So the focus has to be getting to net zero carbon by 2050, and anything that distracts that that will just make it more and more difficult, but if we have big arguments about policy and ownership structures, all we do is slow everything down, and that is the worst thing we could do right now. Right now we need to be speeding up. Labour plans to nationalise the Big Six Energy suppliers and divide their assets, workforce and customers into m regional agencies. Along with energy, the rail industry, water, the royal mail and bts broadband business would also be nationalised. How much would it cost . Tricky one. Labour Say Parliament would decide how much to pay the current owners, which include Workers Pension funds, but the independent ifs estimate it would add at least £200 billion to government debt, but the government would collect the revenue, apart from broadband, which it eventually wants to give away for free. Arguments about whether the government or the private sector is better at providing key services and utilities are not new. This Labour Party Manifesto proposes the most radical overhaul of how companies are owned and run in decades. The private sector will tell you that the prospect of nationalisation would put off investment at a crucial time. The labour party would say it is only the state that can borrow and invest at the scale and speed that is required. Here in scotland, the water industry is already nationalised, and the snp wants to extend Public Ownership of rail, buses and ferries. It sounds radical, but it is only what is happening in other countries. Governments can borrow far less than the private sector, at less than 1 . Professor andrew cumbers has advised the labour party on Public Ownership. If you leave things totally to the private sector, and private firms are there to make a profit, inevitability r d gets cut in favour of delivering shareholder dividends. Most of the Major Investments that have been game changing, particularly in renewable energy, have been state driven. Smaller companies would not face nationalisation, which would leave them competing with the state. Tough, if the governments going to give Services Like broadband away for free. Even labour describe their policies as radical. On that, at least, business would agree. Simonjack, bbc news, glasgow. Now on bbc news the travel show. This week on the travel show. Hello. We are face to face with beluga whales and their table manners in iceland. The whale burps. Listen to that little burp. We meet the women crossing the us on two wheels. And i am in berlin taking in the spooky sites of an abandoned communist era theme park. So spooky. We are starting off in iceland this week. It is one of the best places in the world to see whales in their natural habitat. But its also now providing a home for a pair of these amazing mammals who spent their lives in captivity. They are now looking forward to their retirement in an environment that is closer to their natural home. And cat has been to meet them. Here, just off the coast of iceland, we are searching. Because, apparently, there is something in the water. Notjust one of them, either. There are 23 species of them. Every now and then, someone points in a direction and the whole boat rushes over, trying to see what is happening. And then someone points in another direction so we rushed that way. It is like whack a mole, you never know when they will pop up. We are watching boats cast off to sea each day in iceland in the hope of catching a glimpse of these mammals. You have a great spot up here. The best one on the boat. Minke whales, two oclock. Minke whales at two oclock. How do you even try to find a whale in such a vast area . What are the tell tale signs . The easiest one is the body. When their black body comes up and you see the triangle shape dorsal fin. But also the blows. When you see their breath, you know what species you have. Really . You can tell the species from the breath . Yes. It is incredible. How often do you see whales on these tours . We basically see them almost every trip that we go out. In the end it is the food. We have nutrient rich waters because it is cold. The colder the water, the more oxygen and with that the more life that you have. Elsewhere in the world, travellers contact with whales is often in captivity where they are kept for public entertainment. Globally, hundreds of whales are thought to live this way. But public appetite for holding these intelligent and social animals appears to be shifting. Just last year, greenpeace drew attention to dozens of beluga whales and orcas that had been caught and kept in poor conditions in russia, destined for Entertainment Parks in china. In recent weeks they were released after a public outcry. Fortunately, these whales had only been captive for a short time so they could cope with life back out at sea. But what happens when theme park owners agree to release their whales that are unable to defend for themselves in the ocean . So the next morning i travel to the south of the island and to the westman island, a short ferry ride from the mainland. I had heard that here in iceland a new kind of sanctuary was being created. There are so many beautiful coves around iceland. Why this particular place . It is a beautiful surrounding for them. The cliffs protect them from the wind and the icelandic weather and then also having the water temperature more like the arctic and subarctic where they would be found in the wild. Two beluga whales called little white and little grey will soon be the first released into the bay. They had until recently been performing at an Entertainment Park in china but after the operators decided to end the practice they tried to find new homes for the animals where they could live out their lives. What is the plan for tourists, so they are not too overwhelmed . The plan with tourists is to manage boat trips. We have a partner who will be bringing visitors out. They will not get out on these pontoons but they will be able to see them from a distance, like a whale watching trip, and hear about the project and learn why little white and little grey are here. Little white and little grey were carefully flown on the long journey from china to iceland but they could not be released straight into the bay. They have, for the last few months, been acclimatising in the nearby centre and working with handlers to learn how to take the final journey into the bay. Oh, my goodness. Wow. These are incredible. Can i come down . Hello. They are so graceful in the water, arent they . What do you love about them . Beluga whales are a friendly animal. They will not hurt you and you can work with them peacefully and so it is great fun to work with them. Beautiful gentle giants. Yes. So which is the naughty one . This one . Go. You are so soft. I like you. 0h. Come for a little exfoliation . I am open all day. Do they like this . This countrys relationship with whales is complex, being one ofjust a few places in the world that still legally allows some hunting of the animals. But projects like this and the various whale watching experiences on offer are to encourage understanding and protection. For little white and little grey, a new life awaits in the bay next year, but it cannot yet be total freedom. Some critics say that the whales are just going from one sort of captivity to another form of captivity. What do you say to that . I would say that this is an opportunity for them to have a more natural environment. They are not being asked to perform nor asked to do shows. It is effectively retirement for them, and opportunity for them to still be fed and cared for because theyve never had to do that for themselves, but they can have a more natural lifestyle. We feel that is a good first step for animals like little white and little grey. Would you like some more fish . Yum iwillgive you. The whale burps. 0h, was that a burp . She keeps wanting more. Oh, if you insist. If you insist. There we go. The whale burps. Oh, there is another little burp. Still to come on the travel show, why i am in an abandoned theme park. Plus we get creative with frankfurters in berlin and meet the women whose incredible journey took them on a gruelling bike race across america. So dont go away. I am in friedrichshain in east berlin. For decades, this city has been a hub for artists and creatives and i am on my way to meet one who has an unusual taste for interior design. Wow. Look at this place. What is this all about . Cushions shaped like groceries. Why . i dont know. Meat is such a strong thing and this is something i cannot understand, because i do not like it. I am observing it and it is kind of my question, what is it about meat . Silvia has been selling her textile meat for ten years. Have you ever had anybody come in here mistaking this for a real butcher . Of course and i think this is hilarious. So this is the sausage meat . Yes. So i need to stuff all that in this little thing . You will be impressed by how much fibre. Do it first. Let me see. My fingers just wont do what i am telling them to do. Why are you laughing . It is. Lumpy . Look at this. Tie it up. Ladies and gentlemen, you have the travel show sausages. My one looks rather inadequate compared to your sausage. Up next, we meet two women who are part of the unique team that took on an incredible journey across america. So, race across america is 3,070 miles from the west coast of america to the east coast of america. It was different kind of cycling to anything id ever done before. So, from california to maryland, and had to be completed in nine days. It was an idea that id had in the back of my mind, that i wanted to put a team together. Id seen two teams of wounded, injured and sick guys do it, and seeing that there had been no females in that team, i wondered why not . There was eight riders, all who had Different Health challenges, be that physical or psychological or both. Half the team were civilian and half them were military. I met sally through some invictus training camps. The one main concern i had was the fact that im visually impaired. I had a brain injury when i was injured in the army, quite some time ago now, 1996. So, for me to be cycling on the other side of the road, when im completely blind to the left, was always going to be something id never done, and quite frankly didnt really know how that was going to go. We all went over the start line together. What then had to happen was, as a non stop race, we the team of eight riders broke down into two pods, so there were four people in each pod and the support crew. The first team carried on cycling for a nine hour period. So, within that nine hours, every 20 minutes we would change riders. The other pod in that time had moved forward and they were having to get their rest in, which is quite difficult when you have just had the adrenaline at the start and then suddenly go, right, you need to go to sleep. I can remember seeing a lot of road, to be honest. When youre cycling youre concentrating on cycling as much as you can. Looking up is not something you necessarily do. I looked up, and im so glad i did. We were the pod that was very, very fortunate to cycle through monument valley. A lot of colour, a lot of red rock formations thatjust stand in this vast array of countryside. Its almost indescribable. I had never done any proper actual cycling at night, so i was very apprehensive, given that i couldnt see to the left. And it was something i had always avoided doing, because i didnt think i could do it, and probably because i was quite frightened, actually. Well done, mate given that you couldnt see anything else, you could see if there was a hazard coming towards you, because you would see lights. So it was really peaceful, because there werent many people around, and actually quite easy. Yeah, it was good. Didnt realise you had a camera in my face. Well done, good stuff. Thered been a lot of doubt in everybodys minds. There is often times when you wonder if you can carry on because things are hurting, and for me, i can look back and reflect on the time when my depression was at its worst, when i didnt think there was any reason to live. And, yeah, i look back on that time and think, this isnt as difficult as that to try and overcome. The race finished in annapolis, maryland. Eight of us cycled down the road. And everybodys cheering as we went past. Im incredibly proud to have been able to have had an opportunity to take part in such an extreme event. It has forced me to sort of go out of my comfort zone, i suppose. We were able to achieve something quite incredible, and hopefully others will be able to look back on what we have achieved and inspired them to go and take on their own race across america. This past month has marked 30 years since the fall of the berlin wall, an event which brought down a government, reunited families, and marked a change in fortunes for one very strange Amusement Park. So, i have come over to spreepark, in the south east of berlin. Its about 30 minutes drive from the city centre and my First Impression is they absolutely dont want you to get in. Its totally fenced off. The park shut its gates to the public in 2001. Yep, 0k. And since then, nature has slowly reclaimed the rides and attractions. Its just feels like something horrible has happened. I feel like im the last person left in a nuclear wasteland. Everything is falling apart in this place. And every now and again, you just get these mad sounds in the distance. So spooky. The rides havent run for almost 20 years. But people continue to be drawn here. 0n windy days, you have the ferris wheel behind us there, the wind actually turns the ferris wheel and makes this kind of whistling noise. Its like something from a david lynch film. Highpitched screeching. Man, look at this yes, that is another kind of bizarre attraction here. I can see your eyes lighting up looking at it. Does it remind you of the first time when you came here . Yeah, i mean, the first time was 2009, and it was just like a wonderland, really. When something is abandoned, something didnt work out. Something happened. And i guess for me, im very interested in knowing what happened, exactly what went wrong. The park opened 50 years ago in 1969 in the communist part of berlin. Back then it was the veb kulturpark planterwald, and up to 1. 5 million east germans came here each year. But then the wall fell and travel restrictions were lifted. The park was bought, renamed, and had some new rides installed. But it struggled to keep up with its bigger, flashier competitors in west. With spreepark there is this crazy story with the family involved, the witte family, they had to close it down. The family, the man, norbert witte, took some attractions and moved to peru and tried to open a theme park there. The story takes a turn when he tried to smuggle cocaine back in one of the rides. Wow the flying carpet was the name of this ride. From the moment i came in here first, to everything that happened after that, everything became more and more bizarre, the more you look into it. And this story isnt over. What we have got here . One of the rides was called the monte carlo drive, where people could sit inside and were pulled on string over tracks. Mm hm. We have many of these ones. There was a swan ride. This warehouse holds some of the surviving rides. Its unusual, when you see it in this context, it actually feels quite creepy. The city bought back the site in 2014 and has asked tims company to restore it. We want to keep the park as it is, to a certain extent, and we want to put a new layer on top of it, something that involves arts and culture and the natural habitat that has developed the essence of the place was abandoned. A modern take on what the spreepark used to be . Yeah, kinda. So its not going to be an Amusement Park any more, you cannot go on all the rides any more, but we will find new uses for the rides. For example, a roller coaster could be Something Like a treetop trail. The spreepark is very dear to people here in berlin and in germany, and it holds a lot of memories. So youve got a big responsibility. It feels kind of heavy, to be honest as you say, it is really in the mindset, especially of people from the gdr, this is a very, very important place. That is why we want to keep the cultural and social heritage that we have found. And if you want a last look at the spreepark before its big restoration, guided tours and open days are listed on the grun berlin website. Well, sadly, thats it from us this week. Join us next week, when carmen is in the worlds capital of plastic surgery, seoul, to explore the booming south Korean Beauty market, where she goes for a no holds barred consultation. The cheeks can be lifted, it is facelift. My gosh, i need a facelift . A little lift. For now, from me, ade adepitan, and all the travel show team here in spreepark, its goodbye. Hello there. The week is ending on an unsettled note. In fact, its going to be somewhat of a weather rollercoaster ride as well get one day wet and windy and the following day, a little bit calmer with some sunshine. Friday looks like being one of those windier, wetter days as well have low pressure in charge. Lots of isobars on the charts, a weather front too indicating outbreaks of rain but what you will notice, its going to be very mild for the time of year, particularly across england and wales as we start to pick up our breeze from the south west. So a blustery start to friday, outbreaks of rain across southern areas eventually clearing away. Start to see a bit of sunshine developing but lots of showers into the north and the west, some of these spreading further south and east through the day. A blustery day like i mentioned pretty much everywhere but it will be a mild one for central, southern areas especially, 11 13 degrees. Something a bit fresher pushing into scotland, thats because the winds will be switching to a north westerly and as we head through friday night, it stays blustery, particularly across Northern Areas with further showers although therell be some drier interludes with a few clear spells but because of the breeze, it shouldnt be a cold night, temperatures no lower than 5 or 6 degrees for most of us. So into the weekend, well, the start of the weekend actually doesnt look too bad because weve got this bump of High Pressure thatll settle things down before the next wet and windy spell moves in from the saturday night. So it could be a dry start for central and eastern areas, a bit of sunshine, variable cloud, i think thats how the day will pan out, mainly dry with variable cloud and some sunshine but these weather fronts will arrive across the north west of the country, increasing wind, outbreaks of rain for Northern Ireland and into scotland, maybe jsut one or two showers putting into western england and wales. Temperatures again, most of us double figures just about. And then through saturday night, the next frontal system moves through to bring a spell of wet and windy weather and as we head on into sunday, well, it looks like the main rain band should clear the south and east through the morning and then its a largely bright day, sunny spells and blustery showers, most of these in the north and the west where they will be quite heavy at times, maybe some wintriness over the higher ground, as again, its going to be quite cool across the north, single figure values here, about 10 12 degrees across the south and east. And then it turns very windy later on sunday, especially in the south west, a spell of severe gales for a time as that low pressure clears away. As we head on into monday, another bump of High Pressure which should best settle things down so it should be largely dry with some sunny spells, lighter winds, too, before the next frontal system moves in on tuesday to bring another round of wet and windy weather. This is bbc news. Welcome if youre watching here in the uk, on pbs in america, or around the globe. My names mike embley. Our top stories the democrats move forward with their impeachment inquiry against the us president saying hes abused his power. Today i am asking our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment. A sharp rise in cases of measles worldwide nearly ten million infected last year alone. The World Health Organization says its an outrage. The Major International investigation involving two russian nationals. Its one of the largest cases of cyber theft. Much of france brought to a standstill by one of the biggest Public Sector strikes for years. And two british pilots land back in the uk after flying around

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