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Functional and humane immigration system. We feel very strongly about that. And as you know, we inherited a tough situation, and in five months weve made progress. Theres much more work to be done, but weve made progress. Charles joining the panel, deputy Editorial Page Editor dan henninger, kim strassel and gillian turner. Kim, theyve made progress from the awful situation they inherited. Absolutely crazy. Harris has two jobs this trip. She had to go down there just to be there the, to clean up the mess that she hadnt, get down there before donald trump in a few days, but also to convince people that we a hand they have a handle on this problem, and she was uncompelling. We heard a lot about root causes but not much about the fact that they have reversed a lot of the policies that were, in fact, stopping surges like this. Finish and a lot of the other root causes she addressed is things like Immigration Reform or fixing places like guatemala. Americans understand are things that are not going to happen anytime soon. So blaming your predecessor is not a great look. Charles dan, on that note, when i heard her talk about food insecurity, corruption, crime and, you know, these are our neighbors, so we have to find a way to help them with those sort of core issues. Is that really our responsibility . Well, we have some sort of broader responsibility, certainly, being the biggest nation in the hem fear. The one thing you hemisphere. The one thing you left out that she mentioned was climate. She actually did say theyre coming because of the climate which i think has been hot for millions of years, actually. The problem here is that what most people are looking at this border and seeing a crisis or a problem, i honestly do not think the democrats regard that or the white house regards that as a crisis or a problem. Their problem, they see it as a challenge, is merely processing. Processing all these people out of these camps, through the Asylum System and to dispossessor them into the United States disperse them. Simply let people come into the United States and process them into the United States, this in the absence of us having immigration policy. The only thing that will change their mind is if theres an accident, a catastrophe or if Opinion Polls get so low, and they are low on this for President Biden, that they feel they have to address it. Other than that, i dont think the democrats or the white house think its a big problem which is why theyve kept her from going down there for so long. Charles gillian, after looking for more folks to come in, they might get it. Apparently, Public Health rule title 42 is being lookeded at. And from what ive read, Border Agents turned away as many as 850,000 migrants including 80,000 families. Could this problem be on the verge of getting a lot worse . Absolutely. Channel 42 has basically been whats preventing the surge we saw. What this policy does is if you are a single adult and you cross the border unlawfully, they can turn you back right away. So thats been really effective in kind of curbing this, but it is related to the pandemic. Its much more difficult to sustain as covid rates start the drop. This is also subject to legal challenge. And i think the deeper concern here is our Asylum System is so broken, it incentivizes people crossing the bonderrer illegally, putting in a claim of asylum that may or may not be actually based on real persecution back at home, and then the courts are really bogged down. You can live here and work here while this works through the backlogged system. Title 42 is blocking that, but as soon as thats gone, youre going to see an onslaught. Charles kim, dan referenced the opinion Opinion Polls which are certainly going against democrats right now. You do have Congressman Cuellar who has been pretty vocal about the crisis himself. Its not just a humanitarian issue in watching these families make this dangerous trek, but the violence that come with it, the drug issues go deep into the heartland. This is a serious political gambit on the part of this administration to more or less turn the other direction, to not see whats happening, isnt it . No, it is. President ially huge political peril, because heres the reality, and its kind of remarkable the Biden Administration hasnt paid more heed to this. For many years, charles, Border Security has been a bipartisan priority of americans. The average folks agree with it. What you have is a Biden Administration listening to this tiny, small, yet Ascendant Progressive Wing that is demanding, essentially, open Border Security. And that is going to clash with the desires of most americans at some point. Ill be curious to see how long they continue on with this in the face of worsening polls. Charles yeah, so would i. When we come back, folks, President Biden moves on guns as a crime spike this americas cities puts the democrat on defense. Our panels going to weigh in on the president s plan to deal with the violence and whether it will make a difference. How much money can Liberty Mutual save you . One two three four five 72,807 72,808. Dollars. Yep. Everything hurts. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Hooh. That spin class was brutal. Well you can try using the buicks massaging seat. Oohh yeah, thats nice. Can i use apple carplay to put some music on . Sure, its wireless. Pick something we all like. Ok. Hold on. Whats your buicks wifi password . buickenvision2021. oh, you should pick something stronger. Thats really predictable. Thats a really tight spot. Dont worry. I used to hate parallel parking. [all together] me too. Hey. You really outdid yourself. 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The things we know about, Background Checks for purchasing a firearm are important. Ban on Assault Weapons and high capacity magazines. Community policing and programs that keep neighborhoods safe and keep folks out of trouble. These efforts work, they save lives. Charles were back with our panel, dan henninger, kim strassel and gillian mel key your. Dan, do you feel safer already . Yeah, right. Here in New York City you bet i feel safe. [laughter] as you do too, charles. I found the president s remarks, his speech on the rising crime in the United States to be literally otherworldly. I mean, among the proposals was to repurpose some covid money, send it to these cities to help them hire police and policing resources they need. Wait a minute. These are the cities that have already defunded the police. They decided they didnt need as many plus. Then beyond that many police. Then beyond that, hes proposing they use only only some of these funds to hire, and this is their idea, more Social Workers or what they Call Community violence interrupters. Theyre avoiding the central, core issue heres which is many of the reforms the progressives in these cities have enacted such as more liberalized bail reform. Indeed, defending the police and, indeed, not dealing with the homeless mentally ill that are on the streets building homeless shelters, tent cities and, indeed, committing violence against people. None of those core issues were addressed by these proposals. Charles jillian, every time they go to gun violence, an inanimate object that might make you feel more powerful, but every single day hundreds of thousands, if not millions of americans get their legally registered guns, go to a target range and go back home and cook dinner. [laughter] the notion that this simply falls on guns, it bothers me so much, and this is always the Fallback Position for democrats. Yeah, its true. I was talking to the former chief of police, andsaying its a deterrent to crime, and i think thats something democrats really mean. Dan was right in pointing out some of the progressive policies contributing here. Police can make arrests for people illegally carrying weapons, but if you dont have prosecutors and the courts that are willing to back it to insure there are consequences, then it just turns into catch and release. So i do think we need systematic reform here. Its just unfortunately not happening from the progressive side, and the cost is going to be a lot more cullings. If you look at killings. If you look at chicago and New York City and portland and philadelphia, you see soaring homicide rates, soaring rates of shootings. And, unfortunately, most of the victims are black. Charles yeah. Its infuriating to me because i lived in harlem in the 1970s when it was the most dangerous city in america. Ive seen murders, ive seen attempted murders, and i know exactly how it feels. Maybe theres ad good chance in New York City theyll elect someone who ran on a quasilaw and order platform. Even progressives at some point have to say enough when it comes to this, dont they . Well, you know, the guy who emerged from that New York Primary if, eric adams, is talking truth and hes saying, look, we have to get tougher on crime. Hes a former police officer, and this is what americans want to hear. Because what the democrats have essentially done and the Biden Administration did is they took their traditional antigun platform and tried to marry it to some sort of way of addressing Violent Crime, but its different issues. As you mentioned, most people who are out there and own guns, lawabiding citizens, versus New York City where by some accounts there are 100,000 unregistered guns being used by criminal. Those criminals didnt go through a background check, you know . Theyre not necessarily relying on Assault Weapons either. Good old handguns will do the trick if youre out to do bad stuff. And it was notable, merrick garland, the attorney general, how hard he tried to say that were going to have to put into place policies that dont involve detentions and arrests and prosecutions. Well, if thats the way youre going to go into this, youre not going to deal with this problem whatsoever. Charles dan, we know the pendulum on these kinds of things, i guess, have swung back and forth going back to the 50s and 60s. Are you fearful that its going to have to get a lot worse in places like new york and portland where a lot of Police Officers quit en masse recently before it gets better9 . Yeah, im afraid so, charles. And and i think the big difference is that the current generation of democratic leaders, public officials, are simply not cut from the same cloth as those 30 to years ago. When a democrat like willie brown was the mayor of san francisco, ed koch in new york, they would never have allowed things to go this far. But these progressives similarly to not know do not know how to govern. Can you imagine any mayor of any big city would alienate an entire police force . Its insane. It looks as though maybe new york voters are trying to take things back in their own hands by voting for eric adams in that primary in new york last tuesday. Charles lets just hope that message resonates to all big cities. When we come back, the Biden Administration announces to extend the child tax crept. Well talk to the former head of New York Citys social services about why that may not be the best strategy for lifting families out of poverty. You love rich, delicious ice cream. 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What we we know is when more families know about the relief that is included in the American Rescue plan, when more families know about how they can get some ore leaf, that is how we will be able to lift our children out of poverty. Charles Vice President Kamala Harris in pittsburgh this week touting the Biden Administrations expanded Child Tax Credit and claiming its the key to reducing Child Poverty the in the United States. The irs will start sending checks directly to qualifying families in july, regardless of whether the recipient is working, looking for work or in a training or educational program. My next guest says these programs could actually make life worse. The president of American Enterprise institute spent seven years running New York Citys Welfare Programs for former mayor michael bloomberg. Michael, welcome to the show. I read a recent piece from you, and you say this money doesnt get to these underlying factors that are so critical. Share those thoughts with us. Well, its a big change to have money coming from washington every month to families that in a different circumstance, in the way we ran it in New York City and the way it happens all across the country, would come into an office and see someone who would try to help them with employment, with issues concerning their education and training, with issues concerning Substance Abuse or other issues going on in their family, maybe help them connect if theres an absent parent and not involved this helping with the support for their children. So to take that away and say we can do this all from washington by Spending Check sending checks every month, i think has a lot of potential to undermine the ability to help these families move up. Charles when you talk about moving up, talking about trying to be more selfsufficient, getting a better education, making yourself more marketable and actually going out looking for a job. Is that what youre talking about in. Absolutely. Its getting a job. The key to getting out of poverty, everyone knows this, is employment. You need earningsing. Dependence city and benefits alone arent really enough to help people earn their own success. And this approach really does show the difference, in my opinion, between the left of center approach and the right of center. The left of center approach feels we solve Poverty By Transfer May Paints and by redistribution. In my opinion, its better combining the earnings from other forms of assistance that can make work go further. Im all for helping people, but i want to help people in way thats human, that relates to them, that involves an interaction between people trying to help people in need move up. This is a check from washington that will lead to people staying what i like to say bebe hind closed curtains. Not really coming into the community and seeking the help that they need. Charles and, you know, ive seen it firsthand, and i saw it growing up firsthand. What really frightens me a lot is, you know, you mentioned a more Human Approach. This idea is sold as a humanitarian or Human Approach that somehow it gives people dignity or it helps when we know in the long run you can become, for lack of a better word, addicted to this money. It come regularly. You start to budget for it, you start to expect it. Its an entitlement that you also think at some point youve either earned or deserved it, and its hard to take it away when with it gets to that point. Well, charles, i grew up in New York City also. I was in brooklyn, you were in manhattan, but the fact is in the 70s and 80s we had a Welfare Right Mentality in the city of new york, and it led to people getting Cash Assistance and not being encouraged to work. And thats what i think this irs payment from washington which, in a way, is a step worse because there isnt even any local involvement will do. It will diminish the incentive to work, diminish the connection between people and i know for republicans, conservatives, the idea being helpful is hard to believe [laughter] but when people come to them and seek assistance, there is an action which can lead to Substance Abuse treatment being provided, Domestic Violence issues being looked into and cared for and, importantly, helping people get a job. Charles you know, some people would say particularly in the 70s though that the bureaucratic aspect was too heavyhanded with people coming into your houses and if you were a single mom to see if you had a boyfriend, if there were clothes lying around. It was very invasive. I believe that was true as well. The pendulum, some are saying too far to your point maybe the other way, was the happy medium, did that come after bill clintons efforts . Yeah, i think Welfare Reform [inaudible] pus in place in local put in place in local cities and states around the country where we had people address their underlying issues including Child Support enforcement, by the way, which greatly expanded in the years of Welfare Reform with as rapid an ability to get assistance to people who went in to work as possible. So i ran the Food Stamp Programs in New York City. I provided an enormous amount of assistance to people in the need rapidly and quickly and without bureaucratic hassle. But i did it in a context that was always encouraging work and encouraging people who didnt have any cash income to come in and seek help so we can get them into work. This is a opposite of that. What theyre doing now is sending checks from washington and undermining the connection between people who are trying to help individuals get into employment that was, i think, and has been so useful. Charles yeah. No, i agree 100 . This is a huge move in the wrong direction and the very people they say theyre trying to help, i think theyre going to hurt them. And perhaps futurerations tremendously. Robert, thank you very much. Well, go ahead, folks, this weeks bipartisan agreement on infrastructure already shaping up to be a bait and switch as President Biden and Speaker Pelosi hold the deal hostage to the rest of their agenda. Plus, as the democrats Election Overhaul Stalls in the senate, the Justice Department taking matters into its own hands. Our clients know that . naj because as a fiduciary, its our responsibility to always put clients first. other Money Manager so you do it because you have to . naj no, we do it because its the right thing to do. We help clients enjoy a comfortable retirement. other Money Manager sounds like a big responsibility. naj one that we dont take lightly. Its why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. Fisher investments is clearly different. 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Were back with dan henninger, kim strassel and Editorial Board member Kyle Peterson. Kyle, what do you think . A lot of prominent republicans took a lot of photographs with President Biden on thursday. I think they might regret it already. Yeah, there are a few of them that are saying that. Lindsey graham was not one of the negotiators, but he was one of the 11 republicans who was in favor of this deal, and hes now saying this is, essentially, a bait and switch and if theyre going to do two bills and one is going to be 4 trillion maybe well find out later he says hes out. Charles you know, kim, this might backfire on President Biden. Right now he looks president ial, he stood there, he talked about the industry and bipartisanship and compromise, but now hes saying if he cant get all the democrats to agree on something, he will squash something that all americans agree they want. So its manager of a gamble as well. Yeah, i totally agree. You know, ever since he ran last year, he claimed hes this more centrist, moderate and bipartisan leader. And we havent seen any of that. So this was his opportunity. And, by the way, on a topic, a powell that really has the support of a hot of americans both sides of the aisle. But to do it so quickly too and to turn around and say, you know, if i cant have absolutely everything i want, then nobodys getting anything, thats not a great message as a president. And it is also a remarkable slap at republicans. Why bother negotiating on what you can agree on if democrats intend to take everything that republicans didnt agree on and just stuff it through in another bill anyway . Its a pretty remark if Bl Double Cross after weeks of negotiation. Charles so here we are again, i guess, dan, looking at what happens Senator Sinema and senates manchin, what roles they would play. We did see senator manchin come around a little bit, and maybe they think theyve got him in a position where he would go for reconciliation. Before it didnt sound like that was possible. Yeah, i think they are putting a lot of pressure on them, charles. Because, you know, personally i dont think the democrats ever intended to do an Infrastructure Bill. And, honestly, it probably includes the white house. Look, nancy pelosi, who is the speaker of the house of representatives, has been saying for weeks that there would be no Infrastructure Bill without an affirmative vote on all of these other 6 trillion of spending. Bernie sanders, who is the chairman of the senate budge committee, has been saying the same thing. Their goal all along has not been infrastructure, but to enact this larger Reconciliation Bill with education, childcare, welfare and joe bidens four new entitlement programs. And so i think republicans had to have seen that and presumably they may have gotten some sort of commitment from President Biden himself that he would go with them on the Infrastructure Bill. I really wonder what the truth of that is, because it does not look to me like the white house ever intended to follow through on this. And so were rolling towards a big Reconciliation Bill maybe with joe manchin, kirsten cinema in tow. Charles kyle, on that vote note, Bernie Sanders put out his 6 trillion plan, and it feels like thats the new starting point. Im hearing numbers as high as 3 trillion as a compromise within the Democratic Party. This is probably what biden, President Bidens going to have to do to bring in some of these progressives who may be feeling left out of the process. What do you think . But the question is whether he loses some of these senate moderates. So joe manchin, the West Virginia moderate, was asked by a reporter what he thinks about this twotandem process, getting two bills for one. And what he said, essentially, twrowp, im not going to pledge im going to vote for this thing i havent seen yet, and he specifically said 6 trillion seems like a little much. To theyre going of to have to restart their own negotiation inside the Democratic Party now. Charles right. Kyle, the Department Of Justice filing a lawsuit against the state of georgia. It seems to be really inflammatory just from the headlines. Tell us about it. Well, the Justice Department is essentially saying that georgia enacted this new voting law with intent to discriminate against black voters, minority voters. And what georgias going to reply, theyre going to say there were ly legitimate reasons for these neutral rule changes. Just to pick one example, the old law allowed voters to request an Absentee Ballots four days before the election. Theyve moved that to eleven days. And what georgias going to say is if you can have a mail ballot at 4 59 p. M. The day before the election, that is not enough time. And, by the way, the u. S. Postal service says the deadline should be 15 days before the election. So itll be interesting to watch, but i have a hard time thinking this is going to meet the bar of showing this is a discriminatory law that a court is going to show throw out. Charles thank you very much, panel. Still ahead, elects in iran elect a new hardline president , so will they settle for something less just to close the nuclear deal . Can help grow and protect your money. An annuity can help cover Essential Expenses in retirement, so you can live the life you want. This is what an annuity can do. Learn more at protectedincome. Org. Upbeat Pop Music in background throughout to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. And along the ride, youll have many questions. Challenges. And a few surprises. 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Charles President Bidens has made returning to the 2015 Iranian Nuclear agreement one of his top Foreign Policy priorities, but as last weeks election of a hardliner of as president of that country putting that in jeopardy . Ibrahim russy wasted no time telling the United States what he wont do. As the administration hopes for a longer and stronger deal, a Senior Fellow for the defense of Democrat Crasses joins us now democracies. I know european negotiations seemed to have bogged down almost immediately after the election outcome, and it feels like this has set us back tremendously. Has it . Well, great to be with you again, charles. No, i dont think with it has. In fact, i think the iranians want to dangle the inauguration of this new hardliner, raisi, as a way to get to august, its best that the u. S. And the west realize how much leverage they actually have, and its all about the numbers here. Its all about the Economic Needs to have iran. A. Charles it felt like the Obama Administration a had a lot of leverage x they squandered it, perhaps, in this sort of urgent need to get a deal done. And it feels like this is happening all over again with the Biden Administration. I hear what youre saying, but do you think they can resist the urge to be able to check that box . Lets hope not because if what happened this 2013 and 2015 with final Nuclear Deals known as the jcpoa, if that happens again where the iranians realize that the west needs a deal for political reasons more than they need a deal for economic reasons, theyre going the take us to the cleaners again. And now i think the conversation in washington about longer and stronger, i thinks a total fib, a total lie. I think thats domestic political cover that the administration is using to actually claw back that fatally flawed deal, the jcpoa. Charles what is it about the west and sort of ignoring the obvious role that iran plays in the region, the dangers that it presents to its neighbors, to democracy, to freedom that they dont take a harder stance marley they can . Because it feels like once they to have the Nuclear Capabilities that theyre seeking, there wont be any turning back. You know, youre absolutely right, and when you relieve and relax sanctions, you make it easier for iran, you also put yourself in a tough place 5, 10 years could be the line with the deal you signed which actually expires, and you have to deal with a more radical, richer, tougher and potentially even more nuclear iran down the line. One major flaw is mirror imaging, another is dooming the iranians [inaudible] for the past few years here in washington, we tend to think the rains januaries are merely responding to what we put out there, and if they behave, theyll behave. Whey want to Eject America for a reason, and theyre trying to pursue the safe e path possible to dominate the middle east. Charles with that in mind if, ive ready where you said this new president is ultimately the supreme proxy for the Supreme Court. There wasnt a big turnout for this election. The candidates, obviously, are were hand picks. From time to timeover the the last several years, ive gotten notety if occasions that there were efforts to spark some sort of internal reis volt. Is any of that possible . And in so, what role if so, what would the wes have have to play a part in . In February 2020 iran had the lowest ever recorded turn toout for irans parliamentary elections. In uni2021, just this month, iran had the lowest ever turnout for its president ial election. Theyre rejecting the system wholesale. And as the Biden Administration is negotiating overtime with i have 9 11 ya, they would be wise to Pay Attention to this dynamic on the street. Charles a tremendous amount of damage has been done in the middle east. You look at yemen, for instance. Whats the role of saudi arabia, these alliances what we were starting to see you were President Trump with some unlikely, you know, alicense a alliances that may have been unthinkable not that long ago, theyre seeming to come through. There needs to be a regional pushback. I know youre Mention Ifinging right now the trump administrations overtime deproposal city to focus on the rising threat posed by the Islamic Republic of iran which threatens their security and can American Security can. And while i do support a closer collaboration between the arabs and israelis, ultimately, washington should be making sure there is a back start we hine our local partners. Charles thank you very much. Always appreciate your expertise on this. Pleasure. Good to be with you again. When we come back, the Supreme Court sides with College Athletes in a case that could athletes in a case that could change the face of college sports. Nothing will stop me from vacation. No canceling. Flexible cancellation. Kayak. Search one and done. My plaque psoriasis. The itching. The burning. The stinging. My skin was no longer mine. My psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen. Painful. Emerge tremfyant™. With tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. Tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Tremfya®. Emerge tremfyant™. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. Charles a unanimous Supreme Court ruling this week that the ncaa violated Antitrust Laws by conspiring to limit educationrelated benefits to student athletes. These included laptops, tutoring and paid internships. The decision, while narrow in scope, could pave the way for the transformation of college sports. So is paying athletes a salary the next logical step . Were back with dan henninger, Kyle Peterson and gillian mel. Er. Send us more cases so we can open the door further. And at the risk of disagreeing with nine Supreme Court justices, im a little worried, charles, were eaching a pandora as box here opening a pandoras box here. If youre going to pay athletes this much money, and i agree when coaches are spent millions of dollars and students are not, though they are on scholarship, youre just opening a pandoras box that will allow, force smaller colleges to compete if division ii, division iii, and to pay the athletes, they have to kill the Arts Programs . The big colleges, universities are fine, i think its the smaller schools that would be damaged by anything like this. Charles kyle, i dont know that it had to be a lot of money. Were not talking professional 20 million a year. But some poor kid whose mom may be living without heat and water, 50 grand and insurance, i dont think, seems too unreasonable this day and age. Yeah. And its interesting, i mean, everybody seemed to agree that the problem of them not being paid while these Assistant Coaches are sometimes making, you know, 2. 5 million, that is an untenable status quo. But Justice Kavanaugh in his solo opinion raises some really good questions and what happens to these sports that dont raise revenue, what happens to gender equity, sports under title ix. And i would add one of my if own, which is if these College Players are reflecting even a portion, even a portion of their economic benefits in the schools, then is making them go to stat class just kind of below their pay grade at that point . [laughter] charles well, it might already be below their pay grade. Im not sure how many are being graded on it anyway. There was another Supreme Court decision this week, jillian. It was 81. But it involved the students. This time it was a high school student. A young lady who, you know, said some unsavory things on social media outside the school, she was expelled. Apparently the school was wrong. What do you think about that . I think this is a win for free speech. So its up to the parents who engage in vulgar language off campus, but this is Important News because i think youve seen a [inaudible] occurs off campus, so im happy to see justices stand up for free speech. Charles dan, your thoughts on that case . Im going to shout out to Clarence Thomas who was the dissent who said he probably believes in the free speech piece, but he said this erodes school authority. And that has been happening for 2030 years. Now theres no authority, much less at home or in the schools, and we wonder why we have a problem with some of these young kids. Charles you know, kyle, someone would say its a reflection of an erosion of society at large, you know . Theres a whole lot of different conversations going on here, but what are your thoughts on this particular case . Well, one of the points also was the majority did not set out clear rules, so i think there are going to be a lot of harder cases to come where the speech looks more like bullying, and then well have to see how they rule. In this case, its a good example of you hear a lot about the 54 sessions of the court. Heres one, 81, liberals and conservatives coming together and making a clear statement about the first amendment. Charles real quick, 30 seconds, jillian, a lot of great points. Justice thomas took a lot of heat but, again, this might be making matters worse, a lot worse in some ways because this is a road i dont know that we want to go down. Well, you know, the court did leave open, you know, schools and colleges to get involved when its happening off campus that disrupt their ability to perform their educational function, but i also think we have to be really concerned that some of these administrators, weve already seen on College Campuses terms like illegal immigrant with maga hat being defined as hate speech. So i do think it certainly doesnt end with the9 states. Charles absolutely. We have to take one more break. When we come back, hits and misses for the week. Hot dog or. Chicken . Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Whats the 1 Retinol Brand used most by dermatologists . 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Kyle ill give this to New York City would tell the primary mayor election on tuesday and maybe next month, the player who one and part of the probably new york york is very slow to count Absentee Ballots and valid mail votes are still throwing in the city is also using an rank Choice Voting system so every voter can take pick five candidates after the valley the lowest gets eliminated and all of the supporters are reshuffled in the multiple rounds of this. So this process going to help or hurt but her confidence has been a few weeks. I thought my ballot was tough. But this is even tougher voting in New York City. Jillian. It. Jillian hong kong government, shut down fa and apple daily a prodemocracy paper out there. This is a huge loss, its also a warning to any companies doing business there they shut down, no due process no court hearing. Apple daily, it can happen here, though be naive about it. Dan. I given this last week to the randolph new Jersey School board which voted to rename of a state of the other national holidays, day off. With his this week goes to the parents randolph who revolted against this revolting idea at a school board reversed course. Now, the Fourth Of July is still going to be the Fourth Of July evening randolph, new jersey. Will that is it for this weeks show, thanks to my family and of course all of you are watching. Im charles, has me weekdays on making money on fox network. We hope to see you then asked week. Ever since anna growing more desperate by the hour, now there are questions on whether the red flags were missed regarding that Collapse Condo outside miami. Rain fire and smoke adding to the challenges the rescue crews have been working around the clock. For more than 60 hours straight to go through that huge pile of rubble in peoples homes. And souls inside hello everyone and welcome to fox news live. Higher. Thank you for joining us in america shaun

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