Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC 20240702

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Words, to prepare the battlefield for future operations. The words, to prepare the Battlefield Forfuture operations. The Israeli Military says the number of people confirmed to be held hostage in gaza has risen to 224 and has warned that number could rise. So farfour hostages are known to have been released. We have some pictures for e of paris, you can see the i felt hour. 30 empty pushchairs with the faces of children, a display organised by the council of french jewish institutions to raise awareness and demand the release of children but they say were taken hostage by equity. The un are saying the aid workers has significantly scaled down their operations in gaza. Israel serves hamas are storing enough fuel to run hospitals and water pumps for many days but prefers to keep it all for their war fighting capabilities. I have been speaking to tom bateman about this incursion. It speaking to tom bateman about this incursion. ,. , speaking to tom bateman about this incursion. ,. ,. , incursion. It was last night that Prime Minister incursion. It was last night that Prime Minister benjamin incursion. It was last night that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave this televised address, one of the few he has given prime time on national tv. The few he has given prime time on nationaltv. Because the few he has given prime time on national tv. Because the government is under pressure specifically over theissue is under pressure specifically over the issue of the hostages, first and foremost, but with those trips amassed on the border, he appeared saying that israel was raining and hellfire down on hamas. When it came to the issue of a potential Ground Invasion, he said the forces were ready but he said it would be a decision of consensus between the Political Leadership and the Israeli Military itself. He specifically mentioned the chief of staff, the person running the Israeli Military. That is because there has been a sense of criticism over potential hesitation, and also over what a Ground Invasion might mean for those hostages being held in gaza. It was early this morning that we got the first signs there was some activity by troops, israeli troops, amassed on the gaza perimeter. In by troops, israeli troops, amassed on the gaza perimeter. By troops, israeli troops, amassed on the gaza perimeter. In the dead of ni. Ht on the gaza perimeter. In the dead of night israeli on the gaza perimeter. In the dead of night israeli tanks on the gaza perimeter. In the dead of night israeli tanks into on the gaza perimeter. In the dead of night israeli tanks into northern | of night israeli tanks into northern gaza, a targeted rate, says the military to prepare the battleground. Then the troops come back into israel. They are trying to put maximum pressure on hamas. Translation in put maximum pressure on hamas. Translation translation in gaza idf troops commanded translation in gaza idf troops commanded by translation in gaza idf troops commanded by troops translation in gaza idf troops commanded by troops from translation in gaza idf troops commanded by troops from the l translation in gaza idf troops commanded by troops from the hundred and 62nd Division have conducted a limited grant rate using tanks on Northern Territory on the gaza strip. The troops have killed terrorists and destroyed hamas infrastructure. The rate is part of our preparation for the mores next stages. Our preparation for the mores next staues. ~. ,. , stages. Meanwhile, in the depths of gazas blackout, stages. Meanwhile, in the depths of gazas blackout, paramedics stages. Meanwhile, in the depths of gazas blackout, paramedics rushed | gazas blackout, paramedics rushed to save lives. The israeli bombardment is relentless, only torches and lamps are left to light up torches and lamps are left to light up the deadly aftermath. Even the youngest survivors face the stark realities of the israeli siege. A third of hospitals are shut down, stocks of medicines are desperately low. Israel says it will not let up without the release of its hostages. Now space is running out, even to store the dead. Morphine was to place this morning. The southern town to wear many fled after a spell� s Evacuation Order for the north. The israeli army vows to target hamas or whatever it operates, but for Palestinians Nowhere is safe. Nowhere is safe. Why did a oneyearold nowhere is safe. Why did a oneyearold become nowhere is safe. Why did a oneyearold become a i nowhere is safe. Why did a oneyearold become a terrorist . Nowhere is safe. Why did a oneyearold become a terrorist . Why one year old become a terrorist . Why would a one year old to be targeted . They havent even left yet. They havent even said the word dad or know their fathers names, havent even said the word dad or know theirfather� s names, get havent even said the word dad or know their fathers names, get for them to become marketers. Children who are seven or four days old were killed. Why . Bud who are seven or four days old were killed why . Killed. Why . And israel the agony noes on. Killed. Why . And israel the Agony Goes On the killed. Why . And israel the Agony Goes On. The families killed. Why . And israel the Agony Goes On. The families of killed. Why . And israel the Agony Goes On. The families of more killed. Why . And israel the agony. Goes on. The families of more than 220 people being held hostage by hamas. One of the captives, a young boy should be celebrating his 12th birthday today. The pressure is intense on israeli leadership to do more about the issue of the hostages, and that is where hamas has a leverage over this situation. The Israeli Government is trying to show its troops are ready at a minutes notice to go in. We saw those pictures earlier this morning. But the fact is ones that attack happens, it could derail all the diplomacy around getting the captives out. Israels leaders want to show their troops, senior training, i ready to go into gaza. But much more that will determine that decision is happening well out of sight. In that decision is happening well out of si. Ht. , that decision is happening well out ofsiaht. ,. , of sight. In the last couple of hours we of sight. In the last couple of hours we have of sight. In the last couple of hours we have had of sight. In the last couple of hours we have had more of sight. In the last couple of. Hours we have had more detail of sight. In the last couple of hours we have had more detailfrom the israeli army about that targeted rate, they called it in the Northern Gaza Strip this morning, describing it as a sweet and clear operation. They say because they have been previous limited incursions over the last fortnight, they call this the largest operation conducted on the palestinian side of the fence since the beginning of the war. It seems a big part of this was, in their words, to engage and kill anti tank missile squads. We know in gaza, in previous rounds of conflict, there have been anti tank missiles are filed by fired by hamas across the fence Targeting Notjust israeli forces, but in the past have had civilian casualties as a result. That was clearly a big part of what they were doing, going in and trying to probe the ground there, engage hamas forces there but also to try and destroy the defences that could be in their path when they go in. It is clear that israel is readying the ground for this potential ground incursion. The question remains, deeply political about the timing. There is huge pressure internationally, especially from the us, about the idea of allowing humanitarian pauses. The hamas run. Humanitarian pauses. The hamas run 7000 humanitarian pauses. The hamas run. 7000 people humanitarian pauses. The hamas run. 7000 people have humanitarian pauses. The hamas run. 7000 people have been i humanitarian pauses. The hamas. Run. 7000 people have been killed in the gaza strip. Every family affected thereby what has including affected thereby what has including a seniorjournalist. We have these very poignant pictures of him mourning over his wife and children who were among the latest victims of israels bombardment. This is him losing his wife, his son, his daughter and his grandson and an air strike. He was on air at the time when he was informed they had been killed. There was very distressing footage of him at the hospital as he had to identify his children. You can see him here at work for al jazeera, but his family had been killed in an air strike on gaza, his grandson as well. The Aid Situation inside the gaza strip is also quite desperate according to the united nations. Really difficult, no aid is coming in, it is difficult with the little they have to deal with. The un Assistant Secretary General spoke to me from jerusalem and told me just what is happening on the ground for her teams and how difficult it is when they have so little fuel. There is a number of factors that are impacting the operations and one, of course, is fuel, which i will get to any moment but the other is the lack of supplies going in and the continuing bombardment, which makes it very, very difficult for our staff who are still trying to deliver humanitarian assistance to do so. The fuel is directly related to hospitals working and i heard your reporter talking about the situation in the hospitals. If i may give you some statistics, there is 1000 patients who are supposed to be receiving dialysis treatment, hundred and 30 premature babies who are in incubators and patients who are in incubators and patients who are in incubators and patients who are in intensive care. All of them rely on lectures that he and fuel in order to receive their health feel also drives desalination and most of the water in gaza is ground and therefore needs to be desalinated. There is very little clean and clean water available which means people are resorted to drinking dirty or salmon heated water or both. Dirty water. We are expecting the streets to be having a Sewage Overflow onto them imminently. We need to fuel for our trucks to be able to deliver assistance to people are in need. Able to deliver assistance to people are in need are in need. Lets turn to brussels. Eu leaders are in need. Lets turn to brussels. Eu leaders are are in need. Lets turn to brussels. Eu leaders are there are in need. Lets turn to brussels. Eu leaders are there for are in need. Lets turn to brussels. Eu leaders are there for a are in need. Lets turn to brussels. Eu leaders are there for a twoday| eu leaders are there for a two day summit. They are expected to call for the establishment of humanitarian corridors and pauses to give vital aid into gaza. We have been hearing from the president of the European Commission ahead of the meeting talking about Roth The War In Gaza and what is happening in ukraine. We in gaza and what is happening in ukraine. ~. , ukraine. We are meeting with the euro ean ukraine. We are meeting with the European Council ukraine. We are meeting with the European Council in ukraine. We are meeting with the European Council in times ukraine. We are meeting with the European Council in times of ukraine. We are meeting with the| European Council in times of great upheaval. We see the russian war in ukraine is raging, we see that the horrible terroristic attacks by hamas on israel, are now also harming the Palestinian People and whisk to destabilise the region. Migrants are fished to search for a better life by war and conflict, and come to our shores in greater numbers. With all these challenges, the European Union needs to act and react united and resolute. The commission is acting decisively. We are providing ukraine in a steadfast manner with the support it needs to resist the aggression of russia. We are providing crucial humanitarian aid to the civilian people in gaza, we are working very hard with the Member States to manage migration. All this Needs Funding and this is the reason why i have proposed a revision of the eu budget, to be able to fund these very important tasks. This will be discussed in this European Council and we will see where we are going. 50 this European Council and we will see where we are going. This European Council and we will see where we are going. So far the uruent see where we are going. So far the urgent response see where we are going. So far the urgent response from see where we are going. So far the urgent response from the see where we are going. So far the| urgent response from the european leaders could be tricky as our correspondent in brussels explains. I think that is going to be quite difficult i think that is going to be quite difficult. If you look at what we have difficult. If you look at what we have seen difficult. If you look at what we have seen in the past few weeks in the eu, have seen in the past few weeks in the eu, we have seen in the past few weeks in the eu, we have seen conflicting messages, confusing, next to statements from different leaders. But it statements from different leaders. But it is statements from different leaders. But it is true that today european leaders but it is true that today european leaders who have just started to arrive leaders who have just started to arrive here in brussels will want to projecl arrive here in brussels will want to projecl a arrive here in brussels will want to project a united front. As you mentioned, they are expected to call for humanitarian pauses in the fighting for humanitarian pauses in the fighting in gaza. Because they have said the fighting in gaza. Because they have said the main priority today is to find ways said the main priority today is to find ways to get you aid into gaza. Humanitarian pauses would allow that, humanitarian pauses would allow that, and humanitarian pauses would allow that, and allow for water, fuel and medital that, and allow for water, fuel and medical care to reach people in gaza medical care to reach people in gaza but medical care to reach people in gaza. But there are profound divisions gaza. But there are profound divisions within the eu and just ate few minutes ago, we heard from the hungarian few minutes ago, we heard from the hungarian Prime Minister. He said the issue hungarian Prime Minister. He said the issue of humanitarian pause is very controversial and divisive, and so he very controversial and divisive, and so he is very controversial and divisive, and so he is expecting a long conversation about that. Today was different conversation about that. Today was different european leaders, having opposing different european leaders, having opposing views on that. Can different european leaders, having opposing views on that. Opposing views on that. Can you exlain opposing views on that. Can you exolain those opposing views on that. Can you explain those divisions opposing views on that. Can you explain those divisions a opposing views on that. Can you explain those divisions a little. Explain those divisions a little more . Which countries are aligning themselves with israel, which appear more sympathetic to the Palestinian Cause . ~. , more sympathetic to the Palestinian Cause . ,. , cause . What we are seeing is quite a bi divide cause . What we are seeing is quite a big divide and cause . What we are seeing is quite a big divide and european cause . What we are seeing is quite a big divide and European Countries big divide and European Countries following big divide and European Countries following in two camps. You have got countries following in two camps. You have got countries like germany, austria, the czech countries like germany, austria, the Czech Republic and hungary that have taken quite a strong pro israel stance taken quite a strong pro israel stance. Then you have got other countries stance. Then you have got other countries like spain, ireland and portugal countries like spain, ireland and portugal that are more at tune with the Palestinian Cause. Today is a really the Palestinian Cause. Today is a really good example of those divisions because four days there has been divisions because four days there has been a divisions because four days there has been a debate here in brussels about has been a debate here in brussels about whether to call for humanitarian pause or pauses, ulurat humanitarian pause or pauses, plural. Countries like germany are opposed plural. Countries like germany are opposed to plural. Countries like germany are opposed to the idea of a humanitarian pause because they feel that is humanitarian pause because they feel that is too humanitarian pause because they feel that is too similar to a humanitarian ceasefire, and they feel that humanitarian ceasefire, and they feel that would be perceived as putting feel that would be perceived as putting a feel that would be perceived as putting a limit to israels right to defend putting a limit to israels right to defend itself. And so they are calling defend itself. And so they are calling for a humanitarian pauses, ulurat calling for a humanitarian pauses, plurat that calling for a humanitarian pauses, plural. That is perceived to be very short plural. That is perceived to be very short intervals, just a few hours to et short intervals, just a few hours to get humanitarian aid in. The european get humanitarian aid in. The European Union represents 27 countries European Union represents 27 countries and each of them has its own political view on the Israeli Palestinian conflict, so it has been Israeli Palestinian conflict, so it has been very difficult to agree on anything. Has been very difficult to agree on anything, frankly. But what diplomats here have been telling me is that diplomats here have been telling me is that the diplomats here have been telling me is that the eu is based on compromise. It was born as a european compromise. It was born as a european peace project, and so there is hope european peace project, and so there is hope that european peace project, and so there is hope that today when all the leaders is hope that today when all the leaders get here and start discussing The Middle East behind closed discussing The Middle East behind closed doors, some sort of agreement will be closed doors, some sort of agreement will be reached. We closed doors, some sort of agreement will be reached. Will be reached. We will continue to kee ou will be reached. We will continue to keep you uptodate will be reached. We will continue to keep you uptodate from will be reached. We will continue to keep you uptodate from brusselsi keep you up to date from brussels should we get that statement from those eu leaders. Around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the headlines. University students in england are now spending almost all the money from their Maintenance Loans on accommodation. Says the Student Housing charity you nipple. In the last two years the average Student Rents gone up by more than i4 unipol. The government could face a judicial review after excluding some Health Workers from a one off bonus, it was intended to recognise work carried out since the covid pandemic but thousands of outsourced staff, such as Committee Nurses and also physiotherapists will not receive it. Forthe physiotherapists will not receive it. For the first time in years the Remembrance Poppy has undergone a change. The new flowers for the Royal British legion is annual appeal i now entirely plastic free and they can also be recycled. I changed to the top for this year. That meant a change to the poppies for this year. Us media is reporting at least 16 people have been killed any Mass Shooting. It happened in the city of lewiston in the state of maine, on the east coast of the us. Police say the gunman targeted multiple locations and is still at large. A manhunt is under way for a 40 year old Us Army Reservist who is believed to be suffering from Mental Health issues. People have been told to stay at home. Simonjones has more on what happened. Running safety after the latest Mass Shooting in the us, a Bowling Alley and investment targeted last night, full the families. One mother said she had to lay on top of her daughter to protect her from the bullets. Another person spoke of the panic at the Bowling Alley. fiut bullets. Another person spoke of the panic at the Bowling Alley. Panic at the Bowling Alley. Out of nowhere he panic at the Bowling Alley. Out of nowhere he just panic at the Bowling Alley. Out of nowhere he just came panic at the Bowling Alley. Out of nowhere hejust came in, panic at the Bowling Alley. Out of nowhere he just came in, there l panic at the Bowling Alley. Out of i nowhere he just came in, there was panic at the Bowling Alley. Out of nowhere he just came in, there was a loud pop. Ijust slid into where the pins are and climbed up into the machine and wasnt top of the machines for around ten minutes until the cops got there. Abs, machines for around ten minutes until the cops got there. Until the cops got there. A huge manhunt is until the cops got there. A huge manhunt is under until the cops got there. A huge manhunt is under way until the cops got there. A huge manhunt is under way for until the cops got there. A huge manhunt is under way for the i until the cops got there. A huge manhunt is under way for the gunmen as lewiston is placed under lockdown. The authorities are speaking of mass casualties. They have released these pictures of a man they are urgently trying to trace. He remains at large. They have named Robert Carter as a person of interest, he is 40 and a Firearms Instructor trained by the us military. Instructor trained by the us milita. ,. Military. Card is confirmed as Armed And Dangerous military. Card is confirmed as Armed And Dangerous. He military. Card is confirmed as Armed And Dangerous. He is military. Card is confirmed as Armed And Dangerous. He is a military. Card is confirmed as Armed And Dangerous. He is a person military. Card is confirmed as Armed And Dangerous. He is a person of. And dangerous. He is a person of interest. If they see him they should not approach him or make contact with anyway. The shelter in place order remains under vehicle which was a vehicle of interest in this incident was located in lisbon and we are also asking residents in lisbon to shelter in place. Hundreds of officers are lisbon to shelter in place. Hundreds of officers are on lisbon to shelter in place. Hundreds of officers are on the lisbon to shelter in place. Hundreds of officers are on the streets lisbon to shelter in place. Hundreds of officers are on the streets to of officers are on the streets to search for the gunman and to protect the community. The injured have been taken to this hospital. Police forces have placed it under guard. A centre has been set up in a neighbouring city to try and reunite families in the chaos the gunman cost. Not everyone will be reunited. A significant amount of shock going on with people that were witnesses. When i was bringing people in, they were looking for their loved ones, there is fear and panic. There is worry, understandable. And with the people that were actually there tonight, it was what i didnt hear. It isjust tonight, it was what i didnt hear. It is just shocked, it is hard for me to explain. It isjust shocked, it is hard for me to explain. It isjust shocked, it is hard for me to explain. Our top stories this mornin , me to explain. Our top stories this morning. Police me to explain. Our top stories this morning, police are me to explain. Our top stories this morning, police are searching me to explain. Our top stories this morning, police are searching for. Morning, police are searching for the gunman who shot and killed. Once the gunman who shot and killed. Once again the gunman who shot and killed. Once again the us networks are reporting multiple deaths caused by lone gunmen. There have been around 500 Mass Shootings in america this year. The white house said President Biden is being kept up to date with events in lewiston. The city police mayor said i am heartbroken for our city and our people. Lewiston is known for our strength and grit, we will need both in the days come. Bradley blackburn is an lewiston. The authorities are zeroing in an area not Farfrom Lewiston the authorities are zeroing in an area not far from lewiston focusing on an area that is bound by several streets, warning residents to shelter in place. They are concerned about that immediate zone, deploying hundreds of officers, searching from the air as well, looking for this person of interest, 40 year old robert card who are said to be Armed And Dangerous. They are very concerned about the danger of not being over and they are warning people to take precautions for themselves until he can be located. What is the latest on how many people, it is feared, have been killed and injured . B5 people, it is feared, have been killed and injured . People, it is feared, have been killed and injured . Killed and inured . As we see so often after killed and injured . As we see so often after mass killed and injured . As we see so often after Mass Shootings, killed and injured . As we see so often after Mass Shootings, the | often after Mass Shootings, the exact number of the death toll can fluctuate. Reports have changed overnight, as of right now because cbs news is reporting at least 16 people have been killed here but regardless of what the exact number is here, let me give you a sense of the scale of this devastation. Across the Tyre State Of Maine in any given year, the record usually fewer than two dozen murders and an entire year so you are talking about a situation where roughly that many lives may have been lost in a single town in a single night. Town in a single night. Really shocking town in a single night. Really shocking. 38,000 town in a single night. Really shocking. 38,000 people. Is| town in a single night. Really shocking. 38,000 people. Is there a sense that people are heeding the warning from the police and everyone is staying inside at the moment . I is staying inside at the moment . I believe so. We are certainly seeing some cars go by but where i am standing right now it is mostly Law Enforcement are members of the media that are gathered here. We are a ways away from the location they are zeroing in on where they believe that person of interest may be located. There are still a lot of questions here, we expect that Law Enforcement will update us later on this morning and the media will be listening closely and somewhat residents were looking for any sort of sense they may be a resolution and that the danger may have passed. What sort of story are we hearing from people that were caught up in those two locations . A restaurant and a Bowling Alley. I those two locations . A restaurant and a Bowling Alley. Those two locations . A restaurant and a Bowling Alley. I mentioned, i am outside and a Bowling Alley. I mentioned, i am outside of and a Bowling Alley. I mentioned, i am outside of the and a Bowling Alley. I mentioned, i am outside of the bowling and a Bowling Alley. I mentioned, i am outside of the Bowling Alley am outside of the Bowling Alley right now, and we are learning a little bit more about the awful scene that played out there. Families that were there last night, to have fun, play a game together and were caught up in this horrific scene. We are Hearing Stories about people who looked for cover wherever they could find it, running to the end of the lane, diving into the pins, trying to find any place where they could take shelter. It is what we see so often in Mass Shootings, locations that are part of everyday life, movie theatres, Grocery Stores are now a Bowling Alley that has been turned into a scene of a horrific murder. Been turned into a scene of a horrific murder. The manhunt in maine continues. Horrific murder. The manhunt in maine continues. Youre horrific murder. The manhunt in maine continues. Youre in horrific murder. The manhunt in maine continues. Youre in the l horrific murder. The manhunt in l maine continues. Youre in the uk the Prime Minister says addressing the Prime Minister says addressing the risk of extinction that Artificial Intelligence process should be a global priority. In a speech this morning he also said the technology could be transformational leading to newjobs, new opportunities for growth and help to develop cancer vaccines. Next week the uk will host a Global Summit at Bletchley Park to look at the risks posed by ai. He says people should not be losing sleep over it but did warn that the risk needs to be taken seriously. Warn that the risk needs to be taken seriousl. ,. , seriously. They are doing the right thin , not seriously. They are doing the right thing. Not the seriously. They are doing the right thing, not the easy seriously. They are doing the right thing, not the easy thing. Seriously. They are doing the right thing, not the easy thing. It seriously. They are doing the right| thing, not the easy thing. It means being honest with people about the risks from these technologies. I will not hide them from you. That is why today, for the first time, we have taken the highly unusual step of publishing our analysis on the risks of ai, including an assessment by the uk intelligence communities. These reports provide a stark warning. Get this wrong and ai could make it easier to build chemical or biological weapons, Terrorist Groups could use ai biological weapons, Terrorist Groups could use al to spread fear and destruction on an even greater scale. Criminals could exploit ai for cyber attacks, disinformation, fraud or even child sexual abuse. And in the most unlikely but extreme cases, there is even the risk that humanity could lose control of ai completely through the kind of ai sometimes referred to as super intelligence. Indeed, to quote the statement made earlier this year by Hundreds Of The World Cross Leading ai experts, mitigating the risks of extinction from al should be a global priority, alongside other societal skill risks such as pandemics and nuclear. Lets Ust Show Ou Pandemics and nuclear. Lets ust show you this fl pandemics and nuclear. Lets ust show you this shot i pandemics and nuclear. Lets ust show you this shot you i pandemics and nuclear. Lets ust show you this shot you are i pandemics and nuclear. Letsjust show you this shot you are now pandemics and nuclear. Letsjustl show you this shot you are now very familiar with of the gaza strip line because we can see some smoke rising in the air. There has been another strike but it comes after we have seen the Israeli Defence forces saying they carried out a targeted rate of one of the biggest so far in northern gaza, using tanks. The Palestinian Ministry operating in the west bank says 7000 people have been killed there. Hello, it has been killed there. Hello, it has been a very wet october for some of us, not for all of us but especially wet across central and eastern areas of england. Especially for Eastern Scotland. Low pressure is out to as the rest of the uk on thursday, it is not moving anywhere of the next few days so it is staying and settled for the end of october, there will be heavy showers, longer spells of rain and it is looking wet for Eastern Scotland. There are still met Office Weather warnings in place for Eastern Scotland valid until sunday. Rainfall totals are once again likely to step appear on a Rain For The Commission Chart and that rain is going to be falling on an already very saturated ground. This is the picture in aberdeenshire today, The Rain Feeding through on a South Easterly wind but it is not raining everywhere. There is some sunshine around, it is best out to the south and the west and expects a heavy showers, one or two heavy showers across the Isle Of Wight but a drier day than yesterday. The heaviest of the rain this afternoon on eastern areas of england. Scotland temperatures peaking between 11 and 15 of 16 degrees. In the south. Slightly above the seasonal average. Overnight the south. Slightly above the seasonalaverage. Overnight tonight seasonal average. Overnight tonight we seasonalaverage. Overnight tonight we were see some outbreaks of rain. Front very slow moving, that rain into Eastern Scotland, as were some clear spells and some showers, semester and for patches form a central and southern england, temperatures down to seven or 9 degrees. A frost free start to friday, not a lot is set to change. The pressure out to the west, the shower spiralling around it. Some showers could be heavy and thundery in nature. This wind is feeding these showers through into Eastern Scotland, more showers moving into the south west for the south of also some sunny intervals as well. To purchase between ten and 15 celsius. Things could start to change as we headed to saturday, so plenty of wet weather around. This alternative heavy more persistent rain pushing to the south of england as we head through the afternoon, especially into the evening. There are localised Weather Warnings enforce you. That heavy rain is likely to move further north we had to Saturday Night and into sunday sustain very unsettled. Dash ranks very unsettled. Ford and the United Auto Workers union reach a tentative deal to end a six week us strike. But still no agreements at gm or stellantis. And at gm or stellantis. The us economy grows at its fastest and the us economy grows at its fastest pace in nearly two years, squashing any fears of a recession. Welcome to World Business report. Im lukwesa burak. We begin in the us where, after nearly six weeks of costly strike action, the american Car Giant Ford has reached a tentative deal with the United Auto Workers union. The agreement needs approval from Union Leaders and is expected to provide a 25 wage hike over a four year period. The uaw has asked striking ford workers to go back to work while the deal is put to a vote. The results comes out ahead of their results later today. General motors and chryslers parent company, stellantis, are both still negotiating with the unions. Ican speak i can speak to the Managing Director now at wedbush securities, and you join us from bangkok today, so welcome to the programme. What do you make of this supposing deal . We dont know the full details and we have a figure

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