Hours after its militaryjets and artillery began hitting territory held by kurdish led forces. Just days ago President Trump ordered american troops withdrawn from the border area, a decision thats been widely condemned, at home and abroad. The area under attack is controlled by the kurdish Led Syrian Democratic forces, who played a leading role in defeating the Extremist Group that calls itself Islamic State. They are long time american allies, but regarded by the turks as terrorists. The turkish government says it wants to clear Kurdish Forces from a 30 kilometre safe zone along the border, to resettle up to 2 million Syrian Refugees whove been living in turkey. One Monitoring Group says 10 civilians have already been killed. The bbcs orla guerin is on the border. In syria, a new round of warfare. The town of ras al ain under heavy bombardment, one of several just inside the border in the kurdish controlled north east. Its the start of a turkish offensive that is alarming europe, has been condemned by america and is bringing fresh instability to the middle east. And, once again, syrian civilians forced to flee. A local journalist saw them go. Thousands of people migrating to the south side. The turkish army are shelling by mortars everywhere. From across the border in turkey, we could see smoke rising in the town of tal abyad. The bbc understands turkish troops are now on the ground there. Well, here at the border, we have been seeing and hearing the opening salvos in turkeys assault on North Eastern syria. In the last half an hour or so, weve heard mortar rounds and artillery fire and there has been incoming mortar fire from syria. President erdogan is calling this operation peace spring but, for civilians across the border on the syrian side, this is going to feel like one more round of battle in an agonisingly long war. Turkey says the aim of this offensive is to create a safe zone along its border and allow two million Syrian Refugees to go home. Today, it was creating new ones. Ankara also wants to drive out syrian Kurdish Forces it views as terrorists. That area is needed for our safety and security for the Syrian Refugees to go back to, so they can go back to their normal lives and there is no vacuum to be filled by any terrorist network, and also to make sure that syria is not divided territorially. But turkeys assault on the kurds could be costly. Theyve been crucial in the fight against Islamic State and are holding 10,000 isil prisoners. Now theyll have to focus on resisting turkey. Tonight at the border, rockets in the night sky. The invasion is well under way, is worried nations look on. Orla guerin, bbc news, near the turkey syria border. Turkeys military operation and the change of american strategy that preceded it could have far reaching implications this region has been at the centre of the fight against the Extremist Group, the so called Islamic State. Our middle east editorjeremy bowen looks at the possible wider impact. Turkeys president erdogan says he has called for the operation what he calls the corridor of terror along the turkish border. Its this strip of territory in North Eastern syria and it might turn into a corridor of disaster if his critics and enemies are correct. Several towns were hit in the first hours of the turkish offensive. That meant civilians were faced yet again with a terrible choice of abandoning their homes and risking the dangers of the road or staying in the firing line. In washington, President Trump gave the green light to the turkish plan and says hes had enough of the region. The worst mistake that the United States has ever made in my opinion was going into the middle east. Its a quagmire. We are up to close to 8 trillion and we are bringing ourfolks back home. The turks have made their move because of their long and bitter battle with kurdish separatists. What this was fighting in one of the mainly kurdish towns for the turks, the move into North Eastern syria is a continuation of that fight. Kurdish separatists in turkey, the pkk, have strong connections with syrian kurds. The turkish state regards all the armed groups as terrorists. But its much more complicated than that because of the fight against thejihadist extremists of Islamic State. While the us, britain and others bombed the self styled caliphate that is called the territory it seized, most of the house to house combat was done by the same Syrian Kurdish fighters that turkey is now targeting as terrorists. Since the caliphate was destroyed and recaptured, kurdish fighters, women serving alongside men, have been a key part of the battle against remnants, but the job isnt over. The caliphate is gone but the ideology and sleeper cells remain. Now kurds of the sdf, Syrian Democratic forces, say they cant continue fighting is if they have to fight turkey, and is has potentially been handed a big opportunity. There is also a big question about is prisoners, most of whom are guarded by kurds. With kurdish attention elsewhere, the dangers of a jailbreak could increase. The biggest loser so far are likely to be the syrian kurds who fought with the americans and their western allies they feel betrayed. Russia, key allies of the assad regime further south in damascus, will be delighted to hear that President Trump wants out of the middle east. And the risks now include an is revival, more misery for civilians and a deeper destabilisation of a fragile land. Jeremy bowen there. President trump has released a statement that says but it was his decision to withdraw american troops taht turkey took as the green light for its offensive. Theres been plenty of criticism of that move. Heres our north america editorjon sopel. If he thinks it is such a bad idea, why on sunday night did he agree in a phone call with president erdogan and then put out a statement later saying that the long awaited assault would start soon and american troop would not be in the way. There are only 50 soldiers, but all the time those troops were there on the ground, there was not a chance that president erdogan would have launched this offensive with the risk that american blood might be spilt. And so a very few soldiers were keeping the peace and that is what has enraged so many republicans as well as democrats in washington. I have scoured social media to find supportive comments for what donald trump has done and it is very difficult to find any. The talk is of betrayal, the talk is of what about our comrades in arms who fought with us . What happens to the prisoners . And also questions about the temperament of the president as well. What about the timing of this . What about consultation . Why has donald trump done this after one phone call and very little negotiation with his military chiefs . Now, in response to this hostility, donald trump has said look, if president erdogan goes too far, then america will act and flatten the turkish economy. And other quote from the president just a short time ago in the white house here, he said, of the kurds, apparentlyjustifying why they didnt deserve total protection, they didnt help us in the second world war. They didnt help us with normandy. In germany at least 2 people have been killed and 2 others severely wounded in a shooting near a synagogue in the east german city of halle. One person has been arrested. Witnesses describe a gunman wearing a military style outfit and carrying several weapons. Jenny hill reports from halle. Calm, deliberate, shattering the peace of a quiet city. An eyewitness filmed as the gunman, dressed in combat gear, opened fire outside a synagogue in halle. Hed just tried and failed to shoot his way into the building. A woman was killed as she walked past. This man told us he came face to face with the gunman. I saw a man wearing army clothes, with a gun over his shoulder, he says. Are he was throwing things over the wall of the synagogue cemetery, and then there were two explosions. But he wasnt finished. Not far from the synagogue, he attacked a kebab shop, killing a man inside. The gunman is believed to be a german, in his late 20s. He wore a head camera and streamed footage online. Its yom kippur, thejewish day of atonement. Halles dues had to be escorted to safety. This evening, Angela Merkeljoined worshippers in berlin. There is anger that, unlike most otherjewish institutions in this country, there wasnt a police guard outside the building in halle. Its been a day of confusion and horror. People here have now been told they can leave their homes. The Security Services say these streets are safe. But after what happened here today, germanys Jewish Community may find that hard to believe. Jenny hill, bbc news, halle. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come 60 years after they first appeared in print asterix and obelix appear in the paris metro. This was a celebration by people who were relishing their freedom. They believe everythings going to be different from now on. They think their country will be respected in the world once more as it used to be before Slobodan Milosevic took power. The dalai lama, the exiled spiritual leader of tibet, has won this years nobel peace prize. As the parade was reaching its climax, two grenades exploded and a group of soldiers jumped from a military truck taking part in the parade, and ran towards the president , firing from kalashnikov automatic rifles. After 437 years, the skeleton ribs of henry viiis tragic warship emerged. But, even as divers worked to buoy her up, the mary rose went through another heart stopping drama. I want to be the peoples governor. I want to represent everybody. I believe in the people of california. You this is bbc news, our top story there has been International Criticism of turkeys military assault against kurdish led forces in north east syria. France, germany and britain have requested a meeting of the Un Security Council. Well lets get more on this now. Amy Austin Holmes is a visiting scholar at Harvard University and a fellow at the wilson center. Shes in our washington bureau. I knew did a lot of research in syria this year, we spent a lot of time in the particular region, essentially the world seems to be standing by as one of the biggest armies in nato lodges a full scale assault on what is a militia, a very effective militia and crucial western allies against extremist exa m western allies against extremist exam of state. Is anything to be done about it . Well, thank you very much mapping i think the event today eve nts much mapping i think the event today events today are unforgivable, what President Trump decided to do in terms of green lighting this invasion by turkey, United States has spent months negotiating between these forces in order to come to an agreement on some kind of Border Security and the events today made clear that it wasnt actually about Border Security but about undermining this entire project in the north east of syria which for more than seven years now has operated with autonomy from the in damascus. And the president has openly stated on the floor of the nations that he wants you to port more than 2 million refugees from turkey, syrian effigies back into syria and put them into what is calling a safe zone along the north which were essentially be a form of forced arab a session of the kurdish and christian regions of Northern Syria because the refugees are predominantly arabs and other parts of syria. Its notjust an attack on civilians who have been killed today but also the First Step Towards what is openly stating that he wants to do which is to engage in massive demographic re engineering of the region and fragment the predominantly kurdish region of the north. And who does all this benefit . Clearly turkey if it exceeds if it succeeds and russia and the ex Islamic State. Exceeds if it succeeds and russia and the ex Islamic State. Thats right, its a gift to russia and iran who are both backing the regime in damascus and it also could potentially embolden the sleeper cells, Islamic State sleeper cells that are still active in Northern Syria, because as forces from the Syrian Democratic bosses become diverted to protect the border to turkey as the ground incursion is now also happening, they will become it will now also happening, they will become it will become difficult for them to protect the camp where there are thousands of isis detainees who are being held and theirfamilies. And its not clear what will happen with those didgeridoos that are now, if there are no longer to no longer able to predict the camp they may escape or they may be able to regroup and continue their insurgency. So its an extremely worrying situation. Thank you so much. Demonstrators have clashed maestro, this is led by indigenous groups that demand subsidies and resignation of the present. The state of emergency was declared by the government. A day of strike and of conflict in ecuador. The clashes industries of the andean nation continued to escalate. More fires, more barricades, more stonethrowing. Inevitably more teargas as the demonstrators were met with force by riot police and the military. This National Strike was called by Indigenous Leaders who want to compel the government to reverse its recent end to fuel subsidies. This is because petrol prices to jump by 100 at the pumps. However, kristin demonstrators are making a more uncompromising demand of the president. We do not want your economic measures, we do not want to you as our president. And all of those who are in favour of those measures are against the people. Translation we want the president to leave power, we other want to govern, police are the ones blocking the highway, not us. We are here peacefully, get out of here. The position government which has moved to the second city of the protest is facing its biggest crisis since it came to power. Similar protests have brought down previous president s in ecuador but the government insist the military remains loyal. Translation ive just come from the naval base of the armed forces, we have been reviewing security protocols but only for the march but for the acts of vandalism. Other valences taking place in big cities in ecuador, the president has pointed the finger at his predecessor and the self imposed exile in europe. The former president released a video on social media which you called for early elections but denied he was attempting a coup. Translation there is no coup here, he insisted. Conflict in democracy are resolved at the polls. There have been some talks between the government and Indigenous Leaders yet following days of constant thread valences conflict doesnt look like being resolved is fully just yet. Peacefully. The specific gas and Electric Company switches off the supplies due to the weather, which raises risk about they are, sparked the power lines are cited californias day this wildfire, 85 people died. Iran will allow women to attend the world cup qualifying game against cambodia on thursday, the first women will have been permitted entry to a Football Game in tehran. The world governing body, fifa, has pushed for this change, spurred by last months tragedy when a female fan, turned away from a game, set herself on fire and died. Heres our Sports Editor dan roan. Demonstrators have clashed maestro, this is led by indigenous groups that demand subsidies and resignation of the present. This woman died last month having set us off the light into run and protest having been arrested to attend a football match. Her story led to a global outcry. Women can go to matches like this one at last is world cup in a show but back in their homeland they are being banned and Sports Events for the last a0 yea rs. And Sports Events for the last a0 years. This is nicer to change for several thousand women allowed to buy tickets for an international this week and the organisation will be watching closely. We are focused on making sure women can attend. We are totally focused on making sure women can attend this match on the 10th of october and then working just as pragmatically with the federation and the local authorities to ensure women also can attend local matches in leagues in iran, going forward. We are firm and clear, we expect all women in iran to be able to attend football matches. In recent years the protest movement against irans unofficial ban enforced by religious leaders has been gathering pace. Growing numbers of women even risking arrest by disguising themselves as men to attend games. But khodayaris death has brought the issue into sharper focus. Fifa has come under mounting pressure to do much more to try and ensure that women can freely watch football in iran and there is now much at stake. This is a case that has shone a spotlight on the extent to which sports bodies are prepared to wield their influence to try and tackle discrimination. Megan rapinoe, congratulations the games best female player recently highlighting the issue at footballs most prestigious awards ceremony. One activist, the sister of the captain of irans mens team says fifa should have got tough sooner. We have been sending letters to fifa for years. If fifa took this issue more seriously the death of this girl would have been prevented. All of us are really saddened by what happened to sahar. We now need to work to find Practical Solutions to ensure that women have free access to matches in iran. That is our focus. During last years world cup, progress as some women were allowed inside the National Stadium in tehran to watch their team on giant screens. The hope that this week the authorities honour their pledge to go a step further in what could prove a game changer. Dan roan, bbc news. A row has broken out on social media where colleen rooney, wife of the former england Football Player wayne, has accused rebekah vardy, wife of former england playerjamie, of leaking information from her Instagram Account to the press. Colleen rooney says she spent months working out who was behind the leaks. Heres lizo mzimba. Theyre married to footballers who have played for england, but both women have become well known figures in their own right. Rebekah vardy has taken part in the reality show im a celebrity get me out of here. Coleen rooney has been a guest presenter on shows like the x factor. She says that after years of stories about her appearing in a tabloid newspaper, she decided to lay a trap on her private instagram feed. She told her more than one million twitter followers. She said that she also ensured that only one account could access those false stories and that that Instagram Account belonged to rebekah vardy. Mrs vardy, who says that many people have had access to her account over the years, denied being responsible, replying. Many have applauded coleen rooney, others have questioned whether making public accusations on twitter was the fairest way to act towards someone who was previously a close friend. Lizo mzimba, bbc news. They have become unlikely french cultural icons, asterix and obelix, two indomitable gauls. To mark the 60th anniversary of theirfirst appearance in print parts of the paris metro have been given a temporary makeover. A dozen stations were renamed in honour of the comic book characters, as the bbcs tim allman explains. The Party Started at the gaul, what the invading romans may have called it, fans young and old were in attendance to celebrate the comic book characters who have come to represent the spirit of their nation. Translation so the idea is that a birthday for characters which transcend all generations. You see here all generations are here, theyre superfans of these characters. For six decades those super fans have followed the adventures of asterix, obelix, dogmatix, getafix and the rest. More than 370 million books sold worldwide and stories that have been translated into 100 different languages. Some people just couldnt stay away. Translation we drove for more than three hours to come here, we postponed all our plans to come and experience the 60th birthday of our heroes. Translation i think its an excellent idea, its very pretty, and livens it up and it reminds us of our roots. Giant celebratory posters have been put up as the whole country prepares to celebrate asterixs diamond anniversary, wild boar and a cup of magic potion for everyone. Tim allman, bbc news. Big heroes in our household as well. A reminder of the top story, there is International Criticism of tu rkeys is International Criticism of turkeys military assault on kurdish led forces and not for syria, france, germany and britain have requested a meeting of the security council, President Trump has described the attack is a bad idea. At this ten civilians are reported killed so far. Ill be on the subject of the Islamic State group, us media is reporting their milking dish rack American Military has taken custody of british detainees, that became notorious for their role in the sonics itself, they tortured and killed nearly 30 western outages, they were part of a british cell nicknamed the beatles. There will be more on that coming up later. There is much more for you anytime on all the news on the bbc website. Thank you for watching. Hello there. Wednesday has been a very showery day across parts of scotland and Northern Ireland, particularly western scotland, rainfall totals really starting to mount up, weve seen some flush flooding in places, a lot of surface spray on the roads. As we head on into thursday, it looks like its going to stay pretty unsettled, turn windier through the day, with another band of rain moving in. Could see the new area of low pressure. This is the low pressure we have had for the last few days, eventually clearing off to the north east. This new area of low pressure will send its weather fronts out across for the north west of the country, and it will bring another round of fairly strong winds. Thursday though starts off fine and dry for many. Lovely spell of sunshine up and down the country. A few showers across western scotland continuing. And then the band of rain starts to push in, to Northern Ireland initially, and then into much of scotland and perhaps the far north of england. And it is going to turn very wet and we could see further issues with surface water flooding across western scotland. Whereas further south, although there will be a lot of cloud across england and wales, there could be quite a bit of dry weather too. The top temperature of 17 degrees. But through thursday night, it stays quite blustery. Further heavy showers, longer spells of rain across the north west of the country. And then we will start to see some more persistent rain pushing to parts of england and wales by the end of the night. You notice temperatures 12 1a in the south. Turning much milder. Temperatures nine or 10 the overnight low for scotland and Northern Ireland. The reason for the wet weather as we head on into friday and, indeed, into the weekend, is this weather front which will be pretty much part across england and wales, we think, and it is going to bring a lot of rainfall throughout friday. Tending to pile up into the hills of wales, perhaps the north midlands, and northern england, particularly across the peak district. 50 70 millimetres of rain by the time the day is out, so that could cause some issues, atrocious conditions on the road and some surface water flooding. Across the far south east, we could se a little bit of a brightness and dry weather, then it will be mild to the south of that weather front, friday afternoon. 18 degrees will be the high. Around 15 or 16 on the weather front. But to the north of it, for scotland and Northern Ireland, where we will see sunshine and showers, cooler air mass, 13 or 1a degrees. And for the rest of friday, looks like the showers across Northern Areas begin to ease down. Perhaps the rain for england and wales might ease down for a bit, before a new renewed bit of rain starts to push into the south west so that means, into the weekend, i think england and wales look like seeing most of the cloud and outbreaks of rain which again could cause some issues, with some surface water flooding. But a different story furrther north, for scotland and Northern Ireland, youll be in the slightly cooler air mass and therell be a mixture of sunshine and showers, some of which may be heavy and thundery. All this is bbc news, the headlines theres been International Criticism of turkeys military assault on kurdish led forces in north east syria. France, germany and britain have requested a meeting of the Un Security Council and President Trump described the attack as a bad idea. At least ten civilians are reported to have been killed so far. Chancellor Angela Merkel has attended a memorial vigil in berlin for two People Killed in an anti semitic attack in the german city of halle. A gunman tried to get into a synagogue where up to eighty worshippers had gathered. A suspect a white german man has been arrested. President trump has said Us Government officials will speak to the wife of an american serviceman who was involved in a Traffic Accident in england in which a teenager died. She flew home to the United States, claiming immunity, despite telling

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