attack near our sheaffer and the palestinian red crescent says israeli snipers have fired at a local hospital. those inside say it is now surrounded and in indonesian hospital said it is now tonight has no electricity, internet or water. this report was sent and it does contain expressing images. gaza's hospitals are seen by locusts as places of shelter. by locusts as places of shelter. by israel as hiding places for hamas. at our sheaffer hospital the displaced live side by side with the wounded. the line between them sometimes very thin. why? she is screaming. israel says this is where hamas has its underground headquarters. it is now surrounded by israeli troops. translation: we were staying on the fifth floor and then we found bombs falling on our. my niece was killed. she was already wounded from before but now she is dead. tanks filled inside this children's hospital a sign that the battle between israel and hamas is closing in. the streets around these places of refuge now so dangerous that even those who want to leave sometimes cannot. the israeli army said tonight that our sheaffer hospital was hit by a misfiled projectile aimed at israeli troops. there seem to have been several incidents at the hospital today. and tonight the hospital today. and tonight the director said the shooting has started again with hundreds of critically ill patients too ill to be moved. israeli forces are now deep inside gaza. the bombed out buildings say as much about the difficulty of reaching their enemy as about israel's military might. translation: the army has started employing the methods against those inside the tunnels and to destroy the tunnel. �* ., ., . , tunnels and to destroy the tunnel. �* ., tunnel. all our forces are working _ tunnel. all our forces are working to _ tunnel. all our forces are working to find _ tunnel. all our forces are working to find the - tunnel. all our forces are l working to find the unique solutions, working and succeeding.— succeeding. israel's overwhelming - succeeding. israel's i overwhelming military succeeding. israel's - overwhelming military force succeeding. israel's _ overwhelming military force has put tanks at the heart of gaza city but military control of the territory is just the first step and the closer israel gets to its dual goals of hamas and the hostages, the more delicate this operation become. negotiation over how to get more than 200 hostages out of gaza have altered before. today, amid new hopes of a deal, talks between cutter and egypt. ye—lim die here all the news and i hear the news about qatar, egyptian and it is better not to have any opinion. it is very difficult because for us every full news is a light. hope continue draining from gaza city today. israel says what 100,000 people have fled says what100,000 people have fled south in the past two days. a humanitarian corridor, a last bid for protection after the promises of high mass and the promises of high mass and the promises of international law. —— hamas una agencies have warned that nowhere is safe in southern gaza despite israel's calls for people to evacuate there from the north and our correspondent is in southern gaza where he has seen a steady stream of displaced palestinians. he sent this update earlier. a huge number of people flee from the gaza city in the north and they made this journey walking through the main highway to the south. many hundreds of them arrived at the hospital today, make it very difficult for people to live in the hospital. the hospital is overrun by thousands of people who are living in the top of each other here, begging for water, begging forfood. the hospital is suffering because of the number of people are taking the hospital as shelter. when you ask the people they said we could not find any place else to go. schools are closed, full of people, thousands of people in our schools, thousands of people are taking any space of land that is empty in the south and part of gaza as a shelter without cover, without clothes. they were only allowed to walk carrying very small essential kit from gaza city into the south. why they are leaving, because the fighting is serious around four key hospitals in gaza city, especially out of the hospital where tanks are on the hospital where tanks are on the edge of the hospital. france's president emmanuel macron in an exclusive interview with the bbc has urged israel to stop killing women and babies in gaza. he reiterated his call for the ceasefire in the war. he said there is no reason for vulnerable people to be bombed and killed and that israel's actions had no legitimacy. mr macron was talking to our correspondence. we have had weeks of aid organisations sounding the alarm about gaza and so you have now said that humanitarian pauses infighting are not enough and there needs to be worked towards a ceasefire. are you disappointed that other world leaders are notjoining you in that call, like the us or the uk? ida. not joining you in that call, like the us or the uk? no, i hoe like the us or the uk? no, i hepe they — like the us or the uk? no, i hope they will— like the us or the uk? no, i hope they will and _ like the us or the uk? no, i hope they will and let's - like the us or the uk? no, i hope they will and let's be l hope they will and let's be clear, i mean, iwas what hope they will and let's be clear, i mean, i was what of the first leaders to call the prime minister and president of israel after the terrorist attack, seven october. we clearly condemned the terrorist attack and terrorist group and recognise the right of israel to protect itself and react. but dave one with the reaction and fight against terrorism, because it is led by a democracy should be complied with international rules. all of war and in many international law. and day after day what we saw is permanent bombing of civilians in gaza. and i think it is very important to see the whole story but i — i think this is the only solution we have. the ceasefire. because it is impossible to explain, we want to fight against terrorism by killing innocent people? you have talked _ killing innocent people? you have talked about _ killing innocent people? you have talked about the fight against terrorism needing to be merciless, is a word to use, but not without rules. you have just referred there to the height loss of civilian life in gaza. do you think israel is respecting those rules, the international rules that you are referring to? look, in the very first days, it is clear that the emotion, the compassion created a situation where everybody was just close to israel and backing them and sharing the pain. and we do share their pain and we do share their pain and we do share their pain and we do share their willingness to get rid of terrorism. we know what terrorism means in france. but i think there is no justification precisely to attack civilian. but what i would like to clarify with you, are you saying israel is guilty of breaking international humanitarian law, (cross talk) i think it is not the proper way to approach the question. we do recognise their right to protect themselves and one—month after this terrorist attack i think it would be not the right way to deal with a partner and friend just to say you will be condemned inaudible de facto today civilians are bombed, de facto there are babies and ladies and old people are bombed and killed. there is no reason for that. french president emmanuel macron there talking to our bbc correspondence. the conflict has going to growing anger and unrest in the wider region and other biden administration reportedly receive dark warnings from american diplomats in the arab board that its strong support for israel's military campaign in israel's military campaign in israel is losing... the cable underscores profound concern among american officials about the growing anger among the united states and my i colleague put these concerns to the us ambassador to turkey. ambassador, we are seeing now these four hours daily pauses in the fighting, negotiations towards a longer pause in the fighting but israel is still rejecting a ceasefire. do you see this then as the first step toward somehow slowing or stopping this conflict? not necessarily because i don't understand what the focus is on stopping this conflict. the most important thing in the middle east today is that hamas be destroyed as a governing and particularly military force in gaza. that is not only the view of the israelis it still is the view of the united states and our european allies and i think many arab capital. the horrendous human cost of the struggle is something that needs to be brought under control but we should not let the whole purpose of this fighting be dismissed because of the real concerns about the humanitarian situation. more than 10,000 people have died in gaza during this fight and so how can israel carry out this operation as you have said you seed is absolutely necessary to eradicate max. how can the israelis do so without such an incredible, immense loss of human life?— incredible, immense loss of human life? . , ., human life? there are ways and i think the _ human life? there are ways and | think the united _ human life? there are ways and i think the united states - human life? there are ways and i think the united states has - i think the united states has advised that they could use different kinds of ordnance and take certain steps but the problem is and we experience that, i was involved in the attack on flu jn 2004, moselle in 2016-17, attack on flu jn 2004, moselle in 2016—17, rucker in 2018, i visited both and rucker afterwards in which an enemy terrorist force digs into a city and uses the civilian of population as human shields, there is tremendous destruction and unfortunately very high civilian casualties. nonetheless they can be reduced and that is what we're pushing to do. ~ ., and that is what we're pushing to do. ~ . ., and that is what we're pushing todo. . “ to do. we have also the bbc soken to do. we have also the bbc spoken to — to do. we have also the bbc spoken to family _ to do. we have also the bbc spoken to family members | to do. we have also the bbc| spoken to family members of those taken hostage inside gaza and they have also said somehow these air strikes in gaza are not helping the aim of getting hostages released. what is your response to that?— response to that? that may be but a . ain response to that? that may be but again what _ response to that? that may be but again what i _ response to that? that may be but again what i have - response to that? that may be but again what i have not - response to that? that may be| but again what i have not heard and it has been many days since tony lincoln, secretary of state has said it either, that the whole purpose of this fighting is to defeat the hamas to the existence of israel. —— must threat and i don't know how they are going to do that if they stop fighting. ambassador, what about the analyst to make the point that defeating hamas politically and militarily is going to be extremely difficult to achieve? that is what i call a classic counterterrorism argument. it has a lot of validity but it's wrong. it is wrong because it is exactly what we did not do in the obama and trump administration against the islamic state and i a person responsible inaudible on the us government. inaudible on the us covernment. ~ on the us government. we took them on as _ on the us government. we took them on as a — on the us government. we took them on as a military _ on the us government. we took them on as a military force, - them on as a military force, them on as a military force, the primary goal with the attacks into moselle, the attacks into moselle, the attacks into moselle, the attacks into rucker and syria and other battles was to destroy it as a governing and military force capable of threatening literally the existence of iraq. and the existence of iraq. and the existence of iraq. and the existence of our syrian democratic voices, friends in syria. we accomplish that and there are still 15,000 of them, they operate as terrorist cells. their ideology is still there. i'm sure that will be there. i'm sure that will be the case with hamas. it won't be able to do in the future what it did to israel on seven octoberjust like the islamic state was not able to rollover half of iraq like it did in 2014 and will not be able to. that is the purpose the israelis are trying to accomplish. but i also want to ask about the region. cnn reported that the biden administration has received stark warnings from american diplomats in the arab world that its strong support for israel's military campaign in gazais israel's military campaign in gaza is arab publics away from the us for a generation. what you think that? gill is an american diplomat who has spent much of my time in the middle east, i appreciate my colleagues providing honest and true reporting. i will have to say however that i never thought we the arab street, arab public�*s support when i was in iraq and that's was well after fighting was in iraq and that's was well afterfighting had ended, we were down around 10— 50% of the population indicated something positive about our. we have seen the same reactions, they are more severe now, but we saw them in 2003, we saw them in 1991 with the first gulf war and we even saw it after 2001 with our actions in afghanistan. i do not want to belittle these, these are very important developments and they are a concern but that should not be the primary driver of washington decision—making. ambassador, if there is a push for peace, if there is to be an end to this conflict, and the us then be an honest broker in the region, given what you've just said? yell we made a huge mistake with strategically devastating effects on the region in 2003, going into iraq. and you remember how we condemned. look at the role we have played in the region and elsewhere, such as mobilising the whole east asian community against china's threat to taiwan's. look what we have donein taiwan's. look what we have done in ukraine. i think we will take its diplomatically. i would point at two things, one, the six arab countries that we have diplomatic relations and economic ties with israel and the seventh leaven on has a recent offshore gas deal with israel, none of them have broken off any of their ties. they have pulled ambassador is undone and two other things but i still maintaining a relationship. ambassador, we will have to leave it there. thank you so much forjoining us on bbc news. that their leadersjoe biden and xi jinping will meet next week in the san francisco bay area. the summit will take place on the sidelines of the asia—pacific economic cooperation conference and it will be their second face—to—face meeting during biden's presidency, and it follows a sharp deterioration in relations earlier this year. a us official says the main goal of the meeting is to manage the relationship by ensuring communication channels are open, especially between their militaries. china cut off communication channels with the us after then house speaker nancy pelosi visited taiwan in 2022. the biden administration has pressed to restore them after the us shutdown and alleged chinese spy balloon backin alleged chinese spy balloon back in february. earlier my colleague sumi somaskanda spoke to a state department correspondent barbara plett usher. , ,., usher. there might be some achievements _ usher. there might be some achievements like _ usher. there might be some achievements like maybe - usher. there might be some i achievements like maybe those communications between the two militaries will be restored, thatis militaries will be restored, that is something that has been pushed for. maybe there will be more cooperation on narcotics fighting announced, especially reducing the flow of fentanyl produced in china but really none of the fundamental issues, the fundamental disagreements has changed nobody has shifted on them, this is over trade and technology and tell disputes and human rights and all sorts of things i don't think either side is expecting a breakthrough or a reset of relations. it is really all about managing the relationship to prevent conflict and that means the two sides talking to each other. notjust of the highest level, at the highest level for sure as we are seeing but also at the institutional level, and there has been some progress in that in recent months. progress in that in recent months-_ progress in that in recent months. ., ., ., months. now look at some other makin: months. now look at some other making news _ months. now look at some other making news around _ months. now look at some other making news around the - months. now look at some other making news around the aroundl making news around the around the world. the fbi has reportedly seized electronic devices from new york city's mayor eric adams. that is according to various us media outlets. the officials took at least two mobile phones and a tablet. a search warrant was granted to seek any evidence of conspiracy between the democratic mayor's 2021 election campaign, a local turkish developer and the turkish developer and the turkish government. devices were later returned. a political controversy in the uk about the role of policing and demonstrations could come to a head this weekend. thousands of people are expected in london for a pro—palestinian protest on a day when veterans will also gather for armistice day, or veterans' day as it's known in the us. this all comes after remarks from the home secretary suella braverman they called into question the metropolitan police's handling of pro—palestinian protests. drone footage from japan has captured a rare moment when a volcanic eruption gives birth to a new island. the unnamed undersea volcano started its latest eruption is at the end of october, and earlier this month the island measured roughly 328 feet or 100 metres in diameter, and it was as high as 65 feet or 20 metres above sea. next, an update on the actors strike after a deal that was reached earlier this week in the actors union sag—aftra has endorsed a tentative contract agreement with hollywood studios and will send me proposals to membership for a final ratification vote. the shutdown, combined with a separate writers strike, disrupted numerous majorfilms disrupted numerous major films and disrupted numerous majorfilms and tv shows. it cost the entertainment industry more than $6 billion. sag—aftra chief negotiator duncan crabtree ireland said the majority of the board voted in favour of the deal with netflix, walt disney, warner brothers discovery and other companies. brothers discovery and other companies-— brothers discovery and other companies. today the unions national voted _ companies. today the unions national voted to _ companies. today the unions national voted to approve - companies. today the unions national voted to approve by| national voted to approve by 86% vote for a tentative agreement that the negotiating agreement that the negotiating agreement reached with the mptp on wednesday. this has been made possible by the membership does make phenomenal solidarity, and support for their negotiating committee, and we are exceedingly grateful for all of the support from the entertainment industry unions, who have rallied behind us throughout their strike. this victory is everyone's victory. in this age of artificial intelligence technology potentially changing the landscape, protections for performers mean the preservation of tens of thousands ofjobs, craft thousands of jobs, craft services, thousands ofjobs, craft services, costume is, set builders, camera crews, drivers, gaffers and so many more. �* drivers, gaffers and so many more. ~ ., drivers, gaffers and so many more. �* ., , ~ drivers, gaffers and so many more. ~ ., , ~ ., more. and other strike -related news, more. and other strike -related news. honda — more. and other strike -related news, honda motors _ more. and other strike -related news, honda motors will- news, honda motors will implement an 11% pay hike for production workers at its us facilities from january. nonunionised auto—makers such as honda have come under pressure to improve pay and benefits following a deal between the united auto workers union and the trait was that big three auto—makers. president biden posted his support on x, saying union autoworkers own this victory. they meant it when i said that deals like you and w's historic agreement or change the game for every worker in america that i want this type of contract for all autoworkers. as we mentioned earlier, the us marks veterans' day this saturday, 11th of november. it is also remembrance day in the united kingdom and it is a chance to remember the sacrifice of those who fell in service of one's nation. as part of the bbc�*s we were there project, allan little has been speaking to some of those who served in world war ii. i volunteered in the spring of 1942, just a few days ready before my 20th birthday. everybody wanted to be part of it, everybody wanted to be part of it. but — everybody wanted to be part of it, but there was about a two or three _ it, but there was about a two or three year wait for that —— everybody— or three year wait for that —— everybody wanted to be pilots. so i everybody wanted to be pilots. so i put — everybody wanted to be pilots. so i put my name everybody wanted to be pilots. sol put my name down to be everybody wanted to be pilots. so i put my name down to be an airgunnen _ so i put my name down to be an airgunner. we so i put my name down to be an air gunner-— air gunner. we 'ust thought it would be like — air gunner. we 'ust thought it would be like a]— air gunner. we just thought it would be like a little - would be like a little exercise. _ would be like a little exercise. what - would be like a little exercise. what we . would be like a little - exercise. what we didn't know of course _ exercise. what we didn't know of course was _ exercise. what we didn't know of course was what _ exercise. what we didn't know of course was what the - of course was what the opposition— of course was what the opposition would - of course was what the opposition would be. l of course was what the . opposition would be. until of course was what the - opposition would be. until the last moment _ opposition would be. untilthe last moment.— last moment. she “oined the women-s h last moment. she “oined the women's succeed _ last moment. she joined the women's succeed in - last moment. she joined the women's succeed in the - last moment. she joined the women's succeed in the air. last moment. she joined the i women's succeed in the air she was part of a secret operation to disrupt german bombing raids by using radio signals till you are the aircraft off course. in what became known as the battle of the beams. the what became known as the battle of the beams.— of the beams. the wireless operators _ of the beams. the wireless operators were _ of the beams. the wireless operators were able - of the beams. the wireless operators were able to - operators were able to identify, i suppose she would call it the wavelength, or the frequency on which the german bombers were navigating. and so the wireless sending stations would send out a different frequency that would either confuse or make the german bombers follow a different course. and the result would be that they would miss their targets. that they would miss their tar: ets. �* �* ., that they would miss their taraets. �* 1, ,, ., targets. alfred barnett, known as barney. _ targets. alfred barnett, known as barney, was _ targets. alfred barnett, known as barney, was a _ targets. alfred barnett, known as barney, was a gunner - targets. alfred barnett, known as barney, was a gunner in - targets. alfred barnett, knownj as barney, was a gunner in the raf. he flew more than 80 bombing missions over germany. now lancaster used to go one or two cookies in the centrepay. outside that, you would have a few, what you would call in centuries, for lighting fires. now the idea was to stir up some trouble, then drop these incendiaries to create fires. the biggest fire i ever saw was at hamburg. when you are flying, i know this may sound strange, i used to say i was chasing here, and then when you got there, we were very calm. amazing. but you go through hell going there. and hell coming back from it.- coming back from it. stan minchev _ coming back from it. stan minchev joined _ coming back from it. stan minchev joined the - coming back from it. stan minchev joined the royall coming back from it. stan minchevjoined the royal navy. he was 18 when he crossed the channel on d—day. his task was to deliver tanks to the beaches of normandy. the to deliver tanks to the beaches of normandy-— to deliver tanks to the beaches of normandy. the first thing we saw at about — of normandy. the first thing we saw at about daylight _ of normandy. the first thing we saw at about daylight was - of normandy. the first thing we saw at about daylight was a - saw at about daylight was a minesweeper is coming forward to sweep the channel to the beach. on the way in, we hit a landmine. it wasn't a big mine. it blew a hole but it didn't become a major problem. i could just see the sea wall and the houses beyond it. the initial forces in our area, juneau, were canadian. they had a disastrous time and the majority of them were sunk on the beach with a lot of casualties. this was going to be the beginning of the end of the war. we had high hopes. but i was thinking, gosh, if we got it wrong, — i was thinking, gosh, if we got it wrong, that would have been very— it wrong, that would have been very had~ — it wrong, that would have been ve bad. �* ., ., �* very bad. i'm no hero. but there it — very bad. i'm no hero. but there it is, _ very bad. i'm no hero. but there it is, all— very bad. i'm no hero. but there it is, all over- very bad. i'm no hero. but there it is, all over now. i before we go, taylor swift has become the most nominated songwriter in grammy history. short of her hit anti hero makes her the first songwriter to score seven nations in the country putting ahead of icons such as sir paul mccartney and lionel richie, who have six each. swift is also nominated in the album and record of the year categories and her nod for midnight is a sixth nomination in this category, tying her with barbara streisand for the most nominations for a female artist. i am most nominations for a female artist. iam helena humphrey. i will be back in 30 minutes special look at the impact of the israel gaza war on women and girls. stay with us on bbc news. hello, there. for many of us, friday was a day to get out and enjoy some of the beautiful autumn colour but at this time of year, clear skies by day, well, if we keep them through the night it can cause other issues with frost and fog, and yes, those two components are going to play quite a major role in the weather story this weekend. saturday will be the driest of the two days, there is some rain around on sunday. a chilly start — quite widely we will see low single figures, particularly in a sheltered central and eastern areas. particularly in sheltered central and eastern areas. this weather front will start to push in by the end of the day, but before it we have this brief ridge of high pressure, which will keep things quite quiet and with light winds as well. so a few isolated showers on exposed coasts, not amounting to much, frost and fog will lift away, sunny spells come through by the middle part of the afternoon. and temperatures, well, they will recover after that chilly start. we are expecting to see highs of 7—11 degrees. maybe 12 down to the southwest, but you can see the rain gathering, perhaps into the isles of scilly by the end of the afternoon. so that weather front will start to push its way into cornwall, and eventually into south wales. there's that weather front and ahead of it, it will push in a little more moisture, so we are expecting more fog around for the start of sunday. remembrance sunday could be quite a drab, dreary affair, with some widespread fog at times. the rain down to the south, but it may well stay dry at 11 o'clock in scotland. a murky morning, certainly, but the rain light and patchy into northern ireland, perhaps into northern england, heavier bursts through wales and southwest england, perhaps london to the cenotaph it should stay dry during the morning. but then we will see outbreaks of showery rain drifting its way steadily northwards throughout the day. it'll stay dry for scotland, here around seven or eight degrees, underneath the cloud and rain it will feel rather cool and disappointing i'm afraid. then as we move out of sunday into monday, we start to see the wind direction swinging back to more of a westerly or a southwesterly and that will introduce milder but unfortunately, once again, it will introduce some wetter weather. so our week ahead — a little more unsettled with showers or longer spells of rain at times. voiceover: this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines and all the main news stories for you at the top of the hour, straight after this programme. phone rings the promise is an instant loan. the reality is a nightmare. across india, at least 60 people have taken their own lives after being abused and blackmailed by loan apps. bbc eye investigations goes undercover to reveal the scam that's plaguing india... ..and to expose the people making money from misery, fear and shame.

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Southern Gaza ,Gulf War ,Stories ,World War Ii ,Helena Humphreys ,Forces ,New York City ,Places ,Hamas ,Hospitals ,Israeli ,Gunfire ,Explosions ,Largest ,Sounds ,Al Sheaffer ,People ,Tanks ,Troops ,In The City ,Hiding ,Footage ,Children S Hospital ,Areas ,Narrow Street ,Patients ,The Uk ,Asthmatic ,Terrorist Organisation ,Rn Tunnels Underneath ,Staff ,One ,Hospital ,Attack ,Snipers ,Palestinian Red Crescent ,Shelter ,Report ,Water ,Locusts ,Hiding Places ,Internet ,Electricity ,Images ,Side ,Our Sheaffer Hospital ,Wounded ,Line ,Niece ,Translation ,Four ,Bombs ,Headquarters ,Floor ,Children S Hospital A Sign ,Streets ,Battle ,Sheaffer Hospital ,Refuge ,Israeli Army ,Misfiled Projectile ,Hundreds ,Shooting ,Director ,Incidents ,Army ,Enemy ,Buildings ,Difficulty ,Methods ,Military Force ,Tunnel ,Military ,Solutions ,Tunnels ,Heart ,Succeeding ,Operation ,Hostages ,Control ,Step ,Territory ,Goals ,News ,Deal ,Negotiation ,Hopes ,Cutter ,Egypt ,Ye Lim Die ,200 ,Us ,Hope ,Flight ,Draining 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,De Facto ,Leadersjoe Biden ,Conflict ,Administration ,Support ,Region ,Military Campaign ,Danger ,Warnings ,Diplomats ,Unrest ,Officials ,Concern ,Hi ,Cable ,Ambassador ,Colleague ,Concerns ,Negotiations ,Pause ,Turkey ,Thing ,Focus ,The Middle East ,Terrorist ,Governing ,View ,Israelis ,Allies ,European ,Something ,Purpose ,Human Cost ,Capital ,Struggle ,10000 ,Human Life ,Loss ,Seed ,Incredible ,Ways ,Problem ,Moselle ,Steps ,Ordnance ,Kinds ,United Human Life ,2004 ,Population ,Civilian ,Rucker ,Flu Jn ,Human Shields ,2018 ,2016 ,17 ,Family Members ,Casualties ,Family ,Destruction ,Soken ,Hostage Inside Gaza ,Response ,Air Strikes ,Secretary Of State ,Aim ,Rain ,Lincoln ,Existence ,Must Threat ,Analyst ,Politically ,Point ,Us Government ,Lot ,Estate ,Counterterrorism Argument ,Validity ,Person ,Islamic ,Inaudible ,Covernment ,Obama ,Attacks ,Government ,Goal ,Iraq ,Battles ,Syria ,Attacks Into Rucker ,Ideology ,Voices ,Friends ,Terrorist Cells ,Democratic ,15000 ,Won T ,Case ,Rollover Half ,It ,2014 ,Cnn ,Arab World ,Diplomat ,Publics ,Colleagues ,Generation ,Reporting ,Gill ,Arab Street ,Afterfighting ,Arab ,50 ,10 ,Reactions ,Snow ,Positive ,Afghanistan ,2003 ,2001 ,1991 ,Driver ,Push ,Developments ,Peace ,Decision Making ,Washington ,Broker ,Effects ,Mistake ,Role ,Threat ,Elsewhere ,Taiwan ,China ,East Asian Community ,Relations ,Ties ,Countries ,Seventh Leaven On ,Donein Taiwan ,Ukraine ,Six ,Relationship ,None ,Bbc News ,Things ,Offshore Gas Deal ,Summit ,Sidelines ,San Francisco Bay Area ,Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation ,Xi Jinping ,Thatis Militaries ,Meeting ,Communication Channels ,Presidency ,Official ,Deterioration ,Nancy Pelosi ,Shutdown ,Channels ,Balloon Backin ,Spy ,2022 ,Achievements ,Communications ,Spy Balloon Back ,Maybe Usher ,Sumi Somaskanda ,State Department ,Issues ,Disagreements ,Flow ,Fentanyl ,Nobody ,Artificial Intelligence ,Human Rights ,Breakthrough ,Reset ,Sorts ,Trade ,Disputes ,Progress ,Level ,Each Other ,Sides ,Notjust ,Making News ,Eric Adams ,Devices ,Makin ,Mobile Phones ,Aroundl Making News ,Media Outlets ,Tablet ,Search Warrant ,Around The World ,Fbi ,Controversy ,Election Campaign ,Turkish Developer ,Developer ,Conspiracy ,Evidence ,2021 ,Veterans ,Protest ,Head ,Demonstrations ,Policing ,London ,Undersea Volcano ,Island ,Suella Braverman ,Eruption ,Protests ,Drone Footage ,Handling ,Remarks ,Birth ,Metropolitan Police ,Japan ,The End ,Sea ,Diameter ,328 ,65 ,100 ,20 ,Membership ,Actors ,Contract Agreement ,Union ,Sag Aftra ,Hollywood Studios ,Majorfilms ,Duncan Crabtree ,Strike ,Tv Shows ,Ratification Vote ,Entertainment Industry ,Writers ,Films ,6 Billion ,Companies ,Majority ,Board ,Favour ,Warner Brothers Discovery ,Northern Ireland ,Brothers Discovery ,Netflix ,Walt Disney ,Negotiating Agreement ,Agreement ,Negotiating Committee ,Vote ,Solidarity ,Mptp On Wednesday ,86 ,Victory ,Everyone ,Entertainment Industry Unions ,Age ,More ,Drivers ,Gaffers ,Honda ,Preservation ,Craft Thousands ,Landscape ,Protections ,Builders ,Costume ,Performers ,Jobs ,Craft Services ,Thousands Ofjobs ,Camera Crews ,Tens Of Thousands Ofjobs ,Motors Will News ,Auto Makers ,Pay ,Pressure ,Production Workers ,Motors ,Benefits ,Facilities ,Trait ,United Auto Workers Union ,Nonunionised ,11 ,Union Autoworkers ,Game ,Worker ,On X ,Few ,America ,Deals ,Big Three ,Three ,Chance ,Contract ,Autoworkers ,Type ,Marks ,Sacrifice ,11th Of November ,Saturday 11th Of November ,Some ,Nation ,Service , ,Spring ,Allan Little ,Birthday ,1942 ,Off Course ,Opposition ,Exercise ,Pilots ,Name ,Dust ,Untilthe Last Moment ,What ,Airgunnen ,Air Gunner ,Sol ,Oined The Women S ,Beams ,Hair ,Operators ,Women S ,Radio Signals ,Bombing Raids ,German ,I Women S ,Battle Of The Beams ,Oined The Women S H ,Frequency ,Wavelength ,Stations ,Bombers ,Navigating ,Targets ,Result ,Star ,Jets ,Alfred Barnett ,Barney ,Gunner Targets ,Gunner In Targets ,Gunner ,Knownj As Barney ,Emissions ,Cookies ,Centrepay ,Taraets ,Raf ,1 ,80 ,Lighting Fires ,Fires ,Idea ,Trouble ,Incendiaries ,May Sound Strange ,Fire ,We Saw ,Flying ,Hamburg ,Shell ,Stan Minchev ,Royall ,Task ,D Day ,Channel On ,Stan Minchevjoined ,Amazing ,Royal Navy ,18 ,Beaches ,Normandy ,Channel ,Beach ,Minesweeper ,Sea Wall ,Area ,Landmine ,Houses ,Whole ,Didn T ,It Wasn T A Big Mine ,Juneau ,Thinking ,On The Beach ,Canadian ,The Beginning Of End ,I M No Hero ,Wrong ,Ve Bad ,Taylor Swift ,Paul Mccartney ,Songwriter ,Nations ,Hero ,Country ,Icons ,Grammy History ,Swift ,Nominations ,Nomination ,Nod ,Categories ,Category ,Album ,Record Of The Year ,Barbara Streisand ,Lionel Richie ,Artist ,Girls ,Impact ,Stay ,Israel Gaza War On Women ,Iam Helena Humphrey ,30 ,Hello ,Many ,Friday ,Weather ,Fog ,Frost ,Components ,Driest ,Clear Skies ,Weather Front ,Central ,Figures ,Showers ,Afternoon ,Spells ,Winds ,Coasts ,Temperatures ,Ridge Of High Pressure ,Southwest ,Highs ,Rain Gathering ,Isles Of Scilly ,7 ,12 ,Start ,Remembrance Sunday ,Moisture ,South Wales ,Cornwall ,Times ,Morning ,Drab ,Affair ,Bursts ,Scotland ,Rain Light ,Northern England ,Showery Rain Drifting ,Outbreaks ,Cenotaph ,Cloud ,Wales ,England ,Eight ,Southwesterly ,Wind Direction ,Voiceover ,Programme ,News Stories ,Headlines ,Phone ,Promise ,Loan ,Nightmare ,Reality ,Loan Apps ,Lives ,India ,60 ,Eye Investigations ,Scam ,Shame ,Money ,Misery ,Fear ,

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