As they vow to fight brexit. As they vow to fight brexit. As liberal democrat leader, i will fight to keep our country in the union. We have one more mp now who as leader of liberal democrat, i will fight to make that happen. Will fight to keep our country in the european two holiday firms super break and late rooms collapse, affecting tens of thousands of travellers. A maiden test century for rory burns, as england fight back on the second day of the ashes. And a battle of britain veteran has died, hours after celebrating his 100th birthday. Good evening. In the last few minutes, Emergency Services have said that theres still a substantial danger to life if the water levels in the dam at Whaley Bridge in derbyshire, cannot be reduced. Raf helicopter crews have been dropping sand, gravel and stones to try to stabilise a damaged wall of the toddbrook reservoir amid fears it could burst and engulf the nearby town. Around 1500 residents were moved out of their homes yesterday, as a precaution. The environment secretary, Theresa Villiers says the situation is not yet stable. Several flood alerts including a severe Flood Warning are still in place for these areas shown here in red. 0ur correspondent, judith moritz, is in Whaley Bridge for us now. This is the front line, and you defence built back by back, tonnes of sand and gravel brought into hold back 300 millions gallons of water. Raf Chinook Helicopters working flat out to shore up the toddbrook reservoir dam. We are being asked to get a real position drop, we have to get a real position drop, we have to get as low as we can, you get a real position drop, we have to get as low as we can, you can see behind us the guys and girls are taking a little time to get there because we have to make sure it is not done too high so we dont put too much stress on the dam itself. With a real risk of the dam collapsing, the situation is critical. The Environment Agency says there is still a danger to life. There has been a national response, gray is coming from across the uk and a meeting of the governments emergency committee. The uk and a meeting of the governments emergency committeem is not stabilised as yet in a huge amount of work is going on to make sure we do everything we can to protect the community is a huge amount of work is going on to make sure we do everything we can to protect the communities of weybridge and their homes. So, this is the ce ntre and their homes. So, this is the centre of Whaley Bridge village this morning, super quiet. Jogger hannah sillitoe, went for a dawn run and accidentally found herself behind police lines. She filmed Whaley Bridge, empty and vulnerable. Homes evacuated. Rhodes cordoned off. This is as far as you can go into Whaley Bridge, everything beyond this cord classed as the red zone, and i am told it is also the first point in the town which will be hit by water if the dam bursts. The Police Officers here say if it happens, they will hear a siren on their radios and made everyone from this point to even higher ground. Those on the edge of the cord didnt know they might have to move quickly, like magnus kirk, who lives 50 yards from the danger zone and ventured inside it last night. I walked through the town on my way to my daughters and a police car approached me and asked me why i was on the street, and the police said, well, you should be in the town, you should be walking about, if you dont get up the street, you will be arrested. If you have thought about what happens if you dam bursts . Arrested. If you have thought about what happens if you dam bursts7m it goes, ill be done, ill be up the hill. The dam has protected part town beneath it for nearly 200 yea rs, town beneath it for nearly 200 years, a whole community is holding its breath. The reservoir level is slowly dropping, with pumps working and water being diverted. But the danger has not yet passed, and the sta kes danger has not yet passed, and the stakes couldnt be higher. This will end with either return to normality oi end with either return to normality or disaster for end with either return to normality or disasterfor an entire end with either return to normality or disaster for an entire town. Iam taking i am taking you straight to Chapel En Le Frith and their Boris Johnson is meeting officials that are managing crisis events, presumably to be briefed by those who are trying to sort out the best way to react to what is going on at the toddbrook reservoir. We are expecting to see the Prime Minister perhaps being shown around the area and also being told what measures, what measures are being put in place to try to mitigate that breach of the dam walls. So, Prime Minister borisjohnson has arrived at Chapel En Le Frith to see for himself the Emergency Services, to meet them as well, and see what is taking place to try and mitigate the threat to the toddbrook reservoir. Welcome in the last half hour, the Emergency Services in derbyshire have been giving an update on the situation at Whaley Bridge. This is what they said. This is a very difficult decision we have made, we made it collectively. We need to consider the situation of the residents and we will be putting plans in place for residents to return to their addresses for a very short time, very controlled, to pick up short time, very controlled, to pick up really vital things that they need, along with the Animal Welfare that kate they can tend to. But this is very controlled, must stress that, because this is very critical, and there is still life at risk. Well, laura has been in the region, laura foster has been around Whaley Bridge for much of today and is in buxton where that News Conference was held. Laura. Yes, this press conference happened in the last hour, and there were certain words used more than others. Concern, critical, but also difficult to say. Difficult to say how long these effo rts difficult to say how long these efforts by the military and Emergency Services would need to go on far, difficult to say when residents could return to their homes, and difficult to say whether they would actually be able to save they would actually be able to save the dam and protect the town. The effo rts the dam and protect the town. The efforts of the last 26 hours or so has seen the waters of the reservoir dropped by half a metre but actually the engineers need the water to drop by several metres in order for them to feel confident that the water level is below the rapture, the problem on the spillway, and therefore the area might be safe to return to. They have ten high volume pump is in place at the moment but they are looking to bring in more from across the country. What they did say is even though they still advise anyone who lives in Whaley Bridge do not return to Whaley Bridge, to keep staying with friends and families or in hotels or at the school on Chapel En Le Frith, they we re school on Chapel En Le Frith, they were making plans to allow one member of each family to return to their property. They wouldnt be drawn on exactly when that would be but the idea was that one person would be allowed in for a very short space of time, they would be there to get pets, get medication, essentials, then they would have to leave again. Was something i asked emergency service, whether this was mixed messages, to say there were serious risk to life and then allow people back in . They said it was a difficult decision but something they had to allow them to do. How long will this go on for . Still unclear, but the weather will play a pa rt unclear, but the weather will play a part in that. At the moment, the focus has been on the tunic helicopters but actually they expect the Chinook Helicopters to be done this evening, and then it is down to the pumps, pumping the water out to make it a safe infrastructure again. Laura, borisjohnson, make it a safe infrastructure again. Laura, Boris Johnson, we make it a safe infrastructure again. Laura, borisjohnson, we have seen the Prime Minister arriving at Chapel En Le Frith. 0bviously, earlier today, there was the cobra meeting that was held today. What was the outcome of that . The details of that were mentioned in this meeting, werent mentioned, but i know they were shared with the Emergency Services who are all on their way back to Whaley Bridge as we speak. There was a briefing earlier today where amongst themselves but also with the residents, the residents were told before anyone else, what the plans Going Forward would be. People who live there obviously want to know when they can go back home but obviously the Emergency Services will want to encourage that wont wa nt to will want to encourage that wont want to encourage that until they know it is safe to do so. Laura, thank you very much for that. We can talk now to Whaley Bridge resident duncan fife. He lives above toddbrook reservoir in the Old Reservoir keepers house. Duncan, thank you for speaking to us this evening. Just to start off with, how are things today . Yes, well they are certainly improving, from last night. When you say improving, it is it the weather . The weather has been helpful, the levels are certainly starting to go down now, i think its about a foot down, probably, now, from level. So, it is certainly failing feeling a bit more optimistic. You live above the reservoir, how much is this impacted you . We are sort of right on the limit. We arejust you . We are sort of right on the limit. We are just about two feet above the level of the reservoir but we have the overflow channel runs down the side of our house, although it is about six foot below our wall, but it runs around the side of the house which is obviously where they are trying to put some of the water to get it out. As youve watched this unfold, duncan, did you ever think that Something Like this would happen around the reservoir . Has there ever been fears that this sort of thing happening . No. I mean, weve sort of been, we bought the house six years ago so we have been hit quite a while and wed very occasionally, youll see a little trickle of water that comes over the main spillway, the one that was really overflowing badly, the one that collapsed, when the wind was bad, you would see a trickle going over the top of it, but nothing, really. But, obviously, the reservoir does fill up and it goes over the normal spillway all the time, especially in the winter, it is normalfor time, especially in the winter, it is normal for that, but time, especially in the winter, it is normalfor that, but not time, especially in the winter, it is normal for that, but not for the main one, that is very rare, we never thought that would happen. Main one, that is very rare, we never thought that would happenlj dont know if you manage to listen to the update at the News Conference. I heard bits of it. Does that reassure you, in terms of what is being done . To be honest, i didnt hear too much. We are possibly in a slightly better position where we can have a chat with people who are standing by so we sort of, we can obviously see that chinook coming in and out, and we can see the pumps are obviously, we can see the pumps are obviously, we can see all of those, they are pumping it out and we can see the effects of that as it gets the water out. Its got a long way to go, dont get me wrong, but it is starting to show a marked improvement difference. Starting to show a marked improvement difference. When you talk to some of the residents in the community, how are they feeling . I dont know if youve picked up that some of the residents, one member from each family, will be allowed to return to their homes for a short time but opted not to stay overnight. How are they spirits . |j havent overnight. How are they spirits . havent really spoken to too many. Where we are is on a bit of an island, funnily enough, because we are wrapped around the spillway, so actually speaking to people is quite hard. Ive got a friend whos got a house in the village and ive yet to speak to him since i heard that but im sure hell be grateful that he can get back in for a bit of time to may be you know, pick up some more clothes and some stuff, if hes going to be at that long. A lot of people are now becoming very aware of some of the key buildings that are around the reservoir and at the bottom of the dam wall, including the local school, is that something that has ever been, something that residents have spoken about . The concern, when i look at the proximity to the wall . Not specifically. The dam has been there for a time. The area down there is where the bowling club is and everything like that, is a bit prone to flooding when the reservoir gets full. It has been, i wouldnt say flooded, but under a bit of water before, but i dont think anybody thought it would, you know, ever get to the point where the dam would fail or potentially fail, it hasnt failed, obviously, but potentially failed, obviously, but potentially failand pour failed, obviously, but potentially fail and pour water over there. 0k. Duncan five, will leave it there, but thank you very much for your time. So, what can be done to try to stop an entire town from flooding . The Authorities Say that 400 tonnes of stone, gravel and sand are being used, to shore up the dam and stop more water from entering the reservoir. So far, 10 high volume water pumps have also been installed. Then, once the situation has stabilised, engineers will set about repairing the dam. 0ur science editor David Shukman explains how. These are nervous times in a struggle to save the dam. 0ur helicopter spotted this scene yesterday. A sudden order to leave. We are witnessing a test of strength between the weight of water in the reservoir and the condition of the dam. Ina reservoir and the condition of the dam. In a crisis triggered by an extraordinary amount of rain. The site of the torrent of water overflowing the dam three days ago reveal thinkable forces involved. Far beyond what the victorian engineers who built this place could ever have imagined. Designed and constructed in the 19th century to store water for local canals, the dam is pretty simple, made with clay surrounded by mud. But if there was torrential rain, some of the water is deliberately allowed to escape over the top to relieve pressure, but the flow on wednesday were so powerful, had threatened the dam that had been built to older and very different standards. The construction of these old stands is such that it was done in the horse and cart area and the soil would have been placed in position but not compacted like they are these days. So old dams, when you look at them, you have to imagine how they were constructed and the standards to which they were designed. As engineers battled to keep the dam intact, there is something they really need to know, how much damage has erosion done to the dam . The structure could be much weaker internally than it looks. So, a key task is reducing the water level to minimise pressure. More pumps are being deployed but this all takes time. So, what repairs are possible . Rock can add strength, as weve seen, but longer term, the whole place may have to be trained and maybe even rebuild. I2 place may have to be trained and maybe even rebuild. 12 years ago in yorkshire, frantic effort to save another dam. It nearly collapsed. An enquiry back then called for tougher inspections, amid fears about the safety of the oldest dams. With this video, researchers investigated how dams can actually break. There are real risks, particularly as temperatures rise. Warmer air can hold more moisture so rainfall is set to become more intense. Last month may have been the hottest on record, and the latest emergency is a reminder of challenges ahead. The liberal democrats have won the brecon and radnorshire by election, gaining the seat from the conservatives. It was the first electoral test for Boris Johnson, just days after becoming Prime Minister. The result now leaves him with a working majority in parliament ofjust one, even with the support of the democratic unionist party. The lib dems jane dodds overturned a majority of over 8,000 to beat the conservative candidate chris davies by 1,425 votes. Mr davies stood again, after being unseated by a petition following his conviction for a false expenses claim. Heres our Political Correspondent alex forsyth. That is the sound of success. A buoyant lib dems leader and the partys newest mp, fresh from a victory that makes life even harder for the government. Here we stand bursting borisjohnsons bubble in the first week of his premiership. Theirs was a campaign focused on the risk of a no deal brexit. 0ther pro eu parties, plaid cymru and the greens, stood aside to give them the best chance of winning. This, the first major test of a remain alliance, and it might not be the last. In most constituencies across the country, it is going to be the liberal democrats that are the Strongest Party of remain, but we recognise the value and cooperating in working with others for that Wider National goal to protect our country per my future. After a long night, the lib dems might have been celebrating, but the tory candidate was quiet after the result was announced. Hed already been unseated by his constituents over a false expenses claim. For the government, it means the majority in westminster is down to just one, making it harder to get parliament on side but no sign of a new approach. More than 5096 of the vote was secured by pro brexit party is. You know, we need to make sure we work hard to deliver a deal, but i think what the people of britain really dont want is any more in limbo. Labours leader and knowledged his partys distant fourth place was disappointing. Lot of voters were determined to get the red at the conservatives and thatis the red at the conservatives and that is what they voted for. So we we re that is what they voted for. So we were squeezed but it is a place we had not held for a very long time. This constituency voted almost the same way as the country in the referendum three years ago. The result here shows that Boris Johnsons do or die brexit policy leaves the conservatives open to attack from remain parties, particularly when they work together, but the fact that the tories did far better than the brexit party here is some proof that the new Prime Ministers uncompromising stance on the eu is attracting support. At this Children Farm near the brecon beacons, the owner says the no deal must remain an option. Hopefully he can do a deal based on that strong bargaining position but you cant give all your cards away and hope to come out with afair cards away and hope to come out with a fair result. You think he has taken the right approach . 100 . For many here, brexit has become the defining issue in elections. didnt vote for them before because ididnt like he didnt vote for them before because i didnt like he was there. Didnt vote for them before because i didnt like he was there. The no deal brexit frightens me. i didnt like he was there. The Nodeal Brexit frightens me. I would vote for a party which was trying to prevent us from leaving europe. So, Party Loyalty could be giving way to brexit allegiances, as the issue continues to dominate public votes. Lets get more on this with nick ea rd ley, lets get more on this with nick eardley, our political power respondent. The question is how vulnerable is borisjohnson in parliament . I bet more vulnerable than he was a couple of days ago. Borisjohnson is than he was a couple of days ago. Boris johnson is going than he was a couple of days ago. Borisjohnson is going to have an extraordinarily tough time getting things through parliament. Even more so after last nights results. If you add up all the parties who vied with the government, the tories and the dup, and then you add up all the opposition parties, Boris Johnson has room for one person to vote against him. If that happens, if one tory rebels, then, the government is ina tory rebels, then, the government is in a minority, and that is extraordinarily precarious position to be in, as a new Prime Minister. Now, its complicated by the fact there are some former tories who dont have the witjust now, there is nick bowles who quit the party of a brexit but will probably vote with him on most things, so that maybe gives borisjohnson a bit more of a cushion. We know that brexit is considerably more complicated because there are some labour folk that might vote with the government, some who wont. Itjust means that borisjohnson, when some who wont. Itjust means that Boris Johnson, when he some who wont. Itjust means that borisjohnson, when he is sitting around a table in downing street over the next couple of weeks, well know that getting things through parliament will beat usually complicated for him. A lot of talk about the strategy that was used in this by election. Could this be the new face of politics . In order for parties to get what they want, now . I think there is a danger of perhaps overstating it. It worked well in this constituency because, to be honest, the other remain parties, plaid cymru, and the greens, didnt really register at all. Plaid cymru has 5 , historically, the greens, even less. But it does suggest there is dope in some areas for those parties who want to stay in the uup appealing union to work together. I think we will see more of that, i think we will see more of that, i think the lib dems, plaid cymru, the greens, potentially some others in other areas of the country, might wa nt to other areas of the country, might want to do this again in the future. A massive question for the tories about what they do about the brexit party, though. We have heard senior tory said today they are not going to get into pacts, theirjob is to get rid of the brexit party by delivering. But it is worth pointing out that had everyone who voted for the brexit party voted for the tories, the tories would have won that seat last night. So, that means there is a huge incentive for the concept is to try and attract people like that back, which i think points toa like that back, which i think points to a more hardline brexit position for borisjohnson to a more hardline brexit position for Boris Johnson continuing. To a more hardline brexit position for borisjohnson continuing. Some fascinating owners to come out of this, the most important one, though, is Boris Johnson this, the most important one, though, is borisjohnson has an extraordinarily tough time ahead in parliament over the next few weeks and months. 0k, nick eardley, will leave it there. Thank you. The governor of the bank of england has warned that many businesses could quickly find they are no longer viable in the uk leads the eu without a deal at the end of 0ctober. He also told the bbc that food and fuel prices could rise and incomes could also be hit. Andy verity reports. It isnt your usual halloween nightmare, but the fear is that come october the 31st, a no deal brexit could lead to a slowdown in imports entering the country. This time, it could also hit firms hard, making many of them unprofitable. Mark carney says hes not playing up the scare. With no deal, the shock to the economy is instantaneous. And that instantly, you have these supply, notjust disruptions so im not talking aboutjust the issues at the ports, which are real but you actually have businesses that no longer are economic. The well known risk is that a shift to the World Trade Organisation regime means higher tariffs added to imported or exported goods. But what mark carneys saying is that it could also be inflationary in other ways. Mark carney has highlighted two things that could happen in a no deal brexit. One is that the pound gets weaker, so your pound buys you fewer dollars or euros to buy imported goods with, so those prices go up. The other thing that could happen is that the supply of goods from abroad going through our ports and airports slows down, and that too could push up prices. It may take a while to get to borisjohnsons vision of sunlit uplands after a no deal brexit, mr carney said, because the weaker pound expected on the markets may hit consumers purses and wallets at petrol station forecourts and grocery stores. But his own data shows most businesses are now as prepared as they can be, and mr carneys view isnt the only one. I think its important to note there are many different types of no deals, and mark carney seems to be talking about the worst possible type, which i dont think is actually going to happen, because at least some businesses have done some preparations. And it would actually be really useful if rather than just throw us a few scary sound bites every now and then, mark carney and his team at the bank could actually provide a full set of forecats of what they actually think would happen. Theres no sign yet that the bank of englands ready to do that. No need to really scare people, its not halloween yet a mother who murdered her two young daughters after they got in the way of her sex life has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 32 yea rs. Life with a minimum term of 32 years. Louise port and was found yesterday guilty of killing three year old alexi draper and 17 month old scarlet vaughan, less than three weeks apart last year. A jury than three weeks apart last year. A jury convicted her of both murders following a five week trial. The justice described her actions as evil and calculated and told her these were blameless to younger children who were plainly vulnerable and ought to have been able to rely on their mother to protect and nurture them. Instead, you took their young lives away. The swedishjudge has the swedish judge has ordered the americanjudge a the swedish judge has ordered the american judge a set rocky to be released from custody until a verdict is announced in his assault trial. The artist whose real name is recchi myers, has been injail in sweden. There was an altercation outside a burger bar. President donald trump has prompted criticism in calling for the rappers release. Whether time now. He was darren bett. Hello, again. We have seen fewer and lighter showers around the uk. Any that have formed will fade away this evening, it will turn dry over night tonight, good clear spells around tonight, misty patches towards the east, perhaps the temperatures down to 12 to 16 degrees. Many places on saturday should be dry, they will be some sunshine at times, the sunshine could turn hazy from the south west as high cloud comes in, may be introducing a few showers across the western areas, the dicky across the north west of england and wales and later in the day. Before then, these are the higher temperatures, very similarto are the higher temperatures, very similar to what we have had over the past day or two. More rain around on sunday for northern and western parts of the uk, the showery rain arrives at a later on in the afternoon through the evening, and could turn heavy and thundery across scotla nd could turn heavy and thundery across scotland and northern england. Likely to stay dry across the south east of england and east anglia, warm and humid temperatures of 27 celsius. Hello this is bbc news with lu kwesa burak. The headlines. Raf crews raced to shore up a collapsed dam wall thats put a derbyshire town at risk of flooding. Crews are working round the clock but police say efforts to protect the nearby town from flooding could still fail. I must stress that the structural entirety of the dam is still at the critical level. And that there is still a threat to life if the dam is to fail. Prime minister Boris Johnson arrived at the evacuations centre just outside of Whaley Bridge. As leader of the liberal democrats, i will fight to keep our country and the European Union. We now have in Parliament One more mp who will fight to make that happen. Two holiday firms, super break and late rooms collapse, affecting tens of thousands of travellers. And a battle of britain veteran has died, hours after eight maiden test entry for rory burns as england fight back on the second day of the ashes. More now on the by election in brecon and radnorshire. Which has been won by the liberal democrats. They overturned the conservative majority of 8000 to quench the seat. The party overturned a conservative majority of 8,000 to clinch the seat by just over 11100 votes. The result has cut borisjohnsons effective parliamentary majority to just one. Lets get more on this now with the mp heidi allen. Heidi was previously a conservative mp and is now an independent. Thank you for speaking to us this evening. You are behind this idea to united to remain. You applaud the mps that are putting the Country First. Surely borisjohnson is putting the Country First by honouring the results of the referendum. Borisjohnson honouring the results of the referendum. Boris johnson is putting borisjohnson first referendum. Boris johnson is putting Boris Johnson first and that is referendum. Boris johnson is putting borisjohnson first and that is all he will ever do and getting himself in to numberten he will ever do and getting himself in to number ten as the Prime Minister but because we are overt he would do whatever he takes to stay there being fully aware that he may well do a natural pact with the brexit party and nigel farage. There could be a general election in the autumn and everybody wants to do in these european elections stomach i think the brecon and radnorshire by election is to test a concept and iam hoping by election is to test a concept and i am hoping that there will be more of this coming up in a general election. You think it will be a success . Wa nt to election. You think it will be a success . Want to get rather messy politically queasy it is called being grown up, isnt it . Politically queasy it is called being grownup, isnt it . That is normally what people do. I have been a believer in cross party working. The right people at the table can make anything possible. To be honest the thought of borisjohnson and nigel farage in some pact of running our country or equallyjeremy nigel farage in some pact of running our country or equally Jeremy Corbyn at the other and, that has focused lines and i have been surprised by the appetite from independent mps and remain parties. This is a huge opportunity and we must not put our self interest first. We have to look after the country. Are you worried then that brexit supporting parties will follow your example and unite chris met because had they unite . Because had they done that in brecon and radnorshire, the conservatives would have won. It is not so much they will follow us. I think theyre uniting already to be honest. That is why we cannot a428 a minute longer and we must start this piece of work now in the summer in anticipation of that general election. Borisjohnson now anticipation of that general election. Boris johnson now finally at number ten will do whatever it ta kes to at number ten will do whatever it takes to stay there and that is not good representation for the country. You have an awful lot of people out there terrified of no deal but that is where he and the conservative party are heading for some economic suicide from a Security Point of view as well. So. He needs to leave his use at the door, Work Across Party Lines to stop that. Heidi ellen, thank you very much for your time. Heidi ellen, thank you very much for yourtime. Heidi ellen, thank you very much for your time. Heidi heidi ellen, thank you very much for yourtime. Heidi allen. Lets heidi ellen, thank you very much for your time. Heidi allen. Lets get more on this with the Senior Editor at the economist and you were listening to that. What do you make of it . It is right for the lib dems to claim a triumph. They did get there. The only thing i would maybe question is whether this is really the big bounce of this big remain united front that they are hoping for. The number of reasons for that, one of the reason is that lib dems have been picks vertically strong in that constituency every anyway. They benefited from plaid cumber standing at side. Theyre not. They had a conservative candidate who outperformed excitations given that he was convicted of fraud on his expenses. But it is locally very popular and it was thought to be a big misunderstanding. For whatever reason he did 0k and then the brexit party to the conservatives. We are seeing a quite confused picture here. A lot of these parts will happen in other races but not in the same proportions i think. The arithmetic could get really quite complicated. What does it do to borisjohnson complicated. What does it do to Boris Johnson pensee complicated. What does it do to borisjohnson pensee position in the comments realistically as met clearly being down to a majority of one even if you were on to before you already have a problem to get any legislation through. Particularly controversial legislation leading to a no deal brexit. It was already very difficult. I guess you could say its difficult. I guess you could say its 50 difficult. I guess you could say its 50 more difficult. If you are struggling on two, us struggling on one. You could say that this is a slap in the face to borisjohnson. This is significant given the amount of time in the by election. And cast before he had got into number ten. It is quite hard to pin much on him. But what it shows is that conservatives have not yet cauterized that brexit party search that we saw in the by election. 10 is great result for the brexit party but big enough to rob the conservatives of hanging onto that seat. That is something anyway pushes Boris Johnson seat. That is something anyway pushes borisjohnson to be even more pro no deal, and that will drive the remain parties mad. This idea of him taking a much harder line towards brexit, what about a general election . She has a mischievous grin on the other side of the desk. I dont think Boris Johnson on the other side of the desk. I dont think borisjohnson need much ofa dont think borisjohnson need much of a prod to take a tough line on brexit. He is clearly decided and strategize around and has been prepared to go for no deal and deliver it rather than step back from the brink. But that of course is going to provoke a reaction in parliament, a very strong one and may be that this remain united front which could turn out to be electorally verse it if it cant is significant in the comments. That will make things difficult and we will make things difficult and we will see if a vote of no confidence comes and when it is clear that he is prepared to go forward no deal barring the miracle that something comes our way from the European Union to fudge us out of this mess which could still happen but is unlikely. I think you had to say that as much as borisjohnson and number ten talking down the general election, they must have it in the wings because it is simply the most likely thing to happen if they cant getan likely thing to happen if they cant get an agreement. Very quickly. Backroom deals is the way that it was described earlier today. Could they be used, could we see this between the brexit party and the tories, general election realistically . Because remain are pushing for it. That is true but in remain you have many more splinter groups who altogether support remain including a lot of labour voters who are to set aside withJeremy Corbyn as you saw from the terrible result of this election. Borisjohnson would love to avoid going in with the brexit party. What he wants to say is come home. He doesnt want to share power of sure he would like to share power of sure he would like to find something to keep nigel farage off his back and he is a hard one to keep off your back. He would like to bring them in rather than to make a formal deal. Thank you very much indeed. You are watching bbc news. Lets return to our top story this evening. Emergency services are saying that there is still substantial danger to life if the dam at Whaley Bridge in derbyshire cannot be lowered. Rf crews have been dropping sand, gravel and stone to drop the water levels and fears it could burke and engulf a nearby town for some around 1500 residents removed other homes yesterday. Many are now staying with relatives whilst others have. Police are continuing to ask residents to stay away from the area. 6,500 local residents have been affected. And around 1,500 people have been evacuated so far. Many are now staying with relatives, while others have bedded down in pubs and hotels, with lots of businesses offering free rooms. Leigh milner has been to meet one of the families affected. A bottle, nappies, and a bag of baby clothes. That is all kelly managed to grab before she was told to leave her home which sits just a quarter of a mile away from the dam in Whaley Bridge. Come on then. What you got for her . Thats it. Well, ive got a few bits for her anyway. This bloke came in and was like, you need to evacuate asap, and i was in the shop at the time. Im thinking rob is upstairs, ive got the baby, i have the dog. So, yeah, it was literally within five minutes, got what we could and we were out. What would happen if the dam had actually collapsed . Ijust dont want to think about it. It would just be horrendous. They are now staying uphill away from the danger zone at her mothers house where the family have lived for 16 years. Just talk me through the moment you grabbed your granddaughter and ran. Well, it was just a horrible feeling. You just had to go. You didnt think of anything else but for your own safety and for the childs safety, your kids. Everything, you havejust got to go simple as. Because if that dam actually broke, you would be. Youd be nothing you actually dont know now whether you can actually go back home or whether you will have a home to go back to. Well, thats it. And we are thinking, what are we going to do . Job wise, house wise . My life. That is my life the shop, the flat, that is my life and robs life, babys life. Yeah, we are just a bit stuck. For the next few days, kelly and her daughter will stay with her mother with the sound of reinforcements arriving outside, baby alara sleeps peacefully, oblivious to what her family have been through to keep little girl safe. Leigh milner, bbc news. Their little girl safe. Borisjohnson the Prime Minister arrived a little bit earlier at chapel on firth. And he has been speaking to people there. This is actually one of the Evacuation Centres. This is what he had to say. You still have animals at home . That must be worrying for some we be able to get back to get them . We just had to get back to get them . We just had to come to this meeting. Right. Fantastic. The response from everyone has been amazing. In the committee has some different out. There is someone that has helpful some. I was on tearing leslie. We we re some. I was on tearing leslie. We were just helping people get accommodation. Iwas were just helping people get accommodation. I was helping leslie. That was Boris Johnson who is at the chapel on the firth Evacuation Centre and he arrived there some 30 mensa go. Some 30 minutes ago. Charles forrester principle analyst at janes defence weekly magazine joins me now from south london. Explain the strategy. One of the strategies has been to use the chinook to bring in aggregate and gravel to stabilise the dam wall. This is one of i imagine many different strategies that the authorities there are using. They have sent that chinook which will be extremely useful to the services of their and stabilising. And a team of royal engineers. Why a chin up . H and up is extremely good at getting and up is extremely good at getting a large payload and can carry up to 1012 a large payload and can carry up to 10 12 tonnes. Slight underneath the belly of the aircraft and place them as you can see from the visuals there very precisely in some very tricky situations. The chinook is one of the most recognisable helicopters out there with its big twin rotors. It has been a big heavy lifter helicopter for a very long time, very useful to the uk and a lot of other countries around the world. It is on this most of aircraft, is it where you think of where it is trying to drop that aggregate. A very skilled job. It is and there are skilled pilots in the raf and the most all the other operating commuters in the us and beyond. Is it clear to you that theyre using just the one . Beyond. Is it clear to you that theyre using just the one . Yes mod confirmed to me that theyre using just the one as long as it is needed. I want to think it will be before they have completed that wall of aggregate, do you know . Know, i do not. I saw earlier that there are 400 tonnes that have been delivered so far. On 0fwat being used by helicopter and that will be a decision made by people on the scene as to the stability of the wall. And how much more is needed, how much more assistance is needed. One of the things the chinook can do is coming in from above which with this particular dam wall is difficult to do if it is going to come in on the slip from the road doing an aerial drop is much easier and being able to get in low and place it very accurately is key to the stability operation. I understand it is a little bit about the special training that is needed. From what i understand it is a very long process and unlike many other helicopters in the raf and beyond, it has the too big mean rotors. It is not like many other things but there is still a lot of training and hours for a positive to do this. Charles forrester thank you very much for taking us through the chinook and Whaley Bridge. Thank you. David lomax is a local counsellor for Whaley Bridge and he joins us lomax is a local counsellor for Whaley Bridge and hejoins us now via phone. Thank you for speaking to us via phone. Thank you for speaking to us here at bbc news. I do not know if you saw the News Conference earlier this evening. Just tell us how you think things are taking place . I was in the residence meeting. I have to say that the residents are preserved what is happening and they are praising the Police Service for what theyre doing and what they continue to do. People are concerned. The message was that they may not get into their homes for another week. As you heard in the comments that people still have animals in their homes. There was the possibility that they may be able to get in for a short of time and in and out. Go in and go out. Police officers. Unless he was sure that it was not going to be collapsing. There could be a way for their homes for their week. So what are the council doing to put in place something to help residence . All the residents have been homed either by the council in hotels or they have been moved to friends, relatives in Whaley Bridge or surrounding villages or further afield for that matter. Hopefully people are in a situation where they are not homeless although one or two people say that accommodations do need to change a little bit. Meet the needs of the individuals. We we re the needs of the individuals. We were looking at people concerned about posts and sulfite that and how they can get hold of post if they have bills to pay. We will look at how to deal with that sort of thing, the everyday issues that people face never mind the terrible situation thatis never mind the terrible situation that is upon them. And the Prime Minister is a visiting at the moment. Have you met him or will you be speaking to him later . No, i missed him. People said he was arriving but i was not there to see whether it was him or another minister. I came back to touch you soi minister. I came back to touch you so i did minister. I came back to touch you soididi minister. I came back to touch you so i did i geta minister. I came back to touch you so i did i get a chance to see him. David lomax thank you very much free time local counsellor for daily Whaley Bridge. The time is 7 48 p m. Time forthe Whaley Bridge. The time is 7 48 p m. Time for the headlines here in bbc news. Raf crews raced to shore up a collapsed dam wall thats put a derbyshire town at risk of flooding. The lib dems win the brecon by election, reducing borisjohnsons working majority tojust one. Two holiday firms with bookings from more than 50,000 people have ceased trading. And we will stay with that story. More than 50,000 people facing disruption to their travel plans after the colla pse to their travel plans after the collapse of two package holiday firms super breaks. 0ur personal finance simon gompers reports. Yes it is the holidays and a terrible time for a holiday provider to go under. In this group super break norma has for her to people 0verseas and 53,000 forward bookings made in the uk. Many books by late rooms. They go straight to the hotel, they should be ok. The stories have been emerging on social media of people who think their breaks may be ruined including winter bookings in iceland for instance. We search the country the company thoroughly before they paid out the money. And there was no hint at that time just a month ago that there was any Financial Difficulties at all. Super break was drumming up business close to its end. Never to a to visit manchester it said. In a statement after its failure, it said. This is a massive war for thousands of people who might have booked tickets to shows in london positive questions or to theme parks as well as home childrens. Well the concern is the hassle factor and sorting it out and whether they will be allowed in and lose money. There is some reassurance that the aquarium would honour entry vouchers from affected families say good was not their fault. Then the owners of legal land at holton towers said they charge 50 of the gate price. But the travel buddy actor says money should be able to get their money should be able to get their money back later. Legoland. Four real tickets plus a field ticket. Which will be protected by us. Real tickets plus a field ticket. Which will be protected by usm you have a package holiday if that involves a fight, that will be protected. If you brought what a combination only with a hotel booking, that typically would be protected. And those who may have paid again on a break, they need to get receipts. If they get a package they will get reimbursed after making a claim. Now to the first ashes test where rory burns went a long way to cement his spot in the order. England trailed them by 17 runs this evening. Good fortu nes by 17 runs this evening. Good fortunes for england and adam while the set as bassinet sentences update. Perhaps not the nurturing excitement that you saw the opening day of this ashes series. But this sell out at edgbaston crowd has been treated to an absorbent and in throwing day of test match cricket. A date that is blonde most parts to england and to one incan player in particular, open or worry burns with his maiden test match century. Joe roach. That is exactly the kind of innings he has been moved up the order to provide. Worry burns went on to make that century. He did get lucky a couple of times. He could have been out much earlier it is innings but he made this edgbaston crowd raid wait for. He seemed to be stuck in the 90s for an attorney t but eventually got there much to the delight of many of these spectators who are now leaving behind me. Australian bowlers looked weary by the end of the day. A long hot day in the field. Their weed down now to just 17. Hot day in the field. Their weed down now tojust 17. They hot day in the field. Their weed down now to just 17. They will be back tomorrow knowing they need crucial early wins. That was adam wild there. A battle of britain veteran has died hours after celebrating his 100th birthday. Archie mcinnes, who retired to cambridge, flew hurricanes during the battle in the skies over southern england which became a turning point in world war ii. He celebrated becoming a centenarian on wednesday and died that night. Lets speak now to jonny cracknell, biographer of the veteran archie mcinnes. A sad day and i think it speaks volumes that tributes have come in from far and wide. Yes it has been incredibly overwhelming of a response. Archie himself was very unassuming and modest and never liked attention wasnt sure he is looking down laughing a little and shaking his head at the National Recognition hes getting. Shaking his head at the National Recognition hes getting. How did you get to meet him . recognition hes getting. How did you get to meet him . I have been an aviation enthusiast my whole life, particularly with the battle of britain. I made a conscious effort to try to meet and shake hands and think as many hands of the pilots as i could. And ifirst met him at a airshow in 2016. He wasnt registered or listed with any of the official battle of britain societies so it was my curiosity as to why he had been under the radarfor so long. We got into the conversation and unearth the story over the last two years that we have now managed to get told. What was he like talking about his story . Because a lot of war veterans dont want to talk about it. No, archie. He didnt have any promise talking about the war. He was very honest and open and pragmatic about everything. He never really dwelled on any of the kind of morbid dark side of war. If you asked him memories, they were the happy ones even despite the tragedy that he suffered in 1941 when he got shot down and wallaces left arm which he lived with the rest his life. He a lwa ys lived with the rest his life. He always talked about it. Lost his left arm. I understand he was a bit ofa left arm. I understand he was a bit of a prankster. Yes, he he did like hisjokes of a prankster. Yes, he he did like his jokes particularly. Of a prankster. Yes, he he did like hisjokes particularly. In his recovery phase, 1 story that raises sticks in my mind is when the squadron posted up in north africa when they had to ferry some hurricanes back, they had a local station fights with the entertainment in the air and one story of archies was he was trying to move the wing of another aircraft and the pilot of the plane got so close that he tapped the wing of the other aircraft that made the pilot jump other aircraft that made the pilot jump and give them a bit of a surprise. Thats one of many that sticks in the mind. He finishes Pilot Training and was only 21. He was commissioned the following day. It is incredible, the raf then and now are completely different worlds. What was his take and what he saw no . He had a great love for the adam wild, didnt he hurricane, didnt he . He loved the expense of flight. And being able to go up in the hurricane and play in the clouds on his own was always his happiest memory. He did have a visit earlier in the year. He got ago in the scintillator which i think he found different. In the simulator. Everywhere he had been, he captivated audiences and captured. Johnny very quickly. I just want to ask about many of the young today will have no idea when you say one of the few. Just quickly tell us who they are and why it matters. Yes if you are now down to five which Winston Churchill famously called the battle of britain pilots and their crew who defended the country in 1940 who flew day and night to propel and stop the loose waffle where if they had gained supremacy, they watch an invasion during the war, and they could have made the whole world they completely different place and notjust britain. That was one of the most significant and important moments of world war ii. Johnny cracknell, think you very much for remembering Archie Mcinnis who has died at the age of 100. Time for the weather. We have seen fewer and lighter showers around the uk. Only showers from earlier on. Those will be fading away this evening. It turns dry overnight tonight. Good clear spells around. Missy cop ashes towards the ease. Perhaps those temperatures down to 12 and 14 degrees. Many places on saturday should be dry. There should be sometime at times. Sunshine could turn a bit hazy from the south west as some high cloud comes in. Maybe introducing a few showers across these western areas. Particularly across North Western wales in the day. Before then these are the highest temperatures similar to what we have had over the past day or two. There is more rain around on sunday for northern and western parts of the uk. The showery rain arrives and later on to the afternoon and evening that could turn heavy and thundery across scotla nd turn heavy and thundery across scotland and northern england. Likely to stay dry though across the south east of england and east anglia, warm and humid temperatures 00 58 56,943 4294966103 13 29,430 of 27 celsius

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