We have a lot of work to do this hour, beginning with Vladimir Putin, who picked today of all days to abolish happiness in the world. Which was so unfortunate. Were going to get to that. And Big Joe Manchin breaking news, hes softening on the socalled Filibuster Rule. Hes embracing an idea that two of our guest have proposed. And he had a meeting with some democrats from texas who have come to washington to lobby him on the Voting Rights bills. Well have one of them join us. But heres what you missed. And this is big. Donald trump finally conceded tonight, he delivered the concession speech. He did. Yes. Not making this up. To sean hannity on that hour. Heres how it went. Its not the traditional form. First of all, sean hannity said to him, more than once, began questions with, if you were still president. And donald trump did not correct him. Donald trump went on okay. And said words. Im not going to say he answered the question, but he said words after the question mark. More than once, if you were still president. And then towards the end of the discussion, donald trump actually said this about joe biden. I want him to do well. Now that is thats in every concession speech. I want him to do well. I mean, thats it. That there it is. The concession speech. Well, if fox is willing to, like, chyron it that way and cover it that way, maybe the majority of republicans who think that trump is still secretly president from his golf cart may be nudged on that. I dont know, man. Like go ahead. Go ahead. Well, he did, by the way, say a lot of things that he said when he was president. There was an awful lot of rerunning of stuff in his head. But he accepted that frame more than once. If you were still president. He accepted that, that hes not still president. During my hour, while i was doing my show and very caught up in that, i did get sent one piece of news commentary from, which i now know is from that. I didnt know it was from a simultaneous interview. But hes apparently inveighing against windmills. Apparently, in his postpresidency, the war on windmills continues. If hes going to focus on one thing, like rather than trying to get all rightleaning americans to not believe in democracy anymore, but sure, go against windmills. Whatever makes you feel better. The war on democracy, i would prefer, to be back burnered. If him conceing to mr. Hannity tonight, i say, lets move forward on that basis. Windmills be damned. The Windmills Thing came up as a complaint that he has about what President Joe Biden is doing about windmills to generate electrical power. Hes just a citizen out there who is mad about these windmills. You know what its all about for him on the windmills . Its the birds, rachel. Its the birds. He rose in defense of the birds. Who are going to have trouble navigating those windmills and staying alive. Donald trumps worried about joe bidens president ially imposed windmills killing birds. Thats what donald trump is worried about. Hes a known, you know, proponent of all wildlife protections. And a real outdoorsy guy. I know. Youre up to date, now rachel. Youre all caught up. Thank you, lawrence. Get to your show. Well do it. Thank you, rachel. Thank you. Thank you. Russian literature can be a very dark place. Vladimir putin spoke to that darkness today when he said there is no happiness in life. There is only a mirage on the horizon. So cherish that. Now, some translators said putin attributed that line to tolstoy, but others did not. The closest tolstoy line i could find, in War And Peace he wrote, one must believe in the possibility of happiness in order to be happy. And i now believe in it. Let the dead bury the dead. But while im alive, i must live and be happy. Dictators like Vladimir Putin though that the people under their rule are not happy. And today, he told them that happiness doesnt exist. There is no happiness in life. Vladimir putin needs russians to give up on happiness so they will quietly endure the failure that Vladimir Putin has delivered to russia. A country almost double the size of the United States of america has an economy smaller than italys economy. The economy of the state of california is almost double the size of the entire russian economy. The economy of the state of texas is the same size. The texas economy sustains a State Population of 29 million people. The russian economy has to sustain a population of 144 million unhappy people. The russian army defeated germany in world war ii. Now the German Economy dominates the region because the soviet union and russia chose dictatorship after world war ii, and its left them far behind the germans. The primary reason americans must pay as much attention as they do to russian leaders is not the russian economy, but that russia has the second Largest Nuclear arsenal in the world. And that was one of the most important issues, not the most important issue, that President Biden discussed with Vladimir Putin. Translator the United States and the Russian Federation have particular responsibility when it comes to seeking stability in the world. This is because we are the two Largest Nuclear powers and we have the largest stockpiles of warheads and Delivery Systems based on the levels and based on the quality of nuclear the amount of nuclear weapons. We acknowledge this responsibility. I think its clear for everyone, the fact that President Biden has taken on the responsibility and has taken the decision which we believe is quite timely, to extend the treaty for five years, up until 2024. President joe biden and Vladimir Putin issued a joint statement saying they were able to make progress on our shared goals on ensuring predictability in the strategic sphere. The word for that is constructive, thats what diplomats call constructive talks. Not successful. They did not succeed in eliminating the threat of nuclear war, but they made constructive progress. Translator i think there was no hostility. Quite the contrary. Our meeting took place principally speaking, many of our positions we dont share the same positions in many areas. But i think that both of these sides showed a willingness to understand one another. And to find ways to bring our positions closer together. The talks were quite constructive. President biden described the first two hours of his discussion with Vladimir Putin, saying they went into detail before a larger group of officials from both sides joined the discussions. What is going to happen next, were going to be able to look back, look ahead, in three to six months, and say, did the things we agreed to sit down and try to work out, did it work . Do we, are we closer to a major strategic stability talks, and progress . Are we further along in terms of and go down the line. Im not here because the president and i agreed to do these things that all of a sudden its going to work. Im not saying that. Im saying i think there is a genuine prospect to significantly improve relations between our countries without giving up a single solitary thing based on principle and values. Shortly after the press conference, President Biden faced a sequence of odd questions beginning with is Military Response an option for a Ransomware Attack . And the president said no, because a Military Response with russia has been out of the question for joe bidens entire life. Thats why we had a cold war with the soviet union instead of a real war. Because a real war would have killed us all. The president was also asked, why are you so confident hell change his behavior . After President Biden clearly said he was not confident at all, and that we would find out six months or a year from now if we were making any progress at all. President biden said, im not confident hell change his behavior. When did i say he was confident . The final question was, how does that amount to a constructive meeting as President Putin framed it . And President Biden said, if you dont understand that, youre in the wrong business. He later apologized for being short with that reporter, and sounding like what he called a wise guy. If a reporter had asked that question of President Roosevelt after one of his meetings with stalin, we probably would have heard something at least as sharp as that, without an apology. Joining us, congressman adam schiff, and michael mcfaul, the former u. S. Ambassador to russia under president obama. Ambassador mcfaul, were going to violate our protocol, and go with you first. You were involved in some of the preparations for this summit. What is your basic take on what you saw today . I think President Biden accomplished what he wanted to do. He said he was going to come, talk to President Putin about issues we disagree about, and also look for areas of cooperation. I thought the predicate to geneva was very important, meeting with democratic allies. That was a buildup. Theres nothing more valuable to us than our allies. We have allies, they dont. And they didnt have big outcomes today. There were baby steps toward strategic stability talks. Putting ambassadors back in place, those are good things. Its fine to have baby steps. And i thought President Biden, the president said it aptly when he said the proof will be in the eating of the pudding. I think thats the headline of this summit. He set out an agenda. Now lets see if we can cooperate on it moving forward. If we cant, the United States will be just fine. Lets listen to rachel scotts question to Vladimir Putin about how he deals with his opponents. If all of your political opponents are dead or in prison, poisoned, doesnt that send a message that you dont want a fair political fight . Translator as for whom is killing whom, people came to the u. S. Congress with political demands. 400 people. Over 400 people had criminal charges placed on them. Id like to stress once more that we sympathize with what happened in the United States, but we have no desire to allow the same thing to happen in our country. Chairman schiff, what was your reaction to that moment . Its the same kind of false equivalence that you hear from putin. He makes those kinds of Bogus Analoies all the time, comparing an Opposition Figure which his regime poised and tried to kill, and as a result is now being imprisoned, comparing that person, who is fighting for the ability of russians to assemble and petition their government, to people who attacked our capitol, killed a police officer, and threatened so many others. But thats what weve come to expect from putin. The nice change, frankly, is the reaction of our former president would have been to embrace that false equivalence, which President Trump repeatedly would do with putin in russia. But we have a very different president in joe biden, who i think pushed back very forcefully in the meeting with regard to our values, human rights, bringing up alexei navalny, even though putin wont mention his name. And also making it clear that the last four years were an aberration. The United States will stand up for its own interests, confront russia over the Ransomware Attacks, over its belligerent conduct in ukraine, and over its interference in our elections. Ambassador mcfaul, are russians allowed to see these Press Conferences unedited . Did they get to see rachels question about Vladimir Putin killing his enemies . Yeah, i think that will be live, of course. Because thats the president ial pool, and thats live. By the way, lawrence, just on the protocol thing, remember the disaster of helsinki was the joint press conference. The biden team rightly decided to do separate Press Conferences. And an unintended positive consequence of that, there were some fantastic questions from american journalists with mr. Putin. It doesnt mean that the russians will hear the answer the same way as we did, but it was important and it was very useful for underscoring what our differences are in addition to the small steps of agreement we had in geneva. Lets listen to what President Biden said about Election Interference by Vladimir Putin. I made it clear, we will not tolerate attempts to violate our democratic sovereignty or elections. And we will respond. Bottom line, i told President Putin that we need basic rules of the road that we can all abide by. And there are areas with a mutual interest to cooperate. For our russian and american people, but also for the benefit of the world and the security of the world. One of those is strategic stability. Chairman schiff, that strikes me as a classic example of the two sides of the coin that the president is always dealing with. Delivering a strong message about Election Interference, but in the next sentence, talking about areas where we can cooperate with america. Thats exactly what you would want an american president to do, and its a language that putin can understand. He will now expect, when they got involved, if they get involved in trying to interfere with our next election, they will pay a stiff price. And will use our Cyber Capabilities to disrupt what they try to do. At the same time, President Biden and putin recognize, there are areas of mutual interest. And the fact that we have so many differences doesnt mean that we shouldnt pursue the common interests that we have, for example, in our nuclear arms and denuclearization. This is exactly what you would want a president to do. And i think having a dialogue is positive. Setting out where our red lines are is positive. And i didnt go into this expecting some breakthrough development, there wasnt. But it the president was able to accomplish what he set out do. Thank you both very much for being with us. We really appreciate it. Its my honor. Thanks for having me. Thank you both. And coming up, we have breaking joe manchin news. Hes now saying he may be willing to change senate rules in a way that was suggested by our next guests. And hes also offering possible compromises on Voting Rights legislation. Thats next. N. Thats next. Fferent kind of card that rewards dan where his spending is trending. Just ask stepping outside his comfort zone dan. Dan okay, i dont know where the hole for this is. Or fourth Time Streaming that period drama dan. Dan you just made me miss her best line, dan so now im going to have to start it again. 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Making it clear he is open to changing the 60vote margin in the senate. He said, i looked back, when it went from 67 votes to 60 votes, and what was happening. Im open to looking at it, im just not open to getting rid of the filibuster. It should be that 41 people have to force the issue versus the 60 we need in the affirmative. So find 41 in the negative. That is one of the rule changes proposed in an oped essay cowritten by our next guests. Joining us now, al franken, also norm ornstein. Senator franken, its like it felt like joe manchin reread your oped piece today, and just put it down, and said it to these people. Yeah, i wouldnt get overly excited. I mean, he says hes open to modification. Hes kind of said that all along. He wont get rid of the filibuster, but what norm and i have proposed is a modification, as you outlined that instead of requiring 60 votes to end a filibuster, you would require 41 from the minority to go to the floor and vote to sustain the filibuster and then they would have to hold the floor and actually debate the issue. Thats one of the options that joe outlined today. And thats sort of thats exactly what norm and i have proposed. And norm, you have been discussing this for a while. What do you make of where senator manchin is, as of tonight . Im very encouraged on a couple of fronts. Recall that manchin had also been the only democrat who refused to endorse and cosponsor the for the people act, s1, hr1, the Voting Rights election reform bill. And has criticized some parts of it. But now that hes come out with a pretty reasonable bid on changing that, and made it clear that if he cant find bipartisan support for that and find more republicans to vote for the commission from january 6th, which youll recall, was filibustered just a couple of weeks ago, that hes making it clear that a rules change is really in the ballpark. And i think, you know, if you look back at what manchin has written and said, its been misinterpreted by a lot of people. He said, i wont vote to kill or weaken the filibuster. What al and i have talked about is reforming it and in many ways restoring it. That kind of fits his own view of things. And fits, we believe, also, the history of robert byrd, the seat that he holds now in great veneration. So were in better shape now than we were before. But its not like this is a night and day change. But its certainly relevant. Senator franken, you have lived this. You have described to me better than anyone what it is like to be sitting there on, say, a friday when theres a Cloture Vote Ripening over the weekend. And youre watching your republican colleagues leave for the weekend. Because they dont have to be there to vote. Because they are under no burden. The burden is on the 60 votes to proceed. Youre saying if you switch that burden to the 41 votes to block proceeding, at minimum, they wont be able to run away on their weekends. We saw them win a vote recently with only 35 votes. And they flew away for the weekend, thats why it was only 35. This discussion started on a thursday evening, the last vote of the week, i believe it was my first week there. You cast your last vote, early evening, late afternoon. You go to your office or on the subway. I see jim bunning, who at the time i didnt know was kind of grumpy. I said, jim, have a great weekend, see you on monday. He went, i dont have to be here on monday. Its a cloture vote. Thats when i realized we needed 60, and ted kennedy was sick, we only had 59 to end the filibuster. And i said, that doesnt make sense. The burden should be on them to break the filibuster. Then we started talking about this. Norm, this doesnt if we change this rule tomorrow, what would you expect to change in the senate . So if we can go to requiring 41 and requiring them to be there, it doesnt mean were suddenly going to see everything pass. Keep in mind, theyll still have to hold all 50 democrats for some of the most important areas, climate change, voting reform. But when you put a heavy burden on them, and if we have a Majority Leader willing to play some hardball. And Mitch Mcconnell has given us the template for that, you can make their lives miserable, and you can focus public attention on some of these issues. Incluing guns and background checks. Theres a good chance well get a lot of things through that are now impossible. What weve seen on a couple of occasions now is, senators dont want to stick around and be there in the middle of the night or on mondays or weekends. If you can force them to be there, youre going to see a lot of cases where theyll say, so what if they get this. I got a speech back home, and i want to get there. Go ahead, al, quickly. No, i mean, this will be on every issue. Right now, they can filibuster with one person going i object. This puts the burden on them. Theyre not going to do this for every damn vote. Right. Okay. They had a cloture vote today that got over 80 votes on a deputy secretary. They need to invoke cloture on things like that. That will just disappear. Thank you both for joining us. Really appreciate it. Thank you, lawrence. Thank you. And coming up, joe manchin held a Surprise Meeting with some Texas Democrats today. Well get a report from the room where that happened. Next. Xt managing Type 2 Diabetes . Youre on it. Staying active and eating right . 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What were seeing are examples of an attempt to interfere with that right. An attempt to marginalize and take from people a right that has already been given. Were not asking for the bestowal of a right. Its the preservation of a right, that is the right of citizenship. And its that fundamental. Texas democrats have had several meetings with members of congress this week, explaining just how dangerous the texas bills restrictions are to democracy. Including a provision that would have empowered judges to toss out an election without evidence of widespread fraud, nicknamed the trump amendment for the baseless claims the 2020 election was stolen. One of the meetings Texas Democrats arranged today was a lastminute, hastily arranged discussion with senator joe manchin, which lasted for nearly an hour, after he released a list of changes he would like to make to the for the people act so he would support it. Joining me now, a democratic congressman who attended that meeting today. Congressman, what can you tell us about that discussion with senator manchin, and do you believe he will be able to support a Voting Rights bill that you can support . The answer is, yes. As you know, he did come out with some things that he can work with and some things that he had some concerns. He was very straightforward and sincere. What i was asked was if i could set up a meeting with senator manchin, he had been down in my hometown of laredo some months ago to see the border situation. From there, he talked about how he would be supporting comprehensive immigration reform. Today he talked about, of course, that he agreed on the right to vote. Its a very fundamental right. And working together. Were hoping that we can find a pathway forward to protect the Voting Rights of all americans and protect our democracy. And certainly i want to thank the senator because within 20 minutes, he arranged the meeting. And i want to thank him for that. I want to thank Congressman Green and Congresswoman Garcia for setting this up. And my former colleagues, the chair of the texas black caucus, and the vice chair of the elections committee. Let me tell you, what they did was just present the reality of what were facing there in texas. And as the Vice President said, were not asking for something new. Were just saying, protect our fundamental right to vote. And the senator joe manchin, im a former texas Secretary Of State, i found out he was also a Secretary Of State in west virginia. So he knows the fundamental right to vote, and i think he was very straightforward and he gave us the handout that he put out today. Congressman, congratulations on putting that meeting together so quickly. Thank you for that report from inside the room. We appreciate it. Joining us now, Texas State Representative gina hinojosa. She was part of the texas delegation that met with Vice President Kamala Harris at the white house today. Representative, what would you say you learned at the white house today and what would you say the white house learned about the situation in texas . Let me start by saying how humbling it is to know that while our president is abroad defending democracy, our Vice President is working with us to protect our Voting Rights and secure democracy here at home. Because thats what is at stake. Nothing less than our democracy. Go ahead, sorry. Go ahead. And i was grateful and really honored to have an opportunity to share with her the Voter Suppression efforts that have that our republican majority has been trying to push through in texas and our experience fighting back in texas. And to learn from her, to gain insight and learn from her what we can do as texas legislators in the fight to help pass the Voting Rights legislation. The white house is still trying to get the s1 through that joe manchin now has some amendments to that he would like to offer. Did you get any indication from the Vice President that the changes that joe manchin wants would be acceptable to the white house . We didnt go into that specific detail on the changes that senator manchin has put forward. This has all happened very recently, negotiations, i know, are under way. And so our purpose was really to explain to both the Vice President and to members of congress Yesterday And Today what is happening in texas. Understand that were not looking to have new access to voting and to the ballot. In fact, were working to secure basic rights. And texas is one of eight states being targeted right now by the Heritage Foundation p. A. C. These are swing states that the Heritage Foundation is pushing Voter Suppression laws in an effort to affect federal elections. So, yes, democracy is at stakement. Our very own gop Attorney General in texas said had it not been for his efforts to stop Harris County putting out mailin ballots, trump would have lost texas. And people being shameless about their efforts to block democracy and overturn the will of the people. And you said the legislation had a provision to overturn Election Results without proving that fraud would have resulted in a different result in an election. Thank you very much for joining us. Really appreciate it. My pleasure. Thank you. As you can see on screen, Air Force One has landed. The president will be deplaning very soon. And that is Air Force One landing at Andrews Air Force base. The president returning from his first foreign trip after todays Summit Meeting with Vladimir Putin. Were going to take a break here. Well be back in just a moment. T to support local restaurants, weve been to every city. Including little rock and even worcester. And tonight. Ill be eating the chicken quesadilla from. Tonys tex mex. In. Katy. doorbell giggle do ya think they bought it . Oh yeah. For People Living with hiv, keep being you. And ask your doctor about biktarvy. 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Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b or c, have flulike symptoms, or are prone to infections. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. Tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. Dont let another morning go by without asking your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than eight years ago. Xeljanz. And there is President Biden deplaning Air Force One at Andrews Air Force base, returning from his first foreign trip after todays summit in geneva. Air force one landed minutes ago. The press corps has already left the plane from the rear of the plane. Theres no anticipation of President Biden giving any remarks at Andrews Air Force base. Well keep an eye on this as he of course always speaks to the military officers greeting him at Andrews Air Force base. We dont expect him to be saying anything that will be shared with us through a microphone. Watching this with us, John Heilemann and zerlina maxwell. Zerlina, i want to get your reaction to what joe bidens day has been, ending here at Andrews Air Force base. Look, its been a long day. Weve all followed along closely, because it seemed like a return to normal for a change. An american president who was projecting strength but also seriousness about the many ways in which Vladimir Putin and russia have undermined our democracy through Cyber Attacks and other measures. I think that the choreography of these types of summits are always interesting. And the analysis of that and what goes into it, who arrives first, who arrives second, biden can go home knowing he went in with some objectives, and came out having met many of them. Hopefully Vladimir Putin got the message that they shouldnt be attacking our cyber infrastructure. And biden greeting his helicopter pilots, and john, he returns now to a washington in which hes ready to legislate and it looks like the possibilities on legislation may have expanded today with a possible larger group of bipartisan senators on infrastructure. Joe manchin apparently being willing to move even on the socalled Filibuster Rule. Yeah, lawrence, i think you saw it at the end when he was on the tarmac, he was biden is transparent. He said, he was like, give me a break. Im not paying attention to whats going on at home. I thought it captured a moment in a way because you know the two things about joe biden over the course of the career in the senate. He traveled in the way that Hillary Clinton did as Secretary Of State. He was looking forward to the Foreign Policy part of the job. Why did he want to be president from the time he was elected in 1972 . He wanted to be the leader of the free world. I think he had a ball this week and as much as challenges dealing with putin he had a ball doing this part of the job. When caught in that moment in geneva he is headed back to the part of the job that he also enjoyed a great deal which was the art of the deal, trying to make legislation happen and bringing sides together, finding the sweet spot. Stuffer you know from your time in the senate. I think he will be encouraged for the reasons that even 12 hours ago the prospects of getting the things done were less promising than right now. They are better than before and i think hell be enthused to hit the ground running. Just when you thought he could be returning to gridlock it seems to be movement. There is a Big Step With Manchin and most importantly the fact that he is not saying im get against hr 1 or s 1 but putting forward his own ideas. And then we can come to a compromise that way. Senator manchin i think is hearing from folks in his own state with protests and organizers have worked hard to get the message across on the ground that Voting Rights are at stake and other policy issues aside the argument can be made because republicans voted against the Bipartisan Commission that this is a critically important issue and the Partisanship Problem is on the state level. So the requirement to make the one on the federal level bipartisan seems to be beside the point. You need to protect that right because its sacred. John, so many things that joe manchin said in what i guess he thought was a private discussion thats been leaked talking about in the past when the senate changed the threshold to a 60 vote threshold and entertained the possibility to lower it maybe to 55. Theres a lot of big potential changes that he at the moment has said he is willing to consider. Right. There is. I think a thing thats interesting about this conversation that you have been having all night about manchin is that it is a conversation about taking joe manchin for what he is, understanding the politics is what they are and will not be steamrolled by pressure. The left can yell at him all day long and wont get it done and when you look at what happened tonight, theres two ways the read the call. Theres doors that opened up. Heres some movement on manchins part. Its kind of embarrassing. Some ugliness. He puts stuff on the table. The other way to take this call is for progressives to go nuts over the way he is dismissive on the call about the left and if they want to attack joe manchin about this call they may be right but the way to read the call is, yeah, he slagged the left. Whatever. Theres room to make deals with joe manchin and keep your eye on the ball to get stuff done. Thank you for joining us and the president s helicopters on the way the white house. 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Yesterday the Senate Approved the bill by unanimous consent and ready for the president s signature. The 1863 Emancipation Proclamation was not immediately implemented to end slavery. Two words later the people reached the people of texas when Major General granger announced in texas the end of slavery. Juneteenth commemorates that day. In 1980, juneteenth became a Texas State Holiday when signed into law. It will become the countrys 11th federal holiday. That is tonights last word. The 11th hour with Brian Williams starts now. Good evening once again. Day 148 of the biden administration. Air force one has touched down. The president is back on u. S. Soil after eight days overseas. His first foreign trip since taking office. Today he held that much anticipated summit with russias Vladimir Putin. As i said outside i think its always better to meet face to

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