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Also tonight. As the general election is confirmed for december 12th, we look at the role of social media in the campiagn, as twitter talks of banning political adverts. Six years after the Helicopter Crash onto the clutha pub in glasgow, killing ten people, a report says pilot error was to blame. The pentagon has released footage of the Us Special Forces raid that killed Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, leader of the Islamic State group. And the story behind one of the standout performers of englands Rugby World Cup campaign, three days ahead of the final. And coming up on sportsday on bbc news, a bonkers night at anfield in the league cup. Raining goals. Well tell you who emerged victorious between liverpool and arsenal. Good evening. The head of the london fire brigade dany cotton has rejected calls for her resignation from survivors of the fire at grenfell tower. She expressed her deepest sorrow for not being able to save more lives. 72 people died in the fire in west london in june 2017. A report following the first stage of the Public Inquiry criticised the london fire brigade for serious shortcomings in its response. The inquirys chairman said the absence of a plan to evacuate the tower was a major omission by the brigade. And he said more lives could have been saved, had the policy of asking people to stay put in their homes been abandoned sooner. Our special correspondent lucy manning reports viewers may find some of the images in her report upsetting. My family. Here is my family. Why . I cannot sleep, i am always crying. The last thing i was hearing from my aunt was, where are the firefighters . And i rest it at that. Where are the firefighters . I pray every single day, since the tower, to die sooner, because i have no meaning in my life. No enquiry can comfort them. No blame brings them back. N0 warm words ease their harsh reality. Grenfell was a National Tragedy but their deeply personal one. This man lost his daughter, her husband and their two children. Leena, six months old, died in her mothers arms. Why . This is our families. I had a family. Fourfamily die. The report blames the cladding that surrounded the building for spreading these flames. It broke building regulations. The fire so fierce because the walls of grenfell were covered in a material that was flammable. But the focus of this part of the enquiry is what happened on the night. Despite the bravery of some firefighters, the fire brigade is heavily criticised for institutional and systemic failures. Telling people to stay put in these flames cost lives. Paulos tekle was told to stay put in the building, his five year old son isaac did not make it out. On the night i was there, i was suffering, still i am suffering with this situation. There was no excuse. We should have been rescued. We should have been helped by the firefighters. Nazanin aghlani lost her mother and her aunt. They were responsible to do a job, they had training, they had legislations to tell them what to do if compartmentation was breached. They didnt do it. They should be prosecuted, i am not saying individual firemen, because they did a greatjob, bless them, they probably dont even get paid that well. But the seniors at the top get good money to do a very serious job. The most senior fire officer is criticised for her remarkable insensitivity for her words at the enquiry. I wouldnt change anything that we did on the night. Today she apologised to the families. The 72 lives lost was the worst thing ever, london fire brigade are truly sorry we could not have saved everyones life that night. But do you accept that more people died that night because you did not evacuate the building on time . I think it will be very difficult for us to draw that conclusion and i think even sir Martin Moore Bick says he has no expert evidence to draw that conclusion. But he does draw that conclusion. So, will you resign and some of the families are asking . No, i wont, i will retire in six months time. Because my commitment is to making those changes and if i resign, i cant do that. The report found training for high rise fires was gravely inadequate, that they failed to cope with the 999 calls and that firefighters struggled to share information as the Communication Systems did not work properly. 46 recommendations are made, including National Guidelines and training for evacuating high rise residential buildings. Grenfell survivor Edward Daffarn warned that there would be a serious fire in the building months before it happened. We first met him on the morning of the fire, in the clothes that he fled in. My life, my self, was saved by a brave firefighter, from the 16th floor, who came and rescued me when i was taking my last breaths, and sir Martin Moore Bick in his report points out that there are many instances of brave and courageous act by firefighters. My own personal view of dany cotton is that she needs to be dismissed from her post. In the commons, they stood silent for a minute, as survivors and bereaved looked on at the politicians they feel let them down. They asked for the truth, we promised them the truth, we owe them the truth. And, today, the whole country, the whole world, is finally hearing the truth about what happened at grenfell tower. The shameful fact is, mr speaker, that feet have been dragged, the exact same cladding is on similar high rise blocks, sprinklers have not been fitted, thousands of people will go to bed tonight and tomorrow night not feeling safe in this country. This tower, a devastating testament to the companies which made the cladding, the authorities that allowed it to be put on, and the fire brigade who saved some, but failed others. Our special correspondent lucy manning is here. Lots of people placing a sharp focus on the fire brigade today, given what was said in the report, and some people taking a very strong view that the fire brigade are being scapegoated in some way. What is your reading of it . Well, there are certain a view at the top of the fire brigade amongst firefighters and even among some of the survivors themselves that it is not fair the focus of the criticism is on the fire brigade, and that is because this criticism this report is in two parts. The second starts in january and that will look at the companies that made the cladding, the organisations like the council and the Tenant Management Organisation who are in charge of the refurbishment and the government as well, and there is likely to be heavy criticism of them but theres a feeling this has been done in the wrong way. Families are also looking for prosecutions. They dontjust wa nt for prosecutions. They dontjust want words on the page of the report, they want people in the dock. But lets be clear, this is a vindication for the grenfell families, on the building not being safe, they were right. On the response from the fire brigade not being adequate, they were right, and it is not just being adequate, they were right, and it is notjust a National Tragedy but a national scandal, nevermore seenin but a national scandal, nevermore seen in the words from the report, of 12 year old Jessica Urbano ramirez, herfinal words of 12 year old Jessica Urbano ramirez, her final words to the 909 operator, can you hurry up, im begging you . She died in the fire. Thank you very much, lucy. Earlier today at westminster, it was probably the last Prime Ministers questions before the election, and Party Leaders attacked each other on some of the issues sure to feature in the campiagn, including the future of the nhs, and brexit. Mps voted last night to hold a general election in six weeks time. The house of lords gave its approval earlier this evening. During the day, dozens of current members of parliament have announced their decision not to stand in the forthcoming, as our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg reports. The warm up parliaments cameras capturing the last moments of this particular generation. The whole world knows that. Why cant he get it. The commons has examined every angle of brexit and failed to come to a conclusion. So, that conclusion will now be for all of us to decide what we make of them. And the contrast between these two is profound. The choice at this election couldnt be clearer. People have a chance to vote for real change after years of conservative and lib dem cuts. Privatisation and tax hand outs for the richest. Theyll be scrapping to be heard this will not be a gentlemanly debate. Leadership means standing up for the people of this country, and above all, it means getting brexit done, and ending the dither and the delay. The time for protest is over, mr speaker. Its time for Leadership Today theyve all been trying out their lines, practising pitches, the slogans youll hear again and again. But its the substance of their plans for the country that will determine who has the privilege of coming back to this place and, in the end, who takes up the Prime Ministers position in the glare, and under the pressure, at the dispatch box. Jeremy corbyn went straight from the commons onto the campaign trail, first to a hospital, then a rally in a marginal seat tonight. Labour suggested today they might agree to another referendum on independence in scotland. Keeping hold of any campaign is harder than directing a group of toddlers. The next five weeks are a big opportunity, as well as a risk for the snp. However you voted on brexit, its a mess, and the only way out of that mess is to stop brexit. Secondly, a vote for the snp is a vote to demand the right for scotland to choose our own future, not to have borisjohnson determining their future, but to put scotlands future into scotlands hands. And there might be huge change this time around. Several of the mps gathered with the lib dems leader today stood for different parties last time round. The liberal democrats are fighting our most ambitious election yet, because this general election is one where the future of the country for generations is at stake. And yet more than 50 mps have made their own decision to go. Including tonight a surprise, from the current cabinet minister nicky morgan, citing a dilemma, how to square being a minister in this cabinet with the desire to have a home life too. An era many are happy to leave behind. Thats me. Taking their own histories with them. This painting is of my ma ma. Churchills grandson, an mp since 1983, is saying goodbye. Its become a rougher, coarser place. Were in a period of profound disruption. I have no idea what will happen in this election, one way or another, but things are just blown up, in this era, and institutions are all under great strain. Would you forgive me for asking what you think your grandfather might make of you standing down, and what you have achieved since you have been here . Well, i dont think much, really but, i think hed be pleased that i tried. Thats the thing. Its been a great honour to be a memberof parliament, and i really mean that. And im very sad to be going. I thank my wife sally and our three children, oliver, freddie andjemima. Whether forced out or by choice, elections are about farewells. These are the speakers last days in his official chair, too. This chapter of our politics and the next is the story of individuals and us all. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. An independent forecaster has suggested that the Prime Ministers brexit deal would leave the uk £70 billion a year worse off than if it remained in the eu. The study concluded that in 10 years time the economy would be 3 and a half percent smaller than it would have been otherwise. Here at the treasury, they chose not to do an Economic Impact study of the deal struck by the Prime Minister with the European Union, even though they do have the computer model to do so, the chancellor saying it is self evidently in our economic interest. Like almost all other economic models, this report concludes no deal would lead to a weak economy over the decade. The newjohnson deal comfortably beats no deal in terms of the size of the economy by over 2 . This is the point the chancellor was making. But, compared to the status quo remaining in the eu that performance is a hit to the economy of 3. 5 . The National Institute also says thejohnson brexit deal would be a notably worse outcome even than continuing chronic uncertainty and actually slightly worse than the deal from theresa may it then changed. So, whats driving all that . That 3. 5 figure is not about the economy being smaller than it is today. Its about lost growth versus the status quo, worth £70 billion per year, permanently, and that is the equivalent of over £1000 per person. So, on the upside, we no longer pay the billions to the European Union for membership and there is the capacity to sign free trade deals around the world. That is a slight boost to the economy. But in and of itself, its outweighed by the extra frictions on trade with europe. The National Institute also predicts a hit to investment from abroad, that there will be fewer european workers, and that less investment means that our companies are less productive. Overall, a hit to the economy of 3. 5 in a decades time. Inside the treasury, they disagree with these calculations and say they can do better than a basic free trade agreement, but they have not shown their numbers. Faisal islam, bbc news. With the country still so sharply divided three and a half years after the Eu Referendum how much could peoples views on Brexit Change the way they vote . Can the conservatives persuade traditional labour voters who want to leave the eu to switch their vote . The West Midlands will be one of the key battlegrounds in this election. What happens there will be crucial to the final result. West bromwich west is a labour seat with a majority of almost 4,500. Its in an area that voted to leave the eu in the referedum. Our Political Correspondent alex forsyth sent this report. On offer for the next six weeks, an Election Campaign likely dominated by brexit. In fact, for some parties that is part of the strategy. The tories are targeting leave voters in labour areas, like here. Ijust want i just want to be out. Here, more than two thirds of people voted to leave the eu, and there is frustration it has not happened. That is what borisjohnson wants to tap into, butjeremy corbyn will be fighting hard to hold these seats. Mike, whos run his own businesses for years, is seeking a clear message. Labour have done themselves no favours, they keep changing their position so many times, whereas, the conservatives, they have said they want to get brexit done. Do you trust borisjohnson to deliver brexit . 100 , definitely. But in some of the uks industrial heartlands, turning traditional labour voters tory is no easy task. This manufacturer imports and improves steel security doors. The boss wants a brexit outcome. I want a decision and i want to deal with the consequences, almost regardless of what they are now. Ijust want more certainty. But for some staff, theres not much trust in the tories and after borisjohnson failed to meet his own exit deadline, that will be part of labours attack. I think boris is useless. He gave it big at the start, saying we would be out by the 31st. Obviously were not. Hes playing silly beggars. At this point, another referendum, see what everyone wants. Borisjohnson might hope his promise of a brexit revolution will win him this poll, but elections are a risky numbers game and in targeting leave areas like this he risks alienating remain voters elsewhere. Polly had wanted to stay in the eu. A vet and a climber, she wants the election to drill down to policy beyond brexit, and that is Jeremy Corbyns comfort zone. If they push brexit through, and it is done by march, or something, then we have a party whose policies on other things we may not agree on. We need to make sure that we look at all the other whatever else they want to talk about, not just brexit. But brexit will be a key factor here. Relatively the midlands and the north of england is where disproportionately at least the battle between conservative and labour is located, the conservatives advanced strongly in 2017 in leave areas but the question is whether they can advance even further. The biggest westminster parties have got some way to go in this campaign yet and remember they are not the only ones in the fight. Alex forsyth, bbc news. Twitter has announced this evening that it will ban all political adverts on its platform. Chief executive jack dorsey said that political messaging should be earned not bought;. It comes amid growing concerns about how social Media Channels are being used to influence elections. Our media editor amol rajan has this assessment of how the fight for voters attention is increasingly being waged online. Recognise any of these . In the coming weeks brace yourself for a further onslaught of adverts in your social media feed. Elections used to be all about the ground and air war, leaflets through the letterbox or Party Political broadcasts. Today there is a third front, the cyber war, and this digital blitzkrieg is the most complex and controversial of the lot. Data from the Electoral Commission shows the proportion of Campaign Money going to Digital Advertising is growing fast. The issue isntjust Political Parties, its anyone with a political message to sell. Theres potential for a lot more money to be spent here. We dont know necessarily who is spending this, what the content of this advertising is, thats a big problem for us in terms of working out if there needs to be regulation here. Its in response to these concerns that tonight the boss of twitter announced there would be no more political advertising on twitter globally. But despite what might seem like a significant shift, political ads on twitter have a fraction of the impact of those on facebook. In the 2017 election uk Political Parties spent £3. 2 million on facebook ads and just £56,500 on twitter ads. In any case, the vast majority of what cuts through on twitter is shared content, rather than paid for ads. If we act now, we can stop brexit. Every day theres an avalanche of political campaigning online. Just the past 24 hours, the lib dems paid for this targeted ad. Meanwhile on their Facebook Page the conservatives and the brexit party released rousing videos, energising their base. You would have seen one of these videos if you follow those parties on facebook or if a friend of yours does and shared or reacted to such a video. On the e mail front, a so called chip in message from labour raised £190,000. Free speech is a pillar of our democracy but it only works if you and i know who is doing the talking. Alas, when it comes to social media platforms sometimes we dont. For instance, we often dont know who is ultimately paying for this marketing. It could be foreign or malign actors who deploy social media precisely because regulation is so weak. And of course amid all the clamour and propaganda online, its those who engage our emotions rather than appeal to reason who find their messages cut through. Digital campaigns have no beginning or end. They are constant, its just the volume is turned up or down according to political need. In the coming weeks, the noise will be deafening. Amol rajan, bbc news. In the past hour the pentagon has released details and footage of the Us Special Forces raid that killed Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi the leader of the Islamic State group. He was killed during the night Time Military operation on saturday inside a syrian compound. Lets get more from our north america editorjon sopel. As you say these pictures show the denouement of this operation, and we can run the first lot of pictures, this is in north west syria in italy the province, us specialforces, delta force, moving into position to launch their attack idlib province. There was also an attack from the air, helicopter gunships. The final sequence of pictures is after the Us Special Forces have got out of the compound, and from the air missiles coming down and totally flattening where Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi had been hiding out. In the past few moments, donald trump has been at the white house, and he has been at the white house, and he has said america congratulate you on the operation, and the whole world congratulate you on the success of the operation. Many thanks. Thanks for joining the operation. Many thanks. Thanks forjoining us. An inquiry into a police Helicopter Crash at a glasgow pub six years ago has found that it could have been prevented had the pilot followed emergency procedures. Ten people died when the helicopter came down onto the roof of the busy clutha bar as our scotland correspondent lorna gordon reports. Sirens it was a friday night in november and the clutha bar had been packed with people listening to live music when the Police Helicopter fell from the sky. Are you ok . Cctv Images Released publicly for the first time show the shocked crowd spilling from the pub, the aircraft embedded in the roof. The days after revealed the devastation inside. Mary kavanagh was one of those who managed to get out. Her partner, robertjenkins, didnt. Robert went to the bar to get us a drink. And thats when the helicopter came down. I have been through almost six years now of wanting to know what happened that night and i still feel i dont know. Theres still so many unanswered questions. In all, seven people inside the bar and all three crew including the pilot, died that night. More than 30 others were injured. The fatal accident inquiry had one key question at its heart, why did this happen . Why did the Helicopter Crash onto the roof of the clutha that night . The sheriff concluded that the pilot david traill had ignored the low fuel warning is. He said that if the captain had followed procedures the accident would not have happened. Ian oprey lost his son mark in the accident. This report has brought him little comfort. Theyve laid the blame totally on the pilot, david traill, and it makes me really angry. I think its outrageous. Wheres the sheriffs evidence for it . The report praised the dignity of those bereaved. Six years on, their grief is still raw, in this tragedy that shocked a city and changed many lives. Lorna gordon, bbc news, glasgow. South africa has imposed emergency measures, and is declaring several regions disaster areas, in response to the worst drought in living memory. Some areas have gone without substantial rainfall for up to five years. Our africa correspondent Andrew Harding reports from one small town, graaf reinet, which lies at the heart of the crisis. In a lonely corner of south africa, a small town is starting to wonder if it has a future. No water. It hasnt rained here, not properly, for five years now. And the local dam is, well, ask the fish. There have been droughts here before but none this ruthless. The suffering is stark. A gift of hay may save these cattle but it comes too late for half the herd. Ive lost nine cattle net only myself. Nine dead . Nine dead. From starvation . From starvation, from drought. This vast region depends on farming. Not much left here, and this is from the five years of drought. But even the biggest farms are being pushed towards the brink. If this drought persists for another two years i dont think there will be many people left here. In town, a local charity hands out bottled water, but its hardly a long term solution. Who do you blame . Who . Who else but the government . You think they should have planned for this . They should have made a plan. They knew this was going to happen. The local Authorities Say they have tried. They have dug wells, enough to keep some water flowing some of the time, but this has been a wake up call. I was very sceptical about it, almost saying it will never happen to us, but its happened, its really happened, and what we are seeing now is part of climate change. And people are just going to have to, even countries where they have lots of water, they have got to start realising the situation is changing drastically. The reason whats happening here today matters to all of us is because this region is currently warming up at about twice the global average, two degrees already, perhaps five or six degrees within a matter of decades. Which means that what we are seeing here today is, if you like, a glimpse into the future. And its not looking promising. The lessons from here are urgent and familiar plan earlier, adapt faster. Andrew harding, bbc news, graaf reinet in south africa. Hes had one of the standout performances of englands Rugby World Cup campaign, but rugby hasnt always been Kyle Sincklers passion. Known as the bad boy of the sport, he went to a school that didnt teach rugby, and grew up playing football instead and now hes just three days away from playing in the Rugby World Cup final against south africa, as Natalie Pirks reports. Hes englands battering ram. The hard hitting prop dubbed the tooting train, whose speed and force have made him a standout star injapan. But Kyle Sincklers route to the World Cup Final has been far from conventional. He was always full on, you know, full on. Its almost like, give the ball to kyle nigel coached him here at battersea ironsides from the age of eight. For a sport rooted in Public School privilege,

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