The air has become unbearable. Lewis hamilton will start the us formula 1 grand prix in fifth position on the grid but is still poised to win the world drivers championship. And the travel show explores a hidden city in the Arabian Desert untouched for thousands of years. Thats in half an hour here on bbc news. Good afternoon. The leader of the brexit party, nigel farage, has announced he wont be standing as a candidate in the coming general election. He says hell focus instead on touring the country to support his partys candidates. It comes days after his offer of an electoral pact with the conservatives was rejected by borisjohnson. Heres our political correspondent, nick eardley. Love him or hate him, nigel farage has been a key face in british politics for years. Its like sponsored drinking there might be fewer pints these days, more chats with us president s, but after years of trying, seven elections, to be precise, he will not be standing to be an mp. I dont want to be in politics for the rest of my life. Do i find a seat, try to get myself in the parliament, or do i serve the cause better, traversing the length and breadth of the United Kingdom, supporting 600 candidates . And i have decided that the latter course is the right one. Will you stand yourself . No, very difficult to do both. Not that he is disappearing, after borisjohnson rejected the offer of a pro brexit pact, he is stepping up attacks on the government deal. Does not get us out of anything, does not work on any level, is a gigantic on. We should not sell out to this, it is a remainers brexit, virtually worse than staying where we are and if we go through this root, we will end up rejoining. Some believe this could split the pro leave vote, allowing labour through the middle. The only way to end this indecision and uncertainty and move on to focus on what they want is to vote for a majority conservative government that is going to get brexit done in a matter of weeks but also has an exciting and inclusive agenda. The brexit party are gunning for labour votes, too. Jeremy corbyn said this about Nigel Farages decision not to stand. A bit weird to lead a Political Party apparently contesting all, or most of the seats in the election, and he himself is not offering himself for election. He is obviously very comfortable on his mep salary. Nigel farage still wants to be part of the brexit debate, but in this election, that does not mean standing. The government has confirmed it will end the freeze on increases to benefits next year. Ministers say universal credit and other welfare payments will rise in line with inflation from april and the state pension will increase by 3. 9 . Labour called it a cynically timed announcement in the run up to next months election. So what has the freeze meant to people on benefits . Since the benefit freeze was introduced in 2016, 7 million families have lost an average of £560 a year. Thats more than £2,200 that theyve had to do without over that period. Ending the freeze wont restore that money but, if youre on jobseekers allowance, for example, you will see your weekly payment increase by £1. 24 from £73. 10, £74. 34. 0ur social affairs correspondent, michael buchanan, has more. Karl has been on universal credit for the past two years and has struggled to find work and get by on £200 a month. He doesnt think the extra money will make much difference. They might give you an extra £5 a month but, within three 01 extra £5 a month but, within three orfour extra £5 a month but, within three or four weeks, extra £5 a month but, within three orfour weeks, you will extra £5 a month but, within three or four weeks, you will get letters from your council tax and rent to say, this is going up £3 a month, thatis say, this is going up £3 a month, that is going up £2 a month. So they will get the fibre back a few. The freeze has seen most welfare payments stay the same level as they we re payments stay the same level as they were in 2015 rather than rising with inflation. But ministers again emphasised their belief that work was the surest route out of poverty. 0ne was the surest route out of poverty. One of the key things we want to do is to make sure that people work their way out of poverty unless they cannot work, and there is a key difference, and thats part of our philosophy, you will be better off in work than if you do not work unless you cannot work. One thing to note on that point is that having a job is no longer a guarantee of not being in poverty. The number of people who are in poverty and are working is rising at the fastest level. Labour have described it as cynically timed and emphasising the benefit freeze will continue for a numberof benefit freeze will continue for a number of months yet. Meanwhile, the labour leader, jeremy corbyn, has been setting out his plans to upgrade almost 27 million homes in the uk to make them more energy efficient. The work would include installing loft insulation and Double Glazing at an estimated cost of around £60 billion. The conservatives say the plans dont stack up. 0ur deputy political editor, john pienaar, has been giving us more details about the parties pledges. Parties generally save their big expensive promises until well into the campaign. This campaign has been running for weeks and months and today we have seen a supermarket sweep of expensive promises, many of them with questions of credibility 01 them with questions of credibility or affordability hanging over them 01 or affordability hanging over them or both. Boris johnson, or affordability hanging over them or both. Borisjohnson, his promise to end the freeze on benefits is on top of the promised to pump billions into schools and hospitals. This is to end austerity. He was happy to support it as an mp and cabinet minister for so support it as an mp and cabinet ministerfor so long at support it as an mp and cabinet minister for so long at the also promising to cut taxes. Jeremy corbyn was never going to be outbid bya corbyn was never going to be outbid by a conservative party when it comes to public spending but his promises are also on top of massive renationalisation programme with an effect on the pound, markets, the cost of borrowing. We cannot know all calculate at this stage. So it is none election unlike any we have seen and the voters are taking a big gamble. The scottish conservative mp ross thomson is to stand down after being accused of sexually assaulting a labour mp in a house of commons bar. Mr thomson says hes made the hardest decision of his life not to contest the seat for aberdeen south at the general election and denies any wrongdoing. 11 british people are reported to have been injured in a bus crash in northern france. The vehicle was travelling from paris to london when police say it toppled over taking a motorway exit. In all, 33 people were injured, four of them seriously. Dozens of flights to the indian capital, delhi, have been diverted because of Poor Visibility caused by toxic smog. Schools are closed and a Public Health emergency is in place in a city thats home to 20 million people. Pratiksha ghildial has sent this report. People in delhi are breathing the seasons worst and most toxic air. Pollution levels are more than 20 times the safe limit. The problem returns her every winter but many are saying this is the worst they have experienced. Protesters demanding a basic right, clean air. They believe there is not the political will to find a solution. You can obviously see how terrible it is and its actually scary you cant see things in front of you. Patients are coming with more lung respiratory diseases like more affected with asthma. 0ne one major source of the pollution his stubble burning. Farmers say they do not have the modern machinery they need to clear their fields without setting them alight. So the smoke from their fires drifts over the city where it stays for days on end. But the worst sufferers are people who work on the streets, like traffic police, took took drivers and the homeless. Indias government says it is doing what it can. It has banned construction activities, is limiting the number of cars on the road, and has asked for schools to remain shut for a few days. But despite the Public Health emergency, no long Term Solution seems to be in sight. There was virtually no sunlight in delhi today due to the thick layer of smog hanging over the city. Here on the streets, its particularly difficult to breathe and i can feel an itch in my throat. It is a huge concern for residents with studies showing that the pollution is causing higher levels of lung cancer and premature deaths. A mass has been taking place in a catholic Vietnamese Church in london to remember the 39 people who were found dead in a refrigerated lorry in essex ten days ago. Police have not confirmed the individual identities of the victims, but believe they were all from vietnam. 0ur correspondent Chi Chi Izundu was at the service. They gather to remember. This mass started with a video of the removal of the trailer with a 39 bodies inside, then a silence followed. The service was led by the bishop of westminster who offered prayers for the victims, their relatives and the emergency services. I suggested that we pray as well for the traffickers themselves. They might have a change of heart. I did say that i do think Human Trafficking is an abominable crime which needs to be eradicated. This community is following use of this investigation closely. It is a community in mourning as it is believed some members possibly related to those victims found in that trailer two weeks ago may have attended todays mass. The parish priest confirmed some families in the uk and vietnam have contacted him with information to help identify their loved ones, and he has passed down to the police. So far, i have got eight people, and two more tomorrow, i will see the police and get more information about these people. There is a relu cta nce about these people. There is a reluctance in this community to speak out. An escape by vietnam from the vote meant witnessing the deaths of those, according to this woman. We want freedom. Thats why we left vietnam. Essex Police Believe they may have identifies families for some of the victims have been in contact with relatives both in the uk and vietnam. They say they are still conducting investigations which are spanning many jurisdictions across the world. Police in essex have arrested a man on suspicion of murder after a car crashed into a pub. A 36 year old man was killed and three others were injured. It happened in the early hours of the morning at the spinnaker inn at hythe quay in colchester. At least four people have been injured in a knife attack in hong kong after another day of clashes between pro democracy protesters and riot police. Local media say that the assailant had been arguing over politics before taking out a knife. He was then turned on and subdued by an angry crowd. Riot police had stormed the Shopping Centre in tai koo district earlier after some protesters forming a human chain inside and began vandalising restaurants. I spoke to our correspondent, richard lister, about these developments in hong kong. This is the 22nd weekend of protests, so this has been a long running drama plaguing hong kong. There are rallies actually staged outside multiple Shopping Centres around hong kong. As you say, there are some protesters in this one particular incident, formed a human chain, eyewitnesses said that restaurants were vandalised before riot police intervened. And subdued some of the protesters with pepper spray. This incident that seems to have caused these injuries seems to have been sparked when someone went up to argue with the pro democracy protesters. At some stage, he pulled a knife, it said. There was a fight, a pro democracy councillor saw what was happening, he intervened and, in the course of the scuffle that followed, he seemed to have got part of his ear bitten off. 0ther protesters then turned on the original attacker and seems to have beaten him very badly. Much of this was captured pretty much live by cameras that were following some of these protesters around. As you say, police say there have been a number of arrests and as we also know there have been at least four people quite badly hurt, but it gives you a sense of the intensity of these protests that todays were not even as sustained and violent as those that took place yesterday when police were using tear gas, Water Cannons and rubber bullets against protesters who were using molotov cocktails and setting fire to subway stations. What are the long term prospects for bringing some kind of end to these protests . As you say, we have been going on for 22 weeks now and we saw with the gilet jaune protests in paris that they eventually subsided when there was some movement by the french government. The chinese authorities certainly dont seem to be moving at all in the protesters direction in hong kong. They did move in the protesters direction in september which, if we cast our minds back tojune, that was the original source of these demonstrations. This extradition . The extradition proposal whereby it was proposed to make it easier for Mainland China to extradite some criminal suspects from hong kong. Protesters went out in their millions back injune and in september it seems that beijing blinked and they withdrew that bill, but these demonstrations have developed a momentum of their own. Now there are a number of other demands that the protesters have. They want an amnesty for those arrested, they want an enquiry into the Police Brutality and crucially, they are calling for universal suffrage. The chinese leaders have signalled that they are preparing to change in the way they deal with these demonstrations but we dont know how. The headlines on bbc news the brexit party leader, nigel farage, says he is not going to stand as a candidate in the general election. The government confirms the benefits freeze introduced by the conservatives three years ago will end next april. Income tax will rise for the top 5 of earners and therell be increases to Corporation Tax under a labour government, according to shadow chancellorjohn mcdonnell. Airbnb, which allows people to rent property online, says its banning bookings for so called party houses. It follows the death of five people in a shooting in San Francisco on halloween night. Heres our north america correspondent, chris buckler. Parties have been a big issue for the company for a very long time, but what has led them to act was a party thrown at a home in 0rinda, which is an affluent suburb in San Francisco last week. Now, a woman rented that house, claiming she wanted to find a place to allow her asthmatic family to escape from the smoke from the california wildfires. In fact, she threw a Halloween Party in which 100 people turned up and it descended into violence. In which there were shootings and five people died in their 20s and late teens. Now, airbnb has said thats completely unacceptable and they say they are going to put in place new policies that will ban party houses. Now, that might prove difficult to do, but brian chesky, who is the co founder and chief executive officer of airbnb, has set out a number of things that they are going to do. He says theyre going to create a dedicated party house Rapid Response team and that theyre going to screen high risk reservations among other things. Hes pretty blunt in this post on twitter. He says we must do better and we will. Routine hip checks for babies are failing to spot problems that can lead to major surgery and complications in later life, according to surgeons in dundee. Hip dysplasia is a common condition, where the joint is not properly formed. It is usually picked up during a childs medical check at six weeks old, but Research Suggests four out of five children with the condition are going undiagnosed. Lisa summers reports. Hello this kind of routine check is done twice, within days of birth and then as a safety net at six weeks. Hello this kind of routine check is done twice, elena is four months old. She was lucky as her hip dysplasia was caught early and her treatment straightforward. There you go this was the harness she had, herfirst harness. You can see this strap, it was designed to keep her legs in that position. Hip dysplasia is a common childhood condition, but doctors say that too many cases of it are being missed. Its a very gentle and controlled method which isnt causing any discomfort or anything to elena, which is fantastic. Part of the problem we have with these children, when they present at walking age or late, the more time that passes, the harder it is to get a normal result. Even with the best surgery you can ever do. There is no stopping rowan now, but she had to undergo major surgery at around four months old. Problems with her hip were missed in both checks. She was in a traction for a week, so 24 hours a day with her leg suspended by her ankles in this frame over her cot. You miss the closeness you have with a young baby, it separates you physically from your child. It was only by chance that her dysplasia was discovered by a physio the family received for another matter. It shouldnt be down to luck, it should be down to proper training or systems that make sure it is picked up at the right time. All of the Health Visitors that we saw were doing theirjob, it was just a lack of that fundamental expertise. The team of doctors based here at ninewells studied data over a five year period and found if dysplasia was missed at the early check, it was frequently missed later on. We are really failing our patients and our population in not picking up the condition at an early stage. Therefore, subjecting our patients to major surgery at a later stage and an uncertain future. That can even mean hip replacements at a young age and a higher risk of arthritis. That is why doctors say an expert eye is required in the first few days. What we know is that if you have people with experience at doing the check, your rate of pick up is much higher. So if we can really focus on improving the pick up in the neonatal period and avoid the need to pick up at six to eight weeks when it is a really difficult thing to do. Meanwhile, to the delight of elena and her mum and dad, shes just been given the all clear. Lisa summers, bbc news. The people of south africa continue to celebrate yesterdays Rugby World Cup final victory. The springboks, once an all white team and symbol of the countrys deep racial divisions, is now a truly multi racial team and is captained for the first time by a black player, siya kolise. 0ur africa correspondent, andrew harding, reports now from kolises home, the township of zwide in port elizabeth. Port elizabeth, the heartland of black rugby in south africa. After yesterdays celebrations, they are either clearing up the mess. 0r still hard at it. Still drinking . Still celebrating . Obviously, in the morning a block away, on the street where siya kolisi grew up, his old neighbours have composed a song for the first black rugby captain. It is inspiring these dirty streets, inspiring the country, inspiring the continent. Kolisis younger brother agreed to show us inside the humble familys home and the floor on which they used to sleep. I would sleep here when i got home from school. So it was a poor family . Yes, poor, very poor. It is still a tough life for many black South Africans here, half of young people are unemployed. And at siya kolisis old rugby club, children dreaming of following in his footsteps still turn up hungry. Its still a challenge when it comes to quality. For black players, of course. Struggling with facilities. And a lack of nutrition. It is tempting to exaggerate the impact of sport on any society, but south africa is a young democracy, still finding its feet, and badly in need of the sort of inspiration that Nelson Mandela once provided. So, this victory really does matter here. A professional musician, who left his rare violin worth £250,000 on a train, has been reunited with the instrument. Stephen morris said a young man handed the violin back in a late night meeting in a supermarket car park in south london. Tara welsh has the story. It was made in 1709. Bach is in his 20s. It was made in 1709. Bach is in his 205. A it was made in 1709. Bach is in his 20s. A yearold violin, butjust last week stephen feared it was gone forever. 310. He left it on and 0rpington bound train after a long day. Violin is one of the closest instruments to the human voice. It is your voice is a violinist so it is your voice is a violinist so it is strange to have that taken away. He was desperate to found it and made an appeal on this programme. He was desperate to found it and made an appeal on this programmem you have it, hand in. It would be extremely difficult to sell. The story went viral on social media. Extremely difficult to sell. The story went viral on social medial have had messages from new york, australia, everywhere. And then came the breakthrough. The first thing was a tweet saying, i know somebody who knows somebody who knows where youre violinist, please give me your phone number, and at this point i was thinking, it could be hopes hoax, but may be it might be right, andi hoax, but may be it might be right, and i had a chat, and it turned out, i was pretty sure that it was the quy i was pretty sure that it was the guy. The man agreed to meet stephen in this waitrose car park in beckenham and after 10pm, this is where the violin was returned. Beckenham and after 10pm, this is where the violin was returnedl beckenham and after 10pm, this is where the violin was returned. I saw him coming towards me, and hejust had this lovely big smile on his face, and was clearlyjust very happy to be bringing it back. We shook hands, had a warm conversation, he said he was sorry he had put me through so much stress. And on future journeys, stephen will not be letting go of his violin. As wildfires have raged across parts of eastern australia, there have been concerns over the fate of hundreds of koalas. Many are believed to have died but there have been some survivors. Tim allman has the story. His name, for reasons unexplained, is corduroy paul, and hes been very, very lucky indeed. He was found curled up in a ball, dehydrated and clinging to life. Along with another koala called anwin, corduroy paul survived the fires that have ravaged his habitat. Thousands of hectares of land destroyed, trees and foliage turned to ash. Koalas are especially vulnerable, often defenceless in the face of the flames. Its just gone straight through and very little would actually survive in there unscathed. Wallabies, kangaroos, deerwould get out because they can run, but koalas just really cant. In the last few days, sydney has been shrouded in smoke. The strong winds have fanned dozens of bushfires. They are an annual occurrence but they have come unusually early this year. There are no reports so far of any injuries to people at least, but the scale of whats happening is frightening, nonetheless. Very scary. Weve been clearing out as much as we can of leaf litter and stuff like that, but what else can you do . This whole area is home to a very rare, genetically diverse koala population. As these fires recede, they will look to see how many remain. Corduroy paul may have survived but, for others, it could well be a different story. Tim allman, bbc news. Now its time for a look at the weather with sarah keith lucas. Have had rain and strong winds around. We still have low pressure with us. A slow moving area of low pressure with showers rotating around it so through the rest of this evening, heavy showers initially in the south west, pushing northwards across england and wales. Also some heavy rain for eastern scotla nd also some heavy rain for eastern scotland but it should be frost free with temperatures 5 10d. Tomorrow, eastern scotland keeps heavy persistent rain, Flooding Issues here. Away from eastern scotland, sunny spells and scattered showers. Most of the showers will be across southern and south western england. Some sunshine for northern ireland, central parts of england and temperature is 10 13d. The tuesday, then went to turn to a more northerly direction so things turned colder, especially in the north. 0ne or two shows the Eastern England and top temperature 7 13d. Goodbye for now. Hello, this is bbc news with shaun ley. The headlines. The brexit party leader, nigel farage, says he is not going to stand as a candidate in the general election. Do i fight a seat, try to get myself into parliament, or do i serve the cause better traversing the length and breadth of the United Kingdom supporting 600 candidates . And ive decided the latter course is the right one. The government confirms the benefits freeze introduced by the conservatives three years ago will end next april. Income tax will rise for the top 5 of earners and therell be increases to Corporation Tax under a labour government, according to shadow chancellor, john mcdonnell. 33 people have been injured in a coach crash in france 11 of them are british. Delhis toxic smog forces airports to cancel flights. The citys chief minister says the air has become unbearable. Now on bbc news, its time for sportsday with richard askam. A very good evening and welcome to sportsday. Im richard askam. 0n the programme tonight. Leicester city are flying high in the premier league after a fine win at Crystal Palace. Lewis hamilton has a date with destiny hes on the brink of securing his sixth formula one world title in texas tonight. And Great Britains women will defend their 0lympic hockey title next year after safely coming through their qualifying tie against chile. Also coming up in the programme. A hiccup for englands cricketers in their second t20 match in new zealand. And as south Africa Celebrate winning their third Rugby World Cup, a legendary springbok captain calls at their most significant ever. For the First Time Since 1995 again at this country is nowjust celebrating. Something that is as extraordinary and that has the power of sport. Hello and welcome to sportsday. Lots to come with Lewis Hamilton expected to win his sixth formula one world title in the next few hours, but we start with the premier league, as Leicester City continue their fine run of form under brendan rodgers. They, of course, thumped southampton 9 0 last time out, and today they travelled to Crystal Palace. Michael redford was watching. After their record breaking nine an youll win a grand the foxes arrived at Crystal Palace with their tails up, knowing that a win would bring them back into the premier league my top three. The eagles had been flying high themselves with one defeat in their last five matches. Despite it being just around the corner, this match struggled to find any spark. The second half began with a bang. A late challenge from jonny evans and he was perhaps fortu nate jonny evans and he was perhaps fortunate only to be given a yellow card. It was evanss defensive partner who finally lit up proceedings. He scored his first goalfor the club. Proceedings. He scored his first goal for the club. Lester selby went late on through a much more familiar name, that is ten now for the season forjamie vardy leicester. The last anyone here was a much 2016 and they went on to win the league that your. There may be fireworks again for brendan rodgerss site. games in and we have made a very good start. The players will get better. That is the nice aspect of it. Even a good balance in the team and the supporters are enjoying watching the team, which is great. And getting them is good victories, but were certainly not getting carried away and it has a long season carried away and it has a long season but we have made a good start. In the days later kick off a 1 all draw between spurs and everton was marred by a horrific injury to the everton midfielder andre gomes. After a really poor first half, dele alli picked up on a mistake to give spurs the lead. There was then a long stoppage as var looked at a penalty appeal from everton which wasnt given. But its the injury to gomes which will make the headlines for all the wrong reason. He was tripped by son and fell awkwardly. Son clearly very distressed by what happened. He was given a red card too. Those long stoppages brought 12 additional minutes of play, where everton, with their man advantage snatched an equaliser. It means spurs are still without a league win away from home since january. Rangers are through to the final of the Scottish League cup after they beat hearts at hampden park. Filip helander scored the first goal of the game just before half time. Alfredo morelos added a second early in the second half, before sealing the victory with his second of the game here to make it 3 0. Rangers will face their glasgow rivals celtic in next months final. The former Manchester City and liverpool striker Mario Balotelli threatened to walk off the pitch after suffering racial abuse in a match in italy. Balotelli, who now plays for his Hometown Club brescia, picked up the ball, kicked it into the stands and tried to leave during their game against hellas verona. The referee suspended play as part of uefas anti racism protocol. And after being persuaded to stay on the pitch by his team mates, balotelli then scored his teams only goal in a 2 1 defeat and it was an absolute stunner. England might not have got their hands on silverware at the Rugby World Cup yesterday, but Lewis Hamilton could well deliver some success today. The us grand prix gets under way in around half an hour and by the end of it hes likely to be formula one World Champion for the sixth time. Nick parrott reports. A sixth formula one world title is almost in Lewis Hamiltons hands. 0nly Mercedes Team mate Valtteri Bottas can keep him waiting, but the finn has his work cut out because he must win in austin or its all over. In a colder than usual texas, he kept the heat on in qualifying, claiming pole position at the circuit of the americas for the first time. This is one of hamiltons favourite tracks, having won here more than anyone else, but he could do no better than fifth more than a quarter of a second off the pace. Obviously not great, but it is what it is. We have another day to fight tomorrow, sojust turn focus towards tomorrow, but valtteri did a greatjob, so congratulations to him. It should be a fun day and theres all the possibilities still in the world, so lets see. Even if botas wins, hamilton will become champion if he finishes eighth. It would see him move above Juan Manuel Fangio in the all time list. Next season he could equal Michael Schumachers seven titles and surpass his 91 race wins and he already has more pole positions than anyone else. Already one of the greats, hamilton may go on to become the greatest of all. Nick parrot, bbc news. Best of luck to Lewis Hamilton. Englands cricketers have lost the latest t20 on their tour of new zealand. They lost by 21 runs in wellington, with the five match series against the black caps now level at 1 1 adam wild reports. They call that the ground in wellington at the cake tin and here was an england team are bringing with them at their own raw ingredient. Their bowler on an england debut taking time to walk up warm up. Still it was the fielding that was letting england down. This, one of five catches dropped. 0thers down. This, one of five catches dropped. Others were rising to the challenge, here was lewis gregorys first ball in international cricket, some start. By the time in new zealand were done, they had 176 on the board. Now how would england boss mike paxman batsmen how would englands batsmen respond . England were sloppy and getting theirjust deserts. Adam wilde, bbc news. Lets have a run through some of todays other sports news headlines, and. Rory mcilroys won his fourth tournament of the year. He came through a play off to beat defending champion Xander Schauffele at the world Golf Championship event in shanghai. Ashleigh barty has picked up the biggest prize money ever offered in tennis by beating Elina Svitolina to claim the wta finals title. The australian world number one won in straight sets in shenzhen in china and was rewarded with a record £3. 4 million. Exeter chiefs overcame a 14 point deficit to beat worcester warriors by 24 points to 20. Harry williams got the cruicial try with five minutes to go at sixways. And there was a brilliant performance from kenyas Joyciline Jepkosgei at the new york marathon. She won the womens event, in what was her first ever competitive race at that distance. She almost broke the course record as well. One to watch for sure. Its been a great day for british hoickey. Both the mens and the womens teams have qualified for next years Olympic Games in tokyo. They did it by winning the second legs of their qualifying matches today, and Katie Shanahan was watching at lee valley in london. Confidence was high amongst these home fans as Great Britain started to be day with a three goal lead and a fit on the plane to tokyo. Gb may be the reigning 0lympic champions, but there are few familiar faces from the side that won in rio. A bright start was needed and they got it through tessa howard. The 20 year olds need an edge settling any 20 year olds need an edge settling a ny early 20 year olds need an edge settling any early nerves. Need finish settling any early nerves. These players need to make their own legacy is only seven golden girls remain. 0ne legacy is only seven golden girls remain. One of them is laura unsworth, whose touch of magic doubled their lead, showing she hasnt lost her spark. Chile have never reached an Olympic Games. The pinnacle of the sport. In the final quarter, they managed to get a goal back, but it was little consolation. When you and we were disappointed not to come away with a medal. We knew we had to put any tough few weeks and we are all working hard enough and is, we do not have many breaks, so we put any solid block of training and you can see the results and were through to the olympics. It isjob done and were through to the olympics. It is job done for gb women as they had beaten chile 51 of the two games 5 1 are the two games. There was a relief and joy out there as they know that they can defend their 0lympic title in tokyo. The mens town was next. But they were joining the women in japan . Town was next. But they were joining the women injapan . The ticket for hype and today as qualifier against malaysia. Alan burnside opened the scoring with a slight penalty flick for his 100 international goal. And forsyth will stop with the pace at the olympics has occurred for the men and women, there is a big nine months ahead. As the teams prepare to head home, south africas1995 world cup winning captain Francois Pienaar says the springboks victory against england injapan yesterday is the most significant in their history. Even bigger than his historic triumph when he lifted the trophy on home soil alongside Nelson Mandela. They also won the title in 2007 but pienaar believes this world title tops them both. Immensely proud. The images and any m essa g es immensely proud. The images and any messages from back home is emotional. Valley time since 1995, again this country now is just celebrating something that is extraordinary. For the First Time Since 1995. That has the power of sport. People were glued to their Television Screens and when they lifted the cat people poured out into the streets and celebrated as one country. They did a tremendous job yesterday when they lifted the cup, people poured out into the streets and celebrated. The first black captivating, his story, coming from a township and what he has done, he is there flying for the first time in his life and going to watch his son play. That is hollywood star. That is hollywood stuff. South africa dominated the world rugby awards, flanker pieter steph du toit was player of the year, rassie erasmus, coach of the year, and Emily Scarratt was womens player of the year. The experienced centre helped england to the grand slam in the womens six nations championship earlier this year. The travel show is coming up next but before we go, we loved this from match of the day last night as gary lineker teased ian wright over the rumours hes about to head to the jungle, for im a celebrity. Good night. City leave it late, liverpool a bit lighter and apparently wright has offered to eat leaves. Get us out of here wright is off to eat leaves. I will be watching that one. I will be watching it, yeah. Norwich have come out of the jungle that is the championship. It must be a happy camp, iwould have the championship. It must be a happy camp, i would have thought. The championship. It must be a happy camp, i would have thoughtl the championship. It must be a happy camp, i would have thought. I mean, frank and his young team are passing all the trials. That is any faith he has shown them. He just got it, eventually in North Western saudi arabia, 1,000km from riyadh, lies the hidden desert city of hegra. Youd be right in thinking it looks similar to petra injordan. A cultured civilisation of traders known as nabateans, who built that, also built this as their second city over 2000 years ago. The difference is that these sites are relatively unknown, stunningly preserved and unscathed by years of tourism. Hegra sits in the vast governate of al ula. Ive gotta say, im blown away. This is an epic landscape, they say it is nearly the size of belgium while saudis International Reputation is being questioned right now, billions of dollars are being spent on the whole area, preparing it to welcome tourists as part of the countrys 2030 plan to shift saudi arabias economy away from Oil Dependency to other sectors, such as tourism. And this is one of their star attractions that they are hoping will draw in the crowds. Its brilliant, and you cant believe that it was done thousands of years ago. Whilst hegra has unesco World Heritage status, it has remained a largely Hidden Treasure to the rest of the world until now. By october 2020, the saudi government hope to have the site fully open and accessible to tourists. So, the nabateans they survived, they thrived, actually, why . Do you know what it means, nabatean . No. nabateans means in arabic a verb which means in english they were discovering the water. So they had a very smart way to discover the water. One of those ways, you can see how they carved from the top of that mountain to that row, so when its raining, the water gets down to that row. Through those channels. Yes. And in to that . Yes. Thats incredible. So it literally cascades into there . Yeah, in this, yeah. Archaeologists have so far found 150 wells like this in this area. Wow, it is quite big. But really, its the tombs that have the wow factor. Its certainly very cool down here. This inscription says this tomb belonged to the leader and his wife. In contrast to jordans petra, the wonder of these tombs lies in the information that researchers have gathered from the text on these stone inscriptions. The information, the occupations. So, they had a teacher, they had a doctor, so that gives a real example about this civilisation. They lived a normal life as we live today. They carved from the top to the bottom. You can see the decoration here so they have steps also. Nabateans believed when they passed away they get back to their god, so they have five steps on the right and on the left. I remember when i was a child, we came here with the family and we see these tombs. At that time, there wasnt any information about it, so we used the tomb for playing hide and seek. What does it mean to you, the nabatean culture . 0k, it means to me that my city has a lot of history, if you compare yourself with other countries, where they are really proud with their civilisation, so we believe here in al ula, al ula deserves to present and offer this for people. For the longest time the area had been largely closed off to archaeologists due to politics, religion and its remoteness. To go into an archaeological world thats never really been examined or touched before, to me isjust a remarkable opportunity. And ifeel genuinely excited every time i walk out onto the site. Is there a buzz when you find something in particular . There always is. I wouldnt be doing this and ive been doing it for a very, very long time if i didnt still get that buzz. And jamie believes there are still yet thousands more sites to discover. Advert be the first to witness a land of fascinating journeys. As part of the big push to change its image to the outside world, the saudi government has released a series of pr campaigns, as well as relaxing certain laws for instance on Womens Clothing and on unmarried tourists sharing hotel bedrooms. And they have since launched a new e visa scheme, open to 49 countries, allowing travellers to stay for up to 90 days. Though looking on social media, it seems like there is still a way to go to convince people to come visit. Weve had a lot of social media messages from our audience who are expressing a lot of concern about the human rights condition here, and the conditions for women, female travellers here. How can you reassure them about that . This is a bit of a challenge but saudi arabia has significant history, historical presence, nature and culture is again one of our main assets to saudi arabia. We believe that once you are here in saudi arabia, dealing with its people and you will feel the hospitality of the locals and saudis. We have, in petra a comparable site a footfall of 400,000 visits a year and its going through a big problem in terms of pollution, in terms of over tourism, really. You want 2 million here visits a year here. Arent you worried about the effects on this beautiful landscape . Two million might seem a big number, however given the size of al ula being 22,000 Square Kilometres which is almost the size of belgium and again developing the region in a responsible and sustainable manner is one of our key objectives. Were avoiding mass tourists, so that wont be an issue. I reckon that changing Public Perception will be the governments biggest challenge, because of its human rights record, equality issues for women and the countrys involvement in the ongoing war in yemen. You could argue that the shift to tourism and the need to attract more International Visitors may be the trigger to bring genuine reform to saudi arabia. Or this could just be a charm offensive. But theres no denying this place has some of the greatest and most unspoiled historical remnants in the world, which you can now experience first hand. So youve landed after hours in the air, youre dragging your suitcase across town, youre exhausted, youre a little frustrated and youve got a busy trip ahead, so youre feeling far from your best. Well, sit back and relax because this week weve got three gadgets designed to help you take care of yourself on the road. First up we have my skin track uv. This tiny sensor clips onto your collar or bag strap and monitors your exposure to sunlight. It connects to an app and tracks your location to give you real time information on pollen count, pollution and humidity. The app then recommends skin regimens based on your skin tone and those environmental factors. The sensor itself is fairly unobtrusive, its light and battery less and that clip is nice and sturdy. Today the sun is trying to poke its head out from behind the clouds, so lets give it a go and see how it works. The app is telling me the uv index is a moderate level so there is a very small risk of getting sunburned today, which is something that i definitely wouldnt have predicted, given the overcast state of the day. Its also worth bearing in mind this has been released by skincare brand so no surprises that its recommending its own skincare products, which does give the whole thing a little bit of an advertorial vibe. But the bottom line is we should all be more aware of the harmful effects that uv has on our skin and the sensor can certainly help make you a little bit more conscious about it. Youve made it to your hotel room with just enough time to freshen up. Coming in a rather sleek travel case the genius x electric toothbrush claims to be one of the worlds smartest toothbrushes. Complete with al brushing recognition. I know, a toothbrush with artificial intelligence. What exactly does that mean . A has been used to analyse lots of different kinds of tooth brushing techniques. That information has been been used to give you feedback on the way you brush your teeth. So we are now in the coaching part of the app. Apparently i have got a brushing score of 1 , which is pretty poor of course i can brush my teeth properly. I was brushing on camera. That is my excuse and im sticking to it. So, im not sure how i feel about this thing. That was a pretty good technique. That was a pretty harsh critique of my tooth brushing technique. What it did do was make me want to go back and try again and do better, which i did. I got a much better score. So it kind of gamifies the tooth brushing process, which i think its fun. The fact that it last two weeks on a single charge means it is a brilliant though slightly expensive way to look your gnashers on your travels. Nothing is worse than feeling run down when you arrive at any destination, but sometimes when you travel on your own you need an objective opinion to tell you how you really look. The hi mirror slide is a smart mirror with a built in camera. It can analyse your face and give you feedback on the condition of your skin before giving you tips and product recommendations. So you have a mirror at the front and ridiculously bright lights. Slap it open. All right, it has just taken my photo. A few areas of analysis. Pores, red spots, dark spots, wrinkles. This is definitely not for those who offend easily. Im not sure how i feel about being subjected to quite brutality. To being subjected to quite brittle cosmeticjudgments. To being subjected to quite brittle cosmetic judgments. There to being subjected to quite brittle cosmeticjudgments. There is designed to be portable but it is pretty big for a travel mirrors, so you might want to taking up space in your suitcase. And while it is a nice idea in theory it is critical and quite clinical in assessment of your facial flaws which is definitely not for everybody. Hello, certainly been a mixed weekend. Sunday brought in something quieter, sales and blustery showers around. This was the pitcher in east yorkshire as the sun set on sunday. Following if you share is out there on in the day. What about the week ahead . The existing unsettled, source other spells of rain at times and it turns cold through the week. Expect to see some frost and fog is a need to be, it is. For the here and now, we have the city of the pressure coming with us. It has been slow moving for several days are not ina hurry slow moving for several days are not in a hurry to get out of the way. Some heavy showers this evening across the south west initially and they will be pushing their way northwards to england and wales. The odd rumble of thunder for some of those heavier showers. A few showers for anotherfor those heavier showers. A few showers for another for scotland some heavy rain developing in the east and that is going to be persistent through much of the day monday. Five to 10 celsius overnight and could be a bit mistiness across parts of southern scotla nd mistiness across parts of southern scotland and england too. The snap of scotland are flooding possible for up aberdeenshire and caithness, away from it since cold, sunny spells elsewhere and if you hit and miss showers. Most be than heaviest for South West England and through the south coast. 0ne heaviest for South West England and through the south coast. One or two heavy showers here, but temperatures around ten to 13 degrees. Pleasant in the sunshine, but look out for the site had met showers. Today, we see the wind is turning to more of a northerly direction. Cooler, crisper weather to the north of scotland and toward northern ireland. Reasonably mad down toward the south east with a few showers here and temperatures and in london 13 celsius. Reasonably mild down towards the south east. That cooling trend continues into the midweek. 0n into wednesday, you can see the colder air mass linking south across the uk. When simon, likely to start off with frost and fog around, especially when you have the clearer skies in the east. Toward the west, a friend does estimating in bringing the cloud and rain towards parts of northern ireland, south west scotla nd northern ireland, south west scotland and western fringes of england and wales. They could be snow full over the Higher Ground of the highlands in scotland. Temperatures will range between five to 11 celsius. This is bbc news. The headlines at 7 the brexit party leader, nigel farage, says he is not going to stand as a candidate in the general election. Do i find a seat, try and get myself into parliament, or do i serve the cause better, traversing the length and the breadth of the United Kingdom, supporting 600 candidates . Ive decided that the latter is the right one. The government confirms the benefits freeze introduced by the conservatives three years ago will end next april. Income tax will rise for the top 5 of earners and therell be increases to Corporation Tax under a labour government, according to shadow chancellorjohn mcdonnell. 33 people have been injured in a coach crash in france 11 of them are british. Delhis toxic smog forces airports to cancel flights. The citys chief minister says the air has become unbearable

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