For the woman police want to question. The businesswoman accused of taking favours from Boris Johnson when he was london mayor refuses to say whether they had an affair. And climate activists take to the streets in london and cities around the world demanding urgent action to stop global warming. And coming up on bbc news. We look at the cricketing credentials of former bowling coach Chris Silverwood as he takes the top job with the england cricket team. Good evening and welcome to the bbc news at six. Police forces across england and wales are battling rising levels of knife crime. Figures today show offences involving knives in england and wales increased by more than two thirds rising sharply outside london but with the capital still the most dangerous area. The trauma team at the Royal London Hospital in the east end is one of the busiest in europe, dealing with knife and gun attacks, and the bbcs clive myrie was given exclusive access to their work over a period of several months. You may find some of the images distressing. This the pained face of knife crime in britain. Still early, the guys arent even tipping out the pubs yet, and absolutely anything could happen tonight. These are stories over a three month period, from the front line of the epidemic. When he came in, hed lost a lot of blood volume, his pulses were very weak. Stories of courage, kindness and honesty. Lets face it, it doesnt take much to get stabbed in our society today, bottom line. Arterial bleeder there. Stories of cowardice, and for some, immense strength. We got a phone call that my son had been stabbed. Theyd just stabbed him. 0h. This is 16 year old lucas. At approximately 16 30 hes been allegedly assaulted by a group of people, and sustained a single incision wound to the left upper quadrant. Lucas perry has been stabbed in the chest. One of two knife victims admitted to the Royal London Hospital this evening. His painkillers havent kicked in. Theyve just got to open him up and see where the knifes gone, what its hit, and take it from there, really. Theres lots of things that could go wrong. Its absolutely awful. Consultant Martin Griffiths will soon operate on lucas. Hes stable, but nothings certain. How you doing . Im right here, open your eyes, look at me, take my hand. Whats your name . Lucas. How old are you . 16. And what happened to you . I got stabbed. The attackers knife pierced his liver and punctured his stomach, after lucas refused to hand over his bike and phone to a group of teen robbers. Martin is a veteran of the violence, but even hes shocked at whats happening now. We know were seeing a lot more, about 10 rise year on year, and we get the feeling we are seeing more complex wounds. What do you think is going on then, what is going on out there . I hope itsjust a blip. I worry that theres a change in attitude towards knife injury, that people are becoming better educated on how to cause more damage. The attacks are no longerjust random slashes but targeted strikes, designed to permanently maim or kill. Its late at night and martins on duty again. Just named nhs Violent Crime reduction chief for london, his role is to help Society Better understand why some carry knives, to reframe the debate, to save lives. Lets strip away convention, lets strip away what we expect to happen in our lives, lets strip away the resource, shelter, warmth, comfort, parenting, structure. Lets introduce chaotic parenting, inconsistent food, inconsistent shelter, no aspiration, and a group or society around you in which that behaviour is the norm. And put around that a big fence. Peoplejudging you and deeming you as being worthless. Lets give you no access to get out of that place. Lets see how you behave. What will happen . Its going to be explosive, it wont be positive. We are dealing with a generation that are angry, disheartened, that have been neglected, that are let down, that no one really cares about. Roisin kerville is part of Martin Griffiths team. An outreach worker based in the hospital, she can offer the direct support some families need as patients recover, to prevent young people turning to violence. If youve got a parent who is substance misuse or Mental Health orjust domestic violence, you cannot nurture that child as much as that child really needs nurturing because youre consumed with whatever you are holding as an adult. Does it depress you . Yes. You seeing this all the time . Oh, it breaks my heart. Victims admitted to hospital can seek revenge on their attackers and end up needing further treatment. But her work and that of colleagues has cut readdmitance rates to the royal london from 45 to just 1 . All of you been traumatised by this. All of you. Lucas is ok. But what about his family . If you look all right, youre probably not all right. Yeah. 0k. Its going to be a long process. You all right . Ten days later his family tries to heal, as lucas gets better. How you feeling . Im all right. But will he seek revenge on his attackers . If youre walking along the street and you see them, whats going to happen . Obviously id want them to go through that, id want them to feel what i feel, but i wouldnt stab them. And not seeking to stab his attacker mayjust save his own life. On any given day in britain, a knife attack will intrude on a young life. The youngest to die this year 14. How best to give our youth a chance, to end the pointless waste, were still figuring out. Clive myrie, bbc news. Our home editor mark easton is here. Clives film paints a horrifying picture of the impact of knife crime, mainly on young people. It isa it is a troubling glimpse into a world of those on the front line trying to deal with the challenges of rising knife crime in this country. How bad is it . The bbc has asked every police force in england and wales about the number of serious knife offences they saw last year and the figures confirm what we might expect. The problem is that its most acute in the capital. Of the 17 councils with the highest rates of serious knife offences, all but one is a london borough. Westminster is the worst followed by inner city areas like tottenham, islington and southwark. But then the picture changes, central manchester, liverpool high on the list and then smaller towns and cities, slough, nottingham, blackpool, old ham, cities, slough, nottingham, blackpool, oldham, luton, it is an urban story but its also about deprivation. Knife crime thrives in places that are poor. As we heard in clives film, those are vulnerable to this kind of violence are often people who lack the critical support in their lives. And so i suppose it is likely that the long term answers to knife crime will be in finding ways to provide young people. Those at risk from the gangs and the criminal networks, providing them with the structures and the support that they desperately need. Mark, thank you. The Prime Minister has urged the us to reconsider giving a diplomats wife immunity after she left the uk despite being a suspect ina left the uk despite being a suspect in a fatal road crash. Harry dunn who was 19 died when his motorcycle was in a collision with a car near an an raf base in northamptonshire. Anne sacoolas left the uk despite telling police she had no plans to do so. Duncan kennedy has the details. Harry dunn was just 19 when he was knocked down in august and died of multiple injuries. It was from this american airbase in northamptonshire that Anne Sacoolas drove her car before hitting harry. She subsequently left the country despite being the main police suspect. Today, in a highly unusual move, the Prime Minister intervened to call on the americans to overturn her diplomatic immunity. I do not think that it can be right to use the process of diplomatic immunity for this type of purpose, and i hope Anne Sacoolas will come back and will engage properly with the processes of laws carried out in this country. The intervention of the Prime Minister comes six weeks after harry died here on this road side in northamptonshire. The air force base where Anne Sacoolas drove out of is just 200 yards down the road. Harrys family say they welcome the move by borisjohnson and say they hope it will bring real pressure on the american government. Harrys parents said today that whilst they are not seeking a long jail sentence for Anne Sacoolas, they are finding it hard to forgive her. It was an accident, we know this, she didnt mean to kill our son. It was an accident, i can forgive her for that. But forgive her for leaving . Wed have tried to get her a suspended sentence so she could have carried on being a mum, so that she wasnt taken away from her own children. But forgiving her for leaving, im nowhere near. Anne sacoolas and her family own a house in this neighbourhood of virginia outside washington, dc. But its thought they are staying elsewhere. The American State Department say it is rare for diplomatic protection to be taken away from an individual. But Northamptonshire Police say investigating the crash without the main suspect wont bring justice for harrys family. Its difficult when the suspect has left the uk and obviously causes delays in the investigation. But we are working really hard to ensure that we gather all of the Available Evidence that remains for us. The foreign secretary is to raise this case with the american secretary of state later tonight. What started as a tragedy on a quiet english country road has become an international cause of division and heartache. Duncan kennedy, bbc news. Judges at the court of session in edinburgh have ruled against a group of campaigners trying to place additional presure on the Prime Minister to stop him leaving the eu without a deal. They had asked for a court order forcing borisjohnson to comply with the benn act, a law designed to prevent a new deal brexit. The judges ruled the existing legislation is sufficient. The media regulator, ofcom, says it has found no evidence the bbc presenter Naga Munchetty broke impartiality rules by speaking on air about her experience of racism in light of comments made by president trump. Ofcom said it had serious concerns about transparency in the bbcs complaints process. The american businesswoman Jennifer Arcuri has refused to say whether she had an affair with Boris Johnson when he was london mayor and has denied he showed her preferential treatment. Speaking on itv, in herfirst Television Interview about the allegations, she said the pair had bonded over their mutual love of shakespeare. The Prime Minister has denied breaking any code of conduct. Heres our special correspondent lucy manning. I hope you are having a. Just what was it about the charismatic student Jennifer Arcuri that attracted borisjohnson, then mayor of london, to support her Technology Events . Im ready to hang out, yeah. Yeah look at that boris is hanging out mrjohnsons been accused of a conflict of interest after she got public money and was allowed on trade trips he led. You like hanging out with us, right . I do, im always happy to hang out at innotech. Today, she had her say, although six times she refused to say if theyd had an affair. The answer that im going to give is now going to be weaponised against this man. Its really categorically no ones business what private life we had, or didnt have. And categorically, more important, boris never, ever gave me favouritism. Never once did i ask him for a favour. Never once did he write a letter of recommendation for me. He didnt know about my asking to go to trips. Mrjohnson has also refused to say if they did or did not have a relationship. Its notjust a personal question. The businesswoman got £26,000 and went on free trade trips, and later her company was awarded £100,000 from the culture department. Absolutely nothing to do with mrjohnson, she insisted. Did you ever have any intimate relationship with Boris Johnson . Yes or no. Because the press have made me this objectified, ex model, pole dancer, i really am not going to answer that question. So you wont deny it . Im sorry. Jennifer arcuri says Boris Johnson visited her at her flat here in east london five, ten, a handful of times. There are now four investigations to see whether mrjohnson helped her to receive any funds or access to trade trips. The London Assembly has given him until tomorrow night to provide any e mails or documents. If he doesnt, then they could summons him to appear. If he ignores that, then it could be a fine or even prison. The Prime Minister had little to add. Did you break the gla code of conduct . No, and i think ive said everything im going to say on that matter. Miss arcuri said they had a very close bond. Labour says he should have declared this. He has a duty to declare his relationship with ms arcuri. He has a duty to make that declaration under the code if he doesnt, then they could summons him to appear. Our top story this evening. Levels of knife crime is rising around the country london has the worst in the country. And celebrations for britains nobel prize winner, whose work could bring new cancer treatments. Coming up on sportsday on bbc news. Another big step on the comeback path for andy murray as he battles pastjuan Ignacio Londero into the second round at the shanghai open. Thousands of climate activists have taken to the streets in cities around the world at the start of two weeks of global protest calling for urgent Government Action to stop rising carbon emissions. Its been coordinated by the Campaign Group Extinction Rebellion. In london there have been over 200 arrests as protestors blocked bridges and roads in the city centre, including trafalgar square. Our chief environment correspondent Justin Rowlatt is there, whats happening there now . A lots of activity behind you. There is. We have the latest figures on arm reece, 217 so far, now Extinction Rebellion are demanding that the government declare an immediate climate and ecological emergency and begin to reduce uk Greenhouse Gases drastically. They say they will have two weeks of direct action in order to drive those demands home, sorry there is a police car coming through. Today, thousands of activists blockaded streets from trafalgar square, down to lambeth bridge, shutting traffic out of the heart of uk government. I have been following the protests all day. There wasnt much the police could do as vehicles blocked key junctions and protesters swiftly chained themselves underneath. Were trying to shut Central London to draw attention to the climate and ecological violence. Go, go, go but officers drew the line when activists tried to set up a kitchen yep, sink and all, in the middle of trafalgar square. This was a numbers game. There were hundreds of police. There are no official numbers yet, but thousands of protesters. Campsites and kitchens quickly sprang up in the heart of government. There was even an impromptu wedding on westminster bridge. Cheering and applause. It brought parts of Central London to a standstill. Everyones going to lose money. I might as well go home now. My days finished. I aint going to earn nothing, am i . It certainly was disruptive. It took hours for police to unclip protesters from the scaffolding tower. You are his theical and alienating Public Opinion and they ant going to turn off their lights until you ask them to individually. Celebrity supporters defended the action this is isa supporters defended the action this is is a movement for everybody, it is is a movement for everybody, it is not about Party Politics or brexit, it is bigger than that. Is not about Party Politics or brexit, it is bigger than thatm wasnt just brexit, it is bigger than thatm wasntjust london. Extinction rebellion protests included a mass lie in in mumbai, road blocks in berlin, actions in new zealand, and in dublin too. Extinction rebellion are claiming today was a triumph. But they are planning 1a days of similar actions. The question now is whether theyre activists not to mention the public and police have the staying power for that. A retired high courtjudge has accused the Police Watchdog of shocking failures in its investigation of what went wrong during the Metropolitans Police inquiry into alleged paedophile ring at westminster. Operation midland ended without any arrests or charges after one man, carl beech, made a series of false allegations against public figures. The head of the met apologised again today and the Police Watchdog defended its decision not to recommend disciplinary action against any of the officers involved. June kelly reports. Carl beech duped experienced detectives for months with his bogus allegations of abuse. And his case continues to undermine the reputation of the metropolitan police. Now, sir richard henriques, the former seniorjudge who reviewed the Scotland Yard inquiry, has also slammed the investigation by the Police Watchdog, which decided that no officers should be disciplined. Maintenance of law and order depends upon the effective oversight of those invested with power. Who guards the guards themselves . Who watches the watchers . A malfunctioning police force has not received the negotiations oversight. Sir richard also believes that the current met commissioner, Dame Cressida dick, should have been interviewed by the watchdog. She managed the team responsible for the beech investigation. Today, she stressed her officers should investigate with an open mind. There was a policy that tended to suggest to officers they should believe complainants, so called victims, whatever they said, and investigate the allegation rather than at any early stage beginning to investigate the individual. Than at any early stage beginning to investigate the individual. The investigation into an alleged westminster paedophile ring cost £2. 5 million. Lord bramall, a former chief of the defence staff, was among those who paid the price for the police failings. Falsely accused along with lord britton, who was once home secretary, the ex tory mp Harvey Proctor and the late conservative Prime Minister sir edward heath. The police have been accused of unlawfully obtaining war rans to is is the home of lord britton and other suspect. The Police Watchdog the iopc rejects this. Its refused to do interviews, but in a statement its director general Michael Lockwood said. Lincoln seligman, the godson of sir edward heath, has fought to preserve the reputation of a man who had no family. Quite obviously the whole thing was such a complete disaster, to say that nobody did anything wrong defies common sense. So while carl beech is serving a prison sentence for his lies, the force that he deserved for 18 months remains in the dock. June kelly, bbc news. A baby boy has died in hospital following a stabbing in which his mother was seriously injured. Emergency services were called to an address in north tyneside, last wednesday to find a 21 year old woman and her son with life threatening injuries. Our correspondent fiona trott is outside the hospital where the baby died, what more can you tell us . Ra nts to rants to is is the home of lord britton and other suspect. The Police Watchdog the iopc rejects this. Well, this is the Freeman Hospital in newcastle where doctors had been treating the baby. Police confirmed this afternoon he died yesterday, he was just three weeks old. Now, for legal reasons we cant name him on his mother, but we know she is now in a stable condition, in hospital, the police have told us this is devastating news for the ba bys this is devastating news for the babys family, this is devastating news for the ba bys family, specialist this is devastating news for the babys family, specialist officers continue to offer them support, and we know the local community are buy by their side. 27 year old Denis Erdinch Beytula has been charged with two counts of attempted murder, he is due to appear in court latest this month. Thank you. Cumbria cumbria the nobel prize for medicine has been won by a british scientist and two americans for their research into how human cells respond to the availability of oxygen. Their work is paving the way for new therapies for serious diseases. Heres our medical correspondent fergus walsh. Just for a moment, the serious work of science was put on pause at sir peter ratcliffes laboratory, at the university of oxford. In true nobel fashion, sir peter had no advance warning of the prize. Ifound out this morning, as my secretary catherine came through the door, into my laboratory meeting, with an anxious look on her face, and suggested i talk to someone from stockholm. So what was your reaction . Well, delighted, honoured, a little bit surprised this morning. Obviously this is a great tribute to lots of people in my lab, the people who helped me set it up, the people who have been there for years, the people who are there now. The 2019 nobel prize in physiology or medicine jointly to William Kaelin. Sir peter shared the award with american scientists William Kaelin and Gregg Semenza for their discoveries on how human cells sense and adapt to the availability of oxygen. For elite athletes like dina asher smith, powering her way to gold at the 200 metre world championships, muscle cells are perfectly calibrated to get maximum explosive power. For mountaineers at high altitudes, oxygen levels can be dangerously low, akin to what Patients Experience in intensive care. Discovering how the human body adapts to extreme situations has many medical applications. Most human diseases are complicated by low oxygen. We call it hypoxia. That includes heart disease, anaemia, the primary target now, cancer, in a slightly different way. We are right on the threshhold of hearing the outcome of trials in the us, in europe, injapan. Sir peters share of the prize money is nearly a quarter of a million pounds. He says he has no idea how he will spend it and seemed anxious to get back to his lab. Fergus walsh, bbc news, oxford. Before we go, its not every day you see Something Like this, swimming in the thames. A humpback whale has been spotted in london near the dartford crossing. Its over 80 foot, or nearly 30 metres long, and doesnt seem to be in any distress. Scientists monitoring the animal say its behaviour is perfectly normal. Time for a look at the weather. Heres louise lear. Enjoying the sights wasnt he, a beautiful morning this morning as well, if you were over the thames you were greeted to sun rise like this but it was red sky in the morning shepherds warning because look what arrived later on, we have seen some look what arrived later on, we have seen some rain today, it has been persistent and showery over the last few hours so we have this line of rain to clear, we have had some thundery showers into the far north west. That is because it is closest to the area of low pressure and that low pressure will stay with us and that low pressure will stay with us right throughout the night and into tomorrow, so it will keepifieding in the showers across the north and west facing coast but at the same time further south and east the rain will ease, probably round the latter stages of the day and through the night, we will keep some cloud around but temperatures not falling very far at all. Too much of a breeze for any mist or fog and too much cloud round, so overnight lows of nine to 12, we start off relatively quiet but the showers pretty much from the word go into the far north west, some of these again heavy and widespread and with the strong to gusty wind little drive bands of showery rain inland as we go through the day. So some places you will see sharp showers through the day. Maybe with hail, squally winds rumbles of thunder mixes in. Dodge the shower, keep some spell un specific spellings temperatures peak at 12 degrees, thatis temperatures peak at 12 degrees, that is about average for the time of year. It is almost a repeat performance as we move through the middle of the week. We keep that low, feeding in some showeries from west to east, some of them will continue to be heavy and there is the potential of more persistent rain across southern and central parts of england and a reminder of our top story. Levels of knife crime are rising round the country with london still the worst affected. Thats all from the bbc news at six, so its goodbye from me, and on bbc one we nowjoin the bbcs news teams where you are. Here watching bbc news. You are our headlines. New figures show knife crime in england and wales have increased by two thirds. Hospitals tell the bbc that they are there is a new kinds of entries. What is going on out there . I hope it is just a blip. I worry that there is a change in attitude towards knife injury. After the fatal car crash that killed harry dunn, the Prime Minister does mark the business woman accused of taking the version borisjohnson he was london mayor refuses to say whether they had an

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