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Flash floods cause chaos across england on the isle of man, a Major Incident has been declared. And coming up on the programme mps will debate proposals for a long awaited new law to better protect victims of Domestic Abuse. Ill be speaking to the labour mp, jess phillips, whos worked on the bill. Good morning. Welcome to bbc newsroom live im joanna gosling. The government will submit what it calls its final proposals for a new brexit deal today, with a warning there will be no further negotiations if brussels fails to engage with the offer. Borisjohnson is expected to tell the conservative Party Conference the plan is a fair and reasonable compromise that all sides can build on. While the official plan wont be published till later, the Daily Telegraph has published details of what it says are the proposals british negotiators are putting forward in place of the backstop designed to avoid a hard border on the island of ireland. The paper says the idea is to have some checks on the border between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland. And other different checks across the irish sea between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is calling this plan two borders for four years. Lets look at what the Daily Telegraph is suggesting in more detail. The paper reports that under the proposals the uk and Northern Ireland would have a special relationship until 2025. Northern ireland would remain within much of the Single Market. It would leave the Customs Union with the rest of the uk. The paper says the proposals would create a regulatory border across the irish sea between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It would create a Customs Border between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland. After four years, in 2025, the papers says the Stormont Assembly would have a role in deciding the relationship beyond that. Laura kuenssberg, our political editor, has tweeted or report on what the government may be proposing. She said some technical issues. We can now go live to the conservative Party Conference in manchester. Our assistant political editor, norman smith, is there. Norman, norman smith, is there. We are going to get the details norman, we are going to get the details later, there is a lot in the report. What are you expecting . I think something pretty similar to what is in the telegraph, actually, because the broad outlines of the deal do now seem pretty clear, which is that Northern Ireland would in effect stay in the Single Market in regulatory alignment with the eu but would leave the Customs Union, so there would be customs checks between love ireland and ireland. What we are looking for in terms of the unknowing element is what sort of veto star mont might have over the whole process. Number ten thinks this can only be solved if Northern Ireland gives its consent to this package, because it is a fairly precarious package, because under this proposal, Northern Ireland would be in a position where it had a body above the rest of the uk, a regulatory body in the irish sea, and it would have a Customs Border with the eu. So to ensure that had the consent of the people of Northern Ireland, there would have to bea Northern Ireland, there would have to be a role for store might. That is what we still dont quite know, without there is a definitive time frame after which stromont we get to vote on whether they want to continue in that arrangement or whether they could bring it to an end. Fitting into all that is the fa ct end. Fitting into all that is the fact that they would have to get stromont up and running again. It was interesting last night to stop boris. Borisjohnson was cheered to the rafters last night at a dup conference in manchester. You get the sense Arlene Foster is fully behind whatever borisjohnson is proposing in terms of a stomont beetle. Meanwhile, the Party Chairman was suggesting now is the time for the eu to budge. Now is the time for the eu to consider seriously the proposals that we are putting forward. There will not be a delay, we are leaving on the 315t of october. What we really, really want is for the eu to recognise that movement on their part will give us the opportunity to get a deal that we can get through the house of commons get brexit done. In all that the initial signs are that this package has frankly gone down pretty badly in the eu. Maybe not that surprising because we know that the eu has repeatedly said that they do not want any disruption to they do not want any disruption to the economy on the island of ireland, in other words, they do not wa nt ireland, in other words, they do not want any checks at all so they have a problem with the idea of customs checks, they had previously ruled out the idea of any time limit to the so called backstop, so they would have a problem if Morris Johnson was suggesting that there should be a four year period after which stomont we get a vote. I would imagine that they have a problem with stormont having a veto over the whole process in effect. It doesnt seem to me that this is really a basis for an agreement, if it is, then in the eu would really have to back down in quite a dramatic fashion. We are expecting to hear from borisjohnson. Lets show you the doors where we are expecting him to arrive, we will bring you his arrival and speech as soon as it happens. The duchess of sussex is suing the mail on sunday over a claim it unlawfully published a private letter she sent to her father, thomas markle. The royal couple are carrying out engagements on the final day of their tour of Southern Africa here visiting an entrepreneurs hub in johannesburg. The legal action comes after the mail on sunday published a handwritten letterfrom meghan to herfather, thomas markle, sent shortly after she and prince harry got married. The case alleges misuse of private information, Copyright Infringement and breach of the Data Protection act. A spokesman for the newspaper said it stood by the story it published. In a strongly worded statement prince harry said the duke of sussex went on to say that his deepest fear is of history repeating itself. He wrote we can see borisjohnson heading to the Conference Centre now proposals for a long awaited new law to better protect victims of Domestic Abuse will be debated by mps today. The bill is expected to include provisions to place a legal duty on councils to offer secure homes for those escaping violence, and ban perpetrators from being able to directly cross examine victims in court. Graham satchell reports. Charlotte kneer runs a refuge in southern england. It provides shelter and help for up to 11 women and 2a children at any one time. The governments Domestic Abuse bill comes back to the commons today after fears it would be lost when parliament was prorogued. It defines Domestic Abuse legally for the first time to include coercive, controlling behaviour, and will stop alleged perpetrators cross examining victims in court. Campaigners have welcomed the bill, but say it does not go far enough. I think, for us, the most important thing missing is the guarantee of funding for refuges and other specialist services. Domestic abuse murders are at a five year high. And, really, this is something that we and other campaigners have been saying that unless a safe refuge is provided victims of Domestic Abuse, then sadly, murder rates will increase. The government insists victims of Domestic Abuse should be able to access appropriate support at the appropriate time, and the bill is, in their words, an opportunity to stamp out this devastating crime for good. But Charities Say there simply isnt enough support. 60 of people referred to refuges last year were turned away. Local Authority Funding has dropped by almost a third since 2010. Charlottes funding from her local authority is guaranteed for the next 12 months, but after that, she says, she 00 10 20,1000 00 10 22,991 doesnt know. Joining me now from westminster is the labour mp, jess phillips. Lets is the labour mp, jess phillips. Pick up on a new pl funding lets pick up on a new point about funding and the reduction in funding from local authorities down a third, 60 of people refer to refugees. Pause for a moment, werejust 60 of people refer to refugees. Pause for a moment, were just going to go to the conservative Party Conference, borisjohnson to go to the conservative Party Conference, Boris Johnson is arriving so we will take a quick look at that. That he is, arriving to spell out his final offer on brexit. Reporters shout just saying hello as he heads into speu just saying hello as he heads into spell out his final offer on brexit, it has been described as a or leave it has been described as a or leave it message to europe. It is a complex offer, as far as we understand that, based on the report in the telegraph today, which talks about a solution to the backstop as being potentially a double border over a four year period, so he will be spilling out full details of that. Well bring that to you live a little bit later. Back tojess phillips, back to the Domestic Abuse bill and the funding issue. So many people being turned away who need help, local Authority Funding cut, how much of a difference can at make without there being more money to support vital facilities . Now difference without the resources attached to it. It no difference. It would be a gesture if nothing else. There will be a number of things that would materially change things that would materially change things that would materially change things that dont need money, the cross examination of victims by the perpetrators in family court is one example where it will not necessarily take a lot of money although we do need to see an upgrade of our court system so that there are facilities for special measures in place, which currently do not exist, they exist in criminal courts but not family courts. The reality is that we all want to get this legislation through, but without proper resources for refuge, community support, our health services, how we talk to young people about this, it will just services, how we talk to young people about this, it willjust be words on goatskin and women will continue to be murdered every year. It has been save by what happened in the Supreme Court overriding prorogation . It is incredibly important, ironic that you interrupted me talking about Domestic Abuse to go to Boris Johnson walking into a conference. It we have to get it through this hurdle today, if he prorogues again then the bill will fall again. But getting it to a second reading gives it some safeguards from, frankly, a Prime Minister who is not here talking about these legislative things that will change peoples lives in the country, he is interested in entirely something different. You said that if he prorogues again, he could potentially prorogue again tomorrow, because what the Supreme Court ruling gave him saying that normal prorogation would be ok, effectively five to six days before a queens speech. Do you suspect that will happen . I suspect it might happen, borisjohnson does happen . I suspect it might happen, Boris Johnson does not like scrutiny. But getting this to second reading today, there are other very technical Standing Orders in the house of cummings meaning that once we had at second reading stage, you can put it to cross over into next parliament so it will stay on the books. That has been the whole point of having it today, this has basically been a fight to make sure that people care about this and keep it running and keep it going on in the statutory books. Brexit that deal being talked about, i dont know if you have read it and seen the reports of it. That is effectively a double border between the north and south of ireland, and a border between Northern Ireland and Great Britain, depending on whether it is Customs Union or Single Market. It is complicated, would you think about it . |j Single Market. It is complicated, would you think about it . I think it is not a reasonable suggestion that borisjohnson is is not a reasonable suggestion that Boris Johnson is making. Is not a reasonable suggestion that borisjohnson is making. It would be an infringement of the good friday agreement, as i have seen reported. I dont think it is practical, we will promise no borders on the island of ireland, and i think Boris Johnson isjust island of ireland, and i think Boris Johnson is just creating the solution, which it now is that ireland will find very difficult to agree to, therefore, the eu will find difficult to agree to. So Boris Johnson has someone to blame when they cannot suggest what he is suggesting, he will go around blaming europe, but the reality as he did not offer a credible solution. This is a game to Boris Johnson, he wants the eu to turn it down so that he has a whipping boy. Im down so that he has a whipping boy. I m totally down so that he has a whipping boy. Im totally sick of it, i was Boris Johnson would stop pretending and just be honest. He wants a no deal the end. If the eu does not offer an extension and parliament has said that there can be no deal, what is the way through . Does theresa mays Withdrawal Agreement come back into play . Yes, absolutely. The eu would offer an extension for a reason. If theresa mays deal came back, we would seek to attach a conservatory ballot so that people can say but that they like that deal or not. You never voted for that deal . Now, i dont think it is a good deal. But i would vote for it so that people in my constituency would also have a say on it, yes. Do you see that as a likely way through, enough support in the commons for that . likely way through, enough support in the commons for that . I think the eu will accept an extension if it has a mechanism attached to, a general election, a referendum, they wa nt general election, a referendum, they want it to be for a purpose, not just for more. Boris johnson want it to be for a purpose, not just for more. Borisjohnson has one thing right the country are sick of this. But it is completely dishonest to suggest that a no deal brexit means we are going to stop talking about brexit, it is the beginning of another negotiation, we still have to be doing this. The reality is that the only way to decide is is by putting it back to the people. Thank you forjoining us. The people. Thank you forjoining us. We will bring you Boris Johnsons speech a little later. Tesco has announced that its chief executive dave lewis is stepping down after five years in the role. Mr lewis said the decision was a and tesco chairmanjohn allan said he had accepted the resignation with regret. The departure was announced as tesco reported a rise in profits. Our business presenter dominic 0connell said mr lewis decision was a surprise. Timing is everything in business, i think dave lewis realised it wasnt going to get much better with the results. Hejoined the going to get much better with the results. He joined the company in disarray, there had been a string of profit warnings, there was an accounting scandal. He has turned around, he has actually done quite a lot, he sacked a few thousand staff, change their Senior Management and move their head office. He said the results were rather overshadowed by the news of his departure. Like sales were flat but a tough comparison to last year because last year was quite a good one for tesco. But in the operating margin was back up but in the operating margin was back up to 4 , a level it has not been out since the glory days. Really, he can say that it is kind ofjob done on the turnaround, but the grocery market is super competitive. Audi and lidl are snapping at tescos heels. Sainsburys are cutting costs very hard. His timing is probably impeccable. More than 150 flood alerts remain in place in england, with more rain and strong winds forecast for tomorrow. 0n the isle of man, a Major Incident was declared yesterday, after flash flooding trapped some people indoors. Cars were submerged after heavy rain in leicestershire and landslides blocked Railway Lines in cumbria. A teenager accused of throwing a boy from a viewing platform at the tate modern in london can be identified because hes turned 18 today. Jonty bravery, whos from west london, has been charged with the six year olds attempted murder. An application to extend the reporting restriction protecting his identity was rejected by a judge yesterday. The victim, a six year old French National who still cannot be named, suffered a deep bleed to the brain and fractured his spine. His family say he now struggles to speak, eat or move. Borisjohnson will be setting out details of what he is calling final negotiation position to the eu in pursuit of what he calls a fair and reasonable brexit compromise. We welcome viewers from the news channel who arejoining we welcome viewers from the news channel who are joining us for the live coverage of borisjohnsons speech to the conservative Party Conference. What is shocking is that we have a Prime Minister who is basically threatening to not obey the law of the land, that legislation is really clear about what it mandates the Prime Minister to do. What kind of signal does it send out . This whole thing about brexit was about making our parliament is sovereign, our parliament is sovereign, our parliament has passed a law and the Prime Minister and his cabinet are basically just fighting it. Prime minister and his cabinet are basicallyjust fighting it. Why dont the labour party will wait for an election . Because we want to make sure that a no deal. An election . Because we want to make sure that a nodeal. Jeremy corbyn could have voted for an election before october 31. For once, Jeremy Corbyn was not behaving like a com plete corbyn was not behaving like a complete wally and walking into a massive trap set by borisjohnson. Because the labour party thought they would lose, they did not call an election when they could have done. This was about making sure we did not crash out without no deal. 0n did not crash out without no deal. On this issue, what is he going to do . Will he apply for that extension, you say it will be extremely damaging, but what other choice does he have . extremely damaging, but what other choice does he have . I know the focus groups are very supportive of boris because he is keeping his word, he is following through with it. I think this is overlooked, where is public sentiment . The publicjust where is public sentiment . The public just want it where is public sentiment . The publicjust want it done. I think actually. I actually do think, electorally, he is not any bad positions. If you do is get a deal and goes to the polls, she will do very well. On the issue of nodeal, do you think now borisjohnson is serious about getting a deal . |j do you think now borisjohnson is serious about getting a deal . I have been wrestling with this. I think in his heart of hearts, he does not wa nt his heart of hearts, he does not want a deal. I think it has been forced at the last minute to cobble some sort of deal together, i do not see getting through parliament. I do not see the eu agreeing to it, i do not see the eu agreeing to it, i do not see the erg completely falling in line, i do not see the number of labour mps he needs to cross the floor to do that. I think the Prime Minister does want to gloriously crash out with new deal, that is what i think he and his advisers wa nt to what i think he and his advisers want to happen. Crash out with no deal. Want to happen. Crash out with nodeal. I think that is wrong. You just want a deal but a deal that works for the uk and actually enables us to leave the eu properly and get the benefits of brexit. There is no point in leaving a we cannot realise the opportunities of brexit, that is what he wants from a deal. But he is prepared to do no deal, fundamentally, the big difference between him and theresa may. Except there is a law passed that will compel him to go to persons and ask for an extension, or write eye letter at least. I want to show you this or at the front page of the daily star. People are having to stockpile social roles because preparations are going so well as an mp that represent some of the best pig farmers in britain that applies notjust best pig farmers in britain that applies not just british best pig farmers in britain that applies notjust british meat but exports to china some of our fine products, i think there is a massive opportunity here for the port industry. You hit it here first, is all i can say industry. You hit it here first, is all can say i cant industry. You hit it here first, is all i can say i cant believe such drills are mixed up in my politics, yet again, like George Osborne saw sergeant lets pull it back to liz truss saying that borisjohnson is not going to ask for that extension under any circumstances on the basis that they hope they are going to get a deal, but if the eu does not ee, a deal, but if the eu does not agree, where are we . There are all sorts of suggestions about different kinds of chicanery, that perhaps somebody else could sign the letter, maybe the cabinet secretary. Also, as we know, there are series expectations and conversations from people and government that this will end up in court one way or another. One minister wasjoking end up in court one way or another. One minister was joking to end up in court one way or another. One minister wasjoking to me yesterday saying, it would lady hale be actually able to pick up Boris Johnson has one hand and force him to signa johnson has one hand and force him to sign a letter . There are all sorts of potential letters about how the government might find a way out of this. It may also be a smack back of this. It may also be a smack back of the politics to the eu, because of the politics to the eu, because of borisjohnson writes of the politics to the eu, because of Boris Johnson writes a letter saying, i of Boris Johnson writes a letter saying, lam of Boris Johnson writes a letter saying, i am doing this because i have to buy law but it is my political policy that i see no purpose in annexation and i have nothing more to talk about. That is quite a predicament for the eu, nothing more to talk about. That is quite a predicament forthe eu, and the optics of them going ahead and enthusing an extension if that is what they do, it is pretty complicated. We need an election, thatis complicated. We need an election, that is absolutely clear. Parliament was recalled last week, nothing was achieved from that. We can keep having these discussions were the house of commons is trying to work with the eu to dictate what the government does, that is not a tenable situation. Jeremy corbyn should have voted for an election so it could have taken place before 0ctober it could have taken place before october 31. There is no mandate. I know you are transmitting your lines very well, but the house has voted that it does not want no deal, that is one thing the house has been a really clear about. But it has been clear on no deal, and the whole reason about not having an election is not that hard to work out. The reason is that we shot. The cabinet taken their places, you can see sajid javid and priti patel. The hall will be filled, there will be a short film as is usual on these occasions before borisjohnson takes to the stage. We do not know how long his speech will be. understand he has just long his speech will be. understand he hasjust finished that anybody who has followed Boris Johnsons political career would not be surprised to know that, we are not in an era where the speech. We see borisjohnson, not in an era where the speech. We see Boris Johnson, when not in an era where the speech. We see borisjohnson, when he delivered speeches, she will come on stage and ta ke speeches, she will come on stage and take out a full scrap of paper and slap it down on the lectern. If you canjust stop slap it down on the lectern. If you can just stop talking about brexit for a moment, it can just stop talking about brexit fora moment, it is can just stop talking about brexit for a moment, it is also a big political moment. This is Boris Johnson, first Party Conference speech as Prime Minister, a job that he dreamt of, plotted fork my hope forfor so long. 12 months ago, the conventional wisdom in westminster was that it was all over for him, the mps would never choose him. I just think its one of the other enormous political turnaround is that we have seen in recent years, you just wonder, despite brexit, what must be going through his head . Ijust what must be going through his head . I just saw the picture of what must be going through his head . Ijust saw the picture of ben wallace, one of his oldest friends in politics, sitting there in the front row, seeing his old ally about to come onstage as Prime Minister. Also seeing quite a few of the former conservative mps wondering about this exhibition. A lot has happened and the last few months. This return to what we think is the outline of the brexit plan. Boris johnson wont have to ask for an extension if there is an agreement ona extension if there is an agreement on a deal. That is what number ten wa nts, on a deal. That is what number ten wants, that is what they hope for. Somebody said to me that at the beginning of the time at downing street it is insane they would want a deal. It is absolutely clear that the one thing they will not move on is staying in the Customs Union, any pa rt is staying in the Customs Union, any part of the uk, that means that if you accept that is the right thing to do, that does mean some form of Customs Border in ireland. How light touch, how invisible is an entirely different question. That is basically a Political Choice they have made and it is now over to the eu to decide what they do with that. The thing is, customs checks, everybody thought about the language of not having any infrastructure. Do you think that has moved on now . That we are expecting to see some sort of customs checks as part of the deal . Its a really difficult. Ive been out to Northern Ireland a couple of times in the last year, people out there really do not want any type of check. You look at the border, people are whisking across it four or five times a day. The idea of any cheques, administrative or bureaucratic. There is also the risk of political instability out there. I risk of political instability out there. Lam risk of political instability out there. I am sure. Risk of political instability out there. Lam sure. You risk of political instability out there. I am sure. You transport yourself out there, it is a different kettle of fish. There are various arrangements being proposed, we do not know the full legal text. The fact is, there are things like trusty trader schemes that can exempt regular travellers. There are exemptions forfarmers. Exempt regular travellers. There are exemptions for farmers. None of these things are ready to go. Its possible it might be, it might turn out that this is a puzzle that cannot be solved. She that is why we are putting forward practical proposals and a lot of work has been done where significant progress has been made. We are going to see that later today. We have seen elements of them in the group set up by nicky morgan here, we seen the types of things we can do. We know the rough outline. In terms of the timeline, we hear this is going to be outlined in the speech and the deal will be presented to brussels later today so things are bidding quickly . Yes, and the main negotiator for the government is in brussels today and he will be briefing the commission with proposals. I understand there will be a letter the Prime Minister will be a letter the Prime Minister will write which will be published today as well as the full legal text of the british author so there will be plenty of stuff in black and white for people to pore over. Crucial to it will be the details of how the uk suggests solving that conundrum, is indeed it can be solved. It is, and i would say this because it is myjob, it is down to politics. In the end, peter foster who had part of the story in the telegraph tuesday said the eu will react softly and will not reject it, but hes not sure. This isa reject it, but hes not sure. This is a crucial thing for the next 24 hours and conveniently there is a press conference this afternoon with Angela Merkel and with the netherlands Prime Minister. This is convenient but the question is do eu leaders publicly rubbish this today and say we are not even talking . The government hopes, the question is not well the eu say great, it is will they say potentially this is the ground for something that will have a tunnel, the teams can get then the table and sort it out . We will let you go because i think the speech is going to happen in the next few minutes. Before we return to the exhibition hall, thank you very much, let us talk about Boris Johnsons girlfriend who has taken her seat, let us go back to westminster, Prime Ministers questions is happening but there is no Prime Minister so what is happening . Dominic rather on the deputy Prime Minister is standing in for the Prime Minister. Deputy Prime Minister is standing in forthe Prime Minister. Dominic rather. Emily thornberry is to stand in forJeremy Corbyn but now it is diane abbott. It will be tricky for us diane abbott. It will be tricky for us to watch it from here. We might have to use a split screen. I will briefly show you the front page of the times about prorogation and the suggestion we might have that suspension of parliament to have the queen speech. Jacob reesmogg has a date in the diary to see the queen and that is a privy Council Meeting next week, looks like wednesday thursday next week for the queen speech even though there is no chance of any of the bills passing in this parliament. Confirm or deny . Neither. That is this but it. Something else you have not been told about. We have a Cabinet Meeting tomorrow morning so hopefully we will have more details. We delight to have the suspension of parliament go ahead on the same date . Again, this is a matter for jacob rees mogg. I have enough to focus on whether International Trade without worrying cut is this the best left in the dark like potatoes. Do you think it will happen . M seems like this is still the plan. The queen has obviously cleared her diary from october the 14th. They are trying to set up the legislation for the policies borisjohnson is about to announce and then it will be another excuse to say you have voted down the queen speech so let us voted down the queen speech so let us have a general election. Let us go to the exhibition hall, everyone is gathered inside, we can hear them all cheating in the background, of course they would, it is the end of their Party Conference. Cheering in the background. As we know from laura, he had onlyjust finished writing his speech moments before he walked across from his hotel to the Conference Centre as people were coming in. He will not use autocue, he would do it from notes. There has been a sense from many conservatives this week that he is showing himself to be slightly more serious. He said he has not lost his jovial to be slightly more serious. He said he has not lost hisjovial touch, dear think that is to alyssia change man . Definitely. He is out to serious about getting the deal. Do you think that he is a changed man . Ithink do you think that he is a changed man . I think we will see some five hour boom in the background, the crowds are cheating. Va va boom. What you think it will be like . There is just boom. What you think it will be like . There isjust one or two. That is not enough to do it. It is interesting to see him coming in from the back of the hole to shake hands, it does not look like he is about to get one of the biggest speeches of his life. It is unusual for him, normally it is the Boris Johnson speech which is designed to upstage the Prime Ministers speech. That is shaking hands of his colleagues, cabinet do not know what is the end of this deal and we have one of the cabinets sitting here, it is only the closest advisors of the Prime Minister who had spent the time putting together what they say is the final offer to the eu. Lots of smiles priti patel there. There at the end. There was a big cheer for him there before standing behind the lectern. It is fantastic to be here at manchester, at the best attended conference four years and i gather there was a lively mid last night in the hotel bars. I understand some of you may have been mildly peppered with abuse on the weird. Where you . On the way in. Well, good i am delighted you are not. Even if you were, i do not think any of us are abashed by that kind of thing or downcast because we are conservatives and we get on with serving the people of this country. Speaking of service, i should begin by paying tribute to my predecessor, theresa may. I know the whole conference remains full of gratitude to you and to fill me for your patience and your forbearance and yes, we will continue with your work of tackling Domestic Violence and modern slavery and building on your legacy. Philip may. I have been Prime Minister for 70 philip may. I have been Prime Ministerfor 70 days philip may. I have been Prime Minister for 70 days and philip may. I have been Prime Ministerfor 70 days and i had seen so many things that have given me cause for hope, hospitals that are finally getting the investment to match the devotion of the staff, schools were standards of reading are rising through the use of synthetic phonics. Police colleges we re synthetic phonics. Police colleges were idealistic young men and women are enlarging in large numbers to fight crime across the country. Shipyards in scotland that are building Superb Modern types forgets for sale around the world. Everyone of those high wage, high skilled jobs in shipbuilding, in government, isa jobs in shipbuilding, in government, is a testament to the benefits of belonging to the united kingdom. Applause the most successful Political Partnership in history which we will protect and defend against those who would wantonly destroy it and i stated Ruth Davidson as well, thank you for everything you did and have done. Applause for the cause of conservatism in scotla nd for the cause of conservatism in scotland and we will honour your legacy as well. I am proud of the rule that this government is playing, and everyone of those investments and of course theyre only possible because it was this conservative government that tackle the debt and deficit left behind by the debt and deficit left behind by the last labour government. It was because we cleared up the wreckage they left behind that we know have record employment, wages rising fastest for ten years and we have record Foreign Direct Investment of £1. 73 record Foreign Direct Investment of £1. 3 trillion, more than any country in the eu. So we have so many reasons to be confident about our country and its direction and yet i feel sometimes like a World Class Athlete with a pebble in our shoe, there is one part of the british system which seems to be on the brink, if parliament were a laptop, the screen with issuing the pizza wheel of doing. All applause. If parliament when school, allstate would be shutting it down putting in special measures if parliament when i reality tv show, then the whole lot of us would have been voted out of thejungle lot of us would have been voted out of the jungle by knife. Lot of us would have been voted out of thejungle by knife. 0fsted would be shutting it down. Jungle by now. At least we would have been having the consolation of watching the speaker being forced to eat a kangaroo testicle. The sad truth is that voters have more say, voters have more say over i am a celebrity than they do over this house of commons which refuses to deliver brexit, refuses to do anything constructive and refuses to have an election, just at the moment when voters are desperate for us to focus on their priorities we are continue waiting to chew the supreme master gated subject of brexit, where what people want and what remainers wants and what the whole world wants to be calmly and sensibly done with the subject and to move on. Masticated. That is why we are coming out of the eu on october the sist, coming out of the eu on october the 31st, come what may. Applause. Let us get brexit done, we can, we must and we will even though things have not been made easier by the surrender bill. We will work for a deal with our eu friends but whatever happens we must come out by the end of october. Let us get this thing done and let as get ready to make our case to the country against the fratricidal anti semitic marxists who were in brighton last week. Last weekJeremy Corbyn had a number of damaging and retrograde ideas in his speech. He wants a four day week which would slash the wages of people on the incomes. He wa nts to ba n wages of people on the incomes. He wants to ban private schools and expropriate their property even though it would cost the taxpayers £7 billion to educate the kids. He wa nts to sta m p £7 billion to educate the kids. He wants to stamp out excellence in schools by banning 0fsted, the expected to ensure schools are safe for children. He had one good idea, he had a whole paragraph repeating what he has said every week for the last three years, he wants an election now. 0r last three years, he wants an election now. Or that is what he was going to say, per fellow. The only trouble was the paragraph was censored by key John Mcdonnell or kier starmer so we had the astonishing spectacle of the leader of the position gagged by his colleagues. In this age of creative litigation, i am surprised no one has yet sued him for breach of contract contract. Though it appears that the snp may try to bundle him towards the throne like some constant internal core figure. Look it up. Reluctantly propelled to office in a kremlin coup so they can get on with their problem of discourse turning the whole of 2020 which should be a great year for this country into the chaos and cacophony of two make more referendums, a second referendum on Scottish Independence even know the people of scotland were promised that the 2014 vote would be a once in the generation decision and second referendum on the eu, can you imagine another three years of this . But that is the jeremy imagine another three years of this . But that is theJeremy Corbyn agenda, stay in the eu beyond 0ctober agenda, stay in the eu beyond october the 31st, piano implants and for the privilege followed by years of uncertainty for business and eve ryo ne of uncertainty for business and everyone else. As for the lib dems, that idea was to write to Jean Claude Juncker urging him not to give this country a better deal when the leader of the liberal democrats has called for a second referendum by pledging to campaign against the results, it is time to respect the trade descriptions act and take the democrat out of liberal democrats. After three years, after three and a half years, people are beginning to feel the rb taking four fools, they are beginning to suspect there are forces in this country who do not want brexit delivered at all. It honoured be right in that suspicion, i believe there are grave consequences for trusting democracy. Let us get brexit done on october the 31st. Let us get it done because of the opportunities it will bring, not just to take of the opportunities it will bring, notjust to take back control of our money, borders and laws, regulated differently and better, take our place as a proud global camp in but let us get it done because delhi is so pointless, expensive debilitating but let as get it done because we need to build a positive new partnership with the eu because it cannot be stressed too much that this is not an anti european party, this is not an anti european party, this is not an anti european party, this is not an anti european country. We are european. We love europe, i love europe anyway. I love it. But after 45 years of really genetic constitutional change in our relationships, we must have a relationships, we must have a relationship with the eu, a positive and confident partnership and we can do it. Today in brussels we are taking constructive and reasonable proposals which provide a compromise for both sides. We will under no circumstances had checks at a new the border in Northern Ireland. At or near the border. We will respect the Peace Process and the good friday agreement. Applause and by a process of renewable democratic consent by the executive and the assembly of Northern Ireland, we will go further and protect the existing regulatory arrangements for farmers and businesses on both sides of the border and at the same time we will allow the uk, whole and entire, to withdraw from the eu with trade withdraw from the eu with trade with control over our own trade policy from the start. And we will protect our Precious Union between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Yes, this is a compromise by the uk andi yes, this is a compromise by the uk and i hope very much that i friends understand that and compromising their turn because if we fail to get an agreement, because of what is essentially a technical discussion on the exact nature of future customs checks, with that Technology Improving the whole time, then let as being in no doubt, conference, of what the alternative is, the alternative is no deal. That is not an outcome we want or seek at all but let me tell you, my friends, it is an outcome for which we are ready. Applause are we ready for it . Yes, we are. Rb determined to resolve this . Yes, we are. Let us get brexit done by up to by 31st because we have to get on and delivered on the priorities of the people. To answer the cry of 17. 4 million of those who voted for brexit because only by delivering brexit because only by delivering brexit can be addressed the feeling by so many parts of the country that they have been left behind, ignored, their tines are suffering from lack of love and investment but their views had somehow become unfashionable or unmentionable, letters get brexit done for those millions who may have voted many but who are first and foremost democrats. Applause and who accept the result of the referendum and want to get on. When icy that i want us to Work Together now to bring this country together, you are entitled, the first time i have spoken to you as Prime Minister at this conference, you are entitled to ask about my Core Principles and ideals that drive me and well drive me as your Prime Minister and i will follow the example of my friend sajid javid who gave a brilliant speech. I will quote that Supreme Authority in my family, my mother. I know there are some keen students of the ledger divisions in my family on matters of the eu. Related divisions. I want you to know that i have kept my is my sleaze, confidence, my mother and voted leave. My sleeve. It is true. My mother taught me one thing, she taught me many things, but she taught me many things, but she taught me many things, but she taught me to believe strongly in the equal importance, the equal dignity and equal worth of every human being on the planet. That may sound banal, that may sound trite but it is not. You have to understand that and believe in that. There is one institution in this country that sums up that idea, the nhs is holy to the people of this country because of the simple beauty of its principal that it does not matter who you are aware you come from but when you are sick, the whole country figuratively gathers that your bedside does everything it can to meet you well again. Everybody pays to ensure that you have the best doctors in the best nurses and the most effective treatments known to medical science. After 70 years, the results are on the whole meeting. When i was a kid, the word cancer was a deathknell, heart attack was a terrifying thought. Where we are slowly beating back the legions of disease. This countries in the fastest. Best country in europe but we have seen so much more to do. This country has seen the fastest fall in breast cancer. I went to a hospital to see the incredible work on facial constructive surgery on people who only a decade ago would have been permanently disfigured by their traumas, people for whom hope and confidence is so important. I talk to the patients, everyone of them bursting with trees for the staff for their energy and care. Bursting with trees. But that fantastic hospital was built in 1876, as a workhouse. We walked down long nightingale wards which were built by the pioneer of nursing. 0ne of the manager told me that asking professionals to work in that environment is like asking a premiership footballer to play on a ploughed field. So i was proud to tell them that under this government we will totally rebuild that hospital and thanks to the work of the health secretary, matt hancock, we are not only recruiting more doctors and nurses and training them but in the next ten years we will build 40 new hospitals in the biggest investment in hospital infrastructure for a generation. Applause because after 70 years of the existence of the nhs, 44 of them under the conservative government, it is time for is to say loud and clear, we are the party of the nhs. For us. I claim that title. I claim that title because it is our one nation conservatism that has delivered and will deliver the Economic Growth that makes those investments possible and it is we conservatives that will solve the problems of social injustice and end the injustice which means people have to sell their homes to pay for their old age. If you ask me how were going to do it, p flit and grow the uk economy, i would tell you it is by raising the productivity of the whole of the uk, not with socialism, not with the dead instant realist plans borrowed from the revolutionaries of venezuela but by creating the economic platform of a dynamic free market capitalism. Yes you heard that right. When did you last heard that right. When did you last hear actually neither talk about capitalism . We are the party of the nhs precisely because we are the party of capitalism, not because we shun or despise it and we understand the vital synergy between at the heart of british economy, dynamic enterprise culture and great welfare services. I have seen that function myself for a long time. Now, who comes from london . Hands up. Who lives there . I used to be mayor of london. Fantastic place. It is one of the many astonishing things about our nation plasma capital, it is the most productive region in europe for of reasons. We were one of the first to think of putting trains in tunnels and that kind of thing but there are many other regions of the country that are far less productive. That represents notjust an injustice, though of course it does, but a massive opportunity because i believe that talent and genius i evenly distributed across the uk but it is also clear that opportunity is not evenly distributed and it is the job of this one nation conservative government to unlock talent in every corner of the uk. Applause because that is the right thing to turn itself and because that is the right way to release the economic potential of the whole country. The first thing you have to do, basic hygiene, if you are going to spread opportunity is to insist on the equal safety of everybodys street whatever they live and that is why we are recruiting 20,000 police officers. Thank you, that is why we are committed to rolling out the evil county lines drugs gangs. Ruling up. That predate on young kids and send them to die on the streets to feed the cocaine habits of the birth was the we will succeed and yes we will be tough on crime. We will make sure the police had the legal powers and political backing to use stop and search because it may be controversial, it has to be done politely and in accordance with the law, but believe me when i young man, is going equipped with a bladed weapon, there is nothing kinder or more loving or more life saving than you can do than to ask him to turn out his pockets to produce that weapon. Applause and yes, when people are found guilty of serious sexual or violent offences, we will make sure they serve the sentence they shoot if only for the protection of the public but we will also, as one nation conservatives, to everything we can to stop people becoming criminals with rehabilitation, education and present so they are not just education and present so they are notjust academies for crime but also by investing in youth clubs and better ft funding to give young people the best possible antidote to the criminal instincts that is the prospect of a good job. Further Education Funding. The best way to expand opportunities to get every kid in the country as a pair as superb education. Thats why we are levelling up Education Funding across the country, the schools that are falling further behind and i think the biggest increases who that every child has the chance they deserve to express their talents. It is so that they can get the jobs that we are creating, that we are improving connectivity, investing in transport, fantastic project of Northern Powerhouse rail that is now getting the go ahead. 0f Northern Powerhouse rail that is now getting the go ahead. Of course, a huge new programme of road improvements as well. I think the a60,. That is a huge range of things that we will be investing in now. Furthermore, iadmit things that we will be investing in now. Furthermore, i admit that it has been im a bit of a bus not, i confess that i like to make and to paint slightly and exact models of buses, with happy passengers inside. I naturally more interested in new passengers line at the bus. Its not just that im passengers line at the bus. Its notjust that im a bus not that we wa nt to notjust that im a bus not that we want to expand bus transport. We wa nt to want to expand bus transport. We want to make other buses cleaner, greener, zero Carbon Emissions across the country, with contactless payment by card or by phone so that people want to use those services. We get the cause of the road, reduce congestion and pollution. We get the cars of the work route. A good bus service can make all the difference to your life, to get to the doctor, to the livability of your town or village, indeed, your ability to stay there and start a family, have a business there. It is exactly for that reason to increase connectivity and livability that we are now accelerating the programme for gigabit broadband so fast. Applause. To be truthful, im not entirely sure of exact Technical Details but we are bringing it forward by eight yea rs, we are bringing it forward by eight years, meaning that everybody has an incredibly fast, speed of light, broadband spreading into every home in the country, like super informative vermicelli, bringing people together, giving people opportunity, giving people certainty that they can start a business, raise theirfamily that they can start a business, raise their family where they are. That is the way, i think, with better connectivity and transport, better connectivity and transport, better education to unite the country and bring it together. Of course, that is another vital effect of the right infrastructure and technology. You increase the productivity of the whole uk economy. If the streets are safe, if these transport wings out there, if you have good broadband connections what else . New housing. Huge numbers of new housing on brownfield sites that were never considered viable before. That is the way forward. This you you allow young people to get a foot on the housing ladder, live near the good jobs, above all, with safety Affordable Housing and fantastic wi fi we give it business the confidence to grow. That is the circle, the balance and symmetry at the heart of our one nation project. There are so many ways that this country is pulling ahead, london has overta ken country is pulling ahead, london has overtaken new york as the number one city for an investment in tech firms, that is before we have even delivered crossrail, which was on budget when last may left office. When the last mayor left office. Isnt it time that we had a mayor who is focused on the job of running london . And isnt it time we got behind our fantastic candidate, london . And isnt it time we got behind ourfantastic candidate, sean bailey, like spike bailey for london in 2020. Bailey, like spike bailey for london in 2020. Lets back bailey. Here in manchester, things are storming ahead, we are seeing growth in dual nomex, a flood of inward investment from banking and insurance in it, thatis from banking and insurance in it, that is before we have delivered Northern Powerhouse rail, linking up the whole of the malvern region. In the whole of the malvern region. In the West Midlands, we are already seeing a 21st Industrial Revolution in battery and low carbon technology, just as the West Midlands led the world in the previous Industrial Revolution, 19th century, absolutely true. 0ne in five electric vehicles sold in europe is now made in this country, thats a fantastic thing, we will increase it. We are going to have a battery giga factory, that is before that we have even begun with andy streets brilliant vision of a West Midlands metro system. That is the future, linking up the urban centres of the West Midlands in a way that is to be done, that is what we conservatives are going to do. It is a lwa ys conservatives are going to do. It is always concerted as lead the way on great infrastructure projects. With infrastructure, technology, we are going to drive up the productivity of this country and bring it together. I do not doubt the patriotism of everybody on all sides of the brexit argument, but im fed up of the brexit argument, but im fed up of being told that our country cannot do something when i passionately believe that it can. Applause. Thanks to british technology, that isa thanks to british technology, that is a place in 0xfordshire, my former constituency, that could be soon the hottest place in the solar system. I think they told me it already was when i went there. It is a fusion reactor, and if you go there, you will be told that this country has a global beat in a fusion research, and they are on the verge of creating commercially viable manager fusion reactors for sale around the world. Delivering virtually unlimited zero carbon power. I know that they have been on the verge for some time, its a pretty specious kind of verge. They tell me that they are really on the verge of the verge. I remember it was only a few yea rs verge. I remember it was only a few years ago when people were saying that solar power would never work in cloudy old uk, they said that Wind Turbines would never pull the skin ofa turbines would never pull the skin of a rice pudding. There are some days now when wind and solar power are delivering more than half of our energy needs, and we are going to be carbon by 2050, we cannot do it. With new technology, we cannot do it, we can become Carbon Neutral by 2050. It, we can become Carbon Neutral by 2050. We can do it. This country leads the world in satellite technology, we are building to space ports, one in sutherland, and one in newquay. The whole of the uk is going to benefit from these investments, soon we will be sending missions to the heavens, geostationary satellites, and to stretch out in the space will be of huge value to this country. Can you think of anyone who can trial the First Mission . Can you think which communist cosmonaut we should coax into the cockpit . There you go, the invitation is there. Lets get brexit done on october the 31st, not just because we have had such an immense agenda to take this country forward but because brexit is an opportunity in out we will take back control of our fisheries and the extraordinary marine wealth of scotland, is one of the many bizarre features of the snp, that despite being called names like salmon and sturgeon, they are committed to handing back control. Laughter. They want to hand back control of those fish to the eu. We want to turbo charge the scottish fishing sector, they would allow buses to charge for our turbot. Brussels to charge. We will be allowed allow uk businesses and manufacturers to have bigger tax breaks for the investments they make on capital and new technology. 0ut investments they make on capital and new technology. Out of the eu, we can do three ports, use of the tax regimes to do three ports in a New Enterprise zones. We can ban the cruel shipment of live animals that has offended the british people for so long. Yes, we will have those free trade deals. We already have some astonishing exports, in the last few months, i have seen an isle of wight shipbuilder that exports vast aluminium leisure catamarans to mexico. We export jason vast aluminium leisure catamarans to mexico. We exportJason Donovan vast aluminium leisure catamarans to mexico. We export Jason Donovan cds to north korea, would you believe it . We exported nigel farage briefly to america, though he seems to have come back. Across the world, there are countries that are yearning to engage with us, what we have issued friendships and burgeoning new partnerships. That, particularly in the commonwealth. The commonwealth, 2. 4 billion people, the Fastest Growing economies in the world, amazing opportunities. That is our vision for britain, a country at that is open, outward looking, global in mine said, insisting on the free trade. A high wage, low tax, high school, high productivity economy with incomes are rising fast as for those who are lowest paid. A country where we live it up and unify the entire uk through better education, infrastructure, technology. A country, provided you obey the law and do no harm to others, you cant live your life and love whomsoever you choose. You can live your life and love whomsoever you choose. A country that leads the way with clean, Green Technology and reducing the Greenhouse Gases that cause climate change. A country that is happy and confident about its future, that is the vision for the country we love. When the opposition finally screw up their courage to the Sticking Point and agreed to have an election, when the chickens finally waddle from the hen coop work they are hiding, that is the vision for the country that we we re is the vision for the country that we were put to the british people, and the choice is clear. We put up wages with the biggest expansion of the living wage for a generation, Jeremy Corbyn would put up taxes for everyone. We backed our superb armed forces around the world. Cheering. We look after our veterans, Jeremy Corbyn has said that he wants the armed forces disbanded. We want an australian style points based system for immigration, Jeremy Corbyn has said that he does not even believe in immigration controls. If a general comment were allowed into downing street, he would whack up your taxes, file up the economy, a rip up the alliance between britain and the us, and he would break up the united kingdom. We cannot allow it to happen. Applause. It is worse than that because it has become absolutely out that he is now determined to frustrate brexit. Do we wa nt determined to frustrate brexit. Do we want the and delay . Do we want to spend another billion pounds a month on eu eu membership, if that could be going on in the nhs . Lets get brexit done, lets finally believe in ourselves and what we can do. This country has long been a pioneer, we inaugurated the steam age here in manchester, we inaugurated the atomic age, we lead the way in a parliamentary democracy and female emancipation. And when the whole world had succumbed to a different economic fashion, this country and at this party, under a female Prime Minister, pioneered ideas of free markets and privatisation that spread across the planet. Applause. Every of those ideas was controversial, every one of them was difficult, but we always had the courage as a country to be original, to do things differently. And now, we are about to take another giant step, to do something that no one thought we could do to reboot our politics, to relaunch ourselves into the world, and to dedicate ourselves again to the simple proposition that we are here to serve the democratic will of the british people. Applause. If we do that with optimism and confidence, we will not go wrong. Lets get on with sensible, moderate, one nation, but a conservative government. And figuratively, let us send Jeremy Corbyn into orbit where he belongs. Confidence, lets get brexit done, and lets bring this country together. Thank you very much. Cheering. Borisjohnson, giving Boris Johnson, giving his borisjohnson, giving his first speech to the conservative Party Conference as Prime Minister. From a new stage setting in the conference. He spoke for about 45 minutes. Again, greeting his cabinet colleagues, thumbs up for his final flourish about optimism get brexit done. Although there wasnt that much on brexit in the speech, perhaps not as much as we might have thought. We will talk about the detail ina thought. We will talk about the detail in a moment. There he is gritting his girlfriend, his father isa gritting his girlfriend, his father is a layer. He talked about his mother, the ace up his sleeve, she voted leave. It also taught him the importance of equal worth of every human being on the planet. That was it about the family, really. There was a sense that some of the speech might have been improvised, which i suppose is his style, we heard that he had perhaps only finished it moments before he took to the stage. Not as long as i thought it was going to be, but he did, to some extent, returned to the theme that he talked about yesterday on his media arounds one nation toryism. He wanted to talk about that idea of bringing the country together, there was only one mention of parliaments surrendered bill as he has talked about and been criticised for using that sort of military language. That was the only mention of it, when he was the only mention of it, when he was attacking parliament for making things much more difficult in terms of getting a deal done with the eu. But he stuck to his mantra of leaving on october the 31st, we still dont know how that is going to happen. He has left the hall, we will hear from to happen. He has left the hall, we will hearfrom some to happen. He has left the hall, we will hear from some of the people gathered there, listening to the speech, injust a moment. The reaction from my guess is sitting here, liz . I thought it reaction from my guess is sitting here, liz . Ithought it was reaction from my guess is sitting here, liz . I thought it was classic boris, an engaging speech, positive and optimistic, talking a lot about the opportunities after brexit. 0f course he made the point about the surrendered bill, the fact we must get on with it, do a deal or sleep with no deal by the 31st of october. There was a not about how the country could be better in the future, great to hear more about our free trade deals we will be negotiating. Also, that every part of the country has to have the opportunity to succeed. It was a very optimistic, uplifting speech. ee, very optimistic, uplifting speech. agree, it was classic boris. A lot of the improvisations, having sat through yours and years are party confident speeches by the likes of ed miliband and theresa may, no offe nce, ed miliband and theresa may, no offence, if you are a pointer setting in the hall, that was a more fun way to spend 45 minutes. If youre a politician time to work out brexit policy, im not sure it much clear. If youre a journalist, trying to explain to be what would happen next year, im not sure much clearer. Is that a illustrate now . Lets get more reaction, vicki young is there, my bbc colleagues. The key . People here are absolutely loving the message from Boris Johnson. Tell me what you thought of the speech . It was absolutely fabulous, exactly what we need. We need to stop apologising for being british, we need to go out there and help you borrow that we are ready for business, and we are positive. What about the message on brexit . Yes, we need to get brexit down. He said conservatives were the party of the nhs . Last night, we all know, we all use the nhs every day. Myself, i wouldnt be here, i would be raised up wouldnt be here, i would be raised up like an out of the nhs had intruded me. They are wonderful. Can i ask you quickly what you made of the speech . No, thank you. Excellent. Are very good. What was the main message like . It has inspired me. Also fed up with nothing happening but you feel something will happen now. And if we leave with without a deal, i happy with that . Not really, but if that is the way we are going to go that is the way we are going to go that is the way we are going to go that is the way we can to go. What you make of him as Prime Minister . Brilliant, havent had such a good Prime Minister as maggie. He mixes live, he has the energisers, we are also enthusiastic, going straight out to work. We want an election, Jeremy Corbyn can ask you what you made up that speech . Absolutely inspirational, superb. He is a confident guy, the sort of guy we need. Im just lost for words, to be honest. You can tell me . Bombastic boris. I think we all needed that, i think that was the message to the country, the measures to our party, to the eu. We are ready to get on with theirs. Is optimism enough . I think we had three years of talking, lets keep the optimism stopped above all, they need a deal as much as we do. There is a new regime in the eu, lets just as we do. There is a new regime in the eu, letsjust get as we do. There is a new regime in the eu, lets just get it done, as we do. There is a new regime in the eu, letsjust get it done, the message is very clear. Can i ask you what you middle that speech from the Prime Minister . No. Very good, very good, very good. Tremendous speech. Im confident we can win at the newcastle seat that im standing forward. Its a. Boris will get brexit done. Not surprisingly, going down very well here. I think the optimism that Boris Johnson down very well here. I think the optimism that borisjohnson was coming there, despite all the difficulties he has had, has clearly made people here feel very hopeful about the future. Is always interesting to hear the Party Faithful as they come out, the best Prime Minister since maggie is one of them say, they like the optimism. In the end, it did that speech amount to anything more than a bunch of slogans about getting brexit done, optimism about britain, there was in the substance of their as to how he is going to deliver it . On the brexit side, we are putting this proposal forward today with the eu. The speech is explaining for. The details will come up later today. It was really willie you said you had to wait for the speech out mac what was there . Lets stick on brexit, hejust said no checks at or near the border with Northern Ireland, we will respect the Peace Process and the good friday agreement. That is pretty well what we have been for the last few years, what has changed . We are now putting forward a detailed proposals to the eu which we havent seen yet, they will be out later today. He was explaining the context, the fact that this is our final offer before the 31st of october, we are prepared to leave with no deal if we do not secure this agreement with the eu. Is that any flexibility in terms of compromise . This is our final offer, we are very clear about that. Do say these are proposals, these are much more conciliatory. And the outline of theirs has been in the pipeline for some time. This is a valiant effort to spin this into something concrete. We are no further forward than we were 45 minutes ago, liz admitted she was in the dark, we are still in the dark. We will wait for those details, and we will get some reaction from it. Lets look at the one nation conservatism, were you convinced by what he would see as a return to the principles he believes in . Im going to be the great in the oyster here. Of course he gave a barnstorming performance, the hall of dead. What isJeremy Corbyns tea m of dead. What isJeremy Corbyns team going to think watching that . I think they will be happy because the big worry for them is a difficult position on brexit. He moved out onto other topics, that is where labour wants the conservatives to be, they want the election to be fought on austerity, cuts to school budgets, hospitals, infrastructure, low pay, because the labour party wa nt low pay, because the Labour Party Want that to be the context. The last general election, one of the reasons Jeremy Corbyn last general election, one of the reasonsJeremy Corbyn did much better than people thought was because austerity was a big issue, cuts to the schools budget was bigger than brexit. On issues such as the nhs, we are doing much better in terms of the Public Perception of our policies on the National Health service, so i think labour are mistaken if they think they can win on that battle ground. mistaken if they think they can win on that battle ground. I think we will have to attest that. That has been extra money coming in, new hospital is being built. New guys say that you are going to build 40 hospitals, that then came down to six. Also, if you are trying to put a dividing line to the public saying, who are you going to invest . Conservative government have cut from local authorities, the police, schools budgets. The point is that the labour party would just keep us in indecisiveness about brexit, nothing would happen. That is a separate issue. No, it is not separate, because we need to get on with brexit to make sure that can do all these things that the public wants. If we carry on in this analysis paralysis. Cute slogan, but lets unpack that. His last was well that we are going to do all this but with tax cuts. The economy may well ta ke with tax cuts. The economy may well take a short, particular fake no deal brexit. What is this money coming from, along with tax cuts . Are they contingent on getting a deal . No, they are our policies that we will be laying out in the queen speech, that is very important, they happen deal or no deal. Speech, that is very important, they happen deal or nodeal. If the economy takes a big hit, lets say we cash out with no deal, the economy will have a shot, you guys are saying that we are and you will do tax cuts. It is not financially financially literate, doesnt work. Clear plans what to do in a no deal scenario, it means trading on wto terms, we already do with the us, and our exports are growing at twice the rate with the rest of the world. Because they are much smaller. We will talk about three policies in a moment, one of the points in his speech, that once the uk leaves the eu, you will be able to proceed with the trade deals that you have or have not got in place. On the one nation tory idea of being a one nation tory idea of being a one nation conservative, did that theme come through strongly enough . think he did quite a lot by being lighter and funnier, not so serious. Theresa may could sometimes come across as quite threatening. He didnt go into the hang them and flog them stuff. He also said prisons need to do rehabilitation, it wasnt all lock them up, bung them up, all that sort of stuff. I think it was time to present a more cheerful, positive, happy crabby centrist view. He talked about climate change. And he is a bus for two. He is now quoting himself. He he is now quoting himself. He has he is now quoting himself. He has falle n he is now quoting himself. He has fallen out with himself. Perhaps not just about things he said in the past. 0n capitalism, was that the right thing to invoke, advantages and positives . Absolutely. I thought it was significant one of our members that we need to be unapologetic about what we believe in. Boris is a much more private conservatives than theresa may or david cameron. He wants to embrace capitalism as the way we will all become happier and wealthier and also as to how we will fund our services which is a huge contrast to labour which says it is something to be avoided. He is going to go with the cbi over a no deal. That was a throwaway comment to the belgian ambassador. Boris has been very supportive of business when he was mayor of london. But businesses are tailing that heat out about what will happen with a no deal. Have those bridges in built with those who are not happy about a no deal . There are a variety of businesses across the country but everyone i speak to says they want this period of limbo to end. How many businesses tell you they want a no deal . We are not prepared to say anything to the eu in order to get that deal. Talking of the eu, we have got some reaction from ireland in terms of the broad outline and it was pretty broad, there was not any more detail in the speech than we already had before he took to the stage. The deputy Prime Minister in ireland had this to say. First of all, we have not seen the proposals in detail yet but certainly from the coverage last night in terms of what we are likely to see today, it is not good news. We do not believe that customs checks on the island of ireland will be the basis of an agreement between the eu and the uk but let us wait and seeded detail of the proposals when they get them later on and we will make theatre judgment at that stage. This, he talked about customs checks, if we take what Boris Johnson said at his value he said there would not be those checks at there would not be those checks at the border, we can argue about what he means by near the border but he did not sign positives. He has not seen the details of the proposal and it is important. That he and everybody else either details and he will passjudgment everybody else either details and he will pass judgment when that happens. That will be later today so you will not have long to wait. happens. That will be later today so you will not have long to wait. I am very excited about that. You optimistic that you need to support of the irish and able come on board with that . I am optimistic that along with the support of ireland and the eu we will get support to get the deal done. What we are putting forward which has been a long time in the development is a constructive way forward. Yes we dont have the detail and we have to wait for their eu and the irish to look at the proposal but this is a positive way forward. The eu said it would do everything they could to protect ireland and the Single Market, nigel the diet has responded he has tweeted this. Nigel farage. Is that what will happen . Simon coveney and nigel farage cannot. It is not a reheating of the existing deal, the backstop is a huge problem and we have been looking for a way forward. I think hes just trying to ramp it up. What you think will happen to the right of the party on this issue of brexit . Tory party will vote for it. It depends on getting some of the expelled tory mps on board and labour mps. Nigel farage isjust saying that because he needs to keep this betrayal thing going. The worst thing for him is if we leave in october the 31st because what is the point of nigel farage them . There will also rely on labour peers, some of whom are really keen to sign up toa of whom are really keen to sign up to a deal. At this point. They didnt necessarily vote for theresa may but they might for something borisjohnson presents. May but they might for something Boris Johnson presents. So those numbers are unknown at the moment. Ive been speaking to a few of them who are involved in this and that is based on the cross party talks which we re based on the cross party talks which were happening. They believe some further progress was made but i dont know if they will get alignment. They want to be a Customs Union, they want to close regulatory alignment with the Single Market, particularly on agricultural goods, all that kind of thing, so this is where les and i agree. I dont believe those labour mps will find common cause. I think there are some labour mps who will. A small number. You are shaking your head. labour mps who will. A small number. You are shaking your head. I was shaking my head at the fact we will be aligned to the Customs Union and Single Market. Thats a clear difference between theresa may and what boris is now talking about. But thatis what boris is now talking about. But that is honest and where labour mps are coming from, that is what we are looking for and, remember, are coming from, that is what we are looking forand, remember, you are coming from, that is what we are looking for and, remember, you have got to look at the politics as well. If the labour mps throw Boris Johnson a lifeline, thats a very big line for them to cross, this deselection is going on at the labour party right now, trigger balance, so politics is high at the moment. The massive problem theyve got is not of those mps are in strong leave seats, and there are in strong leave seats, and there are in strong leave seats, and there are in strong leave seats, and their boaters will not appreciate them voting down a deal and they will be faced directly with the alternative of no deal. That is the choice. Voters. That would still give us the numbers. It would be double the number. On that point, i know a lot of leave mp so who. We dont send delegates to parliament, the people who are representatives to basically make the best judgment who are representatives to basically make the bestjudgment on who are representatives to basically make the best judgment on what they think will be the right thing for the constituency and if their constituents going to get hammered because the Manufacturing Base will get decimated, that is not them doing what in the best interests of their constituents. I think that is hyperbole in terms of what you are suggesting will happen. Go sunderland, scotland. We export a lot of cars to the usa on wto rules and we are successfully exporting right around the world in terms of the car industry. Those labour mps will tell you people are coming into their surgeries really worried about whats going to happen to their jobs, and many people voted leave but are worried sick about what will happen now. Lets talk about some of the trade deals because you are the trade international secretary. The eu has around 40 trade deals with 70 countries, and as existing eu members who benefit from those deals now and yourjob is to try and roll over those deals so we can continue benefiting from them after a no deal brexit in the event of a no deal. Of the 40 deals, how many have you signed so far . 45 countries. They represent 70 of that existing trade. You have signed 45 deals rolling over . 45 countries. What about the 40 trade deals with 70 countries through the eu . Of the 70 we have signed with 45. And we havent signed with the others, so that represents 70 of the trade that represents 70 of the trade that we currently have through the eu. What happens to the other 30 . We have not signed a deal with canada, so that will mean. Japan . Japan, that deal has not come into force. We havent signed a deal with turkey. Or mexico. So what will happen if they dont get rolled over, what will happen to arbitrate . Slightly different, those tariff rates of japan are onlyjust slightly different, those tariff rates ofjapan are onlyjust coming in. With canada, companies that trade with canada would face tariffs ina no trade with canada would face tariffs in a no deal scenario. And all of the information of those companies is available on their website, so they can find out what tariffs they would face. Of course i want to get a deal with canada, but we are now in the Canadian Elections, so they are ina in the Canadian Elections, so they are in a period where we can continue discussions. Those elections will be over in november, soi elections will be over in november, so i will seek to secure a deal as soon as possible. Ultimately, takes two to tango and if the canadian government need to agree with it and not adopt we were going to leave at the end of march. Shouldnt this have been done by the end of march . Why were they not all rolled over by them . In all of these cases, it ta kes them . In all of these cases, it takes the counterparty to agree to sign. It takes a lot longer than people always say. Weve succeeded with 70 of the trading volume, but not succeeded in the other 30 . 0f course, we are working flat out to secure other deals but im telling you, canada wont be possible because there is a Canadian Election taking place at the moment. On that, all right, we can say goodbye to viewers from the news channel. Thank you for being with us. We had the coverage of Boris Johnson you for being with us. We had the coverage of borisjohnson speech at Party Conference. We are going to briefly return to westminster actually and to what has been happening in the house of commons because Prime Ministers questions without the Prime Minister has been taking place with diane abbott for labour and dominic raab the foreign secretary. Lets have a listen. Diane abbott. Mr speaker, yesterday marked the start of a black history month. So i will begin by paying tribute to a young woman making history this month, dina asher smith. She became the first british woman in 36 years to win a sprint medal when she won the 100 metres in doha. Tonight, shes aiming to go one better in the 200 metres. And im sure the whole house will wish her well. As i see, he will be missed as i say he will be missed anderson please go to his widow and his children. The duchess of sussex is suing the mail on sunday over a claim it unlawfully published a private letter she sent to her father, thomas markle. The royal couple are carrying out engagements on the final day of their tour of Southern Africa here visiting an entrepreneurs hub in johannesburg. The legal action comes after the mail on sunday published a handwritten letterfrom meghan to herfather, thomas markle, sent shortly after she and prince harry got married. The case alleges misuse of private information, Copyright Infringement and breach of the Data Protection act. A spokesman for the newspaper said it stood by the story it published. In a strongly worded statement prince harry said my wife has become one of the latest victims of a british tabloid press that wages campaigns against individuals with no thought to the consequences a Ruthless Campaign that has escalated over the past year. The duke of sussex went on to say that his deepest fear is of history repeating itself. He wrote ive seen what happens when someone i love is commoditised to the point that they are no longer treated or seen as a real person. I lost my mother and now i watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces. Proposals for a long awaited new law to better protect victims of Domestic Abuse will be debated by mps today. The bill is expected to include provisions to place a legal duty on councils to offer secure homes for those escaping violence, and ban perpetrators from being able to directly cross examine victims in court. Graham satchell reports. Charlotte kneer runs a refuge in southern england. It provides shelter and help for up to 11 women and 24 children at any one time. The governments Domestic Abuse bill comes back to the commons today after fears it would be lost when parliament was prorogued. It defines Domestic Abuse legally for the first time to include coercive, controlling behaviour, and will stop alleged perpetrators cross examining victims in court. Campaigners have welcomed the bill, but say it does not go far enough. I think, for us, the most important thing missing is the guarantee of funding for refuges and other specialist services. Domestic abuse murders are at a five year high. And, really, this is something that we and other campaigners have been saying that unless a safe refuge is provided victims of Domestic Abuse, then sadly, murder rates will increase. The government insists victims of Domestic Abuse should be able to access appropriate support at the appropriate time, and the bill is, in their words, an opportunity to stamp out this devastating crime for good. But Charities Say there simply isnt enough support. 60 of people referred to refuges last year were turned away. Local Authority Funding has dropped by almost a third since 2010. Charlottes funding from her local authority is guaranteed for the next 12 months, but after that, she says, she doesnt know. Tesco has announced that its chief executive dave lewis is stepping down after five years in the role. Mr lewis said the decision was a and tesco chairmanjohn allan said he had accepted the resignation with regret. The departure was announced as tesco reported a rise in profits. Our business presenter Dominic Oconnell said mr lewis decision was a surprise. Timing is everything in business and i think david has probably realised it was not going to get much better than this result. Hes been turning round the company, since back in september 2014, there had been a string of warnings and an accounting scandal. Tesco was in a mess. He has done quite a lot, he has sacked quite a few thousand staff. He changed Senior Management and moved the head office. He turned it around but the recent results were overshadowed by the news of his departure. Its pretty healthy, like for like sales were flat, but it is a tough comparison with last year which was quite a good one for tesco. But the operating margin was back up to 4 , a level it has not been out since the glory days of ceo terry leahy. He can say there has been a job done on the turnaround but the grocery market is super competitive, aldi and lidl are snapping at the heels of tesco. Sainsburys is cutting costs hard so it is not going to get that much better in the future so his timing is probably impeccable. More than 150 flood alerts remain in place in england, with more rain and strong winds forecast for tomorrow. 0n the isle of man a Major Incident was declared yesterday, after flash flooding trapped some people indoors. Cars were submerged after heavy rain in leicestershire and landslides blocked Railway Lines in cumbria. 0ur correspondent tim muffett is in laxey on the isle of man. Here in laxey, on the east coast it bucketd down. The river burst its banks in the water came cascading into many properties, this being one of them. The water has now subsided but the damage is evident and the clean up is under way. This is your property. Thank you for talking to us. This is pretty traumatic when your home is flooded. Talk us through what happened yesterday. We just got up in the morning, it was raining. A bit later on, itjust bucketed down and the wall went over there and the river came inside for about seven or eight inches. 0utside was about three or four foot. It has just ruined everything, everything. What were the Emergency Services saying to you, tracy . Basicallyjust to stay upstairs so they knew where we were. They were going to helicopter us out at one stage, the life crew were going to come down in bats, but that never had to happen in the end. There have been floods here before, i think four years ago, but this seems far more dramatic than what you have previously seen. About four years ago but it has never flooded this end, after glen road, it is always down the far end. Last time we helped the people down there and we have never had no problem at. It is just the amount of debris in the river has blocked it and that is what has caused the wall to go and the water to come over. Thank you so much for talking to us, we appreciate it and best of luck with the clean up. I will speak to dan from the isle of man government. Is enough being done and what is being done to help people with this . The First Priority is to keep people safe in their homes, as we did yesterday, today is about clean up and recovery, supporting people, particularly Vulnerable People to get people the care they need and the support they need. It will be a long trek but whatever we can do, make sure the infrastructure is safe and look at how the flood risk can be mitigated in the future. The river is just here, this is the bank over which the water came. Yeah. You might be able to see here trees and dams blocking it, that dam has been created by being forced along the river. A lot of debris has been forced down the river which seem to create a bit of a back up which meant the wall eventually got breached and it came onto the road so i think later on today or the next couple of days we will look at how the dam can be removed safely, get the debris out of the way and look at the whole of laxey and how the Flooding Risk can be mitigated for the future. Thank you very much indeed. You can see some of the debris behind me and other neighbours affected by this, there is a big clean up operation about to get under way. A teenager accused of throwing a boy from a viewing platform at the tate modern in london can be identified, because hes turned 18 today. Jonty bravery, whos from west london, has been charged with the six year olds attempted murder. The victim, a six year old French National who still cannot be named, suffered a deep bleed to the brain and fractured his spine. His family say he now struggles to speak, eat or move. Towns and villages without a free to use cash machine will be able to request one, in areas where residents find it difficult to withdraw cash. The organisation which runs the uks atm network, has set up a one Million Pound fund to tackle concerns that its getting harder for people to withdraw money in their communities. But some businesses are warning thats not enough. The impeachment inquiry started by president trumps opponents in congress, over his phone call with the ukrainian president , is gathering pace. Leaders of 3 house of representative committees have accused his secretary of state of intimidating witnesses they want to question. Mike pompeo has thrown back much the same accusation. In a tweet hes written im concerned with aspects of the committees request that can be understood only as an attempt to intimidate, bully, treat improperly the distinguished professionals of the department of state. Peter bowes reports. Tough talking from a close ally of the president. Mike pompeo was fighting back. Democrats from three committees in the house of representatives want to know more about the events surrounding Donald Trumps phone call with the president of the ukraine during which he asked for help to investigatejoe biden, a possible challenger for his job at the next election. Theyve demanded that five state Department Officials appear this month to give evidence for the impeachment enquiry. But in a strongly worded response, mike pompeo said the request could be understood only as an attempt to intimidate, bully and treat improperly the distinguished professionals of the department of state. I will not tolerate such tactics, he said. Mr secretary, do you have comments on reports that you were on that july call . Nothing to add during a trip to italy. Back in washington, House Democrats fired back. The three Committee Leaders said the failure to comply with an interview request was illegal and would constitute evidence of obstruction. The five officials include kurt volker, the former special envoy to the ukraine who resigned from his post last week. And he is still planning to appear and give evidence on thursday behind closed doors. The road to impeachment will be bumpy, to say the least. North korea may have fired a Ballistic Missile from a submarine, according to officials in south korea. Its thought the missile was launched in the sea north east of the port of wonsan and flew around 450 kilometers before landing in the sea ofjapan. Japans Prime Minister shinzo abe has condemned the launch, pointing out that pyongyang is in violation of un resolutions. His Spokesman Says the missile may have split into two before falling into waters off japans west coast. Sad news to bring about the death of the former colleague here, peter sissons, a much loved friend and colleague for many of us. He presented the news on the bbc and he was also a presenter of question time. He presented here on the news channel alongside some of us as well. Previously in his long and illustrious career he also presented at itn and channel 4 news. He will be missed and we send our thoughts and condolences to his with you sylvia and his three children. His widow sylvia. The winner of the Royal Institute of british architects most prestigious award, the Riba Stirling prize, will be announced next tuesday. There are six nominations for britains best new building 2019 which include a railway station, new Council Housing and a property made entirely of cork. Every day this week we are taking a closer look at each of the nominated buildings. Today is the turn of the weston yorkshire sculpture park, which sits in the grounds of bretton hall, an 18th century country park estate. The weston is the latest addition to the sculpture park, which has been in action since 1977. The new building provides a Visitor Centre and gallery. We needed a new entrance into the park. We needed more car parking, more cafe space. And we also wanted a building that was going to bring people into this 18th century landscape in a new way. You approach the building from the car park, and youre taken into something which is almost like a kind of slit in an earthwork, you feel as if youre going into a hill. And then everything explodes when you come into this room. The light explodes, and of course the landscape explodes in front of you. What we wanted to do was to create a complete transition, from the motorway and the 21st century infrastructure. To cross the threshold, you would descend into the building and then we wanted people to be kind of met with a calmness before them, venturing out to the park and discover the wonderful works of art and the landscape. The site itself is a former quarry in the 18th century. That was the starting point, really, in terms of the tones of the wall. We picked up on the millstone grit, limestone and granite, which is abundant in this area, and tried to express those in these striations up the wall. The building is as much of the landscape as it is a building on its own right. So, weve used materials that have a natural tone and texture throughout to try to achieve something that felt really geological, and rooted to the sense of place. Theyve fulfilled something far beyond our expectations, because we have something which is almost like an artwork thats come out of the ground. Its a building that holds light, its a beautiful building to be inside. And its a building that people want to be in. People feel kind of embraced by this place. And its really made it a fantastic new experience, coming into yorkshire sculpture park. You can find out more about all of the nominated buildings on the bbc arts website and watch this years Riba Stirling prize live here on the bbc news channel next tuesday evening from 8. 30. Now its time for a look at the weather with stav danaos. With simon. Hello there. I think it will be a much drier day than yesterday. Pretty nasty conditions yesterday. That was courtesy of this weather system which overnight moved south and cleared. Look at the white lines on the isobars which we can track to the isobars which we can track to the north so it has been so cold because this finger of cold air from the artic brought a cold frost first thing across parts of scotland and northern parts of england. 0ne thing across parts of scotland and northern parts of england. One or two showers in scotland, norfolk and the south west of england, most of those should clearly and for the majority of us it will be a dry and sunny day but a much chillier day compared to yesterday, especially in southern regions, 13 celsius. Further this evening, there could be fog developing and central parts of the uk. It will turn quite chilly into thursday. Then we have the re m na nts of into thursday. Then we have the rem na nts of ex into thursday. Then we have the remnants of ex Hurricane Lorenzo which will move north and into the parts of ireland, quite a deep area of pressure, it will not be a hurricane at this stage, just on mid atlantic depression. It will bring clouds after a bright start, cloud living elsewhere, rain starts to make to the west and some gales developing around the centre of western regions, gusts of 40 to 50 miles on air with heavy rain across Northern Ireland. Temperatures on thursday will get to 12, up to 16 degrees. Into friday, this area of low pressure will weaken significantly as it pushes south and east, taking the rain with it. There will be strong winds for a time and end South West Wales and south west england, brighter skies developing elsewhere with later when. Temperatures on friday around 1316dc. The temperatures on friday around 13 16dc. The very wet windy conditions of annexure days and even into the weekend it will remain u nsettled. Into the weekend it will remain unsettled. Showers with spells of rain, temperatures rising a little, 14 to 17 celsius. At that from me. That 14 to 17 celsius. At that from me. That it 14 to 17 celsius. At that from me. That it from me. Boris johnson tells the conservative Party Conference the uk will leave the eu at the end of october, come what may. He made his first Conference Speech while preparing to tell brussels of the uks final brexit proposals, which he said would mean give and take on both sides. Yes. Yes, this is a compromise by the uk, and i hope very much that our friends understand that, and they compromise as well. Leaks of the proposals suggest a new government plan for customs checks on the island of ireland. Brussels has again said it wants a deal, and that it would listen carefully to what the uk has to say. Well have all the latest from our correspondents. Also this lunchtime. As the duke and duchess of sussex end their tour of Southern Africa, they launch a court case against a sunday newspaper for publishing a private letter. Hundreds of people in hong kong stage a sit in at the school of a teenage activist shot by police during violent clashes. Here at the athletics World Championships in, doha in doha, hopes growing for a british first, gold medal in the 200 metres. And coming up on bbc news. Humiliation for tottenham just four months on from the Champions League final theyre hammered 7 2 at home to bayern munich. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one

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