The latest in the dramatic twists and turns around turkeys invasion of north east syria. A senior kurdish commander has now said his forces will accept the climate is changing fast, the 5 day suspension of fighting but what can we do to help avert announced by turkey, in some parts of the border. A full blown crisis . After talks with the us Vice President , turkeys president agreed to pause should we change our homes. The military advance, to allow Kurdish Forces so, effectively, were putting to retreat from a 20 mile zone on the syrian side of the border. A new house over the top of an old one. The way we travel. Its taken about 50 minutes to get home. I do feel a bit tired now, but there are reports actually, i have to say. Of new clashes already. Our middle east editorjeremy bowen 0h . What we eat . Reports from ankara. The meeting did not start well, contrary to the immediate disgust that you have, dark stares, cold handshakes. They are very tasty. Tonight on panorama, how much difference can the United States and turkey are supposed to be allies but it didnt look like that. After more than five hours of talks, Vice President mike pence emerged backed by the us secretary of state with a hint of a smile. Today, the United States and turkey have agreed to a ceasefire in syria. But the war in syria has a way of wrecking ceasefires. The war has morphed into another shape these last ten days or so. A generation of syrians has grown up amongst casualties and death. If this agreement holds it is only limited in scope. The turks, who will pause the operation for 120 hours, insist they were not intimidated by trumps threats. Instead, they say, the deal delivers what they want. This is not a ceasefire, said the foreign minister, we are taking a break so the terrorists can leave the security zone. The americans will also destroy their heavy weapons and positions. Something like 300,000 civilians, mostly kurds, have been displaced by the fighting, and their leader has said his side will accept the agreement. It is too soon for these families to go home but it might also be too soon for kurdish fighters to want to put down their weapons. Many blame President Trump for creating the crisis. But he sees proof of what he sees as his strategic brilliance. President trump and his critics will go on arguing about his responsibility for the crisis but what is certain is that the events of the last ten days or so have permanently changed the strategic map of syria. That will have consequences for the way the war eventually ends and for what happens to syrian civilians. The fighting was supposed to stop just before dusk but it is unlikely to go easily from here. Jeremy bowen, bbc news, ankara. Lets get some of the days other news. Venezuela has won a seat on the United Nations human rights council, despite widespread criticism of its human rights record. Nicolas maduros government called it an important achievement. At least 50 countries no longer recognise him as venezuelas legitimate leader. Protests have continued for a fourth day in barcelona after senior separatist leaders were given lengthy prison sentences for their part in the 2017 independence movement. Trade unions have called for a general strike on friday. Streets across lebanon have been filled by protestors demonstrating against the governments management of an economic crisis. Theyve been the biggest protests in yea rs. In the last few hours police in the capital beirut have used tear gas against the crowds. People across the us have been paying tribute to the veteran congressman and civil rights leader elijah cummings, who has died aged 68. He represented maryland and chaired the powerful Congressional Oversight Committee he was a key leader in the investigations into President Trump, clashing with him many times. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said congress would miss his wisdom, warm friendship and great humanity. Having secured a brexit deal with european leaders the british Prime Minister now has the more difficult task of securing the backing of the uk parliament. He has urged mps to vote for the agreement at a special sitting of parliament on saturday. But its by no means straight forward partly because of his acceptance of customs checks on goods entering Northern Ireland from elsewhere in the uk. That has alienated one of his key backers, the democratic unionists. 0ur Political Editor Laura Kuennsberg reports from brussels. At speed, tucked under his arm in the red folder, perhaps the way borisjohnson can take us out of the eu in a matter of weeks. This is a great deal for our country, for the uk. I also believe it is a good deal for ourfriends in the eu. And what it means is that we in the uk can come out of the eu as one united kingdom. It hasnt always been an easy experience for the uk. Now is the moment for our parliamentarians to come together and get this thing done. Why are you confident this can get through parliament when it doesnt seem to be the case at home, and what on earth will you do if it falls on saturday . There is, as i say, a very good case for mps across the house of commons to express the democratic will of the people, as weve pledged many times to do, and to get brexit done. Easier said than done. This afternoon, it looked like he couldnt believe it. How are you feeling, gentlemen . Several days after the talks got going. Not only 100 days into borisjohnsons time in office and part one of his biggest job is complete. We have a deal. Words borisjohnson might not have thought he would hear. But part two is next. Many mps will deplore the deal, and its not totally different to the one agreed by the former Prime Minister, theresa may, who used to walk this red carpet. But eu leaders did finally accept that the backstop, the Controversial Border guarantee for Northern Ireland, had to go. There was enough political will in the end, so there was a way. As things stand, we have a Draft Agreement between the eu on the one hand and the British Government on the other, and also creates a unique solution for Northern Ireland, recognising the unique history and geography of Northern Ireland, one that ensures there is no hard border. But the numbers are achingly tight in parliament. If it fails on saturday, what then . Im not in charge. That is the job of boris. Do you believe that it will . I hope it will. Im convinced it will. But it has to. It has to, but if it doesnt . There will be no prolongation. There will be no delay . No delay, even if the deal falls . Not if the opposition has anything to do with it. We believe the deal is heading britain in a deregulated society and sell off of National Assets to american corporations, so as it stands, we cant support the deal and will oppose it in parliament. Mps who fear the consequences of the deal are talking, plotting perhaps to block it. Not least borisjohnsons supposed unionist allies. In order to avoid trying to get an extension he has been too eager by far to get a deal at any cost. And the fact of the matter is if he held his nerve and held out, he would have got better concessions that kept the integrity both economic and constitutional of the united kingdom. If the deal does not pass through parliament is this as far as the eu was prepared to go . Is this finally the final deal . Visibly not something they want to contemplate. Dont ask a question that doesnt arise, the negotiator said. Its a hypothesis. But one that might soon be true. Not what Boris Johnson or his apparent new friends want to think about tonight. They may all want to enjoy this while it lasts. Laura kuenssberg, bbc news, brussels. The poor than fighting to and the kurdish, this comes after talks in ankara. Lets go to the us state of maine. He was the Us Ambassador to syria from 2011 to 2014 during the 0bama administration. Hes now at the middle east institute. Thank east institute. You for persevering with the various thank you for persevering with the various tentacle difficulties. What you make of this Current Situation . Two things, number one, the deal which was announced today between the Us Government and the turkish government has a lot of questions attached to it in particular, whether or not the Syrian Kurdish militia, the way pg, the ones that the turks call terrorist, not clear yet if they have agreed to withdraw from all of the urban areas covered in the agreement on whether or not stipulated, theyre going to turn over heavy weaponry. Also it is not clear over the long term, with the turks will be satisfied with just this one little piece of the border strip or whether they booker want to ta ke strip or whether they booker want to take additional territory further east along the syrian turkish border. Overall when you look at this deal, i dont think i been unfair, surely turkey still has everything it wanted from situation and no sanctions. The kurds are still in desperate trouble, russia and the president have gained influence and the Islamic State still looks like it has a chance of rising again. That doesnt look like success rising again. That doesnt look like success does it . I think its important to remember the United States is in a tough strategic position to with because the Kurdish Militia that i was just talking about is setting up a mini state in North Eastern syria. And that many state is rejected by the government in damascus, it does not have support from the Iraqi Government to the east, the russians are against it and the iranians are against it. Its only the americans by themselves with the Syrian Kurdish that group, the Syrian Democratic forces, that support it. The americans are largely isolated and sally are trying desperately to hold back the turks who have implicit support on some level from the russian government, and ultimately the Syrian Government and the turkish government may reach a deal at kurdish expense. I think you were the last American Ambassador in syria, before the civil war forced the closing of the us embassy in 2012. How do you feel personally about the way the kurds have been treated . Well, i think the kurds we re treated . Well, i think the kurds were terrific fighters with western forces, british, french, american, other nationalities, dance. There we re other nationalities, dance. There were terrific fighters. But i think its also important for viewers to remember that the syrian kurds who we re remember that the syrian kurds who were fighting isis were not doing that as a favour to the west. They we re that as a favour to the west. They were doing it as an act of charity to the west. They were doing it because they wanted to repel these isis terrorists as far away from their communities at home as they could throw them. Beverly understandable. And so there was a shared interest between them and between our western countries in this international coalition. But thatis this international coalition. But that is different from saying were going to sign up for a long Term Alliance to defend their many state from hostile outside powers. That is a very different ask. Robert ford, interesting to talk to you, thank you very much. My pleasure. Donald trumps chief of staff has acknowledged that aid to ukraine was held up partly to pressure for investigations into the democrats. Mick mulvaneys comments came after President Trumps ambassador to the eu Gordon Sondland gave evidence to the house impeachment enquiry. Mr sondland told the committee he had been uncomfortable with the involvement of the president s personal lawyer rudy guliani in foreign policy. The bbcs north america correspondent, peter bowes, has the latest on Mick Mulvaneys admission. It really came out of the blue. He was talking to journalists at the white house and he appeared to acknowledge that there was a quid pro quo scenario in relation to ukraine, the withholding of funds, of military aid, in return for an investigation not an investigation into the former Vice President joe biden, but an investigation into the hacking of that Democratic National committee server that has also been the subject of an investigation. But the key point being the possible withholding of funds in return for that investigation. I was involved with the process by which the money was held up temporarily, 0k. Three issues for that. The corruption in the country, whether or not other countries were participating in support of the ukraine, and whether or not they were cooperating in an Ongoing Investigation with our department ofjustice. To be clear, what you just described is a quid pro quo. It is funding will not flow unless the investigation into the democratic server happens as well . We do that all the time with foreign policy. The idea that vital military assistance would be withheld for such a patently political reason, for the reason of serving the president s re election campaign, is a phenomenal breach of the president s duty to defend our National Security and i hope that every member democrat and republican will speak out and condemn this illicit action by the president and his chief of staff. Mr mulvaney later backtracked on his earlier remarks, saying the media had decided to misconstrue my comments. Peter has also been giving us reaction to the white house announcement that one of Donald Trumps golf resorts will host the g7 summit nextjune. This is the doral resort, which is in florida. And this has been long been rumoured to be a possible venue for the g7 next year. It has been confirmed, in fact, the News Conference that we were just talking about, that was the main subject for discussion. And it raised a lot of eyebrows, because this is a trump family resort. This is owned by donald trump and his family. It is part of his international empire, if you like. So a lot of people questioning, well, is the president going to benefit from this financially . We are told by the white house that the white house will in fact be providing the facility at cost. That there wont be a profit motive. And that it was simply chosen because of the geography of the place, the security considerations. There are separate buildings, one for each individual country. Clearly, though, again, democrats havejumped on this issue as one which they say sends an extremely bad message internationally about the motives of President Trump. Much more to come on bbc news. Still to come galactic designs. Nasa has been looking at living space in space. Parts of San Francisco least affected by the earthquake are returning to life, but in the marina area where most of the damage was done, they are more conscious than ever of how much has been destroyed. In the 19 years since he was last here, hes gone from being a little known revolutionary to an experienced and successful diplomatic operator. It was a 20 pound bomb, which exploded on the fifth floor of the grand hotel, ripping a hole in the front of the building. This government will not weaken. Democracy will prevail. It fills me with humility and gratitude to know that i have been chosen as the recipient of this foremost of earthly honours. This catholic nation held its breath for the men they call the 33. And then, bells tolled nationwide to announce the first rescue, and chile let out an almighty roar. This is bbc news. The latest headlines the us Vice President says turkeys offensive in Northern Syria will be paused after a high stakes meeting in ankara. The eu and the uk have agreed a new brexit deal. The british Prime Minister now needs to win support in parliament. Officials in mexico say a son ofjailed drug lord el chapo has been arrested. The detention of 0vidio guzman lopez led to a fierce street battle in the city of culiacan between masked gunmen and security forces. 0vidio is believed to have become influential in the Sinaloa Cartel after the arrest of his father in 2016, who is serving a life prison sentence in the United States. 0ur correspondent will grant is in mexico city, and gave us more details about the operation. What appears to have been the gunmen of the cartel trying to get one of their leaders back after he was arrested, as you said in your introduction, the eldest son of El Chapo Guzman. Yes, mobile phone footage has emerged of extremely well armed gunmen driving onjeeps with mounted machine guns and clashing with the military and the police. It was a huge operation and seemed to go on for some time. And people, unfortunately, will, are used to scenes of extreme violence there, but this was really something. Yes. That really stood out. To put it into context as well, while all of this was going on it seems that to sow fear and confusion the Cartel Members also mounted a prison break. The absolute mayhem, complete chaos on the streets of the state capital. Youre right, that state is used to drug violence. It is the hub of the Sinaloa Cartel. But Something Like this is very rare. Something on this scale. And if it turns out to be confirmed that this man has been arrested, obviously the authorities will be pleased with that, but at what cost . Then questions arise about exactly what is the strategy here . Are they going after kingpins, who were the people caught in the middle, and so on . Will, just briefly, if you can, help us with the background here, particularly about his father. Yes, exactly. Any time there is a situation that involves on some level El Chapo Guzman it will make headlines. He was sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years in the us for his role in bringing in tons and tons of cocaine into the United States over many, many years and now it appears his son has been picked up as well. Will grant for us in mexico city. The world renowned cuban ballet dancer Alicia Alonso has died in havana at the age of 98. In the 1930s, she worked in the United States in musicals before joining the american ballet theatre in 1940. But she never broke ties with cuba and in 19118 founded a Ballet Company which after the revolution in 1959 became the Cuban National ballet. Alonso was recognised the world over for the stylized beauty of her choreography and dance artistry. A uk Royal Air Force plane carrying the duke and duchess of cambridge was twice forced to abort landing in islamabad after being caught in a severe thunderstorm. Prince william and his wife kate told reporters that they were fine. 0ur royal correspondent, jonny dymond followed them in lahore. At an orphanage in lahore, some public words from a normally reticent duchess. Speaks urdu well, that went 0k. Her words of thanks in urdu done, she praised pakistans focus on family, broader, she said, than just blood relations. Its not simply a term that describes a relationship between blood relatives, instead it describes the special things we share with all those who make us feel safe and supported. So this is a real novelty. The duke picked up the bat and was not bad at it. But just look at this the duchess is having a go, and so far, on the receiving end of some pretty soft bowling, is doing all right. William wants to leave his own legacy but greeting people at a lahore hospital today, there was no avoiding his mothers footsteps. Diana came twice to this Cancer Research hospital in the 90s, raising money for its work. And there was time today to visit some of the children playing doctors, of course, and making sure that everyone felt a princess with their tiara. Jonny dymond, bbc news, lahore. Since taking office, donald trump has called for america to return to the moon and then aim for mars. Getting there is hard enough, but what do you do once you arrive . Well, the Space Agency Nasa has been looking at some possible albeit unusual living arrangements. As the bbcs tim allman reports. At first glance, this looks a bit like a big, bouncy castle thats fallen over. But it might, just might, be the solution to living among the stars. Its called expandable architecture, an inflatable habitat that could be used for a possible orbiting lunar space station or as a potential home for astronauts staying on the surface of the moon or even mars. And the whole point is to define what we like and dont like about these different habitats. And, from that, we will aggregate all the data and come up with recommendations and even requirements for what we actually want to go to flight with. They were there a matter of hours, rather than days, weeks, or months. And they travelled in cramped conditions, effectively in a small metal box. Neil armstrong thank you, mr president. This is the sort of Living Environment modern astronauts could expect. Its not exactly spacious, but its positively roomy compared with what came before. Potentially, we think that for the rest of this century this, the expandable architectures, is where it is out, not in the aluminium cans. This is a mockup of what a potential lunar space station might look at like. Construction is due to begin some time in the next decade. Another giant leap could be just around the corner. Tim allman, bbc news. There is much more for you anytime on all the news, national and international, on the bbc website. And you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter im bbcmikeembley. Thank you very much for watching. Come again. Hello. Given that weve seen so much in the way of rain and some pretty hefty showers over the past few days, in many parts of the british isles, youve probably forgotten theres another face to be had from autumn. Its the quieter, still, misty, sort of chilly starts to the days, and if thats the thing youve been hankering after, that ridge of High Pressure will eventually topple its way towards the british isles, but youre going to have to wait until monday. No doubt about it, in the short term its been this the odd bit of blue sky and some pretty hefty showers, all thanks to a big area, not of a ridge of High Pressure but quite the opposite, in meteorological terms, a big area of low pressure and its still the boss as we work our way through friday. Some pretty heavy overnight rain quitting the scene from the south east but lingering for a good part of the day through the north east of england, perhaps into the south eastern quarter of scotland. Following on behind, something a little bit quieter and drier for a time. Showers predominantly there across western and southern parts, but gradually some of them percolating away through the course of the day further towards the east. Friday into saturday, the same area of low pressure and on the southern flank we may have another area of cloud and rain just skipping in from the near continent to get into the very far south east. Some areas will stay that wee bit drier, we suspect, but this banner of cloud will drag some rain across the eastern side of scotland into the north east of england yet again, and elsewhere, there will be a peppering of showers. Temperatures about 10 15 at the very best. And that temperature profile will be tempered across northern and western parts given the strength of the northerly wind. On sunday, we see the same banner of cloud and rain slowly easing its way down into the north of england, leaving behind cold, bright conditions for the greater part of scotland and Northern Ireland in a straight northerly wind, so not overly warm. And even in the south, youll have lost two or three degrees, but sunday, a somewhat drier and brighter day away from that little occluded front in the Scottish Borders in the north east of england, and we start the new week with that quieter look at autumn with the mists, the chilly starts, some cold nights to come at least for a few days. At least for a couple of days, there will be somewhat drier conditions to be had across the greater part of the british isles. 00 28 23,890 2147483051 50 56,659 watch out for mist and fog first 2147483051 50 56,659 4294966103 13 29,430 thing, that could be a bit

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