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good morning. we've got some will bring you all the details, but i've come here to learn more coming up shortly. disruptive and potentially dangerous about local projects that are trying weather on the cards today, as storm to rectify some of the problems that have been caused in part ciara ‘s sweeping end. severe gales storm ciara is arriving by tourism, too. right across the british isles. it is sunday 9 february. in the uk this morning, our top story: strong winds, bringing high winds, and we're starting with something flipping heck! flooding and heavy rain heavy rain and large waves as well. heavy rain and flooding are expected across the country. severe weather warnings that up until now, most tourists one minute i was just floating, this morning as storm ciara arrives in the uk. are in place, with winds haven't wanted to see then antoine said, "look below you." we have got amber warnings in force. of 80 mph predicted. on their pristine beaches, forecasters are predicting winds widespread travel disruption is also but which is vital in and quite literally, brushing i bring you all the details in excess of 80 mph, expected throughout the day, the fight against climate past my feet, was a nurse shark. throughout this morning's programme. and weather warnings are in place. with passengers being advised change — seagrass. disruption to transport it's sunday 9 februrary. services is also expected, and people are being told our top story: strong winds, to avoid unnecessary travel. heavy rain and flooding are expected it's nuts! in a moment we will this morning as storm ciara arrives in the uk. speak to tomos morgan, oh, my days! who is in aberystwyth. to avoid uneccessary travel. forecasters are predicting winds but first, luxmy gopal in dover. so, sandra, tell me in excess of 80 mph. luxmy, what disruption disruption to transport what is seagrass? services is also expected, and people are being told seagrass is actually very important to avoid unnecessary travel. luxmy gopal is in dover because it has some of the functions for us this morning. a soldier who went on the rampage in the ocean. luxmy, what can we expect today? are we seeing there today? in thailand, killing more than 20 not only is it a habitat people, has been shot dead after a long siege or nursery for many animals, by security forces. the 32—year—old man carried out many fish, during different well, sally, unsurprisingly, you can the attacks in a temple stages of their life. and a shopping centre. but it also provides most more than a0 others were wounded. of the oxygen that we need his motives for his for us, for breathing. i know that our technical crew have see just how strong the wind is and what's the biggest they are just so close! actions remain unclear. threat to seagrass? here. and you might not be able to been battling with your sound, in most of the reserves, oh, my god! because we can see just how windy it hear over the gusts the sound of the people in ireland are awaiting the results of the country's general they thought seagrass looked ugly even though you know is there. that's right, roger. you waves crashing to the left of me. they are not dangerous, election, with counting due to begin for the guests because it every time you get touched at 9:00am this morning. by a fin you just sort the three main political parties wasn't the white sand of bounce... there is some disruption to channel have tied in first preference votes, they wanted in pictures. squeals. hear the phrase batten down the crossings, with a couple of hatches whenever it is a tad stormy, according to an exit poll. cancellations to ferry services the vote made history they used to remove but this time we are being told to as the country's first ever general it from the beach. election vote to be because of that, yeah... across the channel this morning. the project is to mostly avoid really batten down the hatches. you held on a saturday. there is disruption to ferry voters in switzerland will decide can see the breezes almost knocking removing seagrass around the lagoon services in how and ferry services whether it should be made illegal me sideways, so we are being told to to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and not doing any action or activity that was absolutely awesome. or identity today. next to the seagrass. in scotland, so the advice is to prepare as storm ciara hits the racial and religious predjudice is already illegal, so if it can grow by itself country. as you mentioned, there is check before you travel —— hull. and but the country has no laws it will be healthy. to protect the lgbt community. you don't need to do anything, you can see their eyes heavy rainfall expected across the and they look so mean, that yellow weather warnings issued there is opposition from some, even though antoine told me how country and gusts of around 80 mph by the met office encompasses pretty who say the proposal could lead just take care of what you have. they're tame, i still got worried, much the whole of the country. so to censorship, but opinion polls especially when you are expected to hit. and you can you are likely to face some degree suggest most voters will back let's take a look at the seagrass. get touched by them. really feel that here. and as well the new law. sure! i mean, when do you ever of travel disruption wherever you get touched by a shark? as the sound of the gust, you will in the maldives! are. so that advice again is to what an experience. be able to hear the waves to the left of me. you might expect that check before you travel. thank you with these conditions that very very much indeed, and i should just services here would be affected, but apologise for the sound quality, those are the main stories. let's the latest report from dover travel obviously weather conditions not helping. tomos morgan is monitoring events it is estimated that the world's is that services will be as normal. catch up with the day's spot. lots oceans lose the equivalent of two that is more than can be said for in aberystwyth for us. soccer pitches' worth of seagrass travel across the rest of the you have a big microphone but a heck to talk about. six nations centre country, as domestic flights are ofa you have a big microphone but a heck of a lot of weather as well. it has stage and a couple of cracking games facing disruption, and rail services every hour of every day. as well. there is a blanket speed been awful. the wind has been yesterday. a little something for ravaging all night here in everybody, all the home nations in but it stores carbon more restriction being enforced across aberystwyth. we saw gusts up to 75 effectively than rainforests. network rail services, which means action against each other. ireland it's vital that it thrives. that some journeys may take longer mph yesterday, and there is predicted to be gusts up to 90 than usual, and some services are today. you might be able to make out beating wales in dublin, and wales telling passengers not to travel by train today unless it is absolutely the seafront behind me ravaging the never seem to have much luck in necessary. the message out there is dublin. they haven't gone there in i took it for granted — i thought it was like weeds. to be safe and to take care when 12 years in the six nations. so that there is a lack of information. seashore. these coasts were really travelling. thank you very much indeed. we will be with you is going to continue. meanwhile, most people think it is like dirty badly damaged in 201a, and the same algae, but it really keep the water throughout the morning. overin is going to continue. meanwhile, over in edinburgh, i will bring you sarah keith—lucas is in the bbc sorts of areas are at risk again the weather, shall i? it was very clean and houses many, weather centre for us this morning. sarah, how unusual terrible. i don't know how either of is weather like this? today, really. natural resources, as many kinds of fish. good morning to you, sally and those teams could perform. well, saying that there is possible england battled to a 13—6 victory flooding expected in those coastline over scotland in the calcutta cup, roger. this is quite an unusual towns across the west of wales, while ireland ended welsh hopes people need to have a different storm. it is not the kind of storm of back—to—back grand slam titles, mentality and they have to see areas that we see every winter. in fact, beating them 2a—1a in dublin, their first six nations defeat with seagrass as areas to see something comparable, we have aberystwyth, all the way to in two years. anglesey. this, as you know, is a to see something comparable, we have to look back to 2013, the stjude's once ina adam wild reports. anglesey. this, as you know, is a once in a decade storm. travel has where it is helpful. day storm which cause disruption, so in dublin, it was deafening. this kind of storm happens around been really badly affected. the crossrail is cancelled, no bus the drums, the fireworks — about once or twice every decade, you felt the storm had arrived and it is quite unusual that we have services, and spare a thought for here in the maldives, those rugby fans in ireland. it is early. many resorts are realising that these really strong winds really healthy underwater ecosystems unlikely they will be able to get are more important than tourists' good morning and welcome very widespread across the uk. ireland the first to raise the roof, to breakfast with roger yesterday we already saw the wind is ideals of what the ocean johnson and sally nugent. back home later today. thank you our headlines today... picking up across ireland, huge floor should look like. the final flight to carry britons very much indeed, we heard you loud jordan larmour powering over. for many tourists, this from the city at the centre waves a cross picking up across ireland, huge waves across there, but today storm and clear from aberystwyth, is a long—haul destination. of the coronavirus outbreak has ciara is pushing its way right wales though are the reigning and at a time when we are being touched down in the uk. across the british isles. so even encouraged to be more mindful across the british isles. so even very much indeed, we heard you loud and clearfrom aberystwyth, and champions, thomas williams ending storm ciara sweeps into the uk. across southern england and the luxmy in dover. about how we travel, heavy rain and strong winds english channel, gusts likely up to widespread travel disruption is also in a move that showed just why are expected to cause disruption they have come to be so dominant expected across the country today. across large parts of the country. about 80, possibly more, 85 mph in we can get the latest on these amongst the six nations. delays now from 5 live's travel but ireland have been almost isn't there a contradiction here? the red carpet has been rolled out, one 01’ about 80, possibly more, 85 mph in one or two places. very strong presenter 0rna merchant. good morning. you have quite a lot unstoppable at home in recent years. but will british war epic 1917 walk winds. parts of scotland and to tell us about, haven't you? we off with the big prize northern ireland are used to seeing i think people's understanding winds of this strength a few times a have, you can see all the instances there was absolutely no of climate change has grown over stopping tadhg furlong here. recent times and when you come at the oscars tonight? year, but it is quite rare that we starting to come in right now. we it was a lead they wouldn't let go. to a destination like this, knew that the trains were going to andrew conway with ireland's final it is a real once—in—a—lifetime the grand slam is still see these very severe gales right cancel ahead. as you have been score, wales defeated at last. bucket list. on for ireland after they beat across the bulk of england and ireland now, it seems, when you get here and see wales, and of course, it is notjust hearing, they are completely the quality of the water wales in the six nations. cancelling them now, so there are no this year's team to beat. and rugby's oldest trophy, and the colours and the the calcutta cup, is back in english the heavy rain and the strong winds, services running at all. the unusual i think performance contradiction with the sky is hard to come by. and all those amazing things, hands, thanks to victory over as well. we are likely to see those thing coming into today, we have a we'll be our own worst we have an opportunity to then be critics, i'm sure. scotland. large waves around the coast and profile of all the incidents that we've got an honest bunch in there. able to educate about there is the potential for come in, is it is affecting the large waves around the coast and there is the potentialfor some the people of climate change. good morning. flooding as well, so certainly lots whole country. so all the usual storm ciara is bringing us some going on in terms of this storm. it i don't think it is going to be easy disruptive and potentially dangerous suspects, when it would be the but pleasing place to be, isn't it? but i think we have to understand weather out there today. doesn't move through very quickly, pennines, the trans— pennine ritz, two from two. we've got severe gales that travel also benefits a lot across the british isles, combined very windy weather once again as we the scottish roots, the scottish that's what the six nations of the communities that people with heavy rainfall as well. look towards tomorrow as well. is all about, a bit of momentum, large waves, too, around the coast. bridges, it is the whole lot. —— and we roll on from here. are going to. we've got amber warnings in force of course, there is going to be trans— pennine route. england were greeted in scotland if we can educate people from the met office for both when they come to environment bridges, it is the whole lot. —— trans- pennine route. did you say like this and give them the wind and also the rain as well. trouble on the roads. yes, luxmy was there are no services at all? know, by a barrage of bagpipes and boos, an understanding of the challenges i will bring you all the details, referring to that in dover. in certain areas. in wales they are that are faced by climate change, coming up shortly. their arrival stirring once more and hopefully when they go we can get the latest on these cancelling many services, cross this most enduring of rivalries, delays now from 5 live's travel a history with a hostility home that is a benefit to them country have cancelled quite a few quite unlike any other. and their local community as well. presenter 0rna merchant. especially on the day after, you are but, for both, the fiercest foe services, and it does come down, i they faced came from above. it's sunday the 9th not on the radio today. but there coral reefs don't just of february, our top story. am afraid, because it is quite the wind and rain added look great in photos, are going to be problems right to the stormy atmosphere, they contain more biodiversity in the last hour, a flight carrying across the network with all fragmented, to check ahead and check but certainly not than any other ecosystem on the planet. around 150 british nationals has different forms of transport. your own routine, yourjourney and to the entertainment. where you are going to go. across across the network with all different forms of transportm across the network with all different forms of transport. it is, basically everything at the moment a single penalty, england's, arrived in the uk from wuhan, is warning you ahead of time and the centre of the coronavirus the board you can definitely say all the first half could offer. outbreak. just telling you what to expect. of there is a reduced service, there so it's essential there have been three cases course, we knew it was coming, so are fewer trains going, they have scores, though, levelled they don't disappear. of the disease in the uk so far. through the boot of scotland's adam it landed at raf brize norton, our already some procedures have been revised the timetables, so there hastings, lifting the murrayfield put in place. as you have been gloom for at least a few moments. even though they cover less reporter greg mckenzie is there now. than 1% of the ocean floor, will be later starts, earlier with conditions steadily worsening, they are home to over 25% greg, what happens next hearing, trains, they have reduced finishes. it is all because of both sides now clinging on by theirfingertips, the services. that is to do with cancellations and delays because of the world's fish species. they can't run the full service if cancellations and delays, because they can't run the full service if any control hard to find. for the people on that plane? basically if they have speed they are travelling at slower here in the maldives is an ongoing speeds. but now the weather is restrictions on those journeys, better to keep the ball in hand. actually hitting, because we were there will be longerjourney times told it was going to be later on. we programme to restock damaged reefs. well, good morning. yes, the plane and a knock—on effect to delays and it finally paid off, have had it overnight, and now we england's ellis genge arrived here around 25 minutes ago, cancellations. we have seen that forcing his way over already happen, that has been put in coral is an animal, actually. arrived here around 25 minutes ago, are seeing they are just actually for the game's decisive moment. a 747. arrived here around 25 minutes ago, a 7a7. we are standing underneath an animal?! not a plant? the flight path. you can see the cancelling services altogether on the trains. and roads, bridges, we had a in the road last week and it is related to jellyfish place ahead. british airways have steps leading up to the plane. cancelled many flights, virgin and anemones in the ocean. atla ntic briefly? yes, so the m48 is cancelled many flights, virgin atlantic have already cancelled ahead. we knew this was coming, and eve ryo ne we had a in the road last week and passengers will be disembarking very everyone was saying that the coach the polyps live together and help soon. they will be taken from here ina way com pletely briefly? yes, so the m48 is should be sacked. you have a lot of ahead. we knew this was coming, and in a way it was quite good we knew completely closed, you can't use that at all. the ma is your this was coming, it has not been sausages saying things thatjust at raf brize norton and escorted by come into their head, and what are sprung on us. now we're looking at alternative, that is the second they on about? each other to build this skeleton. police escort any number of coaches what is actually happening, and this for england, the victory was ugly, morning we're already seeing the severn crossing, and the m35, all traffic is being held. that is an but it was just the toa police escort any number of coaches to a facility in milton keynes. higher, exposed parts of motorways, victory that mattered. and all four home sides play we pick up some corals that kents hill park is described as a exposed part of the m25. 37—36, east in the women's six nations today. are broken for any reason the qe2 bridge now close to it is scotland versus england at 12:10pm, and they are on the sand, and ireland—wales at 1:00pm. so they will die, because they will everything and definitely too high you can follow the action leading conference, meeting and yorkshire, the humber bridge is be covered by sand. accommodation venue. it has around what we will do is keep this healthy 70 meeting rooms and 300 bedrooms. sided vehicles, on the m25 over the closed, those two are close to high on the bbc sport website. part from the coral and put them da rtford sided vehicles, on the m25 over the dartford crossing, and the seven bridges closed travelling between what a turnaround milton keynes university hospital wales and bridges —— seven bridge is status, not completely, but that it's been at everton. back on our nursery. nhs trust has said there is no risk could escalate, it could change —— two months ago, they were in the relegation zone, and now they're just a point off to local people, as anyone showing fifth place in the premier league. our nursery is around 5—6 metres closed. and we're seeing some hi siders. the 86 is quite an they beat crystal palace 3—1 symptoms would not have been allowed floodwater as well, standing water, to extend their unbeaten run exposed route, and they have now to five games. in depth than with a sandy bottom, to board this plane which left wuhan so lane closures on the motorways. closed that off completely because 12 hours ago. that is the epicentre of course, all of these have come of floodwater. so we're getting the method is to use through and fast as people report these ropes hanging on metalframes. of the outbreak. some workers are patches of flooding closing the brazilian richarlison ran nearly 0k. i want to try and attach a piece. road, as well as the wind. there is now going on. in terms of passenger them over the day. i guess the the length of the pitch to put them let's see. i will put it through here... advice is if you are travelling on a 2—1 up, and then england hopeful numbers, we believe 150 or so. some a lot to get to, thank you very much dominic calvert—lewin got his 11th flight advice is if you are travelling on a flight or whatever, you need to i would do like this, indeed. don't go too far away. league goal of the season and then fasten it. will involve... some are uk check. we repeat ourselves, but yes, more people have now died tighten it as much as you can from coronavirus than from the sars to seal victory. absolutely just check. outbreak in 2003, and almost 35,000 government staff and medics. they so it will not fall. will be transported shortly to cases of the disease have so everton manager carlo ancelotti check. we repeat ourselves, but yes, been reported globally. happy with the team's performance, absolutelyjust check. don't go too this morning, a flight carrying but he wasn't too impressed this must take hours to do? milton keynes and a number of far away. we have people on twitter around 150 british nationals with defender djibril sidibe. is arriving in the uk from wuhan, with theo walcott injured early on, actually, the process is quite fast. flying on transatlantic flights who as several countries coaches. and as you have mentioned, are watching them, and they are evacuate their citizens to try sidibe was called off the bench, getting over in record time because and stop the infection spreading. but he has forgotten to put we need to do it faster as well there are three cases in the uk, our china correspondent robin brant one of his socks on. because they need to be underwater. the jetstream was so quick. so, as walcott made his way off three individuals being treated. a p pa re ntly the jetstream was so quick. apparently they are an hour and a basically, what you're doing the pitch, sidbe made his way back here is replicating nature? that is to individuals at the royal half early. into the changing rooms. exactly. we are helping to make ancelotti not happy, this process faster. and two minutes later his man so not mother nature, sandra nature. joins us now from shanghai. emerged, fully dressed. exactly. victoria infirmary infectious it's good to know tourists disease centre in newcastle. the and you can keep up with the changing weather conditions on your third man is being treated at st local bbc radio station and the bbc but that wasn't the only incident. are engaging with these conservation good morning to you. how is the at full—time, there was thomas's hospital in central london. news website. more people have now died a mini pitch invasion — from coronavirus than from the sars situation in china? because we keep a young lad wanting to get hold projects. even if i never come back thank you very much, greg. and as of goalscorer calvert—lewin's shirt. outbreak in 2003. hearing that the death toll is and he got his wish, here again, it's good to know i have you can see, people are still being in china's hubei province alone, before being escorted the death toll is almost 800. rising. the death toll is rising, off by security. left a mark, hopefully kept on board that plane. we are this morning, a flight carrying in a positive way. expecting coaches to come towards around 150 british nationals and the number of people infected is is arriving in the uk from wuhan, the plane to take them away. 25 the centre of the outbreak. also rising, according to the you look ready to go. everything is ready now. 0ur reporter greg mckenzie official government figures. there minutes after landing they are still is something in the numbers over the what will you do now? on board. they are waiting for the last couple of days to suggest that is at raf brize norton. i will bring this rope next steps, that is the last flight maybe, just maybe, it is peaking, and did you notice at the start to the nursery and it is perfect but the world health organization there sidibe's team—mates playing conditions for it to coming back to the uk out of wuhan. overnight is warning against any rock, paper, scissors for the right attach and grow properly. good morning to you. what do we know to pinch his jacket for their knees? we don't need to do much more. about what is going to happen to it was pretty chilly early optimism. obviously everyone i have noticed it says the other main story this morning as these people once the plane lands? wa nts to early optimism. obviously everyone wants to see the back of this, but "bbc travel show"? for now, the who saying that china these will be your baby corals. 00:07:06,904 --> 4294966103:13:29,430 good luck! the weather. strong flooding well, good morning. yes, iamjust remains in the middle of a very at goodison park yesterday. under the flight path, just on the intense outbreak. in terms of the expected as storm ciara arrives in the uk. outside of raf brize norton. now, numbers here, we have surpassed a the flight is expected here from milestone. more people have now been a lot of people picked up on that on widespread travel disruption is also wuhan in the next 1.5 hours. 150 killed by this new type of expected across the country today. coronavirus than sars. that is a similar respiratory virus outbreaks people are being told to avoid british citizens, as you mentioned, social media, it was mason holgate china went through, and the rest of unnecessary travel. lets join our are on board. now, once they arrive, who won it. the world actually, 18 years ago. it watford missed the chance to move they will be transported on coaches. is evidence that the experts think out of the relegation zone we have seen the coaches arrive a that this type of coronavirus is not after conceding a late equaliser at brighton. few hours ago. they will then be watford took the lead midway as deadly as sars in terms of the through the first half thanks to this strike from correspondent in dover first. under police escort and taken to a abdoulaye doucoure. unnecessary travel. lets join our correspondent in doverfirst. it looks less windy than it was earlier mortality rate, but it is spreading but brighton made it 1—1 facility, kent hill park, in milton more easily. so at any rate, the with 12 minutes to go, but it is very hard to tell, adrian mariappa with numbers continue to go up on both a moment to forget. blustery, isn't it? well, it might keynes. now, they will then be held watford remain in the bottom three. fronts. in terms of that edition brighton stay in 15th. under quarantine for 1h days. now, flight, fronts. in terms of that edition flight, the last one, according to the uk government, it is due to land should any of them show signs of the bsc glasgow from the lowland league backin the uk government, it is due to land are looking to cause an upset today. virus, they will then be transported back in the south—east of england in seem like that, roger, but it is a the next hour or so, with around 200 they play hibs in the fifth strong gust that take you by round of the scottish cup. to hospital. now, we already have bsc have a gas fitter, surprise. so much so that a short people on board. the bbc has been a firefighter and a roofer while ago our camera was knocked told by the british ambassador here, among the squad. three cases in the uk at the moment, over. i do not know if you can hear that some people who wanted to get on were turned away. we have not got celtic face league one clyde, over. i do not know if you can hear three cases in the uk at the moment, three individuals being treated. with the quarter—final over the sound, but there are...” they are two individuals being draw straight afterwards. treated in newcastle and one being rangers will be in the hat, everybody out. we know that. but manager steven gerrard said am so sorry, but it is so noisy and he had to rattle a few cages" unfortunately two people failed treated in newcastle and one being treated at st thomas's hospital in at half—time before they beat blustery, we cannot quite hear you temperature checks early this hamilton a—1, with three goals morning. they have had to go back coming after the break, because of the problems with the central london. now, most recently, into wuhan, and we are in touch with scott arfield with this one in injury time. details of all yesterday's games wind. nota them, and we will try and support them, and we will try and support we had five british nationals them to get them onto another because of the problems with the wind. not a slackening at all, the confirmed with the virus. as you can country's flights. so if there are wind. not a slackening at all, the wind. let us go to tomos morgan in are on the bbc sport website. any brits that we aren't in touch aberystwyth. how is it where you with, we very much hope they will hear, this isn't the plane, the get in touch with our consular great britain failed are? well, the ec has been bashing plane from wuhan is expected in the to reach the fed cup finals, assistance teams which are operating losing their qualifier against slovakia. next 1.5 hours, but yes, five 24/7 and let us know, because we are at 2—0 down, they needed to win at the front in aberystwyth all all three matches on the second day. britons confirmed to have contracted advising people to leave wuhan. the morning since we have been here. and heather watson got the first of them, but harriet dart really rough seas here. there have the virus in a french skiing resort. next big test for this country is couldn't follow suit. been gusts of up to 70 mph that people in certain parts, yesterday. we expect more than that back to you in the studio. and as he she lost in straight sets including here in shanghai, are due to anna schmiedlova. today. some predicted around 90 that means britain will have to win to return to work tomorrow after minutes per hour in the north of that extended break from the chinese a play—off tie in apriljust to make was saying, we are expecting that sure they return to this same stage wales across snowdonia. as you can new year. so we will see the extent flight was saying, we are expecting that flight to arrive in the next hour or to which people do come back. but imagine, with weather like this, so at brize norton. of the competition next year. travel disruption across the whole nonetheless, a rather ominous of wales. rail services have been a soldier who went on a rampage warning on state—run tv last night saying the politicians leading this cancelled, and it will be no bus with stolen weapons in thailand has there was huge disappointment been killed by security forces. effort against the epidemic have for the great britain women's 27 people have been basketball team as they tried killed in the incident, told authorities to round up to qualify for the olympic games replacement services in many including the gunman. eve ryo ne told authorities to round up for the first time. locations. flights also suspended in everyone that needs to be rounded more than a0 others were wounded up, no delays tolerated. thank you they lost 82—79 to south korea. many areas. and spirit thought for during the attacks in a temple and shopping centre. very much indeed, robin brant in it means they now have to beat the welsh fans stuck over in dublin aaron safir reports. the olympic silver medallists spain a 15—hour stand—off finally over. today, and hope that after that six nations lost china beat south korea, shanghai. to have a chance of making it. yesterday. delays at holyhead on the a soldier who went on the rampage in thailand ferries. if i was on a hangover, i has been shot dead after a long siege by security forces. i'm just disappointed. would not want to be crossing the thai security forces emerged the 32—year—old man carried out like, we only played with urgency irish sea with a weather front like with five minutes to go, from the terminal 21 shopping centre the attacks in a temple this one. i completely agree with in nakhon ratchasima. and a shopping centre. or however long was left, more than a0 others were wounded. and we started to make a run a 15—hour stand—off finally over. and make a comeback, you. tomos morgan in aberystwyth for and we started to believe us. that looks really rough. he thai security forces emerged we could win. a lone gunman shot dead, from the terminal 21 shopping centre but not before he took more in nakhon ratchasima. talked about the travel situation... than 20 lives. we just ran out of time, for a long time, it was not clear and i think we made some crucial they will be widespread travel how this stand—off would end. errors, like maybe in the last problems across the country today. i hundreds of people enjoying minute or something. am delighted to say that our five a weekend shopping managed to escape but you can't play like that. the rampaging gunman. a lone gunman shot dead, we're playing for an olympic ticket, but not before he took more we're not playing at the ymca. live travel presenter on a merchant than 20 lives. everyone is fighting. you have to play with urgency from the start, not with five is with us now. inside, people ran and hid wherever they could, for a long time, it was not clear minutes to go, when you as news realise it's almost over. of the attack spread. translation: i saw the security how this stand—off would end. hundreds of people enjoying so disappointing for women's guard officials and a motorcycle taxi driver running for shelter. a weekend shopping managed to escape i didn't know what was going on, the rampaging gunman. basketball tea m so disappointing for women's basketball team once again. and they and then i heard people shouting, ——orna merchant. inside, people ran and hid have never qualified for the "they're shooting, wherever they could, there's a shooting." as news of the attack spread. olympics, but they have competed in the olympics when it was in london, police have identified the gunman yes, the a7 to four has been closed, as 32—year—old jakraphanth thomma, but haven't had the chance to go to a junior army officer. translation: i saw the security guard officials and a motorcycle thatis tokyo. they had the best luck, have yes, the a7 to four has been closed, that is at dumfries and galloway, taxi driver running for shelter. thejohnston that is at dumfries and galloway, they? maybe one day. thank you very he was caught on cctv i didn't know what was going on, the johnston brooch. —— johnston at the shopping centre, and then i heard people shouting, moving with an eerie calm. "they're shooting, much. you are watching bridge. lots of localised flooding but his rampage began elsewhere, there's a shooting." at an army base, where breakfast from bbc news. showing up on some of these rows. he killed two people, police have identified the gunman as 32—year—old jakraphanth thomma, rain is closed on motorways, the a junior army officer. it is time now for a look at the sunday papers. bridges, they are all closed. the including his commanding officer. let's look at the front pages. the mail on sunday has an exclusive he was caught on cctv report which says the american woman and in the early hours of the attack at the shopping centre, moving with an eerie calm. accused of killing harry m25, clockwise over the dartford he posted messages on facebook dunn was a cia agent. crossing, the qe2 bridge is closed. saying, "death is inevitable but his rampage began elsewhere, it says that anne sacoolas, for everyone," and at one point at an army base, where he killed two who left britain after the fatal the ouse bridge running between asking, "should i give up?" the posts were quickly taken down, people, including his crash last august, is understood goole and howdon in east yorkshire commanding officer. to have served as a senior spy. but not before they could be seen is closed to high sided vehicles, by people in the area, and in the early hours of the attack britain could suffer a major outbreak of coronavirus. the m62. all of the usual places and who are struggling to make sense that is according to the sunday times. of what they witnessed. he posted messages on facebook the paper has interviewed it is widespread. in terms of the the microbiologist who co—discovered ebola and the presence thailand has one of the highest saying, "death is inevitable for everyone," and at one point of aids in africa. rail, reduced services, reduce rates of gun ownership in the world, asking, "should i give up?" but a mass shooting like this the sunday mirror leads speeds, you need to check if you are is something shocking on an exclusive story that a soldier and new for the country. lay dead in an army camp for three travelling. i have had a look the posts were quickly taken down, through and the pattern is the same. people in ireland are awaiting weeks before he was found. the results of the country's general his superiors failed you have many cancellations ahead. but not before they could be seen to spot he was not on duty, election, with counting due to begin that has meant a revised timetable. at 9:00am this morning. according to the paper. the three main political parties if trains, busiertrains, different have tied in first preference votes, by people in the area, who are struggling to make sense according to an exit poll. of what they witnessed. times, earlierfinishes, that could thailand has one of the highest the vote made history catch people out. you can see the as the country's first ever general rates of gun ownership in the world, and online, the bangkok post but a mass shooting like this are reporting on what they call west coast main line is littered election vote to be is something shocking the bloodbath in korat, with cancellations. that is the line and new for the country. the awful news of the mass shooting that serves you between london and held on a saturday. overnight which left scotland, it travels through the midlands and the north—west. the voters in switzerland will decide people in ireland are awaiting same for the east coast main line. whether it should be made illegal at least 20 people dead. to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation the results of the country's many cancellations, delays at the or identity today. general election, with counting due writer and broadcaster racial and religious predjudice is already illegal, angela epstein is here to tell us moment. 0k, check before you travel. but the country has no laws to begin at 9:00am this morning. what has caught her eye. the three main political parties thank you very much. and we will get to protect the lgbt community. have tied in first preference votes, there is opposition from some who say the proposal could lead according to an exit poll. the latest updates on storm ciara the vote made history throughout the morning. to censorship, but opinion polls as the country's first ever general good morning. well, there was tons. you can keep up to date suggest most voters will back election vote to be the new law. with the changing weather developments in your area today, held on a saturday. there is tons this morning, which is just head to your local bbc radio you are up—to—date now. it is all station, and of course, about the weather this morning. when the bbc news website. british war epic 1917 will be vying with the rest of the year's top i went to bed last night it was a lwa ys there is tons this morning, which is always a wonderful thing, it shows a soldier who went on a rampage calm, there was no wind, and you films in the race for best picture the important part of the paper with stolen weapons at this year's oscars later. in thailand has been killed thought really? is it? it is. and it still play. so boris and a bridge. by security forces. the world's biggest movie stars 27 people died in the incident, will be taking to the red carpet not the first time for those words including the gunman. is coming and it is already here in more than a0 others were wounded at the ceremony in los angeles later. during the attacks in a temple joker leads the pack, many places, together. he has revived a $20 with 11 nominations, billion plan to build a bridge from and shopping centre. followed by the irishman, storm ciara. that's right, storm aaron safir reports. 1917 and once upon a time in hollywood, with ten each. scotla nd billion plan to build a bridge from scotland to northern ireland. and ciara has been moving on overnight a 15—hour stand—off finally over. so the winds have been boris wants to bridge this 20 mile thai security forces emerged from the terminal 21 shopping centre strengthening. they will strengthen further through the course of the gap, most likely between put patrick in nakhon ratchasima. day. some heavy rain around as well. in scotland and county antrim. on and ample warning from the met office for strong winds, severe the idea is to make the union feel gales across england and wales. we also have an amber warning for heavy a lone gunman shot dead, but not before he took more than 20 lives. i watched 1917 last night, actually. rain across parts of southern more cohesive, obviously improved scotla nd rain across parts of southern transport infrastructure. and a for a long time, it was not clear scotland as well. so a combination little pa rt of how this stand—off would end. go on. i enjoyed it, very good. of dangerous weather types out there transport infrastructure. and a little part of me thinks that he is a historian, he has one eye on the hundreds of people enjoying a weekend shopping managed to escape well, not the right word. obviously today likely to cause significant history books and he wants some kind the rampaging gunman. disruption. now, these are some of it is disturbing, but it is a great the gusts we have already measured of great legacy as well. that is over the past couple of hours. film. supposed to be technically just anecdotal, but it wouldn't be amazing as well as hugely emotional. inside, people ran and hid snowdonia, 86 mph, but widely winds wherever they could, and the lead actor, george mackay, i beyond boo to be thinking in those as news of the attack spread. think his name, he is in virtually gusting about 60 to 70 mph, and they terms. —— bojo. and there is the every shot. well, fingers crossed will get stronger later on through today. this is storm ciara, you can expansion at heathrow, so all of see on the pressure chart here. look at the proximity of all all those these which historically he was translation: i saw the security opposed to. it may well be that he guard officials and a motorcycle for them. taxi driver running for shelter. isobars on the map. we don't see wa nts to i didn't know what was going on, you are watching opposed to. it may well be that he wants to grasp the country's breakfast from bbc news. winds this strong widely across the transport system by the neck and say and then i heard people it is time now for a look shouting, "they're shooting, at the sunday papers. british isles very often. it was we're going to make this country there's a shooting." let's look at the front pages. about seven years ago that we last police have identified the gunman really great, and obviously to have as 32—year—old jakraphanth thomma, the mail on sunday has an exclusive some kind of heroic landmark project a junior army officer. report which says the american woman had a storm comparable. 60 to 80 mph he was caught on cctv accused of killing harry doesn't hurt with the legacy as at the shopping centre, dunn was a cia agent. across the southern half of the uk. moving with an eerie calm. it says that anne sacoolas, who left britain after the fatal well, does it? is it a bridge or a further north, 85 mph or even a but his rampage began crash last august, is understood little bit stronger than that. it is to have served as a senior spy. bridge plus a tunnel? it is going to elsewhere, at an army base, not just the strength where he killed two people, britain could suffer a major little bit stronger than that. it is notjust the strength of little bit stronger than that. it is not just the strength of the wind, outbreak of coronavirus. but the heavy rain as well. an amber including his commanding officer. that is according to the sunday times. the paper has interviewed warning in force across southern and in the early hours the microbiologist who co—discovered scotland, the river catchments bea bridge plus a tunnel? it is going to be a brunnel. for these prices i am of the attack he posted ebola and the presence responding quickly to this heavy messages on facebook saying, of aids in africa. coming up with some serious stuff at the sunday mirror leads rain, so there could be some "death is inevitable for everyone," on an exclusive story that a soldier flooding issues. the bulk of the this time of the morning. i think lay dead in an army camp for three heaviest rain clears eastwards the engineers will have their work and at one point asking, weeks before he was found. across scotland and northern ireland through this morning. then we are cut out in that one. people in "should i give up?" his superiors failed to spot he was not on duty, left with really heavy showers, with london will remember the garden the posts were quickly taken down, according to the paper. bridge, which never quite made it.|j but not before they could be seen hail, lightning and a squeeze on by people in the area, these isobars. gusty winds right who are struggling to make sense through the central belt of up to 80 love this story. this is from the of what they witnessed. thailand has one of the highest and online, the bangkok post or even 85 mph, enough to cause observer. this is a rather unique are reporting on what they call rates of gun ownership in the world, the bloodbath in korat, significant disruption through job going, thejob advert is but a mass shooting like this the awful news of the mass shooting today. further south across the uk, is something shocking overnight which left and new for the country. the green colour show those heaviest observer. this is a rather unique job going, the job advert is very prosaic, for a gp with remote and bursts of rain. some lightning and hail the heavy rain. as this cold rural experience to tend to the at least 20 people dead. front, this line of rain, move patients who inhabit an island in people in ireland are awaiting southward through the day, that is the results of the country's when we are going to see this strongest, gusty as an score list of the inner hebrides, 13a inhabitants general election, with counting due thai security forces have killed to begin at 9:00 this morning. a soldier who shot dead at least 26 the winds. 70 or even 80 mph winds there. it might sound cushy, the people during a brutal rampage on saturday. the attack took place in a shopping right through the english channel. current gps are retiring. it is centre in the north—western city disruption likely for roads, rail, linked to the mainland by a 2.5 hour of nakhon ratchasima. and also ferry travel as well. so the three main political parties check before you travel today. lots ferry journey. no bridge there. so have tied in first preference votes, of disruption, heavy showers as you can imagine it is quite according to an exit poll. sarah girvin is live in dublin we can speak now to charlie crowson, well, with some thunderstorms as difficult if you need an air for us this morning. ambulance, but the other thing is well. so storm ciara, to summarise this looks like it who lives in the city. that the gp can be the last line of might not be clear—cut, how significant is this poll? today, brings us damaging winds, defence if there is any kind of yes, things are looking very good morning to you. thank you very travel disruption likely, around the emergency there. whatever it is, how complicated, and as you can see, much indeed for talking to us this coast large waves and flooding small or large. so it is a very possible, and power cuts. we have storm ciara is making her presence morning on bbc breakfast. explain what the atmosphere is like in the already seen some power cuts, and we unique kind of position that is being advertised. what i love about felt, and the stormy weather is are likely to see more of them city this morning. it's very, very through the day. things are not capturing the mood of the political solemn indeed. we are actually at the sound of this island, very going to move, can improve very quickly, is that even though it is instability here this morning. votes quickly, we still have strong winds will not start to be counted until teeny tiny, i think it is something terminal 21 right now, trying to later this morning, but what we do collect a motorbike that was left through tonight. further heavy like ten miles long and three miles showers rattling through on that haveis later this morning, but what we do have is that exit poll and with all here last night, and obviously we wind, and they will be falling as wide, it has lots of things in weren't able to take it home last snow over the higher ground of exit polls, there is a certain miniature, including a brewery and a night, but it is a very, very scotland, northern ireland and golf course. it has a miniature golf health warning, but it is a strange feeling, because people northern england. so quite a cold, icy start to your monday here. three—way tie at the moment between here, they don't know what to do. fine gael, fianna fail and sinn course, presumably minigolf, and a there are cars with bullet holes in further south, further heavy rain school with eight pupils. for fein. it is impossible to tell at them, and we have actuallyjust had and showers, with hail and this stage whether the current thunderstorms and strong and gusty somebody that is going to be just so a conversation with the first guy to winds. in the south, that is 60 to get shot at, he was in a big appealing. the fact is that the taoiseach, the irish prime minister, government have announced another leo varadkar, will manage to keep 70 mph once again. could be the topjob. coming into mitsubishi sort of land rover kind blizzards over the higher ground of 6000 new gps, but that is going to of car, and there is a bullet hole leo varadkar, will manage to keep the top job. coming into this scotland. so i think today the be one down if they go off to the election, the leader of the and a right in front of the driver's seat, strongest of the winds, lots of fall, mr martin, he was favourite. disruption, but things not really inner hebrides. inside the sunday but the real story has been a surge aimed directly at the driver. he has improving very quickly tomorrow. mirror, they have been back to the of sinn fein, led by mary lou just told us a story about how he, shop where the stratum knife back to you both. we will keep in his wife and his kids managed to touch with much more detail on the attacker stole his knife, didn't he? mcdonald. whatever way the seats survive because the bullet weather coming up throughout the work out, we are looking at a ricocheted off the bonnet, then off morning. look at those showers, it coalition government, which is the the window, and then went straight is so hard for you to predict where norm here in the republic of they are going to be and when. —— streatham. and they found quite ireland, but here is where it gets up. he was the first one to get shot shockingly right by the door an complicated, because fine gael and array of knives still for sale. fianna fail have both said they will at. out the back of the mall, and this morning a government—chartered flight landed in the uk, these knives are for sale at a bringing around 150 brits not go into government with sinn back from the centre of the coronavirus outbreak. fein. they are citing the party's but some who were offered the chance this was probably about 5:30 p.m., discount store where sudesh amman to return have decided to stay past links to parliamentary violence in china instead. probably something like that. this was probably about 5:30 p.m., one of them is chris hill. and the troubles of northern probably something like thatm sounds terrifying, and i guess in armed himself before going on this hejoins us now from wuhan. ireland. sinn fein have emphasised their role in the peace process and thailand these kinds of things, you rampage, and they were seeing if the said excluding them from government don't hear about them very often. it would be undemocratic. it is worth is unusual. no, it is very unusual. store is still selling these blades, noting that in 2016, in that good morning to you and thank you and it begs the question of what do election, it took more than two for talking to us this morning on there are gun crimes in southeast we do about knife sales, they are months for government to be formed. bbc breakfast. can you explain why asia, and you hear aboutjealousy so, whatever way the numbers stack and perhaps it's, you know, a you toast to stay chose. my wife legal to sell. we do about knife sales, they are legalto sell. it we do about knife sales, they are legal to sell. it says here you need up, later on today and into tomorrow, it could be weeks or even boyfriend girlfriend thing, but you id, age 25. and obviously knives are certainly don't hear about anything works for a children's hospital and months of intense political used for very innocent purposes as negotiations ahead. go inside and this scale, and i've never heard well, we use them every day in our about anything this scale. i have herjob is very important and i did lives. but because of what happened get a nice cup of tea and thaw out. lived in korat now for 16 years. and not wish to break up the family. how with that terrorist assault, and thank you very much indeed. our when you see that array of knives, this is a terrifying, huge wake—up all those blades, it gives you a call for the city, and it is has that decision gone down with correspondent in dublin this yourfamily here has that decision gone down with lurch of horror. but equally it is morning. you can see the effect of terrible publicity for a very your family here in has that decision gone down with yourfamily here in the uk? not the shop owner's fault if peaceful city. and you are the storm there! not least some somebody stole a knife and use it absolutely in a very peaceful has that decision gone down with political upheaval as well perhaps country. just explain how the news your family here in the uk? my mother thinks ok, it is a wise for those purposes, what is he if the landscape changes. supposed to do? he has a business to started to seep out yesterday, and choice because family is very important. but my father thinks i am run. we will do some more papers in how you heard about what was actually happening. it was absolutely crazy. i am sure people an hour. thank you very much indeed. voters in switzerland will decide whether it should be made illegal to discriminate this morning is all about the on the basis of sexual definitely a case of chinese orientation or identity today. whispers. the fact that social media weather. here is sarah keith—lucas with racial and religious can see your dilemma. on one hand predjudice is already illegal, a look at this morning's weather. but the country has no laws is available just means that there you are staying in a risky place but to protect the lgbt community. there's opposition from some, are so many threads that can come your wife has an importantjob to yes, we have some dangerous weather who say the proposal out, and nobody knew where this on the cards today, disruption down could lead to censorship, do. can you describe what the but opinion polls suggest most gunman was. he had started out on a voters will back the new law. situation is like therefore people military base which is about two at the moment? at the moment people to storm ciara, there has been heavy kilometres south of the city. it is rain already and things are going to british war epic 1917 will be vying get worse through today. we have an are staying indoors to try and keep with the rest of the year's top amber warning from the met office a big army town. he had problems, films in the race for best picture away from coming into contact with across much of england and wales for and ended up shooting his at this year's oscars later. other people. and the local those severe gales. there is also an mother—in—law and a senior member of amber warning for the heavy rainfall the world's biggest movie stars will be taking to the red the army. the reasons for that, i am across southern scotland as well. so carpet at the ceremony authorities are cleaning and in los angeles later. not too sure. but he then was... disinfecting the streets and roads significant disruption today. some joker leads the pack of the gusts that we have recently and welding doorways on a daily measured, up to 86 mph at q rig in with 11 nominations, took himself onto the army base, took a load of weapons, i have been basis. so everything is slowly, followed by the irishman, snowdonia. even in dover, winds 1917 and once upon a time in hollywood with ten each. told over 700 rounds of ammunition, slowly getting back to somewhat currently gusting at 55 mph —— capel and it was premeditated. he handed normal. however long that takes. in his head that he was going to go this time tomorrow breakfast will be curig. certainly enough to cause ona in his head that he was going to go on a rampage, and he headed for of what is the situation like in terms significant disruption. here is storm ciara on the pressure charts, live in los angeles, no doubt. who of getting food and supplies? can and you can see the proximity of all the large malls in the centre of you get out to the supermarket? are these isobars. it is they stocked? the supermarkets and knows what might happen when that town, it is on one of the huge these isobars. it very per reporter has to stand and shout junctions in the middle of korat and you can see the proximity of all these isobars. it very unusual that we see conditions like this across centre, and he just at people?! sometimes we have little junctions in the middle of korat centre, and hejust darted junctions in the middle of korat centre, and he just darted shooting moments of magic. occasionally. at people. so he started shooting at small trade stores are well they get well, every day! true. this guy first, and he was shooting people on the roads on the way here the british isles. england and wales as well. he shot civilians, taking stock delivered daily so there are 60 two perhaps 80 mph, particularly in the last hour, around 150 british people out and posting selfies on no empty shelves or anything like strong gusts over hills and around people have landed back in the uk that. everything is fine for that coasts. when we do have that amber from the centre of the coronavirus outbreak in china. facebook, letting people know that point. our people scared? -- are warning across southern scotland, the death count was going to rise. because heavy rain is going to be they will go into quarantine in milton keynes for 1a days. leading to potentially some flooding so how prepared is the uk? there as well. so we start this people scared? many people are. they morning heavy rain. some mountain professor calum semple advises that must have been terrifying. he snow across scotland as well. the the government on the threat was killed by security forces but 27 bulk of the rain clears, but then we of viral infections, are worried about what will happen, they are worried that if they go out are into sunny spells and scattered hejoins us now. people the total death toll. shock they are worried that if they go out they may come across people who are heavy showers and showers and good morning to you. i will start does not do itjustice. local police thunderstorms and hail, and with a with that question, how prepared are real squeeze in these isobars right through the central belt, we are we? we have been preparing for at have been telling me that it has infected all there is some crazy risen to 35 but i cannot confirm people going around doing really likely to see those gusts of wind least ten years because we learned a stupid things. such as? there are this afternoon around about 80 mph lot of lessons from the 2009, 2010 that. there are massive calls for or even a bit more. further south outbreak. the government maintain across the uk you can see the green blood to be donated but obviously people who will go around and try to colours indicating the really heavy with coronavirus that is difficult, burst of rain. we have already had stock of essential equipment like plenty of lightning across wales and because they need to screen blood north of england. that is going to protective masks and goggles for purposefully infect other people first. it is a hard time at the because they feel that they have put its way south through the day. health care workers and we also keep it as this line of heavy showers, hospitals but they are doing a great been left out by the system but the some medicines in reserve as well to this cold front, bush's south, that help treat the secondary infections job and this morning i think it all is when we're going to see some really squally winds, up to around associated with these problems. from came to an end after maybe 17 or 18 system itself in wuhan is seriously, 80 mph right through the english hours. it was a huge relief this my position, britain is very well channel, even stronger than that as compared to many other countries in the hospitals are seriously overrun the world. the plane hasjust we head into the afternoon. so very so they do not truly have the staff to cover everybody. that is quite strong winds, severe gales, heavy showers rattling through in those landed, i think we can bring you a morning but business will struggle brisk winds as well. so that shocking, isn't it? can you explain shot of that now. as far as we know, combination of weather types today down to storm ciara is going to lead because this is a huge mall with a eve ryo ne shot of that now. as far as we know, everyone remains on board that plane. in terms of medical checks, lot of business in there and they how they do that? this is anecdotal to significant disruption to transport and travel. we are also andi how they do that? this is anecdotal and i presume these are stories what will be happening to those have lost their livelihood for people when they get off the plane? expecting really large waves around however long this takes to clear up. doing the rounds rather than the coast. we got spring tides at something confirmed but how are i can't really talk for public thank you very much for talking to people trying to infect other the coast. we got spring tides at the moment, so could be some coastal health england and what they are people? what is happening is that flooding and overtopping, and has doing but my expectation would be already been power cuts. are expecting to see more through the that it would be a fairly light us thank you very much for talking to us this morning. and i am sure great there are people going into big relief for your friends and family touch. there is nothing to be gained day. into this evening and back here to know that you are safe. apartment complexes where they have by anything invasive. some swabs overnight, although storm ciara does move away to the east, it doesn't an elevator, they will go in and might be taken, people might be improve very quickly. still very askedif might be taken, people might be asked if they are feeling well, and strong winds through tonight, and then they will be treated with care heavy showers rattling through. so ta ke this is breakfast from bbc news and an elevator, they will go in and take paper towels and spit on the and dignity but kept isolated quite paper towels and use that on the we're going to be seeing some we are braced for a storm today. we buttons as well. there are people snowfall over the ground of northern strictly. they will not be visiting friends, they will not be allowed to have sarah with the weather for us who will go by, wait for people to england, scotland and northern have visitors themselves. the front this morning. good morning to you ireland. blizzard conditions page of the sunday times today has come by and they will spit at them possible tomorrow across parts of an interview with the professor from both. norm ciara is with us and the as well. which is utterly shocking. northern scotland over the higher ground. heavy rain and showers with hailand winds have been strengthening ground. heavy rain and showers with hail and thunder further south, and the london school of hygiene and through the night with heavy rain again some really strong winds. we rolling in from the west. it will be could see gusts along the south tropical medicine who is 0h, as well. which is utterly shocking. oh, it is. very disturbing to see. i coast once again of 60 or possibly increasingly alarmed by the spread a day of severe disruption down to of the virus and the headline says 70 mph. not quite as windy as it is that the uk faces major outbreak. is do feel sorry for these people the weather and with those very strong winds there are ample warm out there today, but things won't that the uk faces major outbreak. is that scaremongering or could that be and attachment warnings across because they are doing it out of improve very quickly tomorrow. to the case? i think that is a england and wales for severe gales. fear and anger that they feel they stay safe today. we have got some reasonable worst—case scenario. it have been left out for medical help. pretty disruptive weather on the is hard to know how we headline... —— amber warnings. warnings for cards. we'll be back with the headlines at eight o'clock. it can be taken out of context very now, it's time for the travel show. southern scotland as well. here is we are grateful to you for taking coming up on this week's easily. the reality is that we are the storm. a lot of isobars on the the time to talk to us. stay safe expecting further cases. at the map today and it is this cold front travel show: i'm in the maldives, moment, isolation and quarantine is meeting the people working working its way south—east woods and to protect a unique underwater working. but the expectation is that we will see strong gusts of wind. and as we understand, the government environment. is no longer planning any more more cases will slip through as the gusts are likely around 70 or 80 mph flights from wuhan so you are just brighton case that, and then we will owing to ride it out? yes. i am here and go swimming with sharks but live to tell the tale. see more clusters, and then we will across scotland and northern ireland, 60—80 mph is for the south even though you know they're not dangerous, have sustained onward transmission, every time you get touched and at that point, we will move into and it is notjust the strength of for the long haul. we wish you well by a fin you sort of bounce and are grateful for you taking the a little bit. 00:18:39,033 --> 4294966103:13:29,430 squeals. and at that point, we will move into a different phase of the outbreak the wind. we have very heavy rainfall as well so an amber warning because we will not be able to time to talk to us. goodbye. that out now for scottish borders for contain it using large quarantine potential flooding and the rivers measures, and we will move into a phase of self isolation, and then we rack in quickly. across northern will see the outbreak progress as we half of the uk today, heavy rain and was chris hill talking to us live did in 2009 and 2010. this is not from wuhan. how shocking that people snow over the mountains clearing to sunshine and heavy showers with hail the first flight to come back, we are infecting other people. really have seen people start to disembark. thunder, lightning and a squeeze in they will go into quarantine at the isobars. so through the central distressing story from him and we belt this afternoon those gusts of are expecting that flight to land at milton keynes, i think, won't they? some are at arrowe park in the wind would reach 80 or 85 miles an hour. enough to cause significant brize norton. we contract progress world. what is advised to those at there. they are not far away. but home who are worried? —— coral. disruption. for the southern half of the uk heavy rain as well, you can not yet there as you can see. 150 world. what is advised to those at home who are worried? —— coralm is not in our community at the see those green colours indicating moment, so there is no need to worry bursts of rain. as a cold front had british people on board that flight or panic. good respiratory hygiene self that is where we will see and as we were hearing, the last will be the crux to slow this down. squally and gusty wind developing flight and as we were hearing, the last flight expected to leave wuhan. with some hail and thunder and and as we were hearing, the last flight expected to leave wuhanm so, hand washing, particularly when lightning as well. there wind gust is 20 minutes past seven. you coming, if you have been in the south at about 17 or 18 miles severe weather warnings are in place handling money, been on public an hour, winding through the english across the country today as storm ciara arrives, transport. before you take a snack channel and heavy showers as we end bringing winds of up to 80 miles per hour and heavy rain. in the street. good old victorian the day, blustery wind and it is widespread travel disruption principles of hygiene. facemasks are is expected, and several rail firms mild out there but we are likely to are urging passengers to only see hail and lightning combined with travel if necessary. a complete waste of time in the we can get the latest on these those strong winds. this is a community, because we do not be delays now from robert nisbet of the rail delivery group, who's theirsin. community, because we do not be their sin. actually, the major mode summery of the disruption we expect. of transmission as people coughing damaging wind with travel and transport delayed and disrupt it. in our london newsroom this morning. along the coast, expect large waves and snorting onto a surface, an ipad, sharing a pen. you might pick thank you for braving the storm and and coastal flooding and along the coast, expect large waves and coastalflooding and power cuts it up, scratch and i, touch faces, are likely as well. a lot going on. coming to talk to us this morning. things will not improve quickly we do that about 20 times each hour. what is your advice for people hoping to travel today? it is quite that is how the virus gets into our through tonight and the bulk of the low we are there. i walked to body. facemasks are a waste of time, broadcasting house and there was an store moves away, went into monday e bike in the middle of the road and morning with further showers in the leave the building suppliers alone. just wash your hands. what is north over the hills so an icy start ca rs we re e bike in the middle of the road and cars were driving around it. trains cannot do that. we must be very interesting about the pictures we and further south we still have are watching is that we can see some heavy showers and blustery wind for people in full white suits and some careful. what looking at and what we monday. further strong wind, apply to a situation like this are heavy showers and blustery wind for monday. furtherstrong wind, heavy people in full white suits and some two criteria. we need to keep people people who look like maybe airport showers in the south, further north workers in their everyday clothes. safe. that includes passengers and how does that work? it is hard to some snow flurries over the northern england hills, scotland and northern staff. but, critically, we need to ireland as well. a cold shower in say, but i would expect those in the windy day once again on monday. then full suits will be the ones that make sure that there is certainty as have been on the plane looking after it looks like things are going to be well. so as an industry in and people and providing assistance, staying unsettled as we look through this coming week. we still have many invent like this, we say check because if somebody has a stomach isobars on the map as we head before you travel and roughly half bug r was coming down with a common of the train operating countries in through into tuesday as well. all in cold, they will have to have been all and unsettled and windy picture the —— companies in the country have assessed on the plane and you have over the next few days. not as issued a do not travel warning while to look after health care workers. windy, however, as those strong winds and severe gales that we others have said check before you in all of these virus outbreaks we travel. it is half and half and i have seen in the past, was there a would advise anybody intending to will see today thank you very much, ta ke would advise anybody intending to take a would advise anybody intending to pattern to them? do you get to a sarah. we will talk to you again takea train would advise anybody intending to take a train today to look at the point where you see a peak and it national rail enquiries website shortly. we'll be back with dies down? there are patterns and, the headlines at 6.30. where there is much more detailed now, it's time for the film review. information. are there some roots yes, we have seen them. if i had a likely to be more badly affected crystal ball i would expect that we than others? as many of your experts will see a summer outbreak with one or two waves and then probably a have been saying, this is a storm third wave in the winter, and that thatis have been saying, this is a storm that is hitting the entire country. would be typical for this kind of hello and welcome to the film review on bbc news. respiratory virus, where the first to take us through this week's it is difficult to point out various cinema releases is mark kermode. wave is any completely naive pockets which may experience more so, mark, what do we have this week? disruption than others. the issues population, and the second and third wave will occur because you get here are twofold, really. the tracks human clustering at wintertime, when and the overhead cables as well we all come in and we stay indoors exciting week. birds of prey, the new could be affected. so if you live and the humidity is perfect for the harley quinn film. virus. and why a summer peak? we have dolittle, he can near a could be affected. so if you live talk to the animals, neara train could be affected. so if you live near a train track, we ask if you because the population is completely this time with a welsh accent. have garden furniture, trampolines or whatever in your garden that naive, there is no immunity and we could be blown by the wind onto the are all susceptible. you can get a and parasite, the international higher attack rate in the summer. do track to please secure them. this we have to get this in perspective? hit from bong joon ho. morning we had proving trains running along parts of the network flu kills many more people each quite a mixture. year. absolutely, it does. but even it really is. which basically check whether there birds of prey and the fantabulous a bad flu perhaps kills one in 1000. are any obstacles and on—board some those are teams of network rail half emancipation of harley quinn. the figures coming out of china are with chainsaws in case they showing a slightly higher case rate it follows up from suicide squad than that. but that is biased to encounter any trees that may have which was a complete mess been blown onto the tracks. we are stop by not knowing how many in the taking this seriously but what we do and it is much better not want is for people to set off on community are having mild illness. so we have to put it into than its predecessor. a journey and get to the station and perspective. there will be personal margot robbie steps out wait for a a journey and get to the station and waitfora train tragedies because anyone with heart on her own and at the beginning, a journey and get to the station and wait for a train they expect and for it to be severely delayed or even disease or lung disease will be more susceptible and the frail and she is broken up withjoker worse, they get on a train and then elderly and those born prematurely and she blows up the chemical plant some form of disruption happens and in which they sealed their love. might be more at risk. so far they are trapped on the train. we children seem to be spared which is advise people in the main to not good news. professor calum semple, she is newly employed by a slimeball travel unless you need to and played by ewan mcgregor thank you for coming in. and she finds herself in a centre certainly, get onto the national of a roller—coaster ride of a plot rail enquiry website to see how that let us go to sarah now for more on which involves a stolen diamond, journey may be impacted. teenage the and a growing band rail enquiry website to see how that journey may be impactedm the weather news. good morning. good of lethal women who rail enquiry website to see how that journey may be impacted. it seems like the worst of the storm is have become targets. hitting today. how can you plan for here is a clip. morning to you both. yes, storm ciara is with us already. today we the busy time tomorrow for commuters ona the busy time tomorrow for commuters on a monday morning? and that is key will see some damaging and to this. they may well be disruption destructive weather and dangerous they're all here for me... weather and fat. there is an amber that goes on into tomorrow morning's rush hour. any commuters, we also warning in force for severe gales ..aren't they? suggest you check for you travel. across the bulk of england and no. they're not? wales, but northern ireland and no, they're not. do you know what that means? scotla nd wales, but northern ireland and scotland also seeing extremely because of the disruption to strong winds, and we have an amber servers, trains may not be where warning for heavy rainfall as well. that means he's notjust they should be at the start of after the kid any more, he's after all of us. tomorrow and that could affect lots going on. these are some of the he's sure as hell after me, services that have to run. but there gusts we have recorded over the past ijust robbed him. you just betrayed him. isa services that have to run. but there is a blanket speed restriction put few hours and quite widely, 60 or 70 you just killed his bff and you're in place by network rail of 50 mph dumb enough to be building mph around the coasts. and the hills across the country and that could a case against him. as well, over 80 miles per winds. so, unless we all want to die affect timetables all over the very unpleasant deaths, country. the train operating the strength of the wind will companies are working with network increase as we head through the we're going to have to work together. rail to do the best they can but course of the day. here is storm 0k. obviously this is something that is ciara on the pressure chart, you can very difficult to prepare for. yeah, ok. around the year we do pruning of see the proximity of the isobars, very windy. unusually when the spell of weather quite so far south across sure... trackside trees to make sure that an the uk. the last time we had event such as this we minimise the comparable winds was seven years risk of trees falling onto the line ago. gusts today of around 60, up to the best thing about this is, but with something of this scale it firstly, it does have a genuinely 80 mph for many areas. we could get entertaining anarchic air. is very difficult to plan for apparently when margot robbie 85 in scotland, even at relatively was first talking about it, completely. and this is not unusual she said she wanted it to be to the uk, of course. storm xavier low levels. we have that amber like an r—rated girl gang movie warning out for heavy rain across and that is the vibe. southern scotland. the river it is very physical and has a sense catchment is responding quickly to of controlled chaos, in october hit france and germany which i really like. causing widespread disruption to some torrential downpours in quite a rail services and they did pretty short space of time. the heavy rain much what we're doing here which is to say check before you travel, to and snow this morning will clear directed by independent movie away and then we see a short space try and get ahead of the storm director, kathryn yan, of time. the heavy rain and snow rather than deal with the this morning will clear away and nbc an edgy sensibility. consequences afterwards. thank you returned to sunshine and showers for very much. some quite clear and the northern half of the uk which the location, you can see here, will bring hail and thunder, and it looks like a fairground ride with the squeeze on the isobars, in which there has been an explosion strong advice there. and just so you gusts through the central belt, up of a candy floss maker. it barrels along, it is funny to 85 mph. significant disruption and the characters are well drawn are aware, if you had a member of likely. further south, that is where and well defined. yourfamily on are aware, if you had a member of we have the amber warning across your family on board that final wide to brize norton from wuhan it has england and wales, really heavy rain, the green colours indicate the it is easy to get this wrong. heaviest burst. the range of south just landed and you can see the picture there. it literally touched in other hands, this could have and asked that line of rain pushes turned into batman and robin, down in the last few minutes. those its way south—east across england which was just a dress up and wales, we will see the strongest pantomime mess of a movie, people will now be taken to a of the wind gusts. 70, 80 mills per quarantine centre near milton but this is actually as much fun keynes. 2a minutes past seven. hour, even stronger through the watching the film as it is looking english channel. significant the andrew marr show disruption likely. heavy showers at the poster and watching the trailer. is on bbc one at nine o'clock. continue to rattle through on those andrew what's on the i was really pleasantly surprised very strong winds, as we head because i had gone in thinking, programme today? through the course of the afternoon. i hope this is good but i expect it overall, storm ciara bringing us the won't be and it was. coronavirus is out of china and it was much but i had spreading around the world. i will damaging winds and we are likely to bejoined in the spreading around the world. i will see further disruption to transport any right to expect. be joined in the studio by the and travel, and if you are close to it is fun? the coast, large waves, spring it is good fun and it genuinely has people's ambassador, the ambassador a kind of sense of chaos of the people's republic of china. tides, so flooding possible to the by coast. as well as more power cuts. at the heart of it, of the people's republic of china. by the justice secretary as well to which is what you need as we talk about changes to the for the character of harley quinn the strong winds do not ease in a and they pull that off rather well. hurry, tonight remains blustery with unfortunately, the same cannot be said of dolittle. terra law and by a labour mp trying further heavy showers, wintry across i felt that coming! the latest screen incarnation to become the party's deputy leader. the north and there could be icy of doctor dolittle, he can talk it's the highlight of the awards stretches over higher ground to to the animals. season tonight as stars take begin on monday morning. thank you partly, robert downeer now doing to the red carpet for this dolittle has decided to do the most years oscars ceremony. very much indeed for that. an bizarre welsh accent important day for the weather this ido i do love the oscars. but who will be the big winners? morning. for the central character. and will there be any surprises? but this is where we say goodbye our correspondent sophie long has been taking a look to viewers on bbc one. at the runners and riders. bye for now. apparently, he discovered some druidical pagan welsh figure upon whom he decided you have a brother in the second to base the character. battalion. yes, sir. 1917. salmond it's not a welsh accent the likes of which i've ever heard before. if you remember russell crowe's as's blinking —— unblinking roving accent when he was doing depiction of war is a front runner robin hood, it makes that look for best picture. sam mendez. he has like the most precise accent you've ever heard. it looks like the whole film has been redubbed, been nominated for best director. this is the better version. tomorrow morning, the solar orbiter will settle for space. many we also know they did three weeks his competition comes from quentin of re—shoots after the first version scientists are coming at the most tarantino whose love letter to los important mission for a generation. of the film wasn't deemed to be angeles in the 1960s. once upon a pa rt important mission for a generation. part of it and fairness. funny enough, this is the version time in hollywood. martin scorsese of the film that has had three weeks of making it funnier?! and his mafia epic the irish man. itjust lies there in the cinema like a dead fish. it is ugly, it is badly written, it is played by a cast of characters bong joon—ho for parasite, dark and all of whom who should have far violent look at class in south better things to do than be in this mess of a movie. korea. and todd phillips for his somebody pointed out to me, they said unity rex harrison flopped controversial dark thrillerjoker when it first came out. which leads the pack with 11 but this isn't the rex there is for different measurements harrison, isn't it? it is on course to, nominations including best actorfor that are really big uk involvement. what is the phrase, "underperform" joaquin phoenix which is hotly that is for the tent on this. a lot at the box office. tipped to win. this is meg, amy, of british scientists and people working on the uk are really excited beth and joe. the lineup for best by it. what is really important about this mission. there is a lot i do wish you would say director is all—male. something that we do not understand about our what you really thought! is not gone unnoticed. to see my closest star, the sun, and shall we talk about parasite? we both loved it. occasionally, the son is a force for immediately we have seen it good, it gives light and heat to the and we need to be careful beloved rater make money at the box about what we say about it. earth, but it creates the solar no plot spoilers. office with the film entitled little the less you know about storms as well. and we cannot protect them like we would like to. it, the better it is. a new movie by bong joon ho come up women is enormously fantastic news. so normally we get one hour or two for several awards and we would have asa seen it at the baftas and it and may mean more than any accolade so normally we get one hour or two as a warning and literally clouds of plasma and radiation come out. will feature at the oscars. could mean in terms of women in this a tale of the park family, sometimes they hit the earth and who live in this unbelievably industry. i hope this business is cause havoc with our magnetic field, angular, modern and classy not too distressing. some things are create radiation on earth. and like bright lit built—in, changing. netflix. sometimes looked the song today, we would like a down upon as an unwonted guest at couple of days' warning to be able high above seoul, south korea. and the other family, to ta ke couple of days' warning to be able to take revenge of measures. so, having the spacecraft at the sun the kims living this hand to mouth this establishment party received existence in this semi—basement that can see outbursts, they more nomination than any other understand the mechanics more and production entity with marriage thatis literally in the very bottom story, the irishman and two popes. understand the mechanics more and that is really important. would people at home ever have been aware jonathan price and anthony hopkins ofa of the hill down which are nominated for best leading a people at home ever have been aware of a solar storm happening?“ all the rubbish falls. best supporting actor's people at home ever have been aware of a solar storm happening? if you they are weirdly a mirrored family respectively. the call sheet which lived in quebec in 1989, in canada, but we first meet the family in the semi—basementjust has your name and your characters there was mass power outages, and attempting to get by. name and then there is a number next here's the clip. that was due to a solar storm, and to that name. and it is usually it hit a magnetic field, and as that magnetic field moved, that induced denotes your importance to the film. currents in the grids and power i was number one and he was number grids, and there was a mass two. but we greeted each other every blackout. so something of that skill, that was a relative minor day with a grudging good morning solar storm. something of that skill number one, good morning numbertwo. could happen. 1859, there was a lot and that goes on except he signs his of telegraph systems in place. no e—mails to me now with lots of love, satellites or internet or anything, but there was a huge storm. sir number two. he got one up on me. something of that skill today, we only one person of colour has been area something of that skill today, we are a lot more reliant on gps nominated in any acting characters satellites, things can be fried in orbit, and the power grids on earth. for this performance in harriet. there will always be controversy there is a lot of real—world implications. if you are a solar surrounding nominations but there will be a massive celebration of physicist, you are keen to understand this star so that you can film and fashion on sunday night understand this star so that you can understand stars elsewhere. how assist part of hollywood boulevard is transformed into one of the close could it get before it melts? so, they are living almost biggest catwalks in the world. good question. that was my next underground and the son gets a job she got her jacket. working in the house on the hill question! there are a couple of and the two families meet and these she got herjacket. she did. and a greatjob as she got herjacket. she did. and a different missions, there was a are mirror images meet. great job as well. headlines are on 00:27:36,748 --> 4294966103:13:29,430 the way. national mission that wants two yea rs national mission that wants two years ago. it was launched by nasa. it was looking at the krona in the that is all you want sun but there are no cameras, they to say about the plot. people have talked about it are too close to take a camera and being like hitchcock get the picture. this one is further but it is almost like shakespeare because it combines tragedy, away but it is inside the orbit of mystery, metaphysics and drama. there are moments that mercury, the first planet, it still have the melancholy heart—tugging power of a ghost story and moments has massive heat shields and a lot of technology has gone on to keep the instrument say. they are kind of which are almost slapstick. hiding behind this plate, these little windows that come out to take yes. and moments which make a quick picture and tied back in you cast with the revelation of the plot twist. again. a lot of fascinating it is designed beautifully and the storytelling is so visual. engineering. how is that information even if you watch this without the subtitles, you could understand the story sent back to us? how long does that from the way in which the camera take? it depends on where it is. it moves from different locations. the music, which really brilliantly is dealing with these huge orbits. captures all these different the interesting thing as it is going shifting tones it starts with this around the poles of the sun. within sombre piano piece and this orchestral piece and then the orbit of mercury and down to earth, every five or six months they will do an orbit and it can take there is a weird bit eight minutes, 16 minutes, depending which is choric vocals on how far away it is from the sun and a musical saw, these elements that should be fighting —— earth. it is a relay signal going somehow come together in this perfectly harmonious... back. i find this fascinating. i was i've seen this four times! reading elder it has to do a couple wow! every time i see it, of orbits of mercury or venus?‘ i notice things that i haven't seen before and i love it. couple of flybys of venus. and that it is as near perfect as any film i've seen in the last decade, gives it a slingshot to get closer i want to see it again. bong joon ho has now prepared in. you have the sun in the middle a black and white version and the earth is going around. we which played at rotterdam wa nt to and the earth is going around. we want to go north and south, we want and hopefully it will play here. to get up and above it and that the most important thing to say, ta kes a to get up and above it and that takes a lot of energy. so they use go see it without reading or hearing any more about it. venus as a gravity assist to slingshot it around further north, so we can take the first images of don't let anybody spoil the plot or anybody say to you, the poles of the sun. how can people there's this brilliant bit when... if they do, run away! at home for the progress? can we? is there to track this? we can watch there to track this? we can watch the launch, if you want to get up at fourie tomorrow! of course i will be up fourie tomorrow! of course i will be i did not see that bit up anyway! tune in to the tv, it coming that we won't talk about and i thought it was so clever! will be launching from florida. it did you like the film? will be launching from florida. it i loved it. i'm not good with violence, will take about two years to get to there are a couple of moments the sun and get to the right orbit, when i'm a bit like that, but on balance, i loved it and then, you know, nasser, the and i thought it had masses to say about class european space agency, they are and money and was beautifully shot. great at showing pictures, tune in snowpiercer, obviously but come! memories, he is good at depicting and watch the solar orbiter for the next couple of years. i do not want to waste this great prop you have stratified social groups. brought in. you can show us. you have brought an elastic band. i also think the cast across the board, an ensemble cast, this is a basic analog for what this is what you need an award for best ensemble cast, could be a magnetic field lying you can't pick out individual performances. it is an ensemble cast around the sun. if it stretches and and it is like watching a swiss watch work. twists too much, it can snap and it i love this film, i love this film, is those snapping events that can it is fantastic and everybody blast out radiation plasma across should see it. best out, another film the solar system. so it is a case of you like as well? david copperfield. i am more keen than predicting when the elastic band is you are but the cast... i enjoyed it and great going to snap? and it is being able ensemble cast. fantastic. and a modern adaptation a classic to monitor what it looks like. thank text that found things in it that i hadn't seen in you so much, it is lovely to see previous adaptations. loved it. dvd is a great one to watch at home, terrific. you. tackling homelessness and judy. renee zellweger is storming the awards at the moment. drinking in our cities. it follows a i am slightly more ambivalent programme which has been running in about this than some people, canada which aims to take people off but i think she looks like a dead the streets and into a safe cert lead contender at the oscars. she was at the baftas. environment. lucy adams has this report. my favourite part of this film is the fans who meet her. and it's through their eyes that a small group of people in glasgow you actually see the magic ofjudy have been causing disproportionate garland. i lovejudy garland and i was more harm to themselves and others. convinced by the fans' reaction. experts started analysing the cost to the public purse. it is probably were you? that's just me. i found it incredibly sad, millions, millions of pounds. karen beautiful and sad in equal measure. yeah. looked at seven homeless, chronic flawed. alcoholics who failed other programmes and assess their impact that is sad. but parasite is great! go and see parasite! on police time. they had 613 entries it is a great film, see it. enjoy your cinema going, on police time. they had 613 entries on the crime system. 630 times in see you next time, goodbye. three years. another gentleman, over a few years had been taken to glasgow royal in firm a a27 times by hello, this is breakfast, ambulance. we have come to ottawa with rogerjohnson and sally nugent. good morning. here is a summary of today's main stories from bbc news: because it is a city that has storm ciara is arriving recognised it has a problem with in the uk this morning, bringing high winds, flooding and heavy rain homelessness and alcoholism and has across the country. decided to find a different way to severe weather warnings are in place, with winds of 80 mph predicted. tackle it. karen has lived in this widespread travel disruption is also residential unit in ottawa for more expected throughout the day, with passengers being advised than four years. with the other residents, she goes for the poor every hour. my drinking became under to avoid uneccessary travel. control. it was causing too much havoc. how much were you drinking? i more people have now died was drinking a bottle of vodka a from coronavirus than from the sars outbreak in 2003. in china's hubei province alone, day. the ottawa programme is run by the death toll is almost 800. this morning, a flight carrying around 150 british nationals the shepherds of good hope and is is arriving in the uk from wuhan, the centre of the outbreak. paid for by the government, there have been three cases residents of‘s benefits and the of coronavirus in the uk so far. government. this isn'tjust a programme for alcoholics, but that a soldier who went on the rampage in thailand, killing more than 20 people, has been shot one or 2% of chronic alcoholics. dead after a long siege by security forces. these are the individuals that, if they don't have alcohol in their systems for a couple of hours, they the 32—year—old man carried out the attacks in a temple and a shopping centre. will go into seizures. in glasgow, more than a0 others were wounded. plans are under way to replicate the his motives for his actions remain unclear. people in ireland are awaiting canadian model. the building is the results of the country's general ready and an expert steering group election, with counting due to begin at 9:00am this morning. has already been set up. but not the three main political parties have tied in first preference votes, eve ryo ne has already been set up. but not according to an exit poll. everyone agrees this is the right the vote made history as the country's first ever general approach. i would prefer earlier election vote to be treatment and better forms of abstinence oriented residential treatment. i don't feel that the held on a saturday. evidence is sufficient. canada is voters in switzerland will decide whether it should be made illegal expanding its managed alcohol programme. scotland's is due to to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or identity today. begin this summer. it will be racial and religious prejudice is already illegal, but the country has no laws carefully assessed. the evidence to protect the lgbt community. suggests it can work well, but for there is opposition from some some it will be controversial. who say the proposal could lead to censorship, but opinion polls suggest most voters will back the new law. lucy adams reporting. stay with us, the headlines are on the way. lets get a full round—up of the morning's sport, and the six nations is top of the bill. and we had all the home nations in action yesterday against each other, so we were expecting fireworks. we certainly got that in dublin, ireland and wales, two heavyweights coming together. it is brilliant to watch. hello, this is breakfast i think the weather had a bit of an with rogerjohnson and sally nugent. impact yesterday. at edinburgh, that wasn't a great game. and to be honest, it wasn't a great game in it's just approaching 8:30. terms of loads of unforced errors. here's a summary of this morning's main news... but the problem was when you see just over an hour ago, the last flight carrying around 150 that weather and you look at the british nationals has arrived spectator stands, that was the only in the uk from wuhan, the centre time you could see, it was sideways of the corona virus outbreak. it landed at raf brize norton. reign. brian your said there have been three cases of the disease in the uk so far. time you could see, it was sideways reign. brian yoursaid he time you could see, it was sideways reign. brian your said he thought it was pretty much unplayable —— muir. more people have now died from coronavirus than from the sars outbreak in 2003. ireland have ended welsh hopes storm ciara is arriving of back—to—back grand slam titles, in the uk this morning, beating them 24—14 in dublin, bringing high winds, their first six nations defeat flooding and heavy rain across the country. in two years. and then the weather closed in on murrayfield, where england battled to a 13—6 victory over scotland severe weather in the calcutta cup, warnings are in place, with winds of 80mph predicted. widespread travel disruption is also as adam wild reports. expected throughout the day, with passengers being advised in dublin, it was deafening. the to avoid uneccessary travel. drums, the fireworks, you felt the a soldier who went on the rampage in thailand — storm had arrived early. ireland the killing more than 20 people — first to raise the roof, jordan has been shot dead after a long siege by security forces. larmour powering over. wales, the 32—year—old man carried out the attacks in a temple though, are the reigning champions, and a shopping centre. thomas williams ending a move that more than a0 others were wounded. showed just why they have come to be so dominant amongst the six nations. his motives for his but ireland have been almost actions remain unclear. unstoppable at home in recent years. people in ireland are there was absolutely no stopping furlong here. it was a lead they awaiting the results wouldn't let go, andrew conway with ireland's final score, wales of the country's general election, defeated at last. ireland now, it with counting due to begin at 9:00 seems, this year's team to beat. the this morning. the three main political parties have tied in first performance is hard to come by. we preference votes, according to an exit poll. the vote made history will be our own worst critics, i'm as the country's first ever general sure. we've got an honest punch in election vote to be held on a saturday. there. but a pleasing place to be, voters in switzerland will decide whether it should be made illegal to discriminate isn't it? two from two, that is what on the basis of sexual orientation or identity today. the six nations is all about, a bit racial and religious predjudice is already illegal, of momentum, and we roll on from but the country has no laws to protect the lgbt community. here. england were greeted in there's opposition from some, scotla nd here. england were greeted in scotland by a barrage of bagpipes who say the proposal and booze. their arrival staring could lead to censorship, but opinion polls suggest most voters will back the new law. once more this most enduring arrival —— boos. a history with a hostility those are the main quite unlike any other, but for both the fiercest foe they faced came stories this morning. from above. the wind and rain added let's move on to the sport and holly toa from above. the wind and rain added to a stormy atmosphere, but certainly not to the entertainment. is here. a single penalty, england's, all the we are talking six nations? yes, it first half could offer. scores was a busy day. we had all the home levelled through the boot of scotland's adam hastings, lifting nations in action against each the murrayfield gloom for at least a other. only one left in the running few moments. with conditions for the grand slam and that is steadily worsening, both sides now island after they beat wales. in clinging on by theirfingertips, any control hard to find. better to keep edinburgh it looked like we were ball in it finally paid off, watching storm ciara arrive before england's ellis genge forcing his our eyes. way over for the game's decisive england battled to a 13—6 victory moment. for england, the victory was over scotland in the calcutta cup ugly. moment. for england, the victory was ugly, but it was just the victory while ireland ended welsh hopes that mattered. of back—to—back grand slam titles, england had gone out with something beating them 2a—1a in dublin — to prove after some strong criticism their first six nations defeat following the defeat in two years. to france last weekend, adam wild reports. and try—scorer ellis genge in dublin, it was deafening. was glad to put that to bed. the drums, the fireworks — you felt i was obviously happy to win, but the storm had arrived early. ireland the first to raise the roof, there's more to come. i think that's jordan larmour powering over. there's more to come. i think that's the worst part about it, to be wales, though, are the reigning honest, that we had a bump in the champions, thomas williams ending in a move that showed just why road last week and everyone was writing us off, saying that we they have come to be so dominant weren't good enough, saying that our coach should be sacked, and that the amongst the six nations. boys were a different team from the but ireland have been almost world cup. did that listing the unstoppable at home in recent years. team, the players? it didn't sting, there was absolutely no stopping tadhg furlong here. but the players, these things come it was a lead they wouldn't let go. to the head, and what are you on andrew conway with ireland's final about? we go out and we win in score, wales defeated at last. ireland now, it seems, this year's team to beat. scotland, in the rain, and now the performance is hard to come by. eve ryo ne scotland, in the rain, and now everyone is singing our praises. and all four home sides play in the women's six nations today. it is scotland versus england at 12:10pm and ireland—wales at 1:00pm. we will be our own worst you can follow the action critics, i'm sure. we've got an honest bunch in there. on the bbc sport website. what a turnaround it's been at everton. but a pleasing place two months ago, they were in to be, isn't it? the relegation zone, two from two. and now they're just a point off that's what the six nations is all about, a bit of momentum, fifth place in the premier league. they beat crystal palace 3—1 and we roll on from here. to extend their unbeaten run england were greeted in scotland to five games. brazilian richarlison ran nearly by a barrage of bagpipes and boos, their arrival stirring once more the length of the pitch to put them 2—1 up, and then england hopeful dominic calvert—lewin got his 11th this most enduring rivalry, league goal of the season a history with a hostility quite unlike any other. but, for both, the fiercest foe to seal victory. they faced came from above. the wind and rain added to a stormy atmosphere, but certainly not to the entertainment. honestly, i have to be happy about a single penalty, england's, that. in these a0 days when i arrive all the first half could offer. here, the players, the club, scores levelled through the boot of scotland's adam hastings, everyone, did fantastic work. but lifting the murrayfield gloom for at least a few moments. the season is not finished yet, and with conditions steadily worsening, both sides now clinging we have a possibility to fight for on by theirfingertips, any control hard to find. the europa league, and this is our better to keep the ball, target for the next games. and it finally paid off, so everton manager carlo ancelotti england's ellis genge happy with the team's performance, forcing his way over but he wasn't too impressed for the game's decisive moment. with defender djibril sidibe. with theo walcott injured early on, sidibe was called off the bench, but he had forgotten to put one of his socks on. we had a bump in the road last week so, as walcott made his way off the pitch, sidbe made his way back and people were writing us off into the changing rooms. ancelotti not too happy, saying we were not good enough and and two minutes later his man the boss should be sacked and we emerged, fully dressed. but that wasn't the only quirky we re the boss should be sacked and we were a different team from the incident at goodison park. at full time, there was welcome. people say things that come a mini pitch invasion — a young lad wanting to get hold into their head. what are on about? of goalscorer calvert—lewin's shirt. and he got his wish, for england, the victory before being escorted off by security. was ugly, but it was just the victory that mattered. adam wild, bbc news. and all four home sides play in the women's six nations today — it's scotland v england at 12:10 and ireland—wales at 1:00. you can follow the action on the bbc sport website. england's cricketers won the toss and put south africa in to bat, in the final one—day international in durban. they need to win the match i have a lot of time for that sort of pitch invasion, not that we to level the series — encourage that at all, but very the home side are 23—1. cute. england's women are out watford missed the chance to move of the t20 tri—nation out of the relegation zone series in australia, after losing to the home side. after conceding a late equaliser at brighton. watford took the lead midway australia will play india in the final — through the first half thanks it's not the best preparation to this strike from abdoulaye doucoure. for the t20 world cup. but brighton made it 1—1 england only have three more games with 12 minutes to go, before their first cup adrian mariappa with a moment to forget. match on march the 23rd. watford remain in the bottom three. they reached the final last brighton stay in 15th. time out, when they were beaten by australia. leeds are having a torrid time of it what a turnaround as they try to get back it's been at everton. into the premier league. two months ago they were in the relegation zone, and now they're just a point off they lost 2—0 at nottingham forest, fifth place in the premier league. tyler walker sealing it they beat crystal palace 3—1 in stoppage time. to extend their unbeaten leeds are still second, run to five games. but they've won only one of their last six league games. and forest are challenging brazillian richarlison them for promotion. ran nearly the length they are now only of the pitch to put them 2—1. a point behind them. and then england hopeful dominic calvert—lewin got his 11th bsc glasgow from the lowland league league goal of the season are looking to cause an upset today. to seal victory. they play hibs in the fifth watford missed the chance to move round of the scottish cup. out of the relegation zone — bsc have a gas fitter, after conceding a late a firefighter and a roofer among the squad. equaliser at brighton. watford took the lead midway through the first half, celtic face league one clyde, thanks to this strike from abdoulaye with the quarter—final draw straight afterwards. doucoure. but brighton made it 1—1 rangers will be in the hat, with 12 minutes to go — but manager steven gerrard said adrian mariappa with he had to rattle a few cages a moment to forget. at half—time before they beat hamilton a—1, with three goals watford remain in the bottom three. coming after the break — scott arfield with this brighton stay in 15th. one in injury time. details of all yesterday's games leeds are having a torrid time of it, as they try to get back into the premier league. are on the bbc sport website. they lost 2—0 at nottingham forest — tyler walker sealing it in stoppage time. leeds are still second but they've won only one of their last six there was huge disappointment for the great britain women's league games and forest basketball team as they tried are challenging them for promotion — they're now only to qualify for the olympic games for the first time. they lost 82—79 to south korea. it means they now have to beat a point behind them. the olympic silver medallists, spain, today, and hope that bsc glasgow from the china beat south korea, to have a chance of making it. lowland league are hoping to continue their scottish cup adventure this afternoon — they play hibs in the fifth round, in what is the biggest match in their history. iamjust later on, celtic face league one i am just disappointed. like, we only played with urgency with five clyde, with the quarterfinal draw minutes ago or however long was left straight afterwards. rangers will be in the hat — and we started to make a run and but manager steven gerrard said make a comeback and we started to he had to "rattle a few cages" believe we could win. we just ran at half—time, before out of time and i think we made some they beat hamilton a—1, crucial errors, like me in the last with three goals coming after the break — scott arfield minute or something. but you can't with this one in injury time. play like that. we are playing for details of all yesterday's games an olympic ticket, we're not playing at the ymca. everyone is fighting. are on the bbc sport website. you have to play with urgency from great britain's ice hockey team the start, not with five minutes to 90, the start, not with five minutes to go, when you realise it almost over. are still on track to reach the winter olympics -- it is go, when you realise it almost over. —— it is almost over. terri harper is waking up this for the first time since 19a8. morning as a boxing world champion. the 23—year—old from doncaster won the super—featherweight world they thrashed estonia 7—1 title last night. what is remarkable is this was only to go top of their group harper's tenth fight in pre—qualifying for beijing 2022 — as a professional. so victory against hungary this and she was always in control evening would earn them a place against eva wahlstrom, scoring a knockdown in the seventh round. that makes her only britain's second in the final qualifiers in august. female world champion in the sport, there was more success after nicola adams. for great britain in hockey‘s pro league with the men claiming theirfirst and actually, of course, the only win of the campaign — beating new zealand 3—0. the women meanwhile drew 2—2 current reigning british world champion, because nicola adams has in their second tie in auckland, retired, so well done to her. before winning the shoot out 5—a it is the new mission that will show to claim the bonus point and move us the sun as we have never been to fifth in the standings. able to see it before. early tomorrow morning, great britain are hoping to persuade the solar orbiter will set off into space. johanna konta to return many scientists are calling it to the great britain team, the uk's most important mission after they lost to slovakia for a generation. and failed to reach the finals. heather watson got them back to 2—1 we can speak now to tamela maciel down, but harriet dart couldn't follow suit — from the national space centre. she lost in straight sets to anna karolina schmiedlova. britain now face a play—off om what on earth is going to happen april to avoid relegation tomorrow? so tomorrow morning, well, from the world group. early in the morning uk time, around konta opeted not to play, to reduce her workload aam, a rocket will launch from and protect her body. florida, and it will carry the solar terri harper is waking up this morning as a boxing world champion. orbiter spacecraft. and for many people of the uk, this is their the 23 year old from doncaster won the super—featherweight career on the launchpad. they have world title last night. literally spent decades proposing what's remarkable is this this mission, building this mission was only harper's tenth here in the uk, providing some of fight as a professional, the instruments for it, and this is and she was always in control going to fly towards the sun, closer against eva wahlstrom, scoring a knock—down than europe has ever gone to the sun in the seventh round. that makes her only britain's second before, and capture the very closest images we have ever had of the sun. female world champion in the sport, after nicola adams. so it is a really exciting mission, and the son of course is very important in the entire solar top of the bill in sheffield system. it provides light and heat, was former world champion kel brook. but also can be a bit destructive at he returned to the ring after 1a months away with a knock—out win times. so when sally says what on in his super welterweight bout against american mark deluca. earth is going to happen tomorrow brook is hoping for one more morning, there is not a lot going to happen on earth, it will take off and it is all what happens at there. shot at a world title. what are we hoping to learn from that? well, the sun is something we have studied for thousands of years, but we don't understand the complexity of it. and in particular, she isjust imean, it complexity of it. and in particular, she is just the second female to i mean, it is this giant ball of gas become a world champion from and plasma and these really britain. thank you very much, holly. complicated magnetic fields that kind of create these flares and you're watching solar wind that goes out into the solar wind that goes out into the breakfast from bbc news, solar system. it is like trying to predict a storm, but we don't have it's 8:39. enough data. we are not actually there at the sun. so we would like time now for a look to sent a spacecraft closer. so how at the sunday papers. close can they get before they melt? the mail on sunday has an exclusive sorry, that is quite a trivial report which says the american woman question. not at all. a lot of accused of killing harry dunn technology has gone into trying to was a cia agent. it says that anne sacoolas, who left britain after the fatal keep this spacecraft safe. there is crash last august, is understood a nasa mission already out there, it to have served as a senior spy. britain could suffer is called touching the surface, a "major outbreak" of coronavirus — that's according literally flying through the to the sunday times. atmosphere of the sun. this one is a the paper has interviewed the microbiologist who co—discovered bit further away, but that is good ebola and the presence of aids in africa. the sunday mirror leads because it allows us to take on an exclusive story that a soldier pictures, whereas the other probe is lay dead in an army camp for three too close to turn a camera on. this weeks before he was found. his superiors failed will be in the orbit of mercury, so to spot he was not on duty, according to the paper. fairly close, withstanding and online, the bangkok post temperatures of 500— 600 celsius, are reporting on what they call the ‘bloodbath in korat‘, and the actual engineering to keep the awful news of the mass shooting overnight which left the instruments are safe is at least 20 people dead. fascinating, it is back to stone age technology, where they are using baked bones. sorry, what? baked angela, good morning. this is in the bones. they looked back to stone age sunday times, two plays are about to cave paintings, a lot of burnt come out in the west end, pretty bones, you leave them in a fire for a long time, it becomes incredibly resilient, and this is the black coating they put in the face of the spacecraft to keep the instruments a woman and indecent proposal? this bit cooler behind it. so it is a fascinating set of engineering and has angered women campaigners technology instruments in order to withstand such an extreme environment. is it right that the uk because the message behind them is is particularly good at sun science? rich men pay women for sex. julia it is something we specialise in? roberts, i was her body double, the how did that happen? it dates back to the early 1960s, really. the uk relentless prostitute, falls in love has been involved in the skylark with richard gere, her client and programme, rockets that went up and then indecent proposal —— indecent came back down, and they launched from australia. and on those skylark missions, they were some of the first mission is to study the sun in proposal with robert redford. we x—rays, which you can only get from have seen the rise of #metoo and we above the atmosphere. aerial one was also studying the sun in great detail, so it is kind of a legacy that has built over a bunch of did absorb these films as acceptable scientist in the uk, and when this but now women are saying no. mission came around, they were able did absorb these films as acceptable but now women are saying nom did absorb these films as acceptable but now women are saying no. is it to pitch for it and say we can the same story or have they been updated for a modern audience? they provide some of the instruments. so really interesting. and one of the have set them to music, so it is a things that is really important as song and dance version of pretty these solar storms that you talk about, which actually knock out woman, which inflames the reaction even more because it is making it instruments on earth. so being able to prevent these helps us to protect more trivialised. it begs the question, but do we rewrite cultural aspects of our everyday lives. tell history, listen to michaeljackson music, reading roald dahl, whatever us why you have brought a rubber it is? as you said, in light of the band. a rubber band. this is something people use when they talk headlines we have had recently, not about the sun, and particularly the least with jeffrey epstein. no magnetic fields that wrap around the sun. sojust like magnetic fields that wrap around the sun. so just like here magnetic fields that wrap around the sun. sojust like here on earth, it relation. it is quite shocking. has a magnetic field which kind of goesin has a magnetic field which kind of goes in at the north and south pole. absolutely. we did a couple of this instrument is going to fly over the north and south pole and study transport stories, you have picked what is happening. it is going to another one here? yes, the storm sample the strength of the magnetic field, and as sun moves around and might disrupt the railway timetable. rotates, these things get twisted up the daily mirror, borisjohnson in and stretched, so you can imagine it their words, plans to steal a key like a rubber band, these magnetic fields, and if you stretch them too labour policy by taking the railway much, they will snap. and in that network into public ownership. there snap, it can lodge plasma, will be announcement in the few radiation, it can be the storm that weeks the system, the single flies out into the solar system. it management and this will be the can hit earth and it can fry biggest shake—up of the network, satellites in electronics and power obviously because of the problems grids. it is something we want to predict with a bit more accuracy than we currently can. that has beleaguered our transport network. it will be interesting to thank goodness you are coming back see if this can ever resolve the problems on our railways. why all of later on this morning to tell us a sudden there is lots of prime more. letter to sarah now who has ministerial transport things just impping ministerial transport things just popping into the papers. the all—importa nt weather. more. letter to sarah now who has the all—important weather. we will not be seeing the sun today. grant shapps has been in the media more than any other media. he is on there may be a little sun between heavy showers today but the thing of the case of smart motorways, things concern to us today will be the we have let ride, excuse the pun. impact of storm ciara. wind has a tories have five years, the luxury of five years to play around with ready been picking up but we are forecasting gales across the british this. that is why it is coming to isles and there is an amber warning the fore now. one of the papers for much of england and wales for the strength of the wind. we do not see when this strong very often for suggesting that hs2, which we are costs of already been picking up overnight and these are some of the gust we have recorded over the last expecting a decision and, it will few hours. north wales, 86 mph get the thumbs up. another transport story. let me recorded their full widely now those winds are gusting around 16 or 70 introduce you to blitz the cat. we mile an hour, even stronger than that around the coasts and hills. an know it they have nine lives. this exceptionally windy day for all of us out there today. this is storm cat, iam know it they have nine lives. this cat, i am laughing know it they have nine lives. this cat, iam laughing in know it they have nine lives. this cat, i am laughing in amazement, if ciara and you can see the proximity you like. it got hit by a london underground train and then was run of these isobars is this cold front makes its way southwards and over 250 times as it lay on the eastwards later in the day. that is where we will see some of the track. my goodness! not only did it strongest gust of wind. 70, 80 miles survive, it injuries were not sustained because of that. when it an hour across parts of scotland, was taken to the vet, it had been elsewhere 60—80 mile—per—hour. we attacked by a gang of foxes and also have an amber warning and force fleeing onto high voltage rails in a the heavy rain across southern scotla nd the heavy rain across southern scotland and really quite widely we bid to get away from them. it is a have heavy rain pushing its way eastward. some catchments will pitiful story, the family are devastated and the cat has been respond quick clear so there could be flooding across the scottish seriously injured, but the fact is, borders. heaviest of the rain clears this cat has lived to see another across the northern half of the uk and then we see sunshine and heavy day. just looking at some of the showers with hail, thunder, lightning and a squeeze in the text, he lay between the tracks, so isobars. wind right through the he wasn't physically hit 250 times? central belt late this afternoon could gust 18 miles an hour or more. i think he would have been a dead further south across the uk the kitty cat. that is a great story. green colour shows heavy bursts of rain that we have around today. this bill gates, has done something to help the environment? he is, line here is the cold front making its way south across england and wales and on that front we will see absolutely. he is an environmentally squally and gusty wind. reaching 70, conscious billionaire and is keen on 80 miles an hour down through the the green agenda. he has commissioned the well‘s first english channel. enough to cause some significant disruption out hydrogen powered super yacht thought there. the last time we had a storm this strong was back in 2013. this to cost £500 million. which gives him bragging rights over the rich afternoon then heavy showers, hail and thunder. significant disruption seafarers. it will only emit water down to storm ciara today. with a and electricity. the thing that combination of damaging wind and tickled me most, it is an amusing heavy rainfall we are likely to see story and he is setting the agenda disruption to transport, large waves of vico travel, but this is the and flooding around the coasts. first time he owned a yacht. through the evening and overnight, previously he only rented them for heavy showers rattling through once summer trips. i don't think we will again with snowfall over the hills of scotla nd again with snowfall over the hills of scotland and northern ireland in northern england. windy as we look rent this year, i think we will buy! towards monday morning and things will not improve in a hurry on this will be a beast of the seas, 28 monday with still having strong wind, not as windy as today and tonne vacuum tanks to store the there could be ice around across the liquid hydrogen. it will also have northern half of the uk with wintry its own helicopter and more than one showers across higher ground. heavy swimming pool on board? well you rain showers further south and very strong winds through the english need more than one swimming pool, channel once again on monday. gust come on, sally! this is the parents tomorrow of 60—70 mile an hour. a who stay at home and look after windy spell of weather over the next few days. stay with us, we will keep children, they need their own minister and that is what conservative mps have been telling the prime minister. aa conservative you informed about all of the mps, many from the new intake, which weather situation throughout the morning for the next few days and of course what is happening on the suggest they are younger and they wa nt to suggest they are younger and they want to fight for the rights of a roads. single earnerfamilies. want to fight for the rights of a single earner families. it want to fight for the rights of a single earnerfamilies. it is we'll be back with the headlines want to fight for the rights of a single earner families. it is where one parent goes to work and one at seven o'clock. now, it's time for the latest stays at home. many feel when they stays at home. many feel when they stay at home, they feel undervalued. i could never do it, it takes an technology news in click. enormous mindset to be at home with kids, but these people need recognising and supporting. it is quite a move for the new government. thank you very much, angela. la, la, la, la land. quite a move for the new government. thank you very much, angelam quite a move for the new government. thank you very much, angela. it is a great pleasure. this is where we say it is oscars weekend, time for hollywood to give itself goodbye to roger temporarily. yes, i a pat on the back, and time am off to bbc want to read the news for the rest of us to be reminded for andrew marr. let's get the there is a reason why the movie industry chose southern california weather, shall we? to live and film in. and with all of glamorous la to choose from, they put me ina box. we have disruptive and damaging in a warehouse. although it is the coolest box weather. england, wales, scotland i have been in for a while because, and northern ireland seeing severe gales and heavy rainfall. some of spoiler alert, i am the gusts we have seen over the past not really in the box! i am out here. and that's virtual me few hours, gusts of up to 86 mph in and it is called portl. the box itself is real, of course and the lights inside provide the illumination snowdonia. in dover, winds at 55 mph for the modified human—sized ak lcd screen on the front. and they will rise as we head through the day. here is storm ciara on the pressure chart. these i suppose, it is an unusually strong this can show pre—recorded video or live images of some loon messing winter storm. the last time we had comparably strong winds across the about in front of a camera. british isles was about seven years what am i doing over there though? ago. gus today likely to between 60 what's he doing? the same? oh, yeah, of course. and 80 mph. 85 mph across much of i must say, iam impressed. i figured out all these reasons why scotland. heavy rain around and somebody might not want to do there is an amber warning across the a hologram, and i eliminated those reasons. scottish borders. the river catchments are responding to a lot that is why we developed this. first things first, of rain falling in a short spell of these are not holograms. you know what i think time. across the northern half of the uk it is a wet morning. most of about the term hologram. but these are the most realistic the uk it is a wet morning. most of the heavy rain clears but we have not—holograms i think i have ever seen. the heavy rain clears but we have the showers rattling in commerce of hail, thunder, sleet and snow over the key is that this part the mountains and strong when of the screen is transparent, squeezing through the central belt so if the camera moves left at gusts of 85 mph. enough to cause and right you can see the background significant damage. further south across the uk we have lots of rain move behind the character and that really gives you a feeling that they are there around. heavy showers this morning. and that this is a 3d image. the green colours show the heavy a small piece of reflective floor bursts of rain, lightning and hail. and the shadow of the actor are also captured and sent to the booth, it works south across england and something that really adds wales to the afternoon and that is to the realism. when we will see some of the # send in the clowns... strongest winds. gusting through the english channel at around 80 mph. it with thejoker leading the oscar is rarely seen winds quite so strong pack this weekend with 11 widely across the british isles. it nominations, it is not hard to see how the right kind of character is mild, it is windy and we have inside one of these devices could have a film's marketing lots of heavy showers around department going nuts. throughout the course of the day. to summarise storm ciara today, we have i'd like to see every cardboard damaging winds, transport disruption cutout standee in a lobby replaced is occurring and more of that to with a hologram portl. come. large waves and flooding around the coast and we have seen i want to go to a museum power cuts already. they are more and then hologram einstein asks me a question. likely to come through today. into this evening and overnight, the we could beam the next president winds are slowly going to ease but of the united states it does stay very windy. further from his or her own campaign office wintry showers over the high ground into all 50 states at the same time. of scotland, northern england and with the ability to hear, northern ireland so it could be an see and interact with the audience in real—time. icy start on monday morning. a windy and david has another project start of the day, the wind is on the go which is not live. picking up to the day and once again pretty much exactly the opposite, in fact. 60 to 70 mph gusts. heavy rain, hail one of the most famous things about the hologram industry is bringing back the dead. and thunder. it is a little bit digital resurrections. colder than today. you will notice that with the strength of the wind and the showers around. slowly, things will ease a little bit but we guys like tupac, whitney...these are people who never do have some dangerous, destructive gave their consent while they were weather on the cards over the next alive but they have all become super 24 weather on the cards over the next 2a hours at least. back to you, famous holograms in death. and what we are doing is we filmed sally. half a dozen of the world's most famous icons while they're alive, so they could do the performance that they want to do. thank you for that, it is important to keep you updated with the weather they hold the microphone conditions over the next 2a hours. they want to, they sing the way they want to sing. it's the highlight of the awards it is not a body double and a cgi season tonight, as stars will be head, it is really them. taking to the red carpet makes it less macabre and easier for the oscars in los angeles. for the audience to get behind. but who will be the big winners? and we have stuck them on a hard and will there be any surprises? drive in a cupboard somewhere. our correspondent sophie long and when the time comes we can has been taking a look at the runners and riders. access the content and send you have a brother in them on tour. the second battalion. and, actually, that idea yes, sir. is where we go next. 1917. because there is currently a trend sir sam mendes' unblinking depiction of war is a front in resurrecting dead celebrities. runner for best picture. the technology exists to put convincing cgi versions of actors into film. and it's raising a lot of issues. mendes has been nominated you are tearing me apart! for best director. did you know that james dean only his competition comes ever made three movies from quentin tarantino whose love before his death in letter to los angeles in the 1960s, a car accident in 1955? once upon a time in hollywood. did you also know that martin scorsese and his after his death his image rights have been handled by mafia epic the irishman. bong joon—ho for parasite, a dark and violent look mark rosler at cmg worldwide. at class in south korea. a boy, a kid was killed tonight! his memory, his image, and todd phillips for his his values still resonate with young controversial dark thrillerjoker people around the world, which leads the pack with 11 struggling to understand themselves nominations including best as teenagers, and the rebel actorforjoaquin phoenix personality of james dean. so it's always been important for the family that future which is hotly tipped to win. generations remember this is meg, amy, beth and jo. the line—up for best who james dean was. director is all—male. something that has not gone unnoticed. managing the business affairs of dead celebrities may sound to see my beloved greta gerwig make unusual, but it means money at the box office that their estates get royalties with the film entitled little women from any paraphernalia that features their faces. is enormously fantastic news. and these days, that and may mean more than any does notjust mean mugs. accolade could mean in terms we essentially want to bring james dean back so that he is of women in this industry. an option for storytellers and for content creators to use him for traditional film, virtual reality, augmented reality, i hope this business is not too distressing. mixed reality, spatial computing, some things are changing. netflix. sometimes looked down upon as an unwanted guest at this gaming, music, branded content. hollywood establishment party received more nomination than any other production and the first james dean project entity with marriage story, will see a virtual version of this the irishman and two popes. screen icon co—star in a vietnam war jonathan price and anthony hopkins are nominated for best leading film called finding jack. a best supporting actor's so our intention is to put together a 3d virtualjames dean respectively. using all the historical data, the call sheet which has your name and your character's name and then images and pictures and video there is a number next to that name. that we have had over the course and it is usually denotes your importance to the film. of the last 6a years. i was number one and he was number two. but we greeted each other we have watched motion and facial every day with a grudging good morning number one, capture technology mature over the last 15 years or so, and it is now completely possible good morning number two. to capture an actor's performance and that goes on, except and map their movements he signs his e—mails to me and expressions onto now with lots of love, a different digital being. sir number two. he got one up on me. it has created monsters. only one person of colour has been it made robert de niro nominated in any acting category, and will smith young again, cynthia erivo for this performance in harriet. and it has even allowed a film's production to continue there will always be controversy after its star's untimely death. surrounding nominations but there will be a massive celebration of film and fashion on sunday night as this part but the james dean project takes of hollywood boulevard this idea to a different level. is transformed into one of using a celebrity's likeness not the biggest catwalks in the world. because the story demands it, sophie long, bbc news, hollywood. but because some dead celebrities are bankable. it is not like you are creating a brand—new virtual being film critic anna smithjoins us now. from scratch where you have to spend ample amount of capital to create the awareness for him. good morning. there is a lot to get people know james dean. he is an icon. through. let's start with the big but this is much more thanjust ones. we saw a clip ofjoaquin blending old existing footage into new scenes. phoenix in thejoker. but this needs to be a completely flexible, 3d, photorealistic, ones. we saw a clip ofjoaquin fully animatable, believable version phoenix in the joker. but according to you, his performance is of a person that can act in new scenes and tremendous? it is a typical oscar winning performance. not in the senseit winning performance. not in the sense it is a comic movie but he is deliver new dialogue. such an intense actor, he brings so previous attempts at cgi actors have much of the role that deals with been mixed and i wonder mental health. it is an intense whether there is a certain quality performance for a mainstream film. threshold that you orjames dean's estate has to insist on? he took the bafta for it, and i think he is very likely to win. what our expectations are very high. is it about him that makes this role and his performance in it, so so the virtual assets that we create different? he gives it his all. you will evolve over time. this is not a one—time can see that. it is notjust a and it's perfect. it will evolve. so ourjames dean that we will release for this movie may be psychological performance, it is very physical. he is a character a little different than actor in a central role so it is the james dean we release at a later date. quite unusual. you see him transforming and becoming hunching up but of course there is more transforming and becoming hunching up and then the make—up and transforming himself from young man to an actor than just their face. that is just one part of the entire performance package. unsurprisingly, some into thejoker character we see in actors have themselves expressed their annoyance. the batman movies. it has such an essential and incredible performance and everything around the film sometimes it is very easy to use hinges around him. which is key for a digital asset to promote best actor performances. it is what you were trying to get viewers to see, interesting, there is no snobbery. versus hiring actors it was originally a comic book story to promote content. and the oscars don't seem to mind that costs additional capital. that any more? it has got 11 so basically you've said living nominations, which is unusual anyway actors, human actors are a bit in oscars and for a comic book movie of a pain, and you would rather work with avatars? to have that. it is a sign of to some extent. laughs it is easy to work progress in some ways, but in terms of the webby oscar and the academy are looking at comic book movies, with deceased celebrities. yes. progress in some ways, not in others, the nominations have been hugely criticised, almost like the academy has taken a step back? yes, oh, jenny, you are so cute! we had the oscar so white campaigns she is said to be the most realistic robotic animal, and they try to increase their and i can tell you she membership and be more inclusive and feels pretty real. they have more diverse coming in, that nose almost feels more women coming in to vote. but we wet and squidgy. and these dementia patients at las vegas' prestige senior living have seemed to have taken a step facility seem pleased to meet her. back. these are two controversial you are a good dog. she is awesome. points and there is nothing that can you look real. be done about it now. i think we look at those teeth. will see some actors taking to the stage and commenting on it lightly jim henson's creature shop sojoaquin phoenix is responsible for the lifelike stage and commenting on it lightly so joaquin phoenix do stage and commenting on it lightly sojoaquin phoenix do at the baftas, talking about the lack of diversity look, feel, movements and behaviour that have been built on top of this and how we tackle this. whether it sensor—embedded is unconscious bias on the part of voice—controllable bot. the voters and the rules need to be changed. at the moment they are there is a great deal of research trusting the voters, but when you on the benefits of live animal therapy for seniors with dementia. look at the line—up and what has it helps soothe behavioural been nominated, you cannot help but and psychological symptoms wonder if it is the films people are and reduces the need for certain medications. most attracted to see a big box the problem is, many seniors can office hits that were seen the most, no longer safely care for or have a live so therefore nominated. where there animal around them. it's a dog! i thought it was a real dog! any female directors you feel should have been on this list?|j this is really quite a strange experience because the dog does any female directors you feel should have been on this list? i have a podcast called girls on film which almost feel real and sound real. and everybody seems to be feeling that. but is that right? deals with this. we interviewed so many women he would have been brilliant for this. mariel heller, there are people that, for beautiful day in the despite explaining to them that it is a robot, actually neighbourhood. and lulu rang for the still believe that it is a real dog. we've looked at that from an ethical perspective, and we are very concerned about not farewell, so many. how is that going tricking them but on the other hand, to change? we saw some progress, now you know, if it gives them comfort, that is really the goal. we have taken a step back, what they like to suspend disbelief. needs to change? many things need to they like to be able to relate to it change. right from the ground up, we as if it is a long—lost pet need to encourage women to get into that they may have known in an earlier time. the industry more and make sure it i would like to have you. is inclusive and welcoming. i would let you sleep in bed with me. directors need to hire female and she could be solving a problem here that has already been identified. we started a while back, having dogs come into the community daily—macro fails may —— females because we felt like the dogs were a method of helping with loneliness and... more which is what they are doing. what we found is that we have to pay let's talk about a big british just as much attention to the dogs hopes, 1917. this has been, when you as we do the human. talk to anybody who has seen it, this is one of the very famous clips of ec from this film, this fame as she clearly did bring joy though and i can see the benefits of it being designed to sit on laps pa rt of ec from this film, this fame as or raised surfaces rather part of the opening shot, which looks basically like you are there. than creating a tripping hazard on the floor. one, long shot that doesn't seem to other breeds and a cat are in development, but i was left break. how much of a chance has this with one real issue... film got tonight? very strong chance i feel really bad that we have to take her away from them. of taking best picture. also on the and that is it for the short cut of click in hollywood. technical side, it is extraordinary. it is technically a fantastic the full version is up on iplayer achievement and it is something a and is waiting for you right now. lot of audiences are appreciating. if you would like to join us also in terms of its genre, this is throughout the week, you know where we are, the kind of film that wins oscars. facebook, youtube, instagram and twitter at @bbcclick. 01:00:43,247 --> 2147483052:07:06,339 thanks for watching 2147483052:07:06,339 --> 4294966103:13:29,430 and we will see you soon. it is very traditional in many ways, it appeals to an older generation, great actors and comes from a very well respected male director. i think 1917 has a good chance of best picture, but we might have a surprise. what are the pictures do you think have a chance? parasite, i think could take best picture because we need something to liven up because we need something to liven up the ceremony. explain what this film is. the less you know the better. it is a satire, a working—class family who infiltrate a rich household. it is very funny and a lot of clever. it has cult movie written all over it. i haven't met a single person who didn't love this film who has seen it. wow! no south korean film has infiltrated that category before and no foreign language film has one that oscar, best picture. but it is so universally best picture. but it is so u niversally loved best picture. but it is so universally loved it could be the competition for 1917. how surprising is it that it is even nominating? thatin is it that it is even nominating? that in itself is progressive, so thatis that in itself is progressive, so that is something worth celebrating. the fact that this more traditional academy has recognised it so considerably. top tip for best actor and best actress? joaquin phoenix and best actress? joaquin phoenix and renee zellweger. hollywood loves and renee zellweger. hollywood loves a hollywood story? yes indeed, renee zellweger, you have the amazing make—up, the glamour. she looks like her, moves like her, it has all the hallmarks of an oscar. anna smith, thank you for talking to us. that is all from breakfast this morning, we will be back tomorrow from six o'clock. see you then. this is bbc news, i'm martine croxall. the headlines at nine... storm ciara hits the uk with gale—force winds and torrential rain — it's set to cause huge disruption across the country. travel is already being badly hit — airlines have cancelled dozens of flights, and more than 20 rail companies have said their services will be affected. there's been gusts of 75 mph yesterday. we are expecting possibly more than that today — some predicting around 90 mph. the coronavirus crisis... a flight bringing 200 evacuees from wuhan back to britain lands at raf brize norton. a soldier who killed 26 people in a gun rampage in northern thailand has been shot dead by the security forces. counting begins in the irish general election as an exit

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