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Boats than this to take the journey, and the owners here say it is far too dangerous. Climate activist Greta Thunberg arrives in new york, after 15 days crossing the atlantic, to minimise carbon emissions. A warm welcome to the programme, briefing you on all you need to know in global news, business and sport. And you can be part of the conversation. Tell us what you think, just use the hashtag bbcthebriefing. Good morning from a chilly westminster, where the news is still sinking in of borisjohnsons decision to prorogue or suspend parliament for more than four weeks. Theres fierce criticism here of the decision, which was requested by the Prime Minister and approved by the queen it means members of parliament who want to prevent the uk leaving the European Union without a deal have even less time to do that. Outside downing street, in cities gcioss outside downing street, in cities across the united kingdom, protests against borisjohnsons across the united kingdom, protests against Boris Johnsons hugely controversial decision to send mps home for more than a month just weeks before the brexit deadline. Ample time in parliament for mps to debate. He says it is all within the rules, normalfor a new government with new policies, and not about stopping or trying to limit the debate on brexit. The Prime Minister is clear that he wants to use a new parliamentary session in order to ensure that the peoples priorities are met. It is also the case of parliamentarians will have plenty of time when they come back next week to debate brexit. Many simply dont believe that. The speaker, the man in charge of the commons, said it was a democratic outrage, and mps are lining up to warn mrjohnson they will fight him in Parliament Next Week to try and rule out leaving the eu without a deal in october. When parliament does meet, on his timetable very briefly next week, the first thing we will do is attempt legislation to prevent what he is doing, and secondly we will challenge him with a motion of confidence at some point. It is profoundly undemocratic to shut parliament down, to stop doing its job at a time of National Crisis like this. There is a big battle coming here. The government is adamant they will still be enough time to discuss brexit in parliament. Packing this place up for five weeks means there will be far less than someone hoping for. Those who want to stop no deal are still optimistic they can find a way to do it, but there is no guarantee they will succeed. With two months until the uk leaves the eu the battle to decide what that looks like is increasingly bitter, and the sta kes a re like is increasingly bitter, and the stakes are increasingly high. Asi as i said, all quiet now, it is the early hours of the morning. Last night, thousands of people took to the streets behind me demanding that borisjohnson the streets behind me demanding that Boris Johnson review the the streets behind me demanding that borisjohnson review the decision, and more than i borisjohnson review the decision, and more thani Million People have already signed a position. The guardians front page, just that word, outrage asjohnson suspends parliament. In the times, johnson goes for broke. Then, hey big suspender, interesting twist on that. The Daily Telegraph saying the Prime Minister must give effect to the will of the nation. Lets get more on this, and to tony travers, the director of the institute of Public Affairs at the London School of economics. As the shock waves sink in and the reality starts to bite, even though mps are still on their summer recess, they are all rallying around wondering what on earth they can do. Not all of them, of course, some support Boris Johnson. But not all of them, of course, some support borisjohnson. But they are wondering what they can do to stop him with such a short period of time. What is your view on what the next move can be . Time available to parliament has been reduced by this prorogation, the suspension of parliament, for a bit longer than the recess that would otherwise have taken place to allow the recess that would otherwise have ta ken place to allow Party Conferences to occui. Ta ken place to allow Party Conferences to occur. In the five or more days next week and perhaps the week after when parliament is sitting, and then when they return in october, mps are looking for a way of ensuring a no deal brexit cant happen. They have to pass a law to do that, and that requires them all getting together, taking control of the business of the house of commons from the government, which itself is difficult, then pushing the law through the commons and the lords, both parts of parliament. That is a tall order at any time, and to do it in such a short period. Remember, if they start next week and fail they have to start all over again in october when they come back. The major opposition party, labour, is still talking about a vote of no confidence. Talking about a vote of noconfidence. As far as the headlines are concerned. Talking about outrage, people yesterday accusing borisjohnson about outrage, people yesterday accusing Boris Johnson of about outrage, people yesterday accusing borisjohnson of invoking a constitutional crisis. Is it that serious . Im not sure it is quite that serious. What has happened here is the government has extended the period, as i say, mps are going to be away for three weeks at recess while they held their Party Conferences, the three major parties. That would have happened anyway. Now, the Prime Minister hasbro road parliament, suspended it, ina hasbro road parliament, suspended it, in a way that allows them to restart it, have a queens speech, and announce what will happen. And they have extended the period for about a week on either end to five weeks. That is what has caused the outrage. It has clearly tactically been done to limit parliaments time. Is that a constitutional outrage . Parliament can still see it, it has just shortened the time. It is awkwardly put between working outside the conventions, and it is a conventional system we have, no written constitution, and the norm. Quite deliberately so, i would imagine. Absolutely. Plenty more on this story to come. The british home secretary, priti patel, is meeting her french counterpart in paris today, to discuss ways to deal with the rise in Illegal Migrants crossings to the uk by boat. According to figures obtained by the bbc, more than 1000 migrants have managed to cross from the french coast to the uk this year, more than three times the figure for the whole of last year. From the coast of northern france, our europe reporter, gavin lee, reports. Welcome to graveline. Its harbour is now a magnet for migrants at night. Translation they fled like rabbits when they saw the light of the car. They were trying to see if they could steal a boat. This man shows me where his £7,000 motorboat was mauled. All thats left is a severed rope. He says his boat was stolen and discovered in british waters with eight migrants on board. The vessel is still in the hands of uk authorities. Translation we are not rich people, we cant afford to buy a new boat every month because migrants are stealing them. It is sad for those people but what about us . Iam sad for those people but what about us . I am telling you, i wont let it happen again. I will defend myself the best i can. I wont let my boat be stolen again. A Community Night patrol has been set up by the boat owners, who say they live in fear of the migrants, who are searching the marina by night. This man offers to show me what it is like attempting to cross the channel. He says it is too dangerous to attempt the whole crossing in a small boat, even for a train see man. Here, in the middle of the channel, they already get a sense of how strong the current is. And today is relatively calm. You can see why this is called one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, with the freight traffic going across, and the ferries from dover to calais. Migrants are taking smaller boats than this to make the journey, and the boat owners here say it is far too dangerous, and lives are massively at risk. This is the main base for migrants in northern france, a disused gym in dunkirk. Officials say around 1200 people live intensity, numbers that have grown slowly since the closure of the calais jungle. No one have grown slowly since the closure of the calaisjungle. No one is willing to talk to us on camera about how they made theirjourney to france. One man from iran says that he made it with 11 others on a small boat and was picked up, then spent 40 boat and was picked up, then spent a0 days in a detention centre, was flown to toulouse, and he is back here now. There are other similar stories. Those who have made it have been sent back again. A year ago, migrants illegally crossing my boat seemed a rare migrants illegally crossing my boat seemed a rare occurrence. Now migrants illegally crossing my boat seemed a rare occurrence. Now it is happening every week. Italys populist five Star Movement and the Centre Left Democratic party have told the countrys president that theyre prepared to form a coalition government. The move sidelines the far right league, whose leader, matteo salvini, brought down the previous coalition. Our correspondent in rome, james reynolds, has more. Italian governments do not last all that long and they might have to find more Common Ground than the simple mutual mistrust of a single person, matteo salvini. They may have to find Common Ground on europe, Common Ground on migration as well. There are a remaining few years on this parliament. Elections are not due until 2023 so it might last for some time. Matteo salvinis gamble in which he wanted to try take ultimate power might see him havingto sit on the opposition benches for three or four years. Climate campaigner Greta Thunberg has arrived in new york having sailed over the atlantic to minimize her carbon emissions. The journey took 15 days and now shell take part in climate events ahead of a big un meeting in september, calling on World Leaders to act against global warming. The bbcs Chris Buckler was there as she arrived and has this report. When World Leaders travel to the united nations, they rarely get a reception like this. The un brought out a flotilla of boats to welcome a 16 year old schoolgirl. Its a sign of how much of a figurehead Greta Thunberg has become. Greta has come to new york to raise concerns about climate change, but even the journey itself was intended to send a message. She wouldnt fly because of the environmental impact. Instead, she spent two weeks on a yacht powered only by the wind and sun. The ground is still shaking for me so, but i want to thank everyone so much, everyone who is here, and everyone who is involved in this climate fight because this is a fight across borders, across continents. The whole trip was designed to attract publicity from the online map tracking gretas progress to the twitter account posts from the branded boat. The malizia is a racing yacht fitted with underwater turbines and solar panels. Its designed for long distances, even in rough weather. Were currently doing between 20 and 25 knots. Last night, we hit 30 knots and were about 300 miles away from nova scotia, and its very rough with very high waves. But just as difficult as the sailing have been some of the questions about it. This was promoted as a trip designed to have a zero carbon footprint, but there have been reports that in order to get the yacht back to europe, some crewmembers are having to be flown to america. Greta thunberg has become the face of a campaign and, having made it across continents, she will be a key voice at the next months un Climate Action summit here in new york. She also plans to travel to chile for another conference at the end of the year and how she gets there and makes it back to europe in an environmentally friendly way is an answer her team is still trying to answer. Chris buckler, bbc news, new york. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come plenty more on borisjohnsons decision to suspend parliament for five weeks. Also ahead why students from top universities in russia are risking it all tojoin from top universities in russia are risking it all to join anti from top universities in russia are risking it all tojoin anti kremlin rallies. Hes the first African American to win the president ial nomination of a major party, and he accepts exactly a5 years ago to the day that Martin Luther king declared, i have a dream. As darkness falls, an unfamiliar light will appear in the south eastern sky. An orange glowing disc thats brighter than anything save the moon our neighbouring planet mars. Horn toots there is no doubt that this election is an important milestone in the birth of east timor as the worlds newest nation. It will take months and billions of dollars to repair what katrina achieved injust hours. Three weeks is the longest the great clock has been off duty in 117 years. So it was with great satisfaction that clockmakerjohn vernon swung the pendulum to set the clock going again. Big ben bongs youre watching the briefing. Our headlines borisjohnson insists there will still be enough time to debate brexit despite deciding parliament should pack up for five weeks. Lets stay with our top story then, on the uks government decision to suspend parliament. With me again is tony travers, director of the institute of Public Affairs, at the London School of economics. Lets seek with viewpoint Boris Johnson has made insisting they will be enough time to debate brexit. Will they be enough time . Obviously, he thinks so but parliament doesnt. The truth is, there are fewer days. Four or five, is that really that crucial . It could, given the difficulty of getting, for example mps to pass a law to make a no deal brexit against the law. Especially when it has to go through the house of commons, the house of lords and back and back so the less Time Parliament has, the more emergency it is and the more difficult it is to get them through. Gina miller, very involved in the brexit campaign, she has applied for an urgent application for judicial review by Boris Johnson, urgent application for judicial review by borisjohnson, by the queen in theory, but we are in uncharted legal territory. Queen in theory, but we are in uncharted legalterritory. It queen in theory, but we are in uncharted legal territory. It is worth reminding that the uk has no written constitution and loads of things are done by convention. What the courts will think of being asked to rule on the Prime Minister formally requesting from the queen a proroguing of parliament. I am not sure how the calls will have to decide and whether they take the case and how they proceed if they do. What would happen if the courts ruled that the government, the queen, had acted unlawfully in some way. That is uncharted. Labour threatening to go ahead with the possible no confidence vote. Some papers reporting five conservative mps could go with that, against the government. But labour still do not have the numbers. If all the opposition parties voted together and the five conservatives, the question is would any other conservatives aggravated by what is going on abstain . What about the dup . Avote going on abstain . What about the dup . A vote of no confidence is not really going to change anything because if that happens, there is an election and written will leave the eu with no deal. The possibility of a law to prohibit the government leaving without a deal is still the favoured option for most mps but heaven knows they have the time to get it through parliament. Likelihood of an election before october 31 . I do not think it looks likely. Afterwards . Conceivably but possibly further into the future most likely. Good to hear your thoughts. We will have plenty more on this in the next half hour, we will look through the papers in little bit more detail. Opposition activists in moscow have called crowds out onto the streets again this weekend the latest in a wave of mass protests over the registration of anti kremlin candidates for a local election. Students from top moscow universities have played a key part in the rallies, with many detained, and three now facing serious criminal charges. But that tough response to the protests has only encouraged the students, as our moscow correspondent, sarah rainsford, reports. Moscows courts have not seen anything like this, students suddenly crowding to get in. They have been getting a crash course in russian law as that fellow students have been arrested at protest. This is one of them. In his last blog, the politics undergraduate called Vladimir Putina the politics undergraduate called Vladimir Putin a tyrant. He is facing up to eight years in prison. That prospect has even brought celebrities out in support. A famous rapper offered a bail for the blogger. He is a young guy and can be quite hot headed but that does not mean he can be imprisoned at will. Young people have been on the front line of this summers protest, spark when local politicians were barred from local elections. Hundreds were detained, many beacons and more than a dozen charged with rioting stop that tough response has angered many students into action and produce meetings like this in the back room of a moscow cafe. This script run student channel dominated by coverage of the protests and arrests. They also collect money and organise support for those in prison. Several were detained briefly themselves. I was held to three weeks after my detention. I cannot go and be there on the street with my friends but i tried to help, like, i tried to find as many ways as possible to help. Students are also protesting every day, opposite the mans office. This is the only practice you can do in russia without a permit beacon actually still get arrested even for standing ina still get arrested even for standing in a picket like this. The mayors office. They are calling them political prisoners. Some are still campaigning for election though it is hardly exciting with most real opposition removed. This is a deputy dean of the university. Government loyalists, she suppose the student but not the protests. Translation opposition politicians should not have provoked the authorities. There are too many victims and it is a great shame that they are young people. Like his blog, he used his Court Appearance as a political platform. I do not know whether i will be free, he said, but i know russia well and his defiance spread amongst the students. Now its time to get all the latest from the bbc sports centre. Hello, im Eleanor Roper with your thursday sport briefing. Not much action at wednesdays us open, with rain stopping play on the outside courts at flushing meadows. It was business as usual on the show courts though, with Roger Federer safely through to the third round. He came back from a set down. Federer made 17 unforced errors in the first set which the bosnian took 6 3. But federer whos bidding for a 6th us open title went on to dominate the rest of the match. Hell now face either great Britains Dan Evans or frenchman Lucas Pouille in the next round. Football and Guangzhoe Evergrande were held to a goaless draw by kashima antlers in the first leg of their Asian Champions League quarter final. The chinese side dominated the game, but werent able to make it count. And it was the holders kashima who went closest to scoring, hitting the bar two minutes from the end. The 2nd leg is in three weeks time. Now not content with getting 77 caps for england, rugby player, james haskell, has been speaking about his decision to move into mixed martial arts. The flanker retired back in may but has now signed a deal to fight in mma. He insists, this isnt a fleeting interest, and hes been using mma for years. For me it is a test, a journey. And i am not messing around. I dedicate my life to this and i want to make sure i am in the best possible shape no matter what happens at the end. Looking ahead and rafa nadal will be among those in action at flushing meadows on thursday. The spaniard is bidding for a fourth us open singles title. And after a dominant display againstjohn millman, he now playes another aussie, tha nasi kokkinakis. He is young and has a big forehand and a big serve. He is a dangerous opponent, of course and to go on court and to play well if not it would be a difficult match so that it. The draw for the group phase of the european Champions League takes place later on thursday. The 32 teams going into the hat include ajax. The dutch giants, whove won the compeition four times, and reached the semi finals last season, beat apoel nicosia 2 0, with goals from edson alvarez, in the first half, and dusan tadic in the second. 2 0 was also the aggregate score. The draw for the group phase takes place at 16 00 gmt. All the latest business stories coming up. Including how the decision to suspend parliament impacted on stirling. Back in a few moments. On wednesday, we saw the last of the warm air with change moving through and introducing cooler atlanticare with low pressure in charge for the rest of the week. Very breezy conditions but windy for scotland and Northern Ireland and the far north west of england. A lot of cloud and outbreaks of showery rain. In the east generally dry with variable clouds and sunshine and highs of 2a degrees. Through thursday, it stays pretty breezy, windy in the north west, some rain turning persistent and heavy. Temperatures ranging between 11 and 14 temperatures ranging between 11 and 1a degrees. Low pressure to the north, bringing a Conveyor Belt of cloud and rain into was northern and western areas. The rain will begin to mount across parts of western scotland, into north west england and Northern Ireland. Further south and Northern Ireland. Further south and east, closer to High Pressure and east, closer to High Pressure and it should stay dry with sunny spells although breezy. Through the weekend, it remains unsettled with low pressure nearby and then signs of things are turning even cooler as we had to sunday with north westerly winds moving in. Rain to the north and west to the country mounting up across south western scotland. We could be looking at four inches of rain in places. Sunshine and a few showers moving behind it and something fresher as well. It is in england staying largely dry and againfairly warm. England staying largely dry and again fairly warm. That all changes as the cold front moves through, opening the floodgates. This will feel distinctly autumnal. There will be some sunshine around. Plenty of showers on the heavyside are feeling chilly especially with temperatures struggling to make 18 degrees. This is the business briefing. Im samantha simmons, live outside the houses of parliament in westminster. Pounded again sterling drops on the News Parliament is to be suspended, but regains some ground. Plus, no deals not an option. Uk businesses step up warnings about the dangers of a hard brexit. And on the markets, a rebound in oil prices giving some support to us shares. But fears of a looming recession really dominating proceedings, with the rate of return on bonds arond the world close to record lows

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