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In nearly a hundred years. For the past two hours, this Police Headquarters has been surrounded. Police have had enough. Hello and welcome to bbc news. Twenty people have been killed in a gun attack on a Shopping Centre chanting. In city of el paso. Another 26 people have been injured some are in a Critical Condition in hospital. Police have arrested the suspected gunman. He is a 21 year old white male, a resident of the dallas area. How do you deal with this sort of public anger . The massacre happened at a walmart these officers couldnt. Store near the cielo vista mall when the first protesters fled to a residential area, in el paso, texas, a few miles locals with no gas from the us mexican border. Masks or protection three of those killed came out to vent their fury. Were from mexico. Chris buckler reports. At a Police Department accused of using too much force during two long months of protest. This was the response. What was a political crisis over a despised proposed new law now threatens to fracture hong kongs society. The beijing backed police were forced into a rare, oh, my god. Families were out shopping embarrassing retreat. On a saturday morning when they were advised to run. But china has soldiers in this city run, run, run. Inside the mall in el paso, waiting in the barracks. Officers moved in, responding how much longer will to another report of an active shooter in america. The gunman walked into the packed they stay there . Walmart supermarket, firing indiscriminately. 20 people were killed and more nick beake, bbc news, hong kong. Than two dozen were injured. Russian Authorities Say theyve succeeded in slowing the wildfires raging in siberia and plan to extend their efforts into more remote regions. Almost 40,000 Square Kilometres of forest land have been affected, and smoke from the blazes has drifted to alaska the shoppers of the walmart and parts of canada. Were between one and 2000, environmentalists say the situation with employees present, is an ecological catastrophe it is back to school and walmart and could speed up global warming. Was at capacity when 0ur moscow correspondent Steve Rosenberg has travelled to the remote irkutsk region the shootings occurred. El paso sits at americas border with mexico. Of siberia and he sent this report. It has a large hispanic population, and many people cross over into the us to visit friends and go shopping. Police say the suspect taken siberia is burning into custody is white, and we went to see how. He has been identified by local media as 21 year old patrick forestry workers agreed to show us crusius. How theyre fighting the fires. With limited resources, theyre trying their best, struggling to make sure the threat here is contained. But thats almost impossible. At a News Conference the authorities said that it was a murder investigation, that officers were examining the possibility that the attack was a hate crime, and looking at possible links with a White Nationalist manifesto that claimed the attack was targeted at the hispanic community. It was published anonymously online. It has the nexus at this point in this siberian forest i saw in time of a hate crime, new fires appearing out of nowhere. And the results can be devastating. The fbi will be looking into that well, this is where the fairytale with all the federal authorities, russian forest has been reduced right now were looking to a wasteland. The fire has caused a lot of damage here. At potential capital murder. And as you can see, its still smouldering. In just days ago, two members and part of the problem is deadwood, dry wood like this, of staff were killed in a separate because even if you drop a0 tons shooting at a walmart of water from a military plane up store in mississippi. There, if its still burning inside here, if theres and days before that, still flames, then thats people were shot dead at a Food Festival in northern california. Now it is the turn of going to continue. Another state to mourn. We, as a state, unite in support of these victims and their family members. Today, russia said that 10,000 people are fighting the siberian fires. We are going to do all we can to help them, to assist them. The Emergency Services in a post on twitter, and the army are involved. President trump described and so is gennady, a forester i met the shootings as terrible, here from a local village. And pledged the support weve got to keep the situation of his government. But some americans will be left under control, he says. Weve got to keep wondering about the more regular putting out these fires. Rhetoric used by politicians, gennady told me that sometimes and asking if some of this countrys deaths could be avoided if there were tighter in siberia forest fires burn restrictions on guns. Until the snow falls. Russia may have to let the bbcs sophie long is in el paso nature takes its course. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, siberia. And has just sent us this update. Children were shopping with their Carly Phillips is a researcher for pa rents children were shopping with their parents and their walmart behind me the union of concerned scientists for new school uniforms, elbows, and gave us an estimate of how much stationery, all those things that family shot for at this time of year carbon the fires have released. Just a week before School Reopens when a gunman opened fire. People inside the store have described the the best estimates that we have right now are that around 100 scenes of chaos and panic as parents tried to find and protect their Million Metric Tons of c02 have been children. People desperately sought released, which is about equivalent hiding places or routes out of the to what belgium releases annually. So in contact how huge is that building. We dont know much about the victims at this stage. Some are reported to have been very young. We know that three were from mexico. Compared to, say, otherforest 0ne know that three were from mexico. One man has been arrested and taken so in contact how huge is that compared to, say, other forest fires we see quite often web forests burn into custody. He has been identified locally as 21 year old patrick and presumably carbon is released . Sure. All forest fires when they crusius, from the dallas area. One burn vegetation and soil are going line of enquiry that authorities is to release some heat trapping gases to release some heat trapping gases to the atmosphere. What makes the looking into is a White Nationalist fires in siberia and alaska different is that they are burning ma nifesto looking into is a White Nationalist manifesto online and if it can be not just vegetation, different is that they are burning linked with the suspected gunman. Notjust vegetation, trees, and shrubs, but they are burning into that is just one line of the soil, which stores are much investigation they are following at the moment. Sadly, Mass Shootings greater amount of governance in are not uncommon here in the united soils in other regions of the world states. Only last weekend a which is increasing the amount of six year old and a 13 year old with heat trapping gases they release. among those killed when a gunman it unusual that the fires burn into the soil . Do we not see that in opened fire at a festival in northern california. There is shock other fires with yellow and other fires they might burn into the soil, tonight that this has happened in el the soil is really different in paso, considered to be one of these regions. The soil is often americas safest cities. And there are shock that there are victims peaty and it has a strong organic reportedly so young and so many lives were lost. But, again, america components, partially decomposed sticks and leaves. The carbon watches as another Community Comes together in griefjust as so many content is generally much higher in have done before. Sophie long there. These soils. When they burn with and given results will top if we are well, President Donald Trump has called the attack an act seeing a lot of carbon being of cowardice and said released into the atmosphere, can we that there are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify estimate what effect it is going to killing innocent people. Have on Climate Change . Sure. We and former el paso congressman and democratic president ial hopeful beto orourke has also been speaking cant estimate the exact effect it in the last few hours he told reporters hes been visiting will have, but we know that survivors in hospital, and expressed his feelings increasing the concentration of heat trapping gases in the atmosphere is after speaking to one relative. Going to continue to warm our climate and so we know that this i can only imagine what she contribution from these fires is just going to further that trend. is feeling right now. She told me her name, her name was amy. She said why is this happening, there a way to reverse or counter why do we allow this to happen . What we are seeing . There are ways this has to change. Her husband and other members of the family and her little children were all at a table selling to counter it, i think is the best merchandise to raise funds for the soccer team that he coaches. Way to save. What we can do is we doing something great for their community, never expecting Something Like this can reduce our overall carbon to happen and now pulling emissions, reduce our reliance on for her husband to make fossil fuels. When it it through right now. Emissions, reduce our reliance on fossilfuels. When it comes emissions, reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. When it comes to these and her kids witness the entire thing. Fires in particular we can put more so many families, so many extraordinary people, resources towards fighting them so so much hope in the we can keep that carbon in the ground. And we are also able, with waiting room right now. The political will, to do so, to so much strength in the individual start drawing cover directly out of the atmosphere and sequestering it and storing it back in the biosphere. Carly phillips there. Icu rooms that we got to be in. 12 more people in the democratic republic of the congo have been ordered to undergo testing for possible again, it makes mejust incredibly ebola infection just days after three people in goma tested proud of el paso and of these positive for the disease. People, these survivors, it comes as the man co ordinating but they are also asking us official efforts to do something about this. To tackle the spread of the disease says the current outbreak yes, its the gun laws, yes it is the universal background could continue for another checks and yes, we should stop selling weapons of war to our communities. But we also have to confront this two or three years. Hatred that i have never seen in my lifetime and we certainly have stay with us on bbc news. Not seen in el paso. In a city of almost 700,000, we had still to come channel hopping five murders in the entire year. The high speed inventor who wants 0ur average is 18. We exceeded that average to hover between france and britain. Onjust one day. This is not normal, it is not acceptable, we cannotjust move on from this. 00 07 31,739 2147483051 40 30,585 and the folks that ijust met do not 2147483051 40 30,585 4294966103 13 29,430 want us to just move on from this. The question was do we want to save our people and japanese as well and win the war or whether we want to take a chance on being able to win the war by killing all our young men . The invasion began at two oclock this morning. Mr bush, like most other people was clearly caught by surprise. We call for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all iraqi forces. 100 years old and still full of vigour, vitality and enjoyment of life. No other king or queen in british history has lived so long and the queen mother is said to be quietly very pleased indeed that she has achieved this landmark anniversary. This is a Pivotal Moment for the church as an international movement. The question now is whether the american vote will lead to a split in the anglican community. This is bbc news, the main story this hour at least 20 people have been killed after a shooting at a Shopping Centre in the texan city of el paso. One man is in custody. Staying with that story and earlier i spoke to larry arnold, hes director of pro gun organisation the texas concealed hand gun association. I asked whether there needs to be a revision of gun control laws in the state. There is a lot of hatred that seems to be floating around. This is not a civil season politically, or through any of the social media due to a lot of hatred out there and we need to stop it. We need to realise that hate is always foolish. According to our texas school boards, we now have about one out of every five School Districts have allowed their teachers to carry guns. Were now seeing a reduction in the number of signs posted where those of us who have a valid license can carry guns. Im not familiar with the mall in question or the walmart in question, i know our local walmart allows us to carry. And that to me is a huge change that has happened in over the last ten or 15 years. Ed scruggs is director of anti gun Violence Organisation texas gun sense. I asked him what he thought of the argument made by gun advocates that people need to be armed to defend themselves against lone attackers. The issue with that is, you really couldnt do more to further gun rights in texas. These three Mass Shootings have now happened in the state that has open carry of firearms that has concealed carry of firearms, that you can take firearms into restaurants, in your car without a license, you can carry them practically everywhere. So they cant say that the shooting that took place today was a gun free zone, i dont believe, because i believe it started out in the parking lot. You know, at some point you have to look at the connection between guns and gun violence. And i know theres a lot of political pressure on the other side and they have difficulty doing that, but we have tried the same thing now for 20 years, and its not working. I would implore people to look at Something Different and to think out of the box, out of the box that they are in. And try to enact some very common sense measures that can respect individual gun rights but also help perhaps keep guns out of the wrong hands and that is what were all trying to do here. But you have to come to the field and you have to play on the whole field. You just cant play on half the field the half that you agree with. So im hoping this discussion could be open from this but we willjust have to see. Police in western france have fired tear gas at protesters after a vigil for a man who drowned in the loire river descended into violence. Clashes erupted during a rally over the death of steve canico, who fell into the river after an outdoor music event was closed down by police. His death has provoked public outcry, with police facing claims they used Excessive Force when breaking up the late night party. It started with placards denial thing violence, it ended with scenes like these. Denouncing violence. Fires, tear gas in the area. Theres been growing anger in nantes after the drowning of a local man. Steve canico fell into the river during a class with police. His body was found on tuesday after five weeks. Weeks which saw renewed scrutiny of police tactics, weeks of mounting anger. These scenes followed a peaceful village jewel for followed a peaceful village jewel foer followed a peaceful village jewel for mr canico as family dissociated themselves from protesters. Please attempted to disburse with this dear teargas, attempted to disburse with this dear tear gas, dozens were arrested. Prime ministers is no link has been found between mr canicos death and the Police Actions injune. Karl riley, bbc news. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has laid the Foundation Stone for the First New Church to be built in turkey since it became a modern republic in 1923. The church will serve the 17,000 strong Syriac Christian Community of the country. President erdogan says he hopes the building will be completed in two years. Ramzan karmali has the details. President erdogan arriving for a Ground Breaking ceremony. He was here in an istanbul suburb to lay the Foundation Stone for the first ever church to be built in turkey in almost a century. Translation like with all other issues, it is the turkish republics duty to meet the need for space to worship for the syriac community, who are the ancient children of this geography. Syriac christians are part of the eastern christian tradition and pray in aramaic. Leaders from their community welcomed the building of the syriac 0rthodox mor efrem church. Translation our Syriac Orthodox Church dates back to 2,000 years. During its history, we the syriac orthodox have never faced such a gesture. It is the first time the president of a country has laid the Foundation Stone of church. Christians make up just 0. 2 of the population. But some have complained about the treatment they receive in muslim majority country. And despite the recent restoration and re opening of churches, the islamic rooted government has often been criticised for trying to turn what is officially a secular country into a religious one. Ramzan karmali, bbc news. The french inventor Franky Zapata is hoping to cross the English Channel on sunday using a jet powered hoverboa rd. The former jet skiing champion was unsuccessful in his first attempt late last month. He aims to fly from sangatte in france to dover in england. Tim allman reports. If at first you dont succeed. Try, try, and try again. Franky zapata testing his hoverboard before his second attempt to cross the English Channel. His first go ended when he failed to land on a refuelling platform and he fell into the sea. But that was then, this is now. Translation i feel confidence, just like the first time. I want to cross. Lets say that, oddly enough, im not stressed out, not really. Im more worried about the machine. It wont have any issues, especially for the take off. And like last time you have to be a little bit fatalistic. We did our work to the fullest and what happens in the air will or wont happen. Thats the way it is. Crossing the channel, however you do it, has always captured the imagination. Matthew webb was the first recorded person to swim between france and britain in 1875. Louis bleriot was the first to fly the channel in 1909. Franky zapata had hoped to match that feat by hoverboard exactly 110 years later, until his little accident midway. Translation we didnt really see it as a failure. It was half a victory, because we made it halfway. We messed up the landing on the platform, so we worked on the landing. It wasnt really a failure. Zapata had already caught the imagination of many with his appearance at this years bastille Day Celebrations in paris. But if he succeeds in crossing the channel he will make a little bit of hoverboard history. Tim allman, bbc news. Good luck to him. You can reach me on twitter im regedahmadbbc. Stay with us. Hello. There are more heavy downpours in the forecast, not only for the day ahead but actually for the next few days. Not good news for those parts of the uk already so badly affected by flooding. You can see on the satellite picture this area of cloud rotating. This is an area of low pressure. Ahead of it stripes of cloud bringing showery rain. Heres one for sunday morning for scotland. Still fringing into the eastern side of Northern Ireland for a time, down into wales and the south west. And we take that band of cloud and moisture, some showery rain, and we push it eastwards as the day wears on. And as that moisture works into Northern England and scotland it will kick off some hit and miss heavy downpours and thunderstorms. Could be the odd sharp shower for wales and the south west, particularly over high ground. Many spots here will be dry. East anglia and the south east staying predominantly dry through the day. And although it will be fairly cloudy, temperatures will get up to 25 or 26 with a few glimmers of brightness. But for Northern England, southern and central scotland, there is a met Office Yellow warning thats been issued. It covers the potential for some of those hit and miss thunderstorms which could dump 30 110 millimetres of rain in some places in the space ofjust a couple of hours. That could cause further travel disruption. Maybe some localised flash flooding. But as is the nature with showers, some places will fall between them and stay completely dry. Then through sunday night into monday another band of showery rain edges into western scotland, north west england, wales, and the south west. You can see these showers just keep on coming, rotating around that area of low pressure. Which, as we go into monday morning, will be sitting just about here, just to the north west of the british isles. Those various frontal systems rotating around it, taking showery rain across the country. So we start off monday with a band of cloud and some pretty heavy downpours edging eastwards. Now, much of that weather will clear away to the east through the day. So well be left with some dry conditions, some spells of sunshine. But those sunny conditions could spawn one or two further downpours and thunderstorms, its likely to stay quite wet across northern scotland. A breezy day on monday, a fresher day as well. We keep that fresher feel on tuesday and again there will be some showers and thunderstorms, particularly across the northern half of the uk, Northern England, Northern Ireland, scotland. Some of these could be pretty slow moving. So some places could see a lot of rain, not as many showers further the south. Highs of 18 22 degrees. The north of the uk bears the brunt of the showers through the middle of the week. Signs that it might dry up a little bit by thursday and friday. A similar story further south, not as many showers, but there will be some. Top temperatures of around 2a degrees. This is bbc news. The headlines the governor of the us state of texas has confirmed that 20 people were killed when a gunman opened fire on a Shopping Centre in the city of el paso. Greg abbott said it was one of the deadliest days in the history of the state. 26 other people were wounded. Theres been more violence in hong kong after a day of rival protests between pro democracy and pro beijing supporters. Riot police fired tear gas to disperse the pro democracy crowd. Its the ninth consecutive weekend the territory has seen protests despite increasingly stern warnings from chinas Central Government about the unrest. The Russian Military says its managed to put out another 16 large forest fires in siberia, as it seeks to contain blazes that have scorched vast areas of the territory. Military planes and helicopters have been dumping water on fires in parts of the irkutsk and krasnoyarsk regions

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