Welcome to our viewers in the United States and all Around The World. It is friday, may 28th, and the u. S. Senate up all night, not to get lucky in the words of deaf punk, but the deaf part might be applicable. Republicans are on the path to block apy bipartisan vote on th insurrection. That vote might not happen until this afternoon. Why not earlier . Theres a deploying of Stall Stack Ticks on another bill. You may recall ron johnson denying the work of the insurrection and calling it a protest. Many were elderly, overweight, plain tired or frail, traits not tippic cal to the riotprone. They would never do anything to break the law, and so i wasnt concerned. Had the tables been turned and President Trump won the election and those were tens of thousands of black lives matter and antifa protesters, i might have been a little concerned. One of the reasons im being attacked is because i very honestly said i didnt feel threatened on january 6th. I didnt. There was much more violence on the house side. The fact of the matter is even calling it insurrection, it wasnt. I condemn the breach, the violence, but to say there were thousands of Armed Insurrectionists Breaching the capitol, intent on overthrowing the government is simply false narrative. By and large it was peaceful protests except for there were a number of people, basically ang taters with the crowd and breached the capitol, and, you know, thats really the truth of whats happening here. The senate is back in session here in just hours and sources are telling cnn that over the past 24 hours, Senate Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell has ramped up pressure on his colleagues to oppose the measure, asking wavering senators to support a filibuster as a personal favor. Joining us now chief domestic correspondent jim acosta. Sir, its very nice to see you on the new day set. Listen, Mitch Mcconnell making calls asking for a personal favor to vote on this bipartisan commission. This is after the shenanigans all night long just delaying the ultimate, which is a filibuster to block looking into what happened on january 6th. Your take. I mean, john, brianna, Mitch Mcconnell t rest of the Republican Party on the senate side and even in the house, theyre now likely to become the complicit caucus. Theyre going to drive the getaway car for donald trump for what happened on january 6th, and, you know, what is going to happen here obviously if they knock down this January 6th Commission is were going to see Democrats On The House Side and on the senate side, you know, set Committee Hearings to investigate. I talked to a couple of House Democrats last night who said, listen, of course, were going to do this. Theres no question were going to investigate this and theyre going to be subpoenaing witnesses, going to be investigating what happened. But it just boggles the mind that on the republican side and look the other way and not get to the bottom of what happened on january 6th, not get to the bottom of the intelligence breakdown, why was it that, you know, there were leads coming and tips coming into the Capitol Police to the fbi and they didnt follow up on it. What was donald trump doing that day . I talk fog a senior white house official who said he was loving the capitol mob that day. What was he up to . Were not going to get the bottom of those things unless we investigate and it seems like theyre going to do it on their own. The divide was on full display last night, jim. You saw matt gaetz and Marjorie Taylor greene having their own event, very much in contrast to former House Speaker paul ryan. Once again, we conservatives find ourselves at a crossroads. Taking advice on Party Building from paul ryan would be like taking advice from how to interact with your inlaws from megan mark kl. If they appeal to one personality or imitations, were not going anywhere. This is Donald Trumps party and im a donald trump republican. It was dishonorable. Weve got clear something up. Who won the president ial race on november 3rd for georgia . Voting for Republican Leaders are looking for mettle. Would it not be better to move on and look forward to trump in 2024 instead of looking backward . No, because this is too great of a crime. Were not going to let it go. You know, nazis were the National Socialist party just like the democrats are now a National Socialist party. You dont need me to tell you, a lot of people dont like greene. Thats okay because, you know whatd . A lot of people didnt like jesus christ. Reporter sometimes theyre Outranked Pedders detached from reality and not worth anybodys time. Actually i dont know exactly what was said about the holocaust as to what she said. Yeah, she compared covid restrictions to the holocaust. Well, i can understand that with Meningly The Nazi who experimented with children and drugs. Youre talking about the vaccine. Yes. Wow. Its illuminating. Paul ryan, of course, hes speaking to republicans. Hes trying to make it okay to move away from trump, but you can see where the energy is here. Its with gaetz and greene. Yeah. Youd almost feel bad for paul ryan if he werent sitting on the board at fox news or when he was speaker and had the chance to head it off at the pass. He saw these extreme movements billing inside the Republican Party, he saw the rise of donald trump. I think it can be said pretty convincingly he didnt do enough to stop the rise of donald trump. What we see with matt gaetz and Marjorie Taylor greene, theyre the zombie party. Theyre roaming the countryside looking for brains to consume. There wasnt exactly a buffet of highminded people there available down in georgia last night. I mean one of the problems that i have with Marjorie Taylor greene, brianna, whats the deal with all the nazi talk . Why is she constantly making these holocaust and nazi references, never mind the fact that Political Science professors Around The World, their heads are exploding this morning with the way she throws around national socialism. She obviously doesnt know what shes talking about. This is a party paul ryan should have done more to stop a long time ago. My experience people who have a history of saying antisemitic things, things like jewish space lasers causing forest fires who then make comparisons between Health Measures and the holocaust and inspire, literally, im sick to my Stomach Hearing that woman bring up joseph men gala. It made my stomach turn, but you can see how she is affected by Marjorie Taylor greene. And if youre asking her greenes motivation, it gives you a sense of what is motivating them, jim. Paul ryan, what is he doing . He sent around the comments 12 hours before he gave the speech, like it was some dramatic line in the sand. Im sorry. Its done. Its done. Paul ryan is acting like theres a battle inside the Republican Party. Im like wheres the battle . Too late. Exactly. Hes too late. And, by the way, if he wants to stop extremism or do something about extremism in america, he sits on the board of fox news. He can do something about it right now. I described it as a Bullshit Factory at fox news. Its becoming a Dangerous Haven for extremist ideas, and the fact that they continue to paper over and whitewash what donald trump did on january 6th, half the clips you showed of ron johnson a few moments ago happened on fox news. Did those anchors step in and Say Something to ron johnson like, no, youre lying about what happened on january 6th . No. Its because of what they do over at that station that is just demolishing what was left of a civil discourse in this country. So if paul ryan wants to do something about it, enough with the speeches at the reagan library. Please give a speech on the avenues of america over in midtown manhattan. Thats where he could do some good. Breaking overnight, a stung escalation in russias cyber war against the United States, and this is something affecting all of this. Just weeks ahead of President Bidens summit with Vladimir Putin. The New York Times is reporting that microsoft has detected a new hack. Our Senior National security correspondent Alex Marquardt has more. Tell us about this attack, alex. Its a huge series of attacks that affected 3,000 email accounts across 150 organizations most across the United States. Most were humanitarian Rights Organizations this. Is according to microsoft who first detected and reported these attacks. The actor behind it is the same russian actor who is behind the russian Solar Winds Hack which the u. S. Government said just last month was carried out by russias main service which is called fvr. They have sanctioned russia for that as well as interfering with the election against joe biden. Democrats were kicked out from the embassy here in washington and that did not stop russia from carrying out more of these sinister cyber attacks. Now, the timing of this is critical. You mentioned it. It comes less than three weeks before President Biden and Vladimir Putin are set to meet facetoface in geneva. Theyve been a major factor. Of course, this is only going to make things worse. I did reach out to the white house this morning for a response. I have not heard back, but i have heard from the kremlin. They told cnn they dont know anything about these attacks, and putins spokesman said he doesnt believe its going affect anything when it comes to this upcoming summit. In terms of how the Russian Hackers caved out this wave of attacks, they used an Email Service that was used by the usaid. From there they sent out emails that look authentic. Take a look at this one from tuesday, earlier this week. It claims that donald trump has published new documents on election fraud. The link thats included in that email then installs a malicious file if you click on it, which allows the russian hack eers to get inside, steal data, and go on to infect other computers. Another remarkable part of this like with the solar wind breach, its yet again a private Company Announcing these attacks, not the u. S. Government. And, of course, it is clear the russian attacks have not slowed down. They have been stepped up despite the fact that the Biden Administration has carried out these recent actions and sanctions against russia, and President Bidens desire for what he calls a stable predictable relationship. Brianna. Many say this is predictable behavior from russia. It is. And at a critical time as you mentioned. Alex, great report. Thank you so much. Back with us is jim acosta, and also joining us in this is Cnn Counteranalyst and intelligence adviser phil mudd. Phil, i think were starting to see how these things affect us day to day. We saw that with the pipeline attack. How should we read this one . Well, i dont see this as a cyber attack. I know it looks like that to me. I see this as cyber espionage. Look, brianna. 30 years ago if putin wanted to acquire information from the u. S. Gocht which is clearly a priority for him, maybe more important than having a successful summit with President Biden, he may have had to steal documents. In this case you come through the back door. This looks like sish warfare. Its not. Its cyber espionage. Hes stealing information he would have had to get through documents from an informant years ago, brianna. To me this looks bs f brazend cheeky. Youre rubbing the administrations nose in this because it seems to me you know this is going to get out. You know this comes after the bienz administration exposed some sanctions expelled son diplomats. President biden said he didnt want to get into this cycle of escalation, and the russian are getting into i. What does the white house do about this . How does he meet with Vladimir Putin after being this cheeky . Putin is just putin. Brianna and i know after having covered him at the white house. The relationship between the United States and russia fundamentally changed when donald trump came into office. We saw him bow to him in helsinki. I think they feel they can be provocative and test the United States, flex their muscles in a region where they still have control over countries like bela r hes going to have to tell putin, if you dont knock this off, there are going to be consequences and it cant be minimal. Putin has not gotten the message no matter whos in the office. These provocations are going to keep on happening. I think you are right. Jim acosta, thank you so much. Phil mudd, thank you for joining our chat here. Coronavirus cases and hospitalizations are spiking in the uk despite having one of the highest Vaccination Rates. Plus, the u. S. s reopening ahead of memorial day weekend. One store owner talks about how hes preparing for big maskless crowds. Trelegy for copd. Birds flyin high you know how i feel breeze drifting on by you know how i feel [man coughing] its a new dawn, its a new day. No matter how you got copd its time to make a stand. And im feelin good start a new day with trelegy. No oncedaily Copd Medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. With three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. It also helps prevent future flareups. Trelegy wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Its time to start a new day. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy. And save at trelegy. Com. Weve got em on the ropes. The billionaires buying elections. The corporate special interests poisoning campaigns with dark money, frantic to preserve bigmoney politics as usual. Because the for the people act is on the verge of becoming law. Reining in corporate lobbyists, finally banning dark money, and protecting our freedom to vote. Billionaires and special interests, your day is nearly done. Because its time for the people to win. Wanna help kids get their homework done . Well, an Internet Connections a good start. But kids also need computers. And sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. So why not Hook Community centers up with wifi . For kids like us, and all the Amazing Things were gonna learn. Over the next 10 years, comcast is committing 1 billion to reach 50 million lowincome americans with the tools and resources they need to be ready for anything. I hope youre ready. cause we are. This morning a Potentialically Certaining Development in the u yoo nighted kingdom. Coronavirus cases and hospitalizations rising again. Senior cnn medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen joins us. The uk has done such a good job with vaccinations and driven the deaths and hospitalizations down. When i saw the numbers tick down, i thought, what does this tell us . Thats the right question to be asking. Not the alarm, oh, my goodness, theres an increase. Their case numbers are so low the slight increase will nod overburden the Health Care System, but its not a good thing see this kind of take off in this way because this variant is concerning. It is quite transmissible. Lets take a look at what these numbers are. As we look at may 20th, its an 18 increase in cases at a time when the uk has done such a good job of controlling cases. It turns out that in the uk, 50 to 75 of the cases are an india variant. Thats quite a by. Thats a big chunk of their cases. Lets talk a little bit about the vaccine. We dont know exactly how effective the vaccine is against the india variant, but we know theres one study that looks at pfizer, for example, and says the vaccine is 80 effective against the variant first spotted in india. Thats not as good as 95 . But its a really, really good vaccine. Lets take a look at the Vaccination Rates in the uk versus the u. S. In the u. S. , half of the people have had one dose and that does give you some protection. In the uk, nearly 60 have had at least one dose and 35 are fully vaccinated. The uk and u. S. , two of the best Vaccination Rates in the world. John. Well watch. Elizabeth, youve got data on the demographics of counties lagging behind in the vaccinations. What have you learned . Its interesting. About 40 of americans havent had any shots, havent even gotten a first shot of the vaccine. At cnn, we took a look at what do we know about these counties . If you compare the counties if you look at the counties that have below average Vaccination Rates, 35 more households lack Internet Action sechls in other words, more of a tendency to lack internet access. The Median Household Income is about 20 lower, and fewer adults who have bachelors degrees, lower education status. Theres all sorts of reasons those things would correlate. Some of it is plain logistics. If you dont have the internet, its hard to make an appointment. Some of this is just that people who live in these counties, they feel pretty strongly that they dont want the vaccine. So there are some logistical reasons and belief reasons if you will. As always, thanks for your reporting. Starting today, new jersey will stop requiring masks inside restaurants, inside retail stores, movie theaters, jills, setting up a potentially rowdy weekend on the jersey shore. Joining me, someone who will know how it goes. John who owns a Restaurant Water Dog in atlantic city. I can only imagine how this feels for you. Tell me about the lifting of the rules of the mask mandate. Well, were certainly cautious. We watt to make sure our team is protected as well as any guest that comes in. Well be sure to offer Curbside Pickup for anyone who isnt comfortable coming indoors, however, enforcing the mask mandate, well make sure that every one of our guests is safe when they come through the doors but also offer Curbside Pickup. What have you done to protect your employees . Are they all vaccinated . How does it work . Weve encouraging every one of our employees to get the vaccination. Its huge part of Reopening Jersey and the jersey shore. Weve encouraged it highly, however, we cant force them to get vaccinated. But any employee not vaccinated is required to wear a mask while the unvaccinated ones will be not wearing a mask. Are some of your employees, do you think who are vaccinated, going to wear masks anyway . Do they feel safer that way . Some of them will be, yes, wearing the masks. And its really on them and how comfortable they feel about guests walking in and out of doors without masks. We encourage them to wear masks. Luckily were social distancing and following the state of new jersey, the cdc guidelines, and the department of health. We want to ensure that our employees are just as safe as our guests. I know you had a good offseason because a lot of people stayed at the shore. So i know youre looking forward to getting into a good on season. John connor joining us from atlantic city. Thank you. Thank you very much. Her son died trying to defend the capitol during the insurrection, but her pleas for a conviction to investigate the riot are falling on deaf ears, the ears of republicans. Were going to to a former congressman who accompanied Brian Sicknicks mother up on the hill. How did former President Donald Trump get a bush Family Member to kiss his ring. This is what an annuity can do. Learn more at protectedincome. Org. [truck horn blares] vo the subaru forester. Dog tested. Dog approved. Nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. You get advice like try hypnosis. Or. Quit cold turkey. Kidding me . instead, start small. With nicorette. Which can lead to something big. Start stopping with nicorette keeping your oysters Business Growing has you swamped. You need to hire. I need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo the senate back in session after a vote overnight delayed the vote on the bipartisan Insurrection Commission that we expect to happen later today. Ahead of this vote, the mother of fallen Capitol Hill Police officer Brian Sicknick met with senators and demanded they uphold their oath to the constitution. They listened. The bottom line is we dont know. What do you hope will be on their minds when they vote on this commission . The country. This is to uphold the constitution and right now i dont think theyre doing it. Joining us is barbara comstock, former congresswoman from virginia. She accompanied Gladys Sicknick. It was an honor to accompany Gladys Sicknick and garza and Officer Fanone who accompanied her. They very forcefully told their story of why they feel its important not just for the officers and to back the blue and to honor them and how they protected their lives that day, but also for country and for history. So it was a tough day for this family. You know, we were very pleased to meet with, you know, senators such as mitt romney and Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski who made it very clear theyre going to support this commission. And Lisa Murkowski really apologized to mrs. Sicknick that she even had to come and do this. But as gladys said, im usually in the background. This is not the kind of thing she could do, but she couldnt stay quiet anymore. You also met with senators johnson, scott, graham. What reason if any do you have to believe that their minds were changed . Well, we did meet with some others, and there are others we certainly hope will be supportive. This investigation is going to happen no matter what, whether its this commission or another type of commission. Were going to get to the bottom of this. But it is sad. Our officers are hurting. These Capitol Police, i represented them when i was on the committee that oversaul the Capitol Police. I keep in touch with them. Theyre in a world of hurt. And they did their job so well on january 6th that members dont realize what danger they were in. Officer fanone was showing the video that i know youve shown here on cnn about how he was tased 12 times in the back of his neck, how he was beaten brutally by people in mega hats. The person arrested many of the senators ask, has that person been arrested. Yes, he has. Daniel rodriguez has been arrested for the tasing and beating. There were four people arrested. Daniel rodriguez was a super fan of donald trump. He had a long history of going to rallies. He brought people with him that day. This entire thing needs to be investigated because how did Daniel Rodriguez come to be there that day and put Officer Fanone in harms way. He had a heart attack also. But Daniel Rodriguez, also if he had broken through, what would he have done . We know the chance if he had gotten further, the chants of kill mike pence, the gallows that were hanging out there. All of this has to be investigated. Not just why wasnt the capitol better protected. Right. Not a fence. What happened on the other end of pennsylvania and all of the gathering and organizing of this. And it is going to come out. These things can be subpoenaed. This material can be. Not just the criminal case bus the overall case of how this happened, and i am confident that it will be done one way or the other. But we strongly support a January 6th Commission. Can i ask you . You brought up Officer Fanone. Its cnns reporting that it got a little testy between Officer Fanone and ron johnson. Ron johnson called it a peaceful protest and there was not an insurrection. We understand there was some fring there, what happens . He was very frank in confronting them as was mrs. Sicknick. Those were hurtful words that were said and Officer Fanone showed the video of what happened to him. Some of the senators had watched the video. Theyre very appreciative of having seen that and knew who these people were. One thing i will point out is even though senator graham and senator scott are not supportive of the commission, they did commit to having Officer Fanone and officer dunn and ores to be able to be publicly heard. All weve heard from are the brass t top guys. We havent heard from the front lines of those people who were attacked brutally that day, and senator graham said they need to be heard from, so we certainly would prefer them being heard from a bipartisan outside independent commission, but we want their voices to be heard, and ill point out that donald trump never called the sicknick family, and not a single republican defended that gross dereliction of duty. Barbara comstock, thank you so much for being with us today. Well see what happens. Thank you. We hope we employ public officers for their honor, for history, to vote for this commission today. Thanks so much for being with us. Up next, the troubling truth about a Trump Appointee who is also a decorated combat veteran. Hes been spreading baseless conspiracy theories. And a bush Family Member now sucking up to donald trump. What happens when we Welcome Change . We can make Emergency Medicine possible at 40,000 feet. Instead of burning our past for power, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. We can create new ways to connect. Rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. With app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps Companies Navigate change. Faster. Vmware. Welcome change. I dont hydrate like everyone else. Because im not everyone else. They drink what theyre told to drink. I drink what helps me rehydrate and recover pedialyte® sport. Because it works. And so do i. A Trump Appointee who serves on the Advisory Board at west point continues to spread a conspiracy theory. He claims President Biden is bringing in nonwhite immigrants as part of a, quote, grand plan to have them outnumber White Americans in the United States. Cnns Laura Jarrett is here with details. Laura, this is incredibly alarming. What do you say . Douglas mcgregor sits on the board thats supposed to demonstrate morale and academics. At the same time hes been going on local radio shows to say White Americans are being overrun by immigrants in this country. Dont take my word for it. Heres mcgregor. The idea is they have to bring in as many noneuropeans as possible in order to outnumber the numbers of American Ancestry who live in the United States. This is a deliberate policy to encourage democratic change. Were encouraging these worst elements to come in and camp and enjoy the fruits of citizenship without having earned them or qualified for them. Again, all of this is part of the grand plan. This is what mr. Biden and his supporters want. They want another country. They dont want the United States. He didnt stop there. In another interview in may. Macgregor said, quote, were going to create this Brave New World with everyone the same. Its not the first time his comments on minorities have been exposed. The Trump Administration pulled his nomination to serve as ambassador to germany after more Profile Reporting showed he disparaged immigrants and dismissed members of the holocaust among other things. A white house spokesperson said, quote, these hateful and gross sentiments are antithetical. Theres no purpose for racism and denigrating womens contributions in the military or for religious bigotry. They also told cnn macgregors standing on the board is in question. It should be. Its really astounding. Laura, thank you so much for brings that to light for juice so weighing a run for Attorney General of texas, Land Commissioner and son of former governor jeb bush, george p. Bush, tweeted this photo of himself talking on the phone with former President Donald Trump. He said, quote, great to speak to President Trump to discuss the future of texas and how were keeping up the fight to put america first. Now, there is the same donald trump who said this about george p. Bushs father. Jeb bush is a low energy person. For him, to get thing dunce is hard. Hes very low energy. Jeb bush, very weak on immigration. Wants to let people come in. You know whats happening to jebs crowd, as you know, right down the street . Theyre sleeping. He was supposed to do well in new hampshire. Hes going down like a lock. This guy cant negotiate his way out of a paper bag. Joining me now, robert stein, pro professor. So great to see you. George p. Bush, what is driving his run to maralago at least metaphorically speaking . I think the easiest way to explain it is age. He is 45. There are other texas republicans, chip roy and mr. Crenshaw, congressman, who are young, and they want a future, and they know where the future is. Its in the Republican Party on the immediacy, and one must recognize the Republican Party in texas is firmly in the trump camp. Theres no center, theres no moderation, theres no variation. But they also realize that, of course, the Republican Party in texas is sort of under a demographic siege and with time it will change. The question is not weather. Its more like when. If youre a republican in texas and you want to be elected. You first have to get through a primary, and theres no question donald trump controls the republican primary in the form of endorsements. And the current incumbent mr. Paxton whos our Attorney General whos been challenged in a number of ways and is in trial with a securities vie lag is very much a trump supporter. He raised money for trump and led in the fight against the count. Its clear that george p. Bush has to kiss the ring of former president mr. Trump. Theres no over way to get through the general election. I think when youre young and ambitious and want to move up, most republicans statewide, cornyn, of course, and only ted cruz are under 60. Tour Attorney General, theyre olding men. Theyre not looking at a 20year horizon but 10 years at the most. Its more stark with george p. Bush, right . Because in order to kiss the ring of donald trump, hes got to forsake his father and uncle george. With busch who was president of the United States, at least politically speaking. You have a short time horizon. This is the former son of a governor and the nephew of a former president and the grandson of a former president. I sat and watched him take his degree in front of his grandfather at rice university. How quickly we forget the compromise of every elected official. The grandfather in his memoir pointed out he did a lot of things in campaigns he didnt like. Willie horton. We forget that. To get elected, you make compromises. In office you make compromises. I think george bush, the fact of the matter is, if youre ambitious, you make those choices. Theyre not the ones you would make in a perfect world. I have no idea if he really likes donald trump. But my sense is like paxson, like our governor, you have to confront the reality that the base of the Republican Party in texas is firmly in the camp of donald trump, and theres no way particularly with mr. Paxson youre going to weve got about 20 seconds left. W why do you think donald trump loves this . It shows power, influence. Theres a commission that showed what happened on january 6th nch you can be certain that President Trump is looking to find opponents to every one of those. He wants to maintain his control over the party, and to some extent, i think, you know, recent history and events, he has it. Professor, thank you for joining us this morning. Happy to do it. Tokyo under a covid state of emergency, a new one just two months before the Summer Olympics. Cnn goes there next. Plus, he sounded the warning so others could survive. The brave of one of the san jose victims revealed. Why do we sign every steans foster® . 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Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy. And save at trelegy. Com. Youre strong. You power through chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month,. Each lasting 4 hours or more. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. So, if you havent tried botox® for your chronic migraine,. Check with your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if samples are available. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing,. Speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness. Can be signs of a life threatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions. Neck and injection site pain. Fatigue, and headache. Dont receive botox® if theres a skin infection. Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions. And medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. Most patients may pay as little as 0 for botox®. So, text to see how you can save. Botox® has been preventing headaches and migraines before they even start for 10 years. So, ask your doctor about botox® today. Tokyo is gearing up for the impending arrival of more than 90,000 olympic participants from Around The World as covid cases are surging in japan. Today the japanese government is deciding whether to extend a state of emergency across the country as it battles a fourth wave of covid19. With Vaccination Rates shockingly low in that country and the Health Care System overloaded, residents say theyre scared of what could happen when the games begin. Selena wang has more from tokyo. Reporter over the next two months, some 90,000 olympic participants from more than 200 countries will be flying into tokyo, suddenly opening the flood gates for a country thats had its borders closed for most of the pandemic. Covid19 cases are surging in japan. Tokyo and large parts of the country are under a state of emergency. The olympics will have a burden on our Health Care System which is already overstretched. Our olympics become the nightmare for a Fast Breaking event. Reporter the rollout slowed down by bureaucracy and a lack of medical staff to administer them. The rest of the Adult Population wont even be eligible for the vaccine by the time the olympics begin. Organizers claim the games will be held in a safe bubble. At the Olympic Village, theyll be tested daily. Vaccines are not required but more than 80 of the Olympic Village will be. Theyre asked to practice social dis distancing, wear masks, except for when training and competing and to only use public transport when necessary. Experts say thats impossible to keep the massive games completely safe. Plus they say there are plenty of ways for this bubble to be punctured as the participant comes into contact with tens of thousands of unvaccinated volunteers who live outside the bubble. Olympic venues are all over tokyo with a marathon and some soccer matches held some 500 miles north in sapporo. Whose responsibility is it to keep them all safe . The olympic playbook puts the ultimate responsibility on the athletes rather than organizers or the japanese government. Japan is spending more than 15 billion on these games, the most expensive Summer Olympics on record, including 900 million in covid countermeasures. But poll after poll shows that the major nit japan do not want these games held. Translator i definitely dont think japan should go ahead with the olympics. Very scared. Translator everyone thinks we shouldnt hold the olympics, but the government isnt in a position to say that. Reporter ultimately its not up to japan. Olympic contracts are written to favor the ioc so public opposition, a medical system headed for collapse, cost overruns, are all burdens tokyo will have to bear. The ioc has the legal power to cancel the olympics, but they plan to plow ahead. Selena wang, cnn, tokyo. Hello. Im Brianna Keilar alongside john berman on this new day. Republicans stalling delays the vote on a commission to investigate the insurrection. Plus, america under attack right now from hackers. The cyber trail once again leading back to russia. The Republican Party expectation is no more than probably seven willw3 b 5zfa ra. One big reason. And thats one reason why we expect this to fail today. Even though this commission will be independent. It will be set up evenly between both sides. Once this key vote happens today, probably today, at that point, republicans will block it and then the chips will fall where they may. Manu, i understand something has really been bugging you lately. I want to come on. That was great. Sorry, youre right. s

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