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and six elderly women. ten thai nationals and one filippino were also part of the group. and huge crowds are welcoming home the 39 palestinian women and teenage boys freed in exchange from two israeli jails. the red cross has now bussed them to the beitunia checkpoint in the occupied west bank. just showing you the image now of the airbase in israel, we understand from our correspondent there. this is where many _ from our correspondent there. this is where many of _ from our correspondent there. this is where many of those is really hostages have been taken. a airbase in southern israel. the hostages taken there and within the next few minutes we are expecting they would leave there and be airlifted to a hospital elsewhere within israel. today has been a day of significant investments and lots of international diplomacy to secure the release of 2a hostages, but also the release of 2a hostages, but also the 39 palestinian detainees. this is the image at the airbase where the next part of that release will take place we understand from is really authorities that those hostages have been given a quick house check but they will be taken elsewhere in israel for a more extensive assessment of their condition and also expected that is really authorities would want to speak to those hostages to try and determine any information they may offer not only about the hamas operations and conditions their house but also friends and families of many people who have not yet been released, there will be hoping they may be able to offer some sort of insight, some sort of update on the welfare and well—being of the hostages who are still being held. so, today, a significant moment with 24 so, today, a significant moment with 2a hostages released, 13 of them israelis but we expect overall over the next few days that 50 is really hostages would be to leave and 150 palestinian detainees freedom. this is the first day of a a0 pause in fights to allow that to happen. we have been discussing the international diploma, the fragile cease—fire that has allowed this to happen and remembering on the israelite side that while 50 hostages are set to be released that leaves nearly 200 still being held in gaza by hamas, so we know it todayis in gaza by hamas, so we know it today is significant, because, particularly, for children, the youngest just to, particularly, for children, the youngestjust to, the others particularly, for children, the youngest just to, the others for, six and nine, the eldest released was an 85—year—old woman, most of the hostages released by hamas at work and young children, and also amongst them the parents of those children. mrs the shot we will keep an eye on it because this is where we are expecting the freed hostages to leave to be taken to a hospital within israel. let's retort correspondent there now. just let us know what you're seeing there, we are expecting the hostages to be flown from there it's all hospital in israel for more extensive house check and meet israeli authorities. yes, and elaborate operation set in place since the release of the hostages on the rafah crossing on the egyptian side, they were met by egyptian authorities and with the coordination of the international red cross, also the israeli army said the head of the internal security agency met with the hostages and they are now being escorted by israeli special forces to hatzerim airbase here, the second part of the operation i have been told is starting, already started now, where the hostages, the released hostages will go under a elaborate examination raises, psychological and medical and also a security division to glean or gather from there released hostages information about where the hostages are being kept or taken. we have been told that two of the released hostages will spend the night here in the local hospital not far from this military airbase and the rest, as you mentioned, will be flown to tel aviv to several medical facilities, one of them for children, and then they will be reunited with their families. the reunion with _ reunited with their families. the reunion with those families after so long in captivity will be very welcome, we understand 22 of them have now arrived at that airbase where you are, families would meet them at the other and of that line. we also know the families of the hostages are accompanied by rdf representatives trying to get as much information as they can, but i was touching on the fact that many of the families of the hostages not yet been released, and we don't know much about their well—being, there would be keen to hearfrom much about their well—being, there would be keen to hear from these hostages who have been released about anything they may know about their loved ones.— their loved ones. exactly, i spoke to some families _ their loved ones. exactly, i spoke to some families of— their loved ones. exactly, i spoke to some families of the _ their loved ones. exactly, i spoke to some families of the hostages| their loved ones. exactly, i spoke - to some families of the hostages and they said for them it is like their own love ones were still in gaza as if they have arrived, they want to get an information they can on saturday in tel aviv there'll a big reunion in one of the main squares of the city to mark the 50 days of the start of the war, and they would ask for the return of all hostages. so, there's a sense of anticipation as well since the first release so far went well, many are calling for the extension of the humanitarian truce to get more hostages out, so there's a big sense of anticipation at the moment, even here at the airbase, i spoke to many soldiers who said that after hours of waiting they cannot contain their sense of excitement. and i think that feeling is widely shared across israel. just there with us _ is widely shared across israel. just there with us one second, i want to show people a picture of what we're expected to hear from show people a picture of what we're expected to hearfrom presidentjoe biden emma and we know the us has offered its unconditional support to israel and today into differ significant in those developments and where expecting to hear from president biden in the next few minutes. we are being told it's been pushed back slightly but the president wasn't delivered some remark on the release of those hostages today. so, we will leave that on the screen, if we sleep president biden appear, but let's continue our conversation, for those hostages it was marked the end of a pretty harrowing ordeal and it will be keen to get home and we were looking at those scenes earlier in tel aviv with people gathering in central square, projections of images on the wall at the museum there saying we are home. at the same time, focusing on the release of those 39 palestinian detainees, which this deal involves a release of palestinian prisoners as well. according to the deal the israeli side with it release palestinian prisoners in a window of two hours, in the west bank, there are already considerations undergoing and people are waiting for their loved ones, whole neighbourhoods are syllabus and at the moment. the israeli authorities asked palestinians in territories that are under the control of israeli authorities not to celebrate, and eats with them they might actually be imprisoned or pay a find of $20,000, so there's also another celebration going on in the west bank at the moment, and many are waiting to be reunited with their loved ones.— many are waiting to be reunited with their loved ones. thank you for now, will be back — their loved ones. thank you for now, will be back as _ their loved ones. thank you for now, will be back as soon _ their loved ones. thank you for now, will be back as soon there _ their loved ones. thank you for now, will be back as soon there is any - will be back as soon there is any development there regarding the hostages released and at the hatzerim airbase there, that is a scene on the left of your picture, where we are expecting the helicopters to leave with some of the hostages to get into medical facilities further in israel to get help. on the rights, we are expecting president biden to address developments today, a significant change in this conflict, the first of four days of a temporary pause in fighting to allow the change of hostages and prisoners, but crucially, as we have been reported as well, to allow more aid to reach those in gaza to get food, medicine and water and fuel to power generators and vehicles in the south of gaza. those are the two things that are moving this hour, we will keep an eye on those and renew the very latest if there is movement in the united states or as you can see there, in southern israel. after almost seven weeks of bombardment, the fighting stopped in gaza at 7am this moring as a four—day ceasefire began. the israeli military says that during the truce, it will continue preparations for the next stages of its operation in gaza. but the temporary respite is allowing gazans to return to their homes and much more aid to enter the strip. 0ur senior international correspondent 0rla guerin reports from tel aviv. after dark, a convoy of vehicles crossing from gaza into egypt. a glimpse of the hostages inside, on the road to freedom. a number were neighbours in the same kibbutz. their ordeal lasted almost 50 days. among those freed, a mother and daughter seen here in a family birthday video. emelia, in blue, is six years old. she and her mother, daniel, now back on home soil. also freed, margalit, a cancer survivor who loves knitting sweaters for her grandchildren. and in the heart of tel aviv, a time for celebration. many israelis feel connected to the hostages. their faces have been everywhere for six weeks. there's collective relief that at least some have been freed. but for others, the waiting continues. a circle of women singing and remembering. they are friends and relatives of itai svirsky. taken by hamas from a kibbutz near the gaza border. they know he won't be home soon. for itai's cousin, naama weinberg mixed emotions today. when i will see those hostages back here in israel, i will be very happy for their families and for them, but, very happy for them, really. but we also need to remember that it's only the beginning and 12 or 13 hostages that will be released today, hopefully, and 50 total in the next four days. this is less than a quarter. in gaza, streets bustling once again after the cease fire took effect. families going to look for food or check if their homes are still standing. many here are hoping there will be peace for longer than four days. "we hope the ceasefire will be extended," says this woman. "today is the first day we woke up without bombing, "without being terrified, with nothing to fear". aid trucks are finally reaching gaza. hundreds will go in each day while the ceasefire lasts. but both israel and hamas are warning the truce is temporary. 0rla guerin, bbc news, tel aviv. the issue of the pause in and being temporary, the idf has said they will resume operations as soon as the a0 cease—fire is over, they will use this to regroup and plan the next stage of the conflict, but at the same time we know is really authorities have offered to extend the cease—fire if hamas intends to release all hostages in groups of ten, they said they would extend the cease—fire by a day for every ten hostages released. even a sense of some of the negotiations going on behind the scenes. while those hostages were released today, 2a in all, but 13 israelis, this first stage of the process is expected to see 50 israeli hostages released, which was to leave close to 200 been held captive in gaza by hamas, so this is the first stage in a long process to try and secure the release of those hostages. we are also keeping a close eye on events in relation to those hostages who have been released. that is on the left on your picture is the airbase where they expect to fly to hospitals. as you can see president biden now speaking in massachusetts. we must be thankful in america, food and ourtable, we must be thankful in america, food and our table, love ones in our homes, and many blessings coming from living in the greatest nation on earth. today, we can also be thankfulfor on earth. today, we can also be thankful for the on earth. today, we can also be thankfulfor the families being thankful for the families being reunited thankfulfor the families being reunited from their loved ones. beginning this morning, under ideal reach by extensive us diplomacy along with numerous calls i made across the region, fighting with a halt for four days and there's also a structure to allow a pasta continue if more than 50 horses are released, that is our goal. —— hostages. it is only a start but so far it is going well. earlier this morning, 13 is really hostages release, including an elderly woman, and grandmother, mothers with their women, some six years old, separately thai nationals and filipino nationals who were kidnapped have been released as well. all of these hostages went through a terrible ordeal and is it. of long journey of healing for them. of long journey of healing for them. the teddy bears which integrate those children at the hospital is a stark reminder of the trauma they have been through at such a very young age. jill and i are keeping them all in our prayers. today has been a product of lots of hard work and weeks of personal engagement, from the moment hamas kidnapped these people i and my team have worked around—the—clock to secure their release. we saw the first release of these efforts with the release of these efforts with the release of these efforts with the release of two american hostages in late october, followed by the release of two is really hostages. i have consistently pressed in the positive fighting for two reasons, to expand humanitarian assistance going into gaza and to facilitate the release of hostages was up over several weeks, the release of hostages was up over severalweeks, i've the release of hostages was up over several weeks, i've spoken repeatedly with the present d&c of egypt and prime minister benjamin netanyahu to secure the steel and knit it down. i want to thank all leaders for the personal partnership to get this done. i spoke with the emir and to get this done. i spoke with the emirand prime to get this done. i spoke with the emir and prime minister netanyahu again to confirm the elements of the engagement. as i said, today's release are the start of a process, we expect more hostages to be released tomorrow and more the day after and more the day after that. 0ver after and more the day after that. over the next few days we expect that dozens of hostages will be returned to their families and we remember those who are being held. we renew our commitment to work for their release as well, two american women, and one serial child, abigail, who remain among those missing, we also would not stop until we get these hostages brought home. and in answer to their whereabouts. i remain in personal contact with the leaders of qatar, israel and egypt to remain on track and every aspect of this operation is implemented. this extended pause in the fighting brings a critical opportunity to bring much—needed food, medicine and water to the citizens of gaza and we are not wasted one single minute. since my trip to israel last month, i have been focusing on accelerating the intro of humanitarian assistance to gaza in coordination with the united nations and red cross. i spoke with my special envoy for the middle east international issues for an update, and i've asked him to monitor our progress hour by hour and keep me personally informed. in the beginning, we have put in place to prevent mechanisms for hamas from diverting the supplies and we will continue that effort to make sure it gets to the people who need it. more than 200 trucks arrived at the crisis point in egypt into gaza today, these trucks carry food and medicine as well as fuel and cooking gas. the fuel it will be used not only to power the trucks delivery of these life—saving supplies but for these life—saving supplies but for the salinisation, for water wells, for hospitals and break varies. and hundreds more trucks are getting into positions as well. going into gaza over the next coming days to support innocent palestinians who are suffering greatly because of this award that hamas has released. hamas does not give a damn about that, we also look to the future and as we look to the future we have to end the cycle of violence in the middle east. we need to renew our resolve for a two state solution where it israelis and palestinians can wanted david side by side and the two state solution, with equal measure of dignity and freedom. to state for two peoples. the. and is now important more than ever. hamas unleashed this terrorist attack because they fear nothing more than israel's and palestinians living side by side in peace, in order to continue down the path of terror and violence and killing in war, is to give hamas what they seek, we can do that. so today, let's continue to be thankful for that. so today, let's continue to be thankfulfor all that. so today, let's continue to be thankful for all the time limits —— families who are now and will soon be brought together again. and once again, i want to thank emir of qatar, president of egypt and prime minister benjamin netanyahu of israel to work on what we have made possible and their continued leadership in working on this deal. in the coming days, i will continue to engage with leaders in the middle east as we work to build a better future for the region. a future where this kind of violence is unthinkable, and a future where all children, every child jewish, muslim, israel, palestinian, arab, live in peace, that is what we are working for now. in the next hour or so, we will know what the second wave of releases are and i'm hopeful thatis wave of releases are and i'm hopeful that is is as we anticipate. so, thank you for live listing and for your questions. we don't know when that will occur, but we expected to occur. we don't know what the list of all the hostages are or when there would be released but we don't that numbers will be released, and is my hope and expedition it will be soon. ., ~ .. , ., ., soon. for the americans that are there, soon. for the americans that are there. do — soon. for the americans that are there. do we _ soon. for the americans that are there, do we know _ soon. for the americans that are there, do we know their- there, do we know their conditions, doing _ there, do we know their conditions, doing with — there, do we know their conditions, doing with their life? we there, do we know their conditions, doing with their life?— doing with their life? we do not know their _ doing with their life? we do not know their conditions? - doing with their life? we do not know their conditions? . - doing with their life? we do not know their conditions? . i- doing with their life? we do not know their conditions? . i have | know their conditions? . i have encouraged the prime minister to focus on trying to reduce the number of casualties while he is attempting to eliminate hamas, which is a legitimate object he has. it is a difficult task and i don't know how long it would take. my expectation and hope is that as we move forward, the rest of the arab world and the region is also putting pressure on all sides to store the stone and bring it to an end as quickly as we can. ~ ., bring it to an end as quickly as we can, ~ ., ., , ., bring it to an end as quickly as we can. ~ . ., , can. what about the transit the truth can be — can. what about the transit the truth can be extended - can. what about the transit the truth can be extended by - can. what about the transit the truth can be extended by a - can. what about the transit the truth can be extended by a few| can. what about the transit the - truth can be extended by a few days? ithink— truth can be extended by a few days? i think the _ truth can be extended by a few days? i think the chances are real. i think that is a worthwhile thought but i don't think of or asserted we would have gotten where we are today. we will sit as a piece of the time. mr today. we will sit as a piece of the time. ~ , ., , ., , time. mr president do you trust hamas to _ time. mr president do you trust hamas to uphold _ time. mr president do you trust hamas to uphold their - time. mr president do you trust hamas to uphold their end - time. mr president do you trust hamas to uphold their end of. time. mr president do you trust. hamas to uphold their end of the deal? _ hamas to uphold their end of the deal? i_ hamas to uphold their end of the deal? ., �* , ., ., , hamas to uphold their end of the deal? ., �* , ., .,, ., hamas to uphold their end of the deal? ., �* , ., ., ., deal? i don't mind trust hamas to do an hint , i deal? i don't mind trust hamas to do anything. i only _ deal? i don't mind trust hamas to do anything, i only trust _ deal? i don't mind trust hamas to do anything, i only trust them _ deal? i don't mind trust hamas to do anything, i only trust them to - anything, i only trust them to respond to pressure. there is an overwhelming desire on the part of the region... that me back up, i cannot prove what i'm about to say but i believe one of the reasons hamas struck while dated is because they knew i was working closely with they knew i was working closely with the saudis and others in the region to bring peace to the region by having a condition of israel and israel's right to exist. you may recall, when we did it g20 over a while ago, i was able to get a resolution, a statement passed through there, seen we would build a railway from rialto all the way to middle east to israel and all went to your, not that railroad was an underground pipeline. the whole idea is there is overwhelming interest and i think most arab nations no and coordinating with one another to change the dynamic in her regent for a longer—term peace. and that is what i will continue to work on. thank you all, very much. happy thanks giving to you.— thanks giving to you. president biden speaking _ thanks giving to you. president biden speaking in _ thanks giving to you. president i biden speaking in massachusetts, thanks giving to you. president - biden speaking in massachusetts, you are following along as i was but some of the key lengths of come out of that that president biden suggesting that the pause in the fighting could continue if more hostages are released. pointing out that today, he said, was a start and has gone well but it is just the start. he said lots of expensive us diplomacy had gone into the day, but thanks qatar, egypt and israel forgetting to the skillet. talking about the expectation that more hostages will be released in the coming days and on that she expects to know more about the second wave, the second released of hostages in the second released of hostages in the coming hours. that is what we will focus on two because we know that list with names of those you to be released will be issued in the coming days as part of this for date cease—fire. also pointed out the importance of humanitarian aid, president biden there saint this pause in fighting is a critical opportunity to get humanitarian aid in. let's speak about that with tom bateman is injerusalem for us. i think you are listening to president biden as we were among some interesting elements of what he said. crucially, of course, about the focus about this being on the first day of this diplomacy to get hostages out, saying we would know more about the second wave of the release of hostages in the coming hours, and clearly there'll be lots of focus on that, making sure this release continues.— release continues. yes, he was sa in: release continues. yes, he was saying very _ release continues. yes, he was saying very much _ release continues. yes, he was saying very much this - release continues. yes, he was saying very much this is - release continues. yes, he was saying very much this is a - release continues. yes, he was| saying very much this is a start, and i thought it was interesting that he actually said at one point he thought they would know by this point, he thought it would have the list of names for tomorrow's release of the israeli hostages held by it hamas, but saying they didn't have that at this point. i think it was very much about trying to keep the momentum going because what you get a sense of, after this first batch of releases, is the immense sense of relief in israel around the 13 released, among palestinians, seen 39 women, teenage boys, held by israel, freed. so, i think what everyone is trying to do here is contain that sense and keep the deal going overfour days, because remember how treacherous and delicate it would be to keep this extraordinary agreement, basically between hamas and ms to keep it simply. so i think president biden is trying to intervene at this point to try and keep the momentum going, basically. a few interesting questions. 0ne, basically. a few interesting questions. one, i couldn't hear the questions. one, i couldn't hear the question what he spoke about the way in which arab countries have been bringing pressure to slow the conflict down, and bring it to an end. now, that doesn't tally at all it with what the israelis have been saying about" this is temporary. it's a temporary cease—fire", it is basically a simple objective to get as many hostages of this possible, thenit as many hostages of this possible, then it goes on to the elimination of hamas. president biden has said that in the past but he wasn't quite acquainted in that particular answer, which i thought was interesting, but in essence i think what they're trying to do is get enough time in this. because there is the option for this to go on 90s, to get out everyone in scope in this agreement. and it is thought to be around 100 people. so i think that is what is going on here is in putting himself in the centre of those discussions with the mariculture and the president of egypt and paying tribute to them for broker this whole thing. president biden focusing on the release of the israeli hostages but at the same time we know the release of 39 palestinian detainees have been released at the west bank as part of this deal. i'm looking at the details. 2a women, 15 teenage boys majority who had been held in pretrial detention. we are looking at images now coming to us where they have released them from, this is really prison, into the west bank. —— the the greatest victory as far as the palestinians are concerned of this conflict. .. ., , ., palestinians are concerned of this conflict. ., , ., ., , conflict. the fact that israel holds thousands of _ conflict. the fact that israel holds thousands of palestinians - conflict. the fact that israel holds thousands of palestinians in - thousands of palestinians in detention is an absolutely foundational issue for palestinians. palestinians, there is thought to be virtually a palestinian family that has not had a member detained by israel within the context of this military occupation at some point in the past.

Related Keywords

Ceasefire , Gaza , Homes , Some , South , Four , Scale , Destruction , Hostages , Hamas , Deal , Southern Israel , Part , Group , Left , 2 , Children , It , Mothers , Israelis , Border Into Egypt , International Red Cross , 13 , Women , Nationals , Boys , Jails , Exchange , Crowds , One Filippino , Thai , Two , 39 , Six , One , Ten , Image , West Bank , Checkpoint , Beitunia , Airbase , Correspondent , Many , Hospital , Lots , Investments , Hostages Release , Detainees , Diplomacy , Place , 2a Hostages , Palestinian , Condition , House Check , Authorities , Elsewhere , Assessment , Families , People , Information , Operations , Friends , House , Sort , Well Being , Update , Welfare , Insight , 50 , 24 , 150 , Cease Fire , Pause , Fights , Diploma , A0 , Detainees Freedom , Israelite Side , 200 , Others , Youngestjust To , Todayis In Gaza , Nine , Woman , Parents , Most , Mrs , 85 , Eye , Retort Correspondent , Let , Continues Release , Yes , Side , Coordination , Crossing , Operation Set , Egyptian , Rafah , Israeli Army , Head , Internal Security Agency , Special Forces , Operation , Hatzerim Airbase , Security Division , Examination Raises , Rest , Military Airbase , Tel Aviv , Reunion , Facilities , Captivity , Line , Rdf , 22 , Fact , Representatives , Hearfrom , Anything , Loved Ones , Love , Ones , Start , Sense , War , Anticipation , Release , Squares , City , Return , Truce , Extension , Soldiers , Feeling , Excitement , Biden Emma , Us , Picture , Show People , Hearfrom Presidentjoe , Support , Us One Second , Wasn T , Developments , Hostages Today , Remark , Home , End , Ordeal , Conversation , Screen , Scenes , Museum , Images , Wall , Projections , Central Square , Palestinian Prisoners , Prisoners , Window , Neighbourhoods , Syllabus , Considerations , Celebration , Territories , Control , Eats , Find , 20000 , 0000 , Waiting , Ones , Scene , Development , Helicopters , Fighting , Conflict , Change , Help , Rights , First , Food , Aid , Medicine , Water , Vehicles , Movement , Things , Generators , Israeli Military , Stages , Bombardment , Preparations , Seven , 7 , Gazans , After Dark , Respite , Strip , 0ur Senior International , 0rla Guerin , 0 , Number , On The Road To Freedom , Neighbours , Kibbutz , Glimpse , Daniel , Daughter , Family Birthday Video , Freed , Cancer Survivor , Grandchildren , Knitting Sweaters , Emelia , Blue , Home Soil , Margalit , Feel , Heart , Faces , Relief , Everywhere , Relatives , Circle , Remembering , Itai Svirsky , Cousin , Emotions , Gaza Border , Itai , Naama Weinberg , Beginning , 12 , Streets , Effect , Peace , Aid Trucks , Bombing , Hundreds , Nothing To Fear , Bbc News , Issue , Has , Cease Fire Is Over , Idf , Stage , Groups , Negotiations , 2a In All , Process , Captive , Relation , Events , Hospitals , Massachusetts , Blessings , Ourtable , Table , Thankfulfor , Nation , Living , Earth , Region , Structure , Pasta , Calls , Halt , Reach , Goal , Horses , Grandmother , Journey , Healing , Teddy Bears , Filipino , Reminder , Work , Age , Trauma , Prayers , Product , Jill , Efforts , Engagement , Team , American , Assistance , Reasons , Benjamin Netanyahu , Leaders , Partnership , D C , Steel , Severalweeks , Done , Elements , Emir , Prime Minister , Emirand , More , Dozens , Well , Commitment , Two American Women , 0ver , Child , Answer , Missing , Whereabouts , Abigail , Aspect , Contact , Track , Qatar , Opportunity , Citizens , Trip , Intro , Special Envoy , In The Beginning , Middle East , Issues , United Nations , Trucks , Point , Supplies , Effort , Mechanisms , Crisis , Fuel , Life Saving Supplies , Cooking , Gas , Delivery , Water Wells , Salinisation , Break , Positions , Award , Suffering , Violence , Resolve , State Solution , Cycle , Damn , Peoples , Freedom , Estate , Nothing , Side By , Measure , Dignity , Terrorist Attack , Two State Solution , Wanted David , Palestinians Living Side By , Order , Terror , Path , Killing , Of Egypt , Time Limits , Leadership , Kind , Arab , Jewish , Muslim , Releases , Wave , Listing , Thatis Wave , Questions , List , Americans , Conditions , Life , Hope , Expedition , Numbers , Doing , Object , Casualties , Pressure , Expectation , Sides , Task , Stone , Arab World , Truth , Transit , Chances , Can , Ithink , Piece , Thought , President , Mr , Mind , Time , I Hamas , Hint , Desire , Saudis , Way , Railway , Resolution , Statement , Rialto , G20 , Interest , Nations , Idea , Railroad , Another , Pipeline , Thanks , Dynamic , Regent , Speaking , I Biden , Lengths , Thanks Giving , Skillet , Names , Importance , Saint , Listening , Injerusalem , Tom Bateman , Focus , Being , Course , Momentum , Sense Of , It Hamas , Batch , Everyone , Agreement , Ms , Question , Countries , 0ne , Down , Objective , Tally , Doesn T , Biden Has , Elimination , Essence , Thenit , Option , Scope , Go On 90s , 90 , 100 , Centre , Thing , Tribute , Mariculture , Broker , Discussions , Detention , Prison , Details , Teenage Boys , Into The West Bank , 2a Women , 15 , Thousands , Victory , In Thousands , Family , Member , Context , Military Occupation ,

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