Transcripts For BBCNEWS The 20240703

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Totall on the hospital . When this, this was totally on justified the hospital . When this, this was totally on justified legitimate the hospital . When this, this was| totally on justified legitimate work crime against the citizens of gaza. People were trying, thinking they were in a safe place, patients were there for getting treatment, and then this is really aerial strike which took the lives of 500 people at least, and im sure the number would rise because there are so many badly injured people. Who could die at any moment. This was deliberate attack, unacceptable attack, a war crime. That should not had happened and should not be accepted. And this in my opinion, is delivered of israels feeling of total impunity, lack of accountability not only to International Law but to human beings everywhere. I think what happened is very serious, and its a reflection of genocide is taking place in gaza for the last ten years. The people who were kept today in this hospital they were thirsty, deprived of Drinking Water for ten days, deprived of food, deprived of electricity, because israel is imposing on them collective punishment, trying to ethnically cleanse the population of gaza. I assure you, our reading of the matter is israel is bombarding people, killing people, committing genocide, committing crimes and massacres with one purpose. People force people out of gaza into egypt, this is their plan so they can annex the gaza strip. We demand that those leaders who are rushing to israel and showing solidarity with israel, the Prime Minister of britain, the chancellor of germany, the president of france, the president of the United States should condemn this behaviour and this massacre. And more important, notjust condemn, but exercise immediate pressure on israel to stop this war. To have immediate cease fire. Why should this war continued . I immediate ceasefire. Why should this war continued . This war continued . I read in the last few minutes this war continued . I read in the last few minutes that this war continued . I read in the last few minutes that muck this war continued . I read in the | last few minutes that muck mood this war continued . I read in the last few minutes that muck mood has cancelled his meeting with President Biden on this visit. Doesnt he need to apply pressure from the palestinian perspective . Why would he cancel the meeting and not appear in person to put that message to him . ,. ,. ~ in person to put that message to him . ,. ,. , ~. ,. , him . First of all i think it was a humiliation him . First of all i think it was a humiliation to him . First of all i think it was a humiliation to ask him . First of all i think it was a humiliation to ask first him . First of all i think it was a humiliation to ask first to him . First of all i think it was a humiliation to ask first to go i him . First of all i think it was a humiliation to ask first to go to i humiliation to ask first to go to meet mr biden. Why wouldnt he come to ramallah . Why they are ignoring any kind of palestinian entity . And of the second of course he wouldnt meet him after all of these massacres if mr biden doesnt condemn this massacre. If there is not clear a medical position, how could he meet with him if hes declaring that hes coming to participate in the meeting of the war room in israel . Or to be more accurate, i should say, that mr biden wants to participate in the war in the criminal war, in the war crime room. Thats unacceptable. And the fact that the United States is taking a totally and fully biased position to israel, and declaring it will send 2000 of their troops to participate on the attack and gaza, thatis, participate on the attack and gaza, that is, that makes the United States not only complicit with war crimes but a participant in it. And i repeat, why did the United States, britain, france voted against Cease Fire Resolution in the United Security council . Why dont they want this war to stop . To they want to have more palestinians and israelis killed . Why cant we have cease fire, lifting of the seas, providing water to children, epidemics are starting to happen in gaza, one of them is cholera. Why dont we stop that . � s for how many thousands of palestinians should die before mr netanyahu is satisfied with his war crimes . Flan before mr netanyahu is satisfied with his war crimes . Before mr netanyahu is satisfied with his war crimes . Can you help me understand what with his war crimes . Can you help me understand what the with his war crimes . Can you help me understand what the logjam with his war crimes . Can you help me understand what the logjam is with his war crimes . Can you help me understand what the logjam is with i understand what the logjam is with the aid which is piled up in egypt . The egyptians have said they have no objection to putting it through the gates,it objection to putting it through the gates, it seems that the israelis have a concern that it would go into the hands of hamas. Is there any way around that that could be facilitated that ensures that that aid would go in within the next 2a hours . Aid would go in within the next 24 hours . ,. , aid would go in within the next 24 hours . ,. ,. ,. ,. , hours . They are using hamas to demonise hours . They are using hamas to demonise all hours . They are using hamas to demonise all palestinians hours . They are using hamas to demonise all palestinians and i hours . They are using hamas toi demonise all palestinians and to demonise all palestinians and to demonise everybody. Of course the aid will not go to hamas. It will go to the ordinary people. There is red cross, there are organisations like a medical relief which is separate nongovernment organisations that is not aligned or affiliated with hamas or anybody else. Then there is the red crescent. They are all organisations there that could provide humanitarian aid, and are providing humanitarian aid with whatever they have now. Would you be o osed, whatever they have now. Would you be opposed. Mustapha. Whatever they have now. Would you be opposed, mustapha, with whatever they have now. Would you be opposed, mustapha, with people whatever they have now. Would you be opposed, mustapha, with people going to camps in egypt to get out of harms way . And have you had any conversation. {iii harms way . And have you had any conversation. Harms way . And have you had any conversation. Conversation. Of course im auainst conversation. Of course im against that. Conversation. Of course im against that, this conversation. Of course im against that, this would conversation. Of course im| against that, this would mean conversation. Of course im against that, this would mean Ethnic Cleansing. This would be of a repetition of 1948 Ethnic Cleansing. 70 of the Gaza Art Refugees forced out of their towns. 520 palestinian villages and communities that were raised to the ground by the israeli army in 1948. These are people who were subjected to massacres in 1948 to force them out of palestine, and now they are in gaza and they want to evict them again from gaza. So that mr netanyahu can annex the gaza strip, that is the meaning of the map he had in the United Nations including all of the occupied west bank the occupied occupied gaza strip, as well as the heights. Why would palestinians leave their homes, and why should they . Why dont the air strikes stop . Why dont these massacres stop . How many palestinians should die more so that israel could be held accountable to International Law, and for how long israel would be allowed to feel in punitive in front of International Law . ,. , punitive in front of International Law . ,. , punitive in front of International Law . ,. ,. , law . Grateful for your time this evenin , law . Grateful for your time this evening, thank law . Grateful for your time this evening, thank you law . Grateful for your time this evening, thank you for law . Grateful for your time this evening, thank you for coming | law . Grateful for your time this l evening, thank you for coming on law . Grateful for your time this evening, thank you for coming on the show. Plenty of people coming on, i am going to go back to our panel very shortly, weve got a priest of the church of the diocese of jerusalem, think you very much for coming on the programme. What are you hearing from your people on the ground this evening . Think you hearing from your people on the ground this evening . Ground this evening . Think a christian. Ground this evening . Think a christian, its ground this evening . Think a christian, its good ground this evening . Think a christian, its good to ground this evening . Think a christian, its good to be ground this evening . Think a | christian, its good to be able ground this evening . Think a i christian, its good to be able to thank you christian. Share what is being able to happen to us. Information is being put out that it is a Baptist Church or a baptist hospital, it is actually the Arab Anglican Hospital so it is part of our diocese. It is difficult to get good information, we are largely reliant on the news sources that are coming out. But we can confirm that it is our hospital which has been hit and that horrific numbers of people have died. Until saturday there were about 5000 people who were sheltering, 6000 People Sheltering in the grounds of the hospital, and then we were hit by i believe its been confirmed as an israeli missile, which damaged the building extensively and caused for people to be injured more people to be injured. Leaving a thousand of the most vulnerable, the ones who were invalid or very elderly without any form of transport staying there, despite the threat that was apparent. And then the remainder were the 600 patients who were filling the Hospital 600 Bed hospital, and the staff, Hospital Staff that work caring for them and its of these, may be mostly those outside which i gather the building has been hit and there is a fire in the building. So its really distressing news. And to see it on the television for us, so much a part of that hospital, that hospital is so much of us, deeply distressing. Is so much of us, deeply distressing. Is so much of us, deeply distressina. ,. ,. ,. , distressing. Very important detail in what youve distressing. Very important detail in what youve told distressing. Very important detail in what youve told us, distressing. Very important detail in what youve told us, 5000, distressing. Very important detail i in what youve told us, 5000, 6000 people in the grounds of the hospital, all told. How many patients did you say again . I think rou~hl patients did you say again . I think roughly 600. Patients did you say again . I think roughly 600. So patients did you say again . I think roughly 600, so that. Patients did you say again . I think roughly 600, so that. So patients did you say again . I think| roughly 600, so that. So reports of only may roughly 600, so that. So reports of only may be roughly 600, so that. So reports of only may be 20 roughly 600, so that. So reports of only may be 20 of roughly 600, so that. So reports of only may be 20 of the roughly 600, so that. So reports| of only may be 20 of the hospital actually being used for patients with accurate, was it . Most of the people were in the hospital to shelter, they were there for refuge . Yeah, i think when they hit happen today, i mean i certainly cant absolutely confirm this, we are talking imminent rough numbers. My understanding is there were 1000 People Sheltering, and there were 600 people in the hospital, either patients or staff. That 600 people in the hospital, either patients or staff. Patients or staff. That is my understanding. Patients or staff. That is my understanding. 0k, patients or staff. That is my understanding. 0k, people| patients or staff. That is my understanding. 0k, people that you understanding. Ok, people that you knew who have been killed in this . I know of some of the staff, i, they are known to me because they are colleagues in my diocese but i have never been able to get into gaza, its not my area of Response Ability, but the hospital is one of the 33 institutions of the diocese ofjerusalem, and so we know it very well. Its a part of us. Can of jerusalem, and so we know it very well. Its a part of us. Well. Its a part of us. Can you tell me a well. Its a part of us. Can you tell me a little well. Its a part of us. Can you tell Me A Little Bit well. Its a part of us. Can you tell Me A Little Bit about well. Its a part of us. Can you tell Me A Little Bit about the i well. Its a part of us. Can you i tell Me A Little Bit about the staff and the dilemma that they have faced in recent days given the order to evacuate . Its in recent days given the order to evacuate . Evacuate . Its absolutely horrendous. Evacuate . Its absolutely horrendous. How evacuate . Its absolutely horrendous. How do i evacuate . Its absolutely horrendous. How do you | evacuate . Its absolutely horrendous. How do you evacuate people who are sick in bed and being treated . How do the staff evacuate when theyve got their responsibilities to care for the patients . They are just, responsibilities to care for the patients . They arejust, itsjust not possible. So they were left feeling, knowing that the hospital is vulnerable, but not being able to do anything about it. So weve been terrified for them ever since the war in gaza started, and even more terrified when a missile hit the hospital on saturday as a warning that it was not a safe place to stay. That it was not a safe place to sta. ,. ,. ,. , stay. Hang on, there was an attack on the hospital stay. Hang on, there was an attack on the hospital over stay. Hang on, there was an attack on the hospital over the stay. Hang on, there was an attack on the hospital over the weekend . Yes there was, saturday, a missile hit the hospital, damage the building, extensively. And because the injury of four people. [30 building, extensively. And because the injury of four people. The inury of four people. Do you know the injury of four people. Do you know where the injury of four people. Do you know where that the injury of four people. Do you know where that came the injury of four people. Do you know where that came from . I the injury of four people. Do you | know where that came from . My know where that came from . M understanding is know where that came from . Ii understanding is that know where that came from . M1 understanding is that it has know where that came from . Ii1 understanding is that it has been accepted as an israeli missile. Again, im not party to official information but that is my understanding. Information but that is my understanding. Information but that is my understandinu. , i, i i, understanding. 0k. Cameron richards, our understanding. Ok. Cameron richards, our sympathies understanding. 0k. Cameron richards, our sympathies to understanding. 0k. Cameron richards, our sympathies to you understanding. 0k. Cameron richards, our sympathies to you and understanding. 0k. Cameron richards, our sympathies to you and everyone i our sympathies to you and everyone connected to the Anglican Community this evening, thank you for coming on the programme, we appreciate it. Theyve cancelled the meeting with President Biden tomorrow, they are demanding a cease fire and aid to be bled in but they dont want palestinians to leave the strip and safer places, may be to egypt or jordan . A, � , safer places, may be to egypt or jordan . , � , , jordan . Thats completely understandable, jordan . Thats completely understandable, because | jordan . Thats completely i understandable, because in jordan . Thats completely understandable, because in israels history, indeed in the war that created israel, palestinians who fled or were forced to leave, what was then palestine, could not have come back so now we have some millions, formula and i think the last Un Refugee Agency estimate who are in Refugee Camps stuck in jordan, in lebanon, and elsewhere. So of course, of course the fear is going to be that if egypt does open rafah, the people who go through that border will not be coming back. Of that border will not be coming back. Of course thats a legitimate fear. I think i would feel the same, if i were in their shoes. And i think thats why he was right, to talk about this in terms of ethnic lensing and certainly experts of genocide have said that, and Ethnic Cleansing, have said that the language that israel has used in the last few days has been reminiscent of that. You cant ask a Million People to cross from one side of a tiny strip to the other at a time when there is no fuel, wind power has been cut off, when there is no water and theres no food coming in, half the roads are rubble and theres only really one main road to theres only really one main road to the south. You cant expect people to do that and in any way expect that to materialise. Itsjust that to materialise. Its just a sealed strip, itsjust that to materialise. Its just a sealed strip, its just impossible for there to be Much Movement in that tiny space. So i completely understand why other palestinian leaders and indeed the egyptian leaders and indeed the egyptian leaders are saying the same thing. About not wanting, you know, around 1 million palestinians who live in gaza to cross rafah into egypt, that is a very very grave concern about what their future would be. And is a very very grave concern about what theirfuture would be. And it does point to, look, everything about this, everything that we are saying, whatjust happened to that Gaza Hospital which is appalling. Everything points to the same thing, there is no military solution to this. There has to be a cease fire right now. Western leaders have indulged this idea that israel can just ignore the fate of the Palestinian People who are constantly under occupation and are ruled by a system that several Human Rights Organisations have described as apartheid. There is no military solution to that. The only way is for International Leaders to drag israel kicking and screaming to a Negotiating Table and reach a political resolution. Negotiating table and reach a political resolution. There are re orts, political resolution. There are reports. Just political resolution. There are reports, just dropping political resolution. There are reports, just dropping here i political resolution. There are i reports, just dropping here from writers that in leviton has hezbollah has called for a day of rage. It has remic vacations of all over the world, weve seen an attack in belgium in the last few days, weve seen a stabbing of a teacher from a fatal stabbing in france. Weve seen an attack on muslim boy in chicago, horrific stabbing of a six year old boy in chicago, this has a ripple effects right across the world and President Biden will be aware of that when he lands tomorrow. Do you, just going to back tomorrow. Do you, just going to back to what you were saying earlier, do you think he will apply the pressure . They have backed israel to the hilt so far, do you think he will apply the pressure to have a cease fire . I will apply the pressure to have a ceasefire . Ceasefire . I think its very telling that ceasefire . I think its very telling that your ceasefire . I think its very telling that your guest i ceasefire . I think its very | telling that your guest from ceasefire . I think its very i telling that your guest from the palestinian group, they are upset thatjoe palestinian group, they are upset Thatjoe Biden wants palestinian group, they are upset that joe biden wants to meet palestinian group, they are upset Thatjoe Biden wants to meet in jordan Thatjoe Biden wants to meet in jordan which is a neutral country in this fight, jordan which is a neutral country in this fight, so i dont understand you know. This fight, so i dont understand you know, why is that a problem . Do you know, why is that a problem . Do you want you know, why is that a problem . Do you want to you know, why is that a problem . Do you want to put the thumb on the scale you want to put the thumb on the scale to you want to put the thumb on the scale to have him go to ramallah, why not scale to have him go to ramallah, why not have him injordan when that is more why not have him injordan when that is more of why not have him injordan when that is more of a why not have him injordan when that is more of a neutral place . So he is wanting is more of a neutral place . So he is wanting to is more of a neutral place . So he is wanting to have a biased situation from wanting to have a biased situation from the beginning. The wanting to have a biased situation from the beginning. From the beginning. The point is that he was from the beginning. The point is that he was going from the beginning. The point is that he was going to from the beginning. The point is that he was going to jerusaleml from the beginning. The point is i that he was going to jerusalem which that he was going tojerusalem which is not a neutral place, therefore he should come to ramallah which is not a neutral place . He should come to ramallah which is not a neutral place . A neutral place . He said genocide, he said ethnic a neutral place . He said genocide, he said ethnic this a neutral place . He said genocide, he said ethnic this with a neutral place . He said genocide, he said ethnic this with the he said ethnic this with the largest slaughter he said ethnic this with the largest Slaughter Ofjews since the slaughter of jews since the holocaust. Slaughter ofjews since the holocaust. There may be many in the arab world holocaust. There may be many in the arab world that want to deny that the holocaust happened, but that was the holocaust happened, but that was the best the holocaust happened, but that was the best Ethnic Cleansing that cannot the best Ethnic Cleansing that cannot be. The best Ethnic Cleansing that cannot be. The best Ethnic Cleansing that cannot be. �. ,. , cannot be. Im not denying that, i appreciate cannot be. Im not denying that, i appreciate it cannot be. Im not denying that, i appreciate it and cannot be. Im not denying that, i appreciate it and im cannot be. Im not denying that, i appreciate it and im absolutely i appreciate it and im absolutely synthetic to both sides, ijust appreciate it and im absolutely synthetic to both sides, i just want to get an impression from you about President Biden and whether hes going to call for that cease fire tomorrow. Is that where the american public� s right now and is that why hes coming to do . Publics right now and is that why hes coming to do . Publics right now and is that why hes coming to do . Ethnic cleansing the larest hes coming to do . Ethnic cleansing the largest since hes coming to do . Ethnic cleansing the largest since the hes coming to do . Ethnic cleansing the largest since the holocaust i hes coming to do . Ethnic cleansing the largest since the holocaust and| the largest since the holocaust and ithink the largest since the holocaust and i think thats appropriate on the behalf i think thats appropriate on the behalf of i think thats appropriate on the behalf of the American People to express behalf of the American People to express the sympathies that this is the revised holocaust. The head of the revised holocaust. The head of the israeli the revised holocaust. The head of the Israeli Security forces, he took public the Israeli Security forces, he took public acknowledgement on the failures public acknowledgement on the failures of the part of Israeli Government, i do place the failure here on government, i do place the failure here on the government, i do place the failure here on the Feet Ofjoe Biden as well in here on the Feet Ofjoe Biden as well in terms of you know, he is playing well in terms of you know, he is Playing Footsie with iran, meanwhile iran Playing Footsie with iran, meanwhile iran is Playing Footsie with iran, meanwhile iran is funding. Just Playing Footsie with iran, meanwhile iran is funding. Iran is funding. Just sent to strike up iran is funding. Just sent to strike up to iran is funding. Just sent to strike up to the iran is funding. Just sent to strike up to the region, i iran is funding. Just sent to | strike up to the region, there iran is funding. Just sent to i strike up to the region, there are 2000 marines on standby. Its strike up to the region, there are 2000 marines on standby. Its too little too late, 2000 marines on standby. Its too little too late, im 2000 marines on standby. Its too little too late, im afraid. 2000 marines on standby. Its too little too late, im afraid. That i 2000 marines on standby. Its too little too late, im afraid. That is l little too late, im afraid. That is classic little too late, im afraid. That is classicjoe little too late, im afraid. That is classicjoe biden, reactionary, put american classicjoe biden, reactionary, put american blood, american. Thats what american blood, american. Thats what i american blood, american. Thats what i agree american blood, american. Thats what i agree about what youre palestinian guess, we dont want american palestinian guess, we dont want american troops there, we dont. That american troops there, we dont. That is american troops there, we dont. That isjoe american troops there, we dont. That isjoe biden policy, always late, that isjoe biden policy, always late, always stumbling instead of being late, always stumbling instead of being a late, always stumbling instead of being a leader, as i think he bears some being a leader, as i think he bears some Response Ability for it, he is my present, some Response Ability for it, he is my present, i wish in the best, i do wish my present, i wish in the best, i do wish for. My present, i wish in the best, i do wish for. I my present, i wish in the best, i do wish for, i wish for a certain removal wish for, i wish for a certain removal of wish for, i wish for a certain removal of hamas, hamas is a cancer on the removal of hamas, hamas is a cancer on the world, removal of hamas, hamas is a cancer on the world, it is a cancer on the muslim on the world, it is a cancer on the muslim people as well. Muslim people are the muslim people as well. Muslim people are the ones who suffer the most when are the ones who suffer the most when you are the ones who suffer the most when you were talking about Radical Islamic when you were talking about Radical Islamic ideology. Again, that is the founding charter of hamas is to call foriihad. Founding charter of hamas is to call forjihad, innocent muslims are the biggest forjihad, innocent muslims are the biggest victims when it comes to this biggest victims when it comes to this. ,. , biggest victims when it comes to this. ,. , biggest victims when it comes to this. , i. Biggest victims when it comes to this. ,. , biggest victims when it comes to this. , this. Thank you so much for your company. This. Thank you so much for your company. Thank this. Thank you so much for your company, thank you. This. Thank you so much for your company, thank you. I this. Thank you so much for your company, thank you. I spoke i this. Thank you so much for your i company, thank you. I spoke to. Were looking at exactly what happened, and its being investigated. And let me be clear, the idf does target hospitals. Thats a sensitive site, its a humanitarian site, we dont target hospitals. 50 humanitarian site, we dont target hositals. , humanitarian site, we dont target hositals. ,. , hospitals. So to be clear you would have the coordinates hospitals. So to be clear you would have the coordinates of hospitals. So to be clear you would have the coordinates of this i have the co ordinates of this hospital and anyone that was involved in targeting would have the co ordinates of this hospital . Correct, we would not deliberately target a hospital. Now my information that i have just received, from the highest authority, because i asked about this. I knew you would ask about this, is that all indications are that this was not israeli orders, that this was not israeli orders, that this was rather a hamas rocket that this was rather a hamas rocket that fell short. Now i want to explain this. From past conflicts with the terrorists in gaza we know that on average about 33 of the rockets that they shoot at us fall short and land in gaza. Thats a fact. Thats documented. Number two, we know that at the time of this tragedy in gaza there was a barrage, a huge barrage against targets in central israel. I myself at that exact moment, we had the siren here in tel aviv and i went to a bomb shelter. We know they fired rockets at that same time. Number three, hamas put out a statement that they were sending a long rage rocket, now no rocket actually reach the city, where did that rocket go, where did atlanta . Now its clear hamas automatically says its israel, a atrocity. Of course if you speak to people who come to speak on the bbc, they are living in gaza, i understood the previous spokesperson said he was the president of a hospital or university or something. Gaza has no independent civil society. Its been under the thumb of hamas for 16 years. All senior officials have to be vetted by hamas. And of course its going to give the party lied, its going to see israel israel israel. I urge you to be cautious, there are indications very very serious indications, that its not us. Hamas wants to have a Propaganda Victory saying israel has skills is in innocent civilians, there is no evidence to support that claim and lets just wait and see how this develops. Letsjust wait and see how this develo s. , � letsjust wait and see how this develos. , �. Letsjust wait and see how this develos. , � ,. ,. , letsjust wait and see how this develops letsjust wait and see how this develos. , � ,. ,. ,. , develops. Youll be aware of the scenes that develops. Youll be aware of the scenes that are develops. Youll be aware of the scenes that are developing i develops. Youll be aware of the scenes that are developing over| develops. Youll be aware of the i scenes that are developing over the arab world at the moment, there is an very very angry reaction to these images. Is it possible to back up what youre saying, the Israeli Government would be able to provide something given the enormity of what were talking about that could support the case that youre making . I hope we would be able to, there was something similar in the previous round of fighting against islamicjihad in gaza, i think that was in 2021. There was a situation where an explosion and a family was killed, i rememberthis where an explosion and a family was killed, i remember this distinctly. 0f killed, i remember this distinctly. Of course they said israel israel israel. In the end we managed to bring, it took two or three hours but we actually brought a video that showed the missile launched from gaza showing it fall short and lending in the neighbourhood exactly where the thing went off. At the time all the spokespeople in gaza were saying israel israel israel. We were saying israel israel israel. We were able to conclusively conclude that it wasnt israel ordinance. Israel does not target hospitals. Period. ,. , , period. This is a sensitive time, the president period. This is a sensitive time, the president is period. This is a sensitive time, the president is coming period. This is a sensitive time, the president is coming to i period. This is a sensitive time, | the president is coming to israel tonight to understand the work plan better and to also of course to try and make some headway with the humanitarian situation. Our Correspondentjohn Thomason said a short time ago, this is a potential game changer. That must have occurred to people at the highest level in israel. Level in israel. Thats exactly why weve had level in israel. Thats exactly why weve had no level in israel. Thats exactly why weve had no interest level in israel. Thats exactly why weve had no interest in level in israel. Thats exactly why weve had no interest in doing i level in israel. Thats exactly why | weve had no interest in doing any such thing, not only dont we target civilians but it makes no sense that israel did this, and it actually makes sense that hamas would try to makes sense that hamas would try to make Company Propaganda about one of their missiles falling short, thats exactly the hamas playbook. When you say the arab world, unfortunately you, aljazeera and as a pan arab network, they will put out the hamas narrative. And so i understand its a problem, dont get me wrong. I understand this is a severe problem. But if we are interested in truth and not in propaganda, lets wait and not in propaganda, lets wait and see. All the indications i hear is that this was not israel. When hearing that from the highest authority from the israeli military. Now i hope, i believe will be able to say, show something conclusive shortly, but all im asking you at the moment you at the bbc to do is must be patient, lets wait for prayer. You cannot base your reporting on hamas propaganda. Ida. I reporting on hamas propaganda. No, i understand that, reporting on hamas propaganda. No, i understand that, which reporting on hamas propaganda. No, i understand that, which is why we have been circumspect this evening. I understand the situation on the ground. Listen, weve heard from one doctor tonight who was at rafah, here it is spoken to his colleague at the hospital and they are early overwhelmed and now they have hundreds of patients in coming. Barely any fuel, barely any supplies. There are strikes on the rafah Border Crossing today, there is targeting at that board because of the tunnels under the wall, but something has to change, mark. To alleviate the pressure on the hospital specifically. Is that going to be part of the conversation when President Biden arrives . To be part of the conversation when President Biden arrives . Sure, but i want to remind President Biden arrives . Sure, but i want to remind you President Biden arrives . Sure, but i want to remind you that President Biden arrives . Sure, but i want to remind you that yesterday l President Biden arrives . Sure, but i i want to remind you that yesterday we allowed tankers with petrol, i think to six large tankers with fuel. Irate to six large tankers with fuel. We were already told that that fuel was in gaza, it was their supplies, that it wasnt diverted by hamas which i heard you say earlier. Unless you have reports otherwise. I heard you say earlier. Unless you have reports otherwise. Have reports otherwise. I believe the ut have reports otherwise. I believe they put out have reports otherwise. I believe they put out a have reports otherwise. I believe they put out a contrary have reports otherwise. I believe| they put out a contrary statement and then change it, ultimately they have to work in gaza under a heavy hamas regime, and they understand the constraints. They tweeted it and then deleted saying that hamas gunmen had come and taken the fuel. If you have any doubt that hamas is the only force in gaza but that kind of organise power, is there not a historical pattern of diverting humanitarian aid, giving cement to build houses, then it goes to build tunnels. People giving petrol and then its going, instead of it going to generators in hospital its going to generators in hospital its going to hamas Military Mission . This isnt new. Anyone who has any illusions about hamas just has to look at what they did to us on october seven and that terrible massacre. These people dont have any qualms about harming human beings, they treat, butchered my people. And they treat their own people. And they treat their own people atrociously. Irate people. And they treat their own people atrociously. People. And they treat their own people atrociously. We have had to claim and counterclaim people atrociously. We have had to claim and counterclaim about i people atrociously. We have had to claim and counterclaim about what| claim and counterclaim about what has happened at this hospital but the headline is that over 500 people have been killed. There are people buried under the rubble, there are children among them. Thousands of people in that hospital Tonight Cannot in a hospital that is running out of fuel, it is a dire situation in gaza, we will continue to watch. Do stay with us, you are watching bbc news. Hello. Theres no two ways about it horrible weather is on the way. It wont be awful absolutely everywhere, but most of us are in for at least some heavy rain and strong winds. A really unpleasant picture, proper autumn weather. Now this is the satellite picture. And here we have Storm Babette just spinning around to the west of portugal. The Weather Fronts are now extending to the north. Some of this is already rain bearing cloud. And this is a complicated weather map. Over the coming days, we will see multiple Weather Fronts sweeping across the uk and indeed other parts of europe, bringing doses of very heavy rain and flooding rain across some parts of the uk. And on top of that, some Gale Force Winds as well. Now, this is the Rainfall Accumulation as the days go by. So wednesday through thursday and into friday, initially the Rain Starts In The South and then itll peak around Eastern Parts of scotland, but also the north and the North East Of England. Those Lime Green Colours indicate rainfall in excess of 100 millimetres. Now the forecast then through the evening and night actually shows fairly quiet weather across the bulk of scotland, england and wales, but rain already reaching northern ireland. And by the early hours of wednesday, i think showers gather in the south and the southwest. Its relatively mild, around nine to 12 degrees celsius, relatively mild atlantic air. So tomorrow, rain clouds in the southwest. Some of these will be thunderstorms, Rain Expected in northern ireland. That could be heavy. The winds really strengthen, particularly out of the east or the southeast. These are gusts of wind, but the weather across the bulk of central and Northern England as well as scotland, not bad at all and quite mild on the thermometer around the mid teens to perhaps 16 or 17. But the winds will be strengthening so it wont feel like it. Heres that heavy rain through wednesday evening, really quite torrential at times. Again, some cracks of thunder. And then wednesday night into thursday, that Weather Front moves northwards and then crucially, it actually aligns itself with that east southeasterly wind. So those winds will keep pushing the rain clouds into the North East Of England and scotland. Now, there could be really a lot of rain in parts of Eastern Scotland causing flooding disruption. Its prompted the met office to issue an Amber Warning at worse, 200 millimetres of rain over a couple of days in the upland areas. At ten the worst single mass killing of palestinians, in the israel gaza war so far. Hundreds are dead, after a blast at a hospital. Chaos and horror at the scene. Much of the building, has been destroyed. A panic to treat the injured. Thousands of people were sheltering at the hospital, having fled israels bombing campaign, targetting hamas. They thought they were safe, now gazans count the cost of this war. Israel denies it was responsible, blaming palestinian islamicjihad. Jordan, egypt, the uae and saudi arabia condemn what they say was an israeli attack. Tonight, thereve been protests by palestinians in the west bank, clashing with security forces. Well be looking at the implications of this devastating strike on International Efforts at diplomacy in the region. Also on the programme

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