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Central and southern england but further north, a rash of showers, some widespread in scotland, accompanied by a northerly wind in the north, feeling disappointingly cool with values of 20. On thursday, a brief ridge of High Pressure will build. Thursday looks likely to be the quietest day of the week and the best chance of a drier interlude. On thursday, if youve got outdoor plans, hopefully you wont be too disappointed. Still the risk of a fuchsia and by the end of the day in the south west significant low pressure showing its hand, turning increasingly wet and windy. Again, temperatures 15 23 and warmer with sun. The low pressure will arrive on friday, and tight isobars, windy for the time of year, and it will be wet as well. Gusts of wind in excess of 50 mph with the rain spreading steadily north through the day. Friday could be miserable for many if youre caught in that rain and the temperatures will be disappointing. With a bit of sunshine, maybe 23. The loan not going very far, very fast, at the start of the weekend, drifting steadily northwards. Staying breezy and we pick up showers, especially closest to the area of low pressure. On saturday, here is the low, spiralling around that low, heavy showers, thundery and quite breezy. In the south east, highs of 22 and staying largely fine and dry here. So, one of the reasons it will be so u nsettled so, one of the reasons it will be so unsettled this week, and u nfortu nately into unsettled this week, and unfortunately into next, is the position of the jetstream, which still stays to the south. Once were on the north of it, that will be cooler. Continues to strengthen from the atlantic after a brief lull, meaning it will dry further areas of low pressure meaning it will dry further areas of low pressure across us u nfortu nately. Low pressure across us unfortunately. A brief lull in proceedings for a time but not for long, as these areas of low pressure, like a Conveyor Belt waiting in the wings, to bring more wet and windy weather. I know its the middle of the Summer Holidays and the kids are off, but it looks likely it will remain unsettled. Some brief write interludes if we are lucky, breezy and at times cool in the rain. I guarantee this time next week, youre going to be asking yourself where the summer has gone bright interludes. Hello. This is bbc news with ben brown. Well be taking a look at tomorrow mornings papers in a moment. First, the headlines President Trump condemns hatred and White Supremacy, describing the Mass Shootings that left 31 dead in the United States as monstrous evil. In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and White Supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in america. Hospitals in england are set to receive £850 million in funding for upgrades to outdated facilities and equipment. Eu Officials Say there is no basis for meaningful discussions with the uk over brexit, while downing street says the eu needs to change its stance. Tesco is to cut 11,500 jobs, mostly from its metro stores. A teenagers still being questioned after a 6 year old french hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. With me are the daily mirrors political correspondent, nicola bartlett, and henry zeffman, politcal correspondent at the times. Many of tomorrows front pages are already in. Eu leaders are operating on a working hypothesis of no deal after a meeting between European Commission officials and brexit diplomats from the other eu members today. Thats the telegraphs lead story. On the same story, the guardian says borisjohnson has no intention of renegotiating the Withdrawal Agreement and a no deal brexit is his central scenario. The Prime Minister would refuse to resign even after losing a confidence vote so he could force through a no deal brexit on october 31st, says the times. The times. The metro reports that the 6 year old french boy who was allegedly thrown from a viewing platform at the tate modern yesterday is no longer in a life threatening condition. The ft leads with the story that china has allowed its currency to weaken below a key threshold in a marked escalation of its trade war with the us. Actress Barbara Windsor is calling on borisjohnson to end the Dementia Care funding scandal, thats according to the mirror. The express leads with the same story, saying Barbara Winsor has written a letter demanding Prime Minister borisjohnson acts now to solve the dementia crisis. And the suns front page features a Mothers Campaign for the nhs to allow her 5 year old daughter who has a burst blood vessel in her brain to be treated abroad. There you are. A rundown of all the front pages pretty much. Lets discuss them in more detail. Nicola, eu and the brexit talks, or non talks, dominating. The telegraph has brussels expecting a no deal. Theres been all this stuff about borisjohnson theres been all this stuff about Boris Johnson and trying theres been all this stuff about borisjohnson and trying to use the idea of a no deal to convince the eu that thats a possibility, a real possibility and it seems if that was his strategy he succeeded. This briefing from eu diplomats is exactly what Boris Johnsons downing street would want to in the papers. As you say, they seem to have got the message. Its interesting how his rhetoric has slightly changed from when he was campaigning for the leadership. He was using no deal as this threat to get a better deal, saying there are concessions that the eu could make. That seems to be slowly slipping down his agenda and the focus needs to be more and more on crashing out of the eu. Because. Perhaps because it slightly compounded by the fact the only has basically taken over downing street. Dominic cummings, who basically used to head up vote asa who basically used to head up vote as a key adviser, and all of the rhetoric seems to suggest Brexit Andrew brexit as it were, especially the tories appealing to brexit party supporters, is in fact no deal. Is Dominic Cummings crucial . Is he a pivotalfigure in downing street . Dominic cummings crucial . Is he a pivotal figure in downing street . As faras were aware, pivotal figure in downing street . As far as were aware, i dont know his title, but hes the most senior political adviser in Boris Johnsons downing street. As nicola mentioned, there is a brilliant photo of Boris Johnson arriving through the door at 10 downing street for the first time as Prime Minister and hes shaken by the hand by mark sidwell, cabinet secretary, the most important non political figure in borisjohnsons downing street and in the background, t shirt, jeans and bicycle helmet is Dominic Cummings. A total clash of styles. The whole point of borisjohnson bringing in Dominic Cummings is to put some great in the whitehall oyster to deliver a no deal brexit. Nicola is right about the change of tone. Not that many weeks ago Boris Johnson had said it was a million to one chance of a no deal brexit. That was a Leadership Campaign where we hoped his pronouncement would reflect what he would say in downing street. I certainly thought his rhetoric during the Leadership Campaign would have been more bullish than when he became Prime Minister. Some of us thought we might say. I dont know what the word is, a softer boris, a return to the borisjohnson we might have seen as london mayor but immediately he came in and was ruthless, getting rid of ardent brexiteer penny mordaunt, liam fox. Penny mordaunt of course supported his rival. He brought in people like priti patel, who is, lets say, on the extreme right of the conservative party. There was definitely a no nonsense approach from the beginning. A lot of people taken aback by that reshuffle and how brutal it was. Henry, your paper has a lead story, looking ahead to the possibility of a vote of no confidence in the commons and Boris Johnson a vote of no confidence in the commons and borisjohnson might defy that and stay on as Prime Minister to force through a no deal even if there is. Its entirely in peace with what we we re its entirely in peace with what we were talking about, was as first ten days, hasnt talked to european leaders and appointed a no deal cabinet was as first ten days. Evenif cabinet was as first ten days. Even if he lost a vote of no confidence, and majority of mps saying he doesnt want his government to govern the country any more, the ava and after that, an alternative Prime Minister, even after the strange and unlikely scenario of a government of national unity, but even if that alternative Prime Minister could command a majority in the house of commons, borisjohnson, they are majority in the house of commons, Boris Johnson, they are talking about, wouldnt quit and wouldnt say to the queen, fair cop, ive had my six weeks, send for this successoi. My six weeks, send for this successor. Instead he would say, ok, under my powers as Prime Minister, were going to have a general election because of the no confidence vote and as Prime Ministerl no confidence vote and as Prime Minister i have the sole power to choose the date for the general election and i will say that after october the 31st. Nothing you can do can stop me from taking the eu out of can stop me from taking the eu out of the uk out of the eu after october the 31st without a deal. Can parliament stop a no deal brexit . Thats the tricky thing, because parliament has tried various tactics and were all learning parliamentary procedure and our ragtag constitution through this whole process. People like dominic grieve, people like jamie on the labour benches, are still trying to find a way through this and they seem fairly hopeful that they can. What you are saying about when he holds the election, if he was to do that then we fall into a strange time of purdah before an election where its kind of constrained as to what a government can do. It cant do something the next government would wa nt to something the next government would want to overturn, but, since no deal brexit is the default, where does that fit . It throws open a lot more questions about the rules and regulations. Well see what happens as the months unfold. Lets go to the mirror, your paper. Barbara windsor begging boris for fairer Dementia Care. This is in a couple of the papers. Shes been campaigning very hard on this. Theres a touching personal plea from her and her husband, scott, who is talking about. They are saying they are very lucky that they have they are very lucky that they have the means and the support to help ca re the means and the support to help care for her, but they are basically speaking out for the people who dont have that. Because she has outside most . Yes, she has alzheimer s. Outside most . Yes, she has alzheimer s. Outside most . Yes, she has alzheimer s. Because she has alzheimers. They are campaigning alongside the Alzheimer Society and they say theres £2. 11 billion needed to solve this crisis. Alzheimers specifically, and dementia, and social care in general, is such a difficult topic when it comes to politics and funding it. We know that was one of the big things that tripped up theresa may in the 2016 general Election Campaign when it was branded. When her plans were branded the dementia tax. Its another reminder way away from brexit about why there clearly has to bea brexit about why there clearly has to be a general election way before the legislated date of may, 2022. The idea borisjohnsons government can propose let alone actually institute measures to solve what clearly is a social care crisis with a majority of one is laughable. Clearly theres going to have to be a general election simply in the hope that someone can construct a workable majority to address all sorts of things which, in the last three years, have basically been neglected because the political oxyge n neglected because the political oxygen has been sucked out by brexit across the board. And were still waiting for green paper on social care however many months on. Its a topic thats tripped up successive governments. Labours proposal was called the death tax when they proposed it. The problem is both sides have played politics with this when they know its an issue that affects so many families. I think the general public just want someone to sort it out. The mirror, henry, also has a lot of coverage about the shootings and quite a striking map actually of all the shootings there has been this year alone, which is a couple of hundred at least, and a lot of questions about whether Donald Trumps rhetoric, quite inflammatory rhetoric about race and immigration, may have contributed to the mindset that may have led to the el paso shooting in particular. It seems uncontroversial to me at the very least that Donald Trumps rhetoric over the last four years since he started this campaign for president have contributed to the background climate in which White Supremacy has flourished. I mean, what is very striking, alongside this map with an almost unfathomable number of dots, each one signifying a mass shooting, the mirror says trump blames social media, mental illness, videogames and immigration for shootings. Pretty much every developed country has all those things. The one thing that america has which none of those country has is absurdly permissive gun laws and its one of those things thats baffling to anyone not pa rt of things thats baffling to anyone not part of the american political culture. Why is it not over obvious over there . In the guardian have an interesting story about the royal navy joining interesting story about the royal navyjoining the us in the gulf. Borisjohnson does seem to want it, even though theresa may didnt. To protect tankers there. Yes, and theresa may is just one of is just one of the issues she wanted to put some distance between her and donald trump because trump has basically dismissed the iran nuclear deal. So britain is still a believer in that. I think towards the end of her term she became possibly kind of stood up to trumpa she became possibly kind of stood up to trump a little bit more. Boris johnson now. He kept having a go at her brexit, didnt he . Yes. Putting the blame squarely at her door. She took a stand on this, and previously britain would only do something alongside germany and france. Now new Prime Minister, new foreign secretary and the uk has gonein foreign secretary and the uk has gone injust with foreign secretary and the uk has gone in just with the us foreign secretary and the uk has gone injust with the us in foreign secretary and the uk has gone in just with the us in this naval decision. Henry, the telegraph have got passengers wanting refunds because of the strike that was threatened at Heathrow Airport and then called off. Yes. So, a threatened strike, the first day of it has been called off what youve got a lot of angry passengers who, in anticipation of their flights not happening because of the strike, have made alternative plans. The Civil Aviation authority are telling them it is unlikely theyd be entitled to compensation. I think it seemed sensible to me that, entirely reasonable for the strikers to strike ina reasonable for the strikers to strike in a way which causes maximum damage and maximum publicity for their cause, but simultaneously, i dont think why the rules dont allow passengers who have made entirely reasonable preventative measures to transact their Summer Holidays was a get some compensation. It is the worst of all worlds, isnt it . Your holiday blue andi worlds, isnt it . Your holiday blue and i know compensation. The times has an interesting story about the facebook generation having better friends than older people. Yeah, i think it is going to challenge the idea that as people use social media more and more they become more isolated, more lonely, people are less likely to know their neighbours and so on. And this is basically a professor, who has studied hundreds of people in different communities ora of people in different communities or a book and basically hes found that that isnt the case. That potentially people who use social media have perhaps more meaningful relationships because theyve chosen the people more specifically, that they want to be friends with. I would counter that and say that is a bit of a shame because youre potentially missing out on all these relationships with people who you might not necessarily pick. And is a facebook friend a real friend . Thats the thing. We were saying earlier that we dont really use the platform anymore. Yeah, i think in my experience i have to confess is a millennial, my usage of facebook in the last two years has massively declined. It made a job reporting politics, one of the things we are much more aware of at the moment is how Political Parties and political campaigns try to target facebook adverts to pursue certain causes, but when they do that it isnt millennial is that they are looking at, perhaps older age millennial is that they are looking at, perhaps olderage millennial millennial is that they are looking at, perhaps older age millennial is, but parents and actually a lot of retired people who have a lot of time to spend time on facebook. But i think younger people are moving towards other social media. Ok. Lets end up with a look at the cricket which was rather disastrous, from an england point of view, losing the first ashes test. On their unease is the rather unkind headline. I think that sort of sums it up. Their knees. I thought it was a good start, then quite a disastrous day. It was obviously just the first test and as we said earlier england are now world champions. That is all that matters. And there is a story about wayne rooney may be coming back to derby county. Its interesting that he obviously went off to play in america for dc united and now hes coming back to derby, which is not seen as coming back to derby, which is not seen as perhaps the level of play he is used to, but hes coming back potentially in quite an interesting role as a player manager and he may then move into a more managerial career afterwards. He obviously been in the states but, it will be interesting to have him back in english football. Ok. And you are telling us you play football. What is your position . I play defence very badly. Im a defender, yeah. Central defence . Are there for the parliamentary womens football club. All right. When is your next fixture . Youre playing the labour party . We will be playing a local team. Well, good luck with that. Thank you. Thank you so much for reviewing tomorrows papers. Thats it for the papers tonight. Dont forget you can see the front pages of the papers online on the bbc news website. Its all there for you, seven days a week at bbc. Co. Uk papers. And if you miss the programme any evening you can watch it later on bbc iplayer. Thank you nicola and henry. Goodbye. Good evening. Heres your latest sports news. One place to start tonight, and thats with the ashes. England had a day to forget at edgbaston against australia. They were beaten by 251 runs after a batting collapse on the final day. The win means australia are ahead, in an ashes series in the uk for the first time in 11; years. Our Sports Correspondent joe wilson has this report. England fans may have been tempted by the offer of a £5 ticket, but maybe the memory of what happened in the ashes test match ten years ago when england was made famous lead to a famous draw. Similarities to that match . Not many. What happened today, world rory burns was the first man out. He can lead to his test match with a lot of pride for his first innings display, what about jason roy . Is his first innings display, what aboutjason roy . Is learning his first innings display, what about jason roy . Is learning to his first innings display, what aboutjason roy . Is learning to play in test matches in his dismissal is one he will regret, perhaps going to buy a 2020 style shot to nathan ryan, it didnt look good. Let alone bold extremely well, what an experienced spin bowler is supposed to do with the bits just wearing and certainly australias catchers were in top form. Most of englands dismissals, i think you could say, we re dismissals, i think you could say, were down to good australian bowling and catching. But would somebody resist, would somebody give something to cheerfor . Resist, would somebody give something to cheer for . Chris woods, local boy, did that. And for a while, there were few smiles at least in the crowd, but they knew the game was up was not works with the game was up was not works with the last to go and at that point you could see an Australian Team leaving the fortress, leaving edgbaston recharged with energy for the rest of this ashes series. Lets get the thought of the captain joe of this ashes series. Lets get the thought of the captainjoe root sue now has to get his players ready to bounce back. Credit goes to australia, we were bowled out today, i dont think it was gifted to them, but ultimately weve got to get further back in the game. Its extremely hard to get into that position. There are things we can take from the game, absolutely, from both sides. I thought the three days we were brilliant. To get into that position ofa 90 brilliant. To get into that position of a 90 lead was a strong one and u nfortu nately we of a 90 lead was a strong one and unfortunately we couldnt quite get it right yesterday. Manchester united have signed England Centre back Harry Maguire for a world record fee for a defender. The 26 year old joins from leicesterfor £80 million and has agreed a six Year Contract with the option for a further year. Maguire is now the second most expensive signing in english top flight history after his new teammate paul pogba joined united for £89 million from juventus three years ago. Crystal palace have signed former england and chelsea defender gary cahill. The 33 year old was released by chelsea at the end of last season after seven years with the club, after making just two premier League Appearances last season. Huddersfield have lost their opening game of the championship season after being relegated from the premier league last season. They were beaten by last seasons losing playoff finalists derby. Tom lawrence scored two first half goals for derby, including this slick passing that led to his second. A good win for the away side who had dutch legend philip cocu in charge for the first time. Another move announced is that of england left back Alex Greenwood shes moving from Manchester United to the european champions lyon. She joins the trio of england stars already at the french club lucy bronze, Nikita Parris and izzy christiansen. Greenwood has 41 england caps and scored in the last 16 tie against cameroon at the womens world cup this summer. Thats all the sport for now. If it is dry whether you are looking for, you may have to wait. Certainly not while low pressure is in charge. When you it as beautiful swell of cloud here on the satellite, well in the heart of that there is a centre ofan area the heart of that there is a centre of an area of low pressure, which is going to be drifting its way eastwards over the next couple of days and will provide some very heavy, thundery downpours, albeit with some spells of sunshine in between. So this is how we start off tomorrow morning. The eastern side of england, actually starting on a dry node but those jar was already going in the west, they will swing is woods through the day. Quite hit and miss but some of the cells will be happy with some hail some thunder infor be happy with some hail some thunder in for good measure. Down towards the south it will be quite breezy. The further north you are, the winds will be like, particularly across scotland. Ciao was with a crop up could be slow moving. One or two bases could get a real values at those temperatures between 17 and 23 degrees. A pretty cool feeling day laces. In the early hours of wednesday, many showers will fade, but not all of them. Some will continue, there will be the odd lash of lightning and rumble of thunder flush, maybe just a touch cooler for some spots in Northern England and scotland where the skies remain clear and the winds remain late. Going into wednesday and again, its spot the difference, really. Some sunshine, some showers, some places in the uk will have very heavy and thundery showers, but there will still be some spells of sunshine and those highs of 17 23. If you are looking for a dry day, thursday may fit the bill for some of us, at least. One or two for scotland and Northern England, otherwise its pretty much drier with light winds and sunshine it will feeljust a little warmer. But behind me here, you might have spotted this. An area of wet weather. You will see the bands driving northwards across the wishing ill the aisles. An unusually low area of the pressure, as we head to the weekend we will see some further showers or longer spells of rain and it is likely we will see some unusually strong winds for this type of year. So if you are making other plans for the weekend, it is worth staying in touch with our forecast between now and then. But from you, for now, its good night. For me. Im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore. The headlines protests continue in hong kong. Its leader warns the principal of one country, two systems is under threat. Im mariko oi, live in hong kong, where a new day is just beginning, but its not clear what will happen next in the stand off between the governmetn and the demonstrators. North korea conducts its fourth weapons test in two weeks. Reports say its fired two unidentified projectiles into the sea. Im ben bland in london. Also in the Programme Pakistan accuses india of playing a dangerous game after it strips the disputed region of kashmir of its special status

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