Of power that experts say is worse than watergate. The doj has been caught surveiling certainly people, club a minor, which the former president s top aides where are eager to defend. Even Attorney General barr is denying any involvement or knowledge, rather than spinning a defense. Ditto for trumps first Attorney General justice. Both just claimed they didnt knows about the putinesque plots. Now, that is the context for the further fallout and news that i can get into with our experts and with you tonight. We have doj moves that have become kind of like a legal orphan, because barr and sessions and all the people in charge for trump, so proud of all the trumpy things they did, they dont want anything to do with this. No one wants to claim these things. Now there are reports that the surveillance also crept inside the Trump White House itself, including surveying white house kuhn don mcgahn, the doj hitting up apple to get his record and then an unusual gag order. Two sources tells New York Times that was used against news outlets as well as trumps top lawyer. Mcgahn was even testifying recently before congress. It mean that he was left in the dark about all of it until recently. The key place for accountability here is the house, with Supplier Pelosi has a firmer majority in the senate. Shes emphasizing that, while nixon famously had a list, donald trump got the levers of government to go even farther, to get people on the list. What the administration did, the Justice Department, the leadership of the former president goes even beyond richard nixon. Nixon had an enemies list. This is about undermining the rule of law, and for this Attorneys General, barr and sessions, at least two, to say that they didnt know anything about it is beyond belief. So we will have to have them come under oath to testify about that. Going under oath puts legal pressure on those doj vets. News also breaking that a Top Trump Holdover at the Justice Department is now out, leaving this week. Doj saying that was long in the works. Biden Attorney General garland is talking with adam schiff, a keep intelligence player who also has a double role of bubble a target of this trumpera surveillance. As of all those supposed denials, you have to keep an eye on the details. Bill barr says hes quote, not aware of any congressmans records being sought in a leaked case, quote. That could leave surveillance that sought other records and swept up materials from congress, and those two words not aware are not mr. Barr aapproves that he never questioned, oversaw any surveyian. Rod rosenstein, remember him . He hasnt put anything in writing yet amid st. All these orphan activities. The open questions are pretty clear who did approve the surveyians . New york times is reporting that they did approve it. Another question, why did the doj take this huge grave measure of these gag orders long after the surveillance ended and the probably didnt an turn of nil good leads for the illegal leaks . Why didnt the doj, or even federal judges who are nominally independent offer more skepticism no leak probe that just happened to follow hundreds of Donald Trumps tweets, demanding an attack on aday schiff. You dont need to be Inspector Poirot to see the links here. Why is this all coming out now . I dont know. I have clues, but we dont have nearly enough of investigations independently done yet. We know without the gag orders being lifted, this thing could have stayed buried for a long time, maybe forever. Then the other question as we started reporting when we first dug into this big, Big Scandal Friday and it is a trump scandal. It started with trump and his calls to turn the doj into his dirty tricks operation center. So make no mistake about that, but that doesnt mean that there arent other people here with a job to do. So the question is, what is Merrick Garland going to do with the doj that went farther than anyone publicly knew to potential abuse power and kneecap opponents. Doj officials were also pressed to help overturn the election, to abuse legal powers to give barr cover in that Mueller Probe and keel many more things secret that apparently garland has not yet overruled. There are areas where garland hats not yet reversed everything. After foul years of hearing, this is not normal. Were seeing it together through this story and others. It is hard to return to normal, while pretending that none of those four years happened, or pretending that none should be met with fact finding and consequences. It is the doj, after all, law and order, rules and sanctioning. To do anything less would turn the last four years into a Training Exercise for the next wouldbe autocrat that gets into power and sal investigates what the doj can do and get away with, if they get away with it. Is that hyperbole . Is this a news anchor trying to scare you . I try to give you all the facts i can without any unnecessary fear. Let me be clear about this final fact. If you have been looking around the country lately, you would have have to have noticed how many up and coming trumpists to look at a blueprint to build on. Neal katyal was a former official, and now a msnbc a huge big happy birthday to donald trump, whose present appears to be a good oldfashioned nixonian abuse of power scandal, which will hopefully detract from his ongoing criminal probes. Your leadup is right. Theres a lot of unknown as here. Its not helpful that bill barr, jeff session and Matthew Whitaker are like bronte sisters of misleading statements. Either one is you have a Line Prosecutor who accidentally got ahold of these records, never told anyone in leadership about them, and managed to get four years of gag orders without them. Thats possibility one. Possibility two is one of the trump Attorneys General is not being fully forthright about whats happening. Ill trust bill barrs statements and denials about as much as ill trust his summary of the Mueller Report. One thing is that, the electronics find. The other is the gad orders. These gag orders have been in place since 2017, for four years. Why . Right now a lot of the focus is on the electronic spying stuff, which you say is potential putinesque, but its the coverup thats interesting to me. You can have a gag order with an ongoods investigation, but for four years . I think Something Else is happening here. Merrick garland i think is right to lift the gag order, to have the Inspectors General investigate this, but thats not enough. I think we need a full true reckoning of what happened at the Justice Department over the last four years. I think Merrick Garland can do that. This isnt litigation. This isnt something where hes inheriting past positions. We need the American People to know everything the Justice Department did especially when it comes to spying on members of congress and the opposition. Neal, when the times report sorting that the Attorneys General did sign off on it, what is your reaction as someone who has worked inside doj. Something like this would ordinarily require at least Deputy Attorney general signoff, if not Attorney General. When i was acting associate Attorney General, i couldnt have done this. You needed someone at the very pinnacle to do it. Now, what i think the possibility is, is that these records were swept in by mistake. They were actually targeting someone else, then they learned about schiff and schiffs family or whatever, and eric well well, and evidencely don mcgahn. Maybe thats a possibility. Ordinarily i would be inclined to trust the Justice Department. Theres a presumption of regularity to Justice Department action, which courts have said, when theyre taking action, its a Law Enforcement investigation, you want to give them the benefit of the doubt. The problem is with these folks in power, theres a presumption of irregularity. You cant give them the benefit of the doubt. Just the part we know is so horrible, so offensive to Justice Department traditions that we dont give them that benefit of the doubt. As you say, if you follow that particular theory that perhaps it was swept up, that would potentially go to why mr. Barr, who is known to be quite parsimonious, that he never saw this. That have doesnt mean he doesnt have responsibility. Take a listen to classic barr, on the issue for these kind of probes. Has the president or anyone at the white house ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone . Yes or no, please, sir. Um, the president or anybody else. It seems you would remember Something Like that and be able to tell us. Yeah, but im trying to grapple with the word suggest. There have been discussions of matters out there that they have not asked me to open an investigation, but perhaps they suggested is it. I wouldnt say suggest. Hinted . I dont know. Inferred . You dont know . Yeah. Okay. Lita . Playing dumb is something barr has done consistently acting like he doesnt know anything that senator harris was asking about. Even the suggest at the start of the show is fully in line with his playbook. Hes going to object fuss indicate, dodge any kind of direct questions here. Thats why he gets to congress under oath explicitly asking about scenes. Did you revive this investigation . Did you authorize these gag orders to be continued for four years . What exactly did you do . And when did you do it, are the line of questions he neither to get, sessions needs to get, honestly anybody who was in the doj perpetuating this weaponization of the institution on behalf of trump. Its no secret that barr and sessions wording knowingly for trumps own agenda and acted as his own personal advisers and attorneys while serves as Attorneys General. Now its time to get to the truth of it all, and doing that through congress will be essential. When i read about the inspector generals report and their investigation, yes, it can take time, it can take months and potentially years, but they cannot compel former doj employees to comply or engage them in that investigation, thus doubling the importance of Congress Getting involved and getting to the bottom of this, ari. Juanita, what is the challenge for democrats, in particular the biden administration, that wants to turn the page. Politically theyve been clear they dont want to live in the past in this, but part of what seems to be necessary doesnt seem to be in their shortterm interests, but in the u. S. Interests. I think thats absolutely right, ari, especially when we have these continuous attacks from republicans on our democracy. This is yet another example of how trump leveraged his who you, his administration to further dismantle key principles within our institutions. White Bidens White House may not want to focus on this, this is something they can empower congress to, and collect the information, and that it is something that can be a steady drumbeat as elections continue. This is honestly, as schumer said, the sins of this Administration Keep piling up. We all deserve to know how high it goes. Sure, theres a way that biden and his team can focus on their agenda and moving bills and legislation and moving forward, advocating for the things the American Public needs, but the American Public needs also the truth of how much trump rotted our institutions. Juanita and neal on the big story, thank you for kicking us off. We have a lot more. President biden with a new warning for putin as they get ready for their summit. Also work respect with the trump and the grand jury probe continues. And The One And Only martin sheen tonight. Stay with us. Martin sheen tonight. Stay with us introducing the new citi custom cashâ„  card, a different kind of card that Rewards Rashida where her spending is trending. Just ask overly confident diy Rashida Rashida wait, was this the right wall . Or last minute gift shopping Rashida Rashida im putting a bow on it wow. Even sneaking away for a vacay rashida. Rashida shhh ive earned this . From home improvement, drugstores, select travel and more earn 5 cash back that automatically adjusts to your top eligible spend category, up to 500 spent each billing cycle. President Biden Going Offscript on his first overseas script, taking aims at republicans. This is during the nato press conference. The leadership of the Republican Party is fractured. The trump wing of the party is the bulk of the party, but it makes up a significant minority of the American People. It is disappointing that so many of my republican colleagues in the senate, who i know know better, have been reluctant to take on, for example, an investigation, because theyre worried about being primaried. The president there speaking to questions about all sorts of issues, including domestic politics. This is his first trip as president abroad. Hes also discussing americas commitment to nato. The u. S. Commitment to article 5 of the Nato Treaty Is Rock Solid and unshakeable. Its a Sake Secret Commitment article 5 is the nato bedrock. A strong part of modern multilateral policy. Biden also acknowledging theres a challenge here to work with adversaries than the u. S. Will retaliate against russia when warranted. Im not looking for conflict with russia, but we will respond if russia continues its harmful activities. We will not fail to defend the transatlantic alliance. Hes bright, hes tough, and i have found that he is a, as they say when you used to play ball, a worthy adversary. What a difference a president makes. Its a very different approach to vladimir putin. This will be one of the biggest tests of the biden Foreign Policy when the two sit down on wednesday. We have a lot more on our program. Stay with us. Well be right back. Our program. Stay with us well be right back. I never needed anyone. Front desk. Yes, hello. Im so. Please hold. Those days are done. I got you. All by yourself. Go with us and find millions of flexible options. 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Mcconig is less known, but thats where he would hand off the docs, so they could be discussed secretly, as the daily beast reports, along with how furtive this process was. That accountant would leave the room so just weisselberg and trump could finalize the numbers as they saw fit. Quite the phrase. Its potential damning for people under legal cite new. Other trump org former people have told us that the numbers didnt add up, that the books were cook, and that much of the company ran on a routine program of lying for trump. Everybody lied for donnell. It wasnt just me. It was the entire company. It was done junior. Ivanka, eric, jared, you know, alan, you name it. The lawyers, everybody in the company 4r50id for do you remember. Thats just wait the way the company operated. Now prosecutors are probing the key players who ran this company, apparently aided by whatever this lowprofile money man, i Havery Mcconney told the grand jury. We checked his linkedin page, with a profile with no photo. The daily beast store casts him as a company man that took the subway to work, had lunch in the conference room, or eat at his desk. Indeed, they reported he was so loyal, he often wore a trump branded necktie. Now, thats a portrait of a person who seems to want to help donald trump at all costs, but the d. A. Is not just banks on trumps staff suddenly disliking their boss, but rather they may just tell the truth about the numbers on the books rather than risk going to jail. If donald trump has been lying while the numbers dont, thats ultimately between him and the laws of the state of new york. We have more on the probe, including the race to replace the d. A. Cy vance tonight. Also martin sheen, the most famous tv president here, is live. Im the president of the United States, not the president of the people who agree with me. By the way, if people on the left have a problem with that, they should vote for somebody else. 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You get the feeling, at least in the public appearances it is according to plan. Walk us there what President Biden is trying to achieve here on the big trip and how its going. Well, hes building up to his meeting here in geneva with putin by having a series of meetings with allies and partners. First the g7, then the nato summit, then a European Union summit, then he comes to geneva. By doing so, i think the message hes try to go communicate, and dos a great job of it, by the way, that the democracies of the world are united as we deal with autocracies like vladimir putin. So theyre boring, ari, not like all the excitement from the past for you years, but sometimes boring is good. Were stable with these democracies here in europe. Shoutout to boring when it comes to government or relations between countries with big militaries and other things, i think boring can be great. I want to play what might be less boring, nbcs keir simmons doing the interview with vladimir putin. Weve seen the ongoing issue with his cyberhacking, even if its by nonstate actors. Take a look at this exchange. Mr. President , are you waging a cyberwar against america . Translator where is the evidence . Where is the proof . Its becoming farce cal. We have been accused of all kinds of things, election interferes, and not once, not one time did they bother to produce any kind of i have or proof. Ambassador mcfaul . Hes a frustrating guy to talk to. I was in the last summit with president obama and Prime Minister putin. No proof . He hasnt read the Mueller Report or the Senate Intelligence investigations, thousands of investigations. Of course theres proof, but he denies it, and then he begs and challenges his interlocutor, and that will be the challenge. Hell do the same thing on human rights, cyberattacks. Hes not coming in seeking a cooperative relationship with the United States or President Biden. Right, which goes to the big stakes there on this trip. Great to have a diplomat walk us through some of it, even the deliciously boring parts. Ambassador mcfaul, thank you. Be safe out there. We have a lot more, including a new series, where we are speaking to each of the leading candidates running for the d. A. Of new york. A big job and a big pending case against the trump organization. Also, big important protests in West Virginia. Why . It relates to joe manchin and Voting Rights. Later, as promised, the great, The One And Only martin sheen, live on the beat. Thats tonight. N, live on the thats tonight good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. Im gonna grow big and strong. Yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. 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C. , but theyre hoping he hears their message, because this is a protest about the Voting Rights bill languishing in the senate, about you its much more than that. This is about fighting poverty, raising the minimum wage. The Poor Peoples Campaign is framing this as a moral issue as well. As ive been talking to voters out here, they recognize joe manchin is one who has a Maverick Representation here in the state even before this 5050 senate, they knew he had taken positions not always in lockstep. And they want to say just because West Virginia is a red state, its not represented as a state thats at least in part on board with the democratic agenda. This is also about getting rid of the filibuster. Martialing has been clear that thats not something he wants to. A person who has worked with him reminded me that manchin has been clear about this. So people still hopeful they may be able to change his mind, but a man thats been clear about his position over several weeks and months despite sustained pressure. That being said, Reverend Barber reiterated this to me, theyre marching here, but this is not the last time. Next week theyll go to washington to protest in front of manchins office in d. C. , and try to go bring people from kentucky to pressure senator mcconnell on these issues, too. You have to talk about politics here. I covered his race in 2018. His local brand helped him keep the seat blue. Just because martial sergeant a democrat, its better to have them and able to push him, rather than lose the seat to a republican. Ali vitali, thank you very much. Were turning to the trump case, and theres a Special Grand Jury that will resume this week. They could ultimately face a decision unlike anything we have seen in american history. Its important regardless of what you think about this or that political situation. Its a question of, if the evidence supports it, whether to potential indict the company of or the person of a former president. We have a special guest on this and so much more. This is a candidate from the consequential race to replace cy vance. Voting is already underway. Manhattan d. A. Cy vance, whose office is investigating president trump. He will not run for reelection. Im looking at the race who has the experience with donald trump. Im eliza or lens. Lucy lang, formerly an assistant d. A. In vances office. Manhattan candidate lucy lang, you just heard about, joins us now. She could potentially be the head of it. Thanks for being here. Thanks for having me, ari. Absolutely. A lot of important issues, but let me ask you about the office where you have worked. You look at something thats been debated, especially in the context of racism in the law, and harsh sentencing. This is an office where about a fifth of new yorks population is serving a life sentence. Im curious what you think about that. Obviously youve got many different cases, but would you change that . I would run a National Criminal Justice Reform organization and served as an assistant District Attorney right here in manhattan, handling the most serious, violent and complex cases. Theres no doubt that the manhattans d. A. Office and others have been part of fueling and part of that has been seeking unduly long sentences. So reckoning with the criminal history has to include addressing excessive sentencing. I appreciate that. And youre sort of speaking about the two roles youve had. On the trump org case, weve seen from public reports theres some Special Grand Jury impaneled, that means whoever wins this race could inherit an open case or potential indictments. Do you thinks bays on the public evidence, this grand jury is legally justified . I have the most experience dealing with these as you know, i cant comment on the specifics of that case, but i do have the capacity to take over all of the cases pending before that office from the very first day as District Attorney. I know the ins and outs of new york criminal law and criminal procedure law, and im prepared to make sure, base on my experience, theres continuity of personnel in all of the cases pending before the office. You say continuity. Does that mean you would basically intend to carry out the pending cases or may look at them anew or drop some of them . I would expect to follow the evidence and ensure that people are held appropriately accountable, regardless of how powerful or well connected they may be. When you look at the situation there, do you think that legally this office, the manhattan d. A. , has the authority to indict an expresident . I do. When you look at donald trump and the trump organization, do you see the outlines of a case here . Is this something where weve talked about this with other people on the program, so viewers may be familiar, the current Attorney General as a candidate was pretty clear in telling voters she saw a problem with donald trump without prejudging cases. Thats the whole reason theres a race in the first place, voters get a sense of where youre headed. What do you view as the potential legal exposure of donald trump . Is that something youre able to stand up to . Or should voters see you as a blank slate . I think the worst thing would be to Say Something on the Campaign Trail which would suggest anything other than complete impartiality, and putting themselves in a position where they may face a Recusal Motion or removal of jurisdiction. Ive been very committed to making sure its clear that you have the experience to take over that case and all the other pending cases. I will tell you the seniormost adviser for Mire Campaign was the former assistant District Attorney who handled the first investigation into the trump organization. I know what he went through when that case was shut down, and i believe that that case should not have been shut down. That was under the current d. A. , youre talking about the Cy Vance Soho Probe . Yes. Why, in your view, shouldnt that have been shut down . I dont think its appropriate to the evidence. Im speaking really to the fact that that case, like others, involved backroom meetings between senior staff at the District Attorneys office and wellheeled defense lawyers. Decisions were made in resulting those cases to be concluded. Very interesting, youre giving us your perspective with your background, history to speak about cases, all very interesting. Lucy lang, thanks for being here. Thanks for having me. Remember to vote everyone. Early voting started this weekend. Its true, voting is underway. 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Visible is wireless that doesnt play games. No surprise fees, legit unlimited data for as little as 25 a month. And the best part, its powered by verizon. But it gets crazier. Bring a friend every month and get every month for 5. Which is why i brought them. Two 5amonths right here. Hey. Hey. Plus the players of my squad. Hey. Whats up . Then finally my whole livestream. Boom 12 months of 5 wireless. Visible, as little as 25 a month or 5 a month when you bring a friend. Powered by verizon. Wireless that gets better with friends. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers and for those really messy jobs in hard to reach places, try disposable, thin sheets. Now we turn to something very exciting. A former president on the beat, a fictional president on the west wing, martin sheen, known for Apocalypse Now and wall street. Endeared him to so many news and political junkies, a president who dealt with a broken congress and story lines that, of course, echo today. We could give every student in america 10,000 a year. But instead we fund the department of education. Youre not going to demonize the millions of selfless teachers and public servants. Theyre trapped in a failed system. I cant stand by im not going to negotiate anyone who holds a gun to my head. We had a deal i dont care if my Approval Ratings drop into single digits. I am the president of the United States, and i will leave this Government Shutdown until we reach an equitable agreement. Thats what im talking about. Martin sheen, thank you for being here. Thank you. Great to be here. Youre in this new documentary the world is my country. Activist for global peace airing on pbs nationwide. Well get to all of it. Sorry to be the echo of so many other interviews but its still my question. How does wet wing hold up and how does it apply nowadays . Well, we were on the air from 1999 to 2006 and you could tune in, i guess, to any episode. I think we did over 150. And you could find a very relevant story going on right now today. How do you think President Biden is coming off after one of the unusual predecessors in history . I love this guy named joe. We couldnt have gotten a better choice, i dont think. Fact that hes not a young guy, hes dealing with the time he has is so, so valuable. And hes not wasting a single moment. My heart goes out to the guy who doesnt really care, a guy who is taking us back to the soviet union days. A lot of people are dying because of his leadership if, you want to call it that, in syria, africa and so many other places. We saw him this morning in the interview. He doesnt care. He wont even mention navalnys name. Joe biden has his work cut out for him i wouldnt blame him if he stood him up. That would be a move. Yeah. News conference and just play some of the interviews that putin has done leading up to it. Putin is setting himself up. I hear you on that. We cover that as well. A frustrating guy, a frustraing actor on the world stage. Looking at your work, we also were thinking about wall street. You have that famously popular character. Jesus christ, the whole world is off its rocker i made a total of 40,000 last year before taxes. Queens, dad, five percent mortgage and youre at the top. I have to be in manhattan to be a player. There is no nobility in poverty any more, dad. One day youre going to be proud of me. Youll see. Its yourself youve got to be proud of. How did you embody that spirit . Go ahead. Its about unions, isnt it . Theyre all so in jeopardy these days. Thats why i love this guy named joe. He supports the unions. So, yeah, im glad you ran that clip. I had forgotten how powerful that was, and how good charlie was. And how young we all looked. Your face looks the same. Your hair is not as dark as it was, but your face looks the same. Thank you. Thank you. You traversed. Youre a hollywood figure. And that comes with a type of success. Being an activist and advocate, what do you see . The old adage, we serve ourselves best when we serve others first and i think that the pandemic was a great reflection of that. All the heroes. In service to others, they could not do what they did and be who they were. So i think that the pandemic, please god, we continue to emerge from it, but the lessons and the level of compassion and charity and giving is just overwhelming. This will be a seminole period in our history when we realize we belong to a very exclusive club. Its called the us of a and the dues are very high. All of us have to make a contribution. And i think we saw a reflection, The Very Best part of who we really are during this pandemic. The people that came forward in the towns, villages, major cities, countrysides. The medical profession alone, doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers. The emergency workers. All of these people are The Very Best of what it means to be an american, what it means to be human. Im extremely proud. I love that. Now ive got 40 seconds. The project is the world is my country. Tell us about it. Well, this is a book by this man, gary davis, fellow actor. He was an understudy to danny kaye on broadway. He was drafted in 1941, joined the Army Corps Of Engineers and became a pilot in world war ii. His last mission was a bombing raid where the nazis were trying to create an atom bomb. And his plane was badly hit and he had to make an Emergency Landing in sweden. The war had a profound effect on him. The countries who were victorious to serve the whole country, the whole world as one country. Thats what he did. He founded this movement. The world is my country, which is a quote from thomas payne, the rights of man. And this is one of his passports that he there are about 600,000 of us. And i was given one as kind of an honorary member. Hey, hey, look at that. Bringing your i. D. I love it. I have to pass it to joy. Im sorry . Im going to pass it to joy. We have the url up on the screen so folks can find out a lot more about this documentary. I know the issue is meaningful to you. Okay. Martin sheen, thank you so much for coming on. Thank you, ari please say hello. Ill say hello to everybody. The worldismycountry. Com. Hello to nicole,

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