Clear violations of International Humanitarian law in gaza. Antonio guterres did not name names but he condemned the bombing of Southern Gaza, after people were told to flee there, and the use of civilians as what he called human shields. Israels responded, confronting the Secretary General and calling on him to resign. It came as one of two israeli hostages, Freed Last Night by hamas, spoke about her ordeal. Yocheved lifschitz, whos 85, said shed been through hell but, as she left, she still shook the hand of her hamas kidnapper. Her husband remains in captivity one of more than 200 people israel estimates are being held after the attacks of october 7th. Hamas, designated a Terrorist Group by the uk, said the release was for humanitarian reasons. The war between israel and hamas is having repercussions in every corner of this volatile region. The first of our reports tonight is by our international editor, jeremy bowen, and it contains some distressing images. After the doctors had examined yocheved lifschitz, she came out of the hospital in tel aviv saying she went through hell in gaza, from the moment hamas took her as a hostage. Translation l was laying on a motorcycle, my body on one side and my legs on the other, and the hamas men beat me on the way. They didnt break my ribs, but hurt me very much. Like so many israelis, shes astounded by the failure of her countrys army and intelligence to protect them. Translation the army wasnt prepared. We were the government scapegoats. Hamas warned us three weeks ahead. They burned our fields and the army somehow didnt take it seriously. And hamas� s Detailed Planning extended to Hostage Taking too. Translation they seemed ready for this. They had prepared for a long time and had everything the hostages needed, even shampoo and conditioner. Running this war is getting complicated for the israeli government. The northern border with lebanon is heating up. Thousands of troops have been sent there and border towns evacuated in case of war with irans lebanese ally, hezbollah. Prime minister netanyahu has visited the troops near gaza, but he hasnt ordered them to invade yet. So without a ground war in gaza to define the state of this crisis, other things are, starting with the hostages. In tel aviv, ehud barak, former Prime Minister and army commander, saw painful choices ahead. Is it possible for israel to invade the gaza strip with Ground Troops if there are still hostages in the hands of hamas . If there is no other way, well have to do it, because the alternative is to provide those barbarian Crimes Against Humanity Get Impunity due to the fact that they massacred, slaughtered probably 1,500 people. And a very painful and tough decision might have to be made. On the west bank, the other side of the palestinian territories, israel has settled Hundreds Of Thousands Ofjews in defiance of international law. The hardest Core Ofjewish settlers whove seized remote hilltops are seen by many israelis as isolated extremists. But now their effective leaders are in the israeli cabinet. On this hilltop near hebron, the settlers who believe theyre here by gods will are armed and say the hamas massacres mean more mainstream israelis will agree with them. Eight it was unfortunate so much jewish blood had to be spelt for other israelis to understand what had to be done to those who kill jews. Translation in a war, you have a gun and a trigger. And for those who dont understand yet, we are at war, a war where the other side shows no mercy. And we need to be the same. Theres no choice. For palestinians on the west bank, these are violent days. Mohammad, aged 20, was one of two young men killed in an israeli army Arrest Operation at Jalazone Refugee Camp near ramallah. 95 west Bank Palestinians have been killed by Israeli Security forces his father led the mourners. In the mosque, they fit israel putt revenge. Mosque, they fit israel putt reven. E. , mosque, they fit israel putt revenue. , mosque, they fit israel putt revenge mosque, they fit israel putt revenue. ,. , revenge. This is genocide and the world does revenge. This is genocide and the world does not revenge. This is genocide and the world does not coming revenge. This is genocide and the world does not coming to revenge. This is genocide and the world does not coming to the revenge. This is genocide and the i world does not coming to the rescue of the palestinians. The general mood is actually entertaining thought that netanyahu is going after the deportation, the displacement of palestinians, leading up to the annexation of gaza. In leading up to the annexation of gaza. ~ , a ~ leading up to the annexation of gaza. ~ , ~. , gaza. In the west bank, Palestinians Wonder whether gaza. In the west bank, Palestinians Wonder whether they gaza. In the west bank, Palestinians Wonder whether they will gaza. In the west bank, Palestinians Wonder whether they will be gaza. In the west bank, Palestinians Wonder whether they will be next. I people are talking about anger at what the israelis have done and a sense of uncertainty and fear about what might be happening next. This is a long and intractable conflict, but it had some certainties. It had a certain shape, a status quo. Thats all changed. On the way to the cemetery, the flags were from the main palestinian factions fatah, hamas and islamichhad. We couldnt see any armed palestinians at the funeral, perhaps because israel has such tight control over the west bank for now. But the danger that a serious incident could ignite the west bank is real. When the funeral was over, mohameds cousin said the israelis raided the camp because of gaza. They wanted revenge, he said, because resistance groups, god have mercy, to all the martyrs in gaza and west bank. Palestinians dont share much with israelis, especially not much now, except a dread of harder times ahead. Jeremy bowen, bbc news, jerusalem. In gaza, hamas Officials Say at least 700 people have been killed in the last 2a hours. It means, according to those officials, that the total number killed in this war is now more than 5,700, including more than 2,300 children. Our special correspondent, fergal keane, who is injerusalem, has been working with teams on the ground in gaza to file this report. Some of the footage is hard to watch, and a warning it is distressing from the very beginning. What war would take away, they raced to save. The young life of yazam al aydi. The adult hand on the childs heart. It could not save him. This boy did survive Airstrikes Doctors at al nasr hospital say killed 166 people. The little boy asks if his family is ok. Of the nearly 6,000 said by Gaza Health Authorities to have been killed so far, around 40 are reported to be children. Sharif al lakras came with his wounded son. To our camera he asked, were the children the enemies . The ones who had kidnapped and killed . There are the other wounds what war does to the spirit of a child. Salma is nine. Dima al amdani mourning her parents and seven siblings. Another daughter of the al amdani family, and a son. Where those who have known older wars watch their young inherit desolation. Israel says it is only targeting the men who brought terror to its people. The un leadership has condemned israeli bombing of Southern Gaza and Accused Hamas of using civilians as human shields. Death can come from the air at any time. This was Khan Younis In The South of the gaza strip at 12 30pm today, filmed by a bbcjournalist. The war has displaced 1. 4 Million People. In the tented camp at khan younis, cleanliness is part of the struggle to preserve dignity. | translation at night it is cold | and there arent enough blankets. We are sleeping on dirt, the children are all sick. Where are the rights of our children . Where are our human rights . The fun and the friendship of childhood. They grasp what they can, knowing how brutally it can be lost. Fergal keane, bbc news, jerusalem. Well, the worsening humanitarian situation in gaza is evident, and the un Agency Responsible for Palestinian Refugees says that, because of israeli restrictions on aid, it will run out of fuel tomorrow. Israel disputes the lack of fuel. The bbc� s gaza reporter, rushdi abualouf, reports now from a hospital in khan younis, in Southern Gaza, on the increasingly desperate struggle of ordinary people. Behind these doors, doctors are fighting to save the life of a woman who was badly injured this morning while she was pregnant in an airstrike in a neighbourhood in khan younis. Doctors rescued the baby by caesarean operation. Her husband was killed alongside members of the same family, but the mother is inside, fighting for her life and for her baby. The hospitals here in gaza are struggling to cope with the number of people injured. I have seen people treated in the corridor of the hospital, people treated in the courtyard of the hospital because today was one of the deadliest attacks done by israel so far. This hospital is among the three or four hospitals in the south, the area where israel asked 1. 2 Million People in the north to flee, but this is the biggest one, and its still struggling without fuel to run the main generator in the hospital and also they say they have to cancel all nonessential operations and they are only treating people with life saving injuries. Jeremy bowen is with me. As we heard earlier. The un at pains to be even handed in criticising both sides, but the condemnation doesnt make the israeli governments life any easier . I think it makes them really angry at getting any criticism at all. They are absolutely infuriated and totally reject any suggestion that they could be any equivalents in whats going on. Israelis are always very aware, israeli politicians, generals and leaders that, when they start a military operation, if you like, two clock started ticking for the first clop is how long they need to get to fulfil their military objectives and, in this case, they are talking sometimes months, not weeks. The other clock is how long it takes before the United Nations and their friends, it takes before the United Nations and theirfriends, as it takes before the United Nations and their friends, as well as their enemies, demand a ceasefire. And i think that whats happening here is because so many people are being killed, the largest number of israelis killed in a single day in the history of their state and, since then, more than 5000 palestinians killed in gaza injust a couple of weeks, i think because of that, that diplomatic clock has gone into hyperdrive and so people in the un are saying, you gotta a ceasefire, theres gotta be a way of having humanitarian aid safely and people to stop dying. The israelis, on the other hand, are saying they have barely started. The ground operation hasnt started yet. What normally happens and what is happening right now is that the americans cover their diplomatic backs and also britain is helping, the french are helping, president macron was heroes. But i think there is pressure and it will continue to mount because of those students coming out of gaza and i think the israelis will not be put off by that. Those scenes come out of gaza. They are aware that the legitimacy of their operation will ultimately be affected by the numbers of people being killed but, dont forget, all the estimates are, if the israeli army goes in on the ground to gaza, and mr netanyahu was saying again to date soldiers the next phase is coming, you will be the spearhead, if that happens, there will be many more palestinian casualties. So i think there is going to be a lot more anger at the un and other places and i think the americans are going to be protecting them, vetoing resolutions. Theyve already vetoed one that they see as detrimental to israels interests, but its interesting that, from the outset, President Joe Biden has been saying yes, israel has the right to defend itself but it has to do it within the framework of International Humanitarian law and, tonight, no less a person than un Secretary General is saying that has been violated. Jeremy, thank you as always, our international editor, jeremy bowen. The situation here remains acutely tense, and millions of israelis and palestinians continue to live in uncertainty and, in many cases, in peril. Although there is more life here on the streets injerusalem than even yesterday, it is still far from normal as people watch and wait. Thats it from us tonight, now back to you, fiona. Reeta, thank you. A cap on bankers bonuses here in the uk, introduced by the eu in response to the financial crash of 2008, will be scrapped at the end of next week. The plan was announced by former chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng last year, and has now been confirmed by regulators. Our business editor, simonjack, joins me now. This risks being a pretty unpopular move. Yes, people will say it is back to the bad old days a bank is taking big risks for big rewards which helped create the prices in 2014, bonuses have been capped up twice your base salary, pretty generous but in the old days it could be up to ten times that. The idea is that bankers will be popping Champagne Corks is entirely wrong because to keep up with total pay, which is often at places like new york and hong kong, they have the boost basic pay and bankers say their basic pay has gone up, much more reliable and thats fantastic so this will be a hard thing to implement. And also the regulators did not like the idea either, it meant banks had higher fixed costs so you could not reward people on the basis of whether they had a good or bad year and made them less rather than a more stable. They have other rules now, you can defer bonuses, claw it back and finally, because it is at such short notice, coming into terms before the end of the year, a lot of the banks say it is impossible to tell people, im sorry, i am docking your basic pay, you may or may not get a bonus so although this is a headline grabber, it will not make that much different anytime soon. Sol it will not make that much different anytime soon. So i suspect little immediate change but it is about messaging, saying we are out of the eu, we can now make our own rules and compete with the likes of new york and hong kong but as i say, little immediate change, i suspect. Simon, thank you. The government says it will cut the number of hotels being used to house migrants by at least 50 byjanuary. Currently, around £8 million is being spent every day on accommodation in about 400 hotels a Bill Rishi Sunak has promised to reduce. Our home editor, mark easton, has more. Asylum seekers being moved out of a home office requisitioned hotel in devon on their way to dorset and the Bibi Stockholm Barge in portland harbour. 50 migrants were aboard the vessel yesterday, with plans for up to 500. Evidence, the government says, of the Progress Being made to end the use of hotels currently costing £8 million a day. We will now be exiting the first Asylum Hotels. The first 50 of these exits will begin in the coming days and will be complete by the end of january. The home office wont list the hotels theyre exiting, but this is one of them, the suites in knowsley, in merseyside, where Asylum Seekers were attacked and abused by a mob which torched a police van earlier in the year. There will still be 350 Asylum Hotels in use at the end of the winter, despite promises last year they would end hotel use this year. A further question for the minister. Is it really true that the hotels hes considering closing will be in marginal constituencies . The government denies that, but the novotel in the marginal seat of ipswich is among the 50 returning to normal use. Oh, its about time they did start moving on these hotels. They should find them proper places | to go and they shouldnt be coming | over in boats either. We have not been welcoming and not looking after people that need a safe place to live. I dont think england should take so many in, im afraid. Weve got enough of our own problems. Hotels have been needed because of record numbers of Asylum Seekers stuck in the system. The latest figures show more than 175,000 people waiting for an initial decision on their claim the highest ever. Today, the government said the number of caseworkers has risen to 2,500. Thats up from just under 1,000 a year ago. The Home Office Said today marked a milestone in dealing with illegal migration, but it was quite obviously not enough. And tomorrow, ministers would be getting back to trying to stop the boats. Mark easton, bbc news. The latest republican candidate to be speaker of us commerce has dropped out of the running. He that apparently after realising he could not get enough support among republicans, becoming the third nominee to withdraw from the race ponder the position has been vacant for three weeks Means Congress cannot do its work. Divers have been searching for crew missing from a British Cargo Ship which sank in the north sea earlier today. Seven people were on board, two of whom have been rescued. One has died. Its hoped the remaining four could be sheltering inside the sunken vessel, as Hywel Griffith explains. Searching from the air, every effort is being put into finding the verity� s four missing seamen. The British Cargo Ship was carrying steel towards the uk and left bremen in germany last night. Its route towards immingham in lincolnshire took it south of heligoland off the german coast, where its path crossed with another bigger vessel. The 190 metre long polesie was sailing towards spain with 22 people on board. Marine Tracking Data shows when they collided. The verity, in the middle of the screen, started to sink. Two of its seven sailors were rescued, one dead body was also recovered. Divers were sent to look for signs of life underwater in the hope that the four others may have found an airlock. Translation the fact is that we dont know where they are. We couldnt find them. You must also consider the possibility that they are still in the ship. If so, there may be a chance, and i stress a chance, that they are trapped in the hull. The search is taking place in treacherous conditions but the German Authorities say they will keep going for as long as it takes. Hywel griffith, bbc news. Astronomers in durham have made the biggest ever computer model of the evolution of the universe, from the big bang to the present day, using one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world. The model was based on the accepted theories of physics. But when it was compared to how the universe actually looks, there were significant differences. So was einstein wrong after all . Our science correspondent, pallab ghosh, reports. It all began with a big bang. Gas clouds clumped together to form the first stars and galaxies which now fill the cosmos. But one of the scientists who came up with the theory of how stars and galaxies then spread Across The Universe says that there might be something wrong with his original ideas. Ive spent all my life developing a particular theory of the universe, and now that theory is being questioned. I welcome that because thats how we move forward. Thats how we make progress in science. Thats because a powerful superComputer Simulation has challenged carloss theory. Its taken 30 years to get to this stage, and this is what they found the orange branches are a mysterious invisible substance called dark matter, and the bright dots are the galaxies we see in space like jewels on a vast cosmic web. But the exact details arent the same as the data gathered by nasas james webbs Space Telescope and other observatories. The current theory beautifully explains how galaxies evolve, but there is a problem it predicts that theyre 7 more closely clustered together than they actually are. The new Computer Simulation is much more detailed, and it takes into account the role of supermassive black holes, but thats not right either, its still 5 more clumpy. So, if the best Computer Simulation ever created cant get the right result, there are two possibilities, either the measurements from the telescope is wrong or the cherished theories of physics might be incorrect. It could be something as big as questioning the basic tenet of our modern understanding of the universe, which is einsteins theory of relativity. There are currently more questions than answers in astronomy, so many that scientists believe the stage is set for the biggest shake up in our understanding of How The Universe Works since albert einsteins ideas about gravity more than 100 years ago. Pallab ghosh, bbc news. The longest serving chairman of everton football club, bill kenwright, has died at the age of 78. He became chairman in 2004 and in his 19 seasons, everton secured 12 top eight finishes, including a top four finish in 2005. Bill kenwright was also a highly acclaimed theatre and film producer. Manchester united has paid an emotional tribute to sir Bobby Charlton in their first home match since he died. Sir bobby was of course famous as one of the World Cup Winning Team of 1966 and an ambassador for his beloved team and the sport. A wreath was laid on his seat at old trafford. Katie gornall was there to see it and tonights match. City Bobby Charlton was at the heart of everything for Manchester United. Here his loss was met with an outpouring of affection sir Bobby Charlton. Thousands from across generations gathered to remember a footballing icon and a gentleman. He greeted you with warmth and bobby obviously was a great goal scorer, a great ambassador and captain, not only for Manchester United but when he played for england as well. We loved him and tonight will be really emotional loved him and tonight will be really emotional so we are holding it together emotional so we are holding it together so far. Together so far. They say that nothin together so far. They say that nothing lasts together so far. They say that nothing lasts forever together so far. They say that nothing lasts forever and together so far. They say that nothing lasts forever and no | together so far. They say that i nothing lasts forever and no one together so far. They say that nothing lasts forever and no one can live forever nothing lasts forever and no one can live forever but nothing lasts forever and no one can live forever but sir nothing lasts forever and no one can live forever but sir bobby nothing lasts forever and no one can live forever but sir bobby will. Live forever but sir bobby will. Inside. Live forever but sir bobby will. Inside. In live forever but sir bobby will. Inside, in front live forever but sir bobby will. Inside, in front of live forever but sir bobby will. Inside, in front of the live forever but sir bobby will. Inside, in front of the stand i live forever but sir bobby will. Inside, in front of the stand named after him, there were more tributes to the man behind it and once the music ended, silenced. The task now is for united to harness the emotion but against copenhagen they struggled and relied on the brilliance of andrea nana to keep them in it. Frustration was building, united had lost their first two games in the group and this had been described as a must win and Harry Mcguire came to the rescue, his first goal of the season and what a time to score it. But there was still time for one dramatic twist, a high boot from mctominay it meant a penalty and the game now hinged on one final kick and onana proved to be the united hero, earning his team a vital and emotional three points. In sevilla, how about this from arsenals jesus . It sent Gabriel Martinelli on his way to marking his Champions League debut with a goal and jesus was not done yet, out of nothing creating this, a moment of quality that proved the difference as arsenal beat sevilla move to move to the top of their group. Time for a look at the weather. Heres tomasz schafernaker. Good evening to. It is more of the same in the next few days so we will not put away the brolly or raincoats soon but some sunshine in the forecast as well so not raining all the time. This is the big picture across our neck of the woods, a strong jet stream putting in a lot of Weather Systems in our direction, rain at times and if you would how fast the jet stream blows at 30,000 feet, about 150 mph this week. But thatis feet, about 150 mph this week. But that is way above our heads. The focus this evening, quite wet in the south of wales and south england, damp in northern and Eastern Scotland but many parts of North Western britain will have clear skies overnight and it will be quite chilly. Some places down to three degrees in bigger towns and cities and in the wetter south, temperatures closer to double figures. Is a wet morning in the south, staying damp through the dates along the north sea coast and Eastern Scotland but this central part of the country faring better with some sunshine. Belfast, 13, liverpool, about 12, highest temperatures in the Channel Islands of 15 degrees. On thursday, a mixed bag, sunshine and a bit of rain at times as well and probably the most cloudy and rainy conditions on the north sea coast but elsewhere it is that mixed picture with temperatures about the same, 11 13 or 15 degrees. This is the main full accumulation over the next few days so all of us are in for some rain. It looks like Eastern Scotland could again get a lot of rainfall but this time nearly 100 millimetres will be spread over five days rather than in one storm that we had recently. And looking at the outlet, it is rain, showers or rain symbols most days and temperatures stable at around 1215. Thanks, tomasz. And thats bbc news at ten. Theres more analysis of the days main stories on newsnight with kirsty, which isjust getting under way on bbc two. The news continues here on bbc one, as now its time to join our colleagues for the news where you are. From the ten team, its goodnight

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