Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20240714

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To save the firm . The Hong Kong Police tell the bbc, it can maintain law and order, ahead of more mass protests this weekend. And front and centre. Finding more female conductors, to lead britains top orchestras. And coming up on sportsday on bbc news. A familiar sight at lords again as rain frustrates england and australia in the second ashes test match. Good evening. A murder inquiry has begun, after a Police Officer died, while investigating a burglary. Pc Andrew Harper, who was 28, is thought to have been dragged along by a vehicle late last night near the village of ufton nervet in berkshire. He was married just four weeks ago. Ten people have been arrested, including a 13 year old boy and tonight police are carrying out inquiries at a nearby caravan site. Lets join our correspondent, daniel sandford, whos in berkshire for us tonight. Yes, clive, more than 2a hours on from a pc harpers death, this junction on the m4 remains a crime scene guarded by police, the scene ofa scene guarded by police, the scene of a possible murder. But also a place where colleagues are morning the first Police Officer to be killed for more than two years. An officer who was due to go on honeymoon next week. On a rural stretch of the a4 outside reading, Police Officers doing what they dread investigating the death of one of their own. Pc Andrew Harper, 28 years old, married to his wife lissie just four weeks ago, described by his chief constable as highly regarded, popular and a significant loss to the force. The officer was well known across the force. You know, so, its felt very personal, despite the size of the force, its felt very personally by the whole of the police family. Pc harper was responding with his crewmate to reports of a burglary late last night, a routine call that has ended in tragedy. Yellow marks on the road made by scenes of crime officers give an indication of what happened here. Pc harper appears to have been struck by a vehicle at the bottom of landons hill and then dragged across the busy all, being left where those blue forensic tents are at the bottom of ufton lane. Ten people have been arrested on suspicion of his murder. They are all male the oldest is 30, the youngestjust 13. This evening, there was a heavy Police Presence at this caravan site, which police said formed part of their investigation. Well, the murder of pc Andrew Harper is a mindless and a brutal crime, and obviously all our thoughts are with his family, his friends and his colleagues. The sense of shock and expressions of sympathy for the officers death were universal. My condolences to Andrew Harpers family and his colleagues, who must be absolutely devastated. He was doing his duty, examining, apparently, what had happened at a burglary, and was killed in the line of duty. As flags flew at half mast on the forces stations, the chief constable said that he felt violence against the police was increasing, though pc harper was the first to die at work since Pc Keith Palmer was killed in the Westminster Bridge attack. He leaves behind his new wife and a wider grieving family, who said today that they were devastated. Daniel sandford, bbc news, ufton green. Our home editor mark easton is with me. What is the prevalence of officers dying in the line of duty in the uk . Well, thousands of Police Officers are injured in the course of their duty. We saw two terrible incidents in the last couple of weeks, but an officer being killed is thankfully rare, perhaps one or two in an average year. But every violent or life threatening incident, ithink, isa life threatening incident, ithink, is a reminder of what we ask our Emergency Services to do. A reminder of the values that underpin our society and the values of public service. Notjust society and the values of public service. Not just People Society and the values of public service. Notjust people doing their bit, but when required, taking personal risk in defence of wider society. Pc Andrew Harper was not armed. Most Police Officers say they dont want to be armed, because weapons might separate them from the people they are there to protect. That, i think, people they are there to protect. That, ithink, speaks people they are there to protect. That, i think, speaks to one of the principles of policing, to which robert peel gave his name, which says the police are only members of the public who are paid to give full time attention to duties who are incumbent on every citizen. And perhaps that is what we all need to remember this evening. Pc harbour died doing his duty. Pc harper. As citizens, we might reflect on the duty incumbent on us all. A man has admitted trying to murder a bulgarian teenager in surrey five months ago, in what prosecutors have described as a far right terror attack. Vincent fuller, whod praised the gunman in the christchurch mosque shootings the day before, pleaded guilty to four charges. Hell be sentenced next month. A provisional agreement has been reached for the purchase of British Steel, by turkeys military pension fund. The deal could save nearly 5,000 jobs, after the firm went into liquidation in may, when rescue talks with the government broke down. 0ur north of england correspondentjudith moritz reports from scunthorpe. Scu nthorpe has been fighting for its future, to save the steel and, at the same time, the whole community which depends on it. So news of the tentative turkish deal has been met with delight. I think the whole place is relieved. Its a big sigh of relief. Im absolutely thrilled to pieces and i cant. Just its amazing, great news. Its massive. Ive moved out of scunthorpe now but for the people that live here, it would be a ghost town without it. This is a community built on steel. The industry came first. The town has grown up around it and suffered unpredictability alongside it. The last three months has felt like three years. Because of that uncertainty, its the not knowing. This coming out today, yeah, thats removed a lot of that uncertainty and instilled a lot more confidence back in people so, yeah, were massively more hopeful. To be fair, while this doesnt actually get us over the line, it does get us very close. You might wonder why a Turkish Military pension fund wants to buy British Steel. Well, the deal isnt as extraordinary as it may sound. The fund already owns nearly 50 of turkeys largest steel company, which has assets of £20 billion and is hungry for the kind of steel they produce here in scunthorpe. The rails and beams made here are used in construction all over the world, from istanbul airport to coventrys new water park. Products and expertise attractive to prospective buyer. British steel produces high quality rail, it has a long experience in producing high quality products that will also be of interest to the turkish market. And the benefits of British Steel, theres been talk around investment into their plant, to make it more Energy Efficient and reduce the carbon emissions. And that will make it a long term, positive investment. Business after business sit in the shadow of the steelworks, all of them also dependent on its success. Eric deighton runs his own sheet metal workshop, producing for contractors who in turn work for British Steel. Each company, another link in the supply chain. Not every firm has a guillotine or a folder and so i do the jobs that they cant do, that British Steel need. Its me but its places that sell nuts and bolts, and washers, and cafes that supply people with food and things like that, its everybody. And so, down the road at the cafe, they were relieved too, for the steelworkers who are both their customers and friends. Its the heart of scunthorpe, thats why people come to scunthorpe. Its for the jobs, they bring up theirfamilies here. To see all that go out the window would be really disappointing and quite upsetting. So, the news today then is great . Absolutely brilliant. The Turkish Pension Fund now has exclusive rights to look closely at British Steels books, and though it is not a done deal, its hoped things could be finalised in the coming weeks. Judith moritz, bbc news, scunthorpe. The Scottish Government has nationalised the Ferguson Shipyard on the clyde. Ministers say the agreement will secure an absolutely essential project, to build two ferries, and save hundreds ofjobs. But unions are warning that nationalisation for the firm, wont be a quick fix for all its problems. From port glasgow, lorna gordons report contains flash photography. Its one of the last shipyards on the clyde. But its been in troubled waters over who pays the cost overruns for two ferries destined for scotlands islands. A new owner is now on the horizon. Not a company, but instead of the Scottish Government in a move welcomed by the yards workers. The last two weeks have been quite hellish. A lot of families, a lot of mortgages. A bit of security now, and its a big relief. Im just really glad that the jobs have been saved, and weve actually still got the jobs. So i can finish my apprenticeship in time and get it done. The difficulties come down to a disputed £97 million fixed price contract for the two calmac ferries. Running on diesel and liquefied natural gas, they would be the first of their kind in the world. But their constructions proved complicated, and the final cost has roughly doubled. The Scottish Government stepped in, saying its the only way to secure the ships and the yard. If we had walked away, i believe that when the yard went into administration it would probably have been closed, the jobs would have been lost and the vessels would never have been completed here. This was the right thing to do, and this orderly transition means people know they are coming back to work on monday. The Scottish Government has intervened before, taking over prestwick airport. Some critics said that was a bad deal for taxpayers. A warning echoed here by the scottish conservatives. Unions have welcomed the factjobs here have been saved. But they are looking towards what work will come next. Bittersweet and a bit frustrated. Happy the yards staying open, but frustrated that there was a lot of innovative work coming out of here, we were in for big books, we just couldnt get the two ferries over the line. Unions have also warned there could be limits to the amount of private sector work for which this yard can compete. Cautioning that nationalisation is not a quick fix. The Scottish Government insists it is in here for the long haul. Lorna gordon, bbc news, port glasgow. An autopsy report on the financier Jeffrey Epstein has found that his cause of death was suicide. Accused of sex trafficking, the 66 year old was found dead in his prison cell in new york last week, while awaiting trial. Lets get more from our north america correspondent, chris buckler. What more did the report say . Jeffrey epstein was found dead in his cell on saturday morning, and a postmortem was carried out last weekend, but the details were not immediately released, leading to a flurry of stories and speculation in us media, with the Washington Post at one stage that one of the bones broken in his neck was more consistent with a case of somebody being strangled than a case of hanging. However, that is not always true in cases of older men, and the medical Examiners Office say, having looked at the results, they are convinced and determined that he died asa are convinced and determined that he died as a result of suicide. But there are still many questions about there are still many questions about the circumstances, particularly about irregularities at the prison itself, and questioned as to why he was taken off suicide watch after days after an earlier attempt to kill himself. The dupont ofjustice is also pursuing enquiries into some of epsteins associates who they believe abused and groomed underage girls. The department ofjustice is also pursuing enquiries. The Hong Kong Police have told the bbc they can maintain law and order in the territory. It comes amid growing concern that beijing is preparing to send in troops, after weeks of increasingly violent pro democracy demonstrations. John sudworths report from hong kong contains some flashing images. This freewheeling, free trading city was once a haven for those fleeing china. Now though, chinese fishermen landing their catch here have no time for talk of human rights. Weeks of chaos have led to falling orders, and they know who to blame hong kongs young protesters. Translation they dont believe in china now but, when they grow up, they will know china is right. It seems an unlikely hope. The fear that hong kongs promised autonomy is being eroded under chinese rule has brought many thousands onto the streets, undeterred by tear gas or rubber bullets. So, this week, in what looks like a deliberate warning, Chinese Paramilitary Police have been gathering and conducting riot drills in the border city of shenzhen. But the Hong Kong Police, for now, at least, appear unconcerned. Are you confident that the Hong Kong Police force is still able to maintain public order, or do you think we are getting close to the moment when chinese intervention becomes inevitable . This is a trying time. We all face tremendous pressure, but i can tell you we are confident that we have the capability to maintain law and order in hong kong. There are other ways to apply pressure though. After some staff from hong kongs Flagship Airline took part in the protests, china threatened to prevent it using mainland airports. The chief executive, rupert hogg, has now resigned. Meanwhile, another weekend of protests has begun, with further clashes likely. 0n the one hand, the Chinese Communist party knows that rolling the troops into hong kong would bring huge economic and diplomatic costs but, on the other, it also knows that this summer of rage presents probably the biggest challenge to its authority since the tiananmen protests 30 years ago. And theres no sign yet that these people are ready to back down. John sudworth, bbc news, hong kong. Riot police in zimbabwe have used tear gas and batons to disperse hundreds of Anti Government protestors who ignored a ban on holding demonstrations. The marchers tried to assemble elsewhere in the capital, harare, but were again cleared by police. The protests are over the countrys worsening economic situation, with the un saying around five million zimbabweans are in need of food aid. The former conservative chancellor, ken clarke, says he would be prepared to lead a government of National Unity in order to stop a no deal brexit. But he also urged mps to come together first, to try to force the government to delay leaving the european union. 0ur political correspondent, jonathan blake, is at westminster. Does all this suggestsjeremy corbyn might not be able to command a majority in the event of a vote of confidence in mrjohnson . Majority in the event of a vote of confidence in mr johnson . M majority in the event of a vote of confidence in mrjohnson . It seems that way. Two days afterjeremy corbyn appealed to the other opposition parties at westminster and some conservatives to back his plan to win a vote of no confidence and then form a temporary government to ask the eu for a brexit extension and then hold an election, its becoming clear he doesnt have the level of support among opposition parties and some tories he would need to follow through with that, so people are exploring other options. Jo swinson, the lib dems leader and others, are suggesting a figure such as Kenneth Clarke or harriet harman, long serving mps respected on all sides of the house, could potentially unite mps from all parties to form a temporary government with the sole aim of avoiding a no deal brexit. Ken clarke says, if it came to it, he would be willing to do that, but he and others are saying at this point it should not be mps priority, they should be looking for other ways, and one option is to unite around legislation going through the house of commons when mps return from their summer break, to somehow amend it and force the governments hand and compel them to ask the eu for an extension to the brexit process, something the Prime Minister would never want to do, and it seems jeremy corbyn, although that wouldnt be his preferred option, is willing to work along those lines with other parties, but there is no detail on exactly how that plan would work i do know one clear path that parties are united around, so tonight, as the brexit deadline comes ever closer, with the government adamant the uk will leave the eu at the end of october, with or without a deal, the majority of mps here who want to avoid a no deal brexit cannot agree on exactly to do that. A group of women, whove been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer linked to Breast Implants, are taking legal action against pharmaceutical companies and surgeons for compensation. There have been more than 500 confirmed cases of the lymphoma worldwide, including 57 in the uk. 0ne leading Plastic Surgeon says women are almost being used as human guinea pigs, and not told of all the risks associated with implants before they have them. Heres lauren moss. Ijust wanted to feel a little bit more womanly after. When mum of two Linzy Bromfield paid thousands of pounds for a breast enlargement, she hoped to feel more confident about her body image, but the boost it gave her later turned into a nightmare. I took the bra off and looked at it and it was massive. I mean, i couldnt get it into the bra. Fluid had built up inside one of linzys breasts. She had it drained twice, and tests then discovered she had a new and rare type of lymphoma. I cried, really cried. I was angry, i was hurt. I was worried i was going to die. I said to him, am i going to die . Linzys surgeon says her case is the first hes come across, but its not known how common the cancer is, or exactly how its caused. In 2012, the americans were coming out and saying it was one in a million. The australians are now coming in and saying it is one in 3,000. Somewhere between the two obviously is the truth. I think, if you look through the literature, theres been a huge amount of underreporting or misdiagnosis. More thani million implants have been sold in the uk, with thousands of successful operations performed each year using silicone or saline inside smooth or textured outer shells. There are some theories that the cancer could be caused by a reaction to a textured surface or a bacteria. She was diagnosed with lymphoma. Charlis mother, kim phillips, was 48 when she died in 2010, just months after one of her breasts became swollen. She was devastated. I mean, we all were, and i guess, to a point, you dont want to believe it and you just keep hoping that they are wrong. The pathologist raised a potential link between the cancer and kims textured implants, but this was never proven, and it wasnt until the following year that uk surgeons were first warned of the risk. There have been more than 500 confirmed cases of lymphoma associated with Breast Implants worldwide, including 57 in the uk. Last month one company, allergan, issued a voluntary worldwide recall of some textured implants. An independent panel is now monitoring cases in the uk, but those overseeing it are concerned that women still arent being made aware of possible dangers. Women arent being appropriately warned that these are not for life, necessarily, they have significant risks associated with them, and it does mean that we are using our entire population as human guinea pigs, almost. The uk regulator says, at the minute, any women with these types of textured implants dont need to have them removed if theyve not developed any symptoms, but surgeons are meant to advise anyone considering Breast Implant surgery that there is a risk. Linzys been free of cancer since her implants were removed, but she needs regular checkups. Others are left memories of their loved ones, and many questions unanswered by a cosmetic Industry Worth millions of pounds. Lauren moss, bbc news. Rain won the day in the second ashes test at lords, interrupting play and englands momentum. The hosts took three early wickets, but then the heavens opened with australia struggling on 80 4. Heresjoe wilson. You know what they say floodlights in the morning, cricketers warning. As poor weather looms, artificial light gave englands bowlers their chance. Near misses and frustrated faces, and englands captain did not have englands most successful bowler to call upon. James anderson was a life size cardboard spectator. Careful, dont give him another injury. Joffre archer is andersons replacement. And here it was, his first test match cricket. Chris woakes has an outstanding record on this ground, and he struck, khawaja out for 36. That brought you know who to the crease. He gets an ovation before he has hit a ball. Steve smith carries the greatest comparison. He is the new don bradman, the greatest australian, the greatest batsman, the man who seemed impossible to get out. Steve smith can give you the same impression. He was defending. But travis head was in trouble lbw to stuart broad, his dismissal approved by the technology and signalled by the umpire belatedly. Australia, 178 behind, smith warming up, everything was poised for the next development, which was. Play abandoned. Today, the rain came downjust as england were feeling on top, and with two days left in this test match, whatever the two teams do, they must try and beat the weather. Cricket floodlights are powerless in the rain. Joe wilson, bbc news, lords. Just one of britains leading orchestras has a female principal conductor. But efforts are under way to try to redress the imbalance, including at Welsh National opera, where a new role of female conductor in residence has been specially created. Sian lloyd went to meet tian yi lu as she began herfirst week in thejob. Music plays. Taking on one of operas best known and best loved pieces of music in her own way. I think a rehearsal should be like children playing. Lets try this, lets try this, oh, wow, this works, and sometimes an orchestra or a chorus might give me something i hadnt thought of. Tian yi lu is one of only a handful of women to have titled roles, the top jobs among the several hundred conductors on the staff of british orchestras. Perhaps sometimes, the second beat of the bar, go a little bit. As she begins her position as first female conductor in residence with Welsh National opera, she takes that number to eight. Even at the very beginning of my career, when i tried conducting for the first time and i loved it, the thought of conducting didnt even cross my mind because i had never seen a woman in a professional context conducting before at that stage. I therefore didnt think it was possible. That shortage of role models is something the Opera Company is trying to change. With this newly created post, its one of a growing network of organisations creating opportunities to give women the means and confidence to conduct. I think its positive action. We are addressing the gender imbalance in the sector at the moment, and if there is an imbalance, then youve got to do something about changing that and giving people opportunities to progress. Already an assistant conductor with the melbourne symphony orchestra, tian yi was one of more than 50 women who applied for thejob in cardiff. They had all gained experience in leading an orchestra, but the opportunity to also lead voices in an opera was new to many. Even the idea of calling yourself a female conductor is unusual. I would love the day when labels are gone, where we just see the person for who they are, and they are creating artwork and we just see the artwork that they are making and the story they are trying to tell. That day is now looking closer, although the pace of change could be quickerfor some. Sian lloyd, bbc news, cardiff. Thats it. Now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. Have a very good night. Good evening and thanks for your company. This is sportsday and these are our headlines on friday. Where not for the first time this week rain prevented much meaningful action in the second ashes test. We know the identity of the first of our Scottish League cup quarter finallist. Its hearts. And theres a murray on both sides of the net at the cincinatti masters. Well tell you if andy orjamie has the upper hand. Thanks for your company. Welcome to sportsday. Not for the first time this week weve seen more rain than we have cricket at lords. The upshot is that the second test looks likely to be drawn with australia 80 for 4 in theirfirst innings still trailing england by 178 runs and still with steve smith at the crease. Heres our correspondent with the story of the day. About 5 22pm here the empire made the decision to abandon pray for the day but i think it seemed inevitable for several hours and very frustrating for england because the rain came down just at the point where they felt they were really on topic. Lets reflect on the action we did see here in the morning session, flood lights still new and he may end up with 300 test match wickets for england. This will a lwa ys wickets for england. This will always be his first. Lbw and ba ncroft felt always be his first. Lbw and bancroft felt confident enough about that to review it. But we saw from the replays it was clipping the bell so the replays it was clipping the bell so the empire stayed with his decision and their ego, he is up and running as a text match polaris. 90 Miles Per Hour and above and chris loucks has such a good record here. That wicket and another endings where he was just getting flew in and he got himself out. The wicked england would have led this morning for steve smith, they did not get him but they did get travis and the review, this instance. The umpire had to overturn his decision so very relieved that he convinced his captain to use a review there. Three wickets taken this morning by england, 80 4 was the score and a possible thereafter so we will resume tomorrow hoping for sunshine and england will resume the conundrum of how to get rid of steve smith. And maybe get rid of the rain as well. Huddersfields desperate form on their return to the championship has continued after they were beaten 2 1 by fellow relegated side fulham. Huddersfield are without a win in any competition since, get this february. Its after Ivan Cavaleiro winner 10 minutes from time lifted fulham to 3rd. Huddersfield drop to 20th. Hearts are the first side into the quarter finals of the Scottish League cup. They beat motherwell 2 1 in atrocious conditions at fir park. Michael smiths opener was the pick of the goals

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