Was introduced in 2015 has decreased by 90 . And on the first day of the ashes series heroics from captain, steve smith, rescue australia from a first innings collapse and put england on the back foot. Good evening. Thousands of people are being evacuated by police tonight in the derbyshire town of Whaley Bridge. Earlier today, flooding caused the partial collapse of a dam wall at a nearby reservoir. Emergency services are working to secure the dam and members of the public are being warned to stay out of the area around the toddbrook reservoir. The Environment Agency has warned that there is a danger to life. The reservoir contains 300million gallons of water which weighs i. 3million tonnes. Theres been 112. 1; millimetres of rainfall in the local area in the past week far higher than the average 68 millimetres in normally gets in the whole month of july; infact, abouti. 6 times the Monthly Average has fallen since last thursday. Judith moritz is in Chapel En Le Frith where some of those whove been evacuated have been taken to safety. Normally this place to be mdb can see how full it is, the Emergency Services using it as a command centre it inside the been building behind me, it is 11 oclock this morning and they first started to hear concerns about the dam above their town. But they were being told to get out of their houses. This dam is the only Thing Holding back toddbrook reservoir from Whaley Bridge. Its protected the town for nearly 200 years. Now, its dangerously close to bursting. Heavy rain has damaged the dam. Engineers are trying to pump water from the reservoir, but if the wall collapses, it could swamp the town centre below. Whaley bridge is now deserted. Residents were told to get out as fast as possible. Some say they didnt even have time to pack a bag. Many have been sent to a high school in neighbouring Chapel En Le Frith. Theyve been told to prepare to be away from their houses for several days. I finished my shift at two oclock, drove back down to Whaley Bridge to go home and the Police Stopped me and said, you cannot go into the village. I said, but im a resident, i need to get home. He said, no. I said, my partners at home with the dog, and he said, ring him and just tell him to get out. The school is also being used as a muster point for the Emergency Services and the local council. The police have taken over evacuating Whaley Bridge and done an absolutely superb job. Got about 85 of the people out already. Theres obviously one or two people who dont want to leave and are refusing to leave. But we know where they are if theres a problem. Engineers are assessing the damage but its a race against time and the elements. They need to draw down water to reduce the risk. The ground in the area is saturated, the rain continues to fall and the reservoir was already full. Something which has always been seen as a local attraction and beauty spot suddenly poses a real mortal danger. They said the engineers are now working of the next hours to assess the damage, report back on it and to try and get that water level down. To reduce the risk and the Environment Agency has issued a Severe Weather warning for this area that i would tell you that in the last few days, the range here has been biblical. A lot of worried residents inside the school behind me, sheltering from it. They do not know when theyll be allowed back home but all they care about at the moment is this town stays safe and that stays intact. Joining me now is Whaley Bridge resident, Melissa Welliver she lives next to toddbrook reservoir. Thank you for speaking to us on bbc news. First off, are you one of those who have evacuated . No, im not. We have not had to evacuate yet. We are very fortunate that we live above the reservoir, so there has not been an issue for us yet. But we have a lot of friends that have had to evacuate in a do worry about what will happen if the dam breaks. At one point will you evacuate . It would not become an issue thank goodness, because we are above the dam and are away from where it will burst and any utilities that name the cut off, gas oi utilities that name the cut off, gas or electricity, but the thing theyre or electricity, but the thing they re mostly or electricity, but the thing theyre mostly worried about is our Community Getting decimated by the amount of water behind that wall. And i understand that the utilities are down river from the reservoir, is that right . That is so we understand. We are not with the utilities, the biggest way right now is utilities, the biggest way right now is concern is, but easily mid day not earlier, theyve been really great. What are the police and rescue services doing . What have you seen . They arrived in the village quite early. The told people not to panic and told us what would happen if we needed to evacuate, they have been very kind and informative. They tried to help get volunteers and talk to our Community Groups so we can get the word out and so from what i understand, they have been brilliant. You said you had friends that are affected by the immediate breach of the wall what are they doing . Where are they going . Do they know how long celeste for . They said, down by the canal and obviously will be in the path of any water should it burst, they are at Chapel High School and they managed to get the dog as well. And many people as well have been offering their homes to anybody who are displaced and there are so many comments of people listing places to go. People are stuck we have all come together even though it is a bit of a crisis. How would the people, how did things develop . bit of a crisis. How would the people, how did things develop . I go into the park every moment and yesterday i posted pictures of the dam and it was flowing quite fast we did not go down and we are a Close Community and the local businesses, when they had to leave when they had to go at lunchtime, they started closing down the businesses and anyone who didnt live in the village left. It feels quite sudden but to be honest, it has been throughout the day and im not sure when the dam started to break down, yesterday it was just very wet and todayit yesterday it was just very wet and today it is been dry during the day and its been a bit of a shock. How long before things get back to normal . To have any indications from the police of the Weather Services . We have just been told to be prepared for a few days and we are seeing an ambulance, police cars and fire engines down the road trying to make sure everything is safe, you cannot hear anything because theres no traffic anywhere near us. We do not know the village will be back in action and i do not think it is anyones fault, we just have to find i was going to happen with the rainfall and at the moment, we have no idea when everything will be back to normal and when the shops will be open again. Has there ever been any concern regarding Something Like this and does the area have a history of flooding . We are the people that sit and watch the terrible news about other flooded areas and counter blessings that we dont live in an area that floods. Ive been there for 15 years and theyve been here all their lives theyve been here all their lives they have never seen anything like this. There was a massive indication of people in the reservoir, ive never seen anything like this, especially not in the summer. To stay safe and thank you very much for your time. We are going to be speaking to an engineer talking about the risks of the structure of the dam. Theyll be coming up on bbc news. Well the emergency in derbyshire comes just two days after parts of yorkshire were hit bya months worth of rain injust four hours. Some roads remain closed after bridges were washed away in the flash floods. Danny savage reports on the clear up operation. At this farm near reeth in the yorkshire dales, he green fields have vanished. Douglas barningham has been left with a moonscape. It was just biblical. It just never stopped for three hours. Ive just never seen anything like it. And the prospect of a massive bill for the damage. We havent had a proper count up but we think weve lost at least 80 sheep, weve lost 250 bales of silage, perhaps more, and theyvejust basically kind of washed away down the river. Look at whats going on and here they are, downstream in langthwaite, Claire Mooney filmed douglass bales of silage being swept away. Oh, my god, that poor farmer thats lost all his hey a few miles away near reeth, today was about salvaging belongings from ruined homes. The water has gone but its left a long lasting mark on this community. Everythings covered in this sort of. Its like thick liquid chocolate and its got into everywhere. A local pub was flooded too, with water pouring from the inside out. Everywhere around here, you can see these huge boulders that have been swept down hillsides by the force of the water two nights ago. Communications are badly damaged. This is a telegraph wire. You can see the pole here has been completely snapped in half and is now lying under this bridge. And this is the main road up and down the dale, again, swept away and now completely closed. Thankfully, no repeat of this is in the forecast. The bank of england has cut its forecasts for uk growth over the next two years. It also warned that a no deal brexit the scenario where the uk leaves the eu without an agreement would hit the economy harder and trigger a further drop in the value of the pound. There was some good news for households as the governor mark carney did say the jobs market and wages remained strong. It comes as the chancellor announced more than two billion pounds of extra funding for no deal preparations. Our economics editor, faisal islam, has been going through the numbers. Precision mapping is something thats not at all easy across the economy right now and geo survey instruments, a huddersfield family firm that rents out this kit to the construction industry, explains why no one can see too clearly ahead. This business has Great Potential and we are wary to invest too much into it, in case weve taken more than we can deal with. I think if there was more knowledge about exactly what would happen with brexit, that would help me. Christina also said she could no longer absorb the sharp falls in the pound and will have to raise prices. A now familiar picture for the bank of england. The governor presented a mixed assessment at its Quarterly Health check. The brexit fog meaning base rates could go in any direction. It is not as simple as saying that in the event of no deal there is just one path that Monetary Policy could take, because no deal would very unusually for an economic shock be an instantaneous shock notjust to demand, which is what everybody is used to seeing, but a shock to supply. The bank believes that Business Investment has been held back by a slowing in global growth, one off brexit factors such as car factory shutdowns and the rising chance of a no deal brexit. The economy grew by 0. 5 in the first three months of this year, boosted by stockpiling. Then it was expected to be 0. 2 growth for the next three months but the bank now thinks that that will be zero. The current prediction by the bank for the Third Quarter of 0. 3 , if correct, would make it the slowest six months for the economy since the financial crash. That assumes that with a brexit deal the uk just avoids a recession but the bank says the chances of one are now at the highest since the eu referendum. You could almost sense the frustration from Governor Carney that just at the moment when things were looking a little brighter, when some of the decades long clouds from the financial crisis were finally beginning to lift, with record employment and rising pay packets, that new ones have arrived. Weighing down the economy and sterling, and the polite message to the new residents at number 10 and number 11 the way to banish these new clouds is not no deal brexit do or die. The new chancellor of the exchequer, visiting tilbury docks with the home secretary, has made an additional £2 billion available to ports, customs and for emergency ferry capacity to help prepare for leaving the eu without a deal. Since ive arrived at the treasury, i have turbo charged our preparations, both of the treasury and helping across government, to prepare for no deal. Some have argued that the certainty of no deal can clear the way on the economy. Governor carney says thats wrong and is preparing his own Technical Assessment for next month. Lets get more on this now, and im joined by tim rycroft chief operating officer at the food drink federation. Thank you for speaking to us here at bbc news. I am interested to get your thoughts on the announcement. How reassuring which you heard is for your business. We have been singular since the referendum that the consequences of an ordeal brexit would be hard on the food and drink sector, partly because food is perishable and has a short shelf life and it is subject to particular checks of the border. Partially because tariffs tend to be higher than manufactured goods and also we have a number of areas on the eu on food and drink standards. And it is not clear how that will pan out with not clear how that will pan out with no deal. The bank of england and the forecast today, i dont think comes asa forecast today, i dont think comes as a surprise, we have been saying for quite some time but in ordeal brexit would be a catastrophic event for the food and drink sector and nothing has changed our mind on that in todays announcement, frankly putting more time and putting more time and effort into trying to prevent the worse consequences of an odour brexit. Padilla members understand on the ist of november in the event a no deal brexit . Understand on the ist of november in the event a Nodeal Brexit . Some things we know will happen is the control of the british government, things are much harder to know what will happen on the other side of the channel and with the eu will do at the border with the indications that it will enforce the border strictly which means that we expect a lot of lorries will get stopped and a lot of lorries will be checked for paperwork and we know that they are not yet ready to get that paperwork and not in of businesses registered to get the right paperwork and that means clocking up at the ports and the lorries on the other side of the channel cant come back with our imports and very quickly that would turn into selected shortages on the shelf. What prep does the food and drink industry put in place for no deal brexit . Could you give us some examples . Stockpiling as part of that and october is the worst timing for us and march, because october is pre christmas peak and a lot of warehouse has been brought up and there is less available for manufacturers who want to try and secure some extra warehousing space now. They can also do things like hedging on the currency to try and reduce the risk of devaluation and the supply chain, to make sure evan has the right paperwork, there are things that can be done but there are things that we just cannot be ready for, we can do preparation but we can never be truly ready. Of the 2. 1 billion announcement, what you make of what is being divvied up . Some has gone too stockpiling of medicines and that is a decision of the government took several months ago that theyre going to prioritise medicines not food and obviously thatis medicines not food and obviously that is worrying to us because we think that there is a need to prioritise food across the channel crossing and money is going into infrastructure to smooth things over and of course in the sense that is welcomed and anything to mitigate the impact is welcomed but as i say, but we would rather is that more would be going into securing the deal that we need in preventing on these bad consequences from happening. Would it help if one way or another if we were either in or out come the 31st because we hear about not knowing of the uncertainty costing the british economy more. Do you agree with that . Agent agree of the certainty of crashing with no deal is preferable in some way to the situation we are in now because no deal isjust the situation we are in now because no deal is just a really bad situation for us. What we need is a good trade to deal with the eu and the transition period that comes with agreeing a Withdrawal Agreement to the eu so we can adapt and then we can have an orderly exit and we can properly prepare for leaving the eu in an organised way and that is what all food and drink manufacturers, most of our trade goes and not because of politics but because of geography. These are the markets. That is what we want the government to secure. Thank you very much for your time. The headlines on bbc news. A full round up from the sportscenter. It has been a thrilling first day of the series. Getting off the perfect start as they reduce to 122 before a brilliant play from the members. 284. A Sports Correspondent reports. The six weeks supporting role when began at the ground where england barely remember losing to australia. That is why england started the series here. Why this welcomed australia. Chris, more of them soon. David warner giving out that for two. How the crowd world. Held aloft. Forgetting that he had been banned for ball tampering. Another of the men gone, replaced by the third. Steve smith was treated like this. In the meantime, he felt from chris, the birmingham poster boy, england had a problem. James was out. Australia were five down. Australias captain batting, tim payne straight to the england field are right there. Honestly, he really did that. Eyes broad or close. Steve smith persevered, a few near misses but he got past 50, rescue runs. Smith plus plus tearful apology but the scandal was recreated in the stands, creative or just the scandal was recreated in the stands, creative orjust cruel. Mockery in english bowling, steve smith observed it all today. A personal revival and give his team a test of everything. Heres how it stands after the first day, smith plus plus apparent endings helping australia reach 284 and england having two overs without loss tomorrow morning. Englands golfers of started well, a fifth and final womens major of the year, she began her title defence with a bogey free first round at 69 and also started strong in her bid to win herfirst major title and shot a five under par in 67 in her home court so leaving her just two par in 67 in her home court so leaving herjust two shots drift of the leader of south africa. Leaving herjust two shots drift of the leader of south africalj leaving herjust two shots drift of the leader of south africa. I just struggled to trust myself sometimes andi struggled to trust myself sometimes and i went out there and i have myself and i feel like and i went out there and i have myself and ifeel like im going to be in myself and ifeel like im going to beina myself and ifeel like im going to be in a good mindset. Deck and from the signing of ivory winter for a clu b the signing of ivory winter for a club record of £72 million. Signing a five Year Contract after completing a medical on tuesday. He scored 35 goals and 74 league appearances. There has been a huge blow for wells ahead of the rugbys world cup. He has been ruled out of the tournament. He suffered a collarbone injury and what is being described as an innocuous Training Ground incident and will need surgery. The player has had a string of injuries over the past year and a half, breaking his arm twice and has not played a test since march last year. The teenager writing at the racers, and to compete. This afternoon, she has won her race in the all female race, take a look there she is in her white helmet right on the inside track, she took it bya right on the inside track, she took it by a narrow margin, but look at how much a mentor. The ebony horse clu b how much a mentor. The Ebony Horse Club which gives inner city youngsters the chance to train. She has not set on a race horse before april this year. That is all your support for now well have more at half past ten. A jury has found a woman guilty of murdering her two young daughters. 23 year old Louise Porton from rugby, killed three year old, lexi draper and 17 month old, Scarlett Vaughan last year. Our correspondent, sima kotecha, reports. Cctv footage showing three year old lexi on the left and 17 month old scarlett, returning home with their mother early last year. Shes 23 year old Louise Porton, a former model from warwickshire whose selfishness led to the unimaginable. The murder of her two girls, just weeks apart. First it was lexi, whod been taken to hospital on two occasions before. On the 2nd january last year, Louise Porton called 111, telling them lexi had stopped breathing. She was kept in hospital overnight. Two days later, she called 999 to say lexi had stopped breathing again. Paramedics attended the address, revived her and took her to hospital. She was kept in but on the 8th january, lexi was discharged from hospital and returned home. A week later, another 999 call was made, and this time the Emergency Services found lexi dead. Ambulance service, is the patient breathing . No. Theyre not breathing . No. Ok, and who is it were talking about . Lexi, shes three. Shes three . During the trial, witnesses told the jury that porton seemed like an unloving mother who did whatever she could not to have her children. She had an incredibly active social life and her daughters interfered with what she wanted to do and with whom she wanted to do it with. 18 days after lexis death, scarlett was also murdered. When the verdict was handed down, porton blinked before sitting down and covering herface with her hand. The sale of single use plastic bags in england has fallen dramatically since a five pence charge was introduced four years ago. Government figures suggest that the seven biggest retailers including asda, sainsburys and waitrose sold 90 fewer plastic bags than in 2015. John mcmanus reports. Theyre the scourge of our streets and often of our oceans. Trillions of plastic bags used globally every year. Now new data for england shows that single plastic bag use has dropped significantly since 2015. The information relates to englands seven major retailers asda, marks spencer, morrisons, sainsburys, the co op, tesco and waitrose. Theyve recorded a staggering reduction of 90 since the 5p charge was introduced. And in the last year alone, theres been a 47 decrease in single bag use. That means the average person now buysjust ten single use plastic bags a year, compared to 140 five years ago. Plastic bag use has also dropped in scotland and the holyrood government is now pushing ahead with a Deposit Return Scheme for some plastic and glass bottles and cans. Some critics say ditching single use plastic bags means switching to heavy duty bags for life, which can often contain more plastic. But at a time when consumers are being urged to go green, this is one issue that campaigners will probably feel has been all wrapped up. Whether time. Flooding still a major concern across parts of the northwest of england and into the derbyshire Peak District as well as a number of Flood Warnings, we still have the severe Flood Warning and derbyshire. Showers earlier on and those are continuing to fade away and overnight, much of the country becomes dry and a little bit misty around eastern areas and temperatures probably falling no lower than 13 or 15 and sometimes in cities. Starting draft of the most pa rt cities. Starting draft of the most part but some sunshine around, cloud amounts will build and temperatures will rise for the risk of a few more showers and again, the same sort of areas not as many as today, it could stay dry with temperatures in the highest on the south wales in the southeast of england, for the start of the weekend, most places still dry with some sunshine around with a few showers, light showers and Western Areas before it starts to rise from the west, and the second over the weekend, and in the southeast of england. Hello this is bbc news with lu kwesa burak. The headlines. Part of a dam wall has collapsed after days of torrential rain in Whaley Bridge in derbyshire with warnings of severe danger to life. This was the dam yesterday evening a torrent of water as the toddbrook reservoir ove rflowed. The bank of england cuts its forecasts for uk growth over the next two years and warns that a no deal brexit would hit the economy even harder. A mother is convicted of murdering her two young daughters aged three and 18 months. The number of plastic bags being used since the 5p charge was introduced in 2015 has decreased by 90 . And on the first day of the ashes series heroics from captain, steve smith, rescue australia from a first innings collapse and put england on the back foot. Back to our top story and evacuation of thousands of residents of the derbyshire town of Whaley Bridge following the partial collapse of a damn above the town. Earlier my colleague ben brown spoke to professor nigel wright from Nottingham Trent university who is a Civil Engineer and an expert in flood Risk Management about what happened at the reservoir today. I think the high waters have been going over the concrete band and the concrete is really a place with the earth beneath, and want to cry, some of the concrete comes up and now we are wearing away some of the earth inside. So how dangerous is the situation be a thing, we see six and have gotte n situation be a thing, we see six and have gotten people evacuated, is at a sensible precaution in your view . I think it is, theres always a chance nothing will happen but its better than not moving the people out and something does happen so we are now trying to let the water out but ive highlighted in the previous interview, that needs to be done as fast as possible, but not too fast because he could cause further problems downstream so thats one thing i will look at. High priority now to let the water out, because clearly, there is massive repairs that need to be done to die wall. We are trying to do it to an extent but also dropping a level behind the dam, and before the eventual repair thatll take some time, theyll have to enter the band before doing any more full repairs on it. When you say sure it up, how easy or difficult is that . I think theyre doing whatever they can, its not that easy, you mentioned the small measure earlier that but they may be putting more earth and where the gap is to ensure that its close, but they will monitor the situation with they will monitor the situation with the concrete base, trying to make sure no more comes off. Lets return to brexit now and the news that the government is setting aside more money to prepare for no deal. The chancellor has announced that £2. 1 billion pounds will be allocated specifically for no deal planning. Thats on top of the 4. 2 billion pounds of brexit preparation money already allocated when theresa may was in number ten. Rom the money announced today 344 Million Pounds will be spent on upgrading border and transport infrastructure. Another 434 Million Pounds will be spent on making sure vital medicines are available. And 138 million will go on a Public Information campaign. Im joined byjulianne ponan, the founder and chief executive of creative nature, which makes Healthy Snack bars. And joining me from clevedon in North Somerset is tony wilkins, a butcher and fishmonger and also Teresa Auciello whos sales director of the Engineering Firm marlec. Shejoins me from stamford in lincolnshire. Thank you forjoining us. Julianne im going to start with you. In terms of no deal planning, what sort of plan have you got something in place . We are a Small Business so its hard to put the resource towards a full line plan that let a no no deal brexit so we did not have a specific plan but we had been as much as he possibly can in defence of taking on extra Warehouse Space increasing stock holding, because we had a perishable product we cant do too much at. Tony, same question do you have a plan in place and what is it . Obviously its the referendum result we have been putting our self ina result we have been putting our self in a position where we have prepared for the alternative of october 31 which was march 29th earlier, but what we have done is reconstructing our business in the last few months toa our business in the last few months to a the areas where we are more self sufficient with the service we had provided and the products we provide. We is everything locally. We are distributing throughout the uk, and what we have got is a nice little set up and we are just waiting for that clock tick tick now, where we canjust open flight grades and spread ourselves elsewhere. See you back to brexit . Yes 100 . Teresa, you are a sales director of an Engineering Firm, im interested to know what youre no deal plan looks like and how its costing because this will be the third time now come the 31st of october. Thats right, we actually had a chance for a few dress rehearsals even though they went flat. And they created some volatility in terms of cash flow for everybody. But we are following a similar path, we are making sure that as far as juliann said, the increased stock levels to make sure european customers can get stocks from us when they need them. And as quickly as possible. So that we can ove rco m e quickly as possible. So that we can overcome any delays that may happen in as they cross the border. We have is they have the challenge of getting products and additional products and from europe, so we can serve our uk customers, because my company but imports and exports. Well also make sure that we are talking to our shipping agents who usually help smooth the pathway for trading with europe and of course all around the world. Juliann, obviously you deal with perishable food, you did start off by backing brexit, so im interested why you changed your mind since 2016. Its not that i change my mind its the fa ct not that i change my mind its the fact that its been postponed again. There is no certainty, theres not been given to us from the Prime Minister on exactly whats going to happen. What fund is available for Small Business as well. We have things like labelling changes are governed by the eu. So what happens if we cannot trade with the eu, we have lots of customers over there. We also imported products from around the world. Its just not feasible for us to not know whats going to happen. If we get uncertainty away and we knew that was going to be a no deal brexit come 31st october, would you be happier with that scenario . come 31st october, would you be happier with that scenario . I dont think i would be happy but at least we would plan for it, and let our customers now and asked and our suppliers now. Tony, you sound as if you set up your supply chain really well. You run a butcher shop. Have you thought about your markets when you thought about your markets when you dont have access or perhaps dont want to access european markets and vice versa . We actually have found, we get price in ireland, and we have struggled to get them over because of uncertainty. Now there is a set date, i dont think itll be extended again, those irish distributors are talking to us now more fluently and often, they want us more fluently and often, they want us to talk to them more often. They are making it easier to get more products, even after the 31st of october when it comes and goes, we have meetings at two people tomorrow about what we are trying to do. Its about what we are trying to do. Its about communication, it has to go both ways. What we have had the last two years is someone banging their head against the door, to use a phrase, and not getting results in brussels. So now what we got is a chance to get that back on the table to talk again, and get the communication working again. So getting everyone organised. Tony, we heard a lot about the meat market and brexit and post brexit and the potential for us meat to enter the british market. Are you worried by that . Not in the slightest because what we do is we deal with a lot of countries. We deal with importing and exporting as well. We just want some lovely awards and like i said, even fisheries he is, we are just all talking together and when you start to communicate instead of throwing up a break while in blockades and stuff like that, if you start communicating with people. Just sit down around a table and talk. Talk sensibly. Those conversations it will come in and flourish. Teresa, what would the wto terrace due business . flourish. Teresa, what would the wto terrace due business . I am hoping we will take a sensible approach after the 31st of october, because i think a certain change of the way we operate with europe and the rest of the world is going to cause problems, and its why so many people are saying they do not want identity they dont want a no deal brexit. Hopefully we had a sensible deal with europe and perhaps have what i call a standstill for a wild, that we did not create certainty, thatjuliann spoke about that the business once, doubt if we had better get the then start to confidently move forward with plans or how we are going to delay changes in how we are going to deal with operating businesses and our procedures to accommodate changes. I presume as part of no deal brexit, preparations, you will have forecasted our projected these tariffs, just to see what it cost business, so is there anyway you could give us an indication of that figure or multiplier . Its a little bit difficult for me to say to be honest. The biggest challenge for us at the moment actually is currency for us at the moment actually is currency and the very dramatic change in currency in the last week alone. Its really causing problems. I have containers on the wider and im sure lots of other businesses in the uk will say the same. There are containers we have committed to that i going to be line very shortly, and will be paying five and according to government and bank of england, probably even more than 5 than we expected to pay for those goods. How do we push that through customers, it will quite obviously im afraid to be inflationary. Juliann we heard that figure of 5 , so what are your projections telling you is a viable . We would still be viable but we would have to put cost price increases and our current customers are saying can we hold them for 18 months, which is ridiculous. We physically cannot do it at the moment. We will say facing the same problem about hiding containers on why theyre not knowing lets to happen and when it happens. Final question to all of you, 138 million has been set aside as part of this 2. 1 billion that was announced today for advertising, 2. 1 billion that was announced today foradvertising, including advertising in europe, so what do you make about use of that money, would you like to see it used somewhere else . I would personally like to see it you summerhouse may be Small Businesses impacted guy who did not have a brexit be a scenario that they worked out. We need to help this business is. Tony, what do you make of this . Advertising is everything to business, if you do not let people know what you are and who you are and how you can help them, you will not survive, so obviously im all for it, ie social media on the time to advertise my business is attracting interest at every single day, people like what we do and they want to talk to us. So there has to be some kind of advertising involved. Therese, that 138 million is also going to be used and advertised on the european continent getting eu leaders will pay notice or change their mind . The advertising budget as i understand it is to explain to people what brexit is all about, its not actually to help directly help businesses. So we will still have a very big job to do regardless of the money government is spending. But businesses will have to do is they will need to retrain people and we need to look carefully at what our obligations are in terms of regulations that are going to be needed for selling into your app and also the different regulations we are going to find in the usa and other countries, you know, so there are many changes i had a nice, so any support we can get from government is going to be very welcome. Thank you very much all for joining us. Campaigners are calling for more training and better understanding of Domestic Abuse victims as their cases go through the courts system. Many say theyre left scared and isolated because of poor support and communication. More than a million cases of Domestic Abuse were recorded in england and wales, between april 2017 and march 2018. There were just over 89 thousand prosecutions but only 68 thousand guilty verdicts. You may find some of jeremy cookes report upsetting. Nervous, because i could even bump into him today. I dont know anything. Kirsty is at the beginning of a journey. Heading to magistrates court, where an ex partner stands accused of Domestic Abuse. Whats your best hope . He pleads guilty, and that its all over and done with. At this point, the charges facing her ex are stalking and assault, but what lies ahead will be bitter, bruising months for them both. Nice at first. In a way, he treated me like a princess. He was getting worse and worse. If i wore certain clothes, he didnt like it. It felt like he just ruled my life, in a way. He hit me. He hit me across the face. And then we both looked at each other. He looked really shocked. Kirstys on her way to give evidence. Her support worker, helen, knows her way around. Thats the entrance to the court there, the back entrance. Theyre heading into a two and a half hour hearing and a mixed result. Hes got convicted with harassment and a restraining order is in place, so im happy with that. Kirstys ex pleaded guilty to harassment on condition that the more serious stalking charge was dropped. What we saw in court today is something which i think is standard procedure these days a bit of horse trading going on. Always, because its plea bargaining. They want to accept a lesser charge and they hope that the fear of giving evidence is enough for the victim to agree to that. So, what about the assault charge . Kirsty was waiting to give evidence from a side room, but. The video link didnt work, time was getting on, so ive got to go back on the 2nd november. That small technical failure effectively splits the case, separating the harassment and Assault Charges from being heard together. The day comes, and after weeks of anxiety, kirsty is ready to go again. But she calls us. Shes been woken up early by the police. Theyve just knocked at half five this morning and said its getting adjourned. If this happens again, its just dragging it out even further. For many victims of Domestic Abuse the courts can be frustrating and frightening. For this young mum, we will call jane, it was a deeply uncomfortable experience. Is it intimidating . Court . Terrifying. And ijust broke as soon as we got into the witness room. I had plenty of support with me, but ijust broke. Forjane, it had taken countless calls to the police before shed found the strength to eventually officially report her ex. It was likejekyll and hyde. You would be sat cuddling into each other and then he would jump up and say you are a dirty whore. Hes a monster, an absolute monster. Deep winter, time to catch up with kirsty again. Three months after he admitted harassment, her ex is being sentenced. We hear how he showered her with unwanted gifts, sent dozens and dozens of texts and emails. His restraining order is extended to two years. Weeks later, kirstys yet again ready for court and the assault case. Ive had a sleepless night. At least thats the plan. Kirsty, whats happening now . The case has been cancelled again, i dont know why. I just feel sick to death. With jane, well, her case did eventually get to court. Her ex pleaded guilty to harassment, but for her it was a hollow victory. To me, my restraining orders a joke. Hes in my street every other day and theres nothing i can do, so long as he doesnt contact me. I just feel like it might be over for the police when you get your court conviction. What does it do to your Mental Health . I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. How does this end . Somebodys going to find me dead. Thats how it ends. So, all of this can be a hard road, and kirsty is finally heading back to court. Shes never been told why there have been so many delays, why its all taking so long. Its been a year now. Ijust think if it gets adjourned again, ijust want to drop it because i cant bear to go through this cycle again. Finally, the assault case comes to court. Kirstys ex partner is represented by the same defence solicitor weve seen before. His questioning is relentless and tough, insisting that she started the violence, that her ex only hit her in self defence. Kirsty, do you feel up to saying anything to us now . That was hard, wasnt it . Really hard. But im just glad its done. But it was hard. The Court Process for kirsty has been frustrating and disjointed. Its taken almost a year. The case has been handed around three different crown prosecution solicitors. Todays magistrates were completely new to the case. Home now, and an anxious wait. And then the final verdict. They dismissed it. They said his evidence was more credible than mine. All this for nothing. Would you do it again . No. Details of organisations offering information and support with Domestic Violence are available at bbc. Co. Uk actionline, or you can call for free, at any time to hear recorded information on 0800 888 809. Update on the derbyshire bridge, police has sent the latest update, they advises that further evacuations have not taken place. Downstrea m evacuations have not taken place. Downstream of the brake reservoir, you see on the screen, because at the area to the right at the screen, where there has been some damage to the Structural Integrity of the wall. A small number of properties that lie within the flood risk area outside the bridge had been evacuated, they tell us that these are in the areas of new mills, officers had been in contact with those who are affected, again a number of roads continued to be closed in the area. They go on to say this is not a decision taken lightly, and we appreciate there is a Significant Impact on the community. So, the main line here is that evacuations have increased downstrea m that evacuations have increased downstream of the todd brick reservoir as it were continues to be done to ensure the Structural Integrity of the reservoir. More on this as we get it. A six person has died from list area, they are thought to have required while at sussex hospital. A total of nine people are being treated at eight different hospitals, becoming l after eating contest hospitals, becoming l after eating co ntest hospitals, becoming l after eating contest contaminated food. Three people were taken to hospital after a scaffolding fell. Firefighters used a thermal Imaging Equipment to see if anyone else was trapped under the rubble. A mobile phone app is speeding up the detection of a potentially fatal kidney condition in hospital patients. Staff describe the technology as a potential life saver providing diagnoses in minutes instead of hours. Acute Kidney Injury is caused by Serious Health conditions including sepsis and affects one in five people admitted to hospital. Our health editor, hugh pym reports. Whether its the pager or the fax machine, there is no shortage of Old Technology across the nhs. But are we on the verge of a big leap forward . One hospital which has trialled an app for staff says its a potential life saver. This is the kidney function that we were talking about. Edgar is being treated for different Health Conditions and mary, a lead Nurse Specialist at londons royal free hospital, is able to show him the result of blood tests on her mobile. She is on the lookout for acute Kidney Injury most often found in older patients. Warning signs from blood tests can take hours to come back, but mary will get an alert on her phone within 15 minutes or so, if there is any cause for concern. Health care is mobile and real time. And this is the first device thats enabled me to see results in a mobile, real time way. Consultants involved in the project, which is being independently assessed, say it saves money on treatment, as well as helping patients. Potentially, it is life saving. We need to gather a lot more information about this technology and we need to look at it over a longer timeframe. But it is certainly the case that some patients are very unwell, information comes to the correct team very quickly and then we can put measures in place to try to make that patient safe and to reverse the impact on their kidney function. The royal frees collaboration with deep mind was criticised by the Information Commission over the use of patient data. The Commission Said the hospital had now completed all the required actions. Health analysts say there are exciting possibilities, but the nhs must take care in moving ahead with private sector partnerships. The potential is to develop technology that can be used to detect Health Problems much more quickly. To do this we need to make sure that the surgeons can access the data they need, that patients can contribute towards decisions about what is an appropriate use of their data, and to make sure the nhs gets enough in return when it shares data with external parties. The hope is that in the fast paced world of the modern hospital, giving nurses and doctors information at their fingertips can make a big difference to the way patients are diagnosed and treated. An 11 year old from halstead in essex has become a bmx world champion. Freia challis started riding a bike when she was just two. Last week, she became world champion. Her ambition to compete for Great Britain in the olympics. Melissa rudd went to meet her. Riders ready. Watch the gate. Freya challis is used to leading from the front. In her age category, she is simply unbeatable. The 11 year old has just returned from the bmx World Championships in belgium where she won all of her heats and a knockout round on her way to glory. We first met her when she was five. The first few sessions, we knew we had Something Special as a rider, especially amongst the female riders. There was just a level of technical ability and desire that you dont see very often. Despite her age, freya is no stranger to the world stage and victory was made even sweeter after previous disappointments. Ive crashed a couple of times, at the european rounds at zolder, but it made me come back stronger. It was really hot. At the end of my semi, i thought i was going to faint and i had a whole bottle of water poured over me but after that, in the pens in the final, i just knew that i was ready and ijust wanted to get it done. She is very driven in herself. And she just loves being on a bike. She probably started riding a bike when she was two, so she was naturally mischievous, climbing trees and on her bike and she isjust that sort of way inclined. Bmx racing became an olympic sport in 2008, the year freia was born. Her ultimate aim is to compete at the 2028 games, so she has a few important years ahead. Ive just finished primary school, going into secondary, so i dont know how im going to handle it with the homework and my biking. I willjust see. Yeah. Freia first got involved in bmx racing after watching her older brother. Melissa rudd, bbc look east in braintree. Time for the weather, heres darren. Hello there, flooding still a major concern across parts of the northwest of england into the derbyshire Peak District, as well as a number of Flood Warnings we still had a saviour with Flood Warning in derbyshire, heavy at time thundering showers early on, does are continuing to fade away and overnight, much of the country becomes a try, little bit misty around eastern areas and temperatures probably filing no lower than 14 or 15 degrees in some towns and cities, tomorrow starting dry for the most part, sunshine around, amounts billed a little bit temperatures rise and that brings a risk that the my shower is, again same sort of areas, not as many as today, the chance you stay dry, temperatures highest of all in south wales and southeast of england, for the start of the weekend, those places are dryly sunshine around and if you showers and perhaps more Western Areas before the rain starts to arrive from the west, during the second half of the weekend, still 00 59 35,930 2147483052 06 33,332 dry and warm in the southeast of 2147483052 06 33,332 4294966103 13 29,430 england

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