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Other parts of the world. It is 7 00am in the morning in singapore and midnight here in london, where the british Prime Minister, borisjohnson, has suffered two major setbacks for his brexit strategy. First, a Cross Party Group of mps was successful in getting a bill passed to prevent a no deal brexit. The bill potentially forces mrjohnson to do something that he has repeatedly ruled out, namely asking the eu for yet another brexit delay unless a deal is secured. The Prime Ministers response was to call for a general election on 15 october, but he failed to get sufficient support from mps. Our Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg reports on the days events. Are we through the Looking Glass now . The Prime Minister is demanding a new parliament over there, an election, yet he says he doesnt want one. The other parties say they do, but may yet stand in his way. It wont be settled until the commons closes the door on the possibility that borisjohnson could take us out of the eu next month without a deal. Reporter have you lost control, Prime Minister . His brexit, at any cost. Order. Questions to the Prime Minister. But, if he gets his way, this first joust of shouting in Prime Minister s questions could be his last. Can he confirm now that he will allow the people of this country to decide on what hes giving up in their name with the general election on october the 15th . Theres only one chlorinated chicken i can see in this house, and hes on that bench. Hes desperate, absolutely desperate, to avoid scrutiny. The riposte read his lips. Youre a great big girls blouse. And, in his third day in office, after five questions from me, we havent had an answer to any of them. They crowded into the voting lobbies tonight, disbelieving, as the idea of bringing theresa mays plan back appeared to pass by mistake. The ayes to the right 327. The noes to the left 299. But they were successful at this stage, voting to prevent the Prime Minister taking us out of the eu in october if no deal in place. Now it is up to the house of lords, though, preparing to bed down to talk and talk until it is done, racing against the deadline, before parliament shuts next week. A group of anti no deal mps, led by the man who was chancellor a few weeks ago, even marched themselves to the lords tonight, as if to make sure to do their business. The chances now of this bloc failing, tonight peeping in at the edge of the lords, seems slim. So the main battle inside might soon be outside, if, or more likely when, a general election is finally called. This the First Official request. There must now be an election on tuesday 15 october, and i invite right honourable gentleman to respond to decide which of us goes as Prime Minister to that crucial council. Labour says not yet, not until the anti no deal plan becomes law, but that could be in days. I look forward to the day his government and his party, and all the austerity and misery theyve heaped on this country, are turfed out of office. Its a cynical movement from a cynical Prime Minister. So, if he wants an election, extend article 50 for the purposes of having a general election, and bring it on. Once a no deal has been blocked, mps across this house on the opposition benches should come together to bring down this government. This parliament is crumbling in front of us, but not ready to choose to end itself yet. When it came, the decision was against number ten. Labour abstained. The ayes to the right 298. The noes to the left 56. Confident in the bunker, it is not no for good. It is no not yet. Lets take a look at some of the days other news hong kongs leader, carrie lam, has announced the formal withdrawal of a highly controversial extradition bill. The planned legislation triggered months of protests by Anti Government activists, who feared that it would allow suspects to be sent for trial in mainland china. Our correspondentjohn sudworth is in beijing. For three months solid, through the mass protests, the escalating violence, carrie lam has been insisting that she cannot withdraw the bill, largely thought to be because beijing wont let her. And yet here we are. She has blinked, and yet its being met with howls of derision. Too little, too late appears to be the gist of the reaction. And to understand why that is, you must understand how far weve come. What began as a protest over the single bill has now morphed into a genuine mass pro democracy movement, fuelled by fears of what chinese rule will mean for hong kong. Iran says it will free seven of the 23 crew members of a swedish owned, british flagged tanker seized in the strait of hormuz in july. An Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman said the sailors from latvia, russia and india would be sent home for humanitarian reasons. Iran accuses the vessel of violating International Maritime rules. The seizure came two weeks after an iranian tanker was held off gibraltar with the help of the royal marines. The american songwriter Lashawn Daniels has died in a car accident, aged just a2. He was behind some of pop musics biggest hits, such as lady gagas telephone and destiny childs say my name. He leaves behind a wife and three sons. Youtube has been fined a record 170 million in the United States to settle charges it illegally collected and shared data from children. Authorities said the video sharing site, which is owned by google, violated a law preventing Internet Companies from using the personal information of children under 13 without their parents consent. Lets go back to events in the british politics. First mps have backed a bill that will prevent a no deal brexit, and then they denied the Prime Ministers call for a general election. Lance price is a political commentator and a former director of communications for the opposition labour party. Double defeat for the Prime Minister. Where does he go from here . Yes, i mean, he hasnt won a single vote as Prime Minister in the house of commons. He lost two roads on the bill, then he lost a vote calling for a general election. So his first few weeks as Prime Minister went quite well, because pa rt minister went quite well, because part of it wasnt sitting. But as 0011 part of it wasnt sitting. But as 50011 as part of it wasnt sitting. But as soon as he came back and faced the arithmetic that he had inherited from the previous Prime Minister, theresa may, he realised that he was in no better position than she was to get his will. So he now has to reconsider his tactics, what he is going to do about it. And therell bea going to do about it. And therell be a lot of heads being scratched in downing street overnight tonight, to see if theres another way in which he can force a general election. Of course, traditionally it has always been the Prime Ministers gift. Our previous Prime Ministers have always been able to say i will have an election and nobody could do anything about it. That all changed when we had a Coalition Government between conservatives and the liberal democrats, and if that legislation which has tied his hands. So hes in a humiliating position now of remaining as Prime Minister even though he wants to go to the country and have a general election, but unable get his way. He can still, in asking for a simple majority vote, he can still call for a general election, but will he get the numbers . How does that work . M theory he could, because parliament is sovereign, so he could frame a bill, which is a motion that goes before parliament, which simply says it doesnt matter what all the other laws say, here is a new law and this laws say, here is a new law and this law says that there is going to be a general election on a certain date, because we are parliament want that, and if he got a majority of one for that, then arguably that would then become the position in the new law. Im not even convinced he could get a majority of one, because although those ranged against him have got different motivations, and some are more keen on a general election than others, the Scottish National party, which is by far the most dominant party in scotland, they are very keen to have an election because they think they can take away from they think they can take away from the conservatives up to a dozen seats in scotland. But i think, at the moment, those who are ranged against borisjohnson are actually working together very closely, and i dont think i dont think that the snp would break away from the other opposition parties under those circumstances. Boris johnson other opposition parties under those circumstances. Borisjohnson has just kicked 21 members of his own party out of his parliamentary party, so they have no loyalty to him anymore and no reason to support him, and they may well, whatever he wa nts, him, and they may well, whatever he wants, they may decide to vote against just wants, they may decide to vote againstjust to spite him, because of the degree of animosity within the conservative party. So im not sure he would even be able to get a majority of one. More questions than a nswe is. Majority of one. More questions than answers. Lance, thank you so much for talking is to read. Talking us for talking is to read. Talking us through it. Hurricane dorian is approaching the east coast of florida after causing devastation in the bahamas. At least seven people are known to have been killed in the islands, with that number expected to rise. The Prime Minister, hubert minnis, said parts of the island nation were left decimated. From there, our correspondent Aleem Maqbool reports. With the hurricane finally moving off the bahamas, after many terrifying days, the devastation can be assessed for the first time, and it is shocking. Parts of the low lying abaco islands have been obliterated. Massive storm surges would have overwhelmed this entire area. The airport wont be accessible for days, and other parts of this island chain are still too dangerous to get near. We can confirm now seven deaths, but we know more is to come. You just cant go through devastation like this without with that minimal deaths, unfortunately. The International Space station captured dramatic images of Hurricane Dorian, 110w dramatic images of Hurricane Dorian, now swirling in the ocean near florida. Some areas have clear enough skies that aircraft can take to them, and for the first time finally assess the demonstration that has been caused. But it is abaco and grand bahama which have borne the brunt, and where the humanitarian cost will be most acute. You are watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme protest leaders in hong kong reject proposals from the territorys chief executive aimed at ending months of unrest. Also on the programme a special report from greenland on how the rapid rate of its melting ice sheet could affect the rest of the world. She received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work with the poor and the dying in indias slums. The head of the Catholic Church said Mother Teresa was a wonderful example of how to help people in need. We have to identify the bodies, then arrange the coffins and take them back home. Parents are waiting and wives are waiting. Hostages appeared, some carried, some running, trying to escape the nightmare behind them. Britain lost a princess today, described by all to whom she reached out as irreplaceable. An Early Morning car crash in a paris underpass ended a life with more than its share of pain and courage, warmth and compassion. This is newsday on the bbc. Im rico hizon in singapore. Im kasia madera in london. Our top stories. The British Parliament has approved legislation that could prevent the country leaving the European Union at the end of next month without a deal. The Prime Minister, borisjohnson, responded by calling for a general election on october 15 but his motion failed to get the required support of two thirds of mps. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. Like a number of publications here in asia, the Straits Times leads with hong kongs chief executive carrie lams decision to withdraw the controversial extradition bill. The paper says that despite the move protests continue, with many calling ms lams announcement to little to late. Too little too late. Arab news leads with a new report by the un estimating that over 1,000 civilians have been killed in idlib, syria in the last four months. The paper says that the number of children killed from the end of april to the end of august stood at 304, and warns that a generation of children are at risk of being denied an education. And the japan times leads reports on the uk Prime Minister Boris Johnsons ongoing brexit battle. The paper says that his brexit plans are in tatters after the events over the last few days. As we reported earlier, protest leaders in hong kong have rejected a package of proposals from the territorys chief executive carrie lam aimed at ending months of unrest. But some opposition figures say they will continue to protest until other demands are met, including direct elections. Stephen mcdonnell reports from hong kong. In earlyjune, many hundreds of thousands of protesters marched streets of hong kong did they fully posed a bill that would allow for people to be extradited to mainland chinese courts controlled by the communist party. The city s leader carrie lam dismissed them. So disaffected with the peaceful path are radicalised activists adopted even more violent means of opposing the proposal. A political crisis continued to deteriorate. And still the government refused to officially withdraw the extradition bill. Then a humiliating climbdown. The government will formally withdraw the bill in order to fully allay public concerns. The secretary for security will move a motion according to the rules of procedure when the Legislative Council resumes. Fellow citizens, lingering violence is damaging the very foundations of our society. Especially the rule of law. The motion must be passed in octoberfor the bill to be officially shelved. But it is almost certain to do so. Chief executive also said that she and other ministers would open up channels of dialogue and would invite a panel of experts to conduct some form of study. This is being seen some form of study. This is being seen here as in all of branch delivered by the Hong Kong Government on the orders of beijing with the hard line approach failing to ta ke with the hard line approach failing to take the heat out of the pro democracy movement, the authorities have tried another way. The question is will it be enough . The question is will it be enough . The requests we made our crystal clea r. The requests we made our crystal clear. Even carrie lam accepted one of our demands which shows that with the power of people finally we successfully forced government. The protests will continue until we have a free election. This movement is not only about opposing the extradition law but also a movement that hong kong people are fighting for a Better Future and fighting for real democracy. If hong kong s leader had taken the steps at the beginning of the process, the entire crisis would probably have been avoided. The problem is it has taken so long to reach this point that activists wa nt to reach this point that activists want so much more in order to leave the barricades. Like an independent enquiry into Police Actions and universal suffrage no less. And this especially goes for hard line youth prepared to be detained or even jailed. The coming days and weeks will reveal what impact this move will reveal what impact this move will have. Lets get more now on hong kong. Joining me now from new york is professor ann lee from New York University an expert of chinas politcial economy. Thank you so much forjoining us on newsday. The extradition bill has been withdrawn. Why wont the protesters give this compromise plan of carrie lam a chance, sit down with her and talk . I agree. They should give her a chance although at this point i think they have lost all trust in the process and they have expanded the demands to include five demands that you mentioned earlier. Universal suffrage to release existing jailed protesters, to have an enquiry into Police Brutality and carrie lam herself to step down. So i think it will be difficult for all these demands to be met and especially the one about universal suffrage because beijing certainly would see that as a threat. They would feel that if that demand were met it could easily, you know, us folks and pro us folks could be put into the vacuum there and cause even more unrest. But ifi could jump and cause even more unrest. But ifi couldjump in and cause even more unrest. But ifi could jump in here, if there is a group or sector within these opposition groups that would rethink their position with a package of reforms from carrie lam, which group could this be within the opposition . It is difficult to say. Because, you know, some of these folks have met with washington. Delegates and i think that they have been primed to represent more extreme positions and so it is unclear even if there were a group that steps up to negotiate with carrie lam, the others may not honour them and so the protests will still continue. So. Unfortunately i dont really see any easy end to this. Thank you so much for your insights. Scientists researching the huge Greenland Ice sheet say this summers melting has been one of the most severe on record, and its raising the level of oceans around the globe. They say Climate Change is accelerating the rate of melting and that will increasingly threaten millions of People Living in coastal cities and low lying areas. Our science editor David Shukman has the second of his two special reports from greenland. The sea around us is choked with icebergs. There are so many, our boat struggles to get any further. More and more chunks like this are breaking off the Greenland Ice sheet, and each one adds more water to sea. Eventually, all of this ice will melt and raise the level of the ocean. Only by a tiny fraction, but in the decades ahead, as the planet heats up, more ice here will melt, with potentially catastrophic implications right around the world. For low lying countries like bangladesh, even a small rise in sea level could pose a real danger. But, if the melting accelerates, florida and many other places will be severely affected during the course of this century. But, in the worst case scenario, parts of Eastern England and dozens of cities around the world could actually go under unless new defences are built for them. For the people of greenland, the flow of ice is increasing. It is a spectacular sight, and a sign of a warmer climate that would be helpful, especially for farmers. We find these cattle grazing on the shore beside the icebergs. But these Young Greenlanders say theyre worried that the more the ice here melts, the more flooding there will be in other parts of the world. It is scary because well, we have no control of it, you know . And it is a lot of water. If this continues, it will someday just cover the whole country. So what can be done . Well, a new forest might help. The scientists who study greenlands ice hope these trees will soak up the carbon from all their flights. I was criticised online for having a high carbon footprint. And i thought, ok, thats legitimate, but i can do something about it, because i was aware of people planting trees here in south greenland. And i got involved, and we started to make it happen. Planting trees wont stop more ice breaking into the ocean. Only action on a global scale could make any serious difference. And, in the meantime, the melting here means seas everywhere are bound to rise. David shukman, bbc news, greenland. We have much more on his reports on our website. You have been watching newsday. Im kasia madera in london. And im rico hizon in singapore stay with us. Coming up baffled by brexit . We will have more on borisjohnsons failure to call an early election and see what it means for business. And across bbc news we will have special coverage of all things brexit throughout the rest of this week with a big day coming up on friday. Many Northern Areas look quite chilly on wednesday and it was a very windy day with gusts of 50, 60 mile an hour across the north and west of the uk. Today it does not look bad. Pressure is building so if you wish i was around although it will be quite breezy it will be less windy. High pressure building in the south west and you will notice the isobars are still close together across the north west and warm front moving in introducing thicker cloud with salary burst of rain and that will spread southwards as it fizzles out into the rest of scotland and northern england. It will introduce something a little less cold into the north west corner of the country so we will see 15, 17 degrees here and elsewhere plenty of sunshine, hires around 18 to maybe 20 degrees. Thats how thursday looks. First thursday night High Pressure brings dry weather for england and wales we see the weather system pushing into the north west, band of rain spinning its way south eastwards turning fairly breezy and windy once again. As the temperatures range between nine and 12 degrees to start friday morning. Area of low pressure than to the north of the uk will introduce this band of rain which continues to spread its way into central and southern areas as friday wears on. Behind it, blustery showers but we could also see sunny spells. Cloudy day for much of england and wales, outbreaks of which will eventually become confined to southern counties of england by the end of the afternoon. Elsewhere it could be quite bright with sunny spells and blustery showers in the north west and those temperatures are still below the seasonal average, 1a, 18 degrees. The conference slip southwards into the near continent. Will be a chilly start to saturday but High Pressure builds in again notjust for saturday but also for sunday so we could at some dry and sunny weather for the weekend. Saturday still quite breezy down the east coast is that low pressure clears away, maybe a couple of showers but for most it is dry with lengthy sunny spells and a little bit of cloud building in the north and west. On the cool side in the north, 14 16 degrees, 18 or 19 in the south. There is a chilly start to sunday is well under those clear skies but High Pressure again dominating the scene for most. The weather front trying to push into the north west on sunday, trying to introduce mcleod to the hebrides and the Northern Isles to for much the country again, lighter winds thanks to High Pressure, sunny spells and a little bit of cloud. Temperatures range from 15 to 18 degrees. Warmth and compassion. You are watching bbc world news. Our top story britains Prime Minister has suffered two major setbacks. First, a Cross Party Group of mps successfully passed a bill to prevent a no deal brexit. Borisjohnsons response was to call for a general election, but that failed to get sufficient support from mps. It means yet more uncertainty on the way forward for the countrys exit from the European Union. Rescues are under way in the bahamas, where Hurricane Dorian has destroyed whole communities. Survivors say nothing is left. The storm is now heading towards the us east coast. And this video is trending on bbc. Com. The global threat from greenlands glaciers. Scientists say this summers melting has been one of the most severe

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