also a psychological assessment, but also a military debriefing. the internal security services here are very keen to know or to clean any information about the conditions, their conditions, maybe this can indicate and be useful for the conditions, maybe this can indicate and be usefulfor the israeli conditions, maybe this can indicate and be useful for the israeli army, if they want to liberate them, like they say. if they want to liberate them, like the sa . . ~ if they want to liberate them, like the sa. ., ~ . ., they say. thank you so much that 'ust before we leave the area, just want to show these life pictures we are coming across here, what we showed you just a moment ago, there has been some vehicles coming and going at the prison there in the west bank, so that is what we are just keeping an eye on, as well as all the other live feeds we have going on, around the region. next,... the attempt to rescue 41 construction workers from a collapsed tunnel in india has hit another delay. officials say the machine used to drill through the rubble, which broke down on friday, can't be repaired. our south asia correspondent samira hussain is live at scene. where are we, this machine is actually crucial to what is going on? �* , , ., , ., actually crucial to what is going on? absolutely, what officials are sa in: on? absolutely, what officials are saying now _ on? absolutely, what officials are saying now is _ on? absolutely, what officials are saying now is that _ on? absolutely, what officials are saying now is that the _ on? absolutely, what officials are saying now is that the drilling - saying now is that the drilling machine that they are using behind me, to drill a machine that they are using behind me, to drilla hole, to machine that they are using behind me, to drill a hole, to try and reach the workers that are trapped, thatis reach the workers that are trapped, that is now broken down completely. in order to pull it out, it actually needs to pull it out in pieces, so they have to summon another piece of machinery from another city in india, and that is due to arrive late tonight, and that machine will then cut the drilling machine into pieces, so then it can be pulled out. once they are able to pull that out, what they are going to do then is go in manually, and start taking out the debris in order to reach those rescue workers. just remind us, those rescue workers. just remind us. because _ those rescue workers. just remind us. because i _ those rescue workers. just remind us, because i know _ those rescue workers. just remind us, because i know lots _ those rescue workers. just remind us, because i know lots people . those rescue workers. just remind i us, because i know lots people would have been following this story from the beginning, but from those who haven't, remind us happened here. you can see just behind haven't, remind us happened here. you can seejust behind me, is the mouth of the tunnel, and you might be able to see the silhouette of the mountain behind me. they were constructing a roadway through this mountain, when almost two weeks ago, a nearby landslide crashed the partially built tunnel, trapping 41 men inside. it is making this rescue effort complicated, because the tunnel was under construction, mixed in with all the rubble and debris, is actually pieces of metal. that is why the drill continues to get caught and ultimately why it broke down, resulting in officials here having to try and figure out a new plan to try and get those men out. thank you so much for that. a fire in a multi storey shopping centre in the pakistani city of karachi has killed 10 people, according to the city's mayor, and injured many more. let's try and find out more of what happened. our pakistan correspondent, caroline davies is in islamabad, what more can you tell us? we know that this fire started in the early hours of this morning, and what we have heard from a fire official is that there is a call centre inside this building which is why we have now heard that there have been ten are killed. not all of the people who have died were from that call centre, but we understand people who are working in that call centre, who are working overnight, did die in the fire. some died from suffocation, some died from burns. there were also 22 people injured. some of those were injured in the process of the fact the —— evacuation, someone fell down the stairwell as they were trying to get out of the building, and, as you say, the total, we have heard from the city's mayor, ten have died, and others are still in critical condition in hospital. karachi has had serious fire incidents, before. it was injust had serious fire incidents, before. it was in just a few days ago that there was a conference in the city, where city planners and engineers, people who had fire safety expertise, there was an —— s brick —— estimate, that a large proportion of buildings in karachi do not have the right fire systems in place. there are certainly an issue that is being brought up about fire safety here in pakistan. ., brought up about fire safety here in pakistan. . ., ~ brought up about fire safety here in pakistan. ., . ~' , ., brought up about fire safety here in pakistan. ., ., ~ , ., ,., brought up about fire safety here in pakistan. ., ., ~ , ., . pakistan. karen, thank you so much for keeping — pakistan. karen, thank you so much for keeping a _ pakistan. karen, thank you so much for keeping a cross _ pakistan. karen, thank you so much for keeping a cross that _ pakistan. karen, thank you so much for keeping a cross that for - pakistan. karen, thank you so much for keeping a cross that for us. -- i for keeping a cross that for us. —— caroline. we go back to the middle east, we will show that life pictures here of what we are keeping across. we go across to the skyline of gaza, so this is a live camera feed position from southern israel, looking across over gaza. it is a feed that we have been keeping across for weeks and weeks now. this is obviously one of the calmest we have ever seen it in that time. the truth, the pause in the fighting is holding. we have been seeing a big black plume of smoke in the last hour or so, that we don't have any information of exactly what that is. let's ta ke let's take you to the rafah crossing now, the crucial border crossing of the south of gaza into egypt, the trucks there carrying vital aid for the people of gaza. a significant increase in the number of tracks yesterday and expected today as more aid gets in. finally, these pictures from the west bank. we have seen some vehicles coming and going, some of movements, and we are keeping across that. we have our cameras out, covering every angle. stay with us, i'm a lewis vaughanjones, this is bbc news. hello there. saturday started off on a cold and frosty notes, but there was some sparkling sunshine to go with it for many. our first widespread frost of this winter period, temperatures as low as minus seven celsius in parts of oxfordshire. we have plenty of sunshine, it will stay with us throughout the day, and a brisk breeze is running down from the north sea, which might drift some more cloud and showers across the exposed east coast. maybe some cloud running up to the irish sea, but generally, find settled and sunny. temperatures widely around 6—7, milder in the south—west, because we will see more cloud spilling in, as we go through the latter stages of the day. this weather front will bring some showery outbreaks of rain into northern ireland, gradually in wales as well, and ahead of it, we will have an early frost, temperatures fall down to around —i, with many eastern areas, but the cloud will continue to spill in further east. frontal systems will bring some light patchy rain, through the day on sunday, so a different story on sunday. the cloud is moving its way across eastern england, so it will feel cool and great out there, but showery rain into northern ireland, wales, central and southern england, going through the afternoon, and the best of the brightness is in scotland. here, only around 4 degrees, but generally 6—8, and at the west, it is milder, double digits here. the weather front is milder, double digits here. the weatherfront six is milder, double digits here. the weather front six southwards and eastwards, through the latter stages of sunday, and into monday. monday will be more rain across england and wales. not particularly heavy, but it will drift south—eastward. going for the afternoon, that cloud will come in through the rest of the country. some showers, and temperatures generally around 6—8. again, maybe double digits in the far south—west. the week ahead stays on the cold side for this time of year. we are likely to see some frontal systems pushing in from time to time, and obviously as they bump into that colder air, there is a risk of seeing some wintry showers, chiefly on higher ground, a light dusting, but inverness could have some snow, potentially friday and saturday. this is bbc news. the headlines... 14 israeli hostages are expected to be freed by hamas today as part of the deal. 42 palestinians are due to be released. these are live pictures showing that the pause in fighting appears to be holding — and aid is flowing into the strip, with more expected. a major attack by russian drones on kyiv — ukraine's military say more than 70 drones were launched at the capital overnight. and, music to the ears of vinyl lovers — hmv re—opens its flagship store on london's oxford street, four years after closing it. the temporary truce in gaza is continuing to hold. it's the second of a four—day pause in fighting between israel and hamas in the gaza strip. israel says it will release another 42 detained palestinians today, and that 14 more people held hostage by hamas will also be freed. our middle east correspondent yolande knell reports on a rare moment of hope in this conflict. an arrival to celebrate at this israeli children's hospital as many of the freed israeli hostages were flown in last night, much to the relief and happiness of a crowd of well—wishers. the women and children were said to be physically well. altogether, 13 israelis were released after they spent almost seven weeks being held captive by hamas in gaza, along with 11 foreign workers. earlier video released by the military wing of hamas shows the moment they were taken to vehicles belonging to the international committee of the red cross. these are the youngest of the hostages — aviv, who's two, and her sister, raz, who's four, shown in a family video. they were snatched by hamas gunmen with their mother doron while visiting their grandmother. theirfather yoni recently showed us a video of them being taken captive on the seventh of october. following their release, he said, "i'm happy that i've got my family back but i won't celebrate until the last of the kidnapped returns. " ohad marked his ninth birthday in gaza. he was released, along with his mother keren and his grandmother ruti, but his grandfather avraham is still being held. a relative gave his reaction to the bbc. we couldn't believe it until we saw it with our own eyes, the ambulances and all the buses making their way home. this is truly — well, it's very exciting. we're still scared and worried about avraham again, but this is one step towards being happy. meanwhile, this is the oldest of those returning home — yaffa adar, an 85—year—old mother of three, grandmother to eight and great—grandmother to seven children. and for many other families, the day was bittersweet. some 240 people were seized as hostages and most remain in gaza. under the terms of the temporary ceasefire deal, 39 palestinians, also women and children, were freed from israeli jails to be reunited with their families. they were accused of a range of offences, from throwing stones to attempted murder. some had been convicted and others held without trial. large crowds turned out to greet those returning to the occupied west bank at this israeli checkpoint. one of those released was marah bakeer. she was 16 when she was arrested eight years ago for a knife attack on an israeli police officer and had nearly served her sentence. she told journalists the release deal followed the deaths of many people, adding, "this makes us unhappy and uncomfortable". like marah, many of the prisoners had been in solitary confinement. as their coach arrived, some inside danced in celebration. someone was wrapped in a palestinian flag. meanwhile, the truce is allowing the biggest influx of aid to gaza since the war began with more lorries lined up to carry in fuel, food and medical supplies. still, with a deep humanitarian crisis, the un warns this isn't nearly enough. today, more israeli hostages and more palestinian prisoners are set to be released as the pause in fighting continues. for both sides, the promise of a little more relief. yolande knell, bbc news, jerusalem. as we've been hearing, around 150 trucks carrying aid entered gaza yesterday. juliette touma is director of communications for the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees. she has more detail on what's inside the aid trucks going into gaza. basic medical supplies, food, medicines, drinking water, some cleaning material and hygiene kits. very, very important, as basic as this sounds, because when i visited one of our shelters, it was very overcrowded. you see, people were literally on top of each other and they lacked the basic hygiene supplies. some of them had not washed for days on end. some of them left with only their clothes on them that they have not changed for 45 days. so it's absolutely fundamental that these basic items, as basic as they might sound, get in and more gets in. professor hagai levine is from the hostages i want to take you down to a press conference being held right now by representatives of hostages who were not released on friday. they are telling their stories.— not released on friday. they are telling their stories. when i woke u . telling their stories. when i woke u- on telling their stories. when i woke up on october — telling their stories. when i woke up on october seven _ telling their stories. when i woke up on october seven at _ telling their stories. when i woke up on october seven at 10am, . telling their stories. when i woke i up on october seven at 10am, they asked me if they heard about the news. of course, i had no clue. i looked online, i saw there was a terror attack from gaza. one of the articles, there was a video of hundreds of people running for their lives in fear and it wasn't obvious what was going on. and i know that it was supposed to be a party, i know she was supposed to be there, i tried to call her and she didn't answer. i tried to call again and sent her a message and she didn't reply. i called one of herfriends, they tell me that she didn't speak with her but the party was under attack. when they said the name nova, i knew she was there and it was very scary. the following day, we had no clue what was going on with her and herfriends and everyone there. and all of october seven, all the saturday, we thought perhaps she was hiding, perhaps she was murdered. the option she was kidnapped wasn't my first guess. but in the next day, there are so many videos, propaganda videos of hamas showing kidnapping and execution is an horrible stuff but i'm sure you have all heard about. in one of the videos, i didn't watch it personally, my parents watched it, we saw being dragged by four terrorists and we know from the video, it is not easy to watch, we could still recognise her, identify her from could still recognise her, identify herfrom her clothes could still recognise her, identify her from her clothes so we definitely know that it is her. we know that she is alive. we know there is a chance that she was injured but we cannot know how bad. but we do believe that she has a lie. and since then, i understood she was kidnapped, there were two israelis in the moment that she was kidnapped, they managed to escape but they saw her being taken. they described it they ran four kilometres together, they saw so many horrors the, so many dead bodies, at one point, she couldn't run any more. the terrorist taste after that, she froze, she started to cry. they describe that she was taken by the terrorists with no resistance, they were taken on a motorbike. we don't know how long later, the video was taken but we saw it and we know that she was kidnapped. these 50 days are the worst days of my life. it's disaster. wejust worst days of my life. it's disaster. we just want to see her with us again, to hug her. i cannot imagine what she has been through on october seven and in the following 50 days. i really cannot sleep and every moment since then, i try to do everything to bring her back. in the march we made, we are sleeping in the tents in front of the military base nearly for one month now. we are giving interviews and doing everything we can. it's important to me to speak about her as a person. as a girlfriend, as a friend, as an artist, she is amazing. i'm sure no one deserves this nightmare but i care so much about her and to think what she might have been we are speaking, it's scary. it's scary. it's really scary. ijust speaking, it's scary. it's scary. it's really scary. i just want to see her again as soon as it is possible. there is a deal now but we know that there is a chance that in next days, we see women and men from the music festival being freed are not so high. i am glad for each person returning to their families. all the hostages that will be freed today, we cannot wait any longer. so i am glad to see the families, and the last month, i get to know so many of the families of hostages and now, a friend of mine, his grandmother was kidnapped. she is free now and i am so happy for them and all of the family. there another lot of moments when you can smile and to see her back with her grandson, it's something special and i want to have the same —— every family to have the same so we are glad for every hostage who has been freed but we want our government to do everything they can, and we hope the effect of the us and the international community will make it work. we want everyone to be free at any price. that's what must happen now. the deal will continue and we will see more and more families be returned to their loved ones. my my very difficult to listen there, t in: to my very difficult to listen there, trying to get — my very difficult to listen there, trying to get an _ my very difficult to listen there, trying to get an idea _ my very difficult to listen there, trying to get an idea of- my very difficult to listen there, trying to get an idea of what - my very difficult to listen there, trying to get an idea of what it i my very difficult to listen there, i trying to get an idea of what it has been like over the last 50 days or so. on the right—hand side of the screen, this is the in the west bank that people are watching and waiting, a potentialfurther release of palestinian detainees. let's continue. ~ ., ~' of palestinian detainees. let's continue. ~ ., ~ ., , continue. we would like to see your faces, it continue. we would like to see your faces. it is — continue. we would like to see your faces, it is important. _ continue. we would like to see your faces, it is important. it— continue. we would like to see your faces, it is important. it doesn't - faces, it is important. it doesn't matter if you are in your car or what situation you are at, please turnit what situation you are at, please turn it on, we want is your faces. we appreciate it and we appreciate you being here very much. thank you again. the next person to speak, his nephew and his wife were abducted. please, go ahead.— please, go ahead. thank you for aaivin us please, go ahead. thank you for giving us this — please, go ahead. thank you for giving us this platform _ please, go ahead. thank you for giving us this platform to - please, go ahead. thank you for giving us this platform to tell. please, go ahead. thank you for| giving us this platform to tell our loved _ giving us this platform to tell our loved ones' story. it is very important _ loved ones' story. it is very important to us that it will never become — important to us that it will never become numbers and will never stay as names _ become numbers and will never stay as names and numbers, but that each one of— as names and numbers, but that each one of you _ as names and numbers, but that each one of you and each of the civilians of the _ one of you and each of the civilians of the world, will know the stories and the _ of the world, will know the stories and the personalities behind the numbers— and the personalities behind the numbers and behind the names. they are actually— numbers and behind the names. they are actually literally buried alive in some — are actually literally buried alive in some tunnels out there in gaza. nobody— in some tunnels out there in gaza. nobody has — in some tunnels out there in gaza. nobody has seen them, nobody knows them, _ nobody has seen them, nobody knows them, nobody knows anything. while hopefuiiy— them, nobody knows anything. while hopefully now, on that saturday, on october _ hopefully now, on that saturday, on october seven, it was literally, the terrorists _ october seven, it was literally, the terrorists entered and they literativ— terrorists entered and they literally acted as crime against humanity. in our story, they went where _ humanity. in our story, they went where they— humanity. in our story, they went where they were living as a young couple, _ where they were living as a young couple, two years of marriage, where their dogs. _ couple, two years of marriage, where their dogs, with their cats. to young — their dogs, with their cats. to young people that although ambition in this— young people that although ambition in this world is to bring peace, to bring _ in this world is to bring peace, to bring the — in this world is to bring peace, to bring the people to love one each other, _ bring the people to love one each other, bring people to love cats, wounded — other, bring people to love cats, wounded and abandoned animals, to live quietly— wounded and abandoned animals, to live quietly and peacefully. this is their only— live quietly and peacefully. this is their only ambition. on that saturday, our life stopped. all the family— saturday, our life stopped. all the family stopped living. and him and his wife _ family stopped living. and him and his wife. and since then, the family can't _ his wife. and since then, the family can't sleep — his wife. and since then, the family can't sleep. the family can't eat. the parents _ can't sleep. the family can't eat. the parents are running all the time to be _ the parents are running all the time to be active. — the parents are running all the time to be active, to never quit, never stop— to be active, to never quit, never stop walking or running or interviewing or travelling in order to never— interviewing or travelling in order to never have time to think. when i'm to never have time to think. when i'm telling — to never have time to think. when i'm telling the mother, sit a bit, 'ust i'm telling the mother, sit a bit, just relax — i'm telling the mother, sit a bit, just relax a _ i'm telling the mother, sit a bit, just relax a bit, she is telling me, i just relax a bit, she is telling me, ican't _ just relax a bit, she is telling me, i can't because if i will sit for a minute, — i can't because if i will sit for a minute, i_ i can't because if i will sit for a minute, i will i can't because if i will sit for a minute, iwill die. because i can't because if i will sit for a minute, i will die. because the thoughts — minute, i will die. because the thoughts that will run in my head, i can't _ thoughts that will run in my head, i can't live _ thoughts that will run in my head, i can't live without, so i am running, i can't live without, so i am running, i am _ can't live without, so i am running, i am not _ can't live without, so i am running, i am not eating, i'm can't live without, so i am running, lam not eating, i'm not can't live without, so i am running, i am not eating, i'm not sleeping. she is— i am not eating, i'm not sleeping. she is active — i am not eating, i'm not sleeping. she is active all the time in order to bring — she is active all the time in order to bring her— she is active all the time in order to bring her son and his wife back home _ to bring her son and his wife back home on — to bring her son and his wife back home. on that saturday morning, at 630 in _ home. on that saturday morning, at 630 in the _ home. on that saturday morning, at 630 in the morning. they had the read _ 630 in the morning. they had the read signat— 630 in the morning. they had the read signal alarm there as well and in other— read signal alarm there as well and in other 22— read signal alarm there as well and in other 22 other kibbutzes. all of my family— in other 22 other kibbutzes. all of my family went into their shelter, they text — my family went into their shelter, they text me if everything is ok and they text me if everything is ok and they said. _ they text me if everything is ok and they said, yes, it is ok. after ten minutes, — they said, yes, it is ok. after ten minutes, they wrote us back, it's not the _ minutes, they wrote us back, it's not the same, there is something very bad — not the same, there is something very bad going on inside the kibbutz _ very bad going on inside the kibbutz. they had gunshot, and then we start— kibbutz. they had gunshot, and then we start texting, all of the time, they said — we start texting, all of the time, they said there are terrorists around — they said there are terrorists around the house, the parents, the grandmother said that. they also posted _ grandmother said that. they also posted it — grandmother said that. they also posted it on facebook. and then, these _ posted it on facebook. and then, these messages continued but the last one _ these messages continued but the last one was at 830 in the morning, when _ last one was at 830 in the morning, when he _ last one was at 830 in the morning, when he sent a voice mail saying that the — when he sent a voice mail saying that the terrorists from hamas are here next— that the terrorists from hamas are here next to our house, they are shooting — here next to our house, they are shooting at — here next to our house, they are shooting at us and i'm afraid, i'm sorry— shooting at us and i'm afraid, i'm sorry that — shooting at us and i'm afraid, i'm sorry that i — shooting at us and i'm afraid, i'm sorry that i cannot protect you, her mother— sorry that i cannot protect you, her mother living the next kibbutz and saying _ mother living the next kibbutz and saying in _ mother living the next kibbutz and saying in the end, i love you. and that was— saying in the end, i love you. and that was the — saying in the end, i love you. and that was the last time we heard from her. that was the last time we heard from her~ but— that was the last time we heard from her. but eight or nine hours later, when _ her. but eight or nine hours later, when the — her. but eight or nine hours later, when the army take over the kibbutz, when _ when the army take over the kibbutz, when the _ when the army take over the kibbutz, when the idf went to see the flat, they saw— when the idf went to see the flat, they saw that there where shooting si-ns they saw that there where shooting signs on— they saw that there where shooting signs on the floor and there was signs— signs on the floor and there was signs of— signs on the floor and there was signs of struggle and the windows were broken. but there were no signs of them _ were broken. but there were no signs of them murdered. and the sign that they shot _ of them murdered. and the sign that they shot on the floor said that they— they shot on the floor said that they wanted to scare them but not killed _ they wanted to scare them but not killed so — they wanted to scare them but not killed. so it meant, we seemed then that they— killed. so it meant, we seemed then that they were kidnapped but they were alive. and about three weeks ago. _ were alive. and about three weeks ago. we _ were alive. and about three weeks ago, we had the sign that proved our assumptions. in the last video, the second _ assumptions. in the last video, the second video that the hamas released were three _ second video that the hamas released were three women, one i am very happy— were three women, one i am very happy for— were three women, one i am very happy for her, she got released yesterday. there was to other women, for us _ yesterday. there was to other women, for us it— yesterday. there was to other women, for us it proved, they were kidnapped alive and they are alive. and we _ kidnapped alive and they are alive. and we are — kidnapped alive and they are alive. and we are urging all over the world, — and we are urging all over the world, we _ and we are urging all over the world, we add travelling, we are taking _ world, we add travelling, we are taking interviews, we are meeting in important _ taking interviews, we are meeting in important and influential people and whoever— important and influential people and whoever can help us, to bring them back home — whoever can help us, to bring them back home i— whoever can help us, to bring them back home. ijust want to add another— back home. ijust want to add another thing and it's been 50 days since _ another thing and it's been 50 days since they— another thing and it's been 50 days since they were kidnapped. in that 50 days, _ since they were kidnapped. in that 50 days, all the families are travelling, talking, interviewing, whatever — travelling, talking, interviewing, whatever they are doing and in any interview— whatever they are doing and in any interview we are doing, wherever we are in— interview we are doing, wherever we are in the _ interview we are doing, wherever we are in the world, we are asking everybody— are in the world, we are asking everybody to make some influence and pressure _ everybody to make some influence and pressure on _ everybody to make some influence and pressure on the red cross or other international organisation to enter inside _ international organisation to enter inside and — international organisation to enter inside and to force the hamas, that iran, _ inside and to force the hamas, that iran, oatar. — inside and to force the hamas, that iran, oatar. i— inside and to force the hamas, that iran, qatar, idon't inside and to force the hamas, that iran, qatar, i don't know, all of those _ iran, qatar, idon't know, all of those who— iran, qatar, i don't know, all of those who are in discussion with the terrorists. _ those who are in discussion with the terrorists, who let them see if they are ok. _ terrorists, who let them see if they are ok. if— terrorists, who let them see if they are ok, if they are getting at least basic— are ok, if they are getting at least basic conditions, if they are getting _ basic conditions, if they are getting medications, if they are alive _ getting medications, if they are alive i— getting medications, if they are alive. i feel really bad sometimes, about— alive. i feel really bad sometimes, about all— alive. i feel really bad sometimes, about all these powerful people, women _ about all these powerful people, women and men, international organisations, governments, around the world, _ organisations, governments, around the world, that with all this power, are not— the world, that with all this power, are not succeeding to bring the red cross— are not succeeding to bring the red cross or— are not succeeding to bring the red cross or other international organisations to see our beloved ones _ organisations to see our beloved ones they— organisations to see our beloved ones. they have no rights whatsoever, nobody knows anything about _ whatsoever, nobody knows anything about them. so imagine, each person can imagine. — about them. so imagine, each person can imagine, what if it was your son: _ can imagine, what if it was your son, your— can imagine, what if it was your son, your wife, your girlfriend, your— son, your wife, your girlfriend, your friends, your mother? it can't continue _ your friends, your mother? it can't continue being like that. so for me, there _ continue being like that. so for me, there is— continue being like that. so for me, there is nothing to say about political— there is nothing to say about political issue. if the war is good or not. _ political issue. if the war is good or not. if— political issue. if the war is good or not, if you love israel or you don't — or not, if you love israel or you don't the _ or not, if you love israel or you don't. the only issue is to be human and the _ don't. the only issue is to be human and the issue — don't. the only issue is to be human and the issue of hostages, it's an issue _ and the issue of hostages, it's an issue of— and the issue of hostages, it's an issue of humanitarian aid and not poiiticat — issue of humanitarian aid and not political. so wherever in the world they are _ political. so wherever in the world they are speaking about giving humanitarian aid to citizens or people — humanitarian aid to citizens or people in— humanitarian aid to citizens or people in gaza, how come they are not talking — people in gaza, how come they are not talking about giving humanitarian aid to the hostages? how come? i have friends all over the world — how come? i have friends all over the world and i'm asking them, how come _ the world and i'm asking them, how come you _ the world and i'm asking them, how come you are not protesting against the government in order to bring somebody— the government in order to bring somebody to see that they have the basic human right? and i'm not saying — basic human right? and i'm not saying every citizen of the world doesn't — saying every citizen of the world doesn't have human rights, but it's not ok— doesn't have human rights, but it's not ok and — doesn't have human rights, but it's not ok and it's not ok to speak about— not ok and it's not ok to speak about other people's human rights are not— about other people's human rights are not our— about other people's human rights are not our loved ones. it's not about— are not our loved ones. it's not about that, _ are not our loved ones. it's not about that, it's about human beings. to finalise, _ about that, it's about human beings. to finalise, i— about that, it's about human beings. to finalise, i wish to thank you, reaiiy. — to finalise, i wish to thank you, reaiiy. for— to finalise, i wish to thank you, really, for letting us on this platform, the today and everyday in the last _ platform, the today and everyday in the last 50 — platform, the today and everyday in the last 50 it's really important for us — the last 50 it's really important for us. when i'm angry, i'm not angry— for us. when i'm angry, i'm not angry at— for us. when i'm angry, i'm not angry at you, i'm frustrated at how the world _ angry at you, i'm frustrated at how the world behaves. but thank you a lot for— the world behaves. but thank you a lot for giving us this opportunity and i'm — lot for giving us this opportunity and i'm thanking all the government that do— and i'm thanking all the government that do help us to bring them back home _ that do help us to bring them back home and — that do help us to bring them back home and i— that do help us to bring them back home and i urge you and i urge the people _ home and i urge you and i urge the people in_ home and i urge you and i urge the people in your countries to be active. — people in your countries to be active. to _ people in your countries to be active, to demand the red cross to id active, to demand the red cross to go in, _ active, to demand the red cross to go in. to— active, to demand the red cross to go in, to demand important and influential— go in, to demand important and influential people from the showbiz or business or whatever to make pressure — or business or whatever to make pressure on _ or business or whatever to make pressure on the government in order to release _ pressure on the government in order to release the hostages, all of them — to release the hostages, all of them. because what happened here, this is— them. because what happened here, this is not— them. because what happened here, this is not human, this is nothing to do— this is not human, this is nothing to do with — this is not human, this is nothing to do with religion. you can be muslim. — to do with religion. you can be muslim, you can be christian, you can be _ muslim, you can be christian, you can be jewish, you can be whatever you like _ can be jewish, you can be whatever you like. but in the end, the basic thing _ you like. but in the end, the basic thing with— you like. but in the end, the basic thing with everybody, in any religion _ thing with everybody, in any religion in the world, is to be human — religion in the world, is to be human. and what happened on that saturday— human. and what happened on that saturday is — human. and what happened on that saturday is nothing to do with human. — saturday is nothing to do with human, with humanity. please help us. human, with humanity. please help us please — human, with humanity. please help us. please be active. please call for action— us. please be active. please call for action in— us. please be active. please call for action in your country. thank you very— for action in your country. thank you very much. so for action in your country. thank you very much-— for action in your country. thank you very much. so we have been listenin: you very much. so we have been listening that _ you very much. so we have been listening that a _ you very much. so we have been listening that a personal- you very much. so we have been listening that a personal add - listening that a personal add powerful stories. that is a press conference been conducted over video call, relatives who have family members who are being held hostage and were not released on friday. they are telling their stories and on the right—hand side, there is ofer prison in the west bank, the reason why the cameras are there is because the expectation is today of palestinian prisoners or detainees being released in the west bank. so we have been keeping across those two feeds. i will bring you a line from here in london. the metropolitan police here havejust on social media posted, we have arrested a man on suspicion of inciting racial hatred near the start of the protest. officers spotted him carrying a placard with nazi symbols on it. in the last couple of days, we have had from the metropolitan police giving guidance on language and things that could potentially thaw on the wrong side of the law. let's take you to live picture the march being held in london. this is a pro—palestinian march being held in london, heading to the houses of parliament. stay with us. this is bbc news. hello there. saturday started off on a cold and frosty note but there was sparkling sunshine to go with it for many. it was our first widespread frost of this winter period. temperatures as low as minus seven celsius in oxfordshire. we have got plenty of sunshine which will stay with us during the day. a brisk breeze from the north sea might drift cloud and a few more showers along the east coast. some cloud running up the irish sea but generally speaking, fine, settled and sunny and temperatures of six or seven celsius. milder in the south—west because more cloud will spill in as we go through the later stages of the day. this weather front will bring showery outbreaks of rain into northern ireland, gradually into wales as well. ahead of it we'll have an early frost as temperatures fall to minus one in many sheltered eastern areas but the cloud will continue to spill further east. so these frontal systems will bring light patchy rain as we go through the day on sunday so a different story on sunday. the cloud moving across to eastern england, it will feel cool and grey out there, i'm afraid. showery rain into northern ireland, wales and southern england, through the afternoon, the best of the brightness in scotland, here at around four degrees but generally around 6—8 celsius. milder in the west, double digits here. this weather front sinks south and east through the latter stages of sunday and into monday. monday, there will be more rain across england and wales, not particularly heavy, it will drift south west allowing brighter skies across ireland and scotland. that easterly breeze driving in one or two scattered showers here, temperatures around six or eight celsius, once again maybe double digits in the far south—west. the week ahead remains on the cold side for the time of year. we are likely to see frontal systems pushing in from time to time and as they bump into the cold air, there is a risk of winter showers chiefly for higher ground, just a light dusting. but inverness could have some snow potentially for friday and saturday. live from london, this is bbc news. reunited at last, the 2a hostages released by hamas yesterday are starting now to be reunited with their families 1a more israeli with theirfamilies. these are live pictures of gaza where the pause in fighting he isa he is a life pictures. 1a people have been exchanged, their names have been exchanged, their names have been exchanged, their names have been received, by israel, and they say they will release 42 prisoners. a major attack by russian drones on kyiv, ukraine's military say more than 70 drones were launched at the capital overnight. the former minneapolis police officer convicted of murdering george floyd has been reportedly stabbed in prison. hello, i'm lewis vaughanjones. welcome to the programme. israel says 1a more people held hostage in gaza are due to be released today, while 42 palestinians detained in israel will be freed. the temporary truce agreed between israel and hamas is continuing to hold. this is live, looking across at the israel—gaza border, from israel. on friday, 2a people were released by hamas — whilst israel freed 39 palestinians. more exchanges are expected in the coming days — with hamas agreeing to release a total of 50 hostages, and israel 150 detainees.

Related Keywords

Lewis Vaughanjones , Truce , Cross Into Gaza , Hamas , People , Hostage , Israel , Palestinians , 1 , 42 , Bit , Smoke , Gaza Border , Pictures , Feed , On Friday , Exchanges , 2a , 2 , 39 , Hostages , Fighting , Pause , Total , Detainees , Scope , 50 , Three , 150 , Prisoners , Military , Operation , Sides , Exchange , Two , Aid , Trucks , Food , Supplies , Fuel , Strip , Rafah Crossing , Some , 2a Hostages , Hospitals , Care , Gaza On Friday , Children S Medical Center , Grandmother , Condition , Update , Mother , Boys And Girls , One , Four , Parents , Crying , All Of Us , Hugs , Kids , Schneider Children S , Social Workers , Doctors , Evening , Nurses , Psychologists , Teams , Friends , Theirfamilies , Career , Wall , Attack , Qatar , Israelis , Mediating , Group , 7th , Io Thais , 7 , 13 , 7th Of October , Ohad Munder , Children , Woman , Relatives , Filipino , Six , 85 , Nine , News , Grandfather , Karen , Partner , Father , Fine , Families , Family , Everyone , Thing , Ohad , Everywhere , Rubik S Cube , Officials , West Bank , Freedom , Majority , Communities , Boys , Detention , Celebrations , 2a Women , 15 , Number , Flag , Sarah Al Suwaisa One , Red , Flags , Crowds , Palestine , Black And White , Women , Deal , Reporters , Translation , Israeli Detention , Ten , Us , Suffering , Electricity , Situation , Tear Gas , Head , Circumstances , Addition , Torture , Cold , Life Pictures , Announcement , Course , It , Nothing , Keeping , Life Pictures Over Gaza , Field , Seven Israel , Residents , Seven , Military Action , Gaza Yesterday , Vehicles , Video , Side , Soldiers , Border , Look , Middle East , Least , Willjust East , Rest , Events , Permission , Elsewhere , Drones , Ukraine , Russia , Defences , Drone Attack , Being , Drains , Invasion , Moscow , Mayor , Most , Power Lines , James Waterhouse , Correspondent , Deaths , Kyiv , Lucy Hockings , City , Air Defences , Streets , Booms , Footage , Shahid , Missiles , Whining Engine , Means , To , Stockpiles , Iranian , Region , Authorities , Air Defenses , Reflection , 75 , Fears , Strategy , More , Way , Power , Winter , Homes , Worry , Infrastructure , 16000 , World , Zelensky , Address , Terror , Face , Repetition , Objectives , War , Support , Terms , Scepticism , Victory , Us Congress , Atlantic , Country , Negotiations , Membership , Prize , Vote , European Union , Talks , Efforts , Territory , Member States , Part , Both , Progress , Nato , Issues , Corruption , Reforms , Difficulties , Aims , Feeling Energised , Police Officer , Derek Chauvin , Prison , Media , Next , Thanks , Minneapolis , George Floyd , 2020 , Latest , Inmate , Newsroom , Prisons , Death , Sentences , Let S Go , Bureau , Assaulted , Sanchia Berg , Arizona , Updates , Middle , American Media , 12 , Derek Show Van , Hospital , Press , Assessment , Bearing , Treatment , At Night , Forfurther He , Murder , Protests , Mind , A Bystander , May 2020 , Police , Safety , Conduct , Penitentiary , Concerns , Racialjustice , Prisoner , System , Minnesota , Ta Ke Let , Questions , Prison System , Let , Management , Fenestration , Mac , Gymnastics Coach , Larry Nasser , Feeds , Bbc , Place , Skyline , Plumes , Egypt , Crossing , In The South , Point , Lots , Eye , Movement , Developments , Arabic , Reda El Mawy , Release , Mechanism , Batch , Protocol , Delays , Put , Example , Truth , Problems , Details , Implantation , Timing , Mass Mac , Spokesperson , Implementation , Breach , South , North , Parts , Israeli Operation Would Split Gaza , Population , North And South , Morning , Plane , Official , Mediation , Mission , Doha , Timetable , Kind , Touch , Isuppose , Renewable , Sense , Da S , Hostilities , No Fly Zones , Israeli Army , Suspension , Flights , Outlines , Ceasefire , Goal , Hearing , Resume , Experiences , Practicaljust , Tunnel , Press Conferences , Exnecting , Air Base , Stop , Tel Aviv , Military Base , Checkup , Conditions , Information , Military Debriefing , Security , Services , Life , Dust , Sa , Area , Machine , Rubble , Construction Workers , Can T , Delay , Attempt , India , 41 , This Machine , Scene , Correspondent Samira Hussain , South Asia , Order , Workers , Drilling Machine , Son , Reach , Whole , Thatis , Drilla Hole , Pieces , Machinery , Piece , Rescue Workers , Debris , Story , Who Haven T , Mouth , Silhouette , The Beginning , Men , Mountain , Rescue Effort , Landslide , Broadway , Trapping , Drill , Construction , Metal , Fire , Plan , Figure , City Of Karachi , Multi Storey Shopping Centre , Down , Pakistani , 10 , Caroline Davies , Islamabad , Call Centre , Building , Suffocation , Burns , 22 , Someone , Others , Have , Fact , Stairwell , Evacuation , Process , Fire Safety , In The City , Incidents , Expertise , Engineers , S Brick , Estimate , City Planners , Issue , Fire Systems , Buildings , Proportion , Cross , Over Gaza , Camera Feed Position , Holding , Plume , Calmest , Big Black , Border Crossing , Tracks , Increase , Cameras , Stay , Movements , Angle , Bbc News , Sunshine , Many , Frost , In Oxfordshire , Celsius , Notes , Cloud , Showers , Breeze , North Sea , East Coast , Irish Sea , Rain , Weather Front , Stages , Outbreaks , South West , Cloud Spilling In , 6 , Systems , Temperatures , Areas , Wales , Northern Ireland , Eastern England , Sunday , Showery Rain Into Northern Ireland , Digits , Afternoon , West , Best , Brightness , Southern England , Southwards , Scotland , Weather , Weatherfront Six , 8 , 4 , Eastwards , Inverness , Risk , Snow , Hair , Ground , Light Dusting , Headlines , 14 , Capital , Hmv , Music , Vinyl Lovers , Tears , Kyiv Ukraine , 70 , London , Store , Oxford Street , Second , Gaza Strip , Conflict , Hope , Arrival , Children S Hospital , Yolande Knell Reports , Relief , Crowd , Happiness , Well Wishers , In Gaza , Wing , International Committee Of The Red Cross , 11 , Raz , Family Video , Gunmen , Hostages Aviv , Theirfather Yoni , Last , Captive , Seventh , Returns , Relative , Reaction , Birthday , Grandfather Avraham , Keren , Grandmother Ruti , Home , Buses , Ambulances , Eyes , Oldest , Great Grandmother , Step , Home Yaffa Adar , Eight , Jails , Ceasefire Deal , 240 , Stones , Orange , Offences , Trial , Marah Bakeer , Knife Attack , Checkpoint , Sentence , 16 , Coach , Celebration , Journalists , Solitary Confinement , Influx , Lorries , Crisis , Fun , Palestinian Prisoners , Isn T , Promise , Yolande Knell , Jerusalem , Juliette Touma , Detail , Director Of Communications , United Nations Relief And Works Agency For Palestine Refugees , Aid Trucks , Medicines , Medical Supplies , Drinking Water , Cleaning Material , Hygiene Kits , Each Other , Hygiene Supplies , Shelters , Sounds , Top , Items , Clothes , 45 , Press Conference , Hagai Levine , Representatives , Stories , Stories , Clue , U , Terror Attack , Fear , Lives , Articles , Hundreds , Wasn T Obvious , Party , Message , Didn T Answer , Herfriends , Nova , Following , Name , October Seven , Hiding , Videos , Propaganda , Execution , Option , Kidnapping , Wasn T My First Guess , Stuff , Terrorists , Chance , Herfrom , Lie , Terrorist Taste , Kilometres , Bodies , Horrors , She Couldn T Run , Resistance , Motorbike , Disaster , Sleep , Wejust , Everything , Back , Front , Tents , March We Made , Person , Girlfriend , Interviews , Friend , Artist , Nightmare , Ijust , Music Festival , A Friend Of Mine , Lot , Government , Something , Same , Grandson , Community , Effect , Loved Ones , Price , Idea , T In , What , Screen , Potentialfurther , It Doesn T Faces , It Doesn T , Car , Matter , Turnit , Wife , Nephew , Platform , This , Go Ahead , Aaivin , Names , Numbers , Civilians , Peach , Personalities , Tunnels , Hopefuiiy , Nobody , Nobody Knows Anything , Humanity , On October Seven , Crime , Literativ , Cats , Marriage , Couple , Ambition , Dogs , Peace , Animals , Stopped Living , Can T Sleep , Interviewing , Walking , Running , Ican T , Thoughts , Iwill Die , I , Lam , Signal , Signat 630 , 630 , Shelter , Kibbutzes , Kibbutz , House , Texting , Gunshot , It Grandmother , Facebook , Messages , Voice Mail , 830 , Shooting , The End , I Love You , Signs , Army , Floor , Flat , Saw , Idf , Struggle , Windows , Shooting Si , Ns , Sign , Assumptions , All Over The World , It Yesterday , Whoever , Meeting , Talking , Everybody , Whatever , Pressure , Interview , Doing , Influence , Red Cross , I Don T Know , International Organisation , Discussion , Oatar , I Inside , Idon T Inside , Idon T Know , Who , Medications , Organisations , Governments , Around The World , Ones , Anything , Rights , Imagine , Pro Palestinian March Being , Don T , Citizens , Human Right , Somebody , Citizen Of The World Doesn T , Citizen Of The World Doesn T Have Human Rights , Doesn T Have Human Rights , Have Human Rights , Human Beings , Human Rights , Reaiiy , Help , Opportunity , Countries , Business , In , Showbiz , Red Cross To Id Active , Religion , You , Muslim , Jewish , Christian , Human , Human Religion , Saturday Human , Is Human , Action , Family Members , Listening , Add Listening , Video Call , Add , Line , Expectation , Reason , Officers , Social Media , Protest , Oman , Suspicion , Start , Hatred , Things , Placard , Symbols , Guidance , Language , Picture , Law , Houses Of Parliament , Note , Plenty , Skies , Breeze Driving , Dusting , Lisa , Programme ,

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