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You through whats at stake. Also in the programme apple drops a Hong Kong Police tracking app used by protesters. Is this another example of a us Corporate Giant bowing to pressure from beijing . And how one of scandinavian societys oldest taboos is being challanged by the insta generation. And to Mark World Mental Health Day we talk to England Rugby legend Johnny Wilkinson who speaks frankly about his. Also wed like to hear from you. The uks top docter is saying snacking on public transport should be banned to help tackle child obesity, so how would this impact your commute . Get in touch. Just use the hashtag bbcworklife. Hello and a warm welcome to worklife. We begin in washington where top level talks are due to take place later between the us and china over their increasingly damaging and fractious trade war. Theres growing concern a deal is still a long way off. Thats been hitting Financial Markets around the world in the run up. The us and china together account for more than 40 of the worlds economy. But their stand off is affecting the whole world as Global Supply chains are disrupted and components go up in price. Lets take the iphone for example designed in the us but assembled in china. If the trade war isnt resolved by december, the us will impose a 15 levy on the iphone among other Tech Products made in china, so prices around the world could rise. With us now is eleanor olcott, china policy analyst at t5 lombard. Welcome to you. This has been going on and on. What is your expectation for what we will see out of these talks . We are not expecting a trade deal to emerge out of the negotiations this week. That puts an end to the trade war and starts to roll back the tariffs. That is simply not going to happen. The negotiating side from the chinese and also the us perspective has hardened over the last month. China are saying they are no longer even willing to discuss the state industrial policy, which is a key source of concern for the us, and on the us side they have just this week sanctioned Chinese Companies involved in the police state of xinjiang, which were better or worse will make a trade deal more difficult. If there is not a breakthrough, what will happen next . There have been various rumours that the next stage of this trade war, it has gone from trade war to tech war, and now the worry is it will go into and now the worry is it will go into a finance war. Essentially what that would mean is investment from the us into chinese equities would become much more difficult. They could do this through two different ways, either forcing Chinese Companies listed on the Stock Exchange in the us to delist, or forcing listed on the Stock Exchange in the us to delist, orforcing Us Government Pension Funds to stop investing in china. If that were to happen, that would seriously escalate this, wouldnt it . It would. This is right in now a rumour rather than a reality. Wall street will be shouting in the presents ear saying this will be absolutely catastrophic. The president s ear. And if things get worse and not better, the us consumer will really start to feel it now. Yes, they have delayed some of the tariffs to soften the blow for christmas. The ta riffs soften the blow for christmas. The tariffs on the consumer products, the highest rate, will go on on december the 15th, so hopefully most consumers will have done Christmas Shopping by then. But you are right that things are getting more expensive which ultimately means people will be buying less and less business will ensue. Thank you. We will keep an eye on those talks in washington and make sure you are up to date on how they are going. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news. New plans to make global firms pay more tax have been published by the organisation for Economic Cooperation and development. The oecd proposals would mean firms such as apple, facebook and google paying tax proportionally in countries where they make profits, rather than where they are headquartered. A tool google offered in the us to help cities measure pollution and emissions levels is now available in europe. It compiles transport and Building Data from google maps with publicly available information about emissions and is intended to help cities see what changes they could make to lower emissions. Apple has removed a hong kong map application used by pro democracy protesters, saying its learned that the app has been used in ways that endanger the police and vulnerable residents. Its the second u turn by apple over the app and some say another big us company bowing to beijing. Sharanjit leyl is in singapore. This didnt take long. Not long at all. All it took was one day, it seems. They removed it after a sharply worded response in the official chinese media, the peoples daily paper. The app has, according to apple, being used in ways that endanger Law Enforcement and residents, as you say. Apple initially rejected the app, which uses data from protesters on the ground from its store, but it later somehow appeared on the store, and they have verified with the Hong Kong Cyber security and Technology Crime bureau that the app has been used to target and ambush police. Although it has since been removed from apple store, a website version appears to remain active and there is also a version on google play. Applejoined a lot is also a version on google play. Apple joined a lot of other Foreign Companies really struggling to navigate the pro muck receipt movement in hong kong. As protests Pro Democracy Movement in hong kong. As protests, which began in june, continue, there are issues that people doing business in china. Even a National Basketball team was brought into the fray following a tweet and state television in china stopped airing their games. Another example of tensions between the us and china and that is the one story in town for Financial Markets worldwide, the trade talks that are taking place today and tomorrow. Ager was choosing, as you can see behind me, to be optimistic earlier today. Asia. In european markets, that sentiment has followed through although germany is pretty flat in frankfurt. Any negative news coming out of those talks in washington and that could change. Market sentiment can change very quickly. Theres little sign of so called flight shaming deterring americans from flying to save the planet, leading us Airline Delta to raise its profit forcast as travel demand continues to climb. Vivienne nunis is following the story from new york. The Worlds Largest airline, delta, reports its latest Financial Results on thursday. The airline is expected to report higher revenue and profits for the past three months thanks to Strong Demand for travel. In fact while other us airlines, including american, united, and southwest, have lost billions of dollars since the boeing 737 max was grounded in march following two deadly crashes, delta has benefited by picking up the slack from cancelled flights since it didnt have any maxes in its own fleet. There could be some turbulence ahead though since the World Trade Organisation allowed the us to apply tariffs to 7. 5 billion of european exports. Washington has announced 10 taxes on aircraft. Delta, which has already committed to buying planes from frances airbus, has said that will cut into its profits. Time now for our daily look beyond the headlines. Werejoined by benita matofska, global sharing economy expert and author of generation share. Good to see it. We have highlighted a few stories, one which is on bbc online. Oxfam alleges abuse in uk supermarket supply chains. I read this story this morning and i thought, hang on, iwas this story this morning and i thought, hang on, i was reading the ten yea rs thought, hang on, i was reading the ten years ago or thought, hang on, i was reading the ten years ago 01 more. Thought, hang on, i was reading the ten years ago or more. Why is this happening now . This new report has had some significant findings. Oxfam have looked at brazil and india and they have interviewed workers in five other countries as well. Their findings are pretty significant and horrific. The conditions that these workers are in, there is typhoid and cholera, they are complaining they have lack of access to toilets and clea n water have lack of access to toilets and clean water and so on. What we are seeing really is in the production of the day that we drink every morning, these workers are really suffering and being paid very low wages. The tea that we drink. Suffering and being paid very low wages. The tea that we drink. Out of the 79p paid by choppers for a packet of black assante, the supermarkets and the tea brands receive 49p while the workers receive 49p while the workers receive three p. That is right and you have a living wage they would need to receive 5p mark from the supermarkets. Out of that 49p they could be receiving an additional 5p and in their working conditions, they would be receiving a living wage and they would be able to support their families. We also know that these workers are heavily subsidised by government. Over half of them have got to have these subsidiesjust to of them have got to have these subsidies just to be able to afford to eat. According to this report from oxfam, these suppliers are supplying tesco, sainsburys, audi, morrisons, the big supermarkets in the uk that many of us use on a regular basis. Aldi. It is shocking that it is happening now. It is shocking but it has been going on for a long time. When you think on for a long time. When you think on average for every £1 spent in most of these supermarkets, just 9p goes to suppliers, and this is not just in relation to tea. We are also looking at fruit and other supplies across the board, the things that we use to feed ourselves. When you start to look at the new supermarkets coming up, and there is a very interesting supermarket which i call a rebel supermarket in brighton which is called hisb which stands for how it should be, and they have a great supply chain. Where as in the average supermarket for every £1, 9p goes to the suppliers, but at the supermarket it is 68 p. But isnt it much more expensive . No, because they find that by working with the suppliers and treating them fairly, they plough that money back into the local economy which benefits people locally and also the supermarket itself continues to grow. An incredibly successful Business Model which treats people valley at the same time. The retailer is mentioned in the oxfam report are spearheading action is intended to improve peoples lives, they say. Now look at the other story we have got to cover. The guardian, 20 firms that have been found to be behind one third of all Carbon Emissions. Have been found to be behind one third of all Carbon Emissionsm have been found to be behind one third of all Carbon Emissions. It is pretty shocking. It is 35 of all Carbon Emissions and the Climate Accountability Institute in the us haveissued Accountability Institute in the us have issued this report. They have been working in this area since the 60s really. What is interesting about this is that this evidence has been known for over 30 years. And what we are finding is that this responsibility, seven out of the 20 firms approached, only seven agreed to comment, and out of those, most of them say this in fact is simply not the case. We are hearing about consumer responsibility, the responsibility that we have in terms of the choices that we make, but when we consider that big business has a positive role to play in dealing with this Climate Crisis that we have got. Thank you. That is what we were talking about on monday with unilever. Just as they, in that article from the guardian, i will tweet it later if you want to look. It lists the 20 companies and they are mainly Energy Related companies. Still to come Jonny Wilkinson on the link between Mental Health and what we eat. The former England Rugby legend gives us the inside track on how on how changing his diet made him mentally stronger. Youre with worklife from bbc news. Ididnt i didnt write this line but i am going to say it out loud youll never talk alone if youre from liverpool. According to ofcom, people in liverpool spend more time chatting on the mobile than those in other major cities. Ian macrae is director of Market Intelligence at ofcom. How do you measure Something Like this . We have a panel of 150,000 people with android phones and we measure they used with an app. We measure they used with an app. We measure they used with an app. We measure the performance is delivered to them and to an extent what they are doing on their mobile phones. Why do you think liverpool came top . Honestly i have no idea. We looked ata number of honestly i have no idea. We looked at a number of different cities and it was quite interesting to see quite large variation. People in liverpool spend on average seven minutes per phone call and at the bottom of the table was bradford at just over three minutes. And the difference between liverpool at the top of london that came second is quite enormous. You have got the list of chatty cities and it is livable and a big spike to get to number one. Liverpool. We had quite a big sample, 4 billion data points, and so these differences are significant. What is driving them . Frankly your guess is as good as mine. We know about variations between young people adult people and how they use their phone but there is variation between cities as well. What surprised me about this is that people are still talking on the phone. Normally you see them sending that is true. Mobile voice use goes up a sending that is true. Mobile voice use goes up a little bit every year where its fixed voice users is going down and down. We know from some research that young people in particular are keen on using messaging rather than Voice Services and even when they are contacting them they prefer to use a web chat than voice. But mobile voice does continue to grow. You didnt measure calls through skype or anything . Traditional phone calls . Only traditional phone calls, yes. People are making calls using services such as skype and whatsapp as well. Thank you for your time. The director of Market Intelligence at ofcom. Who knew that in liverpool they chat more on the phone than anywhere else across the uk . And in london they barely have time to say a word bradford bottom of the list. So much more on the bbc business page online. This story is worth highlighting. Tech giants are looking at higher tax bills under a new shake up. This is the oecd trying to get an International Tax regime in place. Youre watching worklife. A reminder of our top story tense times for global trade as the us and china meet for talks ahead of a new wave of tariffs next week iam going i am going to let you read that out. What is it . Kefir, miso and kombucha these are all fermented foods and drinks that have been around for centuries but demand for them has spiked in recent years. You can tell that i dont consume them the reason . Well, its supposedly packed full of gut healthy bacteria. Butjust how essential are they to our overall wellbeing including Mental Health . Well today is World Mental Health day and egon cossou spoke to England Rugby legend Jonny Wilkinson whos opened up about his struggles with mental illness. And how his diet has ended up helping him. Towards the end my career i was fascinated with this idea of realising i had gone down a route where i was desperate to find what i was capable of and yet id fallen into the trap of just trying to almost accrue, i guess, trophies and recognition and i realised i was going the opposite direction. I realised at the same time from a physical perspective i wanted to see what i was capable of and i was trying to be so fit that i wasnt healthy in any way. I suddenly realised i wanted to take a step back and go into that bigger space, but far, far bigger space of health out of which fitness comes. My wife was training to be a nutritionist and i was hugely involved in Mental Health and both of us met in the middle. She came back and said, what about this, living foods . I said id been hearing about this, the connection between the gut and the brain in terms of how that works for releasing this potential and we both went, wow. And we both started brewing our own at home, brewing our own kombucha at home. We started making kafir yoghurts at home. What exactly is the connection between the gut and the state of mind . They are still trying to work out how its doing it but theyjust know that things that affect gut bacteria, such as whether it be high sugar, poor sleep, we are starting to find that some of these things are affecting gut bacteria and these can start creating all kinds of imbalances within the body. I was stressed and constantly in a fight or flight mentality when i was playing my sport. I was eating so much food and wondering why the hell i was never satisfied or why i felt so tired the whole time. I realised my body was just trying to fight a load of fires i was giving it and i was also saying, whilst youre there, can you help me out with this . I wonder what sort of state i was in then. Is there a link between what you need to succeed in sport and what you need to succeed in business . The sporting side for me was when i was in my most obsessive mentality, just straight forward, just bang at that brick wall until it falls over. You need great people around you, for one, and you also need to be prepared to make mistakes. Thats something i refused to do in rugby for so long. Everything had to be perfect and as a result i never really went into that space of absolute learning. I stepped forward into it and i said, right, im going to devote myself wholly to it. Wholly. Notjust the mental side of it as well, especially for me the Mental Health. Notjust as a nice thing to do on the side but it goes so deep it becomes everything in your life. What do you mean by going deep into Mental Health . I had Mental Health challenges for my entire life from very young. I guess there was a transitional point where i began to look inwards as opposed to outwards to realise the Life Experience for me was an internal experience and yet i was trying to find the external answer. Going into that internal experience was a Mental Health journey. This is where i understood a bit more about the actual dietary, nutritional aspects of Mental Health, the fact that everyone thinks its about the cognitive side of trying to see things in a slightly more positive way but realising that what you eat is who you are. Not who you are, sorry. What you are. Are you a happier person now than you were when you were conquering the world as part of the National Rugby squad . If you asked me now would i ever go back, would i want to go back and do anything that ive done and do it over again or be in that world again, where maybe you are walking through an airport and there are thousands of people or Walking Around the stadium at the end of the world cup and theres cheering, or in the changing room with your 35 mates, talking about this, compared to how i feel right now, id say not a chance. When i was playing rugby, i had a goal and i was desperate to find out what i was capable of in order to help me achieve that goal. Realising in fact finding out what i was capable of was way bigger than the actual goal itself. What am i doing now . Ive got a goal. Im desperate to find out what im capable of. Im just not wearing a white shirt any more and boots which actually is a hell of a lot more comfortable and nothing has changed. As long as the journey remains true, that its about finding out what you are capable of and not going after the reported payoff at the end because thats where you start to lose that performance and that real intensity and that inspiration. He certainly is an inspiration. Jonny wilkinson. We were just reminiscing then about watching the Rugby World Cup final when england w011 Rugby World Cup final when england won and Jonny Wilkinson was the kicker. Martinjohnson, captain at the time, he was the year above me at my school and his mother was my pe teacher that we are getting carried away. In a moment well run through some of your responses to a propsoed ban to eating on public transport. Controversial. But first lets go to sweden and one of scandinavian societys oldest taboos. Swedes may feel perfectly comfortable talking about sex or bodily functions but when it comes to money and wealth, its just not done. But in the age of influencers is this going to change . In sweden if you are rich, you shouldnt be talking about it. Jantelagen is deeply rooted in the swedish psyche because it tries to keep balance within society, it tries to keep people from feeling uncomfortable. So in a sense we are trying to keep things very homogeneous. I would love if jantelagen would disappear. I mean, its quite a nice thought that everyone should be equal and that we are all the same, but it doesnt work. If you are working harder than anyone else, you should be proud of it. While jantelagen is deeply rooted in the swedish psyche, sweden is becoming more diverse. I would say 25 of swedes have a foreign background and what other cultures are bringing in is celebrating your success, celebrating talented people, celebrating skills. I think slowly the concept of jantelagen will die out. Breaking a scandinavian to be. Taboo. At the top of the show, we asked you about whetherjunk food should be banned on public transport. This is about preventing Childhood Obesity and a top doctor has been talk about that and increasing taxes on unhealthy food. What have you said about that . Cavley says increasing rail ticket costs and imposing stupid bans like this arent going to encourage the use of public transport. Simon says lots of people who use public transport for very early commutes to work have no choice other than to have breakfast on their commute. That is something we know about. |j come that is something we know about. come in at 3am so there arent even trains running. But on my way home i do scoff breakfast. Jinny thinks they should teach basic Healthy Cooking at schools and youll have future parents who know how to feed their children. I think parents do know how to feed their kids that it is teenagers having money in their pockets. This one says we should ban unhealthy fish and chips and selling food outside school gates. Once they are outside school gates. Once they are out of your sight, out of the house with many of their own, it is very ha rd to with many of their own, it is very hard to control what they eat. We also ask to people eating on the commute gets on your nerves and we have had some tweets. This one so long as it doesnt smell and create a lot of noise, it is fine. Many people are busy and they can only eat a meal during the commute. As we know from experience hot food, cold food. Smelly food . First food late at night after the late ship. And the crunching noise. It depends how loud people out when they eat. Lots of people have got in touch about the fact that it is anti social rather than anything to do with obesity. Thank you for your comments. That is worklife. See you tomorrow. Goodbye. Good morning. There is more rain in the forecast over the next few days. Unlike the last few days where we have had a lot of showers that have been hit and miss, we will see more persistent and heavy rain as we go through into the weekend. Today it will be quite windy. A dry start for many but there will be rain moving into day. That is courtesy of this area of low pressure pushing in from the atlantic. This warm front is moving through, providing the rain and quite breezy conditions for england and wales today in particular. That rain will move through Northern Ireland, spread into scotland, parts of Northern England, wales, with patchy rain. A few showers across eastern areas. After a break to start in eastern parts, the cloud increases into the afternoon. A brighter start in eastern parts. Top temperatures 13 to 17 degrees. Tonight the rain continues across scotland, heavy on the north west. Elsewhere heavy showers and they will eventually merge together to give longer spells of rain across southern areas of england into the early part of friday morning. Temperatures in the south will stay at at 13 or 1a celsius. Generally a further north chili a celsius. Generally a further north chili a further north with temperatures in single figures. On friday we have a cold front enhancing the rain in the midlands. It will be heavy and persistent throughout the day. We start the morning with rain in the south east and the west of scotland, but the focus will be across wales, the midlands and Northern England with 50 to 70 millimetres of rain by the end of the day, which could lead onto flooding issues. The rain in the south east clears away with sunny spells and also sunshine towards Northern England, southern scotla nd towards Northern England, southern scotland and Northern Ireland and north of this cold front. Some showers in scotland. Temperatures in the north will be lower than in the south ahead of that cold front. 17 01 south ahead of that cold front. 17 or 18 south ahead of that cold front. 17 or18 in the south ahead of that cold front. 17 or 18 in the south and further north 13 or 1a. That cold front is going to shift around quite a bit over the weekend. It will continue to bring outbreaks of rain for england and wales over the weekend. It will be mostly cloudy as well. Further north, for scotland and Northern Ireland over the weekend, something a bit drier and brighter with sunny spells and the risk of heavy showers for some. That is all for me. Goodbye. Youre watching bbc news at nine with me, annita mcveigh. The headlines turkey continues a military offensive against Kurdish Forces in northern syria, after the us withdraws its troops from the area. Americas secretary of state denies giving turkey persmission to attack. That is just false. The United States did not give turkey a green light. We will continue to be in a position to do what we need to do to keep the American People as safe as we possibly can. Borisjohnson is due to meet the irish Prime Minister later to try to find a solution to the brexit deadlock President Trump says accidents happen and that officials will speak to an American Woman who claimed diplomatic immunity and left the uk, after a crash that resulted

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