Hello, President Trump hasnt does make a 10 tariff on a further 300 billion worth of imports from china. He says in the tariffs would start a 10 and possibly be increased further. Depending on how the next round of talks goes, here is how he made that announcement. China eats it because they have to pay it, because what they do as they devalue their currency in their push money out. Our people havent paid, as you know, we are also judging them 25 on 250 billion, so we are taking on millie many billions of dollars. There has been absolutely no inflation and frankly it has cost our consumer anything, it costs china. What has happened is that a lot of companies are moving out of china so they can avoid an china has had a rough. This is the worst yearin had a rough. This is the worst year in 27 years according to yesterdays wall streetjournal, i dont want that but when my people came home they said, were talking, we have another meeting in september, i said thats fine. But in the meantime, until such time as there is a deal, we will be taxing them. Thats collateral corresponded chris parker. He says that china will pay, that is not the whole truth, is it . In fact, in a rally hes just been speaking to the crowd and saying, and i quote him exactly, we will be taxing the hell out of china, the era of economic surrender is over. That is not the case. The way the tariffs work, its the importers who will pay those tariffs set by america and as a result there isa set by america and as a result there is a fear that firms here, and customers will pay the price of these tariffs. It is emphasising again that he is talking about essentially taxing everything that comes from china at this stage. 25 tax on some 250 billion of goods and some 10 tariffs on the 300 billion worth of goods that will of course come into play on the first of september. That covers a whole range of things from food to la pto ps, range of things from food to laptops, tissues, to clothing, to toys. And as a result there is a real fear toys. And as a result there is a realfear in the us. Retailers have been saying as far as they are concerned, prices will go up and people will be paying more. And chris, its a difficult electro balance for him, isnt it . Talking to flaccus, plaintiff like this place well to the people who vote for him but the people who are boat for him but the people who are boat for him but the people who are boat for him will be hit by this as well. The argument from his point of view as well is that it will also affect chinas economy and there have been signs of that and the latest figures coming from beijing and certainly what he is trying to do here is push for a better trade dealfor america. But in the last week, there have been trade talks between the graduating teams from america and china in shanghai and frankly, those talks have the do nothing forced onstage the president was saying there are constructive and positive but little if any progress has been made stop and it does leave people concerned that this will end up in a stalemate and thats an important point you make, ultimately for any sitting president , the bigger standard to them winning a second term in office is a poor economy. At the moment, President Trump can save time and time again that the American Economy is doing well. He has been doing just that in cincinnati and ohio the last hour or so but at the same time, there is a concern that if we had this kind of trade war that seems to be emerging between china and america, it will hurt both countries economies and indeed the global economy. Chris, many thanks for that. South korea has confirmed that north korea has engaged in the Missile Launch of the third action in one week. It feels a saying it is similarto week. It feels a saying it is similar to the brew ballistic was ballistic results filed in the recent days was not present front plays down the charges at the white house. Lets go to the south korean capital. The president says he is not too bothered about this was what he said whatever arrangement he had cove rs he said whatever arrangement he had covers only bomb range missiles and nuclear missiles, how does it look from there . There are certainly analysing it in the middle of the 90 on the peninsula, i think when it comes to the concern here, it did seem comes to the concern here, it did seem that it was confirmed by us officials for, suddenly a whole hour before it was confirmed here by south korean military. So one of the things thats been analysed is, was dismissed . Are these missiles being deliberately calibrated by north korea to try to avoid radar and avoid detection. Also from here, its worth pointing out that despite the fact the us as these missiles are not a threat to them, they are a threat to us assets here and us allies in the region. These missile ranges would hit most of this Korean Peninsula and would be within range of the legs of the us bases likes of the legs of the us bases likes of us bases where many us troops are based was up while the us can brush it off is not a threat to the us mainland, certainly it is a threat to us assets here in the Korean Peninsula and of course, it violates Un Security Council resolutions. Thank you very much for that. Thats round up some of the other news. Four people had been shot dead ina news. Four people had been shot dead in a sudanese city, as predators took to the street across the country on thursday. The latest demonstration, you can see them here in the capital khartoum, a response to four the death for secondary stu d e nts to four the death for secondary students in central sudan on monday. The Syrian Government has agreed to a ceasefire in the North West Idlib region. Thats according to the agency. They want to see the implantation of a deal agreed a year ago, opposition fighters fighting back and the creation of a buffer zone between forces. It has been a symbol of the ultraconservative royal, saudi women under the age of 21 will be allowed to apply for passports, giving the same travel rights as men. Voting in the by election is nearly over, as it has been lost, and has been linked with a an expensive scanner. Been linked with a an expensive scanner. If the conservative party loses the seed, borisjohnson majority in the commons, working majority in the commons, working majority will be cut to just one. Lets go there now, a political corresponded, Jonathan Blake is there. The turnout is looking pretty impressive, wasnt it . Yes, just under 60 for this by election in a rural part of mid wales which is the largest constituency area in england and wales was notjust under 60,000 voters and the choice they are making tonight will have implications far beyond this part of the uk. Back at westminster it could have, as you say, serious implications for the new Prime Minister borisjohnson. Implications for the new Prime Minister Boris Johnson. His governing conservative party with the majority of just governing conservative party with the majority ofjust two in the house of commons and if they lose each i have to say the consensus here is that it is going to be close. And things could be even more difficult for him and then they already are. And it could be an early dent in his attempt to drive home a more uncompromising message in terms of delivering brexit either current deadline at the end of 0ctober current deadline at the end of october this year, come what may. Its a two horse race here, a street fight between the conservative party who held this is currently in the liberal democrats. The tories very much in favour of brexit in the liberal democrats backing remain. Although the campaigns have if its likely, here on the ground, at a local level, issues in this constituency have come into play but it is that brexit issue which has dominated and interestingly, this pa rt dominated and interestingly, this part of rural wales voted almost exactly as the United Kingdom as a whole did in the brexit referendum. 5296 in whole did in the brexit referendum. 52 in favour of these, 48 in favour of remain. And until a few days ago, this contest was being talked about almost as a dead serve for the democrats. They were seen as the favourites. Chris davies the conservative party mp seems to have clawed back that margin of defeat and the feeling is to note that it is going to be incredibly close between the tories and the liberal democrats. If you can see some flashes going off and a bit of applause, that is because i think the liberal democrat candidate has just just arrived in the whole, she is behind the camera now, there isa she is behind the camera now, there is a scrum going on so thats what you will be able to see and hear and she isjust you will be able to see and hear and she is just arriving to hear the result which we are told is now ten minutes or so away. And its been interesting to see this campaign followed on the ground because although that issue of brexit has come into play, the liberal democrats have held back on their uncompromising stop brexit message that they have been pushing nationally, knowing, ithink that they have been pushing nationally, knowing, i think that it isa nationally, knowing, i think that it is a little bit more finely balanced here. If they were going to win, it would be coming down to a very, very close margin of victory and that extreme, if you like a surge of stopping brexit against the results of the referendum back in 2016, wouldnt necessarily do them any favours but as i say, injust wouldnt necessarily do them any favours but as i say, in just a few minutes time we will hear the result and you might be able to see behind me now, the tables were the votes are being counted in the liberal democrat candidate there, jane dodds, the party s leader here in wales, arriving to hear the result and just being greeted by some of her supporters, some of her Party Workers who have been going door to door over the last few weeks delivering leaflets, trying to get out the votes and having a picture taken with some others here this evening. Jonathan, thank you very much indeed, will be back to you in just a moment. The people around the world who are wondering, behind you, for by elections in between the general elections of course in the uk, people tend to dress up. They really go for it and there were some of those just behind you just have to to you very shortly. Much more to come on bbc news. Including this was a british town is evacuated as concern grows that adamo could collapse after heavy rain. Cheering the us space agency, nasa, has ordered an investigation after confirmation today that astronauts were cleared to fly while drunk. The last foot patrol in south armagh. Once an everyday part of the soldiers lot, drudgery and danger, now no more after almost four decades. If one is on ones own, in a private house, not doing any harm to anyone, i dont really see why people should wander in and say, youre doing something wrong. Six rare white lion cubs are on the prowl at worcestershire park and, already, they have been met with a roar of approval from visitors. Theyre lovely, yeah. Really sweet. Yeah, they were cute. Welcome black. Expect welcome back. This is bbc news. Donald trump has imposed more ta riffs news. Donald trump has imposed more tariffs on china and threatened they will go higher if trade talks break down. North korea has fired another short range missile from its eastern coast, the third testjust over a week. Lets get more on this now. We can speak to melissa hannan, director ty depot deputy. Thank you very much your time. President trump says he is not bothered bothered about this but only long range missiles. What do you reckon . So its a tough challenge. North korea, as the president said, neveragreed challenge. North korea, as the president said, never agreed to halt launching anything last minute Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles however short range missiles do pose a threat, not only to the uss ally, south korea, but us forces deployed in south korea as well. Some of these missiles are Nuclear Capable and that means that they should be taken very seriously. So what message do you think north korea is trying to send and what are the implications of it . So there is a technical component as well as a political component. 0n the technical side, this is still a relatively new missile system. Its only been tested since may of this year and so it is not unusual for a country to have multiple tests in order to better understand its capabilities but even more than the missile itself is the way that a military unit deploys it in the field and so what i suspect its been happening over the last few weeks is that theyve been drilling with a military unit in order to understand how rapidly a unit can deploy this missile and south koreas reaction to it. Its pretty clear, isnt it, that north korea wa nts to clear, isnt it, that north korea wants to see the reunification of the peninsula on its own terms. It sees these military demonstrations is leveraged. I guess this is also being seen as a joint reaction to thejoint being seen as a joint reaction to the joint exercises, being seen as a joint reaction to thejoint exercises, military exercises coming up soon. Yes. North korea regularly is upset about these joint exercises and there has already been a kind of kerfuffle about whether the exercises were promised to be halted or not so it is indeed very upsetting that these exercises are ongoing. In addition, the Un Security Council has been meeting to discuss some of these short range rocket launchers so between both of these types of events its very likely that north korea is seeking to send a political message. Melissa, thank you very much indeed. More than 6000 people have been told to leave their homes in the town of Whaley Bridge in derbyshire. Rain has caused part of a nearby dam to collapse. People have been gathered ata collapse. People have been gathered at a nearby school amid fears the dam could burst causing water to engulf the town. The Environment Agency has warned there is a danger to life. We will hear from our science correspondent soon but first, judith morris. In an emergency, a comforting hand reassurance for those in disbelief at being displaced. The whole community affected, with little time to think, just an urgency to get to safety as quickly as possible. This is the danger they are running from, the dam which has protected their town for nearly 200 years, tonight dangerously close to collapsing. Whaley bridge now looks like a ghost town, people asked to leave their homes and businesses and get out of the area. I finished my shift at 2 00pm, drove back down to Whaley Bridge to go home. The Police Stopped me and said you cannot go into the village. I said, but im a resident. You know, i need to get in to get home. And he said no. I said, well, my partner is at home with the dog. He said, just ring him and tell him to get out. Probably a precaution, isnt it . You cant risk it, really. If something happens to the dam, were getting wet. Here is the reason. Intense rain yesterday caused a torrent of water to overflow the dam. Damage was caused to its concrete panels, and today, fears grew that the whole structure may not hold. Sandbags have been put along the top of the reservoir to try to stop it overflowing again. That is take straight to wales. Do hereby give notice that the number of votes recorded for each candidate at the said election is as follows. David n0 audio translation available . Chris davis, Welsh Conservative Party n0 audio translation available . n0 audio translation available . Jane dodds, welsh liberal democrats. n0 audio translation available . Des parkinson, brexit party. Liz phillips, ukip make brexit happen, 242. Lady lily the pink, the official monster raving loony party, 334. I will repeat that. 334. The total number of ballot papers rejected was 73. And i do hereby declare thatjane dodds is duly elected member of parliament for the said constituency. Translation and i do hereby declare that jane dodds is duly elected member of parliament for the said constituency. Good morning. And it is a very good morning here in brecon and radnorshire. 34 years ago last month, Richard Liveseys victory in a by election here sparked a liberal revival across wales and the United Kingdom. And tonight, weve done it again. The people of this constituency have once again chosen hope over fear. I am incredibly humbled by your support. From every walk of life and every political persuasion. And by backing that liberal vision. A powerful message to westminster. Welsh farmers and Small Business owners. To westminster. Welsh farmers and Small Business owners. Working families to feed their children. Young people failing to tackle the climate emergency. Our new leader, joe swinson. You can have better, better with the liberal democrats. This victory must be a turning point. Notjust for our this victory must be a turning point. Not just for our communities here in brecon and radnorshire but for the whole country two. People are desperately crying out for a different kind of politics. Faced with the borisjohnson different kind of politics. Faced with the Boris Johnson government and the threat of an ideal brexit. So my very first tell him loud and clear stop playing with the future of our communities. An ideal brexit now. of our communities. An ideal brexit now. A no deal brexit now. This isa time now. A no deal brexit now. This is a time when people that share liberal values must work together. Which is why i want to thank the green party and also plaid cymru for their courageous decision to back me this time. The trust and responsibility i now carry to represent every person it is an immense responsibility and an enormous privilege to follow in the footsteps of Richard Livesey and Roger Williams is the mp for this area. Its a shining example. And by my friends kirsty williams, that i look to as i take on this challenge. I think the police, the returning officer and her staff for conducting such a smooth count this evening. I think my talented campaign team, my agents, james lillis. I think rosie, helen and seda and literally thousands of campaigners who have come from every part of the country. Id also like to thank my husband patrick and my sister and family for their support. And lastly, i want to thank the people of brecon and radnorshire. I look forward to working with every single one of you to give our rural areas back their voice in westminster. Lets get to work. Live there in mid wales where the crucial electoral test for the new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson crucial electoral test for the new Prime Minister, borisjohnson and the new liberal democrat laterjoe swinson. This was crucial for the political arithmetic in the house of commons. A conservative loss here means Boris Johnsons commons. A conservative loss here means borisjohnsons new uk government has an effective majority of one, with implications of brexit and the confidence in him. 13,826, the conservatives, 12,401. A majority for the liberal democrats of 1400. That means they have just overturned a conservative majority of just over overturned a conservative majority ofjust over 8000. We are hearing now from the defeated conservative, chris davies. My wife and my family, who have had a difficult time over the last three months, but they have been by my side every step of the way. Im a very lucky man indeed. I would finish by saying what a village it has been to serve the people of brecon and radnorshire as theirmp people of brecon and radnorshire as their mp over the last four years. I would like to thank them for the support theyve given me today. Its been humbling as always and there is no greater pleasure for any man or woman and that is to serve their own constituency as member of parliament andi constituency as member of parliament and i thank them for that. I was all the constituents in brecon and radnorshire the various successes in the future. Thank you. Ijust like to say a very few words, first of all thank you to everyone who is organised this event and worked to deliver everything. you just joined worked to deliver everything. you justjoined us, were live in mid wales, the first electoral test for the new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. The liberal democrats have taken a conservative seat of brecon and radnorshire in mid wales meaning mrjohnsons new uk government has an effective majority of one with all kinds of implications of brexit and for confidence in him. This is bbc news. If you fail by the end of october, the brexit party will hold you and your government to account. Thank you. Good morning to you all. On behalf of the labour party and myself and my fabulous team, i would like to thank everyone here from conducting the count so ably. I like to thank everyone who voted over because the activists were turned out to forward activists were turned out to forward a message to the people of canon radnor share. What we see here today brecon and radnorshire. What we see here is a clear rejection of boriss visit to this constituency, a clear rejection of his ideals and a clear rejection of his ideals and a clear rejection of his ideals and a clear rejection of no deal brexit. Thank you. Cheering so. As ever i am surprised to find myself in front of a microphone because as i have always said throughout this campaign i am not a politician. I am a loony and i am an official loony. But i am delighted to have been part of this process and hopefully i have engaged a few people who would not normally have voted to come out and vote in their selection. Cheering there is one. That was always my aim. To engage other people in the political process. Quickly i will say that all these people, whatever their politics, are absolutely lovely. This is bbc news live from mid wales. We had a crucial electoral test for the new uk Prime Minister, borisjensen. A win here in wales for the liberal democrats in a coalition, a pro remain. A coalition, a pro remain. A coalition intended to support remaining in the eu. And anti brexit coalition. A win for the liberal democrats over the

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