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Hello and welcome. Temperature records have been broken across europe. The highest temperature recorded today was in paris, 42. 6 degrees celsius, breaking a seventy year old record in the french capital. The netherlands recorded its highest ever temperature, at 40. 7 degrees. And in the belgian village of Kleine Brogel temperatures hit 40. 6 degrees. Lets look at some of those countries in more detail. In belgium theyve been taking extreme measures to cope with the heat. This is a nursing home in dilbeek where care staff have been cooling down residents by spraying them with water. Belgium is one of four countries to have declared a severe heat alert, urging people to avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Gavin lee reports from Kleine Brogel. This is the village, one of the many villages in the past 24 hours that have broken the record setting temperature, and the town in the west of the country has beaten them so west of the country has beaten them so far but we expect the temperature to continue to rise as those levels peak. This is the epicentre around here, a northeast province of belgium and netherlands as well, we are seeing huge temperature rises of about 40 degrees as well, paris, which reached almost 42 celsius so farand which reached almost 42 celsius so far and this which reached almost 42 celsius so farand this heap, which reached almost 42 celsius so far and this heap, the second heat wave, the reality is very unbearable to cope with, there was one family and an elderly gentleman who collapsed in front of our camera crew and had to be held by paramedics. The message from all four governments, is to keep away from the sunlight and these are pretty u nco mforta ble from the sunlight and these are pretty uncomfortable times. There have been fires in the west of france. The heatwave has brought drought and strong hot winds. French reports suggest five deaths may have resulted from the heatwave. Lucy williamson reports from paris. The city of light has become the city of heat. 42 degrees just bearable if youre mostly underwater. The government has repeatedly warned people not to stay out in the sun, but with offices and schools closing early, and most homes without air conditioning, not everyones listening. Its difficult to enjoy it. Here we are in this most amazing city in the world and, you know, its tough to want to go and do much. Its very hot er, the summer in brazil is not like this. Its hot too but, here, is too much. This is a short, sharp spike in temperatures, but what a spike it is the heat unremitting now for several days and nights. And in a city not built for this kind of weather, for many people, air conditioned shops or public fountains are the only places they can find respite. The uk recorded a record temperature forjuly of 38. 1 degrees. There was chaos in central london. This is euston station where thousands of commuters had theirjourneys delayed. The trains were ordered to run more slowly to stop rail tracks buckling in the heat. Heres dan johnson in central london. Iam afraid i am afraid the disruption here is particularly intense this evening, not many people enjoying their journey home or cannot make the journey home or cannot make the journey home, you see the crowd of people staring up at the departure board, most of the sign say that trains are cancelled, especially heading north out of here. It is those fires that affected services on the routes, heading out of saint pankratz and kings cross as well and that lead to severe disruption and the mainline and west coast mainline are suspected to be cancelled for the rest of this evening and there are serious disruptions and delays in the mainline to manchester as well so passengers are facing a difficult time after what had been a difficult time after what had been a difficult day. They were cancellations and restrictions put in place this morning because of the heat posing a risk that the rail lines would buckle and trains could derail. Back risk did not seem to materialise through the day but today with the further expansion of the metal involved in the overhead wires, that seems to have gotten tangled in the equipment on top of trains and brought the wires down and because those fires that resulted in more disruption this evening said the only person who looks like he is remotely enjoying himself here is the ice cream man who set up around the corner. Just to put this into context, these scorching temperatures appear to have become the new normal. The 20 hottest years ever on record have taken place in the past 22 years. Scientists are clear that Climate Change is at least partially driving this. Lets speak to clare nullis from the World Meteorological organization in geneva. There is no doubt these hot temperatures, these extreme weather conditions that we are experiencing it is down to Climate Change . Yes, good evening from a very hot geneva. Best signalfrom good evening from a very hot geneva. Best signal from Climate Change is strongest when it comes to heat waves and so what we are seeing now is entirely consistent with what we expect from Climate Change, it is the second intense heat wave in a matter of weeks in europe. If the word normal can be used to describe Climate Change, yes we can say this is the new normal. 50 when Climate Change, yes we can say this is the new normal. So when we use phrases like the new normal, what can we expect then . What can we expect over the next two years . There has been a lot of scientific studies conducted in Climate Change and the advance and they all have consistent findings that we can expect to see more frequent heat events and we can see that they are going to be longer so afraid and stands in the United Kingdom they more or less have doubled in length and as we saw in the heat wave, this year, we are seeing and as we saw in the heat wave, this year, we are seeing them starting earlier and ending slightly later. And temperatures within those heat events a re and temperatures within those heat events are becoming higher so what we have seen today in europe is normally when you get a heat temperature record broke and it is bya temperature record broke and it is by a fraction of degree but what we saw today in europe, we are talking about some 2 degrees that they have been broken by 2 degrees and in climate terms that is a big margin. We are talking about europe because of the temperature is you are talking about this week but it is not just europe talking about this week but it is notjust europe that is affected this is around the world. Climate change is global and has different impacts in different parts of the world but yes, generally Global Temperatures are rising. They are not rising at the same rate everywhere and the fastest temperature we are seeing in the arctic and indian injuly we have seen arctic and indian injuly we have seen very arctic and indian injuly we have seen very bad quite widespread fires and is not a phenomenon you usually associate with the architect and it is unfortunate that it is a phenomenon that is here to stay. Joining us live from a very hot geneva, many thanks for that. And has been heeded here in the uk. Also in british politics. Borisjohnson has delivered his first address to the house of commons as the uks new Prime Minister. Well go through what he said in a moment, but first lets have a look at how his predecessor spent the day. Heres theresa may at the cricket. Our Political Editor has summed this up our Political Editor has summed this up as. Who could blame her, can only spot 2 of the sacked ministers in the commons. So lets go back to the commons. Borisjohnson told those who were there, that britain could be the greatest place on earth by 2050. There is every chance in 2050, and i fully intend to be around, though not necessarily in this job, we will be able to look back on this period, this extraordinary period as the beginning of a new golden age for oui beginning of a new golden age for our United Kingdom. And of course he cannot ignore brexit. This is what he said on that subject. We will throw ourselves into these negotiations with the greatest energy and determination and an spirit of friendship and i hope the eu will be equally ready and that they will rethink their current refusal to make any changes to the Withdrawal Agreement. If they do not, if they do not we will of course have to leave. Brussels is monitoring what is going on in the uk and we will get the reactions from brussels. Are brussels correspondent says that the eu them thank you forjoining us. Leaders has. Borisjohnsons demand to eliminate the backstop is unacceptable, that his speech was combative and that the uks increased preps for no deal are designed to crack unity of the eu. Fighting talk from brussels. Since then, mrjohnson has spoken to president of the European Commission Jean Claude Juncker over the phone, the eu reaffirmed its position that the Withdrawal Agreement is to stay as it is and as the guardians brussels correspondent points out, jennifermerode the sting in the tail juncker remains available should the uk wish to hold talks and clarify its position in more detail. Adamant that what the deal is is what it is. My clarification for the uk we heard from theresa may as well. Back in april, when the uk got 6 month extension to brexit, the president of the European Council donald tusk said, please dont waste this time. Goodness knows what he would have made of this discussion in the house of commons today. There are of course greek antecedents of the word archaic, a concept and fact with which the leader himself will be closer to my closely familiar but i will say without fear of contradiction that the word archaic aspell now as spelled now originated in the 19th century and in france. That wasjohn bercow, the speaker, schooling one of mrjohnsons key cabinet appointments jacob rees mogg, the new leader of the commons, on the origins of the word archaic. Thanks to jim pickard from the Financial Times for pointing that out on twitter. Lets go to westminster now the mps have all gone off on summer recess but Political Correspondent Jessica Parker is still there for us. You would think they would have all the time in the world but those kinds of discussions but when it comes to the Withdrawal Agreement it seems as though borisjohnson is saying one thing and brussels saying something completely different. And we know there was a phone call between Boris Johnson we know there was a phone call between borisjohnson and we know there was a phone call between Boris Johnson and jean claudejuncker, between Boris Johnson and Jean Claude Juncker, the eu between Boris Johnson and jean claudejuncker, the Eu Commission president this afternoon where from what i can see, he said it was not up what i can see, he said it was not upfora what i can see, he said it was not up for a renegotiation but we can talk on our feature relationship and brycejohnson talk on our feature relationship and Bryce Johnson says that the agreement as unacceptable to parliament and that is where they are an exchanged phone numbers and that was that. So it seems like this and pass between brussels and between the uk government continues and is very difficult to see how things are going to be changed and how that impasse is going to be broken because Boris Johnson doubling down today and parliament at the uk is leaving the eu on october the 31st, do or die in the backstop is the most controversial element of the Withdrawal Agreement is unacceptable to him and needs to be abolished. Someone will presumably have to blank of the coming months and someone will to shift or budge where the alternatives like the rising possibility of a no deal brexit on october the 31st unless parliament finds a way to stop that because one thing, there is a majority for improvement is to stop new deal brexit. You touched on the backstop andi brexit. You touched on the backstop and i want to have a closer look on that. Yesterday, the irish Prime Minister leo varadkar, said mrjohnsons comments on the backstop were not in the real world. He said a new brexit deal was not going to happen. This is what he said today. No deal is a british threat and the only people who can cause no deal is the United Kingdom government. And why they are not going to speak to Prime Ministerjohnson over the airways i look forward to meeting him and are due course and what i can say is the position of the European Union and ireland has not changed and the backstop as an integral part of the Withdrawal Agreement and without the backstop there is no Withdrawal Agreement. Agreement and without the backstop there is no Withdrawal Agreementm lets go back to jessica there is no Withdrawal Agreementm lets go back tojessica because we are hearing again one thing from one camp and one thing from another and the contentious issue of this insurance policy, the backstop, it is still unresolved. And to remind people it is a term that we are around, it is in the Withdrawal Agreement to ensure the border between Northern Ireland and republic of ireland is free flowing. And if the right Technological Solutions have not been found at the end of the transition period the backstop would take in and it would see the uk and particularly Northern Island tied to uk trade rules which island tied to uk trade rules which is an unacceptable concept for a lot of brexiteer and he has been particularly keen player over the coming months and might not be at all surprising that one of Boris Johnsons first visits if he goes off to european capitals is not over to dublin and see him and talk to him and see if there is any room for manoeuvre there because something the eu has made clear is that ireland, the republic of ireland is still a member of the eu and the uk isa still a member of the eu and the uk is a departing member of the eu and therefore the republic of irelands interest will come first. They will not act against the wishes of the republic of ireland in favour of the uks departing state. And they have been adamant about that. She is absolutely right. There is a lot of jargon when it comes to the terminologies, we have a jargon buster on the website and it is worth checking out to remind ourselves of these different terms. Now our teams have been down at westminster for the past couple of days, bringing you every new development on the new Prime Minister. Heres a clip from today. Thank you forjoining us, got to start with that Statement Today in the commons, he seems to be lifted up the commons, he seems to be lifted up on the wave of goodwill from his side and that is something that is as he thinks and moves forward. We are all listening to the fantastic interview but if you hear the music in the background, that is not prejudice cfs and it is notjust journalists that are down at westminster for the past few days, the new steam seems to have been accompanied by someone playing music in the background of nearly every interview. Lets see how he has been coping with that distraction. Now there is a xylophone player here enjoying the weather. We can now reveal that the person responsible for that tingling music is none other than this gentleman, playing the hypnotic music, the budding musician has gone viral on social media, he has been trending on twitter. Glockenspiel and glockenspielman have been trending on twitter. Loads of other broadcasters and every single interview we doing, are listening to that music in the background. Lets bring you up to date on what is coming up on the programme. Stay with us, we will tell you how googles parent alphabet and amazon have done business wise. Two teenagers have beenjailed for offences relating to the fatal stabbing of Grammar School pupil in cheshire in march. Both boys are 17 and cannot be named for legal reasons. Yousef makki was stabbed in the heart with a flick knife. Judith moritz reports now on what was said at the end of the trial at Manchester Crown court. Sentencing, Justice Brian told both of them that knife crime is a cancer and our society which affects all spectrums of our society. He said that they had been involved in a warped culture in which they thought that knives were cool and aesthetically pleasing. He said to them both that by sending them into custody he hopes that he would stop other young people who may be tempted to take names onto the streets from doing so. Responding to that and to the sentences generally, yousef makkimy family did not believe the sentences are a deterrent because they are not long enough. Welcome back. This is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. Our lead story is. The heatwave thats gripping western europe, with sweltering conditions and red alerts being issued in many countries. The extreme weather has led to wildfires in parts of france. Lets bring you up to date with some business news. The Global Economy is slowing down and few industries are feeling the pain as much as the car industry. Nissan is the latest to announce job cuts with 12,500 going worldwide as its profits fall drastically. Thats almost 8 of the Global Workforce which currently numbers 160,000. The company is still dealing with the fallout from the arrest of its former boss carlos ghosn. The management at headquarters in yokohama also have to get to grips with a future of self driving cars and electric vehicles. Our Business Correspondent theo leggett filed this report. Battered by scandal and beset by following sales, nissan is taking radical action, for workers at factories like this one in brazil and means deep uncertainty about the future. Translation you have to work as hard as you cannot to be laid off, do the work that has to be done. And the people that are laid off, it is a shame. The only thing we know that is going to happen now is last days off. The company says it will cut 12,500 jobs around the world and nearly 10 of its workforce. 14 factories will either close or lose production lines. Figures show the serious results of the compa nys performance, figures show the serious results of the companys performance, we will be streaked and weeding out unprofitable parts of the company and maintain investment and its growth so we can revive the performance in two years. Financially it is suffering and made a profit of just financially it is suffering and made a profit ofjust 59 million in the last quarter, compared to more than a billion during the same period last year. A billion during the same period last yea r. Sales a billion during the same period last year. Sales are following in key markets such as the United States and europe, while costs are rising. Last year the companys former chairman dominic chairman was sacked after an arrest injapan on financial misconduct. He denies the charges and blames a conspiracy i need somes board for his downfall. Now the japaneses firms management is not distracted by the debate currently raging by the long term future. In the last 20 minutes or so weve heard from two of the biggest names in tech. Googles parent alphabet and online retailer amazon have both told us how they did in the april june period. Michelle fleury is in new york for us. A little bit disappointing actually for amazon despite a growth and sales. This is a company that reported a jump in revenue about 20 in particular one of the areas that they have been looking at a lot as a web services, part of the business that has that Cloud Computing business which is essentially a form of infrastructure that many Enterprise Companies use to build their company up on Reliant Technology and that has seen tremendous growth of the last two yea rs tremendous growth of the last two years and continues to see growth but all that being said, there was a sense of disappointment that the expectations of wall street were substantially higher and as a result of that you will see the share price trading lower off the back of these results and it comes at a time when Tech Companies also including amazon are facing increased scrutiny in the us but also in europe about whether oi us but also in europe about whether or not they are abusing their market power. Sell more headwinds and these results given that they were such big expectations for this company, disappointing. What about googles pa rent disappointing. What about googles Parent Company alpha that . This is the other bank tech name reporting today and did much better is their share price went up around 7 last timei share price went up around 7 last time i left and this was a company that going into the results, it was a bit more skepticism and say amazon where people were beginning to wonder if they would continue to dominate an advertising and whether google would be able to control some of the expenses and it seems to have shown that things are going well and that it shown that things are going well and thatitis shown that things are going well and that it is going to buy back some of its money and will buy back some shares and this is all done well and the other company we have not mentioned, starbucks is also reporting strongly. Thank you, monitoring all the figures and we will have more updates on our website and we will be back here in the next ten minutes for another edition of outside source and lots more on the heat wave that is gripping europe. Iwill see more on the heat wave that is gripping europe. I will see you shortly. Hello there. Yet again it is extreme heat wave conditions across europe that are dominating the world whether headlines and in fact on wednesday it was belgiums time to see those temperatures and excess of 38 celsius which is over 100 fahrenheit and that is pretty oppressive heat and it means people will have to be creative and have to stay cool during the day. In fact it culminated with belgium, netherlands and germany all exceeding their record highs. 41 celsius recorded in germany. But there is a glimmer of good news that it has been to oppressive the heat of late because things are set to change. This cloud is an area of low pressure and it will push its way steadily east as it bumps into the extreme heat and will spark up something the showers. But it will also do a little fresher and more comfortable. The next three days, we will see some sharp showers and france and much of the mediterranean stays fine, settled and sunny and as you expect really what this time of year. Lets take a look at spain in more detail. Not as impressive here, 27 degrees across the coast and in from madrid, 32 and already we are starting to see temperatures ease a little across france by 29 degrees is above the average for this time of year in the extreme heat across the low countries and germany again starting to ease away. They will continue to do so as we move into the weekend but some of those showers really quite torrential and as a push across the alps into northern italy, potential some localised flash flooding. Some showers to come but as we move into next week, suntan returns but the temperatures are certainly a little more comfortable for all. Lets take a look away from europe over to the United States or a time because we had this weather friend that has eased away and that has left a trail of showers down towards florida and it is worth pointing out the circulation of cloud here through the gulf, that may well develop into a storm next week and even if it does not, it could certainly bring some torrential and boundary downpours with that and elsewhere it is fine and quietand with that and elsewhere it is fine and quiet and some sharpest showers near the great lakes and across the rockies but the west coast is a reasonable leak comfortable 25 degrees, into los angeles. Sharp boundary downpours into orlando but north and east across new york, temperatures and heat are set to build. Back come to the uk which he has been a feature of the last few days we have a glimmer of good news, from friday on ways that extreme heat will ease and there will be some rain and forecast for the weekend. More coming shortly. Hello, im kasia madera, this is outside source. Europe is gripped by a second heatwave, with temperatures reaching record highs. The eu tells borisjohnson theres no new deal to be done on brexit as britains new Prime Minister throws down the gauntlet to brussels. Today, is the first day of a new approach. It will end with our exit from the eu on october 31. 116 migrants have been reported missing, feared to have died in a shipwreck off the libyan coast. And in china another prominent figure has been brought to heel by the authorities this time a tech entrepreneur after stepping out of line with beijing. Lets return to our top story, the heatwave thats gripping europe. Temperature records have been broken in the netherlands, germany, and in belgium. You can see thousands flocked to the belgian seaside to cool down. The record temperature was set further inland in the village of Kleine Brogel, at 40 point 6 degrees. This is paris which saw a record High Temperature of 40. 6 degrees breaking a 70 year record in the capital. French authorities launched a red alert the highest state of alert in paris urging people to take care in the heat. This is the hague in the netherlands. The country also recorded its highest ever temperature at 40. 7 degrees. And it was the same story in the uk crowds at the beach. The uk having its hottest july day on record, with temperatures reaching 38 point 1 degrees in cambridge. With temperatures reaching 38. 1 degrees in cambridge. Bbc weather presenter nick miller explained whats causing the heatwave. You need a source for the heat to come from and the weather pattern into yourapp come from and the weather pattern into your app has conspired to bring to heat up from north africa through iberia and it hangs around for a few days and gets hot air being blasted by sunshine every day. There is another factor, we not by sunshine every day. There is anotherfactor, we not there he plays in the summer, but this is unprecedented, its how much Climate Change fields into this, thats a scientist are looking at. How much higher that temperatures may have gone because of that, we know that he plays are likely to Climate Change in temperature is higher when we get them. Temperatures have to drop eventually, im on annual leave tomorrow, dont tell me theyll drop tomorrow. Well im not sure if you wa nt tomorrow. Well im not sure if you want them above 40 celsius, its extreme heat, they are coming down and coming down quite quickly for example paris we now had the hottest day about 24 celsius by saturday and amsterdam 25, much closer to normal for the time of year, all the stuff come near 30 degrees, doesnt need to be hot, scandinavian the baltic countries as well. Said this hotness and this hot weather is moving now, is leading thats part of europe and living that way. Thats right, its more of an atlantic influence of cold air moving in but with storms and that cannot impact with some places by sunshine and heat is going to cling on a bit further east for longer. Thanks to nick miller there and the tea m thanks to nick miller there and the team at that bbc weather centre. Good to have been nearby. Up to 150 migrants are feared to have drowned in a shipwreck off the coast of libya. The Un Refugee Agency also reported that more than 130 people were rescued and returned to the north african country. They say the migrants were on boats that left the libyan town of al khoms. These are the first pictures coming out of libya after this tragic accident. If confirmed, todays sinking would be the deadliest shipwreck in the mediterranean so far this year. Heres one charity working in the region. The last three months, let conflict on the edges of tripoli, we have seen an increase on the edges of tripoli, we have seen an increase in the number of people who are fleeing libya at this point in time. Coupled with that lack of search and rescue capacity in the mediterranean and withdrawal of the European Union naval operations, which no longer has any naval vessels operating in the zone of libya, and this has led to a devastating increase and a chance a loss of life. At about 5 chance, and after the incident today, the number is likely to be higher, if you step onto a boat leaving libya today there is a 5 chance you will lose your life. Ive been hearing more about the situation in libya from my colleague youssef taha from bbc world service. The Un Refugee Agency says 147 people had been wrecked skid however that libya and maybe he says only 134, plus one body has been recovered. We know so far that there we re recovered. We know so far that there were around 300 people on that boat. The boat is wooden and un seaworthy as usual, and they are run by smugglers who are now taking greater risks to run these boats. Because its costing them more and the coast guard is running more patrols, and why surveillance patrols to stop them because they are reaching an agreement with the Italian Government to do so. Now, because they are doing this now at greater risk and keeping these would be migrants longer and kept it so its costing them more which is why theyre running higher risk. These people would be migrants and paying thousands of dollars to make that dangerous crossing. We know that now, the Italian Government the populace government, had stopped allowing ngo the search and rescue boats from docking in italian ports and we had one german captain at such a vessel facing trial in italy for rescuing some migrants whose boat sank in the metairie mediterranean. When in the real concerns is that although the number of crossings is decreasing actually the number of deaths is increasing. Exactly, because the ngo vessels are not being allowed to do any more search and rescue operations in the mediterranean, so we had fewer crossings, but because people are using these and see where the boats which tend to think, so they are not rescued at all said they are more gaps. Explain to us why the un does not want migrants to be returned to libya . Two main reasons, libya is a kindly examined that the civil war happening there since the former leader Moammar Gadhafi was removed in 2011, so we had to governments and libya one in the east and one is tripoli, and lots of militias operating all fighting each other are vying for power, and we have detention centres is well aware that migrants are capped and the conditions there are inhumane they are like prisons, and also they had the risk of being bombed from the air, we have a warlord in the east of libya, who carried out two strikes to air strikes earlier this month on one detention centre, 44 people killed, more than 130 injured. You touched on italy, could you remind us why the italians do not want boats these migrant boats to dock in italy . We have a populace government in italy, the interior minister is not allowing any of the specialist to dock in italian ports, and not accepting any undocumented refugees there. These are the scenes ofjubilation in puerto rico. They come after the governor, ricardo rossello, announced he was standing down. Weve been following the weeks of mass protests in sanjuan, the capital of the us territory. Heres the moment mr rossello made his announcement. Translation i hope this serves as a copper reconciliation at the people which is what we need to continue moving forward for the well being of puerto rico, from 998, the most i desires peace and progress for our people. Ricardo rossello had been under huge pressure to resign after this website, the center for investigative journalism, published hundreds of leaked text messages, in which he made a series of sexist and homophobic comments in a group chat. Just three days ago mr rossello had refused to stand down. But now hes said he will leave on august 2nd, prompting this happy reaction in san juan. There is hope for this island, there isa there is hope for this island, there is a bright future, and you are seeing that beginning right now. We cannot hear, we protested to show how angry we cannot hear, we protested to show iiow angry we were, cannot hear, we protested to show how angry we were, how disappointed we we re how angry we were, how disappointed we were in the system, and its not over. A number of high profile puerto rican Music Artists helped spearhead the protests, including residente and bad bunny here on a march today in old sanjuan. These are some of the pictures from the past 24 hours. Many people heard the news on their mobile phones while they were out demonstrating. These scenes are from the capital sanjuan, where people danced in the streets and let off fireworks. Just to give you some context, this shows how many people were packed onto the streets. And just to remind you of the strength of feeling, this was from tuesday night when riot Police Clashed with protesters. Now the governors going all eyes are turning to who takes over next lets get the latest from David Begnaud in sanjuan. The person who will take other is the number three, a lady named wanda vasquez, secretary ofjustice. Here is why she is picking up or not number two. Number two resigned because he was caught in the chat scandal, so in order of succession, its the justice secretary. Scandal, so in order of succession, its thejustice secretary. This week effective today, she is the acting governor and she will officially take over and at 5pm on august two. I should let you know we are outside the capitol here in san juan we came here because house of representatives net extra time to whether or not they would continue with an impeachment process basically started and finished it and they decided that since the governor finally submitted Resignation Letters, they will not do that so Resignation Letter was read in the house of representatives, and the meeting adjourned, so its official, they accept his resignation. Stay with us on outside source still to come. A chinese businessman paid four Million Dollars to have lunch with this man the investment guru Warrren Buffett and then didnt go after pressure it seems, from beijing. One of Boris Johnsons first acts as Prime Minister was to guarantee the rights of eu citizens living in the uk, but thats already caused problems within his own party, with some insisting it requires a change in the law. Mark easton has more. With politics so volatile, many eu nationals living in the uk watch on anxiously. Today, borisjohnson offered an unequivocal guarantee that they would be allowed to remain, even in the event of a no deal. But a conservative mp whos been campaigning on the issue is worried there are no plans to make it the law. Some Member States like spain have already passed legislation to protect british citizens living, working, studying and retired there, but its entirely contingent on our passing first legislation to protect their citizens. Controlling immigration was one of borisjohnsons battle cries during the brexit referendum. But hold on, australian style points system . Havent we heard that before . Everyone coming to work in britain will need the right amount of points to prove they have something to give. In 2007 and australian style system was announced for non eu migrants coming to the uk and workers still need to satisfy a point system to get a beazer. Once out of the European Union, the conservatives immigration proposals would extend those rules to all nationals. Is difficult for economists to work out. Mrjohnson wants to sound tough and conciliatory at the same time, appealing to both sides on the debate, to those from the brexit party and those in business and Public Services who argue britain needs a reliable source of foreign labour. What does he really think . You need to see the small print. This is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. Our lead story is. The heatwave thats gripping western europe, with sweltering conditions and red alerts being issued in many countries. The extreme weather has led to wildfires in parts of france. A week after iran seized a british flagged tanker in the persian gulf, map the uk says the royal navy will accompany british flagged vessels through the strait of hormuz. Britain previously said it didnt have the military resources to do so. Diplomatic tensions in the gulf have been rising, but until now, the uk has distanced itself from president trumps policy of maximum pressure on tehran. That could change under a new uk Prime Minister and foreign secretary. Iran says its actions were in retaliation for one of its tankers being impounded off gibralter. Kasra naji from bbc persian is in gibralter. On the first working day of the government in london, this is announced, showing that britain is still very worried about the safety of its ships, going through the persian gulf. It shows that britain wa nts to persian gulf. It shows that britain wants to maintain that security and safety of the ships, and im fairly sure the iranians are not going to be happy about this, i think they look take a dim view of this because they see it as interfering in their affairs of the region and the security arrangements in the region. This ship, you can probably see it over my shoulder, about three km from the shore, it has been here for three weeks now, 21 days, its impounded. And the signal from the airline until yesterday was that if britain decides to release the ship, iran might do the same thing. That was indication from the iranian president. But today, the signal is coming out of london and they are not encouraging. As far as that solution is concerned. It looks as if the government of borisjohnson is going to take a hard line against iran, there are reports that Boris Johnson and his government might pull out of the iran nuclear deal, certainly he was very hard blind speaking and parliament today, that when he addressed the leader of the opposition, he accused him of being in the pay of the pay of press tv, he at1. I think in the pay of the pay of press tv, he at u think that i presented the programme for them, and he said that britain cannot possibly entrust the security of the country to the leader of the opposition. Summertime is prime season for weddings. And a central feature of most ceremonies is the wedding photographer. He or she captures those intimate moments and Group Gatherings for eternity. But uk based photographer ian weldon takes a different approach. He prefers to film weddings as they are, warts and all. His work has been featured in a new book called i am not a wedding photographer and a first of its kind exhibit in bristol. I would describe my work as a documentary approach to Wedding Photography. My new book i am not a wedding photographer, buti photography. My new book i am not a wedding photographer, but i am. But im not. If you know what i mean. As a documentary photographer, its the real life i like to capture. If we have everything staged and we had everything approaching every wedding with the template, they know wedding looks any different to others, and that they are such fruitful ground for photographs and emotion and gesture and a real life and the absurdity of life that it seems rather silly to me to approach it in a stylised way. The photograph of the child pulling the funny face is one of my earliest Wedding Photographs that wasnt i believe an actual wedding photograph, it wasnt an expected photograph. What i enjoyed about the image is the irreverent nature of the young child and everyone prim and proper, so that mh along with another image that mh along with another image that was shot at the same lighting, picked up a bright and behind her, theres a couple like really going for it, and it was those images that may be realised there is more to wedding thanjust may be realised there is more to wedding than just the bride and groom. It was the juxtaposition of the utterly serious situation, and a ridiculous things happening at the same time that i found incredibly interesting and i feel it brings levity to the photographs, and is not a great deal of that within the Wedding Photography industry. Everybody is an item from the start, its not like im pretending to be one thing and doing something else. If someone wants something other than that if they want the Traditional Group shots, that they wa nt Traditional Group shots, that they want bright and grim portraits, then there are people out there that are far better at doing that than me, so the response i get is positive for my work. I think its because people did not know what they look at so i get a positive response. I think its a bit of a travesty more photographers are not applying their own unique perspectives of what photography is to a subject that so prevalent in our society. I would like to think this is what all weddings really look like theyjust not often we get to see it. I rather love those those are brilliant. From china we have a rather intriguing story about this entreprenuer, this isjustin sun. He founded the Crypto Currency Company tron. He made quite a bit of money on it and so could afford to bid to have lunch with this man the American Business magnate warren buffett. He paid a staggering 4. 6 million in a Charity Auction for the privilege. Days before the lunch was due to take place, mr sun pulled out. He eventually posted on his weibo account this open letter to his followers apologising for excessive self promotion and claimed that his actions had triggered concerns from regulatory authorities. Kerry allen follows the Chinese Media for bbc monitoring. Shejoins us live she joins us live to talk us through this, whats going on and found suspicious . Guys, we have been following this for two days now and its been very unusual because two days before he was said to hide the meal that was to take place today, he excitedly said he got kidney stones, i dont know, i guess he could but it just stones, i dont know, i guess he could but itjust its all he said he was and expect accepting interviews and then a day later hes posting on twitter that he was in San Francisco, and he seemed relatively ok but he said he was recovering and he posted a video selling bay bridge behind them, and yeahit selling bay bridge behind them, and yeah it was saying that he was hoping he would be better soon and hoping he would be better soon and hoping that lance could be postponed, but you today, hes posting on his page that is linked this big long apology saying he apologises to the media, the regulatory authorities, and it seems like a shot to tight shot to china, best questions being asked if he is being investigated its been coming upa he is being investigated its been coming up a lot, suggestions that he may be. Its intriguing because he mentioned the video lets look at the video, because it seems like he is trying to tell his followers hes 0k, is trying to tell his followers hes ok, lets have a luck. This is the bay bridge, not golden gate bridge. Bay bridge, not golden gate bridge. Bay bridge, not golden gate bridge. Bay bridge, yeah, orthe bay bridge, not golden gate bridge. Bay bridge, yeah, or the area of bay bridge. So everything is ok. The more he says everything is 0k, ok, the marley could suspicious, what you make of all this . One thing thats interesting if he posted this on twitter which is banned in china, and people cant access the video that they seen it filtered through because there are users who use a piece of software allowing them to a second that the chinese firewall, some people had seen pictures of him, and saying hes in San Francisco but officially, on his own account, he is not posted any of this, he went quiet saying he had kidney stones and then issued an apology. So on the one hand, hes in Mainland China saying he is unwell and apologising to authorities, but on twitter to his followers back, and he has more than a million, he speaking in english and on the seems to be kind of gently mocking the authorities on this, he says in the video, he says his bodyguard, and they both laughed, but yeah, he seems to be kind of choking the fact that he is in the us suggesting he is not being under investigation in Mainland China, but two things are very different, so lots of questions being asked. Lots of questions, thank you for answering some of them, carry, year on social media as strong that i strongly advise you all to follow her because she is monitoring the story. Thank you so much i thank you to liking this edition of outside source. Keep in touch with us through social media with our hashtag. Like i say, thanks for watching, goodbye. Hello there, lots of hot weather of christ and affecting northwest europe, caused by an area Blood Pressure to the west at the uk drying up hot airfrom spain across france and into the northwest of europe. The christ including in the uk, its been a record breaking heat wave with lots of temperature record set in germany and belgium and also in the netherlands. But if youre in the uk we had a number of sites that have gone past the old july record. We have seen the hottest day injuly here, set for thursday. The next 24 hours, low pressure moving in, bringing fresh air, so its struggling to sleep, temperatures ease as he got to the next 24 hours. My ease as he got to the next 24 hours. My cloud in the sky compared with recent days and that had been under and showers, as far as temperatures go for many of us not anywhere near as hot. Temperatures typically in the low mid 20s, but east england and northern scotland, warm day here with temperatures in the high 20s. For the weekend, love pressure firmly in charge, we have a slow moving my different causing problems the localised flooding, resorts of hattie and thunder and rain. This cold front stretches, slow moving in nature is that we could see lots of rain building up, and some of that intense as well. Further west, quite a bit of cry for Northern Ireland but bright and sunny spouse staying dry for wales and cyprus england, we are in essentially temperatures into the low 20s feeling quite pleasant and comfortable out and about and of course night time this weekend, i temperatures lower than they have been so easy or for sleeping. Sunday, what if i could still there but slow moving and of course night time this weekend, i temperatures lower than they have been set easier weather for sleeping. Sunday, what if i could still there but slow moving effect in practise scotland and Northern England and as rainfall totals will continue to build up, but at the same time northeast scotland brains that sunshine, but a fresh field to the weather with warmth and sunshine retraining to southern england, temperatures in the mid 20s and the london area. As far as the start of the week as, an area of low pressure approaching southwest of the country so approaching southwest of the country so they and spare well since england with the threat showers, because he showers move again and scotland bringing cloud, sunshine come out, in the mid 20s on the one side for this time of year. Stays reasonably u nsettled this time of year. Stays reasonably unsettled across Western Areas where the threat of further showers, and go in the last, perhaps rain at times in the northeast of scotland and between bright sunny spouse, temperatures where the sunshine comes out reaching a 20s in the warmest areas. Looking beyond that we look at what the jet stream is up to it, and for the most part its running to the north at the uk where weve got an area of High Pressure extending and across much of greenland towards iceland area as well. Across the mid atlantic region, looking at a troth or slow moving upper low pressure system, generally bringing quite a u nsettled system, generally bringing quite a unsettled reader whether closest to the level is where we see most of rain or showers across whether western price at uk with bows and sunshine paying detail still uncertain. We see big thunderstorms in the next few days, and not sure whether. Record breaking temperatures bring intense heat and travel chaos to britain. Thousands flocked to the beaches as temperatures peaked at 38. 1 celsius, making it the hottest july day since records began. Much of the rail network could not cope, passengers had to be rescued as ca bles were passengers had to be rescued as cables were damaged by the heat. Thousands were stranded, some main lines into london ground to a halt. I have been working on the railway for ten years and have never encountered temperatures like this. We will be looking at the lynx scientists point to between extreme weather and Climate Change. Also tonight, the Prime Ministers new look cabinet meets for the first time as borisjohnson gets down to business

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