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And at 10. 30am, protecting our planet takes a look at sustainable solutions, around the globe. Good morning. The conservative Party Conference opens today in manchester, with further assurances from the Prime Minister to deliver brexit. But the Party Conference comes amid growing speculation that opposition parties could table a vote of a no confidence against the government within days, as they try to stop a no deal brexit. And mrjohnson has also addressed questions about his use of language last week, which led to criticism from politicians on all sides of parliament. Our assistant political editor, norman smith, is in manchester. Norman, what has the Prime Minister been saying after a very turbulent westminster week . No surprise, defiant, largely unrepentant, particularly in relation to his own language and conduct in the commons, basically rebuffing the charge that he had used inappropriate language, when he talked about the dismissed as humbug, an mp calling on him to moderate his language, he spoke about the trail, said these were old tried and trusted metaphors, military metaphors which politicians had used throughout the ages, citing john major who talked about back to the wall and fighting on, nothing unusual about the language he had used he said, although he did offer a glimmer, a sort of hint of a half apology, over the use of the word humbug, in relation tojo cox, suggesting he used that word because he was trying to dismiss the attacks as ways of limiting his ability to deliver brexit. That is what he said he was trying to say, he was now accusing the mp of being a liar. Have a listen to how he defended himself against accusations that he had used inappropriate language. I certainly think everybody should calm down. And i certainly think. Including you . I think ive been a model of restraint. But i think everybody should calm down. And i think that its very important. I mean, as i said, there are two. So, you dont regret the use of the word humbug, at all . When an mp is discussing a death threat made against her . I think it is. Wrong, in principle, that politicians should be prevented from trying to use. Thats a different thing entirely words like surrender. Im asking about your word, humbug not about surrender, your word humbug, when an mp has just described a death threat against her the word. Its very straightforward, everyone can understand it. I know, and i think what people can also understand, if i may say so, andrew, is that my use of the word humbug, was in the context of people trying to prevent me, us, from using the word surrender. So what we learn elsewhere in the interview . You may have seen those allegations swirling about the american businesswoman, jennifer arcuri, mrjohnson waving away suggestions that she had received gra nts suggestions that she had received grants and was invited on trade trips when she perhaps wasnt running a company which was large enough to merit going on those sort of trips, saying that everything had been done with complete propriety. On brexit, what have we learned . We know what we have heard so many times from mrjohnson, he intends to deliver on his 31st of october deadline and he suggested that was the way to bring the country together. He said the way to restore the countrys Psychological Health was to get brexit done. A lot of speculation if you cannot get a deal and he said he thought there was a good chance of getting a deal, he was going to have more conversations while he is at the conference, on the telephone with eu leaders. He said if you cant get a deal, we will still be leaving on 31st of october. He was press, what does that mean . Are you going to resign . He intimated he was not. He was asked would he use the civil contingencies act to supersede the benn act . He didnt rule it out, but listen to him. He is pretty confident he can get round the benn act. How do you get around the benn act . Everyone is scratching their heads. It is suggested in todays papers that you could use eu laws as being superior to british law. With Great Respect i am not going to discuss a hypothetical situation. That may arise if and when the benn act where to come into. Would use contingency powers . Would you send somebody else to do it . |j contingency powers . Would you send somebody else to do it . I am sorry to say what we want to do is get a deal, there is no purpose in discussing a hypothetical scenario. Talking about hypothetical situations, a lot of talk from the opposition of trying to find a ca reta ker after a opposition of trying to find a caretaker after a vote of no confidence . There is because you held for wasjohnson saying of course you can get around to the benn act. That kind of language has rung alarm bells among the so called Rebel Alliance. There are some, like Dominic Grieve and others, who seem pretty sure the legislation is watertight. That mrjohnson cannot get round it. Others, ithink, getting nervous, the snp are worried that if they go up to october 31 by some sort of legal wheeze, Boris Johnson will get round that intake is out of the eu regardless. There are moves, and they are only moves at the moment, to try and force a vote of confidence, and then replace borisjohnson vote of confidence, and then replace Boris Johnson with vote of confidence, and then replace borisjohnson with another Prime Minister. The problem there is is this other Prime Minister . We know that the snp are coming around to the idea that they could support jeremy corbyn, the liberal democrats and said no way and they will absolutely not do that. Rebel tories, too could not do that. So then, people are casting around, would it be ken clarke . Could it be amber rudd . Basically all sorts of ideas in the mix, i dont think at the moment there is a firm plan. Because the Rebel Alliance looking a bit shaky at the moment with people beginning to pull in Different Directions and that could yet be their undoing. , many thanks norman smith with his latest analysis from the tory Party Conference in manchester. The veteran labour mp, Dame Margaret hodge, is facing a re selection battle after a sufficient number of activists in her constituency voted for the chance to pick a new candidate. Dame margaret whosjewish, and has been critical of Jeremy Corbyns handling of anti semitism in the party said she was disappointed, but would fight to keep her seat in east london. Labour said the decision had nothing to do with anti semitism. Parents should include children in conversations about organ donation, according to the organisation that oversees transplants in the uk. Nhs blood and transplant says young patients wait on average more than two and a half times longer than adults for similar transplants. Our reporter, geraint thomas, has been following the story of lilly who had a double transplant at the age of 11. My name is lilly kendall. I am 11 years old, and i am waiting for a heart and lung double transplant. At one stage, it looked likely lilly wouldnt even reach the age of 11. She spent herfirst three months in hospital with heart complications. Medics advised her family to switch off her life support machine. They managed to control her condition for nine years, but then, she needed a lung and heart transplant. Fewer than five children, across the uk, were on the double transplant waiting list at the time. Hearts and lungs, in particular, need to be matched by size, so lilly was relying on a child organ donor. Weve had a lot of difficult conversations, talking about her funerals, what she would like. This is my daughters life. This will change her life, and give me my daughter back. A week after we filmed with lilly, she got the call. She was taken to great ormond street hospital, where the double translate operation took over seven hours to complete. These were lillys first breaths, with her new lungs. I feel very amazing, very happy. I dont think i would survive without these new heart and lungs. Getting more donors to help patients, like lilly, is the challenge. Children can sign the organ donor register, and if they are competent to make that decision, then that should be given the same weight as if an adult had signed it. But obviously the final decision, as with adults, is with families, and therefore, we need families to talk together about what those wishes are. Police in hong kong have again used tear gas and pepper spray to disperse pro democracy protesters in a busy shopping district. The clashes took place after officers made a series of arrests of protesters, who had gathered to mark the fifth anniversary of a pro democracy campaign, known as the umbrella movement. A little earlier, our correspondent in hong kong, steve mcdonnell, gave us an update on todays demonstrations. Well, this is an act of mass civil disobedience, here in hong kong, today. We have many thousands of people in the streets, despite being told by the police that they should clear out, because this is, technically, an illegal assembly. We have had tear gas fired, we have had rubber bullets fired, if people know hong kong, this is right along the tram track route, on hong kong island, stretched out over many kilometres. As i say, you can see how many people have turned out here and every now and then, you will hear these cheers, speaking, because this is a kind of corridor next to me, where people are running stuff up to the front line. So they will send signals down, like they need some tires or water, or Something Like that, and then you will get a Group Running through the middle of the more hardcore protesters, with their gas masks, and everyone is cheering them on as they head to the front line. So, the potential for more of this kind of street conflict today is considerable. Now, of course, this is all leading up to the 70th anniversary of the founding of modern china. Of the communist party taking the reins in Mainland China. Beijing want it to be a big celebration of everything that is great about this country. However, the protesters feel that they want to crash the party, as it were, and use this anniversary to push their claims for democratic reforms, here in hong kong. And so, as i say, despite the threats they could be arrested, despite tear gas and rubber bullets, you have many thousands of people out on the street of hong kong today. And i think this will go on for hours to come. We will have to see what develops. Because there is quite a determination here, despite the authorities telling people to clear out of the streets, to remain here, to keep gathering, to keep shouting, as you can hear them, like this. Because for them, it is something of a last fight how they feel and the 70th anniversary on tuesday is a very big moment in china and the hong kong activists are determined to use it to their own ends. On tuesday, china will mark its 70th anniversary with celebrations on a scale not seen in in the country in decades. The birth of modern china was declared on the october 1919, after the communists a won the civil war that followed world war two. As weve seen there have been further clashes on the streets of hong kong today as Anti Government demonstrators step up action ahead of the anniversary. read on step up action ahead of the anniversary. Dr liu xin is a senior lecturer in International Relations and chinese history at liverpooljohn moores university. Thank you so much for being with us. The first question is, we see these protests in hong kong. There are lots of concerns that the chinese authorities, sooner or later, will run out of patience and see enough is enough. Remembering Tiananmen Square and they will violently crush this. We see police with pepper spray and tear gas, but it could be crushed violently. The uc that as a possible scenario in hong kong . M depends on a, a couple of days ago i thought there was a chance if the government is really concerned, especially in the sense that there is the National Day Ceremony in hong kong, that was a possibility. But 110w kong, that was a possibility. But now it is only two days away that if we continue to see this, the Chinese Government. The Tiananmen Square scenarios complete the different. The Chinese Government was at a critical turning point. Hong kong is not as important as it is supposed to be to the Chinese Government at the moment. At the same time, can the moment. At the same time, can the chinese authorities tolerate, we capped a week of these protests because they are not stopping, they are not slowing down. If anything, they are gathering momentum. Can beijings just allow this to go on and on . It seems to me they are tremendously tolerant. More tolerant than i thought they would be. Hong kong is no longer as important as people thought to the Chinese Government and probably the strategy for beijings authorities is to let them be there and run out of patience, or letter protesters run out of patience and go home. I am pretty sure the Chinese Government has got the sense, that whatever they do they will be criticised. This new generation of hong kong people for them, the communist party. You dont think the authorities in beijing worry that somehow people in china across Mainland China will follow what is happening in hong kong and might be inspired to protest . I know there access to information to news about hong kong is very limited. But will they worry, the authorities, the communist authorities envision, that somehow this Pro Democracy Movement will contaminate the rest of china . I dont think they are weighed at all because it is not going to happen. First of all, there is a way to access information from hong kong. Many people including the well educated people know what is happening. But according to my observation, except a couple of tremendously westernised schools, most of the mainlanders including the middle classes, are actually very critical. They are very angry, some very angry young people picking train tickets, going to hong kong. I dont know that is right, but i have to say that the mainlanders, and the mainland middle class of a com pletely mainland middle class of a completely different view. More generally about china on this 70th anniversary, Tiananmen Square, as you alluded to, was a turning point. China today would be a completely different country, wouldnt it . If it had not been suppressed, that Pro Democracy Movement back then in Tiananmen Square. The Tiananmen Square for westerners is known as the pro democratic movement. But at the pro democratic movement. But at the very beginning, it was between whether we should go about reform stick to the state and enterprises. So the workers involved whose voice and legacy were silence after the movement so i think that is a bit misunderstood. Tiananmen square is settled in a way that may china look bad to the outside of the world but also the opening of the market reform process. And as you can see now, a party, a politicalforce calling itself the come communist party becoming the largest advocate of free trade and open economy in the world which is a medical. Quite a combination. Thank you very much indeed, senior lecturer in International Relations. The american retailer, cvs pharmacy, has suspended the sale of a heartburn drug, over concerns that it could be linked to cancer. The store says it will stop sales of zantac until further notice. Zantac is a brand name for the generic medication, ranitidine. The pills are used by millions of people to reduce acid in the stomach. Two people have died and five others injured, at a theme park in mexico city. All the victims were passengers on a rollercoaster when one of the carriages fell off the track, at the la feria amusement park. Two of those injured are thought to have serious head injuries the headlines on bbc news. Further promises to deliver brexit are expected this morning as the conservative Party Conference gets underway in manchester. Boris johnson plans billions of pounds of spending for hospitals, what he describes as the biggest Hospital Building programme in a generation. Parents are urged to have conversations with their children about organ donation, in the hope that more young people willjoin the donor register. Sport and for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre. We will go straight to the rugby world cup. A huge game for wales taking on australia in tokyo. Midway through the second half with wales still leading by 26 points to 15. Wales went in at half time with a co mforta ble wales went in at half time with a comfortable 23 points lead after a couple of excellent tries but they have come back right into it, after the break. Earlier on, georgia enjoyed a bonus point over uruguay. Uruguay were unable to repeat last weeks heroics against fiji as georgia ran five tries. The match saw the second sending off of the tournament. For a high tackle. Georgia move up to third place in the. A shock defeat to ireland in what was a stunning comeback from the hosts. Athletics and Christian Coleman has won 100 metres, he clocked a time of 9. 76 seconds. He avoided a ban for missing three doping tests and was the favourite. Canadas took the bronze. Those things happen unfortunately. You have to be strong minded and refocus and come again and that is what i will definitely do. I am disappointed but i cannot give up on myself. No british woman has ever even qualified for the final at the worlds before. Football, Maurizio Pochettino says he is happy after totte n ha m pochettino says he is happy after tottenham beat southampton. They we re tottenham beat southampton. They were knocked out of the league cup by colchester on tuesday. After losing to leicester in the league last weekend. They did not make it easy. Southampton were gifted a goal which made it 1 1 after spurs went down to ten men. Harry kane grabbed a winner to put them packing to the top four. Liverpool have reported cha nts top four. Liverpool have reported chants made at the Womens Super League match to, believe they relate to the hillsborough disaster. At two now victory for united, their first since they were promoted. Ferraris Charles Leclerc will start at paul. It is the fourth time in a row he has led the ground. Lewis hamilton second with Sebastian Vettel in third. Felt amazing. Definitely feels great to be back on paul, i dont know if it is the best track to start, it is a very long straight after the start so it will be important as always but even more because of the street. Ben swift will be hoping he can bring home gold at the world cycling championships which gets under way in yorkshire later. The british champion will have a strong team of five riders alongside him, including gents Thomas Geraint thomas. Five riders alongside him, including gents Thomas Geraint thomas. He has been super motivated for this all year. He has got on really well and we have got adam yates who is also in fine form. Three good guys in the finaland also in fine form. Three good guys in the final and myself, we can help them as far as we can. Things are hotting up at the rugby world cup, 2622 hotting up at the rugby world cup, 26 22 wales versus australia. That is all for now, more throughout the day. Thank you very much richard. More now on the governments pledge, as the conservative Party Conference gets underway in manchester, that they will put billions into hospital projects across england. The plans include a £2. 7b billion investment for six hospitals over five years, a new approach to Mental Health treatment to be trialled in 12 areas across the country, and £70 million of investment into building ties between the nhs and charities and councils. Joining me now is anita charlesworth, the director of research and economics at the sunday telegraph have today got the front page headline quoting borisjohnson as i will build a0 new hospitals. It is not quite that, as it . No. What the Prime Minister has announced, in terms of specific study, is a set of schemes, to update modernise six hospitals. That will cost around £2. 7 billion, over the next five years. It is a big investment in one sense, on top of theresa mays investment last year which was for day to day running costs of the nhs. But, although it sounds like a lot of money, we have had so many years of underinvestment in our hospital infrastructure, that actually, rather than spending £2. 7 billion across the next five years, you would almost certainly need to spend £2. 7 billion a yearfor the next five years, to really modernise the physical in the structure of the health service. Because that physical info structure has been pretty rundown . Infra it might not seem pretty rundown . Infra it might not seem like the most important thing, but actually if you think about what that means, hospitals havent been maintaining lifts, and porters cant get the patient from the ward to the operating theatre on time to have the operation. A lot of this maintenance is absolutely critical. To getting the nhs to work and that doesnt need buildings, it needs computers, people may well remember the virus last year and lots of doctors reported takes 30 minutes to log on. You are queueing up with other doctors to get access to the computer. And it needs things like mri and ct scanners which are really important for cancer, diagnosing cancer. And we are way behind our European Partners and access to some of this critical infra structure. European partners and access to some of this critical infra structurelj was of this critical infra structure. was going to ask how our hospitals compare physically, in terms of the buildings and equipment, the levels of modernisation, to European Partners or other relatively industrialised developed countries around the world . Industrialised developed countries around the world . We spend about half the amount that other countries spend on the physical infrastructure of running their health services. We have fewer beds than most of our partners, but what is really important and one of the big gaps in todays announcement, is that beds and capacity are useful, but actually you need doctors and nurses to staff those beds. And we have a shortage of a0,000 nurses and todays announcements does nothing about what the government is going to do to address chronic shortages in the workforce. Sure you can belt shiny new hospitals but if you do not have doctors to staff them, you wont get extra capacity and people wont get extra capacity and people wont see improvements on the front line. Generally, you have all the parties, political parties, talking more about large levels of investment in the National Health service. And i suppose, looking into the future, yes it still has huge problems, but there is a general commitment, isnt there . To spend a lot more money on the nhs . After nine years of austerity, it is clear that there is general agreement that if we want a World Class Health service we will have to pay for it. And that will require substantial investment in buildings, in staff, as well. Went much good to talk to you, thank you for coming in. The government, Campaign Groups and the police have been warning about the rise of far right extremism across the uk. Tomorrow night, the Bbcs Countryfile programme reports on how a new belief called eco fascism is taking extremism into the countryside. Heres charlotte smith. Far right extremism is on the rise, not just in cities but in the countryside. Neo nazis have even been holding night time gatherings at English Heritage and National Trust sites, such as this one here in avebury, in wiltshire. There is a strand of nazism which goes back to heinrich himmler. Orofessor Roger Griffin says far right extremists are now interested in rural and environmental issues. What modern fascists are happily doing is making a link between what they consider to be the pollution of the race through such things as mass migration and cosmopolitanism and pollution of the countryside, what this leads to is this term, eco fascism. But it is feared such extreme views are becoming easier to access. And thats thanks to a new breed of radical for great activists, far right activists, who are using social media to reach a younger audience. This group is called british revival. It portrays itself as a patriotic alternative to extinction rebellion. But we did a little more digging, and we found it was set up by a man called michael wrenn, this is him with a group called generation identity, a group the government says promotes damaging and extreme views. Michael wrenn ran their Rural Division in the south west. So, is british revival simply a front for the same extreme views on immigration that generation identity has . British people are slowly becoming a minority in their own country. Its the way generation identity may choose to portray it that i dont agree with. Are they markedly different though, if we are honest . We are in the same general ballpark, but that could be said about a lot of groups. The governments advisers, the commission for countering extremism, says british revival is a frightening of hateful extremism. When countryfile approached facebook with its finding, they closed british revival and the michael wrenns pages. You can see charlottes full report on countryfile

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