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And in sport, aston villa end a run of three Successive Premier League defeats as they beat Newcastle United 2 0 to spoil steve bruces return to villa park. Good morning and welcome to the bbc news at nine. Britains most seniorjewish leader the chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis has intervened in the general Election Campaign, condemning what he says is the labour leaderships failure to deal with anti semitism and questioning ifJeremy Corbyn is fit to lead the country. Writing in todays times newspaper, he says a new poison sanctioned from the very top has taken root in the party. Mr mirvis says, the overwhelming majority of britishjews are gripped by anxiety at the prospect of a labour victory in the election, adding, i ask every person to vote with their conscience. Be in no doubt, the very soul of our nation is at stake. Today, the archbishop of canterbury head of the church of england reacted, saying such an unprecedented statement ought to alert us to the deep sense of insecurity and fear felt by many britishjews. The intervention comes on the day that labour launches its race and faith manifesto, which aims to improve protections for all faiths and tackle prejudice. Joining me now from westminster is our assistant Political Editor, norman smith. Norman, when labour launches this race interface manifesto later, to what extent will back talk about anti semitism, and how damaging do you think the chief rabbis comments will be to the party today . In truth, at any time, these sort of comments would be profoundly damaging, but in the middle of an Election Campaign on the very day where labour is trying to set out its race and faith policies, of course it is particularly wounding. The chief rabbi has not merely, in effect, urged members of thejewish faith not to vote labour, he accuses the labour leadership and by claims that they have dealt with the issue of peddling what he calls a mendacious fiction and suggests the anti semitic culture has been sanctioned, in his words, from the top of the labour party. What adds a political edge to the criticism is it focuses attention very directly onJeremy Corbyn. Yes, it is a critique of the culture, the procedures, the response of the labour party to the allegations, but it is directed atJeremy Corbyn and the chief rabbis clear view that he has somehow sanctioned, tolerated or enabled this culture to take hold. Mr corbyns leadership is one of the undercurrents of the Election Campaign. We know the conservatives have wa nted campaign. We know the conservatives have wanted to make it a central issue, we have seen it bubbling up during the campaign and some other critique over mr corbyn about his alleged indecisiveness, his inability to decide how to respond to the brexit question, now the chief rabbi is weighing in in an even more pointed and sharp way, not just challenging Jeremy Corbyns judgment or decisiveness but also challenging his model credentials to be Prime Minister, saying if this can happen in the labour party when he is in opposition, is he really fit to be Prime Minister . Stay with us, norman, iwill discuss fit to be Prime Minister . Stay with us, norman, i will discuss this further with situation labour p, lord dubs. Thank you for coming along today. Do you accept the assessment of the chief rabbi that the overwhelming majority, in his words, of britishjews are gripped by anxiety at the prospect of a labour victory . Apply i understand there is a lot of pain in theJewish Community but im not quite sure that the chief rabbi has not gone too far. I have a lot of respect for him,| too far. I have a lot of respect for him, i have worked with him and the Jewish Community in campaigning on behalf of child refugees, it is hard for me to city and say he has gone too far, but imf aid i think he has gone over the top. Too far, but imf aid i think he has gone overthetop. His words will can be lots of weight . Yes, he is a very important figure in British Society and people listen to him, but i feel he does not have it in balance. Why . Why do you feel that and why do you feel he has got over the top . A blow he says that if Jeremy Corbyn were to become Prime Minister, jewish people would want to leave the country and things like that. I think that is going too far. On today of all days, the labour party is launching the race and faith manifesto which surely goes a long way towards dealing with some of the criticisms made of the labour party in the past. I fully concede the labour party has moved too slowly, we should have been tilling two or three years ago what we have done today, but we are where we are and it is good today. Clearly many members of your fellow Jewish Community do not share your views on that. Do you accept they have genuinely held fears and concerns about the labour party . |j genuinely held fears and concerns about the labour party . I accept there is a lot of pain in the Jewish Community and i think there are concerns, community and i think there are concerns, but i think the concerns are legitimate up to a point, but beyond that i think they are misplaced insofar as i think the chief rabbi has gone too far. Let me ask you another question, do you thinkJeremy Corbyn can do more to reframe the narrative, to bring members of the jewish reframe the narrative, to bring members of theJewish Community who feel alienate it from labour at the moment, on board . For example, in the First Television debate of the election he said there were no outstanding cases of anti semitism to be investigated in the party. Are there, as far as you are aware . |j to be investigated in the party. Are there, as far as you are aware . I do not know for sure, but i know a great deal of effort is going into getting on with it and moving fast. I think that has toyjeremy will be able to take todays event and to ta ke able to take todays event and to take the policies and implement them further. Are you convinced that Jeremy Corbyn is listening to the chief rabbi and others, and do you thinkJeremy Corbyn himself sees all feels that he needs to address this question in a different way . So far he seems to be failing to convince a significant number of members of the Jewish Community. I think the labour party should have moved faster two or three years ago. I think it is up tojeremy to or three years ago. I think it is up to jeremy to demonstrate what i believe is true about him, that he is not anti semitic, he had hoards racism and islamophobia, he abhors anti semitism, andl racism and islamophobia, he abhors anti semitism, and i think people demonstrate that the chief rabbi has gone too far. What does he need to say in the manifesto launch . He needs to give effect to it, some of it depends on indian Prime Minister, sofi it depends on indian Prime Minister, son another depends on the policies labour party will pursue, but i think it is important we do not lose sight of the issue and we need to be sensitive to the concerns of the jewish people. I have had people speak to me, i know about this. Do you think it is too late, no matter whatJeremy Corbyn says, too late to change minds . It depends whether people are willing to be fair, objective and dispassionate. People have been asking him to be thigh, objective and dispassionate, he says he has but clearly a of members of the Jewish Community do not that way. When the chief rabbi says what he had said, that encourages the fears and concerns of the Jewish Community. We had to get this in balance. There was anti semitism in the labour party, very small, but there was some. One anti semitic person in the labour party is one too many. We should have dealt with this earlier, we failed, we are beginning to deal with it now. This earlier, we failed, we are beginning to deal with it nowm there still anti semitism in the labour party . I think it is very small and i labour party . I think it is very smalland i am labour party . I think it is very small and i am confident the party is determined to get rid of anti semitic people. People have been expelled and suspended, the disciplinary measures are working. Do you have any doubt thatJeremy Corbyn is fit for high office . That isa corbyn is fit for high office . That is a contention made by the chief rabbi in his article. I think the chief rabbi is wrong, i thinkJeremy Corbyn is fit for high office and make a good Prime Minister. Thank you for your time, lord dubs. Lets go back now our assistant Political Editor norman smith. Lord dubs says he thinksJeremy Corbyn is fit to be Prime Minister but thinks the labour party has acted too slowly on anti semitism. The challenges forJeremy Corbyn to respond to this and turn this event today into something that effectively addresses the concerns of the chief rabbi . Yes, i would suggest it has gone on too long and too farfor suggest it has gone on too long and too farfoer suggest it has gone on too long and too far for mr corbett to reassure people in theJewish Community who have lost faith in him for mr corbyn to reassure people. In a a nyway corbyn to reassure people. In a anyway i suspect the comments of the chief rabbi today probably will not make too much difference to the attitude towards mr corbyn from members of the jewish attitude towards mr corbyn from members of theJewish Community, i suspect they have already formed their views that one way or the other towards mr corbyn. I think the impact will be more broadly whether it raises doubts on the broader electorate about mr corbyns leadership, i think that is the real impact of today. It will not suddenly result in a sea change of opinion within theJewish Community, i think opinions are probably pretty fixed in theJewish Community. I think the danger for mr corbyn is fixed in theJewish Community. I think the dangerfor mr corbyn is it raises the leadership issue as one of those things which People Factor in when they are deciding how they should vote, and to have someone like the chief rabbi coming out in pretty blunt terms and saying i am not sure this man is fit to be Prime Minister, that could have quite a significant impact. Lets talk about other political developments, i do not think we need reminding that this is an extraordinary Election Campaign, but we have one from lord heseltine . Long, longstanding conservative, former deputy Prime Minister who has held umpteen posts on cabinet, last night urging traditional tories not to vote conservative because of Boris Johnson and brexit and his fears of the damage brexit will do to the country in terms of its clients in the world and its impact on the economy, in terms of his fear it will be dragging us into a long running saga trying to reach a trade deal and suggesting people to vote liberal democrat or some of those tory independents who have left the party. Last night he issued his call, standing alongside some of them like david gauke and others, saying that up what they had to try to seek was, in his view, a Hung Parliament to try to restrain Boris Johnson and his approach to brexit. This is what he said this morning. Johnson and his approach to brexit. This is what he said this morninglj analyse member of the conservative party. In this particular context i could not vote for my party with a brexit agenda i am a long standing memberof brexit agenda i am a long standing member of the conservative party. If you do not have an independent conservative, i would say only one party can secure another referendum on the issue, and stop brexit, that is the lib dems. What is interesting, it is notjust lord heseltines intervention that it follows tony blairs intervention yesterday when he said pretty much the same, encouraging people to vote tactically. It leaves you with a sense that the old Centre Ground in british politics is being pretty much eviscerated by brexit, politics has become increasingly polarised, and it has shattered Traditional Party loyalties. Thank you very much, norman smith. Anybody yet to register to vote in next months general election, has until midnight tonight. Government figures show nearly three Million People have applied to register in the past month, with more than a third of them under the age of 25. Applications can be made online at gov. Uk registertovote. Anybody yet to register to vote in next months general election, has until midnight tonight. Government figures show nearly three Million People have applied to register in the past month, with more than a third of them Australian Police have confirmed they have found the body of the missing british man aslan king. The 25 year old was last seen in the state of victoria on saturday. He disappeared after suffering a suspected seizure during a camping trip in victoria. Investigators will now prepare a report for the coroner. The headlines on bbc news the chief rabbi condemns labours handling of anti semitism and questionsJeremy Corbyns fitness to lead. Conservative grandee Michael Heseltine urges voters to back independent mps or the liberal democrats to stop Boris Johnsons brexit. Australian police say that missing british man aslan king has been found dead, three days after he disappeared. And in sport. New zealand captain Kane Williamson says he will apologise in person tojofra archer for the horrific racist abuse the england bowler received from a fan during the first test. The oval will host the opening game of crickets new hundred format. The oval invincibles will face the welsh fire live on the bbc injuly next year. Steve bruces return to villa park didnt quite go to plan as his Newcastle United side lost two nil to aston villa. The result moves villa out of the relegation zone and just a point behind newcastle. More on all those stories at 9 35am, see you then. Police in hong kong say theyre preparing to move in to the Polytechnic University as a task force of mediators and medical teams carry out a floor by floor search for protestors whove been demonstrating there for the past week. Officers say theyll try to avoid making any arrests and insist all protestors will be treated fairly. In a separate development, in her first public appearance since pro democracy candidates won a sweeping victory in local elections, the territorys chief executive carrie lam said she was aware voters had expressed unhappiness with the governments handling of months of unrest. The bbcs Stephen Mcdonell is in hong kong and joins us live. Hello, stephen. That seems to be something of an understatement from carrie lam, do you think voters there had expected her to Say Something more at this stage . Both the Chinese Government and the Hong Kong Government are struggling to put a kong government are struggling to puta spin, kong government are struggling to put a spin, if you like, kong government are struggling to puta spin, if you like, and kong government are struggling to put a spin, if you like, and this election over the weekend, which saw their allies handsomely defeated by their allies handsomely defeated by the pro democracy forces, by pro democracy parties and independents. In the case of the Chinese Government, theyjust ordered television stations, radio stations and newspapers not to report the result at all, we have only been able to find one english language newspaper on Mainland China mentioning the results. And i suppose there is hope that Chinese People do not catch up with it on social media, really, with it on social media, really, with an attempt to keep people in the dark. In terms of carrie lam, she has appeared publicly for the First Time Since the election result, a result which has left the silent majority narrative in tatters. The government here, the police and the government invasion have been saying that really most people in hong kong support the way in which they have been cracking down on protesters. The ballot box has not shown that to be the case. In fact, the vast majority of people here seem to want change. And yet we heard hong kongs chief executive carrie lam today saying most people we re carrie lam today saying most people were fed up with the inconvenience of the protests and wanted to go back to how things were. I think it is hard to stand that argument, given that these pro democracy councillors and painter not having the status quo, and having major changes. Campaigns are not having the status quo. This is what she had to say. The large number of voters coming out to cast a vote, perhaps not only to select a preferred candidate, to sit on the District Council, but also to express a view on many issues in society, including, i would readily accept that, including deficiencies in governance, including unhappiness with the time taken to deal with the current unstable environment, and of course, to end violence. For the government here and in beijing, their biggest concern is somehow spinning the result for the pro democracy camp. They somehow have to turn these District Council elections into something of a momentum towards what they really want, which is to be able to change the election system to vote on hong kongs leader, teaches all members of the many parliament, the legislative council. They are a vast and different group. Many different sectors of the community make up the pro democracy movement, they have to hold it together after this overwhelming thumping of their political opponents in the probation camp. Thank you very much, Stephen Mcdonell in hong kong. Police investigating the deaths of 39 vietnamese migrants in a lorry container last month have made another arrest. A 36 year old man from purfleet is being questioned on suspicion of manslaughter. Earlier, a 25 year old lorry driver from Northern Ireland whos also facing manslaughter charges appeared at the old bailey where he pleaded guilty to an immigration offence. The cinema chain showcase has reversed its decision to stop screening the film blue story, which is about two friends in rival london gangs. The film is still suspended at vue theatres where 25 significant incidents were reported within 2a hours of its First Showing including a mass brawl at a cinema complex in birmingham on saturday evening. The un is warning that the world needs to slash emissions of greenhouses gases by 7. 6 every year for the next ten years or miss the chance of getting back on track towards the goal of the paris climate agreement. The annual report has found that Carbon Emissions are currently rising year on year, and says there is no sign of emissions peaking soon. Developed countries are now being urged to act immediately. Our environment correspondent matt mcgrath is here. So, the un is saying her to global emissions by 7. 6 for the next ten yea rs. At emissions by 7. 6 for the next ten years. At what rate of emissions currently being cut . To gibson context, for the last decade emissions have been going up about 1. 596 emissions have been going up about i. 5 every get to gibson context. They have not been cut at all, this report is like a School Report on how the countries are doing, they are all doing pretty poorly. They have all made great promises but the action is a little slow. There are lots of unconditional pledges, meaning there are no sanctions on countries failed to meet targets . This is one of the big problems of the paris climate agreement, countries could put onto the table what they themselves felt was appropriate. Lots of the countries, three big ones such as russia, turkey and india, put promises on the table that they will over exceed, beat these promises to cut carbon by 15 , and the un says in their report today that that is because they set very low targets. Every country sets it own rules and ben evans no real way of bringing that together. Then there is no real way of. That together. Then there is no realway of. If that together. Then there is no real way of. If global emissions are currently going up, what would it ta ke to currently going up, what would it take to get to a 7. 6 cut every get for the next ten years . The kind of change we have not experienced exceptin change we have not experienced except in extreme circumstances, so when the collapse of the soviet Union Happened in the 1990s, in that year you had a reduction in rush of about 7 . In the great financial crisis of 2008 to nine, in us and japan you had reductions of about 6 for a few months. The un are saying everybody would have to reduce emissions by this number over the next ten years to have a fighting chance of staying under the target which Scientists Say is critical for the threshold of dangerous warming. Why is that 1. 5 degrees threshold so critical . Scientists have done the analysis and said that if we go beyond this we are looking at increased dangers of mobile fires, storming us, increased unpredictable weather events. Keeping under it means we have a better chance of keeping the world as we know it. They give the example of coral reefs and save temperatures rose 2 degrees, we would lose all the coral reefs in the planet. At 95, at 1. 5, you lose 90 of them. What is 1. 5, you lose 9096 of them. What is your assessment of the chances of any country, let alone a large number of countries, reaching the 7. 6 cut in emissions, year on year for the next decade . It is a massive challenge for the uk, yet the uk will be chairing the un climate talks. We have been told we have to get these plans in place by the end of 2020, and that will be very difficult. Got a key very much, matt mcgrath. An earthquake with a 6. 4 magnitutde has hit albania, killing at least six people. The epicentre was just north of the city of durres, but tremors were Strong Enough to send some residents of the capital tira na rushing into the streets. Dozens of people are reported to be injured, and a number are believed to be trapped in collapsed buildings. The quake hit shortly before 4am local time when many people were sleeping. Albanias Defence Ministry says one man died after jumping from a window in panic. Heres alice taylor, a journalist in tirana, who was sleeping when the quake hit. I was sleeping this morning and i woke to the entire room shaking. It was terrifying. My daughter was in her crib next to me and i immediately jumped from the her crib next to me and i immediatelyjumped from the bed to ta ke immediatelyjumped from the bed to take herfrom immediatelyjumped from the bed to take her from the crib. Immediatelyjumped from the bed to take herfrom the crib. It immediatelyjumped from the bed to take her from the crib. It went on for what seems like forever. Between 20 and 30 seconds. After it stopped we got our things and left and joined what seemed like the entire neighbourhood in the street outside, and we headed to a nearby coffee shop, where we felt a series of after shocks. Several of them were over three on the Richter Scale. When we thought it was safe to go home, we went back and another earthquake shook the house very strongly, so now we have left the centre of tirana because we are concerned about damage to the Properties Around us, the cracks in the walls of our houses and neighbouring buildings. There is masonry on the floor, things like this, it was an extremely strong earthquake which went on for a very long time. Lots of these buildings are not designed to withstand a shake of that magnitude. Although albania is in an area of high seismic activity, to have earthquakes of above four on the Richter Scale is very rare. We had one in september which was 5. 6, the strongest we have had in decades. This is a whole new level. Alister taylor. A court in washington dc has ruled that former white house counsel, don mcgahn, must comply with a congressional subpoena related to the investigations into russian interference in the 2016 us elections. That inquiry is now complete, but the ruling could provide a legal basis for white house officials to testify before the impeachment inquiry into President Trump. Heres our north america correspondent david willis. Up up to now the white house has insisted that members, former and present, of the Trump Administration, were immune from giving evidence to congress, but now a federaljudge has decided otherwise. She said, in her ruling, the president is not above the law and not therefore able to command people on his staff not to give evidence to congress. This is significant for a number of reasons, not least because it could heighten democrat demands for people who have thus far been reluctant to give evidence to the impeachment inquiry to come forward. Nick miller ve kneer, the white house chief of staff, the secretary of state to make pompeo possibly among them. It could lead to morejunior white house aides and stuff is perhaps deciding to come forwards and testify of their own volition. It could bolster any case that House Democrats were thinking of bringing against President Trump and his administration in regards to obstruction of congress. Don mcgahn said for nearly two years in the Trump Administration and knows a great deal about it. He told Robert Muellers inquiry that he was told by President Trump on several occasions to get rid of mr muller, and when that story leaked out he was also commanded to hold a press conference and deny that it ever happened. Don mcgahn denied to do both of those things, but clearly he has a lot to say to congress. If he gets the chance to, given the white house is now appealing. In a moment the weather but first lets heres Victoria Derbyshire with what shes got coming up in her programme at ten we will speak live to the labour quality spokesperson after the chief rabbi spoken out aboutJeremy Corbyn. And we will have another election first dates. You should come and see me in brussels. I do not like the European Parliament at all but i really like my colleagues andi all but i really like my colleagues and i really enjoy myjob. All but i really like my colleagues and i really enjoy my job. Jordan stephens meets alexandra phillips, a brexit party mep and former spin doctorfor nigel farage. Brexit party mep and former spin doctor for nigel farage. Jonas attorney on bbc two, the bbc news channel and online. China said tannane. Simon king the weather. Wet and windy conditions across many parts of the uk, the strongest winds will be across south western parts of the uk. The remnants of a troubled is moving eastwards, bringing gusts of wind to forge your 50 mph across the south west, potentially to 55 mph around the isles of scilly. Strong winds elsewhere but not as strong as those in the south west, and the rain spread into scotland to Northern Ireland. As the rain clears away, brighter weather developing, but further rain and heavy showers later on this afternoon in some areas, and a mild table temperature potentially up to 16 celsius in seven parts. This area of low pressure will be fairly slow moving, even into wednesday we will be under the influence of this low pressure system, mcleod, outbreaks of rain, some of which could be heavy, particularly in the north east of england. Hello, this is bbc news with annita mcveigh. The headlines. The chief rabbi condemns labours handling of anti semitism and questionsJeremy Corbyns fitness to lead former conservative deputy leader, Michael Heseltine, urges voters to back independent mps or the liberal democrats to stop Boris Johnsons brexit. Australian police say that missing british man, aslan king, has been found dead, three days after he disappeared while camping the un says countries will have to increase carbon cutting ambitions five fold if the world is to avoid Dangerous Levels of Climate Change. Time now for the morning briefing, where we bring you up to speed on the stories people are watching, reading and sharing. 0ur reporterjoe tidyjoins me now. During the run up to the election, hell be looking in detail at how digital and social media platforms are being used as part of political campaigns. Last day for Voter Registration expecting a big push. Its been a huge part of this campaign, lots of celebrities and campaign, lots of celebrities and Campaign Groups working hard on social media to get people to register. More so than any campaign ican think register. More so than any campaign i can think of. I dont know why thatis, i can think of. I dont know why that is, i think weve seen more celebrities get political in this election, im not sure, buti celebrities get political in this election, im not sure, but i wanted to bring you one boasted yesterday by emilia clarke, the game of thrones actress, she put this on instagram. To show that she hasnt got a voice and you wont have a voice unless you register to vote, hundreds of thousands of views across channels. In brief scene the singer paloma faith on instagram using her profile to get people to register to vote, ive seen this. Ill have to look into this, this motif, design, has been shared by quite a few people who are musicians, actors, that sort of thing, the wrapper ajay tracy has been spreading the message on twitter, lots of others, i would bring in but they are partisan, lots of people saying register to vote and register for this particular party, rage against the machine, stea rns, party, rage against the machine, stearns, lily allen, it all seems to be working. Friday was national Voter Registration day, the phrase theyve been using, more than 300,000 people signed up on the day and yesterday saw 366,000 yesterday which may or may not be some sort of record, very good news. Big figure and lots of Younger Voters registering. Its been about two thirds of people registered to vote to have been in the young age bracket which is great news. A lot of that credit has to go to facebook because they did the Voter Registration reminder on friday but also, there is a great work from celebrities and a group that i would give a shout out to, vote for your future, doing loads and loads of these adverts asking people to register to vote on snapchat. Just to get involved. Lets talk about Live Streaming and facebook. But first, iforgot this, there is a registered to vote barrow, if we can show it, beyonce and jay z. I have to show you this, its super. This is fake news, not real, loads of people have seen this, they have hidden the url link and when you click through you actually go to the Voter Registration page, thats been retreated about nine and a half thousand times, by some really influential people, lots of people saying this, its that sort of thing that we have to give credit to. Engaging people. And i wanted to bring you this aboutJeremy Corbyn, its got political, but registering to vote will also get political and Jeremy Corbyn has done some interesting things, he did a search on the tweets that borisjohnson has done and jo swinson has done to prove that they have not been asking people to register to vote and this is what he has treated in the last few days. So he has searched on their twitter account, you can search through all the keywords on their tweets. His digital election tea m their tweets. His digital Election Team have, at any rate. Thats a very good point. At his point is that he is asking people to register to vote, thats absolutely true, the other two Party Leaders arent, the attack here being that the sort of voters that borisjohnson and jo swinson rely on our older voters who may not be register, there may curb on saying this should not be a political thing, we should all be trying to get people to register to vote but since he has done this the conservatives have been asking people to register to vote with this on instagram if we can bring that up. Isaw on instagram if we can bring that up. I saw they did this yesterday. On instagram if we can bring that up. I saw they did this yesterdaylj up. I saw they did this yesterday. think its coming, here we go. That is the borisjohnson one, him saying he hasnt asked people to register to vote. But yes, last night on instagram i saw perhaps under the public pressure, the conservatives have been asking people to register to vote. Im sorry, we dont seem to be able to bring you that one but the conservatives asking people to register to vote. Lets move on. The Live Streaming items on facebook. Its not just facebook, Live Streaming items on facebook. Its notjust facebook, we seen it on youtube and twitter, the brexit party really active and this could beawe party really active and this could be a we have seen in this election, not sure what the situation was in the last one. Every time nigel farage does one of these, he is touring the country, these events, hes doing it live on twitter about his speeches and afterwards hes quite often doing these, these are on youtube and its a freewheeling chat show type situation, i think hes on his battle bus doing these broadcasts and sometimes he gets guessing and interviews than they are being watched by a hard core group of people, not that many, tens of thousands we are seeing on youtube for those. But last night, borisjohnson did youtube for those. But last night, Boris Johnson did another live strea m Boris Johnson did another live stream on facebook, hes done quite a few of them and they are really successful a pa rt a few of them and they are really successful apart from when Something Like this happens. This is what Jeremy Corbyn put on instagram yesterday. During borisjohnson s live stream, he asked a question. Why are you the only party leader not coming on channel four Climate Change debate on thursday . Do you not think it matters . And he didnt answer, very not think it matters . And he didnt answer, very funny but however this is a risky one if you are a party leader. Some of the other comments are not very nice. However, youve got to look at the numbers, quite impressive i think when they do this sort of thing, particularly with Boris Johnson do this sort of thing, particularly with borisjohnson s live streams, 140,000 views, 6000 reaction, then questions, look at what we see elsewhere during live stream, this is quite impressive, yes, you get the negatives and the backfiring viral posts like this but its getting the message out there and its not filtered, you dont have to rely on broadcasters like us taking a certain amount of speech, you can speak to the people you want to straight away. Say what you want for as long as you want. Great to get into all of this detail with you as ever, thank you. Lets look at what you are reading and watching on news app. The sad news that Australian Police have confirmed the body they found is that of the missing british man aslan king. He went missing on a camping trip. Australian police confirming the body as his. At two, the news of the attack on labour from the chief rabbi. Number three, we will talk about this in a moment, with the Consumer Group which, about black friday sales. Going down to the most watched. Itsjust black friday sales. Going down to the most watched. Its just changed in the last few seconds, it was about, i will recommend you watch this lovely story about a boy from cumbria. He was born with spina bifida and just a small part of his brain functioning, he wasnt expected to live more than a few days. But he is now seven years old, he has defied as the story tells you, all the odds, you can find out all about his story. The number one, reading this with you, cctv captures the biggest diamond heist since world war ii. Showing the moment thieves smashed open a cabinet to steal diamond jewellery from one of your s largest treasure collections, dressed in green vault in eastern germany. Just gone in at number one. Three historic diamond sets that the Museum Director describes as priceless. Thats it for the morning briefing. Lets get more now on the news that britains most seniorjewish leader the chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis has intervened in the general Election Campaign, condemning what he says is the labour leaderships failure to deal with anti semitism and questioning ifJeremy Corbyn is fit to lead the country. Lets speak to the editor of the jewish chronicle, Stephen Pollard who joins us from north london good morning to you and a few weeks ago i spoke to you about your front page, questioning whetherJeremy Corbyn was fit to be Prime Minister but what do you make of the chief rabbi s intervention and what weight will that carry . Presumably quite a lot. There is a very big difference between something that a newspaper luger says carries and then comments from the chief rabbi. The current chief rabbi from this is one of the most mild mannered, sedate people you could ever imagine. And for him to intervene, no religious leader intervenes in politics or an election and for him to feel the need to do that is itself an astonishing indictment of the labour party. But his words are themselves truly damning. But they speakfor the themselves truly damning. But they speak for the vast majority of british jewish people speak for the vast majority of britishjewish people and thats the tragedy of this election, the tragedy of this election, the tragedy of this election, the tragedy of the state the labour party is in. I spoke to the jewish labour peer lord dubs this hour and he said he worked with the chief rabbion he said he worked with the chief rabbi on many projects but he said he was sad to say the chief rabbi in his opinion had got it wrong, he was out of balance with these comments, he says Jeremy Corbyn out of balance with these comments, he sasteremy corbyn is not an anti semite and is fit for high office, for it to be Prime Minister. But he does accept that the labour party he said has been too slow to act on anti semitism. So do you really think what the chief rabbi is saying is representing the view of the majority ofjewish people . Its not whether i think that. The facts show that, in an opinion poll relatively recently 87 of british jews said they thoughtJeremy Corbyn was anti semitic, 45 of british jews said they were so concerned about the prospect of a Labour Government that they were, the exact words were seriously considering leaving the country, that doesnt mean they are all going to leave the country but it shows the extent of anxiety about that prospect. I respect alf dubs greatly, i work within myself some years ago. And he isa within myself some years ago. And he is a wonderful man but i think is wrong on this. There arejewish was then Jewish Community who wrong on this. There arejewish was thenJewish Community who dont feel this way and the overwhelming majority, as i said in that opinion poll, 87 of britishjews feel this way and the chief rabbi as i said at the beginning, is not someone who goes out and shoots his mouth, he is exact opposite. Last year there was a joint letter sent to the labour party, he wasnt one of them, he stood back but now he thinks he has no alternative but to speak up. Stood back but now he thinks he has no alternative but to speak upm there anything, for thosejewish people youre talking about you say represent the majority in terms of the view of the jewish represent the majority in terms of the view of theJewish Community represent the majority in terms of the view of the Jewish Community was regards to the labour party and the way its handled anti semitism, is there anything the party can do today with the launch of this race and faith manifesto, to reassure, to allay fears and concerns . Today . No, i think words mean nothing but in the medium term, yes, the party should take action, its really that straightforward. Peter mason who sits on the Labour Party National constitution says there are 130 cases that they themselves are looking at but have still not been dealt with and indeed there are thousands of. Dealt with and indeed there are thousands of the labour party says those figures arent true. Peter mason is on the ncc itself, he knows those figures and weve heard a lot from the labour party, Jeremy Corbyn said in his Leadership Debate last week that there the labour party had dealt with anti semitism and that is as straightforward, as the chief rabbi says, mendacious fiction, its not the truth, we hear a lot from the labour party saying they have dealt with it, any single representative body, ask the board of deputies, the chief rabbi, they will tell you thats simply not the case. The problem is the labour party cannot be trusted on this, it cannot be believed because its record over the last four years shows that. Im so sorry it took a job mid sentence, i wasjust about to say we are running out of time but thank you for taking the time to talk to us today. Sport now and for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre, heres sally nugent. Good morning. I bring you news from cricket. New zealand captain Kane Williamson says he will apologise in person tojofra archer for the horrific racist abuse he received from a fan during the first test. Former england bowler Monty Ponesar believes its time that the players took action to avoid any repeat, and even says a temporary suspension of play could be needed to prevent further incidents. Its more in the players hand really, how to deal with racism. We had a game over the weekend against ajax, they and the Opposition Team after kick off, for a minute, they didnt really play football. They stand up to racism. That something may be during the second test match at the start, players can do for a minute, just stand still and not do anything . I think that would have a real impact. Be on the screen has Something Like racism . Then we dont play cricket, something as strong as that coming from the players will be a stronger message. Well, a day afterjofra archer complaned of racial abuse its that story still that figures prominently on the back pages. In the telegraph it confirms that new zealand will step up security for the second test in hamilton starting on thursday. The same story also features on the back page of the guardian. The mirror focuses on football and a wraning from Jose Mourinho that Christian Eriksen risks missing more matches to the club if he doesnt commit his future to tottenham. Well have more on tottenham in just a moment but first to last night and steve bruces return to villa park didnt quite go to plan as his Newcastle United side lost to aston villa. A brilliant free kick from Conor Hourihane put bruces former Club Aston Villa ahead. Newcastle would have moved up to ninth with a win but they remain 14th and just a point ahead of villa. I think we didnt do enough with the ball or without it took us aston villa any real threat. We didnt hang onto it and did turn the ball over. You know, thats what weve been very good at of late, on the counterattack, but you must take ca re of counterattack, but you must take care of the ball better than what we did. You know, for half an hour we we re did. You know, for half an hour we were much too passive. Thats the frustrating thing because aston villa werent that great either. Its a big night in the champions league. Manchester city can seal qualification for the last 16 if they get a point at home to shakhtar donetsk. Meanwhile, Jose Mourinho takes charge of his first home game for spurs knowing a win against 0lympiakos would seal their passage to the next stage. Spurs have been linked with a move for Zlatan Ibrahimovic in recent days but mourinho says he wont be making a move for the swede. It doesnt make any sense of a striker of zlatans dimension, obviously one in his late 30s, but still a striker that can play in any club in the world, it doesnt make sense to come to a club where we have harry kane. Andy murray is not one of those sporting superstars who often speaks about his private life, but a new documentary has captured him at some of his most private moments. Andy murray resurfacing, charts his two year fight back from a hip injury which threatened to end his career. Lets have a look. The forecast tomorrow is going to be tricky getting out. Shane is my physiotherapist. Ive been working with him for about five or six years. Hes probably the nicest man that ive ever met. Hes never rude about anyone but he worries about everything which we obviously enjoy winding him up about. 0h laughs. Hes obviously tapping into my weaknesses. Im gullible enough to bite most times. I tell you, it is a great watch well well be hearing more from andy murray in sportsday here on bbc news at 6 30. And tonight radio 5 live will have commmentary of Manchester City versus shakhtar donetsk in the champions league. There will updates from Tottenham Hotspur v 0lympiacos. Both games kick off at 8pm. 0nto whats catching our eye on social media and the leicester players Christmas Party. Dressed as disney characters the team were spotted in copenhagen for their annual Christmas Party this weekend. The beat brighton 2 0 on saturday and are second in the premier league and the last time they had their Christmas Party in the city, they won the premier league title. Does that bode well for them . They we re does that bode well for them . They were all in fancy dress, i dont know why they needed to hide their faces because i could barely recognise anybody. A bit like our own Christmas Party an entire Christmas Party weekend they know how to do it in style, sally black friday sales start this week and are full of hype but they offer few real deals thats according to Consumer Group which . The group found only one in 20 offers are cheaper during this annual sale and goods can be found either cheaper or available at the same price at other times of the year. Joining me now in the studio is adam french Consumer Rights editor of which . Very good to have you here. To work out prices, you looked at black friday last year, 83 products, comparing prices they were sold out for the six months before and the six months after after black friday. Tell us about what you found. The 83 products were popular gifts and products were popular gifts and products were popular gifts and products we see around black friday, things like speakers, tumble dryers, sound bars, the full range of anything you might be after this black friday. Of those 83 products we looked at four of them were truly at the cheapest on black friday. And it points to how important it is that you are doing your research when approaching the sales bonanza we see around black friday. To make sure you are getting something that is truly a good deal rather than being sucked in by the hype around black friday and potentially a bit of buyers remorse on monday morning. Black friday is certainly about more than just black friday is certainly about more thanjust one black friday is certainly about more than just one day, it seems to expand every year, doesnt it . You we re expand every year, doesnt it . You were looking at the prices in the week running up to black friday in the week immediately after. And you didnt find the week immediately after. And you didntfind any the week immediately after. And you didnt find any huge bargains there either, did you . Black friday is increasingly taking over the entire month, there is some research earlier this week that said people thought black friday was last friday so we are seeing these sales grow exponentially, year on year. This is actually research weve done for four years straight and we are starting to see a real pattern of these deals not stacking up to expectations. And not being the best deals of the year. The real difference with black friday is that eve ryo ne difference with black friday is that everyone is involved, most retailers are offering some kind of discount this week. The retailers would say they are offering people good deals and its important to point out that you found none of the retailers you looked at were acting improperly in all of this. We didnt find any illegality whatsoever but we found a clear pattern that there is a hype around black friday, we are encouraged to spend and spend money before christmas when some of these deals may be our greatest they could be. The big difference here is that eve ryo ne be. The big difference here is that everyone is offering these discounts. Important question, is there a simple way people to check whether a black friday deal is the real deal, in other words, whether a black friday deal is the real deal, in otherwords, is whether a black friday deal is the real deal, in other words, is a genuine bargain . I think its really important to make sure its the right dealfor you, important to make sure its the right deal for you, personally. Important to make sure its the right dealfor you, personally. Your research. Make sure you know exactly what kind of you are after, and a price you are happy to pay. Ifjust shopping around for bargains more generally, theres a chance you could be a bit misled and end up with a touch of buyers remorse. So make sure you know what you want and how much you are happy to pay end of the offer is less than that, you personally, thats almost certainly good deal. Good sort of threshold to have and i guess the bottom line is according to your research, if someone misses out on something there will be another good deal along pretty soon. I am pretty sure there will be another sale within a few weeks, dont believe the hype, go after what you want this year. Adam, thank you. Black friday and some good advice if you are tempted to spend some money. New Research Suggests that most supermarket chains are not providing fully accessible toilets, needed by a quarter of a Million People in the uk. A survey of the major supermarket chains, found that six in 10 do not have a fully accessible toilet. The research was carried out by the changing places charity, which campaigns for the necessary facilities with all the equipment needed. Back to the election now. Throughout the Election Campaign, bbc news will be looking closely at the places where the election could be won and lost. We will be visiting 10 parts of the uk where seats will be closely contested. Today, were in Milford Haven which is in the Preseli Pembrokeshire constituency in south west wales. This seat has been held by the conservatives since 2005 and is bordered by three other constituencies one conservative, and two plaid cymru. Labour held this seat or versions of it from 1992 until 2005. The conservatives have held the seat since 2005, but in 2017 they got a majority ofjust 314, with labour in second place. And plaid cymru took neighbouring ceredigion from the liberal democrats in 2017 byjust 104 votes. And at 1230, were going to be speaking to the bbc wales Political Editor, felicity evans, about all your questions to do with welsh politics. Please do get in touch with your questions. You can contact us on twitter using the hashtag bbcyourquestions and you can email us on yourquestions bbc. Co. Uk a couple who won the 105 Million Pound euromillions jackpot are to be unveiled today. The winners are from the chichester area of west sussex, and scooped the life changing amount earlier this month. The prize was the sixth euromillions jackpot won in the uk this year. Firefighters in california have rescued a seal pup from an underground parking garage. The baby northern fur seal was found wandering around in the garage in redwood city. Hes been named santos by officers from the Redwood City Fire Department who rescued him, and shared this video on social media. Hes adorable, isnt he . Hes believed to be just five months old, and was taken to the Marine Mammal centre nearby for a check up. Before we go, lets recap our main story this morning. Britains most seniorjewish leader, chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, has intervened in the general Election Campaign, condemning what he says isJeremy Corbyns failure to deal with anti semitism. Writing in the times, the chief rabbi said a poison sanctioned from the very top had taken root in the labour party, and questioned mr corbyns fitness to lead the country. Victoria will be here in a couple of minutes but first the weather with simon. Good morning. Some rain this morning moving across england and wales, coming in courtesy of this area of low pressure, the remnants of Tropical Storm sebastien. Some tropical moisture in, you can see from the rainfall radar, the main band of rain moving north, pushing interest southern parts of Northern Ireland, north west england, but behind that, quite cloudy, outbreaks of rain, also some strong winds, gusts of wind up to 55 miles an hour in the isles of scilly but quite widely in the southwestern corner of the uk, gusts of 40 50 miles an hour but winds easing out during this afternoon. Quite breezy elsewhere, you can see the area of rain moving northwards into scotland. Later on, some heavy showers moving their way into central, southern and southeastern areas, there could be a lot of surface water spray for the rush hour, maximum temperature is about 10 14d, feeling quite mild. This area of low pressure will continue to move its way slowly eastwards through tonight and it did tomorrow, further showers rotating around the area of low pressure, more rainfall expected throughout the day on wednesday. Fairly strong winds around the English Channel coast. But the wet weather linked towards the north east of england, we could see heavy bursts of rain well into the afternoon, something brighterfor well into the afternoon, something brighter for western scotland and Northern Ireland. Smoke temperatures about 10 11dc. As we go into thursday the area of low pressure moving eastwards, rain with that but we start to pick up a northerly wind. That will bring in some colder airall the wind. That will bring in some colder air all the way from the arctic. It will push southwards through thursday and eventually into friday. Asi thursday and eventually into friday. As i mentioned, rain around on thursday, moving its way further southwards and then behind it across scotla nd southwards and then behind it across scotland and Northern Ireland, northern england, turning brighter. With that, colder air moving in, temperatures dropped to about 6 8dc, Still Holding on to milder air towards the south but by the time we get it friday morning, for many of usa get it friday morning, for many of us a chilly start to the day, there could be frost particularly in Northern Areas of the uk. But a fine start for many of us, lots of sunshine throughout the day, cloud at times in northern and Western Areas but look at the temperatures, quite a big drop compared to recent days, 5 7d and we will keep the chilly weather as we go into the weekend as well. Thats all from me. Goodbye. Hello, its tuesday, its 10 oclock, im Victoria Derbyshire. The chief rabbi launches an unprecedented attack onJeremy Corbyns labour. He says a poison, sanctioned from the very top, has taken root in the party, adding people should remember the very soul of the nation is at stake when they come to cast their voting next month. Some senior labour figures have defended mr corbyn. I think he is fit to be Prime Minister, i do not think he is anti semitic, i think things have happened under his leadership which should have been stopped way back. It comes on the day labour launches its race and faith manifesto, which includes plans to tackle anti semitism online. Well speak to labours shadow equalities minister, naz shah

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