us that have prompted leaders to condemn acts of hate and violence and we will hear from those who have experienced it firsthand. we begin with cornell university in new york which cancelled classes on friday in the wake of a series of anti—semitic threats posted to an online discussion board earlier this week. over that we can pose using slurs and threatening a mass shooting on campus appeared online. a suspect has been detained in the department ofjustice said he could face five years in prison. addressing a senate committee, the head of the fbi gave this assessment of anti—semitism in the us. we anti-semitism in the us. we assess that _ anti-semitism in the us. we assess that the _ anti—semitism in the us. - assess that the actions of hamas and its allies will serve as an inspiration the likes of which we have not seen since isis launched its so—called caliphate several years ago. adjust the past few weeks multiple foreign terrorist organisations called for attacks against americans and the west. �* , ., ,., the west. let's dig into some of those numbers, _ the west. let's dig into some l of those numbers, anti-semitic of those numbers, anti—semitic attacks in the us rose by 400% in the two weeks since the war broke out, according to the antidefamation league. the advocacy group says 312 anti—semitic incidences were reported from october seven october 23 including reports of harassment, vandalism and assault. about 190 relate to the between israel and hamas. during the same period last year the adl recorded 64 incidences in the us, only four of which are linked to israel. earlier i spoke with a jewish campaigner and founder of the instagram account dues of new york, for his thoughts. we have been hearing about some of those statistics about anti—semitism, but as a jewish american living in new york city, how does it feel to you right now?— city, how does it feel to you riaht now? ., ~ . right now? thank you so much for having _ right now? thank you so much for having me _ right now? thank you so much for having me and _ right now? thank you so much for having me and for - right now? thank you so much for having me and for raising l for having me and for raising this very disturbing, disturbing fact. how does it feel? it feels awful. i get text messages from myjewish friends, managing this community, we reach millions of people and we have a lot of followers, and we literally cannot even keep up with the amount of hate, vandalism, with the amount ofjewish related anti—semitic attacks. it's heartbreaking. the dues do not feel safe, that's what's happening. feel safe, that's what's happening-— feel safe, that's what's happening. what you are mentioning, _ happening. what you are mentioning, is _ happening. what you are mentioning, is that - happening. what you are l mentioning, is that taking place on the ground in new york city? are those things you have seenin city? are those things you have seen in the city you have done that you live in?— that you live in? absolutely, everywhere- _ that you live in? absolutely, everywhere. new _ that you live in? absolutely, everywhere. new york - that you live in? absolutely, everywhere. new york is - that you live in? absolutely, | everywhere. new york isjust everywhere. new york is just one city in america, but throughout the country we are seeing an insane increase in jewish hate, and its devastating. the phenomenon on we are seeing in our universities is unprecedented. we are definitely shocked by this hate, we are seeing dues taking down their identification from their doorway because they don't want to be identified. we are seeing dues hide the star of david that they proudly wear normally. it feels not good, and it's definitely terrifying. but the truth of the matter is that what anti—semites don't know is that the more they show hate, the more united we are, the more together we come, and the more together we come, and the more together we come, and the more proud of being jewish we become, so this is not, it's not going to make us crawl back to any dark places or dark history. we have been through and lived through hate. this point of time in new york city in the world, it really reminds us all of a very traumatic history, and when we are talking about, among ourselves, it feels like that dark time in history where there was so much jewish hate happening in so few people coming out and speaking against it, and we're not going to silent about it. that will never happen.— to silent about it. that will never happen. to silent about it. that will never hauen. ., ., , never happen. how have you seen then the jewish _ never happen. how have you seen then the jewish community - then the jewish community speaking then thejewish community speaking out? obviously you run an account on instagram with several tens of thousands of people. you mention the dues will not be silenced. how have you seen people standing up to anti—semitism? you seen people standing up to anti-semitism?_ anti-semitism? there is a lot of wa s anti-semitism? there is a lot of ways in _ anti-semitism? there is a lot of ways in which _ anti-semitism? there is a lot of ways in which this - anti-semitism? there is a lot of ways in which this should l of ways in which this should happen, and this is happening, obviously within the tourist community, that isn't because what we expect and what we're doing, starting from speaking up doing, starting from speaking up on social media detailing the universities we no longer agree for them to be complicit in this violence and hatred towards dues, and taking all actions necessary in order to assure that they support and make sure that there jewish students are safe, and another way is also by documenting the events, proving that this is happening, so as you mentioned on dues of new york, the instagram page i founded, i found that it years ago, and the idea was to focus on culture and beautiful side of jewish community in new york and unfortunately the platform is lending itself to battling usaid because that's exactly an example of what dues should be doing, and our allies, example of what dues should be doing, and ourallies, our allies are the most important people. we have supported so many communities, minorities, and it's time for them to show up, and the part of solving this and showing the world that this and showing the world that this is what is happening is on dues of new york. we get direct messages, from your followers, and we are getting hundreds of videos every single day documenting jewish attacks, documenting jewish attacks, documenting jewish attacks, documenting jewish hate, to be honest, we're getting so much about that we can't even get to post it, but we are posting whatever we managed to, and a lot of our allies and a lot of different dues are spreading the word and showing the world that this is what we are facing. that this is what we are facin: . ., ., , facing. the founder of the dues of new york — facing. the founder of the dues of new york instagram - facing. the founder of the dues| of new york instagram account, we thank you so much for joining us. fears are also growing among the muslim community in response, the biden administration unveiling its new national strategy to combat islamiphobia. it says it will develop a plan to protect muslims and those perceived to be muslim from discrimination, hate, bigotry and violence. the white house also singled out what it called the ibarbo — barbaric killing of a palestinian american boy which police have links to the ongoing conflict. for more on all of this i spoke to the director of the merrill lynch chapter of the council on american islamic relations. thank you so much for being here at bbc news, this week president biden unveiled those plans to develop a national strategy to combat islamiphobia. what did you make of what the president announced? ., , ., announced? normally this would be very welcome _ announced? normally this would be very welcome news, - be very welcome news, especially in this political climate where we see the unprecedented uptake in islamiphobia and hate crimes coming to our office's attention but we want to make sure it is in conjunction with the demands for all american muslim organisations calling for an immediate ceasefire, and thatis for an immediate ceasefire, and that is compounding the bigotry and harassment seeing within our communities stop by the president of course calling for a humanitarian pause but are you saying that you would prefer something more? a ceasefire altogether? we believe the immediate ceasefire is the number one demand for palestinian american communities, we want to reassess the funding of the genocide that is occurring in gaza, the fact that millions of our tax dollars are funding the human rights violations that are occurring, the targeting of innocent civilians, thousands of babies, over 4000 babies have been murdered, the targeting of hospitals and ambulances funded by our tax dollars, it's unconscionable, and the rhetoric here in our country fuelling the dehumanisation of palestinians but also arabs and muslims, something that we urge the biden administration to take seriously and take into consideration as he talks about a national strategy to counter islamiphobia.— islamiphobia. the fda -- fbi director said _ islamiphobia. the fda -- fbi director said there's - islamiphobia. the fda -- fbi director said there's uptick i islamiphobia. the fda -- fbi director said there's uptick in | director said there's uptick in islamiphobia threats. how would you describe, and you mentioned you describe, and you mentioned you were getting reports, how would you describe the environment for american muslims right now?- environment for american muslims right now? very tense. muslims right now? very tense. my organisation, _ muslims right now? very tense. my organisation, my _ muslims right now? very tense. my organisation, my colleagues| my organisation, my colleagues and i are clocking 18 to 20 days per week, sitting around the clock, request for assistance and we are responding to one—sided statements or different kinds of challenges that employees in the workplace are facing students on college campuses, and it's really something that we have never seen before, we have not seen this in post—9/11 america, this level of requests for assistance. in america, this level of requests for assistance.— for assistance. in what ways is it actually _ for assistance. in what ways is it actually different? - for assistance. in what ways is it actually different? i - for assistance. in what ways is it actually different? i feel- it actually different? i feel like it is more _ it actually different? i feel like it is more targeted . it actually different? i feell like it is more targeted this time, much more targeted, especially the fact that any acknowledgement for support for basic palestinian human rights has been demonised and vilified the basically standing up for basic pause in human rights in a way that we have not seen before. the fact that students on college campuses are being targeted, being threatened with being dogs simply because they say they believe in a free palestine and palestinian human rights matter, and it's something unconscionable, it tells free speech, affects our constitutional rights and is affecting the livelihood of our many community members. this is ma be a many community members. this is maybe a difficult _ many community members. this is maybe a difficult question - many community members. this is maybe a difficult question to - maybe a difficult question to answer but why do you think the events in israel and gaza have triggered such a strong reaction here in the us, something taking place thousands of miles away? it’s thousands of miles away? it's important _ thousands of miles away? it's important to _ thousands of miles away? it�*s important to look at the context here, the fact that the illegal occupation says that occupation of palestine, the siege and gaza are going for decades now, the valence of october seven, decades now, the valence of octoberseven, it decades now, the valence of october seven, it did not happen in a vacuum, there was a root cause about violence and thatis root cause about violence and that is the illegal occupation of palestine, the human rights violations occurring on a daily basis by an apartheid regime thatis basis by an apartheid regime that is insisted on cracking down on vilifying palestinians on a daily basis, and our tax dollars are finding out, billions of us tax dollars each year annually finding the illegal occupation of palestine and especially the fact that our government is so firmly entrenched in those human rights violations, as americans it is something paramount and how many of our consciences, we have to raise awareness about the responsibility we have in holding our government accountable. i holding our government accountable.— holding our government accountable. ., ., , ., accountable. i would ask you about a new _ accountable. i would ask you about a new poll _ accountable. i would ask you about a new poll that - accountable. i would ask you about a new poll that came l accountable. i would ask you i about a new poll that came out this week showing support of a president biden among arab americans, dropping from 59% in 2022just americans, dropping from 59% in 2022 just 17%. americans, dropping from 59% in 2022just17%. what do americans, dropping from 59% in 2022 just 17%. what do you think is behind this number is? people are recognising that the establishment in the democratic party is no longer representing their priorities, and my organisation does not take a position on favouring one party versus another but absolutely these policies are government is espousing is going to affect how people vote at the polls and i would not be surprised if that number depth lower. the spokesoerson _ that number depth lower. the spokesperson at the national office for care, thank you so much for coming into the studio to talk to us. since the beginning of the israel gaza war the council on american islamic relations as it has received 774 complaints of hate crime against muslims in america from october seven october 24. organisation also says that the largest number of complaints since december 2015, and it's nearly triple the number of complaints that received during the same period last year in 2022. earlier was joined by two directors of technology at the university right here in washington, dc. and some have been on the receiving end of islamic phobic threats. would you mind describing us what recently happened to you, if you could walk us through first of all what you found in your office on campus just a few days ago. that monday, i left my office around four o'clock, went home, picked up my kids, made dinner, the normal routine, and then i realised that i had forgotten my laptop back in the office and it's a problem because i was planning to work from the following day. so i figured that i can just hop following day. so i figured that i canjust hop back following day. so i figured that i can just hop back to the university and grab my laptop so i can be ready to go the following morning. i drove back to my office, i got there about nine, or 9:05pm on that monday, and as soon as i opened the door and turn the lights on i saw the note. i didn't think much of it, it was folded, i am used to people and colleagues leaving me notes, just like random notes, birthday cards and whatnot, campus mail, also somehow making it under my office door. i didn't think about too much. i grabbed a piece of paper, walk to my desk and sat down. as soon as i opened that... it's the whole world went crazy to me for a second, my heart started racing. i looked around to make sure there was no—one hiding in my office, friends, colleagues. i do not know why that was my reaction because it was such a surreal thing to read... reaction because it was such a surreal thing to read. . .- surreal thing to read... would ou surreal thing to read... would you mind _ surreal thing to read... would you mind sharing _ surreal thing to read... would you mind sharing with - surreal thing to read... would you mind sharing with us - surreal thing to read... would | you mind sharing with us what that letter said? it you mind sharing with us what that letter said?— that letter said? it said go back where _ that letter said? it said go back where you _ that letter said? it said go back where you came - that letter said? it said go | back where you came from, that letter said? it said go - back where you came from, you might get lucky with the missile and meet your god sooner and then it was ended in, death to all palestinians. did you consider that to be a death threat to you?- did you consider that to be a death threat to you? 100%. i was not death threat to you? 10096. i was not gonna _ death threat to you? 10096. i was not gonna take - death threat to you? 10096. i was not gonna take it - death threat to you? 10096. i was not gonna take it in - death threat to you? 10096. i was not gonna take it in any| was not gonna take it in any other shape orform. i closed and locked my door. i scanned my office. i had a couple of places where someone could potentially hide. i immediately called the campus police. they did a greatjob and showed up within five minutes of me calling and obviously i told them my story and they took my statement and want me back to my car and i statement and want me back to my carand ijust statement and want me back to my car and ijust want home. i would not wish this on anyone. this should not happen. no—one should ever read these things. andrew, you are a friend of waseem and you are also palestinian. what was your reaction to what he found? he messaged me, saying you will not believe this, shed a photo of the — not believe this, shed a photo of the note. —— shared. as both a long _ of the note. —— shared. as both a longtime _ of the note. —— shared. as both a long time colleague and friend _ a long time colleague and friend and neighbour, i was pretty— friend and neighbour, i was pretty taken aback. my first reactions were, you know, maybe with some — reactions were, you know, maybe with some expertise, i said this— with some expertise, i said this is_ with some expertise, i said this is messed up. i checked to see if— this is messed up. i checked to see if he — this is messed up. i checked to see if he reported it. unfortunately, a lot of times a lot of— unfortunately, a lot of times a lot of palestinians in the us experience a level of hate and often — experience a level of hate and often times do not believe anyone _ often times do not believe anyone would care and they might— anyone would care and they might not report it.- anyone would care and they might not report it. how safe do ou might not report it. how safe do you feel. _ might not report it. how safe do you feel, waseem? - might not report it. how safe do you feel, waseem? this l do you feel, waseem? this incident has been referred to the fbi. i incident has been referred to the fbi. ., ., , . ~ the fbi. i have not been back to the office _ the fbi. i have not been back to the office or— the fbi. i have not been back to the office or the _ the fbi. i have not been back to the office or the campus. i j to the office or the campus. i cannot say i feel safe going back at all. andrew was a first person besides my wife that i called and basically told him what happened. i100% do not feel safe going back to the campus, especially because i do not know what is happening. i have not heard a lot of details about the investigation allegedly taking place. i had one conversation with the a.u., american university, detectives and that was back on wednesday. that was pretty much it. i and that was back on wednesday. that was pretty much it.— that was pretty much it. i have not been _ that was pretty much it. i have not been back— that was pretty much it. i have not been back since. _ that was pretty much it. i have not been back since. andrew, l not been back since. andrew, you touched a bit on your experience as a palestinian in america. how concerned are you that what is taking place in gaza and in israel is expelling other potentially notjust onto your campus but onto other campuses the us? it your campus but onto other campuses the us?- your campus but onto other campuses the us? it being open about being _ campuses the us? it being open about being palestinian - campuses the us? it being open about being palestinian since . about being palestinian since my childhood and both waseem and my— my childhood and both waseem and my family are palestinian citizens— and my family are palestinian citizens of israel, my mum generally warned me to be carefut— generally warned me to be careful in identifying as palestinian, which i had understood for example in orange _ understood for example in orange county in the 80s one of our extended relatives, who was working — our extended relatives, who was working for the american antidiscrimination committee was assassinated with a bomb and is — was assassinated with a bomb and is office in orange county california _ and is office in orange county california so that experience realty — california so that experience really shape how my mum and my family— really shape how my mum and my family spoke to me about being palestinian in the united states _ palestinian in the united states. i am worried about what it means — states. i am worried about what it means the campus is that these — it means the campus is that these things are happening. i actuatty— these things are happening. i actually think anti— palestinian bigotry is not taken _ palestinian bigotry is not taken very seriously on us campuses. i have been hardened by some — campuses. i have been hardened by some of— campuses. i have been hardened by some of the things i heard of on — by some of the things i heard of on my— by some of the things i heard of on my campus. i do not know that— of on my campus. i do not know that is_ of on my campus. i do not know that is necessarily the case that— that is necessarily the case that people understand the threat _ that people understand the threat to palestinians. what is — threat to palestinians. what is your _ threat to palestinians. what is your reaction - threat to palestinians. what is your reaction to l threat to palestinians. what is your reaction to those thoughts about the safety and the way you feel, notjust on campus but what we have been thing and the ramp up of tensions? i thing and the ramp up of tensions?— thing and the ramp up of tensions? ., , ., ., , tensions? i was born and raised in israel- _ tensions? i was born and raised in israel- i _ tensions? i was born and raised in israel. i have _ tensions? i was born and raised in israel. i have experienced - in israel. i have experienced it firsthand. i have been denied jobsjust for the fact denied jobs just for the fact of being denied jobsjust for the fact of being palestinian, i have been denied entry to concerts and places. this is why move back to the us in an attempt to come to the land of the free, to chase the american dream and all of that and unfortunately after this death rate i felt the freedom i felt ever since moving to the us — this is my home, i moved to the us and made it my home and i love this country— however back on monday two weeks ago, i no longer feel the freedom that i had and i have not left my house, i am terrified of going... not knowing is what is terrifying. how big is this threat? does this person know where i live? do they know i have two kids going to school? we kept our kids over two days straight and then we decided we should send them to school because we do not the extent of that thread. we're scared, confused, terrified. i do not understand why... andrew, for instance, is way more outspoken than i will ever be. it is a joke between me i'm that he's i always out there. ——me and him. just for existing as a palestinian on—campus. i do not see any other reason it happened. we really think— other reason it happened. we really think you both waseem and andrew for sharing your experiences. both employers and american university here in washington, dc. thank you so much. the giver having us. earlier i spoke to the president of haifa university. part of its goal is to facilitate conversation between arab and jewish students. the wa we arab and jewish students. the way we do _ arab and jewish students. the way we do this _ arab and jewish students. the way we do this is _ arab and jewish students. iie: way we do this is not arab and jewish students. "iie: way we do this is not to arab and jewish students. i““ie: way we do this is not to be preachy and not to bring people into sensitivity groups of a kind or other but bringing people to work together. projects at schools, projects entrepreneurship is, anything that we can get smart kids to work together, mix them up jewish and arab without making too much about it. preparing for life after university. when you look at the variety of professions, and we have lived and worked together and it might be easier than in other parts of israel but it is through practice, daily working together that people learn to respect each other. professor, a few days _ respect each other. professor, a few days after _ respect each other. professor, a few days after the _ respect each other. professor, a few days after the attacks i respect each other. professor, a few days after the attacks byj a few days after the attacks by hamas, five palestinian students at haifa university were reportedly suspended over there social media posts regarding the war in gaza. how can universities like yours continue to protect freedom of expression during this time? this is out of a student body of 18,000 students and the suspension or temporary suspension or temporary suspension until such time that we can have a disciplinary committee which by the way is working right now with these five students. i cannot anticipate what the decision of the disciplinary committee could be but this was to send a signal to a students both jewish and arab to be a little careful about what they say on social media to remember there is a day after and that we will be coming back to school and will have to work together and at this particular time and point, think before you leap into social media.— into social media. that was basically — into social media. that was basically the _ into social media. that was basically the point - into social media. that was basically the point we - into social media. that was basically the point we were j basically the point we were making. on friday, cornell university cancelled classes after a student was charged with making anti—semitic threats. you also have experience as a professor. how should university campuses be responded to this increased tension and uptake in acts of hate on campuses? i tension and uptake in acts of hate on campuses?— tension and uptake in acts of hate on campuses? i think what is happening — hate on campuses? i think what is happening american - is happening american universities, what you see right now, i definitely feel let down by the administration at these places, by the leadership at these places and by the faculty. that should be teaching their students to think and to engage with uncomfortable thoughts on a daily basis and notjust pure advocacy which seems to happen on many american challenges. we will be back _ many american challenges. we will be back with more stories at the top of the hour, right here on bbc news. stay tuned. hello. after what has been a very wet week for many, and a very stormy week for some, things do look a little calmer for the weekend. no, it isn't going to be completely dry or completely settled. there'll still be some rain at times rather windy in the south, but not as windy as it has been. and amidst all of that, some sunshine. on the earlier satellite picture, you can see this stripe of cloud pushing in from the southwest, bringing outbreaks of rain in association with this area of low pressure. the centre of the low tracking eastwards, the strongest winds on the southern flank, which means the very windiest weather will be across parts of france, spain and portugal. for us, yes, it will be blustery in the south, but nothing particularly stormy. this band of rain pushing northwards during saturday morning, becoming slow moving in north wales, the north midlands, parts of northern england. to the south of that, sunny spells and heavy thundery showers with some rather blustery winds, particularly around southern coasts. but the far north of england, and certainly northern ireland and scotland, will see lighter winds, spells of sunshine once any early fog has cleared. just the odd shower temperatures of 9—13 degrees. during saturday night, we'll still have this band of cloud and showery rain across central parts of the uk. could see some really heavy showers actually developing across the southeast corner. remember, any rain that we do see could bring the risk of further flooding. if you're off to fireworks events on saturday night, there will be some showers around, perhaps by sunday night, bonfire night itself there will be fewer showers. they won't be gone completely, but there won't be as many because this area of low pressure during sunday will be pulling away eastwards. we will start sunday morning, though, with some pretty strong winds. in fact, we could see the winds touching gale force across the channel islands for a time. further north for winds that bit lighter. and through sunday, once we've cleared this early cloud and rain away from eastern england, actually, there should be a decent amount of sunshine around. however, further showers will race in from the west. some of these could be on the heavy side. temperatures around 9—13 degrees at best. now, into the start of the new week, we will briefly see this ridge of high pressure toppling through. so things will turn a little drier. but there midweek we will bring this frontal system in from the west, outbreaks of rain with that, and behind it where things could just turn a little bit chillier by the end of the week. so not as stormy or as turbulent as it has been, but still unsettled. this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, straight after this programme. in 2020, bbc africa eye exposed a network of child traffickers who preyed upon some of kenya's most vulnerable women. kenyans and the world over really was shocked. the traffickers ranged from homeless drug addicts to organised criminals and even corrupt medical staff. what is happening in kenya? this is a public hospital. even though the film received international attention... a bbc expose, the baby stealers. allegations of child j trafficking, after an i investigation by bbc africa eye | exposed a series of underground networks in nairobi... ..some refused to believe what they saw. a very senior government official called and said, "this story is a fake." but others praised our journalism.

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Us ,Threat ,Ways ,Strategy ,Isa Us ,Levels ,Lives ,White House ,Dues ,Hate ,Number ,World ,Instances ,Spikes ,Attacks ,People ,Country ,Israel ,Hamas ,Gaza ,Attempt ,Response ,Announcement ,Iam ,Military ,Forjoining ,One ,Anti Semitism ,Rhetoric ,Incidences ,Swelling ,Cases ,Look ,Rise ,Disinformation ,War Goes On ,Terror Group ,Central Western Nations ,Islamiphobia ,It ,Violence ,New York ,Threats ,Facts ,Leaders ,Series ,Classes ,Cornell University ,Wake ,Palestinian On Campus ,Suspect ,Slurs ,Discussion Board ,Mass Shooting ,Department Ofjustice ,Five ,Committee ,Fbi ,Actions ,Allies ,Likes ,Head ,Prison ,Assessment ,Inspiration ,Senate ,West ,Americans ,Organisations ,Isis ,Caliphate ,Terrorist ,Some ,Numbers ,War ,Dig ,Anti Semitic ,Sl ,Advocacy Group ,Let ,Antidefamation League ,Rose ,Two ,400 ,312 ,Vandalism ,Harassment ,Assault ,October 23 ,64 ,Seven ,190 ,23 ,Jewish ,Thoughts ,Founder ,Instagram ,Campaigner ,Account Dues ,Four ,Hearing ,Fact ,City ,Statistics ,Jewish American Living ,Lot ,Community ,Followers ,Text Messages ,Millions ,Myjewish Friends ,Safe ,Amount ,Ofjewish ,Things ,Happening ,Place ,Everywhere ,Mentioning ,Ground ,Universities ,Increase ,Phenomenon ,Doorway ,Identification ,More ,Matter ,Truth ,Don T ,The Star Of David ,Proud ,United ,Places ,Point ,History ,Jewish Community ,Account ,Silent ,Tens Of Thousands ,Tourist Community ,Wa S Anti Semitism ,Social Media ,Up Doing ,Hatred ,Isn T ,Way ,Students ,Order ,Events ,Side ,Idea ,Culture ,Page ,Example ,Usaid ,Platform ,Ourallies ,Part ,Communities ,It S Time ,Minorities ,Messages ,Videos ,Hundreds ,Posting ,Word ,Muslim ,Facin ,Instagram Facing ,Fears ,Bigotry ,Administration ,Biden Among Arab Americans ,Discrimination ,Plan ,Ibarbo ,Director ,Wall ,Council On American Islamic Relations ,Police ,Killing ,Conflict ,Chapter ,Links ,Palestinian American Boy ,Merrill Lynch ,Bbc News ,Plans ,Office ,Uptake ,News ,Attention ,Crimes ,Conjunction ,Climate ,Ceasefire ,President ,Pause ,Thatis ,Demands ,Course ,Something ,Genocide ,Demand ,Palestinian American Communities ,Funding ,Human Rights Violations ,Tax Dollars ,Thousands ,Targeting ,Babies ,Hospitals ,Civilians ,4000 ,Vilifying Palestinians ,Dehumanisation ,Ambulances ,Arabs ,Uptick ,Fda ,Consideration ,Reports ,There S Islamiphobia ,Organisation ,Colleagues ,Environment ,American Muslims ,20 ,18 ,Assistance For ,College Campuses ,Challenges ,Statements ,Clock ,Workplace ,Kinds ,Employees ,Level ,Requests ,I For ,9 11 ,Support ,Human Rights ,Acknowledgement ,Palestinian Human Rights ,Demonised ,Palestine ,Dogs ,Speech ,Reaction ,Community Members ,Question ,Rights ,Livelihood ,Occupation ,Valence ,Siege ,Context ,Octoberseven ,Basis ,Root Cause ,Vacuum ,Apartheid Regime Thatis Basis ,Apartheid Regime ,Government ,Tax ,Billions ,Finding Out ,Government Accountable ,Accountable ,Many ,Responsibility ,Consciences ,Awareness ,Poll ,2022just17 ,Showing ,2022just Americans ,17 ,2022 ,59 ,Party ,Polls ,Policies ,Position ,Another ,Establishment ,Democratic Party ,Priorities ,Depth ,Spokesperson ,Studio ,Care ,Spokesoerson ,Complaints ,Muslims In America ,Hate Crime ,Beginning ,The Council On American Islamic Relations ,Israel Gaza War ,774 ,October 24 ,24 ,2022 Earlier ,2015 ,December 2015 ,University ,Directors ,Receiving End ,Washington Dc ,Technology ,Islamic Phobic ,Home ,Kids ,Laptop ,Routine ,Dinner ,Problem ,Morning ,I Canjust Hop Back ,Door ,Note ,Birthday Cards ,Notes ,Flights ,05pm ,05 ,Nine ,9 ,Whatnot ,Paper ,Piece ,Sat ,Desk ,Campus Mail ,Down ,Heart ,Racing ,Second ,Thing ,Friends ,Would Ou Surreal Thing ,Hiding ,Letter ,Go Back ,Missile ,God ,Death Threat ,It Death Threat ,Death ,Shape Orform ,10096 ,100 ,Greatjob ,Someone ,Campus Police ,Couple ,Statement ,Story ,Anyone ,Car ,Carand Ijust ,Ijust Want Home ,Andrew ,Photo ,Friend ,Palestinian ,Waseem ,Neighbour ,Colleague ,Expertise ,Reactions ,Aback ,Times ,Experience ,Incident ,Do You Feel ,Ij ,Person ,I100 ,Wife ,Details ,Conversation ,American University ,Investigation ,A U ,Detectives ,Bit ,Campuses ,Campus ,Family ,Childhood ,Citizens ,Mum ,Carefut ,Relatives ,Bomb ,The American Antidiscrimination Committee ,Orange County ,80 ,California ,I Actuatty ,Case ,Safety ,Tensions ,Ramp Up ,On Campus ,Notjust ,Jobsjust ,Concerts ,Entry ,Jobs ,Freedom ,Death Rate ,Land ,This ,The American Dream ,Back ,House ,Thread ,Extent ,Joke ,Instance ,Reason ,Experiences ,Employers ,Giver ,Iie ,Haifa University ,Goal ,Ie ,Iowa ,Anything ,Entrepreneurship ,Sensitivity Groups ,Kind ,Schools ,Projects ,Arab ,Life ,Variety ,Each Other ,Professor ,Parts ,Professions ,Practice ,Posts ,Freedom Of Expression ,Suspension ,Student Body ,18000 ,Decision ,Signal ,Back To School ,Student ,Social Media Into ,Into Social Media ,Point Into Social Media ,Point We Into Social Media ,On Friday ,Tension ,American ,Leadership ,Faculty ,Top ,Stories ,Notjust Pure Advocacy ,Weekend ,Little ,Calmer ,Rain ,South ,Sunshine ,Cloud ,Outbreaks ,Southwest ,Stripe ,Satellite Picture ,Association ,Winds ,Pressure ,Centre ,Area ,Band ,Tracking Eastwards ,Weather ,Nothing ,Rain Pushing Northwards ,Portugal ,Southern Flank ,Spain ,France ,North Wales ,Yes ,Showers ,Spells ,Coasts ,Fog ,Northern England ,North Midlands ,Scotland ,Northern Ireland ,Corner ,Fireworks Events ,Shower Temperatures ,Flooding ,Showery Rain ,Saturday Night ,Risk ,Uk ,13 ,Sunday Night ,Bonfire Night ,Sunday Morning ,Won T ,North ,Channel Islands ,Eastern England ,Gale Force ,Start ,Bridge ,Toppling ,Drier ,System ,The End ,Headlines ,Programme ,Africa Eye ,2020 ,Child Traffickers ,Network ,Women ,Kenya ,Kenyans ,Hospital ,Criminals ,Traffickers ,Staff ,Child ,Trafficking ,Networks ,Film ,Expose ,Allegations ,Nairobi ,I Investigation ,Africa ,Baby Stealers ,Government Official ,Fake ,Journalism ,Others ,

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