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Womans year long struggle with the justice system. And a show of force from englands bowlers, as they dominate australia on the first day of the ashes at edgbaston. And coming up on bbc news a bogey free round for englands charley hull on the first day of the british open. Shes in the clubhouse and in contention at her home course of woburn. Good evening, and welcome to the bbc news at six. More than 6,000 people have been told to leave their homes in the derbyshire town of Whaley Bridge after heavy rain caused part of a nearby dam to collapse. Police have been telling residents to gather some belongings and head to a local school, amid fears that the wall could collapse, with water from the toddbrook reservoir engulfing the town. The Environment Agency has warned that there is a danger to life. Flood warnings remain in place tonight across several parts of Northern England following another day of heavy rain in some areas. Judith moritz is in chapel en le frith, where those evacuated have been ta ken for safety. Judith. And normally during the School Summer and normally during the School Summer holidays, this place would be empty. Tonight, you can see how full it is. The Emergency Services using it is. The Emergency Services using it as it is. The Emergency Services using itasa it is. The Emergency Services using it as a command centre and inside the building behind me, sheltering from the rain here are many of the residents of Whaley Bridge. At 11 oclock this morning, they first started to hear concerns about the dam above their town. By two oclock, they were being told to get out of their houses. This dam is the only Thing Holding back toddbrook reservoir from Whaley Bridge. It has protected the town for nearly 200 years. Now, its dangerously close to bursting. Heavy rain has damaged the dam, engineers are trying to pump water from the reservoir, but if the wall collapses, it could swamp the town centre below. Whaley bridge is now deserted. Residents were told to get out as fast as possible. Some say they didnt even have time to pack a bag. Many have been sent to a high school in neighbouring chapel en le frith. Theyve been told to prepare to be away from their houses for several days. Ifinished my shift i finished my shift at two oclock, drove back down to Whaley Bridge to go home and the Police Stopped me and said, you cannot go into the village. I said, and said, you cannot go into the village. Isaid, but and said, you cannot go into the village. I said, but im a resident, i need to get home. He said no. I said, my partner is at home with a dog. He said ring him and tell him to get out. The school is also being used as a muster point for the Emergency Services and the local council. The police have taken over evacuating Whaley Bridge had done an absolutely superb job. Got about 85 of the people out already. There are obviously a few people who dont wa nt to obviously a few people who dont want to leave and are refusing to leave. But we know where they are if there is a problem. Engineers are assessing the damage but its a race against time and the elements. They need to draw down water to reduce the risk. The ground in the area is saturated, the rain continues to fall and the reservoir was already full. Something which has always been seen as a local attraction and beauty spot suddenly poses a real mortal danger. The canals and river trust which operate the dam says its engineers are now working against the clock over the next hours to assess the damage, to report back on it and to try and get that water level down, to pump water away to reduce the risk. The Environment Agency has issued a Severe Weather warning for this area. I can tell you in the last few minutes, though it has quietened down now, the rain here has been biblical. There are a lot of very worried residents in the school behind me sheltering from it. They dont know when they will be allowed to go back home. All they ca re allowed to go back home. All they care about at the moment, obviously, is this town stays safe and that dam stays intact. Thank you. We can show your live pictures of the dam. We have a helicopter up above the area. Just a few minutes ago, there were a lot of people standing on that walkway. They have been brushed off the walkway. You can see the gaping hole that has been left after that torrent of water yesterday. 0ur science correspondent rebecca morellejoins me now. Do they think this has happened simply because of the sheer weight of water . No, they think there has been a bit of a structural failure with the dam. It is quite old, it was built in 1831 and has a concrete, earth filled construction that we dont actually use nowadays to stop quite big. The reservoir holds 1 to stop quite big. The reservoir holds1 million to stop quite big. The reservoir holds 1 million cubic millimetres of water. There are safety things in place, like a spillway to get rid of the excess water. It is one of the spillways that has failed. It seems the water may have leaked underneath and that has caused these big concrete slabs on top to begin to crack. The problem is the damage is high up on the dam, because you dont really want atwater to begin over spelling. The key thing now is to get the reservoir water level down as quickly as possible. You can divert out through channels, and there is a plug mechanism at the bottom that you can also use. That will be the critical thing, as well the weather tonight if it does hold, they will be able to repair it but it could take months and months to do so. Rebecca, thank you. Well, the emergency in derbyshire comes just two days after parts of yorkshire were hit by a months worth of rain injust four hours. Some roads remain closed, after bridges were washed away in the flash floods. Danny savage reports on the clear up operation. At this farm near reeth in the yorkshire dales, the green fields have vanished. Douglas barningham has been left with a moonscape. It was just biblical. It just never stopped for three hours. Ive just never seen anything like it. And the prospect of a massive bill for the damage. We havent had a proper count up but we think weve lost at least 80 sheep, weve lost 250 bales of silage, perhaps more, and theyvejust basically kind of washed away down the river. Look at whats going on and here they are, downstream in langthwaite, Claire Mooney filmed douglas bales of silage being swept away. Oh, my god, that poor farmer thats lost all his hey a few miles away near reeth, today was about salvaging belongings from ruined homes. The water has gone but its left a long lasting mark on this community. Everythings covered in this sort of. Its like thick liquid chocolate and its got into everywhere. A local pub was flooded too, with water pouring from the inside out. Everywhere around here, you can see these huge boulders that have been swept down hillsides by the force of the water two nights ago. Communications are badly damaged. This is a telegraph wire. You can see the pole here has been completely snapped in half and is now lying under this bridge. And this is the main road up and down the dale, again, swept away and now completely closed. Thankfully, no repeat of this is in the forecast. Danny savage, bbc news, swaledale. The bank of england has cut its forecasts for uk growth over the next two years. It also warned that a no deal brexit, the scenario where the uk leaves the eu without an agreement, would hit the economy harder and trigger a further drop in the value of the pound. There was some good news for households, as the governor mark carney did say the jobs market and wages remained strong. It comes as the chancellor announced more than £2 billion of extra funding for no deal preparations. 0ur economics editor faisal islam has been going through the numbers. Precision mapping is something that is not at all easy across the economy right now and geo survey instruments, i had a spell family firm that rents out this kit to the construction industry, explains why no one can see too clearly ahead. This business has Great Potential and we are wary to invest too much into it, in case weve taken more than we can deal with. I think if there was more knowledge about exactly what would happen with brexit, that would help me. Christina also said she could no longer absorb their sharp falls in the pound and will have to raise prices. A now familiar picture for the bank of england. The governor presented a mixed assessment at its Quarterly Health check. The brexit fog meaning base rates could go in any direction. It is not as simple as saying that in the event of no deal there isjust one path as saying that in the event of no deal there is just one path that Monetary Policy could take because no deal would very unusually for an economic shock, be an instantaneous shock not just to economic shock, be an instantaneous shock notjust to demand, which is what everybody is used to seeing, but a shock to supply. The bank believes that Business Investment has been held back by a slowing in global growth. Brexit factors such as car factory shutdowns and the rising chance of a no deal brexit. The economy grew by 0. 5 in the first three months of this year, boosted by stockpiling. Then it was expected to be 0. 2 growth for the next three months but the bank now thinks that that will be zero. The current prediction by the bank for the Third Quarter of 0. 3 , if correct, would make it the seller six months for the economy since the financial crash. That assumes that with a brexit deal the uk just avoid a recession but the bank says the chances of one are now at its highest since the eu referendum. You could almost sense the frustration from governor mark carney thatjust at the moment, when things were looking a little brighter, when some of the decades long clouds from the financial crisis were finally beginning to lift with record employment and rising pay packets, the new ones have arrived. Weighing down the economy and sterling and the polite message to the New Residence at number ten and number 11, the way to banish these new clouds is not no deal brexit do or die. The new chancellor of the exchequer visiting tilbury docks with the home secretary has made an additional £2 billion available to ports, customs and free emergency ferry capacity to help for leaving the eu without a deal. Since ive arrived at the treasury, i have turbo charged our preparations, both of the treasury and helping across government, to prepare for no deal. Some have argued that the certainty of no deal can clear the way on the economy. Governor mark carney says thatis economy. Governor mark carney says that is wrong and is preparing his own Technical Assessment for next month. Faisal islam, bbc news. A jury has found a woman guilty of murdering her two young daughters. 23 year old Louise Porton from rugby, killed three year old lexi draper and 17 month old Scarlett Vaughan early last year. 0ur correspondent sima kotecha has the story. Cctv footage showing three year old lexi on the left and 17 month old scarlett, returning home with their mother early last year. Shes 23 year old Louise Porton, a former model from warwickshire whose selfishness led to the unimaginable. The murder of her two girls, just weeks apart. First it was lexi, whod been taken to hospital on two occassions before. 0n the 2nd of january last year, Louise Porton called 111, telling them lexi had stopped breathing. She was kept in hospital overnight. Two days later, she called 999 to say lexi had stopped breathing again. Paramedics attended the address, revived her and took her to hospital. She was kept in but on the 8th of january, lexi was discharged from hospital and returned home. A week later, another 999 call was made and this time the Emergency Services found lexi dead. Ambulance service, is the patient breathing . No. Theyre not breathing . No. 0k, and who is it were talking about . Lexi, she is three. Shes three. During the trial, witnesses told that porton did whatever she could not tell their children. She had an incredibly active social life and her daughters interfered with what she wanted to do and with whom she wa nted she wanted to do and with whom she wanted to do it with. 18 days after lexis death, scarlets was also murdered. When the verdict was handed down, porton blinked before sitting down and covering herface with her hand. Sima kotecha, bbc news. Police in madagascar say theyre investigating how a Cambridge University student fell to her death from a small plane shortly after takeoff. Alana cutland who was 19 and from Milton Keynes had been on an internship on the island off the south east coast of africa. Andrew harding has more. Andrew. We know that alana took off last thursday from a remote airstrip in the north of madagascar. A few minutes later, the side door opened and she fell to her death. Today, the police in madagascar told me they have confirmed that she opened they have confirmed that she opened the door herself. The investigation continues. Her parents have asked for privacy and are not commenting on the circumstances. But we understand that that investigation will now continue. The hunt for the body, of course crucial, and the testimony of the pilot and another woman believed to be on the flight. Their evidence will also be very important. Thank you. Our top story this evening thousands of residents are told to leave their homes in derbyshire amid fears a huge dam is about to burst. Coming up, the first day of the ashes becomes an australian renaissance. Coming up on sportsday on bbc news together for the first time in three years, the Murray Brothers win at the washington 0pen, taking them to the quarter finals of the mens doubles. Campaigners are calling for more training and better understanding of Domestic Abuse victims, as their cases go through the courts system. Many say they are left scared and isolated because of poor support and communication. More than a million cases of Domestic Abuse were recorded in england and wales, between april 2017 and march 2018. There were just over 89,000 prosecutions, but only 68,000 guilty verdicts. You may find some of jeremy cookes report upsetting. Nervous, because i could bump into him today. I dont know anything. Kirsty is at the beginning of a journey. Heading to magistrates court, where an ex partner stands accused of Domestic Abuse. What is your best hope . He pleads guilty, and that its all over and done with. At this point the charges facing her ex are stalking and assault, but what lies ahead will be bitter, bruising months for them both. Nice at first. In a way, he treated me like a princess. He was getting worse and worse. If i wore certain clothes he didnt like it. It felt like he just ruled my life, in a way. He hit me. He hit me across the face. And then we both looked at each other. He looked really shocked. Kirsty is on her way to give evidence. Her support worker, helen, knows her way around. Thats the entrance to the court there, the back entrance. They are heading into a two and a half hour hearing and a mixed result. Hes got convicted with harassment and a restraining order is in place, so im happy with that. Kirstys ex pleaded guilty to harassment on condition that the more serious stalking charge was dropped. What we saw in court today is something which i think is standard procedure these days a bit of horse trading going on. Always, because its plea bargaining. They want to accept a lesser charge and they hope that the fear of giving evidence is enough for the victim to agree to that. So, what about the assault charge . Kirsty was waiting to give evidence from a side room, but. The video link didnt work so ive got to go back on the 2nd of november. That small technical failure effectively splits the case, separating the harassment and Assault Charges from being heard together. The day comes, and after weeks of anxiety kirsty is ready to go again. She calls us. Shes been woken up early by the police. Theyve just knocked at half five this morning and said its getting adjourned. If this happens again its just dragging it out even further. For many victims of Domestic Abuse the courts can be frustrating and frightening. For this young mum we will call jane it was a deeply uncomfortable experience. Is it intimidating . Court . Terrifying. And ijust broke as soon as we got into the witness room. I had plenty of support with me but ijust broke. Forjane, it had taken countless calls to the police before she had found the strength to eventually officially report her ex. It was likejekyll and hyde. You would be sat cuddling into each other and then he would jump up and say you are a dirty whore. Hes a monster, an absolute monster. Deep winter, time to catch up with kirsty again. Three months after he admitted harassment, her ex is being sentenced. We hear how he showered her with unwanted gifts, sent dozens and dozens of texts and emails. His restraining order is extended to two years. Weeks later, kirsty is yet again ready for court and the assault case. At least thats the plan. Whats happening now . The case has been cancelled again, i dont know why. I just feel sick to death. With jane, her case did eventually get to court. Her ex pleaded guilty to harassment but for her it was a hollow victory. Today my restraining order is a joke. Hes in my street every other day and theres nothing i can do so long as he doesnt contact me. I just feel like it might be over for the police when you get your court conviction. What does it do to your Mental Health . I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. How does this end . Somebody is going to find me dead. Thats how it ends. So, all of this can be a hard road, and kirsty is finally heading back to court. Shes never been told why there have been so many delays, why its taking so long. Its been a year now. Ijust think if it gets adjourned again ijust want to drop it because i cant bear to go through this cycle again. Finally, the assault case comes to court. Kirstys ex partner is represented by the same defence solicitor we have seen before. His questioning is relentless and tough, insisting that she started the violence, that her ex only hit her in self defence. Feel up to saying anything to us now . That was hard, wasnt it . Really hard. But im just glad its done. But it was hard. The Court Process for kirsty has been frustrating and disjointed. Its taken almost a year. The case has been handed around three different crown prosecution solicitors. Todays magistrates were completely new to the case. Home now, and an anxious wait. And then the final verdict. They dismissed it. They said his evidence is more credible than mine. All this for nothing. Would you do it again . No. That report was byjeremy cooke. Our home editor mark easton nowjoins me. The concern must be that the system is not working as it should. What strikes you is how a victim can end up strikes you is how a victim can end up feeling that the system is not on her side and the concern that other victims, seeing that the stress, might not pursue a perpetrator through the justice system, and that would be a tragedy, because we have come so far. When i started out a0 yea rs come so far. When i started out a0 years ago you would ring the police and they would say nothing has happened overnight, just a couple of domestics, what happened between husbands and wives was not deemed as important. Now Domestic Abuse as a priority for the police. Local authorities and the core service they have important the responsibility is on supporting victims through the labyrinth but if one part of the jigsaw puzzle is not there and all that effort can be for nothing, and the Court Services under enormous pressure. Adjournments, equipment not working. Lets not forget 70 of Domestic Abuse prosecutions to result in a conviction, but we have clearly got huge challenges. Details of organisations offering information and support with Domestic Violence are available at bbc. Co. Uk actionline, or you can call for free, at any time to hear recorded information on 0800 888 809. Thats 0800 888 809. There has been a significant increase in the amount of children going into care in england. Ryan was put into care to feel safe but after being passed between 20 carers his Childhood Trust and social services was destroyed. Theres not much transparency, so you feel like everything is secrets and lies, everyone is plotting against you, everyone is spreading rumours. And how did that make you feel . You feel like youre isolated but no ones there, so you end up sourcing help from your peers and obviously sometimes you find the wrong peers. I got into a lot of trouble, i got in trouble with the police, i got in trouble with social services. A report has found theres been an explosion in the number of teenagers going into care in england over the last five years, putting a strain on services. Many have complex expensive needs and are more likely to be moved around and can be exposed to criminals. I would represent lots of children who have allegedly committed crimes that if that same action had happened within a normal, natural family setting would never have resulted in the police being brought in. That is then the start of a journey for many, who experience the criminology system as children and then are perhaps more likely to experience it into adulthood. While councils are asking for more money, the government says it is investing millions to help protect some of these children, but, for campaigners, its not just about cash. They want to see a shift in society, to get rid of some of those entrenched negative attitudes towards people who have been in care. For 0rion, though, hes travelled the country helping young people in care, in the hope others dont experience what he did. Frankie mccamley, bbc news, newcastle. Cricket, and england made an impressive start on the opening day of the first ashes test at edgbaston taking a series of early wickets. The six week sporting whirlwind began at the ground where england barely remember losing to australia. That ashes history was why england started this series here. Why this image welcomed australia. Chris woakes. More of him soon. Stuart broad started it. David warner given out lbw. How the crowd roared. Those bits of yellow held aloft are sandpaper. Just in case he had forgotten, he was banned for ball tampering. Next, cameron bancroft. Broad again. Another of the sandpaper men gone. Replaced by the third. Steve smith was greeted like this. Booing. England had a problem. James anderson was absent. Calf trouble. Leave it to woa kes. Two more lbw for him. Australia were five down. Australias captain batting, tim paine, straight to the england fielder. Yes, honestly he really did that. Steve smith persevered. A few near misses but he got past 50. Rescue runs. Smiths tearful apology in the wake of the ball tampering scandal was recreated in the stands. Creative orjust cruel . Mockery, drizzle and english bowling. Steve smith absorbed it all today. His 100 was a personal revival in a game of teams, and a test of everything. England might have hoped to have australia 1a0 all out. Smith is still going. Determination and defiance is still the essence of test cricket. Time for a look at the weather. This evening looks pretty nasty. This evening looks pretty nasty. This is where we have the severe Flood Warning in force at the moment and the last week has brought a month of rain and more to many parts and funnelling down into the river systems, hence why we have severe danger to Flood Warning out in force from the Environment Agency, and it is still raining heavily. You can see the line of thunderstorms across north west england moving on to the midlands and we have had funnel cloud in renfrewshire. Quite intense downpours. Ten 15 millimetres, but thatis downpours. Ten 15 millimetres, but that is overnight and they get a little of mist on the east coast. It will be warm again. Very little change in how the weather will feel over the next few days. We do not change much with the weather. Low pressure has been bringing showers. Still feeding on the moisture so like today the showers will get going as we head into the afternoon and they could form in similar areas to where we have seen the rain today is not greatness but hopefully not as many as today. Sunshine in between so it feels quite warm with lighter winds and that is the problem is no wind to move the showers. Brief respite on saturday but not for long. The weather fronts are stacking up in the atlantic so a little bit of mist and fog on saturday. It looks mostly dry with a few light showers for Northern Ireland when it has been dry today and will probably be dry tomorrow. Sunday is the greater chance of more rain to come. Thats all from the bbc news at six so its goodbye from me isa is a reminder of the headlines. Part ofa dam is a reminder of the headlines. Part of a dam wall has collapsed after days of torrential rain in Whaley Bridge in derbyshire. There are warnings of severe danger to life. The Police Stopped me and said i couldnt go into the village and i saidi couldnt go into the village and i said i am a resident and

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