It is friday june 2, 05, youre watching fox and friends first. Jillian President Biden approved floridas Emergency Declaration. Lets go live to the scene in surfside. What is the latest . Reporter you get a sense of what is going on behind me, they are springwater to keep the dust down, we are seeing heavy machinery moving in as they tried to remove the rubble. The search goes on for life underneath that rubble. At least 40 Urban Search And Rescue workers were under the underground parking lot, they heard some sounds, some banking, not clear if it came from humans or not but officials including the governor say this is very much a Search And Rescue operation. First order was the Search And Rescue, save lives and also caring for displaced folks. The first thing is why did this happen . They dont have the answers right now but i think they will in relatively short order. Reporter as many as 99 people remain unaccounted for after this disaster. A lot of Family Members in agony trying to find information where they can, posting photographs of loved ones still missing on social media. President biden declared an Emergency Declaration for the state of florida, releasing federal funds to help, why this happened still not clear. One florida Professor Reporting The Building was sinking two millimeters a year since the 1990s but not a clear reason as to why this 40yearold building which was under process of recertification suddenly collapsed at 1 30 in the morning on thursday. One of the rescuers, one of the heroes, a civilian helps pull it inyearold boy to safety will be a later this hour. You heard in the cold open the gentleman said this was like a war zone. I heard you yesterday say it was like war zones you have been in during your war coverage. That stuck with me. As someone who has been to war zones elaborate on that. That is where the front of that Apartment Building looks like with the balconies hanging off. If youve been to places like chechnya which was decimated by russian airpower or have seen earthquakes like what happened in haiti, what was once a normal Apartment Building in the span of seconds become totally destroyed and furniture hanging out of buildings, bunkbeds where children once slept, a gruesome picture and i think we will have some more bad news as they go through the rubble in days to come. Jillian talk about the logistical difficulty rescuers are up against with this situation because as i understand it, you pointed this out in coverage throughout the last day, for a lot of the rescue they are going underground in the garage area. Are they still doing that . They are still doing that. They did the first night, thursday, overnight as well and they are still looking and you are right to point that out. This is a building that is partially collapsed. Firefighters, First Responders from all over South Florida rushed to the scene immediately and it was hard to hold them back. They went into rescue they could, they pulled out 36 people that first night and now they are operating with proper protection, with engineers, but the fight goes on under difficult conditions to pull people out alive. From the miamidade Fire Department under that building in the garage easy the conditions they are dealing with, they have water under there, rubble on top of them. That is a nightmare scenario. So they can do the job of going through, the unbelievable work they are doing, really is a tough story. Jillian in two hours, Vice President Kamala Harris is heading to the border leading the biden administrations response to the massive surgeon migration. Todd Caroline Shively with the vps agenda. Vice president Kamala Harris will tour the el paso Border Patrol station to meet with advocate and talk to reporters about getting to the root cause of illegal immigration, Border Patrol said they had 180,000 encounters on the border last month, the most since march of last year. This will be harriss first trip to the border as vp, she took flak this morning for going to el paso, some politicians say that is 100 miles northwest of where she should be. Im sure if you go to the border, go to something that is politically safer. The epicenter is down there in the lower rio grande. If you look at the numbers down there, you are not going to get a true picture of what is happening. Yesterday President Biden said harris was doing a great job on immigration and pointed out that she had artie been mexico. He was asked about it as he stood alongside a Bipartisan Group of senators about a compromise on infrastructure. It is really important. We have an Infrastructure Package that addresses the needs of this country for the twentieth century. This group got a job done. The lowcost 1. 2 trillion over eight years, roads, bridges and Major Projects get 109 billion, Power Infrastructure get 73 billion, this 49 billion for public transit, 7. 5 billion for electric Vehicle Infrastructure and 21 billion for environmental radiation. Heres the catch, mister biden set a large bill with other democratic priorities would be passed in a separate bill or he wont sign this bill. That measure would tackle building of the nations social safety net, a Bill Republicans wont like it wont vote for if biden believes that can be done through reconciliation which means just 50 votes in the senate so you can call this a big deal but not a done deal. Back to you. Perfect description. Thank you. Jillian another fox news alert. A man is shot by Portland Police officer outside a motel 6, the officer opened fire after the man reportedly charged at him with a screwdriver. Portland police chief says the incident is still being reviewed. We are early in this investigation. Pulmonary information suggests our officer encountered a difficult and dynamic situation no officer wants to face. Jillian Police Responded to a crowd gathered outside the motel where the man was shot. His condition is unclear at this time. Todd chaos in minneapolis, crowdpleasing after shots fired as derek chauvin, convicted of George Floyds murder is convicted to be sentenced today. The former minneapolis Police Officer was found guilty of seconddegree murder, thirddegree murder and seconddegree manslaughter employeds death, prosecutors calling for a 30 year sentence, the defense asking for probation or a lesser sentence, in may 2020 video captured him kneeling on George Floyds next while the 46yearold pleaded for help, his death sparking worldwide protests. Los Angeles International airport after a driver crashed, the daily mail reports the breach happened moments before prince harry took off to london. The suspect was taken into custody on the tarmac. He had sos written on the front of the vehicle, no injuries were reported. Police are still investigating why the man did that. Nasa calling people to help them name one of their mannequins heading to the moon. This weekend is the last chance to vote in the contest which ends monday. Todd later this year the socalled Moonikin And Two Model Human Torsos will go on an unmanned test flight together data for 2023 mention. Go online and choose from a selection of names. Is this going to be like a soupedup mannequin . Or is it like when you get jillian i dont spend my time researching things about space, just fascinated by it. Neil 9 minutes after the air. Eyewitness who helped against the rubble of the florida Condo Collapsed joins us live. The fox news alert. Heroism in South Florida as a Desperate Search for survivors continues. Neil 99 People Killed in a deadly Condo Collapsed. They are hoping for a miracle. The rescue of a child in miamidade county, daniel copenhagen, thanks for being here. What is going through your mind . I mean, one of those kind of situations where you dont think, you hear the voice of a child, you can tell, had to get over there especially in this horrible situation. I didnt think. I just acted. Jillian why were you in that area . Do you live in that area . Is that how you were so close when it happens . Described the moment after this happened and what brought you to that scene and what you saw immediately . I am out here visiting, i am from phoenix, visiting surfside. I happened to be out walking the dog. All of a sudden what sounded like thunder and the ground vibrating signals to me something wasnt right. At first i thought perhaps a storm front was rolling in but then just 30 seconds later another loud crack of thunder and the ground shaking, thats not right. I brought my dog upstairs, came back down and saw other people coming out downstairs to see what was going on. I followed in that direction and when i got to the front of the building i could see the balconies had fallen from one of the upper floors, and then the fire crews started to arrive and move people back and just wanting to get a Better Vantage Point i decided to walk around the north side of the Apartment Buildings next to the building. Then walk along the beach to see if i could see the backside and that is what i could see absolutely the sheer drop off of the entire Apartment Building. Jillian if i could interrupt, did the boys say anything to you after he was rescued . Reporter it is such a large perimeter, once he got pulled out from the wreckage, i made it pretty close to where i could see him and he knew that we were there. I was able to get firefighters and the Police Officer over there. There was a larger perimeter. They didnt have it closed off. They were worried about people in front but at that moment, they made a perimeter and got to work extracting him. Todd one of the questions we are struggling with, this is not a third world country, this is the beachfront in miami, a beautiful area, a rather wealthy area. How does this happen with our Building Codes and regulations . Excellent question. This is a community that lived through Hurricane Andrew in 1992. I was a resident at that time. After the tragedy of Hurricane Andrew we updated our Building Codes. This building was built before Hurricane Andrew, a 40 year certification. Right now our focus is on rescuing as many residents in our community as possible and being supportive to the families that are waiting for word on whether there are survivors here and focusing on how we can ensure this absolutely never happens again in our community. Jillian we are looking at video of the rescue efforts. That is how rescuers had to go about this yesterday. Because of the way the building came down and pancakes as it collapsed, can you talk about what goes into a Rescue Mission like this and how difficult Something Like this is . You make one wrong move, disturbed that rubble, you dont want to risk more coming down on people that might be still alive and on the rescue team. There are two important perspectives to keep in mind. There are families waiting and hoping and saying why arent there are hundred people picking up concrete and lifting this rubble and the perspectives of our incredible brave Men And Women of the miamidade Fire Rescue Department and Law Enforcement who have been out there for 27 hours doing everything they can to rescue as many people as possible. When you see this in person, it is unbelievable the amount of concrete piled on top of each other. It is really difficult to comprehend. The level of difficulty, difficult to communicate because it is not something anyone has seen in their lifetime but it is not a matter of hundreds of people rushing out and trying to lift it. Thats not the way to do this because we are losing additional lives of our Men And Women In Uniform because there are a ton of safety issues here. Todd this will be a slow and tedious process because it has to be in order to save further lives. Prayers to you fine folks, nicholas and danielle, thank you for being there. Time is 18 after the hour. President bidens Education Secretary taken to task on critical race. Indoctrinating children is a violation of federal law. Critical race theory is contrary to the american ideal of judging people on their character. Todd our next guest was arrested at the chaotic meeting of the curriculum, this happened in virginia, his fight to end the division in education. Jillian apologizing to fans, why she says she was living a lie on social media. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. Call Coventry Direct to learn more. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. Our friends sold their policy to help pay for their medical bills and that got me thinking. Maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. Im skeptical, so i did some research and called Coventry Direct. 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I dont know the guy. I havent found very many Government Experts or administrators that have been especially trustworthy in the last year or so. Todd a 30,000 foot view. What is happening in our country . Reporter that is the 300, 000 question but it is not hard to look around and see there is a tremendous amount of moral details literally and seems to be at the root of what is really going on. We have a country have, instead of worshiping the creator started worshiping the flesh, the result is we started to pursue things that are not godly and it is reflected in what we are seeing going on in our school and the focus on indoctrinating people into things that just arent true. Todd youve been on the channel a lot in 48 hours. I dont want to rehash what people have seen but what stood out to you about your arrest . The thing, getting into a paddy wagon. I dont think it was the arrest that stood out to me. What stood out the most is how easily we have given up our rights and how easily we retreated over the last 50 years. Has i was standing in front of the room and realizing people felt they had no options after the school board left, that is what i felt. We cant take another defeat. If we walk out of here based on some tyrant declaring very Unlawful Assembly was, quote, unlawful we are going to lose again and time to stand our ground and we werent going to leave unless people have an opportunity to do what they had come to do which is air their grievances to Public Officials and hope that they would listen. The reality is clear they dont want to listen, they are not listening and our only option is that we the people take back our country, take back our schools, take back our churches, take back our government and that is what i think about county has become, a microcosm of the entire country. Kristen would say that fight has become amplified over the last few months. Youve seen more pushback. The question is your point is it working . Is it having an effect . The next few months if not years will determine that. We appreciate your time, it has been a heck of a week. Thank you very much. Youve been tougher on the than the sheriff had been. Todd i think ive been pretty easy. Im not going to fight your scheduling. Todd we do have an Early Morning show. Jillian still ahead President Biden during a press conference, going viral. Ask me guess what, employers cant find workers. I said yeah, pay them more. Jillian critics calling that a tone deaf message. We have that next. For deb, living with constipation with belly pain was the same old story for years. Trying this. Doing that. Spending countless days right here. Still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. Awful feelings she kept sugarcoating. Finally, with the help of her doctor, it came to be. That her symptoms were all signs of ibsc. And thats why she said yes to adding linzess. 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To imagine having someone i love under the rubble wanting to believe they are hoping for a miracle and in desperation folks are feeling at this moment. Neil Desperate Search continues for people buried under the rubble of a collapsed condo building. Jillian Steve Harrigan joins us at the scene as they go through dust and debris. This is devastating, no other way to put it. Reporter this is a tough scene to watch. They are bringing in more heavy machinery to try to remove some of that debris. Rescue workers going at it another 24 hour session overnight, no clear idea what caused this apartments. Here is the mayor of surfside. Buildings like this do not fall in america. This is a third world phenomena and. It is shocking. There are casualties and it is frightening to think of how many more there are going to be. Reporter Rescue Operations continued overnight, no success to speak of the difficult working conditions. A lot of pipes broken in the underground parking lot and underneath that Drilling Tunnels and heavy floodwaters as well. President biden declared an Emergency Declaration releasing federal funds to help with the efforts here and the miami heat, basketball players, the Miami Marlins doing what they can to bring supplies of food and aid to First Responders and those who lost in this disaster. Jillian keep us updated, thank you. Todd Vice President Kamala Harris finally headed to the southern border despite dismissing such a trip earlier this month. On the issue of republicanss political attacks, i came here to be here on the ground to speak with the leader of this nation around what we can do in a way that is significant, is tangible as opposed to grand gestures. Jillian here to react is Acting Ice Director and Fox News Contributor tom homan. We have waited for it, todays the day. I am curious what is more peculiar about this trip, the timing of it or the location where she is traveling. They are both ridiculous. She was shamed into going to the border. Donald trump announced he was going. The bottom line is donald trump is be more president ial about this crisis than President Biden or Vice President harris. She was shamed to do it and it is political because she should have been this crisis. She is going to el paso. Instead of going to the Rio Grande Valley which is the epicenter of this crisis where at least 40 of the illegal Alien Population comes across the border instead of going there to talk to Men And Women dealing with a crisis, thousands of unaccompanied children she picks el paso because she does not want to see the devastation her administrations policies of cost. Neil heres what harris has done in a 92 days since she has not been to the border, been to guatemala and mexico, female senators over for dinner, toward the country to promote covid 19 vaccines, walked in a pride rally and stopped by a bakery in chicago. What happened to this visit . Do you expect harris to be more engaged on the border or much of the same we saw for the last 92 days . The administration doesnt want to fix this. This is open borders. Theyve not done one thing. Taking on this trip, lets be clear, in phoenix, arizona, National Sheriffs association, i talked to the Southern Texas Border Sheriff who found 42 dead migrants since january 1st that made that trip and died, 42 in one county. Children have died. Illegal drugs coming across the border. The cartels are taking advantage of this humanitarian crisis. This administration has done nothing other than processing people quicker saying nothing to see here, no overcrowding, that is another enticement. While she is laughing and giggling and not doing her job on the border people are dying, 31 of women get raped making that journey. This is the most inhumane response to a humanitarian crisis ive seen by any administration. Jillian anything she can say to meet this moment and get this right . Know because shes going to the border, neither one has an ounce of respect for the Men And Women of Border Patrol. They have been busting their butts since january working 24 7 dealing with this crisis and you have a Vice President at the secretary that wont admitted is a crisis, they plus the respect of the 20,000 Men And Women of Border Patrol. When she was a senator not long ago she compared ice to the ku klux klan, attacked Border Patrol for mistreatment, Inhumane Treatment of migrants, shes meeting the Men And Women she has attacked for years. Bottom line is shes going to ask those the border wall work, they will say yes so why not stop it . What is causing this crisis . They will tell her the biden border policies. When you abolished the trump policies we told you this was going to happen. You wont ask the important questions, they wont like the answers. Jillian we will be covering it and you will pay close attention, good to see you, thanks for joining us. Todd a shooting outside washington dc, the Violence Erupting in the parking lot, Gunfire Sending people running for cover. Witnesses say they heard a dozen shots. Police believe there was a shootout between two people, the suspects fled on foot. Jillian San Francisco will require all 37,000 City Employees be vaccinated. Anyone who refuses or does not get medical religious exemption could be fired according to the new hr policy. Starting monday City Employees will have 30 days to report their Vaccination Status through the citys payroll, a program will be set up for all employees to receive their shot. Todd President Biden addressing the media, may have to turn up the volume. Employers can find workers. I said yeah, pay them, 1. 9 trillion released so far. They will get checks in the mail for consequential. On the environment. Why would i not before it . Todd pay them, they will come. President biden used some of his whispers to blame employers for the labor shortage, hes facing backlash for the press conference. Rest assured jillian you will not be whispering. Neil never whisper on this show. Jillian i cant hear anymore. What . 37 minutes after the hour. Todd every day. Jillian baby shark gets wrapped in a fishing line at a california beach, one mans decision to help him out. Todd download the Fox Bet Super 6 apps and play for a chance to win 10, 000. Predict 6 outcomes in the super 6 quiz show, topics range from entertainment to sports, it is free to play. Queue up jimmy buffett. I did it again jillian days after her Bombshell Testimony Britney Spears is apologizing to her fans for pretending everything was okay the past few years. Todd Carley Shimkus is here with the details. Carley Britney Spears speaking to fans in and Instagram Post writing the way i posted my life seem to look at be pretty amazing. Im bringing this to people at attention because i dont want people to think my life is perfect because it is definitely not at all. I apologize for pretending i have been okay the past two years. I did it because of my pride and i was embarrassed to share what happened to me, this after she went into detail about her restrictive conservatorship. She told the judge she wants to regain control of her life. She said to the judge if i mentally fit enough to do the vegas residency, make albums, be a judge in a reality singing competition, should be mentally fit enough to longer have to be in this conservatorship. We will see the outcome on that front. Britney spears is speaking out to her fans this morning. Jillian must we remind everyone shes a grown woman . Shes 40 years old. I cant wait to see her life beyond this. Hopefully she will move past this. Leaving the band to talk politics. Carley a Founding Member of the band mumford and sons is leaving so he can speak freely about politics. Winston marshall faced intense backlash after indoor selling journalist and the no hs book who dont want to impose antifa. He faced so much backlash he stepped aside from the band and is leaving altogether. He made an announcement saying the only way forward for me is to leave the band. I hope in distancing myself from them im able to speak my mind without them suffering the consequences. I weep with love in my heart and wish those 3 boys nothing but the best. Mumford and sons wished him well on social media. We wish you all the best for the future, winston and we love you, man. No hard feelings but by praising andy knowhs book he faced so much backlash the life you are seeing on screen is no longer going to be his. Todd they are such a good band. Carley not even in extreme thought. He is speaking against antifa and Winston Marshall says he has been excuse of being an extremist by endorsing this book that speaks out against extremism. Todd switching gears, the age old question i asked jillian twice a day, if we are nice to the sharks will they be nice back . Carley this guy seems to think so. This brave man is going viral for rescuing a shark, he took total control of the situation. The shark was caught in a fishing line. Some guy gave him a knife, he cut the shark clues, the shark was free in the water. It is a baby great white shark. Maybe he felt more comfortable in that situation. I would be so far away from the beach i would be in the parking lot. Todd cocktail in your hands. Carley kudos to this brave fellow. Jillian you are saying baby shark do do do. Carley not the kind of baby shark. We like the when they are cartoons, not in real life. Heather what we carley the ocean is the sharkss house. Todd a stance the carly has taken, controversial stance. She wanted to say that. We try to give carly a platform. Thanks. In a rare moment of internet harmony, to find the mystery couple in these engagements, circulating online. Jillian a photographer snapping pictures on the beach, she turned to twitter to help identify the couple, information came flooding in. Neil couple says they love those chances to talk about their love. Their love is special. Thats not what it said in the prompter but what i feel. Jillian so beautiful. Todd a woke Washington High School facing backlash words pro black lives matter and antipolice yearbook feature in fear eating some parents including our next guest who explains how the district is making the situation worse. Jillian a Military Veteran gave another veteran for his One Hundredth birthday. We are coming right back. A ride in a Chevrolet A Man On The Moon in june cities and Farms Business helped my sales team. Look at simon. Since simons team started using grammarly business, weve closed more deals. With suggestions to sharpen his writing clarity and overall confidence, simons pitches always stick the landing, which leads to more of these and these. Learn more at grammerly. Com business. In business, its never just another day. Its the big sale, or the big presentation. The day where everything goes right. Or the one where nothing does. With comcast business you get the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses and advanced cybersecurity to protect every device on it all backed by a dedicated team, 24 7. Every day in business is a big day. Well keep you ready for whats next. Comcast business powering possibilities. Todd fox news alert, the man shot by Portland Police officer has died, he passed away at a hospital, he was shot by an officer last night at a motel 6, the officer opened fire after that man came at him with a screwdriver. The police chief said the incident is under investigation. We will be you the latest as soon as we know more. Jillian parents of students at seattle high schools are outraged over yearbook that feature antipolice propaganda and solicitations for donations to black lives matter. A section in one yearbook features this drawing a Police Officer hovering over a black woman with a raised baton. You to react, North Shore School district parent julie barrett. Thank you for being here this morning. A lot of people are upset about these images in the yearbook. Lets bring up this picture that is in the yearbook and was played at graduation, your two dollars in two sins, describe for me this photo and what we are looking at. Reporter that photo features several High School Students holding a variety of Social Justice signs, one of them this was featured invite School Yearbook and played on a Video Montage at the Graduation Ceremony last week. Jillian what does that mean . Are masters. Jillian did the School District know what it meant . Do you reach out to them . I did. To every school board member, the School Superintendent and head of the racial education and Justice Department and heard back from no one. Our School District is active with the Social Justice, a special department was created last june after the george floyd death. There is no doubt in my mind. Jillian a spokesperson said the staff are responsible for the yearbook didnt know what the phrase meant but as a parent how upsetting is it and how stunned were you when you saw that once you learned what that phrase apparently means . As a parent had a sister of a Law Enforcement officer i was furious. It is so disrespectful that our educators are teaching our youth to have disrespect for Law Enforcement when these people come our School District has 5 different Law Enforcement agencies that serve it and these officers respond to the district and various schools in our district every single day. To see this blatant disrespect toward Law Enforcement was really sad and made me angry. Jillian here is the statement from the North Shore School district, quote, some of our students engaged in the ongoing social Justice Movement and spoke their truth. We do not apologize for their advocacy and trying to make this world better for everyone, we do apologize for the protest sign that was displayed. It does not reflect our districts values were those of woodinville high school. This is in the only school in the area where theres a little bit of controversy and parents being upset. We can pull up this other image, bonney lake, the black lives matter ryan drawing in the yearbook in the district. Do we have that . We will read the statement first, the black lives matter message presented a factual background of the movement, the last about a donation should not have been included. We apologize for that oversight. Can we pull up that picture . When you look at what is going on across the board in schools and across the country are you concerned about where we are going . Very much so and i had an incident with one of the children a couple weeks ago, a critical race the relation being taught in class that i had to address, it has infiltrated every aspect of education and that is their goal, they said our goal is to have our teachers teaching this in every single subject. That makes it hard as a parent to control what your child is being taught by these people. It is a huge concern. Jillian i am wondering what your kids say about this. We indoctrinate our kids our own way. They know how we feel, what we believe and the they are to respect Law Enforcement and they see the truth behind it and that is our job as parents to indoctrinate our own children. Jillian appreciate your time. No idea what that phrase meant. Todd a world war ii veteran for his One Hundredth birthday. During his first a parade with family and friends, last year, for his 90 ninth birthday, thanked him for years of service, who knows what will be next year. Keeps raising the bar. England served on the Uss Enterprise through several battles in world war ii. If you know anything about Ww I Iv Enterprise was no joke. They saw some real serious stuff. Time now 55 after the hour. Coming up on the next hour of fox and friends first, Business Owner struggling Business Owners missing donald trump. When you ask what has biden done for you, what has been beneficial to the united states, nobody has any answers. Jillian Lawrence Jones talks to ohio Business Owners ahead of trumps rally tomorrow. Friday june 2, 05, fox news alert, Search Crews Racing against the clock to find any survivors following the partial collapsible condo building in florida. It is 28 hours and it happened, 99 people are still unaccounted for. Todd chilling images show the extent of the damage crews afford to, one person is dead. We expect that number to go higher. You are watching fox and friends first. Many questions remain how this happened. Steve harrigan joining us with what we know. Those Rescue Operations continue, we are seeing a new sign, bringing more heavy machinery to move some of that

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