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He was standing down as an mp. Well have the latest on the campaign, which is still not formally under way, as parliament is due to rise tomorrow. The other main stories on bbc news at 5. The senior conservative Jacob Rees Mogg apologises for saying that residents of Grenfell Tower should have used common sense and left the building, instead of listening to fire brigade advice. And the South African springboks get a heroes welcome as they return home following their victory in the rugby world cup. Its 5 oclock. Our main story is the launch of the liberal democrats Election Campaign, claiming to be the only Party Standing to stop brexit, and that staying in the European Union would produce a £50 billion so called remain bonus over five years. The party leaderjo swinson say this could then be spent on Public Services. For labour, Jeremy Corbyn said a Labour Government would get a brexit deal done in six months, promising to secure a better agreement with the eu, and then put it to the public in another referendum next year. The conservatives insist they are the party to deliver, and that the uk will leave by january 31st next year. Our Political Correspondent chris mason has the latest on todays campaigning. Our liberal democrat candidate for Prime Minister, jo swinson in case you wondered how upbeat the liberal democrats are, there you have it. At their Campaign Launch in westminster this morning, their promise to scrap brexit if they won was central. Both labour and the conservatives want to negotiate and deliver brexit. I never thought that i would stand here and say that i am a candidate to be Prime Minister. But when i look at borisjohnson and Jeremy Corbyn, i am absolutely certain i could do a betterjob than either of them labours been talking brexit too in harlow in essex, a seat the party needs to win from the conservatives. Jeremy corbyns pitch is to negotiate what he sees as a better brexit deal and then put that to a referendum with remain as the other option, all within six months. If you want to leave the eu without trashing our economy or selling out the nhs, you will be able to vote for it. If you want remain in the eu, you will be able to vote for that. Either way, only a Labour Government will put the final decision in your hands. Because this has involved the whole country from the start, it cant now be left to politicians. The conservatives say the labours proposed timetable for this is a fairy tale. Meanwhile the cabinet has met for the last time before parliament is dissolved. We are about to go forward to a general election which i think its fair to say that none of us particularly wanted to hold. The Prime Minister says its necessary because parliament blocked brexit. The tories claimed they will deliver brexit and sort out the long term relationship with the eu within a year. That could prove a tall order and so. Could it be extended . No. Definitely not . Absolutely. We will make sure that we have a proper Free Trade Agreement with the European Union and of course, some people in the past have argued that it will be challenging, but i think if you look at the way in which for example borisjohnson in just 90 days moved from square one to concluding a change in the Withdrawal Agreement and getting rid of the backstop, he has demonstrated he has the leadership quality to be able to secure a deal in that time. The Scottish National party dont like brexit but do want another referendum, on independence. This election is firstly a chance to escape the mess of brexit but secondly, an opportunity to take scotlands future into scotlands hands, its a real crossroads moment for scotland. The brexit party say the conservative deal with the eu doesnt amount to a proper brexit. Nigel farage has stepped into the election ring in bolsover in derbyshire. And heres why. Big leave area, you know, 70 leave in many of these seats, being represented by a labour party that has broken all of its promises and now wants to have a second referendum if it wins power, offering remain against a form of remain. That is a betrayal of the promises made to these people during the referendum and during the last general election. The gloves are on for now, but theres still more than five weeks to go. Didnt hit anybody chris mason, bbc news. Our chief Political Correspondent vicki young is in westminsterfor us. Lets talk about the brexit talk today and the context of this campaign and what liberal democrats have been trying to claim that they might be able to deliver. have been trying to claim that they might be able to deliver. I think there is a big question about whether this will indeed be a brexit election. A lot of people thought that in 2017, it didnt quite turn out like that. Whether because of whats happened since then, lots of people watching parliament not being able to deliver on brexit, that message the conservatives are trying to get across that they have already got the deal, its ready to go, we can get this sorted, will not be the overwhelming issue in peoples minds when they go to the ballot box . The liberal democrats for the opposite reasons hope that brexit will be the dominating issue, because they are absolutely focused on that, saying they are the Biggest Party of remain, that they know a lot of people dont agree with their policy which is if they were to get an outright victory and be in government they would stop brexit altogether, otherwise its another referendum. Jo swinson today talking about wanting to be Prime Minister. I think its worth remembering the liberal democrats at the last election only won 12 seats. When she talks about it being a moment for seismic change it would really have to be for her to have any chance of being Prime Minister. I think what the lib dems are trying to do is convince people that a vote for the lib dems isnt a wasted vote because thatis lib dems isnt a wasted vote because that is the key to their making gains in this election, saying if you get a liberal democrat mp they will make a difference in the house of commons because of the issue of brexit continuing for months if not yea rs. Brexit continuing for months if not years. In terms of the other parties, i mentioned mr corbyn and mrjohnson earlier but what has been notable about the campaigning and what does it tell us about the likely shape of their launches . Interesting with labour because our understanding is that they want to move on to talk about other things as they did in 2017. They felt they did better talking about issues like the railways, paid, the nhs. Thats the railways, paid, the nhs. Thats the kind of thing they want to get onto but today there was a speech from Jeremy Corbyn. They have been accused of having a confusing message on brexit. He laid it out today saying he will get another deal, a different dealfrom the eu and put it to a referendum. Giving this deadline, trying to show there is an end in sight, because of the idea of brexit fatigue, is something the labour party is aware of as much as the conservatives. Signed byjune the 3rd the issue could be dealt with in the sense of a referendum having been held, the question they still havent answered, and Jeremy Corbyn will continue to be asked, in the referendum with the Labour Party Campaign to leave or remain . That is still a weakness they will have to deal with as the weeks go on. Thank you. Its emerged that the welsh secretary, alun cairns who denied knowing about a Welsh Assembly candidates role in sabotaging a rape trial was emailed about it last year. Last week mr cairns said he had no knowledge of the role ross england played in the trial. The minister then endorsed mr england as a candidate for the Welsh Assembly elections, after the collapse of the trial. 0ur reporter Hywel Griffith joins us from cardiff. There are several layers to this story. How are they unfolding . there are several layers to this story. How are they unfolding . If we go back to what happened in april last year at this rape trial in cardiff which collapsed, a witness was called, ross england, a former aide alun cairns. He was asked whether he had worked with the complainant in trial. Instead of answering, he told the judge they had been in a sexual relationship. Thejudge told him he had been in a sexual relationship. The judge told him he was deliberately trying to sabotage it, he told him to get out of court. Instead of this having repercussions for ross england, he was later selected as conservative candidate for the 2021 Welsh Assembly elections endorsed by alun cairns. Repeatedly, alun cairns has denied any knowledge of what happened in that courtroom and why the trial collapsed. Last week he said he was only now being told the details. However, the bbc has been shown an e mail which appears to suggest he was e mailed about it by his special adviser in august of last year. Suggesting he had knowledge for well over a year. Thank you. Lets have more on the launch of the liberal democrats Election Campaign today. Chuka umunna is the liberal democrats foreign affairs, hes in our millbank studio for us now. This so called remain bonus youve been talking about today, and talking about £50 billion over five yea rs, talking about £50 billion over five years, how talking about £50 billion over five yea rs, how carefully talking about £50 billion over five years, how carefully costed is that . Very carefully costed. In fact, the bbc fact Check Service on your website has done an analysis and said they are credible and reasonable figures to use. Just explain how weve calculated it, if we remain in the eu, we are estimating, and this is a conservative estimate, but the economy will be 1. 9 larger in the Financial Year 2024 to 25 compared to the Prime Minister is plans for brexit. There for that will mean that we have an extra 50 billion in the next parliament to invest in Public Services, people, building a Brighter Future Public Services, people, building a brighterfuture for Public Services, people, building a Brighter Future for the people of this country. Goodness knows, people are fed up with the brexit chaos, which is why we want to stop brexit immediately, and we are a wonderful and great country but there are far too many people in this country who work hard and play by the rules yet dont see the benefits. This £50 billion remain bonus will enable us to invest in people in Public Services and make sure people see the benefits of their hard work. Your party leader was talking in terms of a potential seismic change coming out of this election, would you agree that for you as a party to form a government, it would need seismic change . I think we are going through profound change. Anybody who has been an observer of british politics can see we are living in extraordinary times. We certainly find that in the liberal democrats. For the first time in 100 years, we beat labour and the conservatives in a National Election in 2019. They got 23. 2 of the vote combined in the elections we had across the country, we got 20 of the vote in may. We have seen people decide how to vote more on the basis of whether they want to remain or the eu than in any past historic affiliation. We are in contention in seats that ten yea rs are in contention in seats that ten years ago we would have had no chance of being in contention in. There is a real momentum behind the party. I think that is symptomatic ofa party. I think that is symptomatic of a bigger change in politics which is less left right, more open closed, but you are liberal, authoritarian. Those remain and leave labels are about more than what you think of the eu, they are emblematic of a set of values that are driving voting behaviour as people likejohn are driving voting behaviour as people like john curtice are driving voting behaviour as people likejohn curtice tell us all the time. When you look at the campaign coming up, lots of concerns have been expressed about the tone of the campaign, whether it will be aggressive and reflect parts of the debate weve been having over the last three years. To what extent are you concerned this campaign will do more to put people off politics than they already have been in recent yea rs . They already have been in recent years . I think we all want to see the divisions in society healed. We will be as careful as we possibly can be in the language that we use. There will be mistakes made during the campaign because people have very strong views on either side of the Brexit Debate and about the future of our country. One of the reasons we and our slogan are not just simply stop brexit, build a brighterfuture, is just simply stop brexit, build a Brighter Future, is that people are looking for some positivity and optimism that actually our country can be different, which is whatjo swinson was painting a picture of today. A country where regardless of your faith, creed, today. A country where regardless of yourfaith, creed, colour, background, you can get on and lead a successful and happy life if youve put in the effort. The society in which we look after the planet, a society in which every pa rt planet, a society in which every part of the country gets to share in the benefits of globalisation and can the benefits of globalisation and ca n a ccess the benefits of globalisation and can access all of those opportunities, which we see in other parts of the country but are simply not accessible for enough people in the uk right now. Thank you. We will keep with politics. The leader of the house of commons, the conservative Jacob Rees Mogg, has apologised suggesting that People Living in Grenfell Tower should have used common sense on the night of the fire two years ago, and left the building, rather than listen to the fire brigades advice to stay in their homes until help arrived. 72 people died when the tower caught fire in 2017. The remarks have been enormously controversial. Mr rees mogg was speaking on lbc. The tragedy came about because of the cladding leading to the fire racing up the building, and then was compounded by the stay put policy. And. It seems to me that that is the tragedy of it, that the more ones read over the weekend about the report and about the chances of people surviving, if you just ignore what youre told and leave, you are so much safer. And i think if either of us were in a fire, whatever the fire brigade said, we would leave the burning building. It just seems the common sense thing to do. That was the section of the interview that has caused the controversy. An apology from Jacob Rees Mogg. 0ur Political Correspondent tom symonds is at westminster. Just a thought on the impact of this form of words used by mr rees mogg and then the reaction from his office later on. It is a single sentence that has led to a slew of criticism of Jacob Rees Mogg, sentence that has led to a slew of criticism ofJacob Rees Mogg, not just the Labour Party Said this was pretty much disgraceful and an example of the nasty party. Notjust stormzy who unleashed a thai raid of criticism of Jacob Rees Mogg stormzy who unleashed a thai raid of criticism ofJacob Rees Mogg on twitter to his 1 criticism ofJacob Rees Mogg on twitter to his1 million followers, most of which i cant repeat, and of course the families and survivors who have been so badly affected by the disaster at Grenfell Tower. They are furious at what theyve heard from Jacob Rees Mogg. His defence as he was talking in hindsight. He said he was talking in hindsight. He said he was talking about having read the reports of the Grenfell Tower report itself which was published last week, he was saying previously, to read his statement, that before that report he would have used his common sense and left the building that was on fire, or rather, he would stay put if the fire brigade told him to. But after reading that report, he said that he would leave the building and he felt a lot of people would do the same. That is his defence. I dont think hes going to get far with his critics. Thank you. The headlines on bbc news. The liberal democrats claim the uk will get a remain bonus of £50 billion over five years if brexit is stopped, as they launch their general Election Campaign. Jeremy corbyn says labour would get brexit sorted within six months promising to secure a better deal with the eu. The senior conservative Jacob Rees Mogg apologises for saying that residents of g re nfell tower should have used common sense and left the building instead of listening to fire brigade advice. Some of the south Africa Rugby Team have received a heroes welcome in johannesburg. England captain alan morgan said it inexperience might have cost them after a batting colla pse have cost them after a batting collapse against new zealand. Members of the world cup winning South African rugby squad have arrived home, after taking the title for a record equalling third time. The springboks were welcomed by crowds of supporters atjohannesburg airport on their return from japan, where they beat england 32 12 to lift the trophy in yokohama last weekend. South africa are now tied with new zealand as the most successful teams in the tournaments 32 year history. 0ur correspondent milton nkosi is in johannesburg for us. No surprise at the kind of enthusiasm but tell us more about the welcome home. The welcome home has been electrifying. The crowds came here in their hundreds, right at the arrivals hall. They will welcoming the players by song, dance, chanting. They were celebrating the best rugby will team in the world. Here i could see black and white, seems that i last saw in 1995 when Nelson Mandela was celebrating the first win of the south African Rugby Team winning the world cup. Those scenes were repeated here today. Good to talk to you and good to see those scenes. Thank you. Throughout the general election, the bbc is Fact Checking the big claims made by all the political parties. Today, labour has promised if they win the election, theyll get brexit done within months. Then they would go ahead and think about a referendum after that. 0ur reality check correspondent chris morris has been taking a look at whether this is feasible. Does the timescale make sense . |j think does the timescale make sense . think we are to hear a lot from all parties about how efficient they will be on brexit. If theres one thing weve learnt from the last three years it is that these complex deadlines tend to slip. What are they saying . Mr corbyn says we can do it in six months. The first thing that would mean would be negotiating a new deal in the first three months. Is that possible . Well, i dont think the eu is going to be cracking open the champagne at the prospect of negotiating with a third Prime Minister. 0n the other hand, i think they wouldnt turn down the prospect if they thought that labour could demonstrate it had a clear majority for something in the house of commons. Also, labour wants a deal which means a custom union with the eu and a closer relationship than Boris Johnson but the eu and a closer relationship than borisjohnson but the single market. Which is probably more in line with the eus preferred landing zone. The second half of what labour is saying is that within those six months, they would also hold a referendum. What we hearfrom experts is that the minimum time you really need to get an election sorted 22 weeks. Just under six months. They would have to legislate at the beginning, get the deal passed, then hold the referendum, and see what happens. There is this whole issue about you going to negotiate a deal and then campaign against it . The timetable is difficult, the politics is difficult. Theoretically i its possible. With the same judgment applied to the conservatives . They have negotiated the deal, they had one vote in the commons on it but clearly that implies Different Things in terms of getting a Free Trade Agreement and all the rest of it. What is your reading of that . What we had that was interesting today was a very clear statement from michael gove that the transition period after brexit will not be extended beyond the end of 2020. We heard that from downing street sources before but this was a cabinet minister broadcasting on the record saying, its not going beyond that. That means you need to negotiate a Free Trade Agreement, effectively you need to get all the way there, in the First Six Months of next year. A very tall order, these agreements usually take years. The government said, but we are starting from the same place so it is going to be easier. They critics say yes, but Free Trade Agreements normally bring people closer, this is unique because it is two sides moving apart which means that trade tensions could increase the further you get down the road. The second thing is that, and this could become a big election issue, is that it sets up the end of next year as the potential new no deal deadline. Not quite the same no deal be could have had in the last few weeks but potentially leaving at the end of the transition without any kind of nudes Free Trade Agreements in place. Thats going to become an election issue, opposition parties saying they conservative and you could be getting no new deal. We will return to this. I suspect we will throughout the Election Campaign, the bbcs Reality Check Team will be Fact Checking each of the parties claims and looking at whether the data backs them up. You can check out all of those details yourself at bbc. Co. Uk news or on the bbc news app. South western Railway Workers are set to strike for most of december as part of a long running dispute over the role of guards on trains. The rmt union says the industrial action will last for 27 days, between the 2nd of december and new years day, causing major disruption for commuters and christmas shoppers. A nursery in devon has been closed after a member of staff was arrested on suspicion of sex offences. More than 100 families who had children attending jack and Jill Childcare in torquay have been contacted and a major Police Investigation is underway. Scientists say a home test kit could revolutionise screening for Cervical Cancer. Women could be able to carry out a urine or swab test at home and send the sample by post for analysis saving them a trip to the doctor. 0ur Health Reporter Michelle Roberts has the details. Smear tests can be life saving, but millions of women are not going for them. Women aged 25 to 64 in the uk are invited for checks, but the number taking up the offer has been falling. Figures suggest one in four women do not attend a smear test when invited. Experts say low uptake rates could be down to embarrassment, a lack of awareness of awareness or people putting it off. Now researchers say a new form of test carried out by women themselves at home could get more people screened. The test measures chemical changes detectable in urine or vaginal swabs to assess a womans cancer risk. A high score suggests a higher risk and the woman should have further checks. Lead researcher dr Belinda Nedjai from Queen Mary University of london says diy checks could be a game changer. It is detecting 96 of women who have a high grade lesion, or a precancer lesion, it is very efficient, but because it is to replace another test, we need to do this in 10,000 women. Campaigners say home testing would be popular, but larger trials are needed before the nhs can decide whether to offer it. We are seeing coverage at an all time low in england, it is low in other countries as well, we need to find a way to offer a test that women want, that is accessible, and what self sampling can offer, it is something that Jos Cervical Cancer trust have been calling for for a long time, could be that solution. Potentially could be a real game changer. The nhs is currently moving to testing smears for the presence of a virus called human papilloma virus, or hpv. Almost all cases of Cervical Cancer are linked to the virus. It can also cause other cancers in men and women. From this september in england, all boys aged 12 to 13 will be routinely offered a vaccine, along with girls, to help protect against cancers caused by hpv. Michelle roberts, bbc news. Time for a look at the weather, heres ben rich. Good evening. Some of us got stuck with a lot of cloud today, a bit damp and murky. For others in the north of the uk its been turning brighter. Is that brighter weather has been spreading in, some Colder Weather has been moving in as well. Turning chilly this bonfire night. A few showers but for many of us, dry, increasingly clear skies overhead. The cloud melting away from the graphics. Still some showers peppering coastal areas. Have a look at the temperatures. Quite close to freezing. Quite a widespread ground frost tomorrow morning with fog patches. Not a bad start to the day with spells of sunshine. However, we will initially see a band of showers and then more persistent rain moving in from the best. As temperatures between 6 9. A touch below par for the time of year. It looks like thursday could be a wet day for some, some travel problems, may be some, some travel problems, may be some localised flooding. Try on friday but still rather chilly. This is bbc news. The headlines. The lib dems claim the uk would get a remain bonus of £50 billion over five years if brexit was stopped as they launch their general Election Campaign. When i look at borisjohnson and Jeremy Corbyn, i am absolutely certain i could do a betterjob than either of them. Jeremy corbyn says labour would get brexit sorted next year and then put the new deal to a referendum. During the day the former conservative chancellor Philip Hammond whos criticised the Prime Ministers handling of brexit announced he was standing down as an mp. The senior conservative Jacob Rees Mogg apologises for saying that residents of g re nfell tower should have used common sense and left the building instead of listening to fire brigade advice. And the South African springboks get a heroes welcome as they return home following their victory in the rugby world cup. And now we can catch up with the sports news. Good afternoon. What a tumultuous day its been for saracens rugby club. Theyve been docked 35 points and received a 5 Million Pound fine for breaching salary cap regulations. An independant panel had found wrongdoing relating to business partnerships between the owner nigel wray and some of the clubs top players. Premiership rugby has suspended the punishment pending a saracens appeal. 0ur correspondent joe wilson has more. Looking at this statement from Premiership Rugby they talk about the decision upholding the principle of the salary cap. Premiership rugby has to ensure that there is a competitive level playing field. They say they are pleased that the process has a conclusion but of course saracens have the right to appeal against it and as it stands the severe punishment would seem to threaten their ongoing viability and certainly their superiority as a in force. Staying with rugby. The first of the victorious South Africa Team have landed on home soil after winning the world cup injapan. This is them coming through arrivals. Damien de allande there with his arms triumphantly aloft. Johannesburg airport was packed with fans waiting to welcome home the world champions for the First Time Since 2007. The trophy youll notice isnt there. 0r captain siya kolisi. Theyre due to land on a separate flight any second now. pres englands cricketers trail new zealand 2 1 in their t20 series after another batting collapse. England looked as though they were going to win the 3rd match of the series, until they lost 5 wickets for just 10 runs. New zealands Colin De Grandhomme top scored with 55 from 35 deliveries, helping them to 180 for 7 in their 20 overs. James vince and eoin morgan put on 63 for the second wicket as england looked to be up with the run rate and on course for victory before that late collapse. Eoin morgans wicket triggered the loss of 5 wickets for just 10 runs. England lost by 14 runs. Captain morgan said inexperience might be to blame. The Champions League returns this evening. Chelsea face last seasons semi finalists ajax, while liverpool host genk. Jurgen klopp though was asked about their Upcoming Premier League match against Manchester City this weekend but said he was not in the mood to talk about them. Belgian side genk come to anfield just five days before that crucial game against city, with claims from Pep Guardiola that striker sadio mane dives something klopp was keen to brush aside. Sadio is not a diver so there was a situation in the villa game where he had contact and went down, but there was contact, its not likejumping over a leg to look like he hit you. There were other penalties because he was in that situation. We are sure if Something Like this would happen for man city, they would want a penalty because somebody kicked a player in the box and that is a penalty. Meanwhile. Liverpool will need to field two different teams in as many days, because the date of their League Cup Quarter final with aston villa will not be changed. The match, on the 17th of december, is less than 24 hours before Club World Cup semi final in qatar. Tottenham hotspur forward son heung min has had his red card overturned by the football association, for his tackle on andre gomes. The tackle led to the everton midfielders horrific ankle injury. Son was originally given a yellow for the challenge but it was changed to a red. Gomes had a succesful operation on his ankle and left hospital this afternoon. After missing last months matches through injury juventus midfielder aaron ramsey is back in the wales squad for the Upcoming Games against azerbaijan and hungary. Gareth bale is also included in the squad. He hasnt played for his Club Real Madrid since picking up a calf injury in wales draw with croatia in mid october. Manager ryan giggs admits bales lack of match fitness is a concern. Well have more for you in sportsday at half past six. More now on the days Election Campaigning. Labour leaderJeremy Corbyn has said if labour wins hell get brexit done in six months promising to secure a better deal with the eu and then put it to the public in another referendum next year. The conservatives insist they are the party to deliver brexit and that the uk will leave by january 31st next year. We can now speak to the labour frontbencher and mp for hemsworthjon trickett, from our studio in leeds. Cani can i start with something that happened today in the world of politics and then come to your other campaign pledges on brexit. That is the apology from Jacob Rees Mogg to those involved in the grenfell tragedy and apologising for suggesting they should have used common sense and got out of the building instead of listening to advice from the fire grate, what is the response from the labour party . Someone on the 12th floor perhaps not very well or disabled in some way, they would follow the advice. The problem was cuts to the fire service and poor maintenance of a building. Butjacob service and poor maintenance of a building. But Jacob Rees Mogg service and poor maintenance of a building. ButJacob Rees Mogg today seem to suggest that the victims we re seem to suggest that the victims were responsible for their own injuries and deaths and that is appalling. I do not think an apology is good enough, he should stand down or the Prime Minister should remove him immediately. Stand down as an mp . He should not be a member of the cabinet, these are the people who run the country, and a man who can have no empathy whatsoever for the situation people found themselves in inaflaming situation people found themselves in in a flaming inferno being advised to stay where they were, they took that advice, it is not for a minister of the crown and a senior minister of the crown and a senior minister to second guess how those people would have reacted. Except to show some empathy and sympathy. We are not in the 18th century and outpoint people get blamed for their own fate, we are in the 21st century and a minister of the crown shouldst show some degree of understanding rather than say it was their own fault. I am rather than say it was their own fault. Iam really rather than say it was their own fault. I am really quite shocked to be honest. In the wider Political Landscape today we spoke earlier about the brexit pledges from the lib dems who are holding out the prospect of what they say is mma bonus of some £30 billion in five yea rs if bonus of some £30 billion in five years if brexit is stopped. Your policy if i can be blunt is possibly not as clear cut and people have questioned how clear it is so just speu questioned how clear it is so just spell out once again, Jeremy Corbyn saying he will sort out a new deal within six months, how will he do that . We think we can get a deal within three months and put it to a referendum within six months so by june we would have gone back to the people. We want to make an offer to the people to bring them back in to the people to bring them back in to the national debate. Let the people decide finally and so we will negotiate a deal, and we are already speaking to senior officials in brussels and elsewhere, we are confident that we can do a deal which will work and not sell the nhs after the united states. Which will preserve the Northern Ireland situation and then put it back to the people in a referendum. We think probably in june. They the people in a referendum. We think probably injune. They will the people in a referendum. We think probably in june. They will choose either the deal which weve negotiated or choose to remain because i think people are saying on the doorstep that we just want a final say on brexit. I think that is the way forward, it would reunify the way forward, it would reunify the country by offering leavers and remain asa the country by offering leavers and remain as a chance to express their final opinion and then we will implement whatever they decide. Final opinion and then we will implement whatever they decidem will not bring people together if the deal itself is characterised by other people as not being brexit so im just wondering what is the form of the deal, if it involves a Customs Union and all the rest of it so then you could be accused as you will be by opponents of offering remain or something that is very similarto remain or something that is very similar to that. We will be breaking with the European Union on that option, the options will be remain or leave but believe option will not threaten jobs or leave but believe option will not threatenjobs or or leave but believe option will not threaten jobs or sell the nhs down the river and it will show the way forward to a different kind of operation afterwards. At the moment what we have as has been set often isa what we have as has been set often is a tory deal which threatens billions of pounds worth of lost goods and services. My area now has distribution and warehousing as its main employer and many of those people are going backwards and forwards to the eu every day bringing goods in and out of the country. We do not want to cut ourselves off from that economy but we will offer a deal which will allow us to leave the eu on terms which are favourable. That is crucial, i think you would agree, this is going to the heart now of the debate, what youre offering people in terms of the prospects of a new deal and if that deal seems to be still having a relatively close relationship with the eu, obeying the rules especially to the Customs Union or something similar, you will immediately face claims that this is not a brexit of any description at all. It will be a brexit, we believe the eu under that operation, we are offering alternatives, but clearly they are our allies and neighbours and main trading partners so eve ryo ne and main trading partners so everyone would want to continue trading with them but also to see whether there are other trading relationships outside of europe which we can begin to build on. People see it is a common sense operation, it is contentious but we do not believe that we should just side with 52 or the 49 , but allow people the final say and then move on as people the final say and then move onasa people the final say and then move on as a country. Would be still be in the Customs Union . We would be in a new Customs Union which we will negotiate as an independent trading country with European Union and we know that that would be something which we can negotiate because they are already speaking regulates them are already speaking regulates them a senior officials in the European Union and some governments in other countries and we think there is a way forward to this. So we would be will take is not rule makers. We would be making rules for ourselves and if we choose voluntarily as a country to enter into a new Customs Union and new set of trading relationships that would be a which we would have taken. I think people are fed up with politicians not making a way forward and the labour party i sent put it back to the people for a final say. This is a positive and progressive way forward for the country. Looking at the campaign coming up, lots of concerns expressed about the way the country is divided, about the tone of political debate which has been toxic at times, do you think there isa toxic at times, do you think there is a danger that this campaign could just continue that . I think there is a risk that we have allowed really quite unpleasant outbursts on our own side occasionally, we have to try to do better, we elected a new speaker who has already said crack the whip and be more gentle and respectful to each other. I have listened to him and as of now i will do better myself and i hope everyone else in politics and in the country will do so as well because theres so much binding of the country together, we are a proud and patriotic nation and i do not think people want us to be in the gutters in terms of that, they want a better level of public discourse. Thats all pledged to try to achieve that in the rest of this campaign. Thank you very much. The labour mpjohn trickett. In an exclusive interview with the bbc, the outgoing president of the european commission, jean claude juncker, has said he thinks britain will leave the eu by the end of january. He described brexit as a long story that had to be brought to an end, and said he regretted not intervening during the referendum in 2016. He was speaking to our europe editor, katya adler. If we start with Boris Johnson because he is still Prime Minister. I like him, by the way. 0k. So he says if he wins the election and then withdrawal bill is passed, then he thinks it is possible to get a new trade deal negotiated by the end of 2020. So in less than 12 months. Is that possible . I dont want to be a prisoner of this timeframe. But is it even possible, it took seven years to negotiate a deal with canada, for example. It takes time to negotiate a Free Trade Agreement. Sometimes i have the impression that in britain people, parliamentary representatives, governmental representatives, think this is an easy thing to be done. Its not easy. Because we are negotiating for years with canada, it will take time. We can have a look at some other claims being made. So the labour party, for example, says if it wins the general election it will renegotiate once again. So a third brexit deal. I will no longer be in office when this happens. And so it will be up to the next commission to decide if yes or no there is room for manoeuvre for a new deal or a new treaty. Honestly spoken, i dont think that this is a realistic approach. Would you like they are to be another referendum . Would you like they are to be another referendum . That question is another referendum . That question is a british issue. I do not think there will be a second referendum. The brexit party says that the new brexit, the Withdrawal Agreement, is not brexit. Its just not brexit, its brexit in name only. Is that a fair thing to say about Boris Johnsons deal with your commission . No, it is brexit. Im not a supporter of nigel farage. Although i have seen in different tv shows that he likes me, that was a surprise. You made a bet at the time of the referendum with the uk commissioner and you pointed out that you thought that remain would lose the referendum. You bet him £1. Yes. Just going back to the 31st of january, at this latest brexit extension, would you bet the £1 that the uk will be out by the 31st of january . I think it will happen but this is a long story, it has to be brought to an end. Would you be tempted to stay in office until at least this phase of brexit is done . No, brexit is not in my life. Thank you very much. The us has formally handed in its notice to pull out of the paris climate agreement. It will make america the only country in the world that will not participate in the pact. The paperwork sent to the un begins a one year process to end the uss involvement in the deal which was agreed in paris in 2015. That means the trump administrations exit wont be complete until a day after the president ial election in november 2020. The agreement commits 187 other countries to keeping the rise in Global Temperatures to under two degrees celsius. It also provides climate finance to poorer countries to adapt to Climate Change and switch to Renewable Energy but with the us out of the pact, there will be a funding shortfall. Lets go to washington dc now and get more detail on this from Helen Mountford shes the Vice President for climate and economics at the World Resources institute a Global Environmental research organisation. Thank you forjoining us. Good to have been with us. Could you tell me what you think the impact of this withdrawal will be . What we are seeing as you said is we have 187 countries committed to moving forward on Climate Action and we have one, the usa, but notably has gone backwards. That is a signal that we got yesterday. The good news is one that happened at federal level we have the states and cities, business and investors, universities, who have all woken up to the challenge of Climate Change and the opportunities of taking action so we now have Something Like 70 of us gdp and 65 of the population in those states, cities and businesses moving forward. In total bet amounts to basically the second largest economy in the world, second largest economy in the world, second only to the usa and larger than china. So while we have a worrying and concerning signal at federal level we also have a lot of action and momentum building at the sad national level. So a mixed picture, not all one way but there isa picture, not all one way but there is a leadership issue, certainly in terms of Global Leadership and the contribution made to global debate on Climate Change and credibility of that debate and that surely is in the eyes of many people immensely damaging. Absolutely, we didnt see action at Sub National Level and that amounts to a lot but at the same time having a leader like the us stepped back really is going to jeopardise overall chances globally of tackling, change in a timely way and an economically efficient way so thatis and an economically efficient way so that is a sad signal. What were seeing is more and more people realising that this is a loss for the usa more than anything and means that the us economy is not sending the right signals, to major businesses, to investors, it is shown we are going away from the new 21st century economy which is a clea n, 21st century economy which is a clean, low pollution, high tech economy. We are going backwards. 0ther economy. We are going backwards. Other countries are stepping up as the us slips backwards. What about the us slips backwards. What about the poorer countries i mentioned, those who are finding it difficult to make the transition. Because it involves heavy economic costs for them and in some cases the level of cost they simply cannot really contemplate. Where will the financial help for them come now that the us is out of the pact . In fa ct that the us is out of the pact . In fact what we are already seeing in terms of a Green Climate fund which countries contribute to, a number of other countries like some of the European Countries have already increased contributions or commitments to contribute to that. I think we will see a number of other countries stepping up. It is a real shame not to have the us moving forward on climate finance and in particular because historically the majority of emissions have come from the us over time. So not having the us step up to its financial commitments is a loss to the Global Community and particularly to these countries, be small and Vulnerable Countries, be small and Vulnerable Countries often small island states, many of these have contributed the least to Climate Change but they are the ones being hit the hardest by rising sea levels, by more frequent and severe storms, by other climate related natural disasters and they are suffering the economic consequences. What is interesting is you are still seeing strong leadership from these countries, last month at the un Climate Summit in new york we had 68 countries that came forward and said that they would achieve their current commitments under the Paris Agreement but would actually come forward with enhanced and stronger ambition next year in 2020. A number of those where those small and vulnerable states but they themselves are willing to step up their action even though they account for a small percentage of emissions, they are willing to step up emissions, they are willing to step up because they know that this is a global emergency. Thank you so much for joining global emergency. Thank you so much forjoining us. The eagerly awaited new series of the royal drama, the crown, begins later this month with 0scar winning actress 0livia colman taking over from claire foy as the queen. This series begins in 1964, and ends 13 years later with the silverjubilee. 0ur correspondentjohn maguire has been behind the scenes. Good morning. Its firstjuly, 1969, welcome to the investiture of the prince of wales here at carnarvon castle. Or, at least, as its being reimagined by netflix the exact same castle, the exact same location. As the worlds most Famous Family return, 0livia colman 0scar winnerfor one role as a monarch takes on another one. Its so much fun. I mean, look at the hats you get to wear. Its extraordinary, isnt it . People have forgotten about the hats. Yes. Its there, this is pretty good copy. Yeah, yeah, ive seen pictures, no way. Oh, yes, way. Yeah, yeah. 0n set, in between takes, im granted a royal audience. A person made a vow in their 20s to serve their nation, shes done it, shes now in her 905. Shes extraordinary. And never stepped away from it. Yeah. Ive become almost obsessed with her. Shes amazing and the show as much an investigation of the institution as it is the people, so its about those figures within this organisation, the sort of pressures, the weird loneliness of it. Tell me, its all any of us want to know. What do you want from us . Well, the truth is we dont know what we want. A recurring theme in the crown is the relationship with her Prime Ministers. Jason watkins is harold wilson. Im not going to do the voice now, youll have to wait. Its called a high larynx. He has a particular voice, but myjob is to sort of show him in all his eccentricities, perhaps, and his voice, and its a much impersonated voice, but i have to fill it up with whats going on and what the real emotions are going on and the real events of the day, which were traumatic. Age is rarely kind to anyone. Nothing one can do about it. Acting royalty playing real royalty, as the crown and the woman who wears it return. John maguire, bbc news, carnarvon. Time for a look at the weather, heres ben rich. Some of us have been played to date with quite a few showers. For others it has been brightening up especially across Northern Areas where we had some sunshine. But as you can see some cold air has been digging down from the north and we will all feel the effects of that tonight. It is bonfire night, still some showers around and also plenty of dry weather but turning quite cold. Some showers moving across the south east of england and some showers elsewhere as well. Some good clear spells and some mist and fog patches likely. And for the temperatures, widely close to freezing and some spots below. But it should be a bright start, some early showers and fog patches around. And then through the day we have this band of showers moving into the west and more persistent rain in Northern Ireland and west wales. Temperatures scraping perhaps into double digits in the far south west but generally between six and 9 degrees. 0n the thursday low pressure moving into the picture and we get a slow moving weather front across parts of north wales, the midlands and east anglia. Some heavy and persistent rain which could cause localised flooding. To the south of that sunshine and hefty showers and to the north, sunshine and showers, some of those likely to bea and showers, some of those likely to be a little bit wintry. As we go into friday that the wet weather sliding away and we are back to sunny skies across many parts of the uk. Generally a north easterly breeze across the country so temperatures again around 6 degrees, maybe nine or ten towards the south and that is about it. Heading into the weekend we still state rather cold, very cold on saturday morning with a widespread frost and then the rain slides in further perhaps some snow over higher ground. That is all from me. Today at 6 00 a cabinet minister apologises after hes accused of insulting the families of the grenfell victims. Theres an angry reaction afterJacob Rees Mogg says its now clear that families should have ignored the fire brigade and left the building. If either of us were in a fire, whatever the fire brigade said, we would leave the burning building. Itjust seems the common sense thing to do. Also tonight the lib dems launch their Election Campaign predicting a seismic change in british politics. Jo swinson says the partys message is clear stop brexit and offer the country new leadership. When i look at borisjohnson and Jeremy Corbyn, i am absolutely certain i could do a betterjob than eitherof them

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