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Country . It and it is, is gas and actual country . Country . It is not officially formerly country . It is not officially formerly a country . It is not officially formerly a country country . It is not officially formerly a country as country . It is not officially| formerly a country as such. Country . It is not officially formerly a country as such. Gaza is part of the palestinian territories. There is gaza, the occupied west bank and eastjerusalem and its surroundings, which is seen as part of the palestinian territories. The palestinian authority, the plo, which is essentially the original Real Driving Force of Palestinian State ship declared that it was the states many decades ago. Some countries have accepted palestine as a state, but there are a number of others who havent, the us being perhaps the main one. But it has at the moment, at the un it has observer status, nonmember observer status, which is essentially close to being accepted as estates, but not a state and we still talk about the Peace Process that has been going on for years, but has been stalled for a long time now. The Main Objective of that was to create a Palestinian State, the so called two state solution, to this conflict. �. , two state solution, to this conflict two state solution, to this conflict. ,. , conflict. Another question people have been asking conflict. Another question people have been asking is conflict. Another question people have been asking is does conflict. Another question people have been asking is does hamasl have been asking is does hamas represent palestine . Iris. Have been asking is does hamas represent palestine . Have been asking is does hamas represent palestine . No, it doesnt reresent represent palestine . No, it doesnt represent palestine. Represent palestine . No, it doesnt represent palestine. It represent palestine . No, it doesnt represent palestine. It is represent palestine . No, it doesnt represent palestine. It is one represent palestine . No, it doesnt represent palestine. It is one of represent palestine. It is one of the two main factions. It is wholly controlled gaza since 2007. It won the last elections in 2006, then fought a battle with fatah, the party that essentially runs the occupied west bank and drove them out. It has been in control since then. It is an islamist organisation, its ideology originally comes from the Muslim Brotherhood in egypt. Palestinians themselves, not all of them are muslims, there are christians, as well. It doesnt represent the entirety of palestinians by any means. It represents notjust the islamist ideology, but resistance to israel. It is seen as the most active in that resistance, as we say once again here. The plo, fatah, have moved towards come in the past three decades, to essentially accepting israels right to exist and no longer confronting it militarily. Hamas has never changed from its monetary stance towards israel, that it sees it as its enemy and will fight it regularly, this being the most extreme example that we have seen so far. We have seen so far. Another question we have seen so far. Another question that we have seen so far. Another question that is we have seen so far. Another question that is one we have seen so far. Another question that is one of we have seen so far. Another question that is one of the i we have seen so far. Another i question that is one of the most searched on the internet is who are the palestinians . Can you explain that to us . The palestinians . Can you explain that to us . ,. ,. ,. , that to us . There is a long history. The word palestine that to us . There is a long history. The word palestine dates that to us . There is a long history. The word palestine dates back that to us . There is a long history. The word palestine dates back at l the word palestine dates back at least 2,000 years, it was used in roman times. It was adopted in the early days of islam. There was a palestine existing, and can cant really say is a state, but as a region for a very long time and people identified as palestinians for a very long time. The mandate that existed under the british that came before israel was established was known as palestine. Palestine is very much an accepted way of referring to that region, but there are many problems with that in terms of how large a part of that region is seen as palestine. Many israelis would go back further, they would go back to the biblical denomination of many of those areas, judaea and samaria and other words like that. Though historically it is that, and there is no question about the sense of there being a palestine and the palestinian people, the actual way in which that is interpreted is still open to question, depending on what perspective people are looking at it from. It remains a very live debate. Certainly for the people who identify as palestinians, the huge diaspora both in the Refugee Camps that spread across part of the middle east, but well beyond that, they obviously naturally 100 see themselves as palestinians, even if there is no formal Palestinian State at the moment. There is no formal Palestinian State at the moment. Sebastien, one of the most asked questions at the moment. Sebastien, one of the most asked questions online at the moment. Sebastien, one of the most asked questions online is, at the moment. Sebastien, one of the most asked questions online is, who l most asked questions online is, who backs hamas . Backs hamas . Financially, one of its main suoporters backs hamas . Financially, one of its main supporters has backs hamas . Financially, one of its main supporters has been backs hamas . Financially, one of its main supporters has been qatar, backs hamas . Financially, one of its| main supporters has been qatar, but qatar would make a distinction between supporting the people of gaza, who obviously have faced immense problems economically. It is one of the poorest areas in the world. They would say that the money that they gave through hamas is for the people, but it doesnt necessarily support the political agenda of hamas. It doesnt support what hamas is doing now necessarily. It does believe in the palestinian bid for its own state, for its own identity. It supports at 100 and it believes that palestinians face huge problems, much of them they believe resulting from israel and its occupation, but it would not say that it directly supports hamas as an entity. You have other entities like iran that do support hamas. We have seen since this has happened that iran has come out and shown its backing, saying that it believes that israel is reaping the wind that it has sown. Also in military terms, in the past, maybe not so much now, but a lot of the missiles that hamas was somehow able to get despite the blockade around gaza were iranian made. In more recent years they have been able to manufacture many of those themselves within gaza. Syria, again, the so called axis of resistance. Also hezbollah in lebanon, which did make a gesture by firing some mortars towards israel on the second day of this assault, but hasnt so far committed itself beyond that. Lebanon as a country supports again the rights of the palestinians do exist, to defend themselves, but the government, such as it is in lebanon, wouldnt go all out in support of hamas. So there are backers, but i would say the most important would be iran and qatar, financially at least. Qatar, financially at least. Thank ou, qatar, financially at least. Thank you, sebastien. Qatar, financially at least. Thank you, sebastien. So, qatar, financially at least. Thank you, sebastien. So, a qatar, financially at least. Thank you, sebastien. So, a full you, sebastien. So, a full explanation to all of those questions you have been searching for online. I will leave you nor with the live pictures of what is happening in gaza city. There have been attacks ongoing over the last few hours. The latest and youre getting from the Gaza Health Ministry is that 511 people have been killed and 2750 have been injured as a result of israeli Missile Strikes on the gaza strip since saturday. Israel says it is striking hamas targets in gaza. Lucy hawkins is here with the very latest at the top of the hour. Hello again. Over the weekend wed a real contrast with the weather north to south. In scotland, we had torrential rain which led to some disruption and flooding, whereas as we pushed across england, wales and Northern Ireland, this area of High Pressure was very much in charge, so it was settled and it was very warm for the time of year, as it will be today. We do have a weak Weather Front draped across northern england, Northern Ireland and also parts of southern scotland. It has been producing some patchy light rain. That will continue to fade. We also have a lot of low cloud, mist and mark close to the irish sea coastlines. You can see here a lot of dry weather, a fair bit of sunshine, warm across the far south east. A wee bit fresher as we push further north, but feeling much better in scotland today than it did over the weekend. Through this evening and overnight, the low cloud, mist and mark in the irish sea will push a bit further inland and drift across the English Channel coast, as well. Well also have some more rain coming in across western scotland. In fact, the met office has a yellow Weather Warning out for this because this Rain Is Falling on already saturated ground. It will be with us tomorrow, courtesy of this Weather Front which is just very slowly pushing southwards. Tomorrow, as you can tell from the isobars, its going to be breezy wherever you are, windy in the north and the low cloud. The low cloud, mist and murk thats pushed inland overnight will start to retreat back towards the coasts, but what youll find is some of it will linger. Temperatures tomorrow widely 19 to 2a degrees, but on the other side of the Weather Front in the north it will start to turn that bit fresher. Our Weather Front makes it down into england and wales during the course of wednesday. Behind it, brighterskies, still noticeably breezy with a few showers peppering the north and the west. You can see the fresher conditions nine to about 18 degrees behind the Weather Front, but ahead of it were still in the much warmer air. Still for london 23 degrees. Then, as we look beyond that, our Weather Front, which has come south, looks very much like, on thursday, its going to push northwards again and weve got another one slipping south. We could well see these two merge during the course of friday. Still a bit of uncertainty about it, but what it does mean is that in the outlook period it does turn more unsettled with more of us seeing some rain. But behind the Weather Front in southern england, as it moves north, will get warmer. You are watching bbc news. We are now bringing you live coverage of the Labour Party Conference for our viewers. The second day of the conference is under way in liverpool. The labour party will focus on plans to recover billions of pounds lost to fraud and investing in critical infrastructure. The shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves expected to set out her speech to the conference in a few moments. You can see some of the delegates waiting for miss reeves to speak. She will also make the case for overhauling planning rules to speed up green energy and sg rules to speed up green energy and 5g projects. This years conference could be the last ahead of general elections expected next year. We will bring you all of her speech live as soon as it gets under way shortly, but first of all lets turn to our political correspondent, nick eardley, at the conference in liverpool. Rachel reeves will be talking about key issues for voters ahead of the elections which we expect to be next year. What do you think she has to do to try and convince voters across the country that labour is a party to trust when it comes to the economy . It comes to the economy . Whats really interesting it comes to the economy . Whats really interesting is it comes to the economy . Whats really interesting is over it comes to the economy . Whats really interesting is over the it comes to the economy . Whats really interesting is over the past| really interesting is over the past two or three years, partly since liz trusss government and some of the economic decisions taken then, labourfeel economic decisions taken then, labour feel like they economic decisions taken then, labourfeel like they are economic decisions taken then, labour feel like they are on the front foot when it comes to the economy. They are comfortable, confident even in selling their economic message to the country. What i think you will hear from Rachel Reeves over the next wee while is a pitch for what she thinks is the political centre. Basically for a bit of reassuring ideology, saying we will not make big, bold policy pledges that will maybe spook voters, we will not say anything particularly ambitious when it comes to tax or spending. Instead of that, we will focus a lot on fiscal rules, on keeping the economy in check are not going too far with spending and tax. Basically a message to say to voters you dont need to be worried about our economic mess. Rachel reeves herself is an interesting choice for kier starmer to take into the general election is a shadow chancellor. A former economist at the bank of england, someone who knows the economy well. It wouldnt surprise me if she spends a lot of this speech trying to say to voters, look, we will be sensible with the economy if we get into power. We are not going to spend wildly, we will not going to spend wildly, we will not tax you more than we need to. There will be questions undoubtedly about some of labours spending commitments. They have said they will not burrow for day to day spending, so things the government spends day to day. Not big Infrastructure Projects like hs2 or other key Core Infrastructure for the country. They have said they are prepared to borrow for that, but when it comes to day to day Spending Labour have said they will balance the books and there are questions for them about how they will manage to do that as well as promising some of the things they want to do in power. The main message drilled into labour people at the moment is to be sensible, dont do anything risky, dont do anything that might scare voters off. A lot of senior people in the labour party are increasingly confident they are heading for power and they dont want to make any mistakes. Chatting to members of the Shadow Cabinet in the past few hours around liverpool, they are all saying lets not do anything daft

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