Welcome to the programme. Starting with the big story that came out of spain over the weekend where investigators are working to identify the victims of a deadly Nightclub Fire in the southeastern city of murcia. At least 13 people are known to have died in whats believed to be spains worst such disaster in over 30 years. It broke out in the popular teatre nightclub, in the early hours of the morning. Our correspondent, guy hedgecoe, sent this report. The fire began at around 6am in the Fonda Milagros nightclub before spreading to two venues next to it. The cause of the blaze is unknown, but its effect was devastating. Translation we dont know anything. We are waiting for news to see whether some of our Family Members have come out alive. Translation i think we left 30 seconds or one minute before the alarms went off and all the lights went out and there were screams saying there was a fire. I was in a place where i could get out, but five Family Members and two friends are still missing. Emergency services have been searching through the rubble, trying to find bodies. For friends and relatives of those who did not escape the blaze, it has been an agonising wait. Theyve been receiving support from counselors in a nearby sports complex. The police are now carrying out dna tests on the bodies of those killed in an attempt to identify them, but it could be a slow process. This is the worst Nightclub Fire in spain in more than 30 years, and the local authorities have declared three days of mourning. Italys Prime Minister has warned that europe will be overwhelmed by migration unless the European Union finds solutions. Italy currently receives the highest number of people smugglers boats, carrying Asylum Seekers and other migrants in europe. The number of arrivals is already almost double that of last year. But many of the migrants then aim to travel north to wealthier countries like germany, france or the uk. Our correspondent mark lowen has been to two different locations along the french italian border where migrants are attempting to cross. Preparing, they hope, their footsteps to freedom. They trod the long path of desperation to europe, but even now, in italy, they want to go on to france and beyond. Numbers here have doubled since last year, armed with their dreams and kit from this charity to cross the tough alpine border. Omarfrom nigeria went via libya, paying smugglers 800 to reach the Southern Italian island of lampedusa. His aim to get to britain. I just want to have a good life, to study there. But have you not seen all the pictures and have you not heard about people being sent back from britain or sent back from france . Yes, i am seeing, but you know, i willjust try my best to. I will try again to go. From africa and the middle east, they are on the same team, keeping spirits up before the hard journey ahead. Some fail early an egyptian is sent back, but the checks this side are rare. Volunteer, eleanor, says the Italian Police seem to turn a blind eye. They know exactly what we do here. What these people are here for, so it is like a game somehow. They know but they pretend not to know. There will be some people who would say you are encouraging illegal migration. If you see somebody that needs something, or if you know which are the risks in the mountains, because you know the mountain and you live here, can you allow people to walk in the mountain like this . A short bus ride and they are at the border. But most avoid the official crossing, fearing police. Instead, they scatter into the forest, waiting to dash over the alps. The pull of europe leads through perilous parts that have already taken the lives of some seeking new ones. 0thers try a different route across, further south in ventimiglia, close to nice. But on the french side, controls are stringent. Each train is checked, leaving no door open. It is a constant to and fro, the italian authorities happy enough to see the migrants cross here into france, no longer their responsibility, only for the French Police to say, we dont want them either, and to send them back across the border. But caught in the middle of europes Game Of Cat And Mouse are the desperate. They may have failed today but whatever the impediment, it is likely they will keep on trying. So they wait for their next chance no sea, no border a deterrence. The far right mayor here is seeking divine intervention from brussels. Translation the eu is not working. Each country is setting its own Migration Limits and italy has to shoulder the burden alone. The far right mayor here is seeking divine intervention from brussels. Translation the eu is not working. Each country is setting its own Migration Limits and italy has to shoulder the burden alone. France suspended Free Movement at its border and we are forced to take back huge numbers, which is only slowing the flow to calais and britain, not solving it. Migrants have spat and urinated in the cemetery. We have reached our limit. We could become the lampedusa of the north. At the alpine border, the red cross helps ease hunger and cold until the migrants will make their move away from prying eyes. Europe faces a new bottleneck here, and whatever its leaders seem to do, hope and determination are proving impossible to extinguish. Mark lowen, bbc news, on the italy france border. At least ten migrants died and 25 were injured when a cargo truck secretly carrying them overturned on a highway in the Southern Mexican State of chiapas. The accident took place near the border with guatemala a stretch of highway along the Pacific Coast where migrants often travel as they attempt to reach the United States. Uk Prime Minister, rishi sunak has refused to commit to cutting taxes after a Senior Member of his own cabinet called for them to be lowered before the next election. He was speaking in a bbc interview in manchester as the conservative Party Conference got under way. Rishi sunak also refused to confirm that the new multi billion pound high speed rail line, hs2, will reach manchester, as is currently planned. 0ur Political Editor chris mason has the details. 12 months ago, rishi sunak was a loser, defeated in the race to be Prime Minister, but on the upside for him, he did get a holiday. Literally a year ago today, i was having the time of my life. He was in ibiza, taking it easy, working out what to do next. This morning, with his wife cuddling a baby, mr sunak was in burnley in lancashire, trying to come up with a game plan to avoid being a loser again, this time at the general election. Punching the air and punchier in what he is saying rishi sunak� s strategy for this autumn. Youve got to take a stand on things. I dont expect everyone to agree with me on everything but people will have a clear idea of what i believe, what i stand for, and the direction in which i want to lead the country. But what do the conservatives stand for on taxes, which are higher than at any point since the Second World War . This Cabinet Minister has a view. Should there be a reduction in the tax burden on individuals before the next election . Yes, i would like to see the tax burden reduced before the next election. Plenty of conservative mps would love to see tax cuts before the election. The Prime Minister, though, is more vague. Your close colleague, michael gove, said this morning you should commit to cutting taxes for working people before the next election. Will you make that commitment . As i said, the best tax cut that we can give working people is to halve inflation. So you wont make that commitment right now . Im a conservative and i want to cut taxes. This conference in manchester is being held in what used to be a railway station, as time and time again, Rishi Sunak Ducks whether there will ever be a new high speed rail line, hs2, between here and london. You are the Prime Minister of this country. This is your decision. Is this going to happen or not . As i said, weve got spades in the ground, i wont comment on further speculation but what i can tell you we are doing is absolutely committed to levelling up across this country. Just today, we have announced a new plan to put a long term plan, actually to focus on people in towns. Party conferences often include a mild splash of razzmatazz. Smiles, handshakes and rather loud music. How are you doing . Are you pumped to be here . the conservative challenge turning his energy into popularity. Meanwhile at the conference, uks defence secretary grant shapps, has said the uks support for the nato Military Alliance is unwavering. He confirmed plans for two new deployments. Around 200 british soldiers are being sent to the nato peacekeeping mission in kosovo. And raf typhoon fighter jets are heading to poland which he said was facing continued russian aggression. Theres been a request from natos Supreme Allied Commander europe, so i have authorised the full deployment of a battalion size uk Strategic Reserve force to natos Kosovo Peacekeeping mission. In the days ahead, hundreds of soldiers from the 1st Battalion Princess Of Wales Royal Regiment Willjoin the 400 British Servicemen and women already in kosovo. In response to a request from our polish friends, raf typhoons are landing in poland as i speak, to support our nato ally with the growing threat of russian interference. Elsewhere at the conservative Party Conference, the tory london mayoral candidate susan hall promised to be the first Female Labour Mayor of london in a slip of the tongue while talking about current london mayor sadiq khan. Take a listen. 230 days time, he can do whatever he likes. Its true because i will be sitting at my desk in city hall as you are first female labour, no, not labour � , labour laughter never labour laughter never labour labour laughter never labour but| labour laughter never labour but your first female london mayor. Thank you, everybody. Turkey says its conducted air strikes on bases of the kurdish rebel group, the pkk, in Northern Iraq in response to an attack near the parliament in ankara. A Suicide Bomber blew himself up outside the National Police headquarters, hours before the parliament reopened for a new session. A second attacker was killed by the police. Two policemen were injured. The pkk said the bombing was carried out by a group linked to them. It was the first bomb attack in the turkish capital since 2016. Around the world and across the uk. This is bbc news. Lets look at some other stories making news. The family of the girl who died when her school coach overturned on the motorway have paid tribue to her today saying she was warm hearted and wonderful. 15 year old Jessica Baker was killed with driver Stephen Shrimpton when the vehicle crashed on the m53 in wirral on friday. Family, faith leaders, councillors, police and members of the community have gathered to remember the 15 year old victim of a stabbing in croydon in south london. Schoolgirl Elianne Andam was stabbed to death at a bus stop on the 27th of september. On friday, a 17 year old boy, who cannot be legally named because of his age, was charged with her murder. A man has been charged after an image of Football Mascot Bradley Lowery was allegedly mocked at a game on friday. The sunderland fan captured the nations heart before he died of cancer in 2017. 31 year old Dale Houghton from rotherham was arrested on saturday and has been charged with a public order offence. Youre live with bbc news. To the us now, where hardline republicans in congress say theyll try to oust the House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy, after he backed a last minute deal to avert a government shutdown. The rare show of bipartisan unity late on saturday will keep federal bodies open for a further forty five days. But not everyone is happy. In interview on abc news, republican hardliner matt gaetz said he will be relentless in moving to oust Speaker Mccarthy over the shutdown deal. Take a listen injanuary, to get the speakership, kevin had to agree to certain guardrails on spending, and he agreed to a process that would allow us to put some downward pressure on spending. He made that commitment, he broke it, and if at this time next week, Kevin Mccarthy is still speaker of the house, it will be because the democrats bailed him out and he can be their speaker, not mine. When do you make this move . You will be seeing it this week. Well as you might expect, Speaker Mccarthy has been defiant. Hitting back at Congressman Gaetz in an interview on cbs. He says he is coming for you. Can you survive . Yes, ill survive. This is personal with matt. Matt voted against the most conservative ability to protect our border, secure our border. Hes more interested in securing Tv Interviews than doing something. He wanted to push us into a shutdown, even threatening his own district with all the military people there who would not be paid, only because he wants to take this motion. So be it. Bring it on. Lets get over with it and lets start governing. President joe biden has also expressed disappointment about the contents of the deal, particularly the lack of funding for ukraine. He welcomed the short Term Extension that ensures American Government services can continue and workers will be paid, but assured ukraine that they have the unwavering support of the United States i want to assure our american allies, the American People and the people of ukraine, that you can count on our support. We will not walk away. The vast majority of both parties, ill say it again, democrats and republicans, senate and house, support helping ukraine in the brutal aggression that has been thrust upon them by russia. Stop playing games. Get this done. I asked daniel lippman, white house and washington reporter at politico, if we should expect these tense moments to repeat after the 45 days . I dont think so. I think they will figure out a Spending Deal to keep the government open for another year plus when they make that deal in the next 45 days, but it has been very harrowing in washington because no one wants to shut down except probably matt gates, who raised a lot of money, hes been sending out e mails to his list saying he is standing up to the establishment, so we see the evidence of that where both democrats and republicans say, enough. You are causing us issues here in the us government. Speaking of Kevin Mccarthy, how realistic is that possibility of him having to move out to . I dont think thats going to happen because mccarthy has goodwill from democrats to keep hisjob because he was able to keep the government open. He will probably have another ukraine spending package to help them fight russia on the floor and the next few weeks. The senate will pass at first, move it to the house and then he will let, he will pair it with more money for the us mexican border, so that they dont have to be accused of supporting ukraine more than keeping the us safe from the huge streams of migration we have been seeing. I wanted to pass on that point, funding has been the key sticking point. President biden, wejust heard from him hasjust assured that the us will continue its unwavering support to ukraine. How is he planning to go ahead despite the divisions that we have seen . I think americans are definitely getting concerned with the length of this conflict. We have spent tens of billions of dollars to help ukraine and they have made huge progress. A lot of people didnt think that kyiv would stand strong and they have. But, clearly, we dont want a ten year war here. So the congressmen and senators on both sides understand that and they are trying to get ukraine into a better bargaining position. It has been interesting to watch how the Republican Party is to be very anti russia and anti soviet union 30 after 1l0 years ago, and other pockets of the party that are more accommodating of russia. Very briefly, what can we expect to see over the next few weeks . What i think they are going to do is probably, you know, between 10 20 billion package from the senate of aid to ukraine. It will pass with huge majorities in the house as well. So i think that is what we are going to expect to see. Lets take a look at some other stories in the headlines. An Iraqi Government investigation into a fire that killed more than 100 people at a wedding last week has blamed Gross Negligence and a lack of safety measures. Iraqs interior minister Abdul Amir Al shammari told a News Conference that 900 people had been allowed into the venue, which was designed for less than half that number. He confirmed the disaster was accidental. The Afghan Embassy in new delhi has ceased its operations with effect from sunday due to an alleged lack of support from the sentience government and a reduction in its personnel and resources. In a Statement Released on the social media platform X Formerly Twitter the embassy further said its failure to meet the expectations in serving afghanistans interests was another reason for stopping operations. In australia, sydney Temperature Records are smashed for the start of october. The temperature peaked at 35. 6 degrees celsius on sunday, beating the previous record by more than two degrees and soaring 11 degrees above the average. Fire danger warnings were issued across new south wales. Hong kong has hosted the first fireworks event since 2018, to celebrate national day the founding of the Republic Of China in 1919. Over 30,000 fireworks were launched into the sky above Victoria Harbour to celebrate the day. Divided into eight scenes, Fireworks Shells for the 23 minute display were discharged from three barges and six pontoons. The entire fireworks display will cost approximately 18 million hong kong. Heres more from martin yip of bbc chinese on the fireworks display this is the first time in five years that hong kong is putting up a Firework Display for chinas national day. In 2019, we saw a cancellation because of the Anti Government protests, and then it was followed by three years of covid 19 pandemic, which saw virtually all major gatherings being wiped out from hong kong, from Mainland China and from the rest of the world. Tens of thousands of people are expected to gather along the coastlines here on hong kong island, and on the other side of the Victoria Harbour in kowloon to watch the spectacle. Some 8,000 Police Officers are reportedly deployed for the occasion. They are taking no chance, wearing stab proof vests, Stay Patrollled and stationed along the streets. Even followed by what they call the restoration of order since beijing has introduced the National Security law in 2020. John lee, the citys leader, has made a speech earlier today where he emphasised the need for unity across the city for economic development, and he is calling for support for chinas Major Development strategies, including the Greater Bay Area initiative, as well as the one belt, 0ne road initiatives. He is seeing these as keys to potential success for hong kong to rebound from an economic downturn since the covid 19 pandemic. Indonesia is launching the first High Speed Railway in Southeast Asia after years of delay. President widodo will be inaugurating the multi billion Dollar Project on monday, which is partly funded by china, as part of its belt and road initiative. 0ur News Reporter has more. It is a fitting name, as it can reach speeds of up to 350 kph. It will run on 142 km long track and the Worlds Most Populous Island connecting two of indonesias largest metropolis. Reducing the current journey time from three hours to 45 minutes. Now, the train was scheduled to launch four years ago, but was delayed due to the pandemic and other construction issues which led to the cost of that ballooning from less than 5 billion to more than 7 billion. Now the train is billed by china and funded by Chinese State firms and its an ambitious venture for both countries for indonesias president , who you can see here who the train� s speed and you can see him inside the train during a test run last month. Part of his plan to attract infrastructure, investment deals. For china, it is part of its road initiative, linking china with the rest of the world, which some experts also say is beijings efforts to increase intake date make economic and political clout in the world. Now, the critics of indonesias new High Speed Railway system say due to its relative short distance of around just 140 km, it might be less competitive to slow or trains or cars, resulting in low demand. And with a little passengers, even though electric trains reduce Energy Consumption and pollution, it might be less cost effective. And with a surge in costs, it may prove to be a bad investment for indonesia because it had to use state funds and a loan from a chinese bank to keep this project afloat. Lets leave you with these pictures for a special Birthday Party in china, particularly if you happen to be this panned out. The bear who was born on the eve of the holiday is celebrating her fourth birthday. She got a special meal prepared in the shape of moon cakes and crabs, mimicking traditional snacks for the mid autumn festival. Numerous visitors in guang sjho city took advantage of their time off to pay her a visit. Leaving you with these pictures. Hello. Following on from our very warm september, october has also started on a warm note particularly towards the south. Thats the way itll stay through the next few days, at least. Were looking at some warm days ahead, particularly towards the south. Mild nights with no frost around, and some rain at times through the week ahead, too. So weve got a few fronts around one of them producing quite a lot of cloud and outbreaks of light patchy rain over the next few hours across parts of southern england, wales, too. So a murky start here, some low cloud, fog and drizzle around coasts and hills. Very mild in the south to start monday morning, 14 15 celsius. Further north, though, were looking at temperatures in single figures from the word go under those clearer skies. And well keep some sunshine across scotland, northern ireland, and northern england, too. One or two blustery showers in the far northwest. Further south across the uk, generally more cloud. Outbreaks of rain particularly during monday afternoon, which could be heavy and thundery for parts of southern england, the Midlands Lincolnshire for instance, a bit more rain just pushing into perhaps yorkshire, northern parts of wales, as well. But still warm in the south, 22 celsius or so, were looking at the mid teens, though, further north. So moving through monday evening, some of that rain could be heavy and thundery across parts of the midlands, perhaps lincolnshire, east anglia for a time. Gradually, that will clear away into the early hours of tuesday, and some slightly fresher conditions working their way in. But it will still be another quite mild, muggy night, 13 14 celsius, so weve still got that warm, Humid Airfirst thing but it does get swept away, as we see westerly winds developing behind this frontal system on tuesday. So, yes, a bit of a cloudy, damp start perhaps in the southeast. Sunny spells and scattered showers from the west, from the word go, and theyre going to push their way eastwards across the uk through the day. So most of the showers during the morning are in the northwest, but they could crop up a little bit further east later on. Temperatures 13 19 on tuesday not as warm as monday, but still above average for the time of year. Now, High Pressure sits to the south, low pressure moves in from the northwest into the middle of the week. So some rain on wednesday perhaps for northern ireland, scotland, as well. Further south, england and wales, i think predominantly dry, perhaps a bit of rain in the north later on in the day. Fairly breezy with some of those showers coming through, but some sunshine and temperatures again, about 13 to 19 degrees. But it looks like those temperatures will continue to rise through thursday and friday, especially in the south, and we could see temperatures into the mid 20s as we head on into next weekend. Bye for now. The us of which the government shut down for now, will find out if investors are losing confidence in the Worlds Largest economy. Entering the fed lady disrupts the way he used cars are sold in southeast. We begin this morning in the us within the federal government has avoided a partial shut in both the house and senate have agreed on a Spending Bill for 45 days. 0r give politicians a bit more time and flexibility to try and agree on a deal to fund the government to the 30th September 2024. Fund the government to the 30th September2024. Kevin fund the government to the 30th September 2024. Kevin mccarthy submitted the legislation in defiance of hard liners in his own party who say they will not derail the process. Joe biden urged all members of congress to do what it takes to avoid a government shutdown. Brute to do what it takes to avoid a government shutdown. We should not be here. Government shutdown. We should not be here, we government shutdown. We should not be here, we shouldve not be here, we shouldve gotten here in the first place. Its time to end the governing by crisis and keep your word when you

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