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Five year olds are yet to be fully immunised against mmr. Prince andrew says hes appalled by allegations that his formerfriend, Jeffrey Epstein, sexually abused dozens of young girls and finds any suggestion hed participate in such behaviour abhorrent. And coming up. As we kick off our focus on farming series, how Climate Change is the biggest challenge facing british agriculture. Good morning. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Im rachel schofield. Jeremy corbyn will today accuse Boris Johnson of provoking a crisis in britain as he pledges to do everything necessary to stop a no deal departure from the eu. In a speech in northamptonshire, mr corbyn will argue that a general election in the autumn set against the backdrop of brexit could usher in a period of historic change. Yesterday, downing street accused a former minister of leaking a government document warning that no deal could cause shortages of food, fuel and medicines. Our political correspondent, jonathan blake, told me its likely mps will look for a brexit extension when they return from their summer recess. It isa it is a familiar message from a Jeremy Corbyn overall. He has said for some time that a general election is needed and that is because, of course, he wants to get his hands on the keys to number ten downing st and get into government, but he is using the timing of the brexit impasse and the inability of theresa mays government and in a Boris Johnsons to theresa mays government and in a borisjohnsons to reach a deal with the European Union and get that through parliament as the catalyst foran through parliament as the catalyst for an election. He will say that britain is at a crossroads and this isa britain is at a crossroads and this is a once a generation chance for change. So, something of a step up in the language he is using and the rhetoric he is using in terms of why a general election is needed now. He will also talk about the need to stop and prevent a no deal brexit and he will say that he is prepared to do whatever is necessary. Well, perhaps whatever is necessary, aside from stepping aside himself, because the planet Jeremy Corbyn from stepping aside himself, because the planetJeremy Corbyn put forward last week, which was to push for a vote of no confidence the plan that he put forward last week. And to form a temporary caretaker government of his own to seek an extension to the Brexit Process and hold a general election, well, that has not really achieve the level of support necessary from the other opposition parties and some conservative mps that it would need to succeed, so labour have made clear that they are open to pursuing other means. But the shadow chancellor this morning, john mcdonnell, saying that labour are not by any means going to give up on the plan ofJeremy Corbyn taking charge for a short time and he predicts that, when talks between the opposition parties here at westminster start next week, then they may just westminster start next week, then they mayjust come round to the idea. We had an immediate telephone conversation with ian blackford, the leader of the snp, offering support, as did a number of other leaders of the opposition parties. We had a bit of a hiccup with the lib dems, butjo swinson, now, is saying she wants to meet, so we will do that as well. So i think were moving forward now. Were building consensus and that is the way forward. I know a number of conservative mps have said that they would not support jeremy as leading a caretaker government i think, as we get into the details of the discussions, and also as we know more about the threat of a no deal brexit, i think they will come round. Some may collect Wishful Thinking that the liberal democrats and the Scottish National party and other mps, never mind conservatives, will be able will be willing to back corbyn as a temporary caretaker. Labour seem to be pushing forward with that plan and it is more likely that mps will try to lose legislation or other Parliamentary Business happening in the house of commons when they return from their summer commons when they return from their summer break to try to force the governments and to request an extension to the Brexit Process. John mcdonnell mentioned there, the preparations for an ideal and there isa preparations for an ideal and there is a renewed focus on that given the link published in the sunday times yesterday of the cross government dossier of worst Case Scenario outcomes for a no deal brexit. Michael gove, the minister in charge of no deal planning yesterday saying that it was an old document and it did not represent the governments current position and it was looking at what would happen, potentially, under a worst Case Scenario. A downing street source, this morning has confirmed it has been presented to the first of the Boris Johnsons government daily planning meetings chaired by michael gough, but it was put together and prepared under Theresa May Administration chaired by michael gove. Ithink there is awareness and government as well that there is a need to present information more publicly to avoid this kind of planning and private and then scrutinised in public scenario happening again. Jonathan blake there. Prime minister borisjohnson has ruled out holding a general election before the 31 october brexit deadline, so how could a general election be called 7 borisjohnson has a working majority ofjust one including the support of mps from the dup in Northern Ireland. If there is a vote of no confidence the conservative led minority government could win it, and then remain in office. But if the Prime Minister loses the no confidence vote, a 14 day period is triggered, during which the existing government or a new alternative must show it has mps support there are 3 scenarios from here. Firstly, borisjohnsons government regains the confidence of the house, and business continues as before. Secondly, an alternative government is formed. The new Prime Minister could decide to delay brexit, and call a general election. But this seems unlikely as theres no clear majority in the house of commons for a different government. Third, if no government has the backing of the house of commons, a general election is triggered at the end of the 14 day period. This would take place at least seven weeks after the no confidence vote. In the meantime, mps could agree to delay brexit although doing so would be difficult. Alternatively, there may not be a no confidence vote some mps would rather use parliament to stop a no deal brexit. Theyd look to take control of the commons business and try to force the government to seek a delay to brexit. Theyd want the government to agree to a brexit extension, or reach a deal with the eu. But theres no guarantee that the government would agree to what the eu proposes making this path equally difficult. Earlier the conservative mp, Dominic Grieve told me that Jeremy Corbyn is unsuitable for leading a possible government of National Unity. I certainly share the concern about the threat posed by a no deal brexit, but thats a different matter from setting up an interim government under Jeremy Corbyn and i think its quite clear to me that he, for reasons which are perfectly understandable from his own point of view, has adopted a number of positions on issues which make him a rather divisive figure and i dont see how he could lead a government of National Unity in those circumstances. Do you see somebody else who could lead such a government . I think there are quite a number of people on both the labour benches and conservative benches and, for all i know, elsewhere, who might be suitable and im not going to start listing them because i then might exclude somebody who would be very suitable. There are people who can do this, but as matters stand, i thinkJeremy Corbyn is not in a position to do this, but im prepared to co operate with him and, indeed, with anybody else in the house of commons to try to make sure that no deal, which is being threatened by the current government, does not happen. So, give us a sense, then, of what cooperation at this stage looks like. What are people like yourself doing in terms of discussing this with colleagues in the house, of all persuasions . I spend a lot of time discussing these issues with colleagues and will continue to do so. I am not going to be drawn on the specifics of what were talking about because at that, im afraid, is going to play into the Prime Ministers hands and its not in our interests that that should happen. So, looking at some of those options we explored the talk of a vote of no confidence, the idea of setting up an alternative government, or, in contrast, the idea of the house trying to take control of the agenda what do you think, at the moment, seems the most likely when parliament returns in september . I dont know the answer to that because i think the events in Early September will determine how we progress and i think the one thing we should not be doing is to rule any option at. Is to rule any option out. But all the options come with problems attached. Im the first to accept that. Equally, the prospect of crashing out with no deal on the slst of october is an appalling prospect that must be prevented. The yellowhammer papers, which represented, which were presented, clearly set out the risks. These risks we have known about for six, seven, eight months. Theresa may knew about these risks, which was why she was wholly against leaving with no deal. Boris johnson is simply acting recklessly in this matter. He is not. It is not going to help him in his negotiations and it risks endangering our country and that im not prepared to see happen. We wa nt we want to go live to corby in northamptonshire because we are awaiting Jeremy Corbyn. He is being introduced by labour candidate beth miller. It is a conservative marginal seat and when we talk of potential general elections, seats like this would be the focus of all parties. Jeremy corbyn is expected to say in the speech and a few moments time that the uk is facing a brexit crisis and that he will vow to do everything necessary to stop the uk leaving the eu without a deal. He will say that the tory party has failed our country. Lets join the the tory party has failed our country. Letsjoin the proceedings there. Applause. Cheers applause. Thank you all for being here this morning and thank you beth for that introduction. You are a very powerful voice for the people of corby. And we need your voice in parliament to represent the people of corby. And that is going to happen. Because beth speaks for the people and will make sure that their voice is always hard. It is fantastic to be here again and i wa nt to fantastic to be here again and i want to thank everyone and all the staff involved here at the centre for children and families for hosting us today. This is an amazing centre. This was the impersonation behind our whole inspiration but behind our whole inspiration but behind our whole children ensures programme that the last Labour Government introduced because it is a fantastic wraparound centre. Im sad that the funding cuts it has had to endure, but im so proud to be here and support the centre and the great work it has done and, indeed, i met the former members of staff when i stepped off the train this morning who said that she was so proud to have worked in this place. To penguin, thank you very much for all you do. To the centre, thank you for all you do. As i can in this morning, somebody gave me a card. Cut on the most welcome to our meeting here today. You describe your journey meeting here today. You describe yourjourney in meeting here today. You describe your journey in life meeting here today. You describe yourjourney in life of going up in extreme poverty in glasgow. And the hopelessness and the depression that you suffered as a result of all the problems that injury suffered during your childhood and life. Youre utterly determined to bring about a government in this country that will work for everybody and support those people growing up in depression, loneliness and, sometimes, in homelessness as well. Thank you for coming today and thank you for joining us and thank you for the ca rd joining us and thank you for the card that you give me. Applause iam sure applause i am sure that i do not need to convince anyone here, but as we look towards the return of parliament in september. This country is heading into a political and constitutional storm. It has the conservative pa rtys failure storm. It has the conservative partys failure on brexit and its march to the hard right that has provoked the crisis our country faces this autumn. After failing to negotiate a brexit deal that would protect jobs and negotiate a brexit deal that would protectjobs and Living Standards, Boris Johnsons tories protectjobs and Living Standards, borisjohnsons tories are driving the country towards a new deal cliff edge. No deal cliff edge. Lets be clear. We will do everything necessary to stop a disastrous no deal, from which this government has no mandate. Applause the government wants to use no deal to create a tax haven for the super rich on the shores of europe and assign a sweetheart trade deal with donald trump. Not so much a no deal brexit, more a trump deal brexit. Applause have no doubt, no deal would destroy peoplejobs, push up food prices in ourand peoplejobs, push up food prices in our and open peoplejobs, push up food prices in ourand open our. Peoplejobs, push up food prices in our and open our. Our National Health service to takeover by us private health care corporations. I just remind them, our nhs is not for sale. Applause jeering cheering it will not be borisjohnson or the wealthy tory party paying for it, it will be you. It will be us, it will be the people. We will do everything we can to protect peoples livelihood and we will work with people across parliament to pull our country back from the brink and i will bring a vote of no confidence in the government and, if we are successful, would form a time limited Caretaker Administration to have urged no deal and callan administration to have urged no deal and call an immediate general election so that people can decide our countrys future. Applause if mps are serious about stopping a no deal crash out, they both voted on this reckless government and it falls to the leader of the opposition to make sure that no deal does not happen and at the people decide at their own future. That is our responsibility and we gladly accept that responsibility and will carry it out in parliament. Applause labour believes that the decision on how to resolve the brexit crisis must go back to the people. If there isa must go back to the people. If there is a general election this autumn, labour will commit to holding a public vote to give voters the final say, with credible options on both sides, including the option to remain. Three years of tory failure on brexit have caused opinions to harden to such a degree that i believe no outcome will now have legitimacy without the peoples endorsement. But welbeck said as the framework of the crisis but while brexit is the fare of the crisis, the problems facing our country run at much, much deeper. Much, much deeper than that. A general election triggered by the tory brexit crisis will be a crossroads for our country. It will be a once in a generation chance for a real change of direction. Potentially on the skill of 1945 scale of 1945. Things cannot go on as they were before. The conservatives and it very wealthy establishment that they so happily represent have failed our country. They have failed to protect Living Standards, they have savaged our Public Services look at the cuts that have happened at this very centre and you all know the other cuts that are happening all around you. They have deepened inequality in our society like look at the incredible levels of wealth this moment are to have and then look at those sleeping on the streets because they have no home to go to. That is modern britain. Inequality, inequality getting worse. And it has failed to keep us safe. Boris johnson and his tory cabinet had direct responsibility for the tory decade of devastating damage to our communities and the very fabric of our society. However the brexit crisis is resolved, the country faces a very fundamental choice labour offers a real change of direction that i believe the country needs. A radical programme, and im proud it is a radical programme, to rebuild and transform. Applause and that radical programme will be bound and transform communities and Public Services to invest in High Tech Industries of the future green High Tech Industries of the future and take action to tackle inequality and to tackle the Climate Crisis that we all face. The tories have lurched to the hard right. Johnson is britains trump as the us president himself declared, so it must be true. Laughter it cannot be said to be thickness. For populism and manfully outside funded by hedge funds and bank is committed to protecting the vested interests of the richest and the elite, whilst at the same time, bizarrely, posing as some kind of antiestablishment movement. The tories cannot be trusted to deliver on theirfix tories cannot be trusted to deliver on their fix tories cannot be trusted to deliver on theirfix quick tories cannot be trusted to deliver on their fix quick fix tories cannot be trusted to deliver on theirfix quick fix promises because the first priority, which has now been revealed, as tax cuts for the biggest corporations and the richest people in this country. They cannot have it both ways, you cannot be cutting the tax by the very richest and then somehow it assuming the money is going to be there to pay for the services for everybody else. We are very clear that we are prepared to raise tax for the very richest and the biggest corporations in order to rebalance our economy and society and we just live levels of inequality in britain. Applause need tories cannot be trusted to work for the majority because it will always look after their own. Work for the majority because it will always look after their ownm goes back centuries. Instead of fixing a failed system, they will turbo charge any qualities and insecurities and, of course with that, climate destruction. Labour can be trusted to deliver the end to austerity, to take on the elites in vested interests that are Holding People back and to transform our country, as we said in a general election, for the many, not the few. We can be trusted to take radical steps necessary to protect our environment, provide hope, decent jobs, secure homes, opportunity for every nation and region, to build a fairer country that works for all. Our country has been held back too them by an establishment that the tories represent, but together we can take our future and tories represent, but together we can take ourfuture and our tories represent, but together we can take our future and our own hands. And tackle the great challenges facing our country alongside brexit. Inequality and an economy run for the richest, Public Services that have been stripped back and sold off and at the Climate Emergency threaten our childrens future. Inequality holds us all back. It means the talent of millions of people are squandered. We do not have to be a country of food banks and rough sleepers at one end, while the super rich dodge taxes at the other. Cheers applause applause people have a choice, labour will raise tax for the richest and make sure that they pay their share towards the common good. The tories will cut tax for the richest. Labour will require the big multinational corporations to actually pay the tax they owe in this country. Tories will cut tax for big corporations. It has labour that will get more money in your pocket, rather than line the pockets of multi million multimillionaires. We will introduce a bill a living wage of £10 an hour, including for young people, who deserve equal pay for the equal work and contribution that they make to our society. Applause the last time i looked, young people did not get charged unless an cafe is and restaurants, did not pay less in supermarkets, did not pay less in red. They have the same needs as older people, so why should they not be paid fairly in order to live decently . But, we do need to go further. The problem with an unfair economy is not just the imbalance problem with an unfair economy is notjust the imbalance of problem with an unfair economy is not just the imbalance of wealth, problem with an unfair economy is notjust the imbalance of wealth, it is the imbalance of power. So, we will give working people more power. To win better wages and to have a security at work. So, we will put workers on Company Boards and give the work force a 10 stake in large companies, paying a dividend of as much as a £500 a year to each employee. I labour will not tell people that they have to work until theyre 75. Applause before they get their pension, as Iain Duncan Smiths think tank has suggested. A policy that discriminates against working class people, especially those in manual jobs. And that is from the man who brought as a universal credit and a number of other things. We are not having any of that. It is past time that we rewrote the rules of the economy to shift wealth and power from the small elite at the top to the hands of the majority. On that principle of empowering people does not just apply to the workforce. That is why, we will bring rail, mail, water and the National Grid into public ownership. Applause cheering applause so that the essential utilities that people rely on are run by and for the public, not the shareholders. And we will give tenants more power and security in securing, controlling events so that dodgy landlords cannot read them. The insecurity of living in the private rented sector must be brought to an end. Cannot rip them off. Many people suffer terrible stress because they do not know how long they will be able to remain in the flat or house that they are renting. When we talk about inequality, we are not only talking about economics, we need a government that is seriously committed to tackling the entrenched inequalities faced by women and minority ethnic communities as well. Applause will do that to end. And the gender pay gap and end the discrimination that too often exists where wages and jobs are concerned. The coming general election, i do not know when it is good to be, so do not ask me the date, but we are ready for it. The coming general election will be make or break for Public Services. The new Prime Minister has been making some pre election spending pledges over the past few weeks. Which, actually, shows that labour has won the argument that austerity damages our country and it was always a political choice. Applause but it really doesnt so the intelligence of everyone to expect them to be grateful for a intelligence of everyone to expect them to be gratefulfor a bit intelligence of everyone to expect them to be grateful for a bit of extra money here and there with no confidence that it will actually be delivered or when it is coming from when it has borisjohnson and the tories who run our Public Services into the ground in the first place. Applause and the arbitrary nature of the announcements made shows no understanding, no understanding whatsoever, of the death of the problem facing the whole of our country. To claim of the depth of the problem. Take crime, which are the problem. Take crime, which are the payments is now time to turn to his political advantage, to trying to tackle now but the tories have failed to bring under control in the two tory cuts to the police had me people unsafe and we pledged to hire more officers. The conservatives have now conceded that we were right, but police cuts are not the only reason that Violent Crime has doubled. What the tories will not address the much wider impact of austerity. Think about it, the closed Youth Services around the country, under resourced Mental Health care facilities and the lack of funding for community mentoring. We ta ke of funding for community mentoring. We take Youth Services are very, very seriously indeed. They are the place that young people can go for their imagination, their regulation, their imagination, their regulation, their support and get help when they needed, but also have time with friends and so on. It is part of growing up, it is part of being community. But for tim many young people across the country, what are the see for too many young people across the country. It has been sold off to somebody else. What message is that to the generation of 2019, that they grow up and under resourced, river that my underfunded park where there was no youth facilities for them at all. I take these things so seriously that we will make it compulsory for local government to deliver a Youth Service in the future. And we know the direct impact of that rhetoric around immigration, crime and stop and search can have on the lives of those are from minority communities. So it labour will rebuild our Public Services because we understand they are the glue that binds society together. We will restart pride in our National Health service by funding it properly and end the sell offs and privatisation that have come from the pari and lib dem inspired health and social care act. Applause and we will create a National Education Service Providing free learning from cradle to grave, including Free School Meals for all primary children, smaller class sizes for five, six and seven year olds, no tuition fees at university or college. Applause and equal levels of support for those pursuing vocational education. They are equally important. They are equally valuable to our society. So who can the public trust to rebuild our services at after a decade of conservative austerity . Labour . Or the tories . I will leave that question to you. And on the issue that poses the greatest threat to our common future, the Climate Crisis, it is us, it is labour that has shown real leadership. We ensured that our parliament was the first in the world to declare the Climate Emergency. I moved that motion on may one empowerment and it was carried and opposed because the tories didnt dare oppose it. But the declaration is important, that is the first step, but that must be followed by radical and Decisive Action that can really only be delivered by a Labour Government. It certainly wont come from the tories, the party that scrapped the swa nsea tories, the party that scrapped the swansea bay tidal lagoon, effectively killed off onshore wind projects and is imposing fracking on local communities that oppose it. We have to turn the Climate Crisis into an opportunity to bring industry to the country with a green Industrial Revolution. Applause and that green Industrial Revolution will create 400,000 well paid, high skilled jobs in Renewable Energy and green technology, particularly in parts of the country that have never recovered from a decimation of industrial our Industrial Base like margaret thatcher. Here in krabi, where it costs thousands of jobs and there are many other towns and cities around the country that suffer to the same extent because of the headlong rush to closure and privatisation by the thatcher government of the 1980s. Imagine if the derbyshire and yorkshire coalfields that once powered the nation became the new centres for green energy generation. Rf towns that used to build Railway Locomotives built the next generation of high speed trains. Imagine how it would feel for those communities to once again be the beating heart of our economy whilst reducing our Greenhouse Gas emissions and giving our young people a real future, emissions and giving our young people a realfuture, the emissions and giving our young people a real future, the future emissions and giving our young people a realfuture, the future is within our grasp, but i ask again, who do you trust to act on the Climate Emergency . Labour or the tories led by the current Prime Minister . We cannot afford more of the same. But even worse. The future could be fantastic. New technologies have the power to liberate us and tackle the emergency, but for too many people, the future is frightening, young people uncertain what their future is, frightening, young people uncertain what theirfuture is, whatjob frightening, young people uncertain what their future is, whatjob they will get, what training they will get, because the technological revolution that is happening around us revolution that is happening around us has been used instead to benefit the wealthy whilst driving down pay and security for millions of other people. The next government will ta ke people. The next government will take on that, the bankers, the tax dodgers and the big polluters so the people of this country can have the services, jobs, and future that they deserve. Because when labour wins, we all win. The nurse wins, the pensioner wins, the student and Office Worker wins. We all win. The chaos and dislocation of a no deal brexit is real, very real, and threatening, as the governments lea pt threatening, as the governments leapt operation threatening, as the governments lea pt operation yellowhammer threatening, as the governments leapt operation yellowhammer dossier makes clear. It makes it Crystal Clear how bad things will get if there is a no deal exit. That is why we will do everything we can to stop it. Then after years of elite driven austerity and neglect, we will recharge the politics with democracy, democracy brings health, justice, brings hope. Applause kicking out the big money interests and putting the people in the driving seat. We will rebuild our Public Services about taxing those at the top to properly fund them for everybody else. We will drive up peoples Living Standards by boosting pay, improving rights and running our utilities and economy in the interests of the millions, not the interests of the millions, not the multimillionaires. And we will transform our communities with investment, investment in every part of our country, the inequalities between north and south and east and west have got to be addressed. Breathing new life into our high streets by giving security to older people and hope and opportunity for young people. This is an historic moment with the potential for real change to transform our country if we grasp that opportunity. Thank you. Applause the spirit of 45, jeremy i wasnt even born then. Takeit i wasnt even born then. Take it on board go with it we can get a Better Future for all of us applause and liked her. I want to say a huge thank you for that, everyone will agree that was fantastic and the inspiration we need at the moment with Boris Johnson as our Prime Minister. That shows how Different Things can be. There is a choice. A very clear choice as well. Now we will move the questions. Firstly from the press and then we will move and take some from members. We will ta ke and take some from members. We will take them in threes. Andy bell, five news. Hi, andy. You say you are willing to do anything in your power to stop a no deal brexit. Would that include potentially stepping aside as a leader. . No no let andy ask his question. He is a nice fellow, he is all right. Would that potentially be stepping aside as the leader of the caretaker government that you talked about, if thatis government that you talked about, if that is how to get the necessary votes . What a disgrace let him ask the question. Applause given what you have said about the brexit crisis, do you think that parliament should now be recalled immediately . It is clear that you dont have the cross Party Support in parliament to bea cross Party Support in parliament to be a caretaker Prime Minister, so would labour back somebody. . Let ben ask his question. Are you done . From the guardian. If you have a second referendum as your policy going into a general election, is it possible that the labour party itself could take on a neutral position and allow members of the shadow cabinet and Party Officials and mp5 to campaign on either side of that, either for a and mp5 to campaign on either side of that, eitherfora labour supporter brexit deal or to remain . Thank you. 0k, thank you. Ok, thank you for the questions. Andy, we will do everything we can to stop a no deal brexit. I am the leader of the opposition, the leader of the labour party, the constitutional president s are when a government collapses, it is the leader of the opposition that takes over. Applause there seems to be an awful lot of very imaginative what ifs in the press that the moment. We will put a motion of no confidence in the government, we will do everything we can to stop a new deal brexit. I have written to the leaders of all that the other opposition parties inviting them tojoin me on that the other opposition parties inviting them to join me on this and isimply inviting them to join me on this and i simply say to them, this, and to those probably quite a small number of conservatives who are land landa to no deal brexit. If you are serious about stopping the nodal brexit, back my vote of no confidence. Applause and, ben, thank you for your question. I think there is support for preventing this country going into a nodal brexit, as the response to the yellowhammer document that was leaked yesterday indicates. Do we support the recall . Yes, i have made that clear, we do support that in order to prevent the Prime Minister having some kind of manoeuvre to take us out on the 31st october without further discussion in parliament. I have made that clear. And the reply i gave to andy is that i say to all of those that wa nt to is that i say to all of those that want to prevent no deal, get on board with want to prevent no deal, get on boa rd with us want to prevent no deal, get on board with us to make sure it doesnt happen. We have also made it that in a general election we would put an opportunity forward for the people of the country to have the final say. This is not a rerun of 2016, simply saying that the people of this country should make the final decision. If it is no deal versus remain, then obviouslyjohn mcdonell and others have made it clear we would support remain, if there is an opportunity for another option, that will be put. I want to bring people together. All i have tried to do since the referendum is to say there has to be an understanding of why particular communities around the country voted leave, because they start no investment, no improvement in their livelihood are Living Standards very, very long time and they felt very, very long time and they felt very angry. What we offer is to transform our society and our economy and i am convinced the no deal brexit that borisjohnson is proposing is actually straight into the hands of donald trump and the kind of economy that he will put forward. So labour will make sure that people have the final say and the final choice. I want us to be a prosperous, inclusive, outward looking society. I dont believe becoming a trade envoy at fir donald trump and everything he puts forward will do anything other than damage the Living Standards of people of this country, damage our Public Services and ultimately be very damaging to our Economic Opportunities as a hell of a stabbing case Boris Johnson opportunities as a hell of a stabbing case borisjohnson has not noticed, donald trump just follow very closely and America First policy. He has done nothing to promote goodwill, is or a good trade with any other country, it is all about America First. I dont want to go down that road, i want us to have serious trading relationships with europe, which is our biggest market, but above all they want the opportunity for a Labour Government to transform the life chances and livelihoods of people all across this country. That is what will bring people together. Applause starting with sarah. Inaudible thank you. Itv news. I wonder, thank you. Itv news. Iwonder, many in your own party dont see you as a person to lead a government of natural unity. Ijust person to lead a government of natural unity. I just wondered why. Let andy ask his question, please was that i am defending about to speak, andy. Thank you. Why do you think that many people within your own party dont see you as the person to lead a government of National Unity to block no deal . Sam coates, sky news. This morning, your own shadow chancellor, john mcdonell, said in the event of another referendum, he would campaign and about and vote to remain. You agree with him 100 on that end if you dont, do understand why many of the people particularly from other parties who you are asking to back you in the vote of no confidence but want the same as mr mcdonnell might be second thoughts . Thank you for your questions. Sarah, firstly, northampton has become the firstly, northampton has become the First Council in the country that effectively became bankrupt and that is surely a warning to every other local authority across the country. There was a council that have worked very ha rd to there was a council that have worked very hard to try to manage the cuts that have been imposed by the government have often been a very creative and imaginative and managed to struggle to Keep Services together. Many people have lost theirjobs in local government through redundancies and many who work in local government and other Public Services effectively end up doing two or threejobs. Public services effectively end up doing two or three jobs. Those Public Services effectively end up doing two or threejobs. Those in social care and many other Services Work incredibly hard and i think we should say thank you to all of those working in the Public Sector for keeping the services going. Applause they have shown true dedication. But when a local authority is faced with 40 and 50 puts in its income from central government, something has to give, and what always gives is the services that the most vulnerable need within our society. And there isa need within our society. And there is a social care crisis where over1 Million People are waiting for social care at any one time. We cannot go on like this. And so what has happened in northampton isjust a symbol of what the tories and lib dems failure has been in local government, so we will properly Fund Local Government and education because at its best, local Government Services are actually redistributed for wealth, they provide a youth centre, library, are the other services that are so important, you are making the public realm a better place, you are helping people that need the services. But the tory strategy of trying to bring in localfunding services. But the tory strategy of trying to bring in local funding at the expense of national funding, underfunding local Government Services, means the poorest people in the poorest communities and the poorest parts of britain lose out the greatest and those that live in the greatest and those that live in the wealthiest parts of the country and the wealthiest people paying often the lowest rates of council tax and upper being better off as a result. I want to lead a government thatis result. I want to lead a government that is redistributive of wealth and power across the whole country by properly funding local government in all parts of the uk. And i am determined that we will achieve that. Jeremy corbyn theyre addressing the issue of Public Services and general spending by local government, the need for investment in the speech of about half an hour going over a mix of topics, as you would imagine, everything from the private rental market, crime, Climate Change, taxation, but the key message in that speech was about to brexit, the chaos he said of a no deal brexit, his promise that the brexit decision should go back to the people and he would like to see himself as a ca reta ker would like to see himself as a caretaker Prime Minister for a limited time period and that he would call an immediate general election where he in that position. So plenty of talk there, as i say, and the home front and also on brexit. While we talk about brexit, because we do that a lot at the moment, during the speech, some interesting lines coming from downing street. And the Prime Ministers spokesman specifically talking about rules on freedom of movement, sources confirming that borisjohnson movement, sources confirming that Boris Johnson and priti movement, sources confirming that borisjohnson and priti patel have been looking at the whole issue of freedom of movement in a no deal brexit situation and we hear that the plan is that they would pursue a tougher new approach to this. Under theresa may, there were two options being considered for eu citizens wishing to come to the uk after brexit. This is not citizens who are already here. One of those options was to allow them to continue until january 2021, second option to allow them to stay for three months and then apply to stay longer. But the difference seems to be that freedom of movement rules says a Prime Minister spokesperson would change immediately when britain leaves the eu. We do not have the details, but the suggestion seems to be that it would be a tougher approach and there would be no automatic guarantee or the long rights to stay, as theresa may was considering. We will wait for a bit more information that was at the g7 summit in france at the weekend, interestingly, unconnected but no doubt in the background all of these things brewing away. European Commission Spokeswoman who has been briefing, saying britain will be the biggest loser in the case of a no deal brexit was we have had positions coming from both sides as we approach it that g7 summit in france at the weekend. Plenty mastic, but now. The uk has been stripped of its measles free status by the World Health Organization after a fall in vaccination rates for the second of the two mmr jabs. The news comes as a Government Campaign launches to increase the numbers of children who are vaccinated against measles. Nhs england also plans to write to all gps urging them to promote catch up vaccination programmes. Im joined now by dr doug brown, chief executive of the British Society for immunology. Thank you for coming in. Tell us how serious the situation is. We were declared measles free three yea rs we were declared measles free three years ago by the World Health Organization, so it is shocking that we have just lost that status. It is without doubt that childhood vaccines at the more way to stop these devastating diseases so we have to do more to reverse the downward trend we see an uptake in recent yea rs. How possible has it been to work out what is going on and why the uptake is violent . It isa is violent . It is a complex issue, as you can imagine. There is not one single reason why we have seen the reduction in uptake in recent years. The recent and are announcement todayis the recent and are announcement today is a step in the right direction and it seems to set out some proposals to set out some of the multifaceted issues that are there in terms of the reduction we have seen. We are looking at improving the understanding and the knowledge that young parents have for their new children, we are looking at the services and how they are delivered in their community as well and there are proposals from the government on how we can tackle that. And then potentially the use of technology and of personnel on the ground to make sure that these services are set up in the right way and are conveniently delivered to the people in the community. Finally, briefly if you would, sorry, but it seems to be the second of the two jab that is far and away the sub if there are people sitting at home with little ones that think, oh, i have missed that, are they too late . What is your advice to the people that realise they are behind . It is never too late to have that vaccination, but the first or the second one as well. And so we do encourage people to go to their gps to talk about vaccination of their children if they are not sure whether they have been vaccinated, do have that conversation, but we welcome the government announcement. What we would like to see would be some funding to make sure the services are delivered in the best way so we can look at these measles outbreaks as historic, return to our status and stop the measles outbreaks in their tracks. Thank you very much indeed. You are watching bbc news. A 17 year old boy has appeared at North Tyneside Magistrates Court charged with the murder of a solicitor, who was stabbed to death with a screwdriver. 52 year old peter duncan, died in hospital shortly after the attack in Newcastle City Centre on wednesday. Our north east correspondent mark denten is outside court for us. Tell us about the proceedings this morning. Peter duncan died early last wednesday evening outside a Major Shopping Centre in newcastle at a place called old eldon square. Police believe he was stabbed with a screwdriver in what they describe as a chance encounter. Mr duncan was described as a devoted father and husband, by colleagues in the Legal Profession is an excellent lawyer. As you said, to date here at the Magistrates Court, a 17 year old youth who cant be named for legal reasons appeared here. In the hearing, he spoke only to confirm his age, address and also he understood the charges, three charges put to him, the allegation of murder of peter duncan, a second charge of possession of an offensive where, namely a screwdriver, and a third charge of theft of a screwdriver from a branch of poundland. He will next appear in court this wednesday as part of the same investigation, three boys aged between 15 and 17 have been released by Northumbria Police under investigation. Thank you very much. Thames Valley Police have been given an extra 24 hours to question 10 males over the murder of pc Andrew Harper. He died of multiple injuries after he responded to a burglary in berkshire on thursday night. A crowdfunding page which was set up by pc harper to help a Childrens Cancer charity has reached over £140,000. With me is our Home Affairs Correspondent, Daniel Sandford. Tell us more about the investigation. The maximum amount of time youre allowed to hold someone on suspicion of murder is 96 hours, and that will expire at about midnight tonight, so this is the last day that the police can hold these ten males and they have got the last extension they can get to do that before they have to decide to charge or release them. What is interesting about the announcement is what is interesting about the announcement is we now what is interesting about the announcement is we now know the details of the men held in custody. We can see five of them are under 18, there is a 13 year old, to make 16 year olds and two year olds, and then the others are 18, 20, 30. It is an extraordinary young group of males, boys that are being held on suspicion of the murder of Andrew Harper. In terms of the investigation, there seems to be less forensic work going on at the crossroads where it happened, but there are quite a bit of forensic work at the caravan park where foul of those being held were arrested. Thank you very much indeed. We will have headlines at mid day, but lets look at the weather. For many, it has been fairly dry, we have had sunny spells, some showers scattered around, mainly across Western Areas of the uk. Further east, in suffolk, there has been good sunshine and then we will continue with sunny spells for most of us this afternoon, although the showers in the west will move east, may turn heavy and thundery, some thundery showers in the north west of scotland. A bit cloudier here. Elsewhere, sunshine, maximum temperature is about 17 to 20 degrees. A bit lower than they have been over the weekend. Through tonight, showers across scotland, Northern Ireland and Northern England, otherwise clear spells and that will allow temperatures to fall away, so down into single figures of the many on a tuesday morning, could bea the many on a tuesday morning, could be a little bit chilly, but there will be lots of sunshine in the mining, showers developing mainly across Northern Ireland, wales, and the south west of england. Temperatures up to 18 to 21 degrees. Have a good afternoon. Government to deliver a Youth Service in the future. Youre watching bbc newsroom live. Its midday and these are the main stories the government could pursue a tougher approach to the freedom of movement of eu nationals coming to the uk in the event of a no deal brexit. Jeremy corbyn says a general election this autumn would provide a once in a generation chance for a change of direction in british politics and says he will do everything in his power to stop a no deal brexit. I will bring a vote of no confidence in the government and, if we are successful, would seek to form a time limited Caretaker Administration to avert no deal and call an immediate general election so the people can decide our countrys future. Applause. Thames Valley Police has been given more time to question ten males in relation to the death of pc Andrew Harper in berkshire. New figures reveal in 7 five year olds are yet to be fully immunised against mmr. Prince andrew says hes appalled by allegations that his formerfriend, Jeffrey Epstein, sexually abused dozens of young girls and finds any suggestion hed participate in such behaviour abhorrent. Police in kent say theres a possibility that a six year old boy who fell into a river may have managed to get out of the water and become lost in a field. And coming up. As we launch our focus on farming series how Climate Change is the biggest challenge facing british agriculture. Good afternoon. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Im rachel schofield. The labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has pledged to do everything necessary to stop a no deal brexit. Giving a speech in northamptonshire, he accused the conservatives of lurching to the hard right and provoking a political and constitutional storm. Mr corbyn said he will table a vote of no confidence in borisjohnson and again called for a general election. Joining me now is our political correspondent, tony bonsignore. You are listening to that speech, it went on for about half an. What stood out for you . There were two things going on here, the first one wasjeremy things going on here, the first one was Jeremy Corbyns. Things going on here, the first one wasJeremy Corbyns. He was looking forward to an election and there was lots of talk about what a Labour Government would do, from renationalisation to utilities to helping tenants, to taxing the wealthy and stuff we have heard before. He was really home this message and even, at one point, compared the coming election to 1945, of course, when an incoming Labour Government had a very, very radical government, which are dead are some of those sorts of things, including renationalisation which it did some of those sorts of things. The key question was about no deal, especially after that leak over the weekend, this operation yellowhammer document is the codename goes, of the possible effects of a no deal brexit. This is what the labour leader had to say about that. After failing to negotiate a brexit deal that would protect jobs and Living Standards, borisjohnsons tories are driving the country towards a no deal cliff edge. Lets be very clear we will do everything necessary to stop a disastrous no deal, for which this government has no mandate. Applause. So that is what he had to say about no deal, which is a message that he has had before, but again, this crucial question now like a vote of no confidence. We are likely to get it injusta no confidence. We are likely to get it in just a couple of weeks time. And all sorts of discussions and debate and argument about what the labour leaders strategy should be for that no confidence vote. Here is what he had to say about that. Labour will do everything we can to protect people cosmic livelihoods. We will Work Together with mp5 across parliament to pull our country back from the brink. Peoples livelihoods. And i will bring a vote of no confidence in the government and, successful, would seek to form a time limited caretaker government and call an immediate general election so that the people could decide our countrys future. Jeremy corbyn talking to his own supporters. That clip you are there, has some really key questions. He suggested that government of National Unity last week, time limited as he calls it, with himself as the caretaker premise. We know that lots of the opposition parties, lots of opposition parties, lots of opposition mps, are not keen on that idea at all. There are also key questions about how label would campaign if there was another referendum how labour would Campaign Stop would it be agnostic . He is talking about credible labour option, lots and lots of questions forJeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party Going forward, but they know the moment is coming. This vote of confidence, likely to be injust a couple of weeks time. Thank you very much indeed. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson could pursue a tougher approach to the freedom of movement of eu nationals coming to the uk in the event of a no deal brexit. Previous proposals when theresa may was Prime Minister suggested allowing the freedom of movement of eu citizens until 2021. These are expected to be scrapped in new measures set out by the home secretary, priti patel. With me is our Home Affairs Correspondent, danny shaw. What do we know . This is a sign that the government under borisjohnson and priti patel are going to pursue and priti patel are going to pursue a much tougher approach than it was under theresa may and sajid javid. And the moment, if youre an eu citizen you can come and live in the uk, getajob, pretty freely. Freedom of movement rules. But we know that if britain leaves the eu, there is going to have to be some kind of change to those rules and, what we are talking about here is a scenario of a no deal brexit, which could happen after the 31st of october. The government was drawing up october. The government was drawing up some plans for that eventuality and there were two proposals on the table, one of them as you mentioned was to sort of extended the rules for a period of over 12 months or more to give everyone a bit of time to adapt. The other proposal was for automatic leave for eu nationals coming to britain for around three months, so they would be waved through passport control and then after three months they would have to apply if they wanted to stay in britain for longer and there would bea britain for longer and there would be a visa for up to three years. Both of those options have now been ditched, i understand, and he knew proposal is in play. I do not know exactly what the details of that are, but what they are saying, what sources are saying, is that would mean after the 31st of october, freedom of movement would end for all eu nationals who want to come to britain. It has an Extraordinary Development because, when you look at the numbers, you calculate it, there are some 39 people who come from the European Economic area and switzerland 40 Million People who come every year. Some will be making return journeys, so the come every year. Some will be making returnjourneys, so the individual people will be lower, but that amounts to high arrival at airports and ports everything all day. If you think about, if there are new rules in place for those eu nationals coming to britain, they will have to be checked, immigration checks, controls, checks possibly on the criminal to status criminal status and it will take some considerable effort to put that into place. Quite a logistical challenge there. You will be keeping an eye on this and getting more meat on the response. Thank you very much indeed. Well, this morning the european commissions spokesperson warned it will be the uk who suffers the most under a no deal brexit. Natasha bertaud also announced that the eu commissions president , Jean Claude Juncker, will not attend the upcoming g7 in france for medical reasons, having had Successful Surgery to remove his gall blader in luxembourg over the weekend. Our brussels correspondent adam fleming joins me now. What significant lines are we heeding . A what significant lines are we heeding . A pretty what significant lines are we heeding . A pretty tough talking. This is a message we have heard quite often from the european commission, the prospects of a new deal brexit. It is something they wa nt to deal brexit. It is something they want to avoid and theyre open for negotiations as long as the uk brings ideas that are compatible with the additional with the existing withdrawal agreement. Lots of studies, like the International Monetary fund and the world bank and the oecd and various academics say, if they know deals scenario comes to pass, the uk loses a proportionally more than the eu does. If no deal scenarios come to pass. That is not a new thing theyre saying. They have their own operation yellowhammer and it is based on very similar assumptions, that if there isa similar assumptions, that if there is a new deal brexit, overnight to the uk will become what is known as a third country, one that has no links with the eu no deal brexit. And there would be nojoint mitigation measures put in between the uk and the eu, beyond the ones that they are putting in on their own, and there will be no bilateral deal is done with individual eu countries with the uk to help the uk out if there is a no deal brexit. In terms of whether the no deal is something that has inevitable or not, previously some people on the eu side had thought that they do use a bit this weekend might be a potential moment where that became a much clearer what was going to happen. I think that sort of dying away now. Instead, people here are saying that the key crucial crunch moment may be the first week of september when westminster comes back, when mps come back from their summer back, when mps come back from their summer holidays. Is there a vote of confidence in the government . As theyre able to prevent the government pursuing a no deal brexit . Does something happening that no is able to predict . We will have a lot more clarity about what is going to happen on the uk side of the scenario. One person who, as you said, i will not be at the g7 summit on saturday and somebody is junk or juncker. He is recovering from surgery juncker. He is recovering from surgery that he had is Jean Claude Juncker he is surgery that he had is jean claudejuncker he is recovering from surgery and were told that he is doing well. Thank you very much. Prince andrew has said hes appalled by allegations that his formerfriend, Jeffrey Epstein, sexually abused dozens of young girls and he finds any suggestion that hed participate in such behaviour abhorrent. Buckingham palace issued a statement on the princes behalf last night, after a video emerged showing him inside epsteins home in new york, after the billionaire had served a prison sentence. Jeffrey epstein took his own life while in prison a week ago while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. Earlier i spoke to our royal correspondentjonny dymond. We knew that Prince Andrew had seen Jeffrey Epstein back in 2010, which was two years after the billionaire was convicted for offences against children in florida. So, we knew that and, subsequent to that, Prince Andrew left his role as the uk trade representative and his departure from that role was believed to be connected to what he conceded was an error of judgment a meeting Jeffrey Epstein. In meeting Jeffrey Epstein. What we didnt know, and what we do now because of this footage that came out yesterday, was that he had either stayed in Jeffrey Epsteins house in manhattan or, at least, had visited mr epstein there. And so, i think this has probably pushed the palace into this very, very vigorous statement about how appalled he is and how he deplores the exploitation of any human being and the suggestion that he would condone or participate or encourage any such act is abhorrent. Again, it is the palacejust trying to sort of draw a line under it once more. It goes on and on, of course, and we expect more to come out as court papers are released. Jeffrey epstein is dead, by his own hand, but we still expect more information to come out as court papers are released. So, as you say, a very robust statement, but the embarrassment likely to continue . Oh, the embarrassment is there. Its a horrible thing and i think its pretty clear there was a howling error ofjudgment in seeing Jeffrey Epstein once he had been convicted as a paedophile and it was not the only error ofjudgment as well because, of course, the duchess of york, the former wife of Prince Andrew, took a loan from Jeffrey Epstein of 18,000, something that she acknowledged that i think the phrase was a gross error ofjudgment. The whole thing is a painful and embarrassing and, of course, the denials come and the palace tries to draw a line under it and then we wait to see what else there is. A 17 year old boy has appeared at North Tyneside Magistrates Court charged with the murder of a solicitor, who was stabbed to death with a screwdriver. 52 year old peter duncan, died in hospital shortly after the attack in Newcastle City Centre on wednesday. Our north east correspondent mark denten has this update from the courtroom. Well, peter duncan died early last wednesday evening outside a Major Shopping Centre in newcastle at a place called old eldon square. The Police Believe he was stabbed with a screwdriver in what they describe as a chance encounter. Mr duncan was described by his family as a devoted father and husband and, by collea g u es father and husband and, by colleagues in the Legal Profession as an excellent lawyer. It is said today here at the Magistrates Court that a 17 year old youth has been who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared here and only spoke to confirm his name, address and said that he understood the charges. A charge of murdering mr duncan and a second charge of possessing an offensive weapon like namely a screwdriver and a third charge of theft of a screwdriver from a branch of ponteland. He will next appear in court on wednesday. Poundland. Several other boys have been released under investigation. The headlines on bbc news. The government could pursue a tougher approach to the freedom of movement of eu nationals coming to the uk in the event of a no deal brexit. In a speech this morning, Jeremy Corbyn has said the country needs a general election as he set out labours plans do everything necessary to stop the uk leaving the eu without a deal. Police have been given more time to question ten people arrested on suspicion of murdering pc Andrew Harper, who was killed while investigating a report of a burglary in berkshire. Plenty more to come in all those toys, but will turn our attention to sport. We will turn our attention to sport. We will turn our attention to sport. We will turn our attention to sport. We werejohn good afternoon. No sooner has the second test finished, attention quickly turns to the third ashes test which begins on thursday and there are Big Questions over the fitness of steve smith. The australian batsman missed the final day at lords becuse of concussion after being hit on the neck on saturday. Cricket australia have confirmed that smith will need to be fully free of symptoms of concussion before he can even start training putting his place in doubt for headingley. You just listen to and follow their instructions is the key and i think, you know, 98 of the time they are going to make great decisions and, if you have to come off, it is obviously because youre not right. And, obviously my case, i was feeling fine, but ijumped the gun a bit on the questions. Id said, i know where i am, im on this mini test, im on zero. I was a far sponsor. So that sort of goes. Away from the cricket, and Frank Lampard is still winless as manager of chelsea. Hes the clubs record goal scorer and was given a standing ovation before taking charge of his first home match at stamford bridge. His side got off to the perfect start against leicester with mason mount catching Wilfred Ndidi off guard to put them in front. But the leicester midfielder made up for his mistake by equalising in the second half. Elsewhere Sheffield United beat Crystal Palace. It was a great day for Sheffield United. They won their First Premier League home game in 12 years, beating Crystal Palace 1 0. Midfielderjohn lundstram with the goal hes now scored in each of the top four divisions of english football. After a summer of speculation over his future, phillipe coutinho has found a way out of barcelona. Hes moving to Bayern Munich initially on a season long loan, but bayern have the option to buy him forjust short of £110 million at the end of that loan spell. And if at first you dont succeed, try, try, and try again. And in jimmy whites case keep on trying. Hes finally won a title at the crucible theatre after losing six World Championship finals there. The whirlwind won a world seniors event that was being held in sheffield for the first time. White said if felt strange to be named World Champion at the crucible. He clearly enjoyed the moment, though. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. Farming leaders say that Climate Change is one of the Biggest Issues facing farming today. Theyre applying for more funding and consumers have their role to play. It said that it had provided more than £2 billion to deal with the risks posed by Climate Change. Our correspondent is in boroughbridge. When a but i am sending i was com pletely when a but i am sending i was completely covered in water. In the interim by viewers, farmers have really me how it is becoming more and more unstable. The weather is becoming more and more unstable. As the climate warms, its becoming more unstable. Extreme weather is becoming more common. From the beast from the east. To scorching heat waves. To flash floods. This was lincolnshire earlier this year. The nfu says we have to be far more ambitious in how we deal with the changing climate. Climate change is probably the single Biggest Issue that farming is facing at the moment. We are seeing extremes of weather events. And for me, probably the single biggest challenge is around water. Were seeing more floods, were seeing more droughts and how we manage those, notjust as farmers, but as wider society, will be the biggest challenge Going Forward. This is a place that understands the challenge of Climate Change all too well. These are the somerset levels. They are flat, criss crossed with rivers and very vulnerable. And in late 2013, almost all of what we can see here was underwater. That includes james winslades farm. When the rivers burst their banks, all of these fields were flooded. He got his cattle outjust in time but he and his family had to move to a safer place. His fields stayed underwaterfor six months. This autumn, theyre going to do more dredging through here. A major climate reportjust out said that agriculture was a key driver of Global Warming but james gets fed up when uk farmers are blamed. We can do our little bit but the trouble is if the rest of the world isnt doing anything, how is it going to change . Thats my biggest concern. Were very small compared with the rest of the world, really. The nfu has committed to going carbon zero by 2040. If that happens, it will play a part in limiting the most catastrophic effects of Climate Change. James has taken some time out from his busy farming due to talk to us about what he went through and his family, back then. Tell us, about here, the fields have. It is all the way round and, gradually in the water came up into the ditches and onto the land over the course of two months it rose and rose and, finally, it got to the stage where we could not stay any longer and we had to evacuate. We can see some of your hard here. Youre actually having to ship your cattle out at the time . Yeah, it took 48 hours to get a 600 cattle out and the roads we re get a 600 cattle out and the roads were flooded at that point because the firm is higher than the road and the firm is higher than the road and the firm is higher than the road and the firm has neverflooded before, not the buildings, the farm. So it was a real challenge to get them out before we lost any. |j it was a real challenge to get them out before we lost any. Ijust want to work around here and show eve ryo ne to work around here and show everyone your farm buildings. To work around here and show everyone yourfarm buildings. Tell us where the water was appear. M was chest height. It would have been to about this height. So we could have a swim around here . Yes. We can and by boat. On the deepest part of the firm it was 1615 and it was on the firm it was 1615 and it was on the land for about four months, five months 16 feet deep. We had three properties own underwater and then the village went underwater and it just kept getting bigger, massive scale. 35,000 acres underwater. Just kept getting bigger, massive scale. 35,000 acres underwaterlj scale. 35,000 acres underwater. think some people might, going back to those disasters, think well, that was a one off. What do you say to people like that . What is your experience . There are two ways to think of it, the river had been not be maintained, so it was reduced in size by 52 , which did not help. Also, we were having heavy storms so instead of nice steady rain fell over the course of a day or two, we we re over the course of a day or two, we were having we are having an inch, two, three inches an hour and high winds with it. So that, you can say to people who live in cities and are not looking after them land of the time, youre seeing the effects of Climate Changewe are. And that was my day if we had a storm of rain it would take 48 hours of it to come off the hill. Now you can see the water discolouration and are ditches at between eight and 12 hours. It is coming down so much quicker now. Thank you so much. As you said, the problem with how farmers in the uk are dealing with it is that it is very different to around the rest of the world and that has the frustration that i have been hearing for the last few weeks. It is a comic at the problem and the fact is that the firm is here in the country are filling it already it is a complicated problem. And farmers are feeling it already. Around 4,000 people have had to leave their homes because of wildfires on gran canaria in the canary islands. Planes and helicopters are supporting around 700 firefighters on the ground. High temperatures and strong winds are making it difficult to tackle the flames. Were joined now by Alex Bramwell who lives on the island. Hes been observing the fire and smoke from afar. What are you seeing . This morning the wind is blowing towards the west, so from where we are in the east you can see smoke. Yesterday afternoon we could see a large plume of smoke where the fire entered into an area on the west of the island, in the forest, which is a pristine wilderness own. Unfortunately fire got into that. This morning it looks calm, but at the top there is still a team of people, 700 people and hydro planes and helicopters, fighting the flames in temperatures that are forecast to be up to 39 degrees, which make it very difficult to do much about it. And what advice are giving getting . Id advise that you are safe where you are . Most of the population of the island like there is nearly Million People here, between residents and tourists at any one time that there has now been 8000 evacuated, so most people neverfar enough down the island to be com pletely enough down the island to be completely safe and all places that are threatened by the fire had been evacuated. The tourist resort are pretty much completely safe. They area pretty much completely safe. They are a long way from the fire is done on the coast and the buyers are up above most of it is above five decimetres. As clearly as you outline, there is a big effort going on to get this under control. Our welfare is a big issue . Have you explained this kind of problem before . Yes. The last major one was about 2007. This week we have had a horribly hot spell of weather and three fires any week. The first two we re three fires any week. The first two were put out, this third one, because of the weather conditions has so far proved impossible, but the factories here have a huge amount of experience fighting wildfires. The fire crews. The pine trees here are about to ban fast and not die during fires and fires do happen and we have a huge infrastructure to putting them out. To burn fast. When the weather is as hot and windy theres very little anyone can do. One resident earlier told us he was concerned because he has a house up in the mountains. What is the middle of the island, because it must be wedding . The mood on the island . It must be worrying . There is a huge myth of solidarity and the people and animals that needed to be evacuated to have been taken off della there is a huge mood of solidarity and those that needed to be have been taken off the island. They are trying to make sure it does not get any worse, but most people out there clear the area around and there are major tans being damaged. We do not know the exact details, but no major damage and certainly no reported injuries or worse. That is a relief and it is good of you to take time to speak to us. Thank you very much indeed. Ajoke about vegetables has made it to the top of the menu as this years funniest at the edinburgh fringe. The swedish comedian, olaf falafel, won daves funniestjoke of the fringe award with the niche culinary pun. Lets hear him say it are you ready . I keep randomly shouting at broccoli and cauliflower. I think i might have set. I think i might have florets. I was number nine in the last two years ago with a joke. I was not close to my dad before he died, which was lucky because he trod on a landmine. Last year i was number three in the list with a joke i took out a loan to pay for an exorcism. If i do not pay it back im getting repossessed. I was on the way. You certainly wear, you have been working away absolutely to get to the number one position. How much rivalry is there between comedians in edinburgh . You know what, very little. There is a lot of solidarity. You know that what i was trying to say there, great with red siam. It is great to be part of a list great with words, i am. It is going to be part of the most populated by people i consider to be heroes. These things are sometimes go in waves, but yours is a better surveillance and that has tickled people . Mine is very stupid. Theres lots of stupid stuff. There is a lot of brexit in there, i have done it in my own stupid way. I have a performance piece which is called brexit jiffy performance piece which is called brexitjiffy bag performance piece which is called brexit jiffy bag and performance piece which is called brexitjiffy bag and i have a phil collins who provides a little drum roll at the end ofjokes that do not work that make a puppet of phil collins. I have had with ducks on it and each duck relates to an insult and each duck relates to an insult andi and each duck relates to an insult and i get a member of the audience to fish one of the ducts of my head and then i direct the insult towards them. It is and and wonderful and wonderful and i guess that kind of escapism is what we need at the moment, given that the state of british politics . Yes. Exactly. I know that brexit is the big thing and everyones agenda and, to be honest with me, i do not know how ido honest with me, i do not know how i do not care how you voted, i am just looking forward to because of the straight bananas that brussels has imposed on us. It was greenie, it didnt taste much like banana, tasted more like cucumber. M it didnt taste much like banana, tasted more like cucumber. It is swedish different . No, it is universal. If you get something funny, it is universal. I actually live in a town called luton. We hope you will stay in nice long time. Congratulations on winning the days funniestjoke of congratulations on winning the days funniest joke of the fringe. Now its time for a look at the weather. Iam i am after one of those puppets that do the drum roll phil collinss puppets. Today is a mixture of sunshine and showers and all it is a should see some brightness at some stage, but there will be some heavier downpours to continue to content with her. She had improved towards the south west, heavier showers tracking is, perhaps some thunderfor the showers tracking is, perhaps some thunder for the midlands and east anglia, more persistent rain pushing towards North Western scotland. Quite a cool north westerly breeze with us today. A band of rain from the north west of scotland tucks its way into Northern Ireland across southern scotland and into Northern England by the end of the night. Clear skies either side of it, quite a cool start to tuesday. Four or 5 degrees and parts of rural North Eastern scotland. Lots of sunshine here and a much drier and brighter day. The remnants of that front fading away and a few showers tomorrow afternoon, much quieter story and a few showers for wales and Northern Ireland, but a drier, brighter and less windy day with heights of up to 21 degrees. Hello, this is bbc newsroom live with rachel schofield. The headlines. The government could pursue a tougher approach to the freedom of movement of eu nationals coming to the uk in the event of a no deal brexit. In a speech this morning, Jeremy Corbyn has said the country needs a general election as he set out labours plans do everything necessary to stop the uk leaving the eu without a deal. Police have been given more time to question ten people arrested on suspicion of murdering pc Andrew Harper, who was killed while investigating a report of a burglary in berkshire. New figures reveal one in seven five year olds are yet to be fully immunised against mmr. Prince andrew says hes appalled by allegations that his formerfriend, Jeffrey Epstein, sexually abused dozens of young girls and finds any suggestion hed participate in such behaviour abhorrent. 8000 people have now been evacuated from their homes on the Spanish Island of gran canaria due to wildfires. Thames Valley Police have been given an extra 24 hours to question 10 males over the murder of pc Andrew Harper. He died of multiple injuries after he responded to a burglary in berkshire on thursday night. A crowdfunding page which was set up by pc harper to help a Childrens Cancer charity has reached over £140,000. Our Home Affairs Correspondent Daniel Sandford has been following the story. Maximum amount of time youre allowed to hold anyone on suspicion of murder is 96 hours and that will expire at about midnight, so this is the last day the police can hold these ten males and they have got these ten males and they have got the last extension they can get to do that before they have to decide to charge or release them. What is interesting about the announcement is we now know the detail of all of the ages of those being held. We knew previously they were 13 to 30, but now we see five are under 18. There is a 13 year old, two 16 year olds and to make 17 year olds and the others are 18, 20,30. It is 17 year olds and the others are 18, 20, 30. It is an 17 year olds and the others are 18, 20,30. It is an extraordinarily young group of males, boys that are being held on suspicion of the murder of Andrew Harper. In terms of the investigation, there seems to be less forensic work going on at the crossroads where the incident happened, but still lots of forensic work happening at the caravan site where foul of those being held were arrested on thursday night going into friday morning. The Iranian Oil Tanker seized by gibraltar last month has set sail overnight, after being released. The authorities in gibraltar turned down a us request to impound the vessel again. It was originally seized on suspicion of transporting oil to syria which tehran has denied. John mcmanus reports. At anchor off the coast of gibraltar, prior to restarting herjourney which was interrupted last month, the grace 1 has now been renamed adrian darya 1 and is flying the iranian flag. The authorities in gibraltar said on thursday that the tanker could leave after receiving written assurances from tehran that its cargo of oil would not end up in syrian hands. But its seizure sparked a diplomatic crisis. Onjuly 4th, British Royal marines detained the grace 1 tanker off the coast of gibraltar on suspicion it was transporting iranian oil to syria in defiance of eu sanctions. Iran accused the uk of piracy. In response, the uk deployed an additional warship to the strait of hormuz to protect shipping, but on july 19, Iranian Revolutionary guards boarded the british flagged steno impero, detaining it and the 23 crew. Tehran said it had violated maritime rules. Its owners said it was in International Waters when it was boarded. Iran released pictures of that operation and later of the detained crew. One month on, concerns remain for their welfare. Theres been no substantial evidence brought forward by the iranians as to why that crew has been detained. Our hope is that now grace 1 has been released that actually the crew of steno impero will be able to now sail themselves or be repatriated. Meanwhile, a second attempt by the United States to detain the adrian darya one has failed. Gibraltar said it could not comply with washingtons request because us sanctions against iran do not apply in the eu. They havent taken our ships, theyve taken ships, but they havent taken our ships and they better not, but i will say this, i really think that iran wants to get there. Donald trump says iran would like to talk about the tankers but it seems there already may be a resolution to this crisis on the horizon. John mcmanus, bbc news. The uk has been stripped of its measles free status by the World Health Organization after a fall in vaccination rates for the second of the two mmr jabs. The news comes as a Government Campaign launches to increase the numbers of children who are vaccinated against measles. Nhs england also plans to write to all gps urging them to promote catch up vaccination programmes. A leading consultant claims that the failure to identify and treat a rare spinal injury could be costing the National Health Service Hundreds of millions of pounds a year. Thats far more than official figures suggest. Patients with corder equina syndrome need emergency surgery to avoid Severe Damage to organs and limbs. The nhs says it is committed to reducing avoidable harm to patients. Our Legal Correspondent Clive Coleman reports. I used a wheelchair forfive or six months. Corder equina syndrome is rare, but for people who have it like those at this support group and their loved ones and carers the effects can be devastating. They dont see me at home crying every night or struggling, like lying in bed trying to get the energy to get up, put my brave face on and pretend everythings all right. He. He damaged his nerves in the gym. I had sexual dysfunction, i was incontinent for a while, and i still have to have a strict regime to manage my bowels, my bladder. It is demoralising and dehumanising and that really knocked my self confidence. Assessing how many people have corder equina syndrome is difficult, and some nhs hospitals dont log numbers. However there were 981 surgical decompression is to treat it in england alone in 2010, 2011. Corder equina means horses tale, and it describes the spray of nerves that come off the spinal card. They activate the bladder, bowels, sexual organs and lower limbs, and if a slipped disc hits them, as you can see here in this mri scan, that is incredibly serious and Urgent Medical treatment to remove the pressure is critical. If the condition isnt identified, an mri scan carried out and decompression surgery scan carried out and decompression surgery within 24 hours, outcomes for patients can be desperate, the nhs says compensation claims between 2014 and 2016 will cost £68 million, but this leading consultant thinks it is higher. It is difficult to get a precise figure from the information surfaces about corder equina syndrome, but i would estimate it is something in the order of about hundred and 50 million to 200 million a year in terms of compensation payments and current legal costs. A red flag signs for the syndrome include numbness or pins and needles in the saddle area, sciatica down both legs and difficulty or loss of sensation when urinating or defecating. I was unfortunate that my corder equina was not picked up in a e the first time, and that could have been the difference between me being ok and the position i am in now. The nhs says it is committed to highlighting warning signs and reducing avoidable harm. More than 30 leaders of englands largest councils have written an open letter seeking a fairer funding commitment for underfunded and overburdended councils. The letter calls upon the Prime Minister to honour his promise to level up funding for left behind areas such as schools and infrastructure. They have urged the government to provide emergency funding for councils next year and fairer funding reforms from 2021. The government is yet to respond. We are nowjoined by david williams, leader of Hertfordshire County Council and chairman of the group that organised the letter. And david, we are talking about the traditional shire counties. The Shire Councils represent about 25 Million People across the country, so they are the very largest councils in england, and we feel very strongly that there has been quite a poor deal between our type of authority and for instance authorities in london. We get about £240 per head of a government grants, funding for our services, whereas in the centre of london, its councils receive Something Like £600 a head on average, so we are very keen to see that gap levelled up. And historically, what is your understanding of what the rationale between that, for that imbalance has been . It isa been . It is a long standing legacy. If you are going back on a number of years, even to the time when borisjohnson was the mayor of london, a lot of money was being ploughed into our metropolitan and our capital, and in the meantime we have seen a lot of growth in the more Elderly Population and we feel it is time to respond to the demand. And what has been the impact of that lack of funding in your mind . We felt precious across a whole number of areas, particularly in terms of childrens social services and adult social services. And those areas where we have had to manage carefully our budgets and Going Forward we can see the challenges persisting and we think it is now the time during the Spending Review in september, it is the time to balance up some of the funding disparities that exist between the shire county authorities and urban metropolitan and the london authorities. Have you sat ended done the maths on how you want this to change and how much you feel you need . Looking forward, if we were to make a comparison between the average received by local authorities across england as some £363 per adult, if you were to take that average and apply it to the shire county areas, that would mean an additional £3. 2 billion for our local services and we feel it is time now to be making that levelling up process, something the Prime Minister himself talked about when he spoke in manchester the other day. We said in the introduction that the government had yet to respond, three point £2 billion is a lot of money. How optimistic are you to see a change . The real important thing is we get clarity on the funding for next year. The Spending Review will address that, but we also want that commitment over the medium term, a cast iron commitment that they should be the introduction of a fairer approach to the way that local authorities are funded Going Forward. It will not be done straightaway, but we feel it is a commitment to the government should make it now for the medium term. David williams, thank you very much for speaking to us. A 12 year old boy in glasgow is in a Critical Condition in hospital, after he was electrocuted on a Railway Track in glasgow. The child came into contact with Railway Power lines at around 6 30pm yesterday evening. British transport police were called to the tracks close to ashgill road, milton, after the alarm was raised. They say his injuries are believed to be life threatening. Police in kent say theres a possibility that a six year old boy who fell into a river may have managed to get out of the water and become lost in a field. Lucas dobson hasnt been seen since saturday afternoon when he fell into the river stour near sandwich during a family fishing trip. Rescue teams in canoes have been combing through dense vegetation on the riverbanks, while Police Officers have also been using sonar equipment. Our reporter simonjones is at the scene by the river stroud as Emergency Services continue their search. A really difficult time. Very difficult for everyone involved. Hundreds of volunteers once again gathered here at the local fire station this morning. They want to take part in the search, they are desperate for information. The scene where he went missing isjust a information. The scene where he went missing is just a short distance in that direction, very close to the fire station, but the people who came this morning were told by the police there is a possibility, a theory they are working on that lucas may have got out of the water on his own accord and he may be lost somewhere, disorientated, perhaps in a field close to river. People are just returning this lunchtime having spent this morning combing the river bank. No thermic news. In reality, as each abba goes past, hope is fading. Lets start to my thinking men. You helped organise this for all of those wanting to take part in the search. What can you tell us . The search is ongoing. We have asked a colleague at kent police, kent fire and rescue, the coast guard, specialist dive teams in the area, we have had hundreds of volunteers turn up every day volunteering their time is, bringing food, and it has been fantastic the community response. Efforts continue as we speak. As each our passes, you must be losing a certain amount of hope. We remain hopeful very positive outcome, at the moment we are hopeful for the family that we can bring him home forthem. You have experience of many searches like this. For the family, terrible time. It is every parents worst nightmare, the fact they were there at the point when lucas went to the water makes it massive tragic, from that point of view, it is very hard for everyone involved and the feelings are reflected in the community with so many people showing love and good wishes and wanting to assist. It will seem odd to people that a little boy could fall in the water and get swept away so quickly. It isa and get swept away so quickly. It is a fast flowing water, it has laminates, so the top service and Lower Services can be doing Different Things, it can move three or four max metres a second and it is very dangerous. Thank you forjoining us. I know you have to get back to the search. You have to get back to the search. You have search and rescue teams, the police who have been combing the river during the course of the mining, the fire service, the lifeboat and are the hundreds of people of the community desperate to try and do something. An explosive to set the device has explode in cou nty to set the device has explode in county fermanagh. No one was injured in the explosion. A bomb disposal officers had been in the area at the weekend responding to responds that he device had been left there. How would feel about reporting a stranger who leaves their car Engine Running while parked up . Would you feel better if you knew it was helping the environment, and you earned a bit of cash into the bargain . Thats the proposal from a think tank which suggests drivers who leave their engines idle should be filmed by members of the public, in return for a cut of the offenders fine. Michael cowan reports. Weve all seen it, cars sitting stationary outside our schools, hospitals and roadsides, but with the engine on. It is one reason why transport is now the biggest contributor to Greenhouse Gases in the uk. But for those idling vehicles, one organisation has a radical plan. So basically, if you see somebody idling, then you can take a photo and video of that offence and then report it to the council. Isnt it slightly authoritarian to ask citizens to inform on one another to the state . Well, its a voluntary scheme, so if you feel uncomfortable doing it, you dont have too. But the main problem here isnt the person taking the video, its the person whos idling. How much do emissions from idling vehicles actually contribute to pollution levels . The key thing is personal exposure. And if youre walk past a line of idling vehicles, it would be quite a significant amount of pollution that youll be breathing in sooty particles and nitrogen dioxide, and thats especially worrying if youre a young child or a patient with a respiratory or cardiovascular disease. Leaving your engine idle while stationary is illegal. And it could leave you £20 poorer if its your fist offence, shooting up to £80 if youre a repeat offender. Now this is nothing new, its been around for years. Its just not heavily enforced. But this proposal for citizen reporting is new. And across the pond, its hugely successful. Yeah, so hes idling, so im going to do what i need to do. In new york, citizens can report buses and commercial trucks whove been idling for three minutes, or one minute if theyre outside a school. In return, theyll get 25 of the fine. Us fines are substantially bigger than in the uk, starting at 350, the equivalent of £288 for a first offence, up to an eye watering 2,000 thats over £1500 if youre a repeat offender. And for some, its proving to be lucrative. Ive made about 10,000, cash, in my bank. Over the course of five years id rap on windows and ask people to shut their engine off. You gave up your full time job to stop people idling . Uh, its a bit broader than that. In london, some activists are already on the case, meet david smith, aka little ninja. We met to go on a pollution patrol. This vehicle is actually off, but if it was idling, when i breathe the air and i think oh, that smells, and i kind of look down. And if my son was here or my daughter in a buggie was all the way down here, and suddenly you realise that if im feeling it, and its toxic for me, whats it like for a child . Well, if youre in a car or in a van, and youre sitting in here, after a while if youve got the windows up, this becomes a bit of a gas box. What we find is that the majority of drivers once we actually let them know, give them one of these leaflets, let them see some of the ten facts on the back, then theyre quite a bit horrified and they switch the engines off and hopefully wont idle again. What we do find is that there are some who well, theyre not going to change their behaviour. The government says they intend to launch a consultation into idling, but they havent released details of when that would happen. Michael cowan, bbc news. Lets return now to our top story Jeremy Corbyn has said the uk is facing a brexit crisis and will vow to do everything necessary to stop the uk leaving the eu without a deal. In the last few minutes borisjohnson during a visit to the Royal Cornwall hospital in treliske, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he would be ready to come out of the eu on october 31st deal or no deal. I will not suggest that there wont be on the steps of downing street, there will be bumps in the road, but we will be ready to come out on october 31 deal or no deal. Of course our friends and partners on the other side of the channel showing a bit of a reluctance at the moment to change their position. Thats fine, im confident that they will, but in the meantime, we have to get ready for a new deal outcome. I want ddl. We are ready to work with our friends and partners to get a deal, but if you want a good deal for the a deal, but if you want a good deal forthe uk, a deal, but if you want a good deal for the uk, you must simultaneously get ready to come out without one. The Prime Minister speaking in carmel. A ceremony has been held in iceland to unveil a plaque commemorating the disappearance of a 700 year old glacier. Its the islands first to melt away due to Climate Change, as Courtney Bembridge reports. Photographs taken from space showed just how rapidly the 0k glacier disappeared. In 1986, it was a mass of solid white, spilling from the crater of an extinct volcano. But by 2014, it was no longer thick enough to move and the glacier was officially declared dead by glaciologist oddur sigurdsson. Translation by reaching this stage, the nature of the glacier changes dramatically. It starts to slide, it erodes the land beneath much more quickly. Dirty water emerges from it and the water stops seeping through it. Five years later, icelands Prime Minister and environment minister were among the mourners who gathered to commemorate the loss of the glacier. The idea for a memorial came from two professors from a Texan University who made a documentary about the loss of the glacier in 2018. One of them is cymene howe. Now is the time to act. It is already past the time to act, and so in some ways we see this as a memorial to recognise the loss of this glacier, and in that sense, it is a sad moment. But we also see it as a call to action. Iceland is home to more than 400 glaciers. 0k is the first to lose its glacier status, but scientists warn all of the islands glacier could be lost within 200 years due to Climate Change. A plaque unveiled at the site titled a letter to the future reads, this monument is to acknowledge that we know what is happening and what needs to be done. Only you know if we did it. In a moment, well say goodbye to viewers on bbc two. The one oclock news is coming up. Now its time for a look at the weather. Sunny spells for many areas, but also some heavier showers to contend with too. Still breezy as well stop still under the influence of this area of low pressure that brought wet and windy weather through the weekend. The weather front is tucked in there, that will bring persistent rain into the north west of scotland through the afternoon. Showers tend to ease towards the south west, heavier ones in the midlands and east anglia in the next few hours, may some thunder. 20 degrees in the south east, 20 in the north east of scotland. Feeling quite cool in the north westerly breeze for the time of year. Overnight, the front slides down into Northern Ireland across southern scotland and comes to rest across Northern England first thing on tuesday. To the north and south, clear skies make for a cool start, already feeling like artem is getting closer, particularly in rural scotland with loads of four or five. Tuesday, a light breeze, a drier day, more ascension, fewer showers. Some in southern scotland and Northern England, some heavy ones for Northern Ireland and south wales later in the day. Top temperatures to 16 in aberdeen, cooler today, up to 21 in london. Heading to the middle of the week and we cast our ice to the atlantic again, another low rolling in, the isobars are squeezing together, the wendell stud to strengthen and we will see a weather front bringing heavy rain into Northern Ireland in the second part of the day and eventually into scotland. Also switching to a south westerly wind and that will warm things up and up to 22 in london, perhaps some places scene to 22 in london, perhaps some places scene 23 degrees. We continue to feed the warmth in from the south as the week progresses. By the start of the week progresses. By the start of the weekend, a long weekend for some, we are looking at perhaps temperatures up to 27 in the south east of england. The reason is due to High Pressure building in the south of the uk and squeeze away the weather friends. Still looks like we will see rainford scotland and Northern Ireland in the rest of the weekend and the weekend was to drier story for the south across england and wales under some warmer weather for the rest of the week. Prince andrew says hes appalled by allegations of sexual abuse surrounding the late financierJeffrey Epstein. Footage has emerged of the duke of york at epsteins mansion after the billionaire had served a prison sentence as a sex offender. It raises more questions about the princes friendship withJeffrey Epstein, who killed himself in jail last week. Well have the latest from our royal correspondent. Also this lunchtime. The government says freedom of movement as it currently stands will end as soon as the uk leaves the European Union. The uk loses its measles free status. New measures are announced to boost vaccination rates. When it comes, it spreads very quickly

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