pictures from the region. israeli tanks and armoured vehicles rolling out of gaza and into southern israel. under the deal mediated by qatar, 13 israeli hostages held by hamas are due to be released in about two hours. a total of 50 are expected to be released over the four days of the truce. 39 palestinian prisoners will be set free by israel today. 150 palestinian women and teenage boys will be released over the duration of the ceasefire. meanwhile, lorries containing much needed medical supplies, fuel and food have begun making their way from the egyptian side of the rafah crossing into gaza. egypt has said 130,000 litres of diesel will be delivered daily. these are live pictures from the border. today, here in the uk, foreign secretary lord cameron is meeting palestinian leaders and says britain is looking into all avenues to get support into gaza. hamas�* attacks on 7th october killed 1,200 people and saw about 240 taken hostage. since then, gaza health ministry says more than 14,000 people have been killed in israel's retaliatory campaign. with the latest, here's our middle east correspondent yolande knell. for the first time in nearly seven weeks relative quiet on gaza's skyline. there is only the destruction wrought by this brutal war. in exchange for the truce mediated by qatar, a total of 50 israeli hostages out of more than 200 seized by hamas during last month's deadly cross—border attacks, are set to be released, and dozens of palestinian women and teenagers, held in israeli jails. itay has four relatives still missing in gaza. we are barely eating, sleeping properly. in addition to that we get missiles all the time, sirens, we have to run to a safe room. and we know our family is over there somewhere. it's everyone�*s worst nightmare. it's not even a nightmare you think of, but it is a nightmare in real life. intense fighting continued up to the start of the expected four day pause. israel says it killed a hamas commander in an air strike in khan younis. now, amid a desperate humanitarian crisis, hundreds of lorry—loads more aid should be able to enter gaza. in egypt, fuel, food and medical supplies are already waiting with ambulances to bring out some of the wounded. it's going to be coming in through the crossing as soon as we have a period of calm where, of course, even the aid workers would be safe going in. it would be a fraction of the need in gaza. the need is so great in gaza that no matter how much aid you are going to bring in, there will be certainly more need for aid. but we are hoping to bring in as much as possible within the confines of the deal. stepping back into the region at this sensitive time, lord cameron has already visited one of the israeli communities worst affected by the 7th of october attacks. today, he will meet palestinian leaders. for people in gaza this fragile agreement should bring some respite from their suffering. some israeli families can look forward to reunions. on both sides there is hope, but caution too, with an end to this war still a long way off. live now to tel aviv and nir barkat — israeli economy minister. in just under two hours we're expecting the release of the first hostages. you have said that the first and last priority of israel should be destroying hamas, so do you support this deal? it means that those children and women who were taken hostages from their homes, innocent civilians, taken by hamas, they should have been released immediately with no condition. that is what anywhere in the world should happen stop these hamas jihad tests want to kill us all. the woman, they took our babies, and they want to kill us all, they want to throw as to the sea. do you actually support the deal? the incentive of course is a longer pause in the fighting. people like your national security minister has said this does set a dangerous precedent, he is concerned, as are others in israel, this will allow hamas to have a pause, time to regroup and rearm, what do you say to that? i support the deal. i have listened to all the details. we care about our people. we put them under shelter. we will do everything we can to bring them back to their parents, wives, husbands, grandparents. and for everyone that we can return, it is the entire world for us, we care about our lives. by the way, the hamas, isis, militants, do not care about their people, they use them as human shields. you should be cautious, because you are next in line. the concerns about what hamas will do, i havejust raised, how will the idf use this time, will they think about their tactics next, where are you at in terms of weaponry, this is your need more arms in a time like this? the israeli army is committed, like the government, like everyone in israel, to eliminate hamas off the map. the pause is to bring some of our abducted hostages back home, women and children, we will continue until total surrender. like nazi germany at the time, like imperial japan at the time, we need to have total surrender. can i ask you more about that phrase, total surrender, do you mean total surrender of greek militants? because gaza is a place that is run by hamas. we are talking about civil society in gaza as well, who do you want to surrender? just society in gaza as well, who do you want to surrender?— want to surrender? just to remind ou, i want to surrender? just to remind you. i don't _ want to surrender? just to remind you, i don't member— want to surrender? just to remind you, i don't member the - want to surrender? just to remind you, i don't member the united . you, i don't member the united states at the tail end of the second world war bomb in dresden... we are not talkin: world war bomb in dresden... we are not talking about _ world war bomb in dresden... we are not talking about the _ world war bomb in dresden... we are not talking about the second - world war bomb in dresden... we are not talking about the second world i not talking about the second world war, talking about what is happening right now. war, talking about what is happening riaht now. ~ ., ., , war, talking about what is happening riahtnow. ., ., right now. what hamas is committing is worse than — right now. what hamas is committing is worse than what _ right now. what hamas is committing is worse than what the _ right now. what hamas is committing is worse than what the nazir - right now. what hamas is committing is worse than what the nazir did, - right now. what hamas is committing is worse than what the nazir did, it i is worse than what the nazir did, it is worse than what the nazir did, it is worse, because they took no pictures. is worse, because they took no ictures. ~ , ., , ., ., pictures. when you see total surrender. — pictures. when you see total surrender, total _ pictures. when you see total surrender, total surrender i pictures. when you see totalj surrender, total surrender of pictures. when you see total- surrender, total surrender of who? of all hamas leadership, hamas of all hamas leadership, hamas leadership groups, everyone that took part, they will come to trial, or will be killed. there is no other choice. we have to have hamas total surrender. they can finish the sport any minute, if they raise the white flag and city surrender. if they accept the fact that israel exists next to them, and they take off their charter destroying and eliminating israel, then we would be happy to speak to new leadership, and would take care of the palestinians in gaza. you talk about the militarising gaza, how do you begin to de—radicalised gaza? 14,000 people have been killed there, many thousands of children have been killed, they do not have food, water, medicalsupplies, hospitals water, medical supplies, hospitals are water, medicalsupplies, hospitals are not operational. you can destroy perhaps the hamas leadership, but how do you begin to destroy an ideology, when all it is happening right now is only making people in the region and in gaza and in the west bank more angry? {as the region and in gaza and in the west bank more angry?- the region and in gaza and in the west bank more angry? go to hamas leadershi - , west bank more angry? go to hamas leadership, asking _ west bank more angry? go to hamas leadership, asking the _ west bank more angry? go to hamas leadership, asking the question, - leadership, asking the question, they are hiding behind civilians, they are hiding behind civilians, they know that the raise the white bag and surrender totally, then we will help the people of gaza that don't want to kill as. could you live with a neighbour...? don't want to kill as. could you live with a neighbour. . . ? 14,000 civilians- -- _ live with a neighbour. . . ? 14,000 civilians... there _ live with a neighbour. . . ? 14,000 civilians... there are _ live with a neighbour. . . ? 14,000 civilians... there are many - live with a neighbour. . . ? 14,000| civilians... there are many people in the world say that is disproportionate. with all due respect, it is not a numbers game. they hide behind the people. we will do everything we can to avoid unfortunate collateral damage. it is a numbers game. no, it is not. we appreciate many israelis have lost their lives as well. children are dying in gaza at the moment. let me speak at this point. it is not a numbers game. if they hide behind civilians and think that we will not get to them, they are wrong. any civilian in gaza that gives shelter to hamas is in danger. we opened a corridorfor them to to hamas is in danger. we opened a corridor for them to leave the northern part of gaza so they do not get hurt. you know what they did? they went into our civilian cities and raped and killed and slaughtered and raped and killed and slaughtered and beheaded people. it is not the same, you cannot compare. it is like the west fighting nazi germany, this is the moral equivalent. when the us dropped the atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki, they wanted to end the war. we don't do that, we are considerate for the palestinian people. are considerate for the palestinian --eole. ., ., , are considerate for the palestinian --eole. . ., , , are considerate for the palestinian --eole. . . , , ., people. there are many people who will disagree — people. there are many people who will disagree with _ people. there are many people who will disagree with that _ people. there are many people who will disagree with that statement i will disagree with that statement that you are considerate of the palestinian people. lawyers around the world... the un says it is a graveyard for children in gaza at the moment, many would dispute the fact that israel has been considerate.— fact that israel has been considerate. .,~ ., ., considerate. speak to hamas leadership. _ considerate. speak to hamas leadership, to _ considerate. speak to hamas leadership, to put _ considerate. speak to hamas leadership, to put the - considerate. speak to hamas leadership, to put the white l considerate. speak to hamas - leadership, to put the white flag. .. leadership, to put the white flag... what do you imagine will happen next? this pause in fighting, hopefully more hostages will be released as well. after this pause, with the north of gaza strip destroyed, does that mean the idea is to target the south? what do you think will happen in the next month? your defence minister says it will be about two months more of fighting. we are not just fighting. we are notjust fighting our own war. this is a war againstjihad the radical islamist that behave like nasis and isis.— radical islamist that behave like nasis and isis. what will happen in gaza strip over _ nasis and isis. what will happen in gaza strip over the _ nasis and isis. what will happen in gaza strip over the next _ nasis and isis. what will happen in gaza strip over the next two - nasis and isis. what will happen in i gaza strip over the next two months? let me finish my sentence. we are going to finish hamas, eradicate them off the map of the world. we will never agree to exist with a neighbour that wants to kill as, and just demonstrated, taking 1400 innocent lives, we will never agree to have such a neighbour next to us. we are fighting notjust our own war. there is a reason why the united states is backing as a pan—european leadership is backing us up, nobody. us and deter us from finishing thejob, for us up, nobody. us and deter us from finishing the job, for the us up, nobody. us and deter us from finishing thejob, for the benefit of the three worlds. you have to understand that radicals like this have to be wiped off the map of the earth. we appreciate your time, as we countdown to of the sausages —— as we countdown to the release of these hostages. you can go to the website to get more details on what is happening minute by minute in the middle east. let us show you what is happening now, this four—day pause has started. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. at least seven people are feared dead after being swept away by a flooded river in south—eastern kenya. a local chief said they were sitting on a log in the middle of the river when the floodwaters rose and took them away. kenya, somalia and ethiopia are dealing with their worst floods in recent history. hundreds of amazon workers are on strike in the uk today on one of the busiest shopping days of the year — black friday. the gmb union says about 1,000 workers havejoined the strike in coventry. walkouts are also planned across europe and the us over a pay dispute. unions say this is the biggest day of action in the firm's history. the world's biggest iceberg is on the move after more than 30 years stuck to the ocean floor. a23a is almost 4,000 square kilometres in area — that's more than twice the size of greater london. it initially split from the antarctic coastline in 1986, but quickly grounded in the weddell sea, becoming essentially an ice island. you're live with bbc news. south african paralympic champion 0scar pistorius has been granted early release from prison on parole a decade after he killed his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp, in a crime that gripped the world. pistorius was serving 13 years for murder. in an impact statement read to the parole board, the victim's mother, june steenkamp, said she was not convinced he had been rehabilitated. at his trial, the sprinter said he shot her through a toilet door at his home, mistaking herfor a robber. the parole board said pistorius will be released injanuary. rob matthews is a friend of the steenkamp family and was at the parole hearing today. here's what he had to say. my my personal opinion is that part of that road to rehabilitation is acknowledging what you have done, and being accountable for what you have done and being a enough for person enough to say, you did it, and all the consequences that go with it. notjust lip service. service is easy. it is easy to say sorry, when you have been caught. your actions have to be completed with deeds on the way you conduct your life. i am with deeds on the way you conduct your life. iam not with deeds on the way you conduct your life. i am not sure that answers the question, but that is my view. and i think it is pertinent to take into consideration the conditions that have been given to oscar pistorius. i think that is 0scar pistorius. i think that is very important. remember, he did not get a life sentence. the rules for licences is are very different. —— four life sentences. live now to our correspondent daniel de simone, who's at atteridgeville prison outside pretoria, where 0scar pistorius is being held. the trial gripped south africa and the world, give us a sense what the reaction is going to be to the news that 0scar pistorius is going to walk out of that prison behind you in january? the news has only come within the last hour, so we are still getting reaction. we a reaction that you saw from a family friend of the steenkamp family. we did get a victim impact statement this morning from june steenkamp, the mother of reeva steenkamp, expressing scepticism about whether he had been the she expressed concern about the safety of women if his abusive behaviour has not been addressed in prison. that then was part of the evidence that was being considered by the parole board, which did not take very long to make a decision that he will be released on conditions on the 5th of january. 0scar pistorius was a world superstar prior to the murder of reeva steenkamp. he had one multiple paralympic gold medals. he also competed at the london 2012 olympics against non—disabled athletes. as people will remember, he had the lower part of both his legs amputated before he was one—year—old, but that did not stop one—year—old, but that did not stop on becoming this very successful paralympic athletes. all eyes will now turn to his release on the 5th of january. we have heard about the possible conditions that he will face which includes a therapy to address how he deals with anger, and how he deals with gender—based violence. thank you for the update. ireland's prime minister says the violence in dublin on thursday is not who the irish people are or who they want to be. the taoiseach, leo varadkar, was speaking after the arrest of 34 people for rioting in the capital following a knife attack. four people were injured in the initial attack, including three children. a five—year—old girl is in emergency care — detectives say they believe the attack was the work of one man, and was not terror—related. an arrest has been made. in the hours after news of that attack became known, crowds formed in the centre of dublin, and began attacking buildings, and fought with police. these pictures appear to show a store being looted. at least one bus was set on fire. other vehicles were also burned — and public transport services were damaged. riot police were also deployed. in an address to the nation, the irish prime minister said protesters were motivated by "hate". i want to say to a nation that is unsettled and afraid — this is not who we are. this is not who we want to be. and this is not who we will ever be. yesterday afternoon, innocent children were attacked in dublin city centre. it was a horrific, horrifying act of violence. and our thoughts are with the injured children, their heroic care assistant who threw herself in harm's way to protect them. but all those who risked their lives to save lives, they're real irish heroes, whatever their nationality, irish, british and italian. our thoughts are also with the doctors and nurses in our city who are trying to save the lives of those who are injured. many of them come from abroad. and our thoughts and prayers are with a nation united in shock. yesterday evening, some people decided that the best way to respond to this terrible attack was to take to the streets of dublin and try to terrify, intimidate, loot and destroy. their first reaction to a five year old child being stabbed was to burn our city, attack its businesses and assault our gardai. as a result of their actions buses and trams were set on fire, innocent passers by were intimidated and pregnant women in hospital were made feel unsafe and in danger. these people claim to be defending irish citizens, yet they put in danger the newest and most vulnerable and most innocent people. those involved brought shame on dublin, brought shame on ireland, and brought shame on their families and themselves. these criminals did not do what they did because they love ireland. they do not do what they did because they wanted to protect irish people. they did not do it out of any sense of patriotism, however warped. they did so because they're filled with hate. they love violence. they love chaos. and they love causing pain to others. looting a shop was more important to them than protecting the lives of our children, and they disrupted a garda investigation that was under way. the gardai gained control of our streets last night within a few hours, and i want to thank them for that and for the risks that they took. i want to pay tribute to our gardai, particularly those who answered the call from all over the country, who came to dublin within a few hours. as a country, we need to reclaim ireland. we need to take it away from the cowards who hide behind masks and try to terrify us with their violence. we need to reclaim ireland from the unscrupulous who prey on the fears of those easily led into darkness. and we need to reclaim ireland from the criminals who seek any excuse to unleash horror on our streets. live now to aodhan 0 riordain, who is the labour party member for dublin bay north, the neighbouring constituency to where the riots started. very powerful words from leo varadkar this morning. tell us what your thoughts are today, just reflecting back on those scenes last night. for dubliners like myself, dublin city is the best city in the world. what we do not want the world to see todayis what we do not want the world to see today is our city on fire. it is the worst that duffin has in my lifetime. i was there this morning, and there is still palpable fear in the ear. busy thinking about those children affected by that stabbing incident yesterday, and those teachers and care brackets who work with them. there was a huge sense of trauma around the country when that news came through. last night i think was a culmination of quite a creeping anti—immigrant sentiment that has been stoked up by some people in politics, and certainly by various other actors who i think need to be held accountable for what happened last night. certainly there will be conversations in the irish parliament about the nature of this far right activism, but also our police force that we feel is under resourced, and struggled to cope last night. do you believe that the police force should have had a grip on this, knowing this was potentially brewing, they might have semi—been able to it, because there were messages going around on social media groups? can you hear me? we seem to have lost the line. those clashes that took place on thursday in dublin have sent shock waves across the country, as well. we may be able to return. did you hear my question about whether you feel the police, in the situation, should have been more prepared, because there were messages going around on social media and whatsapp? anybody in dublin city knew that something was going to happen last night, there is an ongoing conversation in ireland with a number of resignations that have happened this year, that has been threats of industrial action, it has came to a head last night, a perfect storm between a creep of anti—immigrant protests, and then other problems. there will be hard questions for the police commissioner. but as we recover from last night, think about the families involved in the stabbing incident, but also for those in our city who feel unsafe walking the streets today, we have to reclaim the best city in the world for dubliners, all dubliners, because what happened last night is not ours, it is not our city, it is not what dublin is about, we want that message to go clearly across the world, we are a welcoming city. are any of your constituents waking up are any of your constituents waking up this morning actually feeling scared? we have scared ? we have lost scared? we have lost that line again, but we will return to dublin throughout the day to bring you more reaction to that story. stay with us here on bbc news. we can show you the live pictures we are getting at the moment from the rafah crossing on the way we think hostage releases will happen today. the hostages are due to be released in about one and a half hours' time. stay with us here on bbc news. hello. some of us may have started on the mildish side this morning, but things are already changing out there. arctic air, the blue colours in here, spreading to all parts of the uk during the rest of today, but notjust here — surging right the way through the heart of europe, down towards the mediterranean, with some significant snow over the alps. once that cold air is in place, we're going to stay on the colder side of things through much of this week ahead. temperatures generally below normal and more regular night frosts to be expected, as well. the turn to colder weather today is because we've got a massive area of low pressure to the east of us, high pressure to the west and so northerly winds developing right across the country. early light rain or drizzle becoming confined towards the far south—west. still a bit more cloudy, still on the milder side of things to the end of the day, but for the rest of the country more sunshine developing through this afternoon. showers quite frequent down the eastern coast. where the winds will be strongest, 40,50, 60mph gusts. that will have an impact on the way things feel. it is going to be a chilly afternoon. temperatures, in fact, for some of the south, actually drop through the day rather than rise with many in mid—single figures. add on the effects of the wind, it will feel closer to freezing across some parts of eastern scotland and north—east england. it will be a chilly afternoon. winds remain brisk and a cold feel here tonight, but temperatures actually not dropping away as much as it will do through central and western areas. a ridge of high pressure building in and winds fall lighter tonight. one or two mist or fog patches, but the biggest story is just the widespread frost. these are your city centre temperatures. in rural areas, particularly north—west england and southern scotland, minus five or minus six to start saturday. but what a cracking day it will be for many of you. a crisp, fresh start with lots of sunshine overhead. down the eastern coasts of england, north and east scotland will still have some showers around, maybe a little bit wintry over the higher ground and still a brisk wind towards those north sea coasts. but away from that, light winds, sunshine. it will feel pleasant, but it will be colder with temperatures for most in mid—single figures. then another cold night as we go into saturday night. a greater chance of some mist and fog patches too and frost for a while, but temperatures rise in the west later as a fairly small area of low pressure starts to push its way in, but it will be enough to spread in cloud more widely. after a chilly start, temperatures could struggle to rise for some. the best of the sunshine in the north and east, and the winds lighter here compared with saturday. but in the west, we'll start to see outbreaks of rain develop and further rain to come on sunday night. this is bbc news. the headlines: israeli tanks and armoured vehicles begin rolling out of gaza as a temporary ceasefire takes effect. some israeli hostages and palestinian prisoners are due to be released injust 90 minutes from now. in south africa convicted murderer 0scar pistorius is granted parole. the former 0lympic runner will be released in january. 60 lorries carrying medical supplies, fuel and food have made their way into gaza from egypt, as a four—day pause in fighting by israel and hamas comes into effect. under the deal, which has been mediated by qatar, 13 israeli hostages are due to be released later today, with 50

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Children ,Dublin ,Woman ,Unrest ,Knife Attack ,Riot ,Arrests ,Three ,35 ,Reaction ,News ,Ceasefire ,Effect ,Israeli ,Bbc News ,Interviews ,Troops ,Lucy Hockings ,Hamas ,Rafah Crossing Into Gaza ,Sides ,Pause ,Gaza Strip ,Fighters ,Explosions ,Four ,Hostages ,Pictures ,Region ,Total ,Vehicles ,Tanks ,Deal Mediated ,Qatar ,13 ,Two ,50 ,Palestinian Prisoners ,39 ,Way ,Women ,Food ,Supplies ,Fuel ,Lorries ,Boys ,Duration ,150 ,Side ,Egypt ,Litres Of Diesel ,130000 ,Cameron ,Leaders ,Uk ,Border ,Avenues ,People ,Attacks ,Hostage ,Saw ,7 ,240 ,1200 ,7th October ,Yolande Knell ,Time ,Destruction ,Campaign ,Latest ,Gaza Health Ministry ,Middle East ,Skyline ,14000 ,Seven ,War ,Exchange ,Truce Mediated ,Set ,200 ,Relatives ,Jails ,Teenagers ,Dozens ,Itay ,Everyone ,Fighting ,Nightmare ,Start ,Life ,Family ,Somewhere ,Addition ,Safe Room ,Sirens ,Missiles ,Aid ,Air Strike ,Hundreds ,Commander ,Crisis ,Khan Younis ,Some ,Course ,Where ,Aid Workers ,Crossing ,Wounded ,Ambulances ,Calm ,Need ,Matter ,Fraction ,Deal ,Palestinian ,Communities ,7th ,Confines ,October Attacks ,7th Of October ,One ,Families ,Agreement ,Suffering ,Respite ,Hope ,End ,Reunions ,Nir Barkat ,Tel Aviv ,Release ,Priority ,Civilians ,Condition ,Homes ,Anywhere ,World ,Babies ,Tests ,Jihad ,National Security Minister ,Wall ,Sea ,Incentive ,Precedent ,Others ,Everything ,Details ,Shelter ,Wives ,Parents ,Husbands ,Grandparents ,Us ,Lives ,Militants ,Isis ,Human Shields ,Line ,Concerns ,Idf ,Tactics ,Weaponry ,Terms ,Government ,Arms ,Israeli Army ,Off The Map ,Surrender ,Home ,Nazi Germany ,Phrase ,Imperial Japan ,Greek ,Place ,I Don T ,Bomb ,Member ,Tail End Of The Second World War ,Dresden ,Civil Society In Gaza ,Want ,Society ,Well ,United ,It ,Nazir ,Second World War ,Talkin ,World War Bomb In Dresden ,Leadership ,Part ,Trial ,Leadership Groups ,Who ,Totalj Surrender ,Fact ,Flag ,City Surrender ,Choice ,Sport ,Care ,Militarising Gaza ,Destroying ,Charter ,Hospitals Water ,Hospitals ,De Radicalised Gaza ,Thousands ,Medicalsupplies ,West Bank ,Ideology ,Question ,Hamas Leadershi ,Bag ,Neighbour ,Numbers Game ,Say ,Respect ,Neighbour ,Israelis ,Collateral Damage ,Point ,Danger ,Corridor ,Civilian ,Cities ,Them ,Corridorfor ,Atomic Bombs ,Equivalent ,West Fighting ,Statement ,Eole ,Hiroshima And Nagasaki ,Fun ,Many ,Graveyard ,Lawyers ,Considerate ,South ,North ,Defence Minister ,Idea ,War Againstjihad The Radical Islamist ,Nasis ,Sentence ,Isis Radical Islamist ,Map ,Finish Hamas ,Nobody ,Reason ,Backing ,Cup ,1400 ,Worlds ,Radicals ,Job ,Benefit ,Sausages ,Finishing Thejob ,Earth ,Website ,Show ,River ,Log ,Middle ,Chief ,Kenya ,Strike ,Workers ,History ,Floodwaters ,Floods ,Gmb Union ,Somalia ,Ethiopia ,Amazon ,Black Friday ,Coventry ,1000 ,Action ,Unions ,Iceberg ,Pay Dispute ,Walkouts ,Firm ,Move ,Europe ,30 ,Area ,A23a ,Coastline ,Size ,Ocean Floor ,Weddell Sea ,Ice Island ,Greater London ,Antarctic ,1986 ,4000 ,Parole ,Prison ,Reeva Steenkamp ,Champion ,0scar Pistorius ,South African Paralympic ,0 ,Impact ,June Steenkamp ,Murder ,Victim ,Parole Board ,Oscar Pistorius ,Crime ,Sprinter ,Robber ,Rob Matthews ,Mistaking Herfor ,Friend ,Parole Hearing Today ,Toilet Door ,Injanuary ,Opinion ,Rehabilitation ,Road ,Consequences ,Service ,Lip Service ,Enough ,Person ,Notjust ,Deeds ,Actions ,Iam ,Conditions ,Life Sentence ,Consideration ,View ,Licences ,Rules ,Daniel De Simone ,Life Sentences ,South Africa ,Atteridgeville Prison Outside Pretoria ,Sense ,Victim Impact Statement ,Family Friend ,Steenkamp Family ,Concern ,Scepticism ,Behaviour ,Safety ,Decision ,Evidence ,5th Of January ,5 ,Superstar ,Medals ,London 2012 Olympics ,2012 ,Athletes ,Eyes ,Legs ,Violence ,Therapy ,Update ,Ireland ,Prime Minister ,Arrest ,Leo Varadkar ,Rioting ,Capital ,Taoiseach ,34 ,Attack ,Girl ,Work ,Emergency Care ,Detectives ,Oman ,Five ,Police ,On Fire ,Store ,Centre ,Buildings ,Bus ,Public Transport ,Nation ,Irish ,Hate ,Address ,Riot Police ,Services ,Protesters ,Thoughts ,In Harm S Way ,Horrifying Act Of Violence ,Care Assistant ,Dublin City Centre ,City ,Nurses ,Doctors ,Nationality ,Heroes ,Italian ,Streets ,Shock ,Prayers ,Gardai ,Child ,Businesses ,Loot ,Terrify ,Hospital ,Fire ,Result ,Passers ,Buses ,Trams ,Criminals ,Shame ,Citizens ,Chaos ,Patriotism ,Warped ,Garda Investigation ,Shop ,Spain ,Country ,Control ,Tribute ,Call ,Fears ,Cowards ,Masks ,Prey ,Darkness ,Dublin Bay North ,Riots ,Horror ,Excuse ,Labour Party ,Riordain ,Last Night ,All Dubliners ,Words ,Scenes ,Todayis ,Lifetime ,Morning ,Thinking ,City On Fire ,Fear ,Ear ,Duffin ,Stabbing Incident ,Teachers ,Care Brackets ,Trauma ,Culmination ,Sentiment ,Actors ,Politics ,Creeping ,Conversations ,Police Force ,Activism ,Parliament ,Nature ,Resourced ,Grip ,Social Media ,Messages ,Groups ,Brewing ,In Dublin ,Shock Waves ,Situation ,Number ,Conversation ,Something ,Resignations ,Anybody ,Whatsapp ,Storm ,Industrial Action ,Creep ,Threats ,Questions ,Police Commissioner ,Protests ,Problems ,Dubliners ,Constituents ,Message ,Stay ,Story ,Scared ,Hostage Releases ,Things ,Parts ,Colours ,Mildish Side ,Arctic Air ,Temperatures ,Rest ,Mediterranean ,Hair ,Heart ,Alps ,Snow ,Winds ,Least ,Pressure ,High Pressure ,Night Frosts ,Light Rain ,West ,South West ,Weather ,Sunshine ,Afternoon ,Showers ,Coast ,The End ,60 ,4050 ,Wind ,Figures ,Add ,Effects ,Feel ,Rise ,North East England ,Eastern Scotland ,Frost ,Mist ,Areas ,Fog Patches ,City Centre Temperatures ,Building ,Ridge Of High Pressure ,Coasts ,Crisp ,Lots ,Southern Scotland ,North And East Scotland ,Six ,Ground ,Most ,Saturday Night ,Chance ,Light Winds ,North Sea ,Best ,Cloud ,Fog ,Patches ,Rain ,Sunday Night ,Outbreaks ,Rain Develop ,Prisoners ,Headlines ,90 ,0lympic Runner ,

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