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President trump has long promised this border wall. He went to rally after rally, even before he was elected president , and promised he would build a barrier between mexico and america to tackle the problem of illegal immigration and there has been a long battle between President Trump and his political opponents over how to fund that. Inside congress, democrats have repeatedly blocked his attempts to get money specifically for the wall earlier this year he declared a National Emergency, arguing that there was a crisis in americas southern border because of a number of people trying to claim a silent and because it illegal immigration and he argued because of that National Emergency, he should be allowed to redirect funds from other government departments. For example, the department of defence, in order to pay for the wall. A court had argued, and had decided that it was going to put in place an injunction because it felt it that stage, it wasnt appropriate for it to do it and part of that is because congress in washington ultimately does have responsibility for the purse strings. It should have a say on these issues, it would be argued, but the Supreme Court has ruled President Trump can go ahead with his decision to build the wall and there is no doubt he regards that as a major victory. On twitter, he said it was a big win for border security. It is an important decision from the court but on another migration related development, the us and guatemala have reached some sort of migration deal. Can you tell us more . Of course one of the big problems with the border as people coming from Central America and they are coming from countries like guatemala, el salvador and honduras. What guatemaala seems to have agreed to is the those people who are coming from honduras and el salvador who make their way through guatemala up to now seek protection first there and guatemala before they go to the us, essentially claiming asylum in that country before they reach the United States and that is something that american officials have been pushing very hard for some time. However, we dont know the specific details of this deal and actually, there are some suggestions that what is often called this bird country arrangement is not mentioned in specific detail, its certainly not called that in this agreement, signed by the guatemalan government and the american administration. There is also another issue, the guatemalan courts had said very clearly that as far as it was concerned, it needed the approval of congress and couldnt go ahead without that. Currently, the congress in guatemala is on summer recess survey has not been a vote in favour of this deal and its not entirely clear yet how the guatemalan government got around that problem. Lets get some of the days other news. Thousands of pro democracy protesters have been holding a sit in at Hong Kong International airport. The protest was against the polices slow response to last weekends attacks, allegedly by triad gangs, on demonstrators and passers by. The chairman of the usjoint chiefs of staff has expressed optimism about efforts to bring the long running conflict in afghanistan to an end. Generaljoseph dunford says the us envoy is in talks with the taliban in doha. President trump is threatening to impose tariffs on imports from france. He tweeted he will shortly announce substantial reciprocal action after france imposed a new digital tax on us tech giants like google and facebook. Mr trump also accused the french president Emmanuel Macron of acting foolishly. Have been several earthquakes in the northern plains, damage. The tremors struck north of the main island of luzon. The Us Geological survey has registered magnitude 4. 5 and 4. 9. Details are still coming in. The United Nations human rights chief has criticised the apparent indifference of the International Community towards the renewed fighting in syria. Michelle bachelet said airstrikes by Government Forces and their allies have killed at least a hundred civilians in the last ten days. 26 of them were children. The fighting has been taking place in idlib province, in the north west of syria. Its one of the last Opposition Strongholds in the country after eight years of civil war. The fighting in idlb province affects an area that was supposed to be demilitarised following a deal between turkey and russia in september 2018. However, heavy fighting in the province restarted at the end of april, when syrian Government Forces, supported by russia, launched airstrikes. After a week of airstrikes, Government Forces began their ground offensive in idlib. Following the collapsing of three ceasefire attempts, the syrian army began the second phase of its offensive ten days ago. And that has led to the uns human rights chief, complaining of International Indifference to the continuing suffering in the province. As imogen folks reports, despite denials by syria and russia, civilians, hospitals and businesses in idlib have been targeted. Five year old rehan desperately trying to save her baby sister from an air strike. Butjust hours later rehan herself died from her injuries. Idlib is the last area of syria still in rebel hands. It is also home to millions of civilians. The United Nations has warned for months that a battle here would come at a huge cost to civilian life. The area is supposed to be a de escalation zone, but in recent weeks Syrian Forces has stepped up their operations. 103 people have been killed in the last ten days alone. A quarter of them children. This latest Relentless Campaign ofairstrikes, by the government and its allies, has continued to hit medical facilities, schools, and other civilian infrastructure such as markets and bakeries. These are civilian objects and it seems highly unlikely, given the persistent pattern of such attacks, that they are being hit by accident. Intentional attacks against civilians war crimes. And those who have ordered them or carried them out are criminally responsible for their actions. Syria and its ally russia both deny deliberately targeting civilians, nevertheless, men, women, children are dying in the air strikes and, to the uns frustration, theres little sign of international concern. Those air strikes kill and maim significant numbers of civilans several times a week and their response seems to be a collective shrug. With the Security Council paralysed by the persistent failure of its five permanent members to agree to use their power and influence to stop the fighting and killing once and for all. Many of the people in idlib fled there from aleppo. They have already endured one brutal struggle for control of a city, now, in what could be the last decisive battle before syria returns entirely to president assads control, they have nowhere to go. Imogen foulkes, bbc news, geneva. Borisjohnson says his plan to recruit 20,000 new Police Officers across england and wales will begin within weeks and be completed in just 3 years. The move has been welcomed, but there are warnings of logistical challenges including a lack of training instructors. Our home editor, mark easton reports. Its about turn. 0n government policy, on police recruitment. Theresa may as home secretary and Prime Minister presided over a 20,000 reduction in the number of offices in england and wales. Hersuccessor, borisjohnson, has said he will increase the force by 20,000. I think its the most fundamental investment you can make in society. Reducing crime and making our streets safer. Safer streets equal more investment, by equals more business, equals morejobs, equals growth. Recruitment at the level promised has never been seen before, with natural wastage, it means hiring 35 extra officers every single day. Experts doubt even with a can do spirit and political exultation, itll be easy to achieve. This is incredibly ambitious, but i think we ought to be ambitious, because this is the right thing to do. You attract people and how you train people want to bring officers then, they need equipping, so there is a whole range of stages here that are going to present challenges. There is no question about that. Crime has risen up the list of public concerns. There have been increases in some categories of serious violence, including stabbings. Although the risk of being a victim of Violent Crime is actually at the lowest level since records began. Alarming images of crimes like this attempted car jacking yesterday involving two arsenal players and a gang armed with knives field the arguments that cuts to Police Budgets and workforce had made people less safe. But the claim that more police equals less crime is actually quite hard to demonstrate. Since the early 80s, we have seen crime rise to a high point in the mid 90s and then fall before stabilising in the last few years. But over the same period, we have seen Police Numbers go up slightly as crime soared, then rise fast as crime went down, and then go down as crime levels also went down. There is no obvious correlation. Government analysis suggests the main influences on crime levels are the economy, unemployment, inequality, technology and broader cultural and social changes. Police activity is not on the list, although there is evidence that intelligence led policing and targeted action can deal with crime hotspots and certain offences. Look at the sources and causes and consequences of current crime, which are in part to do with lack of youth facilities, in part to do with poor housing conditions, in part to do with poor employment opportunities. It isnt just police that solve crime. For politics, crime tends to focus on police resources, but even if 20,000 extra offices can be recruited in just three years, its far from clear that that will be the deciding factor in making people safer. Mark easton, bbc news. A fantasist who made false allegations of murder and child sex abuse against several high profile figures, has been jailed for eighteen years. The judge said carl beech was a manipulative and devious person, whod fabricated a vip paedophile ring, accusing people with the highest integrity of vile acts. Our Home Affairs Correspondent june kelly reports. As he lived his life as a School Governor and hospital inspector, carl beech watched others suffer as a result of his lies. Poppies, pinned to my chest while they did whatever they wanted to do. Hed handed over names in police interviews, claiming high profile figures formed a vip paedophile ring. Beech revelled in the attention he received, before he was exposed as a paedophile himself and a cruel and dangerous manipulator. Today, it was the turn of those whose lives he tried to destroy to have their voices heard. The former mp, harvey proctor, lost his home and hisjob because he was under suspicion. Carl beech claimed hed actually murdered two boys. Beech listened from the dock as a series of powerful and poignant impact statements were read to the packed courtroom. Lord bramall, a former chief of the defence staff, now in his 90s, wrote. The widow of lord brittan, who died during the investigation wrote. Danieljanner, son of another politician falsely accused by beech, spoke for his family. The effect is hard to describe, but its the stigma of an allegation as serious as rape against a loving father. Harvey proctor later gave a news conference. My life, my future as i had planned it to be and my belief in british institutions and fairness have gone. The metropolitan police assertion that his allegations were credible and true is already part of my obituary. Carl beech has been sentenced for lying about his abuse claims, downloading hundreds of sexual images of young boys and secretly filming a boy indecently. He will serve half of his 18 year sentence in prison. The judge mrjustice goss said beechs offending called for a severe and deterrent sentence. Tonight, the man who wanted to put other people in the dock is beginning his jail term. June kelly, bbc news at newcastle crown court. This is bbc news, the latest headlines the us Supreme Court has cleared the way for the Trump Administration to use pentagon funds to build sections of the president s promised border wall with mexico. The United Nations says airstrikes by the Syrian Government may be directly targetting civilians. Its accused the world of turning its back on their plight. The summer heatwave has broken records across the northern hemisphere, and not even the arctic has escaped the dramatic rise in tempratures. There have been hundreds of wildfires within forests in the arctic circle, including siberia, alaska and greenland. Plumes of smoke from the fires can be seen from space. Ramzan karmali reports. Wildfires are ravaging the arctic. Areas of northern siberia, northern scandinavia and greenland have been engulfed in flames. Lightning often triggers fires in the region, but this year they are lasting longer. This fire at grouse creek in alaska has been burning since the 10th ofjuly. So far, over two million acres of forest land have been scorched in the state. The temperature was much higher than the average, and also things like the soil moisture and the amount of precipitation is much lower than the average. What this means is its much drier, much warmer, so when there is an ignition, then the fires have been able to persist and spread quite quickly, and endure. Arctic fires are common between may and october but higher temperatures, blamed on climate change, have meant the fires this year have been more intense. Global satellites are now tracking a swathe of new and ongoing wildfires within the arctic circle. Smoke is affecting large areas, engulfing some places completely. Cities in eastern russia have noted a significant fall in air quality, with many people seeking medical help. Translation smoke is a horror. You are choking and feel dizzy because the smell of the smoke is very strong. The fires are releasing copious volumes of carbon dioxide, which Scientists Say will make our planet even warmer. That means wildfires like these will become even more common. Ramzan karmali, bbc news. A british hacker who pleaded guilty to making Malicious Software has been released from custody in the us, after a Court Sentenced him to the time he had already served. Mark hutchins could have faced up to ten years in prison. But hes now expected to return to the uk, where he became famous for helping to stop the biggest ever cyber attack on Britains National health servive. Gary 0donoghue was in milwaukee for the Court Hearing and sent this report. After two years on bail, Marcus Hutchins is now free. Im glad its over. It was relief all round and gratitude to a judge who was full of praise for hutchinss talents. I just want to thank everyone who supported me and the judge for his incredible leniency. Two years ago, Marcus Hutchins was a hero. Hed been credited with stopping the biggest ever cyber attack to ever hit the National Health service. The so called Wannacry Ransomware exploited weaknesses in computer systems, locking up data and demanding money for it back. The malware hit around a third of nhs trusts in england, leading to appointments and operations been cancelled. In fact, wannacry, linked north korea, hit tens of thousands of computers in dozens of countries right around the world. And it was Marcus Hutchins who discovered a kill switch which stopped the virus from spreading. He talks about it in an interview at the time. I checked the message board. There were maybe 16, 17 reports of different nhs organisations being hit. And that was at the point where i decided my holidays over ive got to look into this. But while attending a hackers conference in las vegas shortly afterwards, Marcus Hutchins was arrested by the fbi as he waited for his flight home. In a case unrelated to wannacry, the us said hutchins had previously written and sold computer code known as kronos that enabled criminals to steal Online Banking details. Hutchins could have gone to jailfor ten years, but the judge said that the consequences of what hed done paled in comparison to the foresight he had shown in stopping the wannacry virus. Astonishingly, thejudge even raise the idea of a pardon, something only in the gift of the president. Gary 0donoghue, bbc news, milwaukee. A leading allergy specialist is calling for mandatory stocks of emergency adrenaline pens, in schools. The hormone medication rapidly reverses the effects of severe allergic reactions, but schools arent forced to stock it. The bbc has learnt that the death of a boy, who suffered a severe allergic reaction while at school in london, is now being investigated by the health and safety executive. 0ur education editor branwenjeffreys has more. Since he was a toddler, karanbir had food allergies, a risk managed until secondary school. Cheese was thrown at him by another pupil. Within half an hour, karanbir went into cardiac arrest. He died, aged 13, in intensive care. I expected him to return home, sent him to a place where i thought hed be safe. How do you get through this . How do you live with it . I live in a black hole. My life is without my son, something that could have been prevented very, very, very easily through education and understanding. Rina lost her only child. The inquest found failings at the school. Karanbir was given adrenaline after ten minutes. The pen was out of date. There was no second pen. Whats the difference then, do you think, between the blood in a vein and an artery . Theres going to be oxygen. Fantastic, 0k. The difference for 15 year old lily is a school that saved her life. A food allergy had never been a worry, until a lesson last year, when lily suffered a serious allergic reaction. It was like there was someone pushing down on my throat and sat on my chest. And then. I obvioulsy didnt know what was going on because we had learned about anaphylaxis, but i never thought it would happen to me. It was really scary. Sarah, it must be terrifying for you even just listening to lily again . Yeah, very. Itjust brings back the memories. And i always think, what if . If that pen werent available, the paramedics could have took five, ten minutes and i could have lost her. We have both asthma and the adrenaline pens. And this is the staff member who saved lilys life. Literally take it off there. Using an emergency adrenaline pen immediately. How big a decision was it for you to be able to give that to lily on the day . 0n the day, it was easy. In hindsight, it was a bit scary. But we did it. You have to. Its a childs life. Two years ago, the law was changed so schools could buy emergency adrenaline pens, and yet still, many dont have them. And heres why it matters. A life threatening reaction to an allergy might be very rare, but you cant tell which child might have one. You get it out and you put it on a part of your body and you hold it there for ten seconds. Raising awareness helps, but experts want more. One of the uks top allergy doctors is calling for regulation. Wed really like to see that become mandatory so that all schools have those adrenaline autoinjectors in place in case of those emergencies. Id really like to see education around the value of using the adrenaline as early as possible. Theres very commonly delay in giving the adrenaline. Lily knows shes safe at her school. Please could i have the popcorn chicken . The popcorn chicken has got dairy in it. Her allergies, programmed into the canteen. Englands schools must take allergies seriously, say the government, and new Health Lessons will help teach pupils more. Branwen jeffreys, bbc news. Two premier League Footballers have been the victims of an attempted carjacking by an armed gang in london. The arsenal players mezut 0zil seead kalacinac targeted last night, but both escaped uninjured. Footage on social media appears to show kalazin atch chasing the robbers away. Simonjones reports. The arsenal player, defending himself and teammate mesut 0zil, whos in the 4x4, against bikers believed to be armed with knives. Sead kolasinac darts towards the front of the vehicle to fend off one attacker, and then with agility normally seen on the football field, he turned his attention to the other biker at the back. But the ordeal isnt over. The footballers were then pursued for around a mile by the men on motorbikes, they abandoned their 4x4 here, they raced into this turkish restaurant to ask for help. They had phoned the owner, who is a friend, as they were being pursued. So when they arrived at the restaurant, staff are able to chase the bikers away empty handed. We didnt first of all understand what has happened, and then when we see the motorbike passing from here, we realised its serious. Mesut 0zil, arriving home after training, knows he has his friends to thank for intervening. Was it a scary experience . It was different, but is ok now. Kolasinac tweeted he was fine. Arsenal say they will be reminding their squad how to keep safe and continuing to review security measures with the police. The players know this could have ended very differently. Simonjones, bbc simon jones, bbc news, simonjones, bbc news, north london. Remarkable pictures. After all those hot days, lets get the weather with ben rich. Hello. Weve made it to the end of what has been an extraordinary week of weather. Initially it looked like we had not broken the uks all Time Temperature record, but in the last 24 hours some new information has come to light a temperature reading from Cambridge University Botanic Garden of 38. 7 degrees on thursday afternoon. Now, this still needs to be verified, it needs to be checked by the met office, that will happen in the coming days and weeks, but if that temperature stands, that will be a new uk record. But, and im sure many people will welcome this, a very different feel this weekend. Much cooler weather with some heavy rain in places. That rain could be enough to cause some disruption, because we have this slow moving weather front draped across the british isles, bringing some rain across the eastern side of the uk during saturday morning. Quite a muggy feel, some mist and murk as well. Those temperatures as we start the day between 14 17, not quite as warm i suppose as it has been on recent mornings. As we go through the day, this band of cloud and rain really making very little progress, wet weather across the south east into east anglia, the midlands, parts of Northern England and up into scotland. The rain heavy and persistent, perhaps enough to cause some localised flooding, certainly the chance of some travel disruption. To the north east of scotland, northern ireland, wales and the south west, either side of that system, its likely to stay dry, with some spells of sunshine, and those temperatures 18 23. On saturday night the front will pivot and move westwards to some extent, but theres uncertainty about exactly how far west that front will get. It could well introduce some rain into northern ireland, but some uncertainty about that. And it is going to be a somewhat fresher night, by no means a chilly night, but 12 15, a little more comfortable for sleeping. So, during sunday, ourweatherfront still wriggling around, still sitting in place. Rain perhaps into northern ireland, some hanging around south west scotland and some rain dangling down into Northern England, the midlands. A few showers in the south east. But again, either side of the front, to the north east and the south west, we see a lot of dry weather, some spells of sunshine and those temperatures still in the 20s. As we go into monday, our old weather front still probably sitting across the northern half of the uk, so that will allow some showers to develop. And late in the day, an area of low pressure is likely to throw some rain towards the far south west of england. Elsewhere, some sunny spells, a little warmer down to the south but still nothing like it has been. An unsettled start then to next week. It settles down and warms up a bit towards the end of the week, but no return to the heat. This is bbc news, the headlines the us Supreme Court has ruled that the Trump Administration can divert military funds to pay for the construction of the president s long promised border wall with mexico. Donald trump had tried to declare a National Emergency to fund the wall after failing to persuade congress. He called the ruling a big success. The us and guatemala have signed a migration agreement, days after us President Donald Trump threatened the Central American country with tariffs. Under the deal, migrants from honduras and el salvador who pass through guatemala would be required to stop and seek asylum there first. The United Nations has accused the world of turning its back on the war in syria. Airstrikes there have killed more than 100 people in the last ten days. The un says the Syrian Government may be directly targeting civilians. Thursdays record temperatures led to more delays and frustration yesterday, for tens of thousands of rail and air passengers. And, those trying to get away on holiday havent been helped by problems with the uks air Traffic Control system, causing delays and cancellations at several airports,

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