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Hello, sweetheart. Good girl. 0k, there you go. And then at the back here, its rough, you can touch at the back here. Oh, yeah at least you are able to lay your hands on what is the last of a being on the planet. It is sad and i hope it doesnt happen again to another species. And why are they so rare, james . Um, its basically poaching, which has just been driven by human greed and greed in different forms greed for power, greed for their medicinal aspects. Someone who has been made to believe, traditionally, that if they drink a rhino horn, its a cure for cancer. They can pay any amount to get a small piece of rhino horn. But thats not true on the black market, a kilo of rhino horn is now selling for something more than us 60,000. You can imagine a rhino, that is a lot of money and its a lot of business and thats why still poaching becomes a serious problem. I kind of want to show you a footprint of a rhino. Right here, we have one. Its humbling to meet najin and fatu, but frustrating not be able to see them. Althouthames is teaching me some age old rhino Tracking Techniques that rely on other senses. But he told me to expect to get my hands dirty very dirty. Rhinos are very hygienic in nature. They drop their poop in a collective place, we call it a midden. Its pretty fresh. Much of rhinos� poop is semi digested grass. It feels like soil back at home. Yeah. I guess its fertiliser. 0h, now it is smelling a bit doggy. And so there are all rhinos dropping their poop together. Oh, youre. There is the smell it doesnt smell that bad. Itjust smells of, like, off grass, you know . The reason why we value these middens is especially when youre doing patrols as rangers, the rangers will use this as a parameter. Yes. But lots of rhinos use it to communicate. They poop out different smells at different stages. A young one is different from a mature rhino, a female is different from a male. The canine unit who protect the animals here are made up of Armed Rangers and highly trained dogs. Each of these brave pooches has a special ability, from picking up the scent of a poacher to detecting ammunition, and even attacking potential suspects so they can be detained. And their target today. Is me. The canine unit raise funds for their work by allowing tourists to take part in their dogs� training. Sarahs going to smell my scent and go, thats her and track my footsteps. Ok, lets go. Were hiding now. 0k, were hiding were hiding from sarah. This swab is like a scent magnet. Yeah, hopefully she doesnt see me and shejust. Yeah, were testing her sarah the dog can get everything she needs to know to find me from a quick sniff of a swab rubbed over my footprint. So scared i dont know was shes gonna do when she finds me i mean, shes got her harness on and shes in work mode, and i know more than anyone that a dog in work mode is so focused, just like my Guide Dog Girl is. Humans live in a world of sight, whereas mans best friend lives in a world of smell and can follow the scent across the plains. Theyre coming. Gosh good girl there you go you found me well done clever girl youre just so amazing does she look happy with herself . She probably does all in a days work, hey, honey . Before i left ol pejeta for the maasai mara, james and will wanted to introduce me to another type of rhino. Meet baraka, the blind rhino. This is baraka. Oh, i can hear him in the local language, baraka means blessed. Blessed. Yes. 0h, he sounds sweet. Is he eating his Little Leaves . Black rhinos are nervous in temperament, which can make them really aggressive and hard to get close to on safari. But this one is an exception to the rule and happily lets visitors feed him. Meet � baraka the blind. He lost his right eye to a fight with another rhino. Did he lose that first, the right eye . Yeah, his right eye first. Same as me, yeah. And then the left eye got a disease, cataracts, and the attempts to treat the cataracts were futile. Ijust i really. I really feel for him, you know, having to get around in this enclosure and learning his way about. And the same with the cataract that must be so confusing for him when he was first going blind. Was he. Was he upset in any way, could you tell that he was upset . Yeah, he was very upset. He was the age of one to 14, he was roaming free out in the wild and i think him becoming blind at the age of 14, he had to learn how to do things in that state. 0k, yeah. It was really hard, it was really hard. I know for us sometimes we have people to help us. We have dogs to help us in our movement and, you know, the caretakers had to step in, which was not easy because he was still aggressive. So he was very defensive in himself. So im really happy for what hes made of himself and being able to still be here. Yeah, its so hard. I just, yeah. I understand. I have a really rare genetic condition and i had a cataract too that eventually, in my last remaining eye, just like baraka, it kind of, like, made my vision go and eventually that got, you know, it detached my retina at the back. Sorry. Cries. Its ok, its ok. Its completely fine. But, honestly, when you call baraka a blessing, it is a blessing. It is a blessing to be blind, because it means hes meant to teach people a lesson. Hes meant to hes meant to be here to get people to understand that you shouldnt be poaching these beautiful animals. Im sorry. Its hard. Its taking an emotional toll on you, realising the journey that baraka has been through. James, is he happy . He is a happy rhino. I think the munching itself, you can tell. We are near the waterfalls. What can you see . I can see a camel, just close. A camel . yeah, just a camel laughs. Theres a cameljust close to us. How many humps . One hump one hump, one hump, yes. And theres a carjust close to you theres a toy carjust close to you. A toy car so its a playground for children. Thomsons falls is a huge Tourist Attraction and theres a Viewing Platform where you can check out the 7am high waterfall. But thats not going to cut it for me. Whats this is this stairs . Yes, these are stairs. Lovely. Are they uneven, will . Yeah. 0h, 0k. Um. Im a bit afraid that im going to fall, so im just going to give you this tag for your arm. Itjust helps me balance a lot more so i can use the cane and hold on to you then. Instead, will and i are going to hike down to the bottom of the ravine. Ill get you to hold onto it. So i can get to really experience the falls. Normal amount, cool. Then. Yep. Bring your leg there. There, yep. So, what youre going to do first well pass through here, we can go slowly. This is the nastiest. The nastiest, yeah. Of all of them. 0k. So let me hold you. Yeah. Wow well done, will. Well done. Youre welcome. Thank you so much. Youre welcome. And you were using my cane, werent you . Laughs. Its the toughest it is its the toughest thing ive ever done the ability to just think negatively about my blindness, i used to think, oh, well, going to a different country is just a really expensive way of basically being in my back garden, and i didnt appreciate what else you could get from an experience. All you keep having to tell yourself is, you know, im getting to the waterfall, im getting to the waterfall. And now i can feel it on my face, itsjust the best thing ever that ive ever experienced. So, the waterfall is about 7k metres going down. 0k. It is 70 feet deep. And im guessing at the bottom of the waterfall, its, like, really harsh, like, white water. Yes, it has, like, foam. So this type of landscape, i didnt think you will ever reach here. Im very proud of you. Thank you. So, lucy, are you ready to go to the migration in maasai mara . I am, im so ready. This is the classic africa of storybooks and the location of the great migration. Betweenjune to september each year over 1. 5 million wildebeest make the 300 mile round trip from the serengeti in tanzania to the maasai mara here in kenya in search of fresh grass. Thats if they can get past the lions, the hyenas and cheetahs laying in wait for them. They then have to tackle the steep sided rivers that cross the migration route. Most of these rivers are teaming with Nile Crocodiles that can grow up to 20 feet in length. The river crossings are pure natural theatre, and theyre what the 300,000 tourists who visit here each year come to experience. But the crossings are extremely rare to see, so lets just hope i have some beginners luck. As will and i arrive at the gates of the Maasai Mara National reserve, i get to meet some Entrepreneurial Maasai women. Lovely to meet you, linda. Can you can you tell me what youre selling . I cant see you. Crosstalk. This giraffe . Its linda. Hi, linda so, basically. Laughs. I dont know what to do sorry. Someone hit me in the head with the giraffe ok, i need to take control of this. Everyone take a step back. Ok, here you go. Thank you so much, i love them linda i dont think ive ever been so overwhelmed in my whole entire life. I dont know what these are. I dont know what. I mean, theyre giraffes. Once they found out i love giraffes, i got about 70 giraffes, but i wasnt allowed to feel them. So, um. I will treasure these forever on my mantelpiece. Gerald and lenny the maasai are a kenyan tribe and famed across the country so much so that their shield and spears can be seen on the nationalflag. Traditionally, maasai life has been built around their cattle, but that way of life has come under threat in an ever modernising world. But with more and more tourists coming to kenya for the great migration, the maasai Are Diversifying Into Tourism and opening some of their villages so visitors can experience their traditional way of life. 0oh, yeah the women of the village have decided if i cant see them with my eyes, then they will give me the chance to wear their traditional dress which is great for me, as its really tactile. Did you make this . Yeah traditional singing. We like guests. Even our father say, the guests, they are best. Yeah . And they are blessed. Yeah. And actually, they go to see the big five. They say they want to see the big six. You know, the maasai, theyre the big six. Oh, right yeah, because. So, five animals and then you guys. And then us. The best time to go on a game drive is either last thing at night or first thing in the morning. Will believes if we are to have any chance in catching a river crossing, we will have to be out in the vehicle before dawn. So tonight, we are staying at a place called salas camp, deep in the maasai mara on the banks of the sand river. Animal noises. Oh, what is that . but its very overwhelming. Every little sound, im like, what is that . I can hear it. Gasps. Animal noises. That sounds so close after finding out i was being kept awake half the night by a baboon and a leopard having an argument, it was time to head out to try and find an elusive river crossing. But it didnt take long before i got a reminder ofjust how deadly this journey is for the wildebeest. Whats that noise . So, the noise is a kill. 0k. So, the noises that you hear. Cracking. Cracking, yeah. Is the vultures trying to remove the meat off the bones. Then they are eating the intestines. Oh, right are these birds dangerous, will . Its dangerous when you are dead. Laughs. This is feasting season for the predators. Yeah. Oh, i can hear the wildebeest to the left of me for most of the year, the maasai mara is quiet and calm with Bush Wilderness that goes on for miles. But during the migration, its a totally different story. Can you hear the sounds of the wildebeest . Its everywhere, isnt it . 3d sound yes. Something you cant get anywhere else. Its just beautiful. I love it and ive got my little figure here. Do they look like this, will . Yes, they look like this. So, first, their legs looks like hyena. They have very weak legs. Yes. When god was creating the wildebeest, he was the last animal to be created. Mm hm. A wildebeest is made with different types of animals. So, on the top is like a horse. On the horns, they look like a cow horn. Yes. Then they have the beards, like a goat. They do . Giggles. A beard like a goat around you, how many wildebeests would you say there were . I think we have the herd is about 50,000 or maybe 100,000 just close to us. Gasps. As theres so many wildebeest around the area our camp is in, this is a good sign that a crossing is about to happen. The ones who are moaning are the leaders, those are the leaders, they are the ones who are moaning because now, its early in the morning, its only the leaders who are communicating where to go to. But following a herd of wildebeest is not easy. Until will spots some shadowy figures at the edge of the river. So, the leader has just called for them to cross. Yes. And now, theyre making noise. Theyre communicating, saying, there is nothing. Theres no crocs or there are no hippos around. This is a case of right place and right time for both us and the wildebeest. Can you hear them in the water . Yeah, i can and, yes, thousands and thousands crossing right now. Maybe the lions and crocs were already full because this time, it seems that the herd reached the other side of the river and fresh grass unscathed. I may have taken the long way round on this safari, tuning each of my senses into a world so different from my own, but now, im getting to experience one of natures marvels something id never thought id be doing when i first lost my eyesight. So, this is the eighth wonder of the world. Later that evening, i wanted to end my safari in the traditional way with a sundowner, where you enjoy a drink watching the sunset against the beautiful african sky. Not a very blind friendly experience, lets face it but then, kenya had other plans. Thunder rumbles. Would you like a drink . Both laugh. Can i have a g t, please, will . Yes so, enjoy it knew that i wanted rain because i cant see the sun. And all the animals are happy yeah all the animals are happy, and so is this blind girl yeah cheers this is my blind girl sundown this has been one of the most Amazing Things i have ever done, and now i can well and truly say this is how a blind girl goes on safari. Thunder rumbles hello there. Storm betty is bearing down upon us through the rest of the night and the start of the weekend. Second named storm this month, and giving a lot of wet weather and windy weather, particularly for the western side of the uk. So heavy rain, potentially some really nasty thunderstorms across central and eastern areas being warned off could give some likely disruption, as well as the unusually windy weather which could bring down the odd small tree not great news for those under canvas either, those winds are more akin to autumn. So there are warnings out quite widespread warnings. More details on the website, but those gusts of wind could reach 40 50mph inland, as well. As i say, theres a potential for some really torrential thunderstorms, impactful weather because its so muggy and warm, thats also giving energy to these storms. Now getting towards morning, that rain is slow moving across scotland and northern ireland. It only slowly creeps its way northwards. The winds starting to abate a little bit, pushing showers ever eastwards. And look, for northern ireland, parts of scotland, its just shower after shower, but longer spells of rain for some. Before the event moves out of the way, thats storm betty, we could have a months worth of rain in some areas. But, given some sunshine through the day, particularly for the likes of eastern scotland, northeast england with an offshore wind, it might feel warmer than it did on friday. And then, as we go through the evening and overnight, the showers ease off further, the winds gradually decreasing so we could have some missed fog in southern areas in particular by sunday morning. And it will feel a little less oppressive, se� re losing that humidity, so a little bit more comfortable for sleeping saturday night, rather than the remainder of this night. Sunday sees fewer showers we will keep them in northern and western areas. Therell still be 1 2 getting into eastern areas, but there should be fewer showers on sunday for many parts. So perhaps the drier half of the weekend, still feeling quite warm it is august, after all. And, with High Pressure close to the south as we move into next week, we should see some more warmth here. But the lower pressure further north will maintain the risks of showers on monday, you can see some longer spells of rain coming in. Well, it is an area of area of the uk where we havent seen as much rain, but nevertheless east of the grampians best of the drier, brighter weather 25 26 further south. So, some warmth and some drier weather as we move into next week but, just for the remainder of the night, storm, betty still with us. There are numerous warnings more details on the website. Live from washington, this is bbc news. Billions of people around the world are expected to watch the highly anticipated womens world cup final, celebrating soccer, while issues of pay and inclusion loom large. Hello. Im caitriona perry. Youre very welcome. Its been the remarkable sporting tournament which has inspired, broken records, and sparked a conversation about opportunity and equality. The womens world cup wraps up on sunday with a Tantalising Grand Final pitting englands lionesses against spains la roja. The month long competition has been played in australia and new zealand by 32 teams for the first time, drawing fans from All Over The World to cheer, cry, and celebrate the game. Ahead of the big match, theres growing excitement in the two countries which have booked a spot in the final. There were wild reactions when england made it through, as you can see here. Now, ahead of sundays match, some young fans of the lionesses have a message for the team. I would like to see you when for the first time ever. For the first time ever. Good luck to win for the first time ever. Good luck to win the for the first time ever. Good luck to win the final. For the first time ever. Good luck to win the final. Good l luck to win the final. Good luck. I hope the luck to win the final. Good luck. I hope the other luck to win the final. Good l luck. I hope the other team does luck. I hope the other team does not luck. I hope the other team does not score luck. I hope the other team does not score anything. I luck. I hope the other team does not score anything. Good luck. Does not score anything. Good luck you does not score anything. Good luck. You deserve does not score anything. Good luck. You deserve to does not score anything. Good luck. You deserve to win does not score anything. Good luck. You deserve to win the l luck. You deserve to win the world cup. You should do good because you are probably the best womens World Cup Team there. I best womens World Cup Team there. ,. , best womens World Cup Team there you i there. I am very proud. You have done there. I am very proud. You have done really there. I am very proud. You have done really well have done really well throughout have done really well throughout the have done really well| throughout the whole have done really well throughout the whole tournament

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