Plenty more on the website, and you can get in touch with me on twitter. Now on bbc news, live to singapore for Asia Business report. Global slowdown. The International Monetary fund points to trade was in brexit uncertainty as it cuts its growth forecast yet again. Indias gaming boom. Way many of the countrys 500 million gamers are thinking about going professional. Good morning, asia. Hello, world. It isa good morning, asia. Hello, world. It is a wednesday. Glad you could join us is a wednesday. Glad you could join us for another action packed mid week edition of Asia Business report. Im rico hizon. Lets kick off the programme with the world economy, because the International Monetary funds latest prediction for Global Growth offers a downbeat assessment of the impact of the us china trade war, and the brexit uncertainty. The imf has cut its forecast for economic expansion to just 3 , the lowest since the financial crisis. The bbcs Samira Hussain has more from new york. The imfs hussain has more from new york. The imfs projection for Global Growth offers a bleak assessment of the impact that the trade war is having on economies around the world. As a result of this ongoing dispute between the United States and china, weve seen that the imf has downgraded growth for this year to 396. Downgraded growth for this year to 3 . Now, the chief economist for the imf says that if the trade war is prolonged, then we could actually see that growth fall even further. So the Global Economy is being impacted by these trade tensions. We have seen tremendous weakness in trade manufacturing, global trade, and investment. If this continues, it risks putting the Global Economy closer to 2. 5 . Once we get there, thenit closer to 2. 5 . Once we get there, then it tends to be that more countries are entering recession. Trade tensions are not the only thing that is having an impact on Global Growth. The uncertainty around brexit and other geopolitical issues are also playing a role. So what can countries do about it . What Monetary Policy is really important, and we are seeing that a lot of Central Banks around the world have been lowering interest rates. That said, the imf was very quick to point out that, while Monetary Policy is good, it is important for there to be a strong and coherent government policy as well. Staying with the trade war, while the us has postponed and increased two tariffs on chinese goods, it remains to be seen on chinese goods, it remains to be seen whether any Real Progress can be made in negotiations. Unsurprisingly, that is a major talking point at the forbes global ceo conference taking place in singapore this week. At that event, oui singapore this week. At that event, our Asia Business corresponded Karishma Vaswani caught up with the chief executive of one of the largest conglomerates in taiwan and started by asking what he thought of the deal. This isjust a token. The major, big issues have not been addressed. In the major, big issues, i think, will affect china internally, by the system, which the us would like china to be more democratised, not having Central Government in control with so many industries. You have said that china should thank President Trump for starting this trade war. Why do you think that . What does china have to be thankfulfor . It think that . What does china have to be thankful for . It will make china to be less dependent on the us. The us wanted to be less dependent on china, on 5g and all this advancement, that china would grow quicker, more faster, this period. Turning now to brexit, as talks continue in brussels, the pound has risen on hopes a deal can be agreed on. With the sterling hitting its highest level in five months. This is Prime Minister borisjohnson is under pressure to get a fresh agreement by thursdays European Union summit. Although his spokesman has said there was, quote, more work still to do. In hong kong, the citys Legislative Council is due to start a new session later today. Chief executive carrie lam is expected to officially withdraw the highly controversial extradition bill which has sparked almost four months of often violent protests. Well, those demonstrations have triggered a sharp economic downturn in hong kong, hitting tourism and retailers particularly hard. Well, the processed Food Industry is in a tough position, as consumers become more conscious of their health and the environment. They are worried about high sugar, salt and fat products, Single Use Plastics and palm oil, a key ingredient which is blamed for the destruction of rainforests. Blamed for the destruction of ra i nforests. I blamed for the destruction of rainforests. I asked the president for South East Asia at the maker of cadbury chocolate and oreo biscuits how the industry is tackling such major issues. We believe that it is oui major issues. We believe that it is our responsibility to drive the behaviour of snacking right. So our purposeis behaviour of snacking right. So our purpose is to empower people to snack right. Let me explain what we mean by snacking right. It means first of all having the right formula, but it also means driving health and balance. So health and bala nces health and balance. So health and balances about reducing the sugar content. So we are trying to reduce the content in our product, at the same time bringing in portion control. Portion control means individually wrapped products under 200 calories, so when you finish the product you need to stop eating as well. Fair enough, but whatever you do you are going to be producing vast amounts of waste products many argue that we dont even need. Exactly, so that brings me to the third leg of snacking right, which is about sustainability. And sustainability, what we do first of all, we are committed to change all the packaging to Recyclable Packaging by 2025. Thing is that we are going to drive the recollection of this waste packaging. Third one, we are working with the governments to make sure that there is the recycling centres in order to recycle the product. Of course, one of the main ingredients of your products is palm oil. How do you know that it comes from sustainable sources . Thats right, so there is oui sources . Thats right, so there is our spo about Sustainable Palm Oil supplies. What we do is we ensure accountability and transparency of oui accountability and transparency of our palm oil supplies, so we know where the suppliers are getting their palm oilfrom. Up to the mill in the corner of indonesia or somewhere else, so we can keep them accountable that they are not using any rainforest land. And green greenpeace has also said, emre olcer, that you are one of the worlds biggest producers of Single Use Plastics. So that is why we are driving a sustainability agenda very strongly, so that we can. We are reducing 65,000 tons of packaging material. The president of Mondel Z International for South East Asia. Videogames are already popular in india, but with 500 million players in the country, that is still less than china. But the potential is huge and now many casual gamers are considering full time careers in the sport. The bbcs corresponded has more now. This man has devoted the past 15 years of his life to online games, spending hour after hour in front of the screen. Now, he is one of indias most popular professional gamers. He has secured sponsorship from a number of high profile brands, such as red bull and dell. Even his parents are impressed. Brands, such as red bull and dell. Even his parents are impressedm an event, i would charge 4000 for my presence. That is my appearance fee. So having the support of multinational banks, my parents are really ha p py multinational banks, my parents are really happy and they feel proud. For indias gamers, overcoming pa rental for indias gamers, overcoming parental conservatism is still a challenge. However, at this gaming eventin challenge. However, at this gaming event in lucknow, some parents are actively encouraging their children to chase a career in the industry. Translation we travelled quite far. We came from three hours journey from here. My son has played a lot of tournaments and he has won a lot of tournaments and he has won a lot of prizes. This was an opportunity for him, and thats why we came, and i dont mind him choosing this career, because it pays well. India is expected to have just over 600 million gamers by the end of next year, with the industry projected to be worth just over 1 billion. Yes, if you compare that to other markets such as china, which is 38 times the size of indias, you can see how much potentially industry still has grow further. But, to catch up with the likes of china, there are still a lot of challenges to overcome. First, you have to convince your pa rents to get first, you have to convince your parents to get yourself a gaming computer. That is expensive. Then you need a good internet connection. So, fora you need a good internet connection. So, for a parent, you need a good internet connection. So, fora parent, if you need a good internet connection. So, for a parent, if they dont know that this is the future, this is a big investment. They will invest in your studies, because they know you get a degree and after all you get a job. Most youngsters start gaming and local cafe s. Because of high costs a nd and local cafe s. Because of high costs and poor Internet Services at home. The size of indias gaming industry may be growing fast, but there is a long way to go before gamers like these get their shot at stardom. Lets have a quick look now at the asia pacific markets and how they are faring in mid morning trade. All in positive territory, the nikkei and the all ordinaries mirroring wall streets gains due to strong us results and a positive suggestion of an orderly exit from the eu. Thank you for investing your time with us. Sport today is coming up time with us. Sport today is coming up next. This is bbc news. The top story this hour as turkeys military offensive in syria continues, russia says it will not allow clashes between turkish and syrian troops. Late night negotiations are continuing between the uk and brussels to reach a deal on brexit. There are claims the two sides could be on the brink of a breakthrough. Scotlands first minister has told her party that a referendum on Scottish Independence must happen in 2020. Nicola sturgeon confirmed that she will ask the uk government to give formal consent for a referendum by the end of this year. Our scotland editor sarah smith reports. Its easy to rouse the snp with calls for independence, harder to explain how to get there. This year, Nicola Sturgeon says she has a plan. My call is that the referendum must happen next year, and we are getting ready. With support for independence growing, the party are impatient for another vote. And i can confirm today that, before the end of this year, i will demand the transfer of power that puts the legality of that referendum beyond any doubt. Some were moved to tears. Its not every Conference Speech that inspires this kind of emotion. The question should not be, to the snp, what will we do if westminster refuses . The question should be demanded of the westminster parties, what gives you any right to deny people in scotland the ability to choose our own future . Nicola sturgeon has delighted her party with a demand for an independence referendum next year. But, outside this hall, its not that simple. Westminster will almost certainly say no. So where does that leave the snp . Westminster cannae say no to another referendum. Well, they can. Maybe technically, but they wont. What do you think will happen if westminster say, no, you cant have another referendum next year . I think thered be absolute outrage. Even if people in scotland dont want independence, i think we all agree that it should be up to us to decide. Theyve got no right to say no. But they legally could. Theyve no right, no right at all. So the battle lines are set. Will westminster refuse another vote, and how will the snp respond . Sarah smith, bbc news, aberdeen. A spokesperson for the family of harry dunn, the young man killed in a Road Accident involving the wife ofa us a Road Accident involving the wife of a us diplomat, has visited the white house in the last few hours. Harry, who was 19, died when his motorbike collided with a car outside and raf base in august. An raf base. Mark edwards has all the days sport in bbc sport today. Goodbye. Hello, this is sport today, live from the bbc sport centre. Coming up on this programme rodrygos last gasp goal for spain sends the spaniards to euro 2020. More football fallout from the fan racism in the bulgaria versus england match. The head of the Bulgarian Football Union resigns. And well be in spain to learn how the next generation of european golfers hope to defend the solheim cup. Hello and thanks for joining us on sport today. We start with football and spain have become the latest team to qualify for next years European Championship finals, but they left it late to salvage the point they needed in sweden to qualify. Marcus berg put the home side in front, five minutes after the re start. But valencias rodrigo prodded home an equaliserfrom close range in stoppage time

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