Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News

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we start with brexit — and an indication of how much effect the uk leaving the european union has had on trade in both directions across the english channel. figures compiled by the uk government show how british exports to the eu fell byjust over 40% injanuary — the first month when the post—brexit rules came into force. and imports from the eu were down by nearly 30%. there are of course contributing factors, like earlier stockpiling, and pandemic lockdowns. our economics correspondent, andy verity, has the details. this manchester exporter of branded clothing, much of it for corporate events that haven't been happening, has gone through what it describes as a nightmare yearjust staying in business and keeping staff safe. but now, its boss told me, far from the promised frictionless trade, it's become very difficult to export to europe. transporters and couriers are charging big extra fees to cover much more complex paperwork and taxes, pushing costs up so high that it's had to stop exporting to european consumers. we had one order which was a £15 order. the customer contacted us because they were contacted by the post office to say that there were 38 euros of admin charges to pay in order to collect that order. we've tried to deal with it by paying on behalf of the customer. we've taken on the complexity of that, but the cost and the time and the adminjust means it's not viable to ship those orders into europe any more. overall, exports of goods to the eu dropped by 40.7%, the biggest fall on record. by far the hardest hit were exporters of food and live animals, with dairy down by 50%, meat exports down 59% and fish and shellfish exports down by 83%. we are working very closely with the eu. it's in everybody's interest that trade is as smooth as possible. we were always clear there would be extra processes that would need to be undertaken, and i'm confident that we will continue to build exports to the eu as well as exports to the rest of the world. while the economy is officially forecast to roar into action next year, growing by 7%, businesses like goodwood still have months to get through, with very little money coming in. now we know over the next few years, we've got to get back to where we were two years ago. but that's going to take another couple of years. after the economy was brought screeching to a halt by the lockdown last spring, it picked up speed in the summerand autumn, only to have the government slam the brakes on again after christmas, leading to a 2.9% drop in activity injanuary. while the office for national statistics said much of the hit to trade was probably temporary as businesses adjust to the new regime, just weeks after the break to the new regime, just weeks after the brexit transition ended, it's still too soon to tell how much of that economic damage might be more lasting. andy verity, bbc news. gunmen in the northern nigerian state of kaduna have attacked a school and abducted about 30 students. armoured vehicles and a helicopter have been deployed to try to rescue them. state authorities say that 180 people were rescued by the nigerian army in the early hours of this morning, but about 30 students are still missing. this is just the latest in a series of kidnappings in nigeria in the past few months. in february — 279 schoolgirls were abducted in zamfara state and a further 42 staff, students and family members were taken from kagara, niger state — one was killed. in december more than 80 schoolchildren were kidnapped from a school in katsina state and a further 300 boys abducted from another school there. all have since been freed. our correspondent in abuja, ishaq khalid told us more about the rescue effort. well, basically at the moment, the nigerian authorities are saying that troops are trying to rescue the dozens of students who were kidnapped by the gunmen. troops with guns and helicopters have been deployed. and initially, the authorities said that 180 people had been rescued at the initial stage of the abduction, following gunfire with the military. but some sources are saying that those people were actually students and staff who escape during that time. the authorities are saying they were rescued by the military. and now, about 30 people are missing — students, males and females — and the authorities are saying they have launched a search operation. basically, what happened is the gunmen in large numbers stormed the college on the outskirts of the nigerian city of kaduna overnight. they broke the fence and then opened fire within the premises, moved into the dormitories of the students and kidnapped a number of people there. so, this is the latest abduction in a series of such mass kidnappings across nigeria since december. around 700 or so students have been abducted, and all of them have been released after negotiations with the kidnappers. for the moment, there is no clarity as to who carried out the latest attack, but it's believed to be criminal gangs who are kidnapping people for ransom. there's no clarity whether negotiations are going on. the world health organization says there is no reason to stop the use of the oxford—astrazeneca coronavirus vaccine. the statement comes after bulgaria, romania and thailand joined three scandinavian countries in suspending inoculations with the vaccine. they were reacting to reports of blood clots in some people who had received the shot — although there is no evidence of a link. the european medicines agency has also backed the use of the astrazeneca vaccine, saying the benefits outweigh the possible risks. margaret harris from the world health organization said she had no reservations about recommending the astrazeneca vaccine. it's very important to understand that, yes, we should continue using the astrazeneca vaccine, all that we are looking at is what we always look at, any safety signal must be investigated, in fact, it's very important that we are hearing safety signals, because if we we're not hearing about any safety signals, then that would suggest that there is not enough review and vigilance. we must always ensure we look for any safety signals when we roll out vaccines, and we must review them, but there is no indication to not use it. the european medicines agency has also backed the use of the astrazeneca vaccine, saying the benefits outweigh the possible risks. today, brazil, which has reported a new daily record of two, 2,286 covid—i9 deaths, has approved the astrazeneca vaccine for widespread use. on thursday, el salvador received 30,000 doses of the astrazeneca vaccine through the covax programme, which they will start giving to health care workers imminently. italy is extending its coronavirus restrictions from monday. schools, shops and restaurants will be closed in most of the country, with the measures extended nationwide for three days over easter. it comes as new covid cases in italy are currently being confirmed in excess of 25,000 a day. joe biden has held the first meeting of the quad — a group of four countries which he seems to hope will be a counterweight to the growing power of china. the group features the us, australia, india and japan — all of whom have had varying levels of disagreements with china in recent months and years. mr biden and indian prime minister narendra modi both said that the group were standing up for universal values. let's take a listen. and in this moment, it's a purpose that i think we all are concerned about, a free and open indo—pacific is essential to each of our futures for our countries. the united states is committed to working with you, our partners, and our allies in the region to achieve stability. translation: excellencies, i we are united by our democratic values and our commitment to a free, open and inclusive indo pacific. our agenda covering areas like vaccines, climate change and emerging technology makes the quad force for global good. china was on the agenda as well as vaccine diplomacy. our state department correspondent barbara plett usher told us more. yes, the major announcement, the major concrete announcement out of this meeting was that there was going to be a joint push to produce many, many vaccine doses to be used in southeast asia, a by 2022 combining the money of the united states and japan, the production capacity of india and then australia was going to be playing a role in terms of delivery and shipment. this was presented by us officials as an example of how these four countries have common interests and how they wanted to show this alliance actually has a concrete and useful outcome for people themselves. at the same time, as you said, this is an alliance of countries who all have their own difficulties with china. it's coming at a time when the biden administration is really having a solidify alliances as it looks how it can organise our strategic counterweight to china. although none of the countries actually mention china by name, they mention code language which is a free and open indochina concerns there about the chinese maritime and territorial claims, threatening that in some way, and other issues as well, we were told by us officials, they would have a frank and open discussion about the concerns regarding chinese behaviour and how they can strengthen their alliance. lawyers for george floyd, the african american man who died while being restrained by police officers in minneapolis in may of last year, say the city has agreed a settlement to their civil case for damages. a payment of twenty seven million dollars will be made to mr floyd's family. a former minneapolis police officer, derek chauvin, is standing trial on charges including third degree murder, following the incident. here's the floyd family lawyer, ben crump. the financial compensation most directly impacts george floyd and his family, the future of their family. but it is the policy reforms that affects all of us. do that affects all of us. you stay with us still to come as do you stay with us still to come. as the protests continue the military coup escalate their retaliation against the protesters. will be talking live. the numbers of dead and wounded defied belief. this, the worst terrorist atrocity on european soil in modern times. in less than 24 hours, the soviet union lost an elderly, sick leader and replaced him with a dynamic figure 20 years his junior. we heard these gunshots - from the gym, then he came out and started firing at our hearts. god, we were all petrified. james earl ray, aged 41— sentenced to 99 years and due for parole when he's 90 — travelled from memphis jail to nashville state prison in an eight—car convoy. paul, what's it feel like to be married at last? it feels fine, thank you. what'll you do now? will it change your life much, do you think? i don't know, really, i've never married before. this is news, the latest headlines. a post—brexit reality check, as exports to the eu from the uk drop by more than %40 injanuary — the largest monthly fall since records began. another kidnapping in northern nigeria, this time dozens of students are taken from a college in kaduna state at gunpoint. we'll have the latest details. violence continues in myanmar, as protests kicked off again on friday. 12 people were killed in clashes with security forces on thursday, bringing the total number of deaths to more than 70. the military�*s crackdown on the media is also showing signs of escalation. today, a court formally charged five journalists, including teen zaw, a photographerfor the ap news agency, over their coverage of anti—coup protests. the charges come just after a week in which the junta raided newsrooms and revoked media licences of several broadcasters. the united nations calls for a united international stand against the military. tom andrews is the un's special rapporteur on human rights. hejoins us now from geneva. thank you for speaking to us here at bbc news. first off, you speak of human rights abuses. what evidence has been collected for this? first of all, has been collected for this? first of all. the _ has been collected for this? first of all, the evidence _ has been collected for this? first of all, the evidence is _ has been collected for this? f "st of all, the evidence is before our very eyes. obviously those who are watching your broadcast, people all over the world are seeing the video coverage and the photographs being taken by literally thousands of people who are in the middle of these demonstrations and actions and they are recording evidence. plus we have collaborating evidence from a variety of sources who are looking very carefully and closely at these developments and documenting the abuses and violations of not only human rights but obviously the atrocities, the torture, the murders that are going on every day. you were speaking — that are going on every day. you were speaking yesterday and called for a united global response in support of action. what options are on the table, what should that action look like? it on the table, what should that action look like?— on the table, what should that action look like? it would be ideal if the security _ action look like? it would be ideal if the security council— action look like? it would be ideal if the security council were - action look like? it would be ideal if the security council were to - action look like? it would be ideal| if the security council were to take action. but they're not going to. so we need to look at alternatives to doing that. my proposal today and yesterday to the council was that governments who are willing to do so, tojoin together and establish notjust so, tojoin together and establish not just a variety so, tojoin together and establish notjust a variety of different forms of sanctions, tough economic sanctions but a unified cooperative approach, collaboration between these governments. to make the sanctions add up. so they are the strongest possible punch against them. against the individuals, their associates and against their business enterprises. for example, there's $1 billion of revenue that goes directly into the pockets from myamar oil and gas prices. we have to take those resources, that revenue stream, cut it off and if we can get the cooperation of countries that are willing... i’m can get the cooperation of countries that are willing. . ._ that are willing... i'm so sorry to interru -t that are willing... i'm so sorry to interrupt you _ that are willing... i'm so sorry to interrupt you we've _ that are willing... i'm so sorry to interrupt you we've got - that are willing... i'm so sorry to interrupt you we've got to - that are willing... i'm so sorry to interrupt you we've got to crossl that are willing... i'm so sorry to i interrupt you we've got to cross to scotland yard. thank you for your time. remanded in custody and would appear at west minister magistrate court tomorrow morning. sarah's family of course have been informed of this development and remain supportive of our specialist officers. i development and remain supportive of our specialist officers.— our specialist officers. i would like at the _ our specialist officers. i would like at the stage _ our specialist officers. i would like at the stage to _ our specialist officers. i would like at the stage to pay - our specialist officers. i would | like at the stage to pay tribute our specialist officers. i would i like at the stage to pay tribute to sarah's family for their fortitude and forbearance for what could only be difficult few days. our thoughts remain with them as this matter progresses. the investigation continues of course and supported by hundreds of officers from across the met as well as colleagues and police. i would also like to think at this stage all members of the public who have come forward with information or support for the investigation. and will use this opportunity to anyone who has useful information to give to get in contact with us. thank you very much. ., ., , contact with us. thank you very much. ., ~ ., much. that was the metropolitan police assistant _ much. that was the metropolitan police assistant commissioner. l much. that was the metropolitan - police assistant commissioner. what he has told us is that a man has been charged with the kidnap and murder of sarah everard. his name is wayne cousins. there is also being confirmed by the crown prosecution service. 41—year—old wayne cousins has been charged with the kidnap and murder of sarah everard. just to remind you of the latest developments of this case. he was 48, i do apologise, 48—year—old wayne cousins. today we had confirmation that the body that had been found, the human remains that had been found in woodland had indeed been confirmed as being those of sarah everard. so that is a picture of wayne cousins. 48—year—old serving police officer. he was in the diplomatic protection service and he has now been charged with the kidnapping and murder of sarah everard. 33—year—old sarah. her body was found in woodland in kent. and positively identified on friday. he has been in custody for a number of days now. but charged today. confirmation they're just coming from the metropolitan police assistant commissioner. he also confirmed that the investigation would be ongoing. we did hear a statement from sarah's family saying that she was a shining example to us all and she had brought so muchjoy to our lives, our beautiful daughter sarah was taken from us and we are appealing for any information that will help to solve this terrible crime. wayne couzens, 48 years old serving police officer has been charged with the kidnap and murder of 33—year—old marketing executive sarah everard. you're watching bbc news. we are going to come back to the story. in the meantime let's get the latest on that amount to eight announcement by the metropolitan police that a 48—year—old man has been charged with the kidnap and murder of 33—year—old sarah everard. we are going to go to ashford in kent and andy moore is there for us. andy, just take us through what was said a couple of moments ago, please. we not the couple of moments ago, please. - got the statement from the police and we also had a statement from the crown prosecution service. they are the ones who will actually be launching the legal action saying that there will be in appearance at west minister magistrate ct. tomorrow and they are saying the function is not to decide whether a person is guilty or not but to make their independent and objective assessments. and reminding us in the media here that while criminal proceedings are active we mustn't say anything prejudicial about the court case. but i can tell you the investigation is a very large one. still going on through the night here at ashford and cad. this is where the body of sarah everard was discovered. we have that earlier announcement from scotland yard today confirming that identification. investigations also going on of course in south london and at a house in kent where the man who's been in charge lived and also at another location in dover. so that police investigation involving hundreds of officers, we are told will continue. meanwhile this court appearance of the man who had been questioned by police for some time, they want magistrate to extend the time they can question him. he was in police custody for some time but he has now been charged and will be appearing in court tomorrow. there is another investigation _ appearing in court tomorrow. there is another investigation under - appearing in court tomorrow. there is another investigation under going ijy is another investigation under going by the police watchdog as well. could you take us through the detailed of that, please? this is the independent _ detailed of that, please? this is the independent police - detailed of that, please? this is l the independent police watchdog, detailed of that, please? this is - the independent police watchdog, the independent office for police surveillance of the police here in the uk. they've actually launched five separate investigations into various elements of this investigation. one of them is the fact that a man, suspect believed to be the man who has been charge now was accused of indecently exposing himself at a restaurant in south london on two occasions just a few days before sarah everard went missing. there's a investigation into that two police officers were investigating that particular incident. there will also be an investigation while wayne couzens was in custody. he injured his head while he was in his cell, he was taken briefly to hospital and then brought back forfurther brought back for further questioning. those brought back forfurther questioning. those are two elements of the independent office are looking at and three others as well. the metropolitan police have themselves for some of those incidents. while there is the police investigation into that itself there's also a parallel investigation into the conduct of the metropolitan police.- investigation into the conduct of the metropolitan police. you've been sendin: the metropolitan police. you've been spending some _ the metropolitan police. you've been spending some time _ the metropolitan police. you've been spending some time there _ the metropolitan police. you've been spending some time there in - the metropolitan police. you've been spending some time there in ashford where police are carrying out that search of the woodland where her body was found. what's the atmosphere like in general, what are people saying about the impact this is having on them? it’s people saying about the impact this is having on them?— is having on them? it's caused an awful lot of _ is having on them? it's caused an awful lot of concern _ is having on them? it's caused an awful lot of concern here - is having on them? it's caused an awful lot of concern here in - is having on them? it's caused an awful lot of concern here in the i is having on them? it's caused an | awful lot of concern here in the uk about the safety of women and it's generated an awful lot of debate and there are plans for visuals in several locations in south london and around the country tomorrow. there's been a debate that's gone to the high court about whether those vigils, those protests should happen at a time when there are covid restrictions stopping any gatherings. there was a court action earlier today and the judge said he wouldn't stop, stepped in. the police were right to say this was a gathering that was banned under covid rules. nonetheless, discussions between the police and the organisers of those demonstrators are ongoing to top the police issued a statement last night saying they wanted everybody to stay at home and to protest in another way. and another time. but those organisations organising those demonstrations one of them called to claim the streets, they still hope that they will be able to go ahead with that demonstration in south london and at other locations across the country and some way or another. thank you very much for that update. just to remind you of the breaking news. wayne couzens has been charged with the kidnapping and murder of sarah everard who is due to appear at west miniter magistrates�* court on saturday. you�*re watching bbc news. hello there. it�*s been a pretty changeable story over the last couple of days with sunny spells and scattered sharp showers. that means that we�*ve had a plethora of weather watcher rainbow photographs sent in. this is one of my favourite from loose in kent this afternoon. now, the showers really have been quite frequent the further north and west, and we�*ve seen some wintriness to the tops of the mountains. but we have seen some sun moving through wales across the channel coast and into kent as well. the story through this evening, we�*ll actually see more wet weather as we see a weather front pushing its way steadily eastwards. that�*s going to enhance those showers, so longer spells of rain and still plenty of isobars with it. still a very windy night to come. now, where we�*ve got some clearer skies in the far north of scotland, here temperatures perhaps low enough for a touch of light frost in sheltered rural areas, and still, with temperatures close to freezing, those showers here falling as snow. but elsewhere, we start off with sunny spells, scattered showers once again. most frequent showers the further west you are, and they will drift a little but further inland accompanied by a brisk westerly wind. in terms of the feel of things, highs of 7—10 celsius by the middle of the afternoon. moving out of saturday into sunday, we see an area of low pressure is still influencing the story as high—pressure is trying to build in from the southwest. this weather front toppling across that high, still producing more wet weather to come. so that means some rain once, again into northern ireland, gradually pushing its way into western scotland, northwest england and wales. but a relatively dry start for many on sunday, and in eastern areas, it should stay largely dry through much of the day. the winds will ease just a touch as well, and in the sunshine, 11 celsius should feel relatively pleasant, but unfortunately, the wet weather will sit out to the west. things are likely to change, though, into next week, as that high—pressure continues to build in from the west, quieting the weather story down, and that will come as welcome news, i suspect. so, there is the potential for some clearer skies to see some early frost, nothing too significant, but certainly worth bearing in mind if you�*re a gardener or a grower. but as we look ahead, largely fine and dry, on the cool side for the time of year, but some sunny spells to look forward to. this is bbc world news, the headlines... police in the uk have charged a serving metropolitan police officer with the kidnap and murder of sarah everard. wayne couzens was arrested earlier this week, after sarah went missing while walking home in london. exports of goods from the uk to the european union dropped by more than 40% injanuary — the largest monthly fall since records began. it coincided with the end of the brexit transition period. there�*s been another kidnapping raid on a school in nigeria. witnesses say dozens of students were abducted from a colleage in kaduna state. security services say they have since rescued some of the captives. lawyers for george floyd, the african american man who died while being restrained by police officers in minneapolis

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Bbc News , The Uk , Headlines , Viewers , Around The World , Exports , Records , Eu , Reality Check , Injanuary , Britain Drop , 40 , Kidnapping , Students , College , Leaders , Details , Dozens , Gunpoint , Northern Nigeria , United States , Kaduna State , Australia , India , Japan , Alliance , Life , Commitment , Last , Call , Pledge , Summit , Quad , Top Of The World , Himalayan Shepherds , Brexit , Trade , Indication , Government , Figures , Directions , English Channel , Force , Rules , Course Contributing Factors , Lockdowns , Stockpiling , Byjust , Imports , 30 , Manchester Exporter , It , Staff , Andy Verity , Safe , Events , Clothing , Happening , Haven T , Nightmare Yearjust Staying In Business , Transporters , Couriers , Europe , Boss , Taxes , Fees , Costs , Frictionless Trade , Paperwork , Order , Post Office , Customer , Consumers , 38 Euros , One , 5 , 38 , 15 , Charges , Adminjust , Borders , Complexity , Behalf , Cost , Exporters , Meat Exports , More , Hit , Record , Goods , Food , Animals , Shellfish , 40 7 , 50 , 83 , 59 , Everybody , Processes , Interest , Action , Businesses , Economy , World , Rest , 7 , Screeching , Money , Lockdown , Speed , Halt , Spring , Two , Regime , Drop , Office For National Statistics , Islam , Brakes , Activity Injanuary , Summerand Autumn , Break , 2 9 , School , Estate , Gunmen , Damage , Kaduna , Brexit Transition , People , Helicopter , Vehicles , Nigerian Army , State Authorities , 180 , Kidnappings , Series , Latest , Schoolgirls , Zamfara State , Family Members , Kagara , 42 , 279 , Wall , There , Schoolchildren , Niger State , Boys , A School In Katsina State , 80 , 300 , Authorities , Troops , Ishaq Khalid , Rescue , Effort , Abuja , Stage , Military , Abduction , Helicopters , Guns , Gunfire , Sources , Females , Males , City , Numbers , Outskirts , Fence , Search Operation , Number , Dormitories , Premises , Fire , Clarity , Negotiations , Kidnappers , Attack , 700 , Vaccine , Use , Gangs , Reason , Ransom , World Health Organization , Oxford , Statement , Countries , Blood Clots , Shot , Inoculations , Romania , Bulgaria , Thailand , Three , Evidence , Benefits , Risks , European Medicines Agency , Link , Reservations , Margaret Harris , Signal , Fact , Safety Signals , Review , Hearing Safety Signals , Vigilance , Vaccines , Deaths , Brazil , Daily Record , Covid I9 , 2286 , Italy , Doses , Coronavirus , Health Care Workers , Covax Programme , On Thursday , El Salvador , 30000 , Country , Restrictions , Schools , Restaurants , Most , Cases , Measures , Shops , Covid , Group , Counterweight , Joe Biden , Meeting , Excess , 25000 , Four , China , Narendra Modi , Power , Disagreements , Levels , Purpose , Values , Listen , Indo Pacific , Allies , Translation , Essential , Region , Futures , Stability , Partners , Agenda , Areas , Indo , Technology , Climate Change , Announcement , Barbara Plett Usher , Concrete Announcement , Good , Vaccine Diplomacy , Joint Push , Yes , State Department , Many , Production Capacity , Southeast Asia , 2022 , Example , Officials , Terms , Interests , Shipment , Delivery , Role , Administration , Outcome , Concrete , Difficulties , Code Language , Name , Alliances , None , Way , Concerns , Behaviour , Discussion , Claims , Issues , Chinese , George Floyd , Lawyers , Police Officers , Minneapolis , The African American , May , Derek Chauvin , Family , Case , Payment , Damages , Settlement , Trial , Degree , Twenty Seven Million , Twenty Seven Million Dollars , Incident , Murder , Compensation , Floyd Family Lawyer , Ben Crump , Policy , Protests , Protesters , Military Coup , Retaliation , Belief , Terrorist Atrocity On European Soil In Modern Times , 24 , Leader , Figure , Gunshots , Hearts , Elderly , Junior , Firing , Gym , Petrified , Soviet Union , God , 20 , James Earl Ray , Parole , Convoy , Memphis Jail To Nashville State Prison , 90 , 99 , 41 , Eight , Fine , Paul , I Don T Know , News , Violence , Clashes , Security Forces , Myanmar , 12 , High Court , Journalists , Media , News Agency , Coverage , Escalation , Military S Crackdown , Signs , Photographerfor , Zaw , Ap , Five , 70 , Newsrooms , Media Licences , Broadcasters , Calls , Junta , United International Stand , United Nations , Hejoins Us , Special Rapporteur On Human Rights , Tom Andrews , Geneva , Human Rights Abuses , Eyes , St Of All , First Off , Demonstrations , Actions , Video Coverage , Broadcast , Photographs , Middle , Thousands , Developments , Variety , Recording Evidence , Murders , Support , Human Rights , Violations , Abuses , Atrocities , Torture , Response , Options , Table , Council , Security , Security Council , On The Table , Alternatives , Proposal , Governments , Sanctions , Notjust So , Collaboration , Eforms , Cooperative Approach , Tojoin , Individuals , Business Enterprises , Associates , Punch , Cooperation , Revenue Stream , Resources , Revenue , Pockets , Prices , Oil And Gas , 6 Billion , 1 Billion , Interru 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