Donald tusk, has confirmed hes received a formal request from borisjohnson to delay brexit. Mr tusk said he would start consulting eu leaders on how to react. The british Prime Minister sent the letter after mps voted not to approve his dealfor the uk to leave the eu until all the legal steps had been completed. Turkeys president has threatened more bloodshed in north east syria after turkish and Kurdish Forces accused each other of violating the five day ceasefire. Turkeys president vowed to crush Kurdish Forces unless they withdrew from a 30 kilometre safe zone proposed under the deal. President trump has scrapped plans to host next years g7 summit at his florida golf resort after critics claimed he was using his office for personal gain. He is accusing democrats and Media Outlets of crazed hostility and says the event now be may now be staged at camp david in maryland. Now on bbc news, our world. Sirens wail. There is no other medication which within a week can condemn someone to a life of addiction. It is possible that i was promoting a drug on the basis of fraudulent science. But there was too much money to be made. When they first entered life, their first breath of air came along with withdrawal symptoms. If the pharmaceutical companies knew about the addiction possibilities, then its horrific that they would steal my son away from me. There is no other medication that kills so many people as opioids. My name is jacob, i am 12 years old. Dear addiction. Why did you turn my parents into something they are not . I dont know my own father because of you. It is not really that cool to ruin peoples lives. I couldnt have a normal childhood or a life, because of you. My name is keira and i am 11 years old. Dear addiction. You tore apart my family, why mine . I have been lied to because of you, i have cried because of you, i have been bullied because of you. Signed, an upset child. These are stories from a summer camp that no child should have to tell. I think, like, nobody really understands how i feel. I dont even know where my dad is, and really who he is, and also if he is doing drugs, not knowing if he 0ding and died, or hejust keeps 0ding. One in 8 children in america live with a parent who lives with a Substance Abuse disorder. My dad would bring needles into the house, and then my friends, when they come over theyd be like, whats that, and i would be embarrassed to bring any more friends over. And they all have secrets that they need to share. Alright, show of hands, do you have a parent, close friend or relative who has died from drug abuse . So we have 100 of hands. Does anybody want to talk about that . Yes. I know people that overdosed and died. You shouldnt go to rest like that, you should go to rest a peaceful way. Not hurting and in pain and high and all that. How about, do you have a parent, a close friend or relative who has overdosed . So that is why we are doing this work, right . Because all of us have those very, very, very hard and tragic things in common. Well know somebody who has overdosed, right . At least once. Anybody afraid that something might set off them using again . When i was younger, in elementary school, and like. I would get in trouble, i would beg my mum not to tell my dad because i dont want him to find out and then him go and start doing drugs again, because then it would affect me even more. Sometimes whats going on in the house makes you want to not be there. Go ahead. There is a lot of instances where i dont like being in the house because shes, like, bringing drunk people over, high people over, with their families and talking to them, because it makes me uncomfortable because i dont like it in the house, you know . My sisters name is laura. I just love her. She is there for me, she is helping me get into middle school. I am trying not to fall off this swing. Sarah, shes probably my best friend. She doesnt deal very well with feelings, i think that is why she didnt participate very much today. And she is going to sixth grade this year. Middle school. And that is a very big emotional step. When i was in middle school i could probably name four or five people that could definitely sell me drugs. Or my closest friends, that could give me drugs, if i really wanted to ask for them. And i dont think shes ready to experience all of that. And i dont think she is ready to be able to process things like that. Americas Opioid Epidemic is hard for anyone to process. Every 11 minutes, someone dies of an overdose. Thats more people than those killed by gun attacks or car accidents. But these are more than just statistics. These are the men and women, the mothers and fathers, and the children who have been sucked into what has become now known as americas greatest health crisis. 80 of heroin users started their path to addiction on prescription painkillers. And now pharmaceutical companies are being blamed for igniting this epidemic. Five years ago, the us had 5 of the worlds populations, we were using about 80 of the worlds oxycodone. So we clearly had an overprescribing and an overuse issue. And that led to this high addict population that we had. As we realised what happened and started to clamp down on these addictions, we have this gigantic addicted population of americans out there that need an opiate. Voiceover imagine a life with chronic pain. Persistent, debilitating, stabbing pain. It was in the 1990s when this Opioid Epidemic begin. Pharmaceutical companies assured the medical community that prescription opioids, originally prescribed for cancer patients, could be used to treat all chronic pain. But it was Purdue Pharma, with their painkiller oxycontin that revolutionised how they were marketed. Purdue pharma was very effective in promoting their products, and in persuading us in those early days that their drug was different from the opioids we were used to using, and that it was likely to be more effective and safer than the opioids that had been used before. We were responding to a brilliant Multifaceted Campaign that was really a Marketing Campaign disguised as education. Voiceover many doctors and policymakers now say that opioids are safe and effective medicines for treating chronic pain. Opioids are not safe. These are probably the single most dangerous class of medications that there is. Some patients may be afraid of taking opioids, because they are perceived as too strong, or addictive. But that is far from actual fact. Less than 1 of patients taking opioids actually become addicted. There is no other medication that kills so many people as opioids. There is no other medication which, within a week, can condemn someone to a life of addiction. Within four years of oxycontin being introduced, purdue doubled the size of its sales force. So at the time when i joined the company and on into the first couple of years, the three years i was with the company, i was very excited about what i thought was the good we were doing for the patient. However it wasnt until several years later, after i left the company, that i began to realise, and it was brought to my attention that what i could have been doing, not knowing at the time that i was doing it, it is possible that i was promoting a drug that was. On the basis of fraudulent science. Looking back and knowing what i know now, i have no doubt in my mind that who is to blame is purdue themselves, and the family that owns the medication, that owns the company. Purdue pharma argues that they manufacture a government approved medicine that provides relief for millions of pain patients who need it, and that they only supply a tiny portion of americas opioid prescriptions. Connecticut is home to Purdue Pharma. Its attorney general is attempting to hold them to account for the lives lost and money spent on the opioid crisis. I dont think that we as a state, and as a country, understood the depths and the extent to which the defendant members, the Sackler Family and purdue were engaged in misconduct and how far reaching it was. But now we know. This is an email conversation between then purdue president Richard Sackler and an acquaintance around 2001. And the acquaintance writes abusers die, well, that is the choice they made. I doubt a single one didnt know of the risks. And Richard Sackler writes back abusers arent the victims; they are the victimisers. And i gotta tell you, every time i read this email its hard to read, its hard to stomach that someone would write about people who are suffering, people who are in real distress and people who have died. We are learning more about a former football star found dead in an apparent drug overdose, last friday in scottsdale. I am angry, that the world lost a really wonderful person. And i am angry that his daughter has to grow up without a father, and i am angry that i dont get to hug my son. This is wherejill hernandez came to watch her son brock grow up every weekend. This field brings back a lot of memories. He just lived for being on the field. Thats brock, number 22, when he was 13 years old. He was just a gifted athlete basketball, baseball, football. Football was his passion. He was such a good player and he gave his heart every single game. There were injuries every year, if not every season, for whatever he was playing. And sometimes that led to a broken bone, a surgery, you know, screws being put in his foot. He was always was prescribed some form of painkiller. Brock died in 2017, he was 2a years old. Its not just another story, hes a live human being who has touched our lives, who was in our hearts, who we will all miss. Its not just another number on the tv. If the pharmaceutical companies knew about the addiction possibilities and its looking from what i read that they did then its horrific that they would steal my son away from me. Do you believe purdues pharmas marketing was overly aggressive . No. 19 years after 0xycontin was launched, Richard Sackler was still defending purdues marketing practices. Do you believe the marketing was appropriate . I believe so. I presume somewhere Richard Sackler in the dark of night knew what he was doing was wrong. But there was just too much money to be made. And i think, for me, we learned how for the banks they were too big to fail in 2008 2009, well, some of these pharmaceutical companies, it feels like theyre just too big to care. In total, 48 states have now filed lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies for their role in the opioid crisis. New york is in the midst of a crisis, a crisis that has ravaged our communities and families. A crisis that is claiming lives young and old all across our state and our nation. A crisis that we firmly believe that was created and perpetuated by the manufacturers and distributors of opioid drugs. Today we are suing the giant, the pharma lord who created 0xycontin. We believe the Sackler Family has contributed to the death and devastation in indiana and across this country. 0ur complaint alleges that Purdue Pharma knew as early as the 1990s knew that one of the drugs, 0xycontin, was among the most abused opioids in the country. This lawsuit contains detailed allegations about the Sackler Family and their attempts to hide the vast fortunes they collected at the expense of actual lives. Purdue pharma sent this statement to the bbc. Every 15 minutes a baby in america is born suffering from opioid withdrawal. These two children belong to that frightening statistic. Their father kevin also fits an alarming trend. Do it to me laughs. His addiction began when he was prescribed opioids after a football injury. He was 13 years old. I am worried about my boys being subject to addiction and that whole lifestyle. It scares me to death to think they would do what i was doing at their age. Im pretty sure i was high when i was watching and participating in the delivery of my son and couldnt wait to get out of there to go use more. Theyre father and son. Come on, weve got to rescue them. Theyll dry out. When they first entered life, their first breath of air came with withdrawal symptoms. Just thinking about that. It always brings up a weird feeling within me, but it also drives me to do more of what i do today and moved the way i do today and set more examples for them. Kevin now works as an interventionist, having helped other families trapped in this crisis. This familys son derek has been battling an opioid addiction for 1h years. s up, dude . Mind if we talk to you for a few minutes . No. Do you know who i am . You look fine to me. Weve been talking and we put together a nice little situation. Its long term, there is really no time limit on it. So theres not going to be a lot of pressure for you, you know, outside of whatever pressure you might put on yourself. And, youve got a loving family that supports the heck out of you and ill be by your side every step of the way. So, all we need to know from you is how do you feel about that . Yeah . You like the idea . You know, im excited for you and i know this is confusing and probably a little difficult to comprehend. The good thing for you is that everythings kind of taken care of, you dont really have to do anything but put one foot in front of the other. So, think it sounds like a good idea . Awesome. Its the chance of a lifetime, bud. A gift of a lifetime. I love you. It will be good. You will get what you wanted. Yes. Ive been struggling for a while now, ever since 2005. Its been a long time. This means a lot to your parents. Do you want to say anything to them . Um, theyve been here for the whole thing. Theyve been here for everything. Thank you. For everything. Never give up. I love you. Youre going to get a whole lot better. But after struggling with addiction for so long, its hard to break free. He says hes not getting on the plane like this, hes freaking out, hes scared now. Youre going to be all right, dude. Your moms out there shaking like a leaf, thinking oh, man, we did the wrong thing here and this is bad. And she is counting on this. It was scary for a moment, didnt think it was going to happen. And, i dont know. Whatever kevin said, what a blessing. What a blessing. It looks like hes ready. To start the rest of his life and, yeah. Hes going. Yes god, yes its awesome. So awesome. Derek flew to florida for rehab. Two months later he is clean and doing well. As millions of americans struggled with addiction, pharmaceutical Companies Made billions of the sale of opioids. But others are also being questioned, including the food and drug administration. Looking back, knowing what i know now, i dont put the blame on anyone except for the company themselves and probably the fda that approved the product. It so happens that the same fda official who approved 0xycontin, which, shortly after proving the drug, took a position working for Purdue Pharma. The fda exists to protect the pharmaceutical industry, and it is funded by the pharmaceutical industry, primarily. I feel like all the attention paid to this one family in the role played by other pharmaceutical companies that did exactly what purdue and the Sackler Family did, is also missing some of the failures of our regulatory agencies, federal agencies, state agencies. All of the problems that need fixing. If we put the blame the solely on the Sackler Family and their greed, we arent going to address these other failures. And one of the greatest failures of all is that the hopes and dreams of so many children have been shattered by this epidemic. My hope for sarah is that she can grow up and have a family of her own, if she so chooses to. She can separate herself from the addiction and Recovery Community and it wont come back to haunt her later. My message to men and women in active addiction that have children is to just realise that your actions are bigger than you. And that your actions could affect your kids or your kids friends or your grandkids. Pharmaceutical companies will likely be fined billions of dollars for igniting this crisis, but will these children ever be free from americas Opioid Epidemic . Hello there. Saturday was a day of contrast. We finally got some much needed sunshine across central and southern england and, in fact, in hampshire, we had over seven hours of sunshine. Thats not bad for this time of year. It was a different story though further north, across the scottish borders. There was some heavy, persistent rain at times, and some blustery winds and, in fact, edinburgh had 34mm of rain, around an inch and a half of rain, throughout the day. So the radar shows where that rain tended to sit, through much of saturday. It is starting to weaken off now, as the area of kow pressure is drifting into the north sea, and its allowing a northerly flow to start to dominate across the country. So as the showers fade away and the northerly air kicks in, we will start to see those temperatures falling away, so it could be potentially a chilly start to sunday. Particularly in rural parts of scotland and lincolnshire, in south east england, we are going to see low single figures, maybe low enough for some pockets of frost. So we start off on a chilly note. That low pressure sitting out in the north sea could feed a little more cloud along those east coasts and a few scattered showers. So here it could be cold and disappointing, but further south and west, away from the low, we should see the cloud breaking up, the sunshine coming through and highs peaking at 9 11; degrees. So thats the story on sunday. Just need to draw your attention to whats happening across the near continent. This frontal system may well move towards the essex and kent coast, overnights sunday into monday, and produce some wet weather, but the High Pressure is building in from the atlantic, so that is the dominant force to the weather story on monday, as you can see. Largely fine and dry but we will need to keep a close eye on events down into the south east. That could be a little bit of a fly in the ointment. Generally speaking though, highs are likely to peek, again, at 9 11; degrees. Now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, that area of High Pressure pushing in from the atlantic willjust slip its way steadily southwards, and thats going to allow weather fronts to topple across the high and push into the far north west. So potentially bringing the risk of some more wet weather and certain windy weather at times as well. So only up into the far north of scotland potentially on tuesday. Elsewhere, with a south westerly feed, might be a little more cloud along west facing coasts, but a little bit milder with it as well. You can see the theme is generally a dry one across the country, with highs of 11 15 celsius. So as we you move out of tuesday into wednesday and thursday, its a similar feel to things. We keep the potential for some wetter weather up into the far north. Much of england and wales stay dry and a little milder. Take care. This is bbc news. Welcome if youre watching here in the uk or around the globe. Im james reynolds. Our top stories president trumps plans to host next years g7 summit at his florida golf resort hit the rough. Hes accused of misusing his office for personal gain. Donald tusk receives a formal request to delay brexit from the british Prime Minister borisjohnson was forced to make the request after a bruising defeat in westminster. He says its a mistake. And an overnight curfew comes into force in chiles capital, santiago, after two days of violent protests

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