A court hears details of the final moments ofjodie chesneys life, who was stabbed in london. Four people are accused of murder. The Rugby World Cup gets off to a flying start, with a win for the host nation, japan. And at 8. 45pm, find out ifjason solomons thinks brad pitts new astronaut film is out of this world. That and more coming up in the film review. Good evening. Welcome to bbc news. Millions of people including many children, have been taking part in demonstrations around the world, demanding tougher action on Climate Change. Huge crowds gathered in cities in more than 150 countries, calling for governments and businesses to do more to save the planet. The teenage activist greta thunberg, who protested alone outside the Swedish Parliament last year to draw attention to Climate Change, is tonight leading a march in new york. Our correspondent Sarah Campbell has the latest. What do we want . Climate justice when do we want it now . Now the arctic could melt. Many animals could go extinct and everyone could die. My generation is terrified. Some of us that were already thinking of not having children and starting families. Right now, we dont feel the difference. It doesnt mean there are other people in poverty and other countries that arent feeling the difference, and its up to us to stop it. Young and old took over the streets around parliament in london and in towns and cities across the uk, marching in glasgow and aberystwyth, cycling in nottingham, demonstrating in belfast, bristol and birmingham. This was about children and young people mobilising adults into action. I hope theyll listen to us and realise we need a change. Ive never been a protester before, but we have to act now, otherwise its just too late. We are worried, especially for these guys, because its them that will have to put up with the things brought upon them. Is this something you should take kids out of school for . It is one day a year. We wouldnt do it if she was older or had exams. These people are protesting, the adults. It is notjust the adults protesting. It is the kids, because it is our future anyway. This is a global movement, with events starting in the pacific and the flood threatened islands of vanuatu. In australia, thousands took part in rallies and marches, as they did in south africa. Which has recently experienced severe drought and flooding. Then, onto europe. This was berlin earlier today. New york is where World Leaders will come together on monday fora un backed summit on Climate Change. Already there is the 16 year old campaignerfrom sweden who has become the voice of her generation. If someone would have had said to me when i sat outside the Swedish Parliament one year ago that what is happening today would be happening, then i would never have believed that. This is not only my voice, this is the voice of millions of people around the world, but i think it is because we are young and we are the ones who are going to have to live with this. This was a day of passionate and peaceful protest, with young people leading the calls for urgent action to protect their futures. Sarah campbell, bbc news. Todays protests come ahead of next weeks un Climate Change summit in new york, where World Leaders will discuss how best to address global warming. Heres our science editor david shukman. A stark reminder of what the protests are all about. For these people on a pacific island, its a matter of life and death of whether their country can actually survive in future. As the planet heats up, the seas rise. And, for millions of people in low lying communities, the threats are already extreme and theyre set to become much worse. I saw for myself two weeks ago how the ice of greenland is melting adding to the level of the oceans. And scientists fear that more melting will follow. All the time, human activities keep adding to the problem. This is indonesia right now. The fires are immense, like in the amazon, and they release Carbon Dioxide into the air, and that makes the rise in temperatures even faster. The challenge is that the world is on a course towards Dangerous Levels of warming. The global average temperature has already risen by one degree celsius over the last 150 years or so. And Scientists Say 1. 5 degrees is the maximum safe level. Anything more risks a range of damaging impacts. But were currently heading towards a three degree rise by the end of the century and thats even if all the climate promises made by governments are kept. If nothings done, some fear an increase of four degrees with potentially catastrophic results. So what can be done . Well, the un wants more Renewable Energy like wind turbines. Today, the British Government approved hundreds more and theyll cost far less than expected. In the same way, the price of solar power has fallen. And the un is hoping the summit next week will see new promises to build more installations like this. But hard facts remain. Much of the world depends on coal the dirtiest of the fossil fuels. And moving away from it is difficult. And leaders including President Trump support it. There will be a struggle ahead. David shukman, bbc news. We can cross to new york and our correspondent there, samira hussain. Samira, ican samira, i can still see because behind you. This is a cry that has gone around the globe. Absolutely, it was a cry that came from that swedish activist greta thunberg, and people really rose to the occasion. There have been thousands of young people that have flooded into lower manhattan, and we havejust people that have flooded into lower manhattan, and we have just marched from one area of the city down broadway, which is the street, arguing the biggest street in manhattan, and everyone is assembling just behind me and Police Officers have been trying to open up the streets but there are still people that are coming down this way, holding signs, holding placards, demanding that people take some sort of action against Climate Change. 0k, samira, we will leave it for now but they can very much. Be careful behind you thank you Harriet Williams is a parent at a school in bristol who, along with pupils and other parents, took part in a school gate climate protest this morning. Lets speak to her now. Harriet, thank you for speaking to bbc news. What was that all about . My bbc news. What was that all about . My own children are eight and five, andi my own children are eight and five, and i feel that they are a little bit too young to take out of school, ta ke bit too young to take out of school, take into towns and join the mass marches that took place this afternoon, so the school gate idea isa afternoon, so the school gate idea is a Family Friendly format that allows family, who for whatever reason, cannotjoin the regular event, get you. It is interesting a lot of this has been served by children. Youre talking about Primary School children. Did they grasp what they were doing and why they were doing this . Yeah, they grasp that straightaway and when we made our ballots for the children, and we had 150 show up in the end, we gave the children messages they could work with. They came back to us could work with. They came back to us with messages about pollution, about corporations damaging the planet. Even Young Children are quite wise to what is going on, quite wise to what is going on, quite savvy, and they have some strong ideas of their own of how we can fix it that we would do well to Pay Attention to. Thats interesting. How did they think we could fix it . Messages about systems, change, Climate Change. There is awareness, all the campaign about plastics, the Large Companies in the decisions they take with products, having responsibility for this kind of environment impacts. Very much also awareness of what individuals and households, we can do in our everyday lives, whether thatis do in our everyday lives, whether that is recycling or eating less meat or whatever it may be. Harriet, what do you make of the argument from some circles that say that children should be at school, not on the streets . I see myself as having agency, Caring Agency and responsibility for my own Young Children. I have chosen not to expose them to the horror of the ecological crisis right now. I know, when i keep imagining the conversation i might have with them in 30 years time, when they are approaching middle age themselves, by then, well know how the story comes out. If we manage to reign this into my wee proud to have acted now. this into my wee proud to have acted now. I will be proud to have acted now. If it is all unraveling and there are many awful ways in which it could, i want to be able to look them in the i and say to them honestly, i did what i did now. I cannot imagine having that conversation with them then if i did not stand up as their parent right now. 0k, Harriet Williams in bristol, think you very much indeed. Thank you very much indeed. And well find out how this story and many others are covered in tomorrows front pages at 10 1i0pm and 11 30pm this evening in the papers. 0ur guestsjoining me tonight are madeline grant from the Daily Telegraph and Jason Beattie from the mirror. We will see you then, of course. The travel firm thomas cook could fall into administration this weekend, unless it finds an extra £200 million to secure its future. They say they have reached out for a bailout. 9,000 jobs are at risk in the uk, and more than 150,000 british holidaymakers could be left stranded abroad. 0ur north of england correspondent, judith moritz, reports. Thomas cook is one of the best known names in travel. At any time, there are up to 100 of its planes in the air and it has 19 million customers per year, but the operators financial problems have mounted and news that it faces administration is a headache for holiday makers. Luke dudley is one of them. He is currently in turkey and needs to get back to start a newjob on monday, but he is now worried about his return flight. We just dont know what the situation is, how we are flying back, back to manchester, or all things could collapse in the next couple of days or hours, and we have nothing to go back on. Worries, too, for people with future holiday plans. Jackie cunningham booked a trip to the maldives to celebrate her recovery from cancer. Today happens to be the deadline for her to pay the £8,000 balance. She doesnt know what to do. It could mean we dont go, and this is the second time were going to have to cancel it. We mightjust give up on it. Thomas cook is in the process of negotiating a rescue deal but its banks have demanded the Company Finds an extra £200 million to tide it through the winter months. For now, the business continues. There are 49 thomas cook flights coming and going from Manchester Airport alone today, but over the next 2a hours, critical to the compa nys survival, holiday makers are travelling with the knowledge that, if it goes into administration while they are away, they could become stranded and need government help to get home. Currently, there are 600,000 thomas cook customers on holiday, of which up to 160,000 from the uk. A collapse would require the biggest ever Emergency Operation to bring tourists home. Sources have concerned the Civil Aviation authority is on standby at a potential cost of £600 million. In the uk, thomas cook has more than 500 shops and employs 9,000 staff, who the government have sought to reassure. We very much hope that thomas cook will be able to restructure and be able to continue to survive but, you know, we in my department are very keen to always make sure we look after the staff in every way we can. Thomas cook, whose statue stands in leicester, started his business nearly 180 years ago. Where the company goes next is uncertain. Judith moritz reporting there. Earlier i spoke to steve wardle, whose daughter, sharna, is due to get married on a thomas cook package in kos next year. It started this morning, she was texting me at work. And family and friends were texting, saying there had been issues with thomas cook. We knew it little bit about it and the worries there, people have put a lot of money into it. Theres been four yea rs of money into it. Theres been four years in the planning for this wedding. So shes really worried. What has she been saying to you . She is saying, maybe it is an omen she is saying, maybe it is an omen she is not code you have a fairy tale wedding and will be a registry. That is really quite sad. Just tell us. A lot of people getting married, its difficult enough, its stressful enough, but how much planning has gone into this marriage abroad . Her fiance curtis propose to her four yea rs fiance curtis propose to her four years ago and we only eventually booked at this about a year and a half ago, to tie everybody to come to the wedding, 35 people that booked this package holiday. The organisation behind it hasjust been immense. Not cheap, is it . Not at all. Youre talking £1300 a head. Goodness me. What are you telling friends . What are you telling guests orfamily who friends . What are you telling guests or family who are asking the questions . What do you know . We are getting no contact from thomas cook. 0nly business as usual, which i expect them to do because it could cause a bigger problem if they come out any press and you know, cancel bookings or anything like that. I understand that. It doesnt solve the situation of the people that have books with us. Im a little bit concerned. Sharnas already starting to think of other plans on what to do, whether its a weekend venue for everyone, but im just saying, lets just write it out, lets see where he takes us, really. And in terms of the money, because a lot of people have paid for this holiday, what proportion has been put down already coachella i would say already . Already . I would say there is already been 20,000 paid. If you are doing it on instalments, but we are fairly fall into the instalment payment. The wedding is onlyjune next year. The majority of the money will be paid. The concern is if they do go under, whether they will pay back to do it again, because it is a lot of money at £1300 a head. Steve, iam lot of money at £1300 a head. Steve, i am looking at some of the messages thomas koke put out to customers who have been questioning them and they are talking about the media speculation, all of our packages remain fully protected. What is your message to thomas cook right now . My message to thomas cook right now . My message would be, i understand it is protected but they should still get in touch with us, at least send an e mail. Keep us involved in the chain of what is happening and will be interesting to know that, yeah, if it does go to the wire, are asked where negotiations are at. If it looks like a positive outcome, we just dont know. That was steve wardle. The headlines on bbc news millions of people protest around the world to demand greater action on Climate Change. Thousands ofjobs are at risk and british holiday makers could be left stranded, if thomas cook faces collapse. The woman who claims she was abused by Prince Andrew speaks out. Sport and for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre, heres connie mclaughlin. Good evening to you. Yes, the waiting is over. The Rugby World Cup is finally underway injapan. Its the first time the tournamet has ever been played in asia and its expected to draw in a huge global audience. Like samurai warriors, the hosts kicked things off by putting russia to the sword in a convincing 30 10 victory in pool a intokyo. Wing Kotaro Matsushima scored a hat trick. The team has been ready for the opening cup game. At times, it was obvious. I am opening cup game. At times, it was obvious. Iam pretty opening cup game. At times, it was obvious. I am pretty proud of how the way we battled through that, and then we were able to score. Scotland and ireland are injapans group and they face scotland have only beaten ireland once since the last world cup. Scotland head coach Gregor Townsend is looking forward to getting started. Its the opening game of the world cup. You play a team who are currently ranked number one in the world. We know they are a good team, a team we play every year, so you cannot disguise it as anything else than a hugely important game against a very, very good side. And england have named a strong side to face tonga on sunday in saporro. Captain 0wen farrell plays at centre alongside manu tuilagi. George ford is at fly half. And head coach eddiejones cant wait to get going. The world cup is like a roller coaster. We are at the top of the ride now looking down. Everyone is nervous, excited you get down the first slope and you have to adapt to that, and the players have equipped themselves to ride the roller coaster because there is gonna be some turns, some accidents, there will be some fun. And we want to enjoy all of those things that come along and the team is equipped to handle it. There is one game in the premier League Southampton hosting local rivals bournemouth. The last time these two sides met, it was a six goal thriller, ending in a 3 3 draw. Bournemouth are the first to score tonight, nathan ake scoring from a corner. Kick off at st marys was at 8pm. Both sides went into the game on seven points with the same goal difference. You can keep up to date with it via the bbc sport website and app. To cricket and jofra archer, one of the stars of englands summer, has been rewarded with a central contract. Archer only made his International Debut four months ago. The contract covers all forms of the game. He was their leading wicket taker in their world cup Winning Campaign and impressed in the drawn ashes series. But whats next for the fast bowler . I thinkjofra is capable of anything. I chatted with his dad at the oval and he thought he would hit 100 mph next year and i said i would take that. But its important we look after him, its not easy to bowl that pace consistently, and he is a fine asset for the team. Danny willett is the joint leader at the halfway stage of the pga championship at wentworth in surrey. The 2016 masters champion missed the cut at wentworth last year. At the time, he was ranked a62nd in the world. Now 64th, willett took only 29 shots on the front nine. Hes tied on 11 under par with Spains Jon Rahm after a second round of 65. Rory mcilroy made the cut, but is 12 shots behind. Thats all the sport for now. Theres more on the website. Connie, thank you very much. The brexit secretary, Stephen Barclay, has concluded talks with the eus chief negotiator, michel barnier, by insisting theres a common purpose to get a new deal. The European Commission said a fully workable and legally operational solution must be put forward to manage northern irelands border. Lets go live to westminster and our Political Correspondent, jessica parker. Jessica . Its been an interesting week. Earlier in the week, we had uk governments leaving bits of paper with their eu partners, discussions, proposals. Its emerged this evening ina proposals. Its emerged this evening in a leaked memo from the Eu Commission to european diplomats they are none too impressed with the contents they are none too impressed with the co nte nts of they are none too impressed with the contents of the documents. This all comes contents of the documents. This all co m es after contents of the documents. This all comes after talks this morning between michel barnier, that you macros chief negotiator, and the brexit secretary, Stephen Barclay. Lets have a quick discussion to what he had to say the eus chief negotiator. There is a common purpose in dublin, london and brussels to see a deal there is a clear message that a deal is doable but at the same time, there is still work to do but there are serious discussions taking place. We are moving forward with momentum, talks will continue next week between the technical teams and its important we deliver a deal, because that is in the interest of the United Kingdom and indeed the interest of the European Union as we move forward with a strong future relationship promotions where we wa nt relationship promotions where we want to go. Stephen barclay, trying to sound optimistic. Trying to find an alternative to the backstop, keeping the irish border free alternative to the backstop, keeping the irish borderfree and alternative to the backstop, keeping the irish border free and flowing. They are looking at having an agora food zone on the island of ireland agrifood zone. From the eus perspective, the things put forward by the uk are not good enough. And lets have a listen to michel barnier, de eus chief brexit negotiator. As president juncker said this week very clearly, we are always ready to examine an objective base, any proposal in the uk must reach all the objectives of the backstop. To protect the peace in ireland, the ireland economy and the consumers and businesses of the eu and the single market. After my very cordial meeting with Steve Barclay and his team, lots of work has to be done in the next few days. You have been patient for a long time on this. Brexit is a school of patience, but we are still ready to reach an agreement. You ask if i am optimistic or pessimistic compared to yesterday. Im not optimistic, not pessimistic, im still determined. It seems to me come hour by hour, day by day, week by week but there is this exercise of detecting with the new mood music is. This week, there has been some optimism. That has been dampened down by the eu memo i referred to. As Stephen Barclay referred to. As Stephen Barclay referred to, talks will continue next week. The brexit secretary is expected to go to brussels more often over the coming weeks but of course, the overall picture here time. That does not seem to be a lot of time left. Borisjohnson is determined to leave the European Union by the 31st of october. He seems to be pinning his hopes, trying to finalise this deal at the eu summit on the 17th of october, just a week or so before that deadline, but that really does seem to be the plan. So i think the likelihood here is if a deal is reached him and that is a big if, is looking pretty last minute. Leaveit leave it there. Jessica parker, thank you. Bird populations in asia and the us are in crisis, according to two major studies. The first says there are three billion fewer birds in the us and canada today compared to 1970. The second claims that on the island of java in indonesia, more birds now live in cages than in the wild. 0ur science correspondent victoria gill has been to java find out more. Sold in their thousands every day injava, indonesia, the songbird trade is thriving. It is fuelled by a National Passion for birdsong. Singing competitions like this take place all over the country, every weekend. But it is also driving an extinction crisis. Dozens of species, caught from the forests, to supply the trade, are disappearing from the wild, and scientists studying this say it has now reached a tipping point. Java is an island about the size of england, and we estimate that theres around 75 million birds in captivity. Thats probably more than there may be in the wild, which is a very serious issue for the island and its wider environment. This is one of two major studies, published today, that point to a global crash in bird populations. The other, a project carried out by scientists in the us and canada, examined 50 years of bird surveys in north america. It revealed that there are three billion fewer birds on the continent today than there were in 1970. Habitat loss, driven by human activity, has been blamed, but the researchers are actually optimistic that their conclusions could be a wake up call, triggering action to protect vital habitats and migration routes. And in indonesia, the widespread love of the birds could provide a catalyst for them to be protected in the wild. Now its time for a look at the weather with darren bett. Hello there. Its going to feel warm in the sunshine again tomorrow. Today, we had temperatures into the mid 20s in highland. And overnight tonight, well have clear skies and its going to be dry. Some patchy cloud developing and heading into eastern scotland. Little fog, though, overnight tonight because the breeze keeps going. And as a result, it wont be as cold as its been over the past few nights. Now, if we look to the south west, we may start to see some cloud, the odd shower, coming in to the far south west of england and wales, later into northern ireland. But elsewhere, theres going to be more sunshine to come. Still quite gusty winds, particularly for the western side of the uk. But the heat this time is really on across much of wales, into the midlands, towards the home counties, where temperatures will be up to 25 degrees. Things change, though, overnight and into sunday. We start to see some showers pushing up from the south west. Those could be heavy and thundery. Then a band of more organised rain comes in, too. That should be clearing away from wales and the south west of england in the afternoon, as it turns cooler and fresher. And in the north east of scotland, likely to be dry, and warm for a while in northern and eastern england. Hello, this is bbc news with lu kwesa burak. The headlines a Global Climate strike in cities across the uk, thousands have taken to the streets, calling for tougher action to combat Climate Change. From nairobi to new york, sydney to stockholm, and here live in mexico city. Millions have protested in more than a 150 countries around the world. We are young and we are the ones who are going to have to live with this in the future. And we are not the ones who have caused this crisis. Thomas cook could go into administration if it doesnt come up with an extra £200 million in rescue funds over the weekend. The woman who claims she was abused by Prince Andrew speaks out. Buckingham palace emphatically denies the duke of york had any sexual contact with her. A court hears details of the final moments ofjodie chesneys life, who was stabbed in london. Four people are accused of murder. And coming up, the funny and uplifting tale based on an actual lie find out about the farewell and this weeks other new releases in the film review. More now on our top story, that millions of people have been taking part in demonstrations around the world, demanding tougher action on Climate Change. While more and more schemes to reduce Carbon Emissions are launched, researchers say that progress is still too slow. Earlier, i spoke to Professor James longhurst, assistant vice chancellor for environment and sustainability at the university of the west of england in bristol, a city which is aiming to reach net zero Carbon Emissions by the year 2030. I began by asking him whether large scale protests like those happening today would have any real impact on policy makers and businesses. These are the people who are going to suffer the worst consequences of a change in climate and they whether they are at school or our students orfamily and they are at school or our students or family and friends join them, they are saying we need to act and we need to act now. You have not listened to the science. You have not taken the urgent actions that we re not taken the urgent actions that were needed. We are now coming out to say it is time for serious and urgent action. And these are the young people that are protesting. They are the ones who will suffer those consequences that we know will happen with the changing climate. They say we have got to act and they are right. The city of bristol has set itself the ambitious target of driving down its Carbon Emissions to zero by 2030. That is notjust the city council, that if the whole of the city. For 50,000 plus citizens with a really diverse array of sources and a very vibrant economy. This is a hugely challenging task. And that does not mean it is impossible. Their are levers that can be pulled by local government, by business and industry in the city with and transport network in the city and what it needs is coordination, commitment and a sense of urgency, which the climate strikers today are asking that all sectors of Society Listen to and then take action. And it will require very concerted coordinated action that targets the most important sectors, the largest emitters as quickly as possible. But a local authority and its partners ina a local authority and its partners in a city space, they cannot take all of the actions, they dont have the legal powers to do that. There is action that is required by the National Government and whilst we have seen Great Strides to tape the uk to have seen Great Strides to tape the uktoa have seen Great Strides to tape the uk to a position where we have a policy framework for decarbonise inc. The uk, that is set for 2050 and the climate strikers again are saying when to move more quickly than that. So there is a policy perspective for the uk but on top of that we need to see more urgent action to enforce the changes that are required. And there are many of those changes that we must be open about. It will change many of the ways in which we currently choose to live and work. In bristol, if i may use that as a city example, so it decarbonise inc. The transport sector through the use of increasingly lower carbon down to zero carbon fuels will require conversion of the bus fleet, conversion of the bus fleet, conversion of the bus fleet, conversion of many of the vehicles that vehicle people currently drive from petrol and diesel to electric or to hybrid vehicles. And in the case of the domestic sector, a move away from gas to alternative energy sources, pv and potentially we could see a hydrogen gas network but there are discussions and decisions to be made about which are the most appropriate and how we can incentivize certain types of action and at the same time protecting those that were least able to make those that were least able to make those changes themselves. Different foodstuffs have a different carbon intensities in terms of how they we re intensities in terms of how they were produced and moved around the world. We know that certain Food Production techniques and farms, whether they are in europe or further afield, we know that there are very significant omissions from agricultural sources. We will need to change our diets to a certain extent to reduce the overall Carbon Emissions associated with the foodstuffs that we purchased. And we will certainly need to have a larger fraction of our diet that come from plant based food sources. A woman who claims she was abused by Prince Andrew as a teenager has given herfirst Television Interview about the allegations. Virginia Roberts Guiffre told nbc news in america that she was trafficked to Prince Andrew, whom she described as an abuser. Her allegations first came to light in court papers lodged against the billionaire businessman jeffrey epstein, whod been accused of trafficking underage girls. Buckingham palace has empathically denied that the duke of york had any form of sexual contact or relationship with ms roberts. 0ur royal correspondent jonny dymond has more. The prince, the teenager and the socialite. Now an adult, for the first time outside a court, Virginia Roberts alleges she was trafficked to Prince Andrew. The link is this man, jeffrey epstein, now dead. The hugely rich businessman became a friend of Prince Andrews. The prince stayed at his houses and flew on hisjet. Virginia roberts says she was introduced aged 17 by mr maxwell to Prince Andrew. I was so young, he woke me up in the morning and said, im going to meet a prince today. I didnt know at that point that i would be trafficked to that prince. She says they went to a nightclub and that she danced with Prince Andrew. Then she left. I hopped in the car withjeffrey, and she said he is coming back to the house and i want you to do for him what you do for epstein. Buckingham palace says it is emphatically denying that the duke of york had any form of sexual contact or relationship with Virginia Roberts. Any claim to the contrary is false and without foundation. Maxwell also denies any wrongdoing. These allegations have been made before, but this is the first time theyve been made without the Legal Protection of the court. Virginia roberts is challenging the people she accuses to sue. Jonny dymond, bbc news. The boyfriend of the teenagerjodie chesney, who was stabbed in a random attack in a park in east london, has told a court that she screamed continuously for two minutes after the assault and that it took around 15 minutes for the Emergency Services to arrive. Two men and two teenagers are on trial at the old bailey, charged with the murder of the 17 year old in march. Dan johnson reports. Today, eddie coyle gave his account of the last moments of his girlfriends life, describing how two men come out of the dark in an instant and she was fatally stabbed. Theyd been together forjust three months and he said she was a great person, funny, sometimes silly, sometimes sensible. He told the jury they were in the park with friends, listening to music, drinking and smoking cannabis, when two hooded men approached without a word being said. He demonstrated to the jury how the taller man raised his arm and swung it towardsjodies back. Close to tears at one point, eddie said jodie was in shock at first she didnt know what had happened. She just started screaming. She screamed very loudly, he said, continuously for about two minutes straight. Then she began to faint. We cant name two of the defendants, who are 16 and 17. The jury heard svenson 0ng a kwie was seen on cctv the next morning getting rid of some of his clothes. Manuel petrovic is accused of driving them in his car on the night. All four deny murder. Anotherfriend ofjodies, bryce henderson, recounted how hed previously bought cannabis from a local drug dealer called spencer. He denied there was any outstanding debt or a feud. But earlier this week, jodie was described as the innocent victim of a row over drugs. Her boyfriend said there was no reason for anyone to hurt her. Dan johnson, bbc news, at the old bailey. A number of conservative Party Members have been suspended for posting or endorsing islamophobic material on social media. The action was taken following a bbc investigation. There have been repeated calls for the conservatives to hold an independent inquiry into allegations of islamophobia within the party. Heres our Political Correspondent alex forsyth. Just three months ago, during the race to be tory leader, this happened. Shall we have an external investigation into islamophobia in the conservative party . They agree. They certainly seemed to agree, including the man whos now party leader, but there has not been Much Movement so far. When is your independent enquiry into islamophobia in your party starting . I think that is under way. We have had very summary action against people who were associated. Who is leading it . We are trying to get to grips with this problem. The problem is another tranche of people who say theyre tory members and who have posted or endorsed islamophobic content on facebook or twitter. Comments included. Details were passed to the bbc by a twitter user who has been campaigning on this issue for over a year. We verified more than 20 cases, ranging from individuals liking or sharing one or two comments or pictures to others regularly posting offensive material. We gave details to the conservative party, which said it immediately suspended anyone who was a member, but did not say exactly when there might be a full, independent enquiry. A spokesman said the conservative party will never stand by when it comes to prejudice and discrimination of any kind, and that is why it is already establishing the terms of an investigation to make sure such instances are isolated and robust processes are in place to stamp them out as and when they occur. But for some, thats not enough. Sajjad karim was a member of the European Parliament for 15 years and is still a conservative. He fears the party may row back on a specific enquiry into islamophobia. Is there a need for it . Yes, there is. I have been extremely lucky that i have not directly suffered the consequences of these attitudes, but what i have had is direct experience of fellow parliamentarians, where they conducted islamophobic conversations directly about me, one of whom actually is a serving minister at this moment in time. He hasnt named the minister. The party said if there was an allegation it would investigate, but some want much firmer action on the wider issue an enquiry, and soon. Alex forsyth, bbc news. The headlines on bbc news this is the scene live in mexico city throughout the day, millions have protested in more than 150 countries around the world. Thousands ofjobs are at risk and british holiday makers could be left stranded if thomas cook faces collapse. The woman who claims she was abused by Prince Andrew speaks out. Buckingham palace emphatically denies the duke of york had any sexual contact with her. Now on bbc news, its time for the film review

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