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Primary School Children are being refused support for Mental Health issues despite a growing need for help. And coming up in sport the open is underway at portrush with rory mcilroy dropping four shots on his first hole. Good morning. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. The uk could be pushed into recession next year if there is a no deal brexit thats according to the countrys fiscal watchdog. The office for budget responsibility, the obr, says that Economic Growth would fall by 2 by the end of 2020 if the uk leaves the eu without an agreement. Chances of a no deal outcome have risen recently, after both tory candidates to be the next Prime Minister said they would be willing to leave the bloc without a deal. Speaking to journalists shortly after the obr published their report, the chancellor Philip Hammond said he feared the impact on the economy of a no deal brexit. The report that the ob r have published this morning shows that evenin published this morning shows that even in the most benign version of eight no deal exit, there would be a very significant hit to the uk economy, a very significant reduction in tax revenues and a big increase in our national debt. A recession caused by a no deal brexit. But that most benign version is not the version that is being talked about by prominent brexiteers. They are talking about a much harder version that would cause more disruption to our economy and the 0b r more disruption to our economy and the ob r is clear that in that a less benign version of no deal, the hit would be much greater, the impact would be much harder and the recession would be bigger. Sol greatly fear the impact on our economy and Public Finances of the kind of no deal brexit that is realistically being discussed now. Lets discuss this further with our economics correspondent, andy verity. This is a fiscal risks report, as it is known, quantifying potential impact on the Public Finances of a no deal brexit. Impact on the Public Finances of a Nodeal Brexit. What is a physical risks report . Fiscal comes from an old latin word meaning a purse. It is all about Public Finances and it what it isnt this is not they office for budget responsibility predicting what is going to happen to the economy in the event of a no deal brexit, this is a scenario wherein a no deal brexit leads to a recession where in the economy shrinks by 2 by the end of 2020. What they are saying about that relatively benign scenario is that in that event, Public Finances would be in trouble evenin Public Finances would be in trouble even in that benign scenario and debt would rise by around £30 billion or 12 by 202a. Whats interesting is the political context for this. For the last decade weve been hearing about the importance of austerity and repairing the deficit. That is the amount by which the government and spends its income. They have been cuts and austerity in order to achieve a smaller gap between our spending and our income. And yet, that has been more or less abandoned. There is a much looser sense of what is important, fiscally, what is important to due to the Public Finances. The two conservative leadership candidates are talking about all sorts of spending promises as well. There are ironies because the conservatives typically accused labour of being extravagant spenders but the candidates have made spending promises, as the ob r says, of tens of billions of pounds extra without really saying where the money is coming from. What is your assessment of these various scenarios this morning, because the ob art was set up by the government to provide independent guidance, yet throughout the Brexit Process depending on which camp youve been in, weve heard people dismiss reports forecast scenarios that have been suggested. There are some entitlement to be sceptical about the official view of what is going to happen. It hasnt been as of the money is the treasury has. Before the referendum, the treasury said the economy would shrink in the event of brexit, never mind no deal, up to 9. 5 . At the beginning of last year, the top dog, tom scholar, admitted the predictions had been premised on scenarios that never took place. For example, they would be no stimulus from lower Interest Rates. The bank of england did lower Interest Rates. The other one was we leave immediately and dont do any negotiations. Those scenarios may have been tailored to the fact the government was campaigning against brexit. Now we know we had a relatively benign time, the risks are things like if tariffs are reimposed or if we had a lot more red tape at the borders or fewer people coming here to work, then we might have less tax coming in. Andy, in the event of some of the scenarios outlined coming to pass, what sort of scope for the government and the bank of england have to mitigate against those . If they are now saying they no longer care about repairing the deficit, there is quite a lot of scope because they can go into a lot of debt and do public spending to mitigate the effect of private spending going down, which does seem to have been happening recently. That is a keynesian method, it spending when no one else will. There is scope for that because Interest Rates are so low so its relatively affordable for the government to take on more debt. Andy, obviously the two candidates, its going to be interesting to see how they respond or if they respond in detail to what is going on but ari expecting any other sorts of forecast scenarios, reports into the possible impact of brexit, whether its a deal or no deal brexit on the economy on Public Finances between now and the 31st of october . We should certainly have other reports, but what i find interesting in the material we had today is not so much the ob are not forecasting or the scenario, more about what they are saying is happening right now. They are saying in the Second Quarter the economy looks like it may have flatlined or shrunk. If we have two quarters of shrinking economy, that is the definition of recession. Economists sometimes say if you have still got growth, it can still feel like recession because you dont have growth creation. In a few months time you dont have growth creation. In a few months time from now, we may be in recession. We dont know. Nobody knows. Thank you, andrew. So thatis nobody knows. Thank you, andrew. So that is what the office for budget responsibility are saying about the impact on Public Finances in the effect of no deal brexit. Meanwhile, the official who led the eus brexit negotiations, Michel Barnier, has himself said the uk would have to face the consequences, as he put it, if it opted to leave with no deal. In a moment well be speaking to gavin lee in brussels but first norman smith our assistant Political Editor is at westminster for us. Norman, between the office for budget responsibility, a lot for politicians and the two leadership candidates to chew over. Michelle barnier seems to have delivered a fairly sharp rebuff to both Leadership Contenders if they think they are going to get a revised brexit deal, with him saying at times, forget about it, the current deal is the best on offer and, by the way, if you are thinking about leaving with no deal, there will be consequences. You will be hit economically, financially. There will be human consequences too. He is not specific but he clearly believes it will be profoundly damaging for britain. In effect, he appears to be calling the bluff of both Boris Johnson and jeremy appears to be calling the bluff of both borisjohnson and jeremy hunt. This is what he said. This document is so important and i recognise it is not so easy to read. 600 pages. Because we have put into this document with the uk, not against the uk, with the uk, the legal answers to each and every point of uncertainty created by brexit. That is the point. That is why this document is the only way to leave the eu in an orderly manner. And if we just left, if we just tore up the membership card . The uk would have to face the consequences. We heard from jeremy hunt this morning, who has hit back at Michel Barnier, saying his approach risks hardening of and attitudes towards the eu and has accused the eu of putting politics before the economics of getting a deal. This is what he had to say. I think the mistake that we have made from the uks side is we thought in the end the europeans would be rational economically and they havent. Theyve thought of brexit as a political issue and they have thought about the political future of europe and that has mattered to them. If we had a no deal brexit, they seem to think at the moment that we would come on our knees, we would come rushing for a deal because of the economic facts of life, but actually no deal for us would also be political. We would have european neighbours that had deliberately chosen to make the uk poorer and that would change and harden British Attitudes to europe for a generation and i dont think thats something wiser heads in europe actually want. That was jeremy hunt. What that wasjeremy hunt. What of that was jeremy hunt. What of team borisjohnson . That was jeremy hunt. What of team Boris Johnson . Im joined that was jeremy hunt. What of team borisjohnson . Im joined by the man running theircampaign, iain borisjohnson . Im joined by the man running their campaign, iain duncan smith. What is your take on the comments . Asl comments . As i understand it, he made the comments before the leadership election actually began, which isnt quite so obviously no so in a sense i dont think he was commenting about what leadership candidates we re about what leadership candidates were saying. I think you are saying what his view was of the deal. He would say that, wouldnt he . He is in the business of hoping that somehow yet his deal through but it is dead. The point as it is not a case of renegotiating. Borisjohnson has made it clear that we are leaving, deal or no deal on the 315t and we are not reopening the deal and we are not reopening the deal and if we have anything at all it is and if we have anything at all it is a free trade arrangement. Boris has been clear on that from the word go. Does that mean it will have to be no deal because Michelle Barnier is saying it is the Withdrawal Agreement and it is the best on offer. The only other option is no deal . It is quite clear, borisjohnson has made it quite clear this is not about the ego, it is not personalities. Michelle barnier is entitled to say what he likes but the point is the deal he talks about died because it was voted down in the commons three times and essentially it is no longer in existence as far as we are concerned. Borisjohnson has made it clear that we are leaving and we will do that on the 315t come what may, as he says. He would like, if the eu wants to do an arrangement, to do every trade arrangement and he has made that clear. Boris yet not gone into negotiations with them. If he is elected, and we dont know what the results will be, he has not yet made any arrangements with them. Asl yet made any arrangements with them. As i say, you would expect Michelle Barnier to say that, he is entitled to say that but he is always going to say that but he is always going to say that but he is always going to say what he said. He is not going to say what he said. He is not going to say, great news, im going to do a deal. That would be a bad negotiating stance. What about eu leaders thinking that britain is bluffing when it comes to ano britain is bluffing when it comes to a no deal . They say, you havent put in place the preparations, theresa may didnt even mention it and we are not serious. Of all the things that have come out of these injuries, the posturing around the deal is not the issue. Boris has been clear that if he is elected prime in a state he will be leaving on the 315t come what may. It is not what they are saying about the deal but is opening up to say that they knew from the word go we hadnt completed our planning and we hadnt completed our planning and we ha d sta lle d hadnt completed our planning and we had stalled on it, which i think is an indictment of the chancellor and others. It meant we had no negotiating position at all. As far as they were concerned, the Prime Minister never once that we are able to leave without a deal. So it was of the table pretty much from the start. Borisjohnson has said that we cant possibly talk to them as a partner if they have no knowledge of the bottom line and the answer is, we need to make preparations. Boris says it will be accelerated and we will be ready to leave by the 315t. Michelle barnier but clearly believes that there will be consequences, financial consequences, financial consequences, economic consequences and human consequences if we choose to leave without an agreement. Again, i dont mind what Michelle Barnier says about consequences. There are always consequences to every action you take. I dont believe he is right. Borisjohnson has said time and time again we are open to an arrangement but not the deal they have got on the table. We wa nt deal they have got on the table. We want a deal they have got on the table. We wanta superfight deal they have got on the table. We want a super fight process around free trade. His set it on television and platforms. These comments were made by Michel Barnier before Boris Johnson and actually entered the race and made his position clear so its up to them how they behave but you know, if they want to avoid their consequences, they will need to do an arrangement with us but otherwise we will be ready to go, the public has said leave by the 315t and Boris Johnson the public has said leave by the 315t and borisjohnson is the public has said leave by the 315t and Boris Johnson is the the public has said leave by the 315t and borisjohnson is the only one to have said we will leave come what may by the 315t. Then we can ta ke what may by the 315t. Then we can take on Jeremy Corbyn and the Marxist Labour Party. However, mrjohnson has also said he believes no deal would be vanishingly inexpensive. We heard from the ob r today it would plunge britain into recession, we hearfrom the chancellor that it would be even worse than that. Sorry if im laughing because every timel sorry if im laughing because every time i hear the chancellor enter the fray on this one, ijust wonder whether he could be more miserable about anything and he has now managed to be even more miserable than he was before, which is pretty deep misery. I dont pay any attention at all because these are cooked up forecasts at the end of the day. You take the extremes at the day. You take the extremes at the bottom end of the forecast and derail about that. The truth is all of the forecasts, no matter what the pessimistic once say, the economy continues to grow. They think it might grow less than it would have done but that is a speculative point. Borisjohnson has been clear the british people have made a democratic decision to leave on the 315t with or without a deal. He is the only one that will deliver that and that is why i back him and support him and the british people will recognise that at last, i hope, if he gets elected, a parameter that will by his word. Isnt the truth that you are ignoring the likes of the office for budget responsibility, which is a an independent body and doesnt have an axe to grind. It is working on what some viewers will consider a benign no deal scenario, which the economy will shrink by 2 . We will see. Many forecasts have been completely wrong over the last few years, in fact i think every hmmfi few years, in fact i think every fore ca st by few years, in fact i think every forecast by anybody, including the International Monetary fund right the way through to the office for budget responsibility and everyone else has been quite wrong. In fact in some cases the budget forecast didnt last six months after the budget. Take it with a pinch of salt. What trumps Everything Else is the british people voted to leave by the british people voted to leave by the 315t of october, come what may. We we re the 315t of october, come what may. We were meant to leave in march. Borisjohnson has made it clear that oui borisjohnson has made it clear that our numberonejob as borisjohnson has made it clear that our number one job as politicians is to deliver what the public said. He has a simple principle, leave by the 315t of october. We need to bring the public back together and unite them and take on the biggest threat them and take on the biggest threat the Marxist Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn. A robust response from jeremy hunt and team johnson. Thanks norman smith at westminster. So what about the verdict in brussels gavin lee is there. Is the eu position, i suppose the big question is is the eu position as fixed as Michel Barnier suggests it is because we have the two conservative leadership candidates and they have been saying throughout theircampaigns, and they have been saying throughout their campaigns, vote for me because iam the their campaigns, vote for me because i am the person with the key to unlocking all of this. Michelle barnier saying the uk will face the consequences. We have heard this before in brussels. Other eu diplomats, the french ministers have used it, german ministers. This is something that is a rhetoric which from an eu point of view i am told they say we are not calling the uks bluff. This is something that the uk has said. No deal cannot be taken off the table so the eu says they will have to deal with their own consequences of untangling from the eu and from this side of the water officials predict it will be a harsh position for the economy. We will hear more from barnier in tonights panorama programme. In the room during negotiations, they never once mentioned that no deal was a possibility and there seems to be an anomaly between publicly what was stated and privately what was indicated. Also there is a meeting in brussels between leaders so we get a sense between the continuing waves of brexit and the latest from borisjohnson waves of brexit and the latest from Boris Johnson and jeremy hunt talking about ultimately the backstop talking about ultimately the ba cksto p of talking about ultimately the backstop of the Withdrawal Agreement is dead and it is understood the brexit secretary was saying to barnier last week, saying five times the Withdrawal Agreement was dead. The french, belgian ministers today saying it is open. The german minister saying absolutely, this is the only deal on the table. Also a separate tete a tete and a riposte today from lord callanan, who is the minister for exiting today from lord callanan, who is the ministerfor exiting the today from lord callanan, who is the minister for exiting the uk. Today from lord callanan, who is the ministerfor exiting the uk. We were told, when franz looked at the documents, they thought that they would be a magic box of tricks. He said it turns out, like lance corporaljones in dads army, they will be running around like idiots. This morning i spoke to lord cannon and and this is his response. I think and and this is his response. Ithink mrtimmerman and and this is his response. I think mr timmerman is needs to stop with the childish insults and if he wants us to respond, he will know the response from captain mannering, stupid boy. Both of those men are in the meeting this morning. I spoke to callanan as he went in. It would be interesting to bea he went in. It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall this morning. We had the perimeter of ireland commenting this morning. He said on the issue of the agreement being dead, if there are no meaningful solutions, we cannot move away from the backstop. But he said if there are proposals that generally find a solution, i will listen to them. We know the irish Prime Minister has been far more willing to compromise than the other leaders that he is not necessarily willing to move the Withdrawal Agreement away from these talks. Thank you, gavin. The younger brother of Manchester Arena bomber, salman abedi, has appeared in court charged with murdering the 22 victims of the attack. Hashem abedi was extradited to the uk yesterday. Hed been detained in libya two years ago. Lets cross to Westminster Magistrates Court and speak to our Home Affairs Correspondent dominic casciani. Dominic, bring us up to date with what has been happening there. We had a very short hearing this morning for hashem abedi. He was brought into the uk yesterday following his extradition from libya. He appeared in court today wearing a grey tracksuit top and white bottoms, cropped short hair and glasses and largely sat impassively in the dock and spoke to confirm his name, date of birth and british nationality. No response was made when the names of the 22 victims of the manchester amino bombing were read out. The first 22 of 2a charges he faces are allegations of murder. The other two charges he faced as he was told this morning were attempted murder of other people at the arena and a further allegation of conspiracy to cause explosions with his brother, the bomber, salman abedi prosecutor told the court that the allegations against hashem abedi effectively amount to the fact that he bought two of the chemicals used by his brother in constructing the bomb. He allegedly made what were described as detonator tubes for the bomb and he was also involved, allegedly, in the purchase of a cart which were used to store those chemicals and shrapnel. His lawyer made very clear in court that his client vehemently denied the charges and would beat leading would be pleading not guilty at trial. He said he had been held in solitary confinement since may in libya when he was detained by one of the countrys militias and he was also tortured. The qc told the court that his client would have returned earlier to the uk to clear his name given the opportunity. The chief magistrate today remanded hashem abedi in custody and they will be a short procedural bail hearing on monday at a different court, then it will be over to the old bailey later in july court, then it will be over to the old bailey later injuly to fix a trial timetable and clarify whether it will be in london or in the north west. My understanding is this will bea west. My understanding is this will be a very long and potentially slow process because it is a legally complicated case because it involves extradition. We are a long way off yet hearing the full allegations and the defence to them. Thank you very much, dominic. Some breaking news to bring you over what appears to be the latest engagement, shall we call it that, between iran and a foreign vessel in the gulf with reports saying that iran has seized a foreign vessel, from which country we do not know yet, but iran accusing this vessel of smuggling i Million Barrels of fuel. We know that there are 12 crew on board and apparently that the oil tanker was stopped in the gulf at an island. We have no more details at the moment. This would be the latest, if these reports are in fact correct, the latest engagement between iran and a number of vessels from various countries in the gulf region. Just some copy coming in and im checking to see if there is any more detail. None beyond what we have already told you. As soon as we get more information on this incident, we will of course bring it to you. At least 26 people have died in a fire at a famous cartoon studio in western japan. Police believe the fire, which broke out this morning at a building belonging to the kyoto animation company, was started deliberately. Around a0 people are reported injured. Earlier i spoke to our correspondent in japan, Rupert Wingfield hayes. The death toll is a little confusing. The figures we have now are seven confirmed dead and i7 showing what the Japanese Police call no vital signs. What happens in japan is if you have not had a doctor signing a death certificate, they will not officially confirm it as a death. That what it looks like very clearly now is 2a people have been killed in this fire so far. That may not be the end of it because according to police there are still a number of people unaccounted for. The death toll could go even higher. It appears that when they got into the top floor, the third floor of this building, in the last couple of hours and finally put out the fire, they found at least another ten fatalities on the top floor. In terms of causes, the police are saying this was a deliberate act. They have a man in custody, a 41 year old man, in hospital. They say he deliberately started this. They say he brought a can of petrol and he spread it around the bottom of the building. And certainly they have a suspect in custody. What his motivation might have been is very unclear at the moment. This man is not associated at all, they suspect, with the company and our understanding is that he came from a town near to tokyo up here in eastern japan and nowhere near kyoto. Home Office Statistics out this morning show the proportion of crimes that have been solved in england and wales has dropped to the lowest level recorded. Separate data from the office of National Statistics shows that whilst overall levels of crime have not changed, individual crimes including theft, robbery and knife crime have increased. The latest Home Office Data shows that in the 12 months to the end of march 2019, just 7. 8 of offences resulted in someone being charged or summonsed to appear at court a fall from 9. 1 the year before. Separate data provided from the office of National Statistics shows that instances of knife crime are up by 8 since last year. And the same data reveals recorded offences of robbery increased by 11 over the same period. Our Home Affairs Correspondent danny shawjoins me now. First of all, lets look at that 7. 8 of offences resulting in someone 7. 8 of offences resulting in someone being charged or summonsed to appear in court. That seems incredibly low. It is the lowest level since these figures we re lowest level since these figures were first compiled in 2015. In 2015 the number of cases where someone is charged or brought to court was 15 . It has been falling steadily since then and now, as he say, 7. 8 . It varies from case to case. There are some cases, possession of weapons and drugs offences, where the detection rates are higher. The home office has given some explanations for this plummeting level of detections. It says it may be due to the more complex caseload that police have, so harder to investigate cases. Also, they have more digital evidence to go through and they also say Police Recording practices may be partly to blame for this as well. And also the increasing reluctance of victims to cooperate with police. That is certainly one of the reasons fewer cases are coming to court but the home office says nothing about the fa Ct Home Office says nothing about the fact that there are fewer Police Officers to investigate crimes. That is exactly the point i was going to make because it doesnt say anything about lower Police Numbers which undoubtedly, many critics will say is what is behind these lower detection rates at a record low. There are 20,000 fewer Police Officers than there were in 2010 and there are also thousands fewer police staff and civilian support officers and they contribute massively to the effort in investigating crimes. We know there isa investigating crimes. We know there is a massive shortage of detectives as well. The latest figures on police work have also been released today, showing that numbers have gone up slightly by around 700. We are now seeing Police Numbers edging up are now seeing Police Numbers edging up but that is almost being matched bya up but that is almost being matched by a fall in the number of police doing front line duties. Overall officer numbers up slightly but front line officers down. Lets just pick front line officers down. Letsjust pick on front line officers down. Lets just pick on one of those areas. Knife crime, probably no surprise to anyone to hear that the insta nces surprise to anyone to hear that the instances of knife crime up by 8 on last year when you consider the number of tragic stories that we have reported on about deaths caused by knife crime. Yes. Those figures exclude Greater Manchester police were police counting reasons, there were 43,000 knife offences in those 12 months so thatis knife offences in those 12 months so that is an increase on the year before. A smaller increase of the year before so there might be some positive signs it could be slowing. There is also some other evidence that knife attacks which result in someone that knife attacks which result in someone being killed are also coming down a bit. Although overall the number of cases of murder and manslaughter has gone up to 701, if you exclude the terror attacks of the previous year. So, knife violence is still a major problem. Violence overall is still a major problem and the increasing caseload for police but some signs the increases might be slowing a bit. Now its time for a look at the weather with simon king. We have some heavy showers around at the moment across Northern Ireland and scotland. For england and wales, quite cloudy this morning, this was in hampshire from one of our weather watchers. Some rain in Eastern England but that is clearing away and there will be sunny spells developing widely across england and wales. If you showers in the north and west. The heavy showers in scotla nd and west. The heavy showers in scotland and Northern Ireland continued this afternoon with the risk of some thunder quite breezy conditions and temperatures of 1824d conditions and temperatures of 18 24d so a bit fresher than the last few days. Tonight, we continue with showers in the north, clear elsewhere but behind me, the next batch of rain will move in slowly from the south west. It will turn particularly heavy in the morning in the south and in wales but it will spread north and eastwards across many parts on friday. It will be heavy at times and as it clears to the north it will be replaced by more showers which could turn a bit thundery. Goodbye for now. Hello this is bbc newsroom live with annita mcveigh. The uks official economic forecaster warns that a no deal brexit could push the country into recession. The brother of the Manchester Arena bomber has appeared in court charged with murdering the 22 victims of the attack. At least 26 people have died in a fire at an Animation Studio in the japanese city of kyoto. Arson is suspected. The proportion of crimes solved in england and wales falls to the lowest level recorded, Home Office Data shows. Primary School Children in england are being refused support for Mental Health issues, despite a growing need for help. Some breaking news now labour peers are poised to hold a vote of no confidence inJeremy Corbyns leadership over his response to the anti semitism crisis. This follows the sacking of a labour peer over comments about how his team responds to criticism. Lets go back to norman smith, our assistant Political Editor at westminster. What more can you tell us . There is a real backlash building up among labour peers following the sacking of lady hayter after she compared Jeremy Corbyns office to the bunker in the film the last days of hitler for which she was sacked but the view of many labour mps and peers was she was sacked primarily not because of the misjudged comments but because she had been a prominent critic of mr corbyn over anti semitism. So much so that i understand a motion has been tabled foran understand a motion has been tabled for an emergency meeting of labour peers on monday which would be a vote of no confidence inJeremy Corbyn s leadership. They will meet on monday and decide whether they should all be balloted on whether they have confidence in his leadership. That would not trigger anything, it would not force him to stand down or anything like that but it would be an extraordinary and i think unprecedented expression of opinion which we have never seen happen before of peers taking a vote of no confidence in the leadership. It gives you a sense of the anger and fury and the way this whole anti semitism row is now building think to a real head on monday when we have this potential vote of no confidence. We have the emergency shadow Cabinet Meeting to discuss the anti semitism row and Jeremy Corbyn will address the plp. Monday looks like being an absolutely Pivotal Moment for mr corbyn and the anti semitism row. Pivotal moment for mr corbyn and the antisemitism row. Thank you for bringing us up to date with that breaking news. Time now for the sport. One of the favourites to win the open championship, rory mcilroy, hasnt got off to the best start. Hes on 5 over in the first round at royal portrush. Its Northern Irelands first open championship in 68 years. Our reporter adam wild is there for us. Not the dream start that rory mcilroy would have imagined. Not the dream start that rory mcilroy would have imaginedlj not the dream start that rory mcilroy would have imagined. I think thatis mcilroy would have imagined. I think that is a real understatement he has had a disastrous start to this 148th open here at portrush in Northern Ireland. Such high hopes and expectations, such home hopes on his shoulders going into this. We talked last night about the pressure and whether he would feel it, feeling the fans on his back and from the outset this morning he has had a disaster. The very first shot on the first tee he looked out of bounds and ended up taking eight, a quadruple bogey, on the first hole and is not recovered, now five over through four. We heard that the opening tee shot hit a spectator and managed to break her phone that was in her pocket. A rather unwanted souvenirfor herfrom the in her pocket. A rather unwanted souvenir for her from the day. But rory mcilroy is having a disastrous start to this open championship. You could hear the groans all around portrush as the scoreboards went up to show what he had been doing but as you said, a terrible start. To show what he had been doing but as you said, a terrible startlj to show what he had been doing but as you said, a terrible start. I am sure that phone will be sold online despite him going not well, who is in contention . Early on it was the man who took the first shot, former open winner darren clarke. He birdied the first two much adulation. Playing the best golf he has been playing in a while. He has just come off the 18th having dropped a few on the back nine but came away at level par and he will be happy. As for the top of the leaderboard, we have got an up there, shane lowry who is on four under par along with webb simpson and alex noren who has just under par along with webb simpson and alex noren who hasjustjoined them also that leading group currently. Kevin kisner and Robert Macintyre are in contention but it is very early days here at royal portrush on the north coast of Northern Ireland. Thank you very much. There is full commentary of the open on radio 5 live through the day and there is highlights tonight on bbc two from 8pm. England had taken eight wickets in the must win test match in the womens ashes in taunton. Nicole bolton has been dismissed, bowled by katherine brunt. Australia are sixth up after they won all three one day internationals. Australia won the toss and chose to bat and are currently 33 1. We will have more support in the next hour. Thank you. New drivers could be banned from travelling at night as part of plans to improve road safety in england. Ministers are considering the plan put forward by the department for transport, and comes as figures suggest one in five drivers are involved in a crash within a year of passing their test. But the aa warned excessive Safety Measures could become an unnecessary burden for motorists. Sue papworth runs a driving school in cambridge and joins me now. And from your car, appropriately thank you for talking to us. What do you think of the suggestions . Good morning. Obviously killed and seriously injured statistics are worrying particular among Young Drivers and i think we need to do everything in our power to ensure they are safer drivers on the roads. The word ban with regard to Young Drivers on the road at night is quite harsh. Most 17 25 year olds ta ke quite harsh. Most 17 25 year olds take their driving test to give them the freedom to be able to drive, particularly to get around in the evening from rural locations where there are no Public Transport Services. To use the word ban is quite strong. What i would like to see is for them to gain more experience in a car with somebody like myself or an older person, perhaps a parent, to give them the experience of driving in those more challenging conditions at night. Experience of driving in those more challenging conditions at nightlj dont know if anybody has driving lessons at night. When i was learning from all my lessons were daytime. Our night time lessons of the norm . No, they are not and u nfortu nately the norm . No, they are not and unfortunately there are more driving instructors who find that night driving either interferes with their life, it could incur more costs for the student if instructors have been working from first thing in the morning untilfive working from first thing in the morning until five or six oclock. They might be asked to charge the pupil more fun evening lesson. And summertime is more challenging when it is light at four oclock in the morning and does not get dark until ten in the evening so some sort of graduated licence over a period of time might be useful to help ensure that we produce safer drivers for the more challenging Road Conditions we face. A graduated licence rather than an outright ban. Off the top of your head, what advice would you give to newly qualified drivers when it comes to driving at night, vis a vis during the day but i think driving during the day is challenging enough for them with little experience. At night i would not say dont drive at night but i would choose carefully where they drove. Limit the amount of passengers they have. Have somebody in the car it might be old and more responsible and holds a full licence and is able to be the extra pair of eyes and ears for them to help them see things that perhaps they dont see things that perhaps they dont see initially when driving at night. But not to be off put by lots of other people of a similar age to themselves and be distracted by loud music, or possibly the influence of drugs or alcohol. Driving late at night and obviously in the early hours of the morning. So it is right that there should be a conversation about this, given those statistics we mentioned . Absolutely. I think ban is too strong a word. Where do they get experience . They need to be able to drive at night but with some superstition to help them gain experience, or you can give them knowledge and understanding of the risks they take. But when they are in the caron risks they take. But when they are in the car on their own, they are responsible for every decision they make and sometimes, sadly, they get it wrong, which can be fatal certain circumstances. We appreciate your time. A bbc investigation suggests theres been a significant rise in the number of uk primary School Children referred to Mental Health services over the last three years. The Royal College of psychiatrists describes the figures as deeply worrying. Our special correspondent, ed thomas, has more. I think it is going to take the death of a child before people start taking it more seriously. The government needs to decide if they wa nt government needs to decide if they want us to be social workers and Mental Health workers or educators. The bbc has been hearing from schools across the country about the Mental Health of their pupils. When you have a child in year four who is talking about self harm or talking about suicide, that has shocked a numberof about suicide, that has shocked a number of staff. Regular talking about suicide wondering what it would feel like having those conversations quite regularly. Freedom of information responses from 46 health trusts across the uk indicate the number of referrals made to child Mental Health services by primary schools for those aged 11 and under increased by nearly 50 over the last three years. Some head teachers say securing support for pupils can be a challenge. External resources are reducing rapidly because of financial constraints. Resources are reducing rapidly because of financial constraintsm was the agency needed, it has taken two years and we are still waiting foran two years and we are still waiting for an assessment for a child who has experienced extreme Mental Health distress. Primary schools cannot solve everything. We need help. The department for education said it was determined to improve Mental Health services, and by 2024, 345,000 more children and young people will have access to specialist care. Ed thomas, bbc news. In a moment well have all the business news, but first the headlines on bbc news. The uks official economic forecaster warns that a no deal brexit could push the country into recession. The brother of the Manchester Arena bomber has appeared in court charged with murdering the 22 victims of the attack. At least 26 people are reported to have died in a fire at an Animation Studio in the japanese city of kyoto arson is suspected. Im victoria fritz. In the business news. Netflix stumbles as competitors prepare to swoop. Shares in the streaming service drop as much as 12 after it loses customers for first time in eight years. Water bills in england and wales are set to be cut by £50 over five years. The industry regulator said firms would also have to invest an additional £6 million each day in improving services for customers. Only three out of 17 water firms in england and wales passed the last review by ofwat. Instagram is hiding the number of likes on posts in several countries, including australia and japan, in order to remove pressure on users. The trial begins on thursday. It means users will see a user name and others below posts, instead of the number, on theirfeed. There is concern social media platforms can contribute to low self esteem and feelings of inadequacy in young people. Its not often were able to deliver good news when it comes to the uk retail industry. In the last month, boots announced it will shut around 200 stores, noting tough trading conditions on the high street, while a £45 million debt burden forced the shoe retailer office to enter talks with lenders about potential restructuring. But figures out this morning from the office for National Statistics show that the retail sector, overall, returned to growth last month. Retail sales growth slowed in the latest three months as food stores saw falling sales for the first time this year and Department Stores continued their steady decline. This is an important part of the economic chess game. Retail makes up a big percentage of the economy and the signs so far had been pointing on an industry, and a national economy, on the wane. Two things in particular seemed to have helped a spell of sunny weather and the mid season sales. Lets speak to the retail analyst and founder of nbk, natalie berg. I see that these figures from the office for National Statistics are quite different from what we have been hearing from the british retail consortium. They seem to be different, with volumes and values andi different, with volumes and values and i wonder if we have entered a death spiral of promotional activity for retailers and that is what is keeping the customers come in through the doors. You are absolutely right. These figures from the ons are in sharp contrast to what we have heard from the british retail consortium, who said that june was the worst on record but equally, we heard from the confederation of business industry who said that sales were at their lowest level since the financial crisis. It can be very difficult to interpret the data but i think most economists would agree that the ons figures paint the clearest picture of what is happening in the sector. Certainly some good news. We know that consumers are feeling strong despite the political and economic uncertainty. Consumers are generally feeling flush. Inflation remains low. We have seen a rise of 2 in real wages last month. According to the ons, all of this is resulting in higher sales at the tills. If we dig into some of the details, Big Department store sales continue to decline. Food sales are starting to fall. We know more people are turning to food banks this year. We have an increase in people go to Charity Shops to buy what they need. What kind of picture does this paint of the uk consumer . Very mixed. What was particularly worrying but not surprising was the six consecutive months of declining sales at Department Stores and that was really indicative of what we are seeing on the high street, where the likes of house of fraser, debenhams, m s, they are all closing stores. Department stores are lacking releva nce Department Stores are lacking relevance with todays shopper. We have access to billions of products at ourfingertips. We have have access to billions of products at our fingertips. We have so have access to billions of products at ourfingertips. We have so much choice online. We have more choice on the high street as well with newer Stores Popping up, more pop up stores. I think Department Stores are struggling to stay relevant and i think, unfortunately for most of them, there will be more doom and gloom. You mentioned online sales. For some time they have been the bright spot for this industry. Looking at asos, for example, we got that fast fashion was driving a lot of retail sales and clothes shopping but they have issued their third profit warning in eight months. That does not seem so great. |j profit warning in eight months. That does not seem so great. I think for asos it is more of a blip than a sign ofa asos it is more of a blip than a sign of a longer term trend. They we re sign of a longer term trend. They were one of the first movers into fast fashion. And bringing products to customers quickly and efficiently as well. They had 5000 new products each week added to their website which makes it hard for high street retailers to compete but what were seeing is that as online shopping, particularly in clothes, becomes more popular, we are starting to see some of the challenges of selling clothes online in terms dealing with returns, and also in the case of asos, they had some very big teething problems with some of their international warehouses. It is not smooth sailing, even for the online giants, and that is one of the reasons we are starting to see some of the big online brand opening up stores on the high street. Interesting what is going on. Thank you very much. Lets take a look at some other business stories. The uk will fall into recession next year if there is a no deal brexit, the countrys fiscal watchdog has said. The office for budget responsibility said Economic Growth would fall by 2 by the end of 2020 if the uk left the bloc without an agreement. Fears of a no deal outcome have risen recently, after both tory Leadership Contenders said they would be willing to leave the eu without a deal. The number of electric car models available to consumers in europe is expected to triple by 2021. The uptake of electric cars has been stalling, blamed on a lack of charging infrastructure and higher prices. Melinda gates, who runs one of the Worlds Largest Charity Foundations along with her husband, the microsoft founder bill gates, has told the bbc that its time to pay men and women the same amount for doing the same job and disclosure is one way to achieve this. Once you have transparency, she said, it cant continue to exist. Itsjust time. Its time to pay men and women the same amount for the same job and the same work. Shares in asos have sunk after the Online Fashion giant said that this years profits are likely to be much lower than first thought. Sales have been held back by a series of glitches in its warehouses. These problems meant that the range of clothes available to shoppers in these markets had been limited. Thats all the business news. We will be back after the lunchtime news. Thank you. Tens of thousands of passengers every year enjoy a trip down the river thames onboard the historic little ships. The oldest boat in Service Dates back to 1892, while another took part in dunkirk. However, the department for transport says new safety regulations could mean they have to be rebuilt, but owners say the costs involved will force them to scrap the boats. Robert hall has been on board one of them. When the weather is fine and you know its a sign for messing about on the river. Welcome aboard the connaught, a passenger vessel built a century ago and like her sister ships, still plying her trade on the 24 mile route from Central London to hampton court. They are actually a unique design and they were built for the thames. When the tide is out at low water, they can get under the bridges which are low in this part of london. And they allow passengers still to have access to these historic routes which, as anyone who has been on them, are actually quite magnificent. River steamers launched for a tourism boom during the reign of Queen Victoria also saw military service. The connaught was called up as a hospital ship during world war ii. Newsreel in the event of air raids over the thames, it will be the river emergency service, the rems that will come into action with its personnel of trained nurses, stretcher bearers and complement of doctors. This is a statue of a gentleman by the name of william. The old river boats were designed to carry their passengers in comfort and some style. By the 1960s, the river was buzzing with traffic. But now modern Safety Standards are about to catch up with the last survivors from the original fleets. For vessels like this, the new regulations could mean a virtual rebuild. The connaught, for example, would lose one of her most distinctive features, this saloon at the rear of the vessel. It would be cut off, the deck would be re plated with bulkheads put underneath, and the family who own her and two other vessels say it will cost them half a Million Pounds per boat. They simply cant afford it. Dan adams is connaughts skipper and tour guide. He says the safety review threatens his livelihood. Its not practical to do it and it would send the company out of business. And in turn, if they go out of business, i go out of business because i would no longer have a job. Outside there was sympathy amongst his passengers. If these boats are good enough for dunkirk, theyre certainly good enough for us. I think it would be a terrible shame. If its managed all these years and its perfectly safe, why keep changing things . The reports authors say there is room for manoeuvre but they have to stay on course. Where there is room for discussion is on whether at different parts of the thames, say further upstream, where there is less hazard. In the tidal stretch, if you like, that survivability is really important in bringing those older boats up to the same standards that new boats are constructed to. The recommendations go before Parliament Later this year. The future of these river veterans hangs in the balance. Robert hall, bbc news, on the river thames. Now its time for a look at the weather. And a very nice experience it is to. Now its time for a look at the weather. Not sure what the weather is like for boating at the moment, simon. Its its not too bad at the moment. Many of us have sunshine and its dry. We started with some cloud in the east this money but it is generally u nsettled this money but it is generally unsettled in the next few days with cloud in the atlantic, one system coming in tomorrow and this cloud this morning which is moving eastwards. It will give many of us some sunshine for the rest of the day but also a few showers as well. This was some sunshine from one of our weather watchers and increasingly that is extending into the south east of england. Further north is where you have most of the showers which will be heavy and maybe even thundery. Looking at it this afternoon, temperatures will be a bit lower compared to yesterday, 2124d, but a bit lower compared to yesterday, 21 24d, but eventually you will get the sunshine in the far south east. The chance of some shells in north west england and wales, but most of them are in Northern Ireland and scotland. A few sunny spells in between but as i mentioned, they could be gusty conditions to go with the showers. We have seen plenty of showers at the open this morning at royal portrush and they will continue this afternoon with gusty winds. There could be a thunderstorm which could disrupt things later. Tonight, more showers in northern parts, clear spells for many before this next area of rain moves in from the south west. It will turn particularly heavy on friday morning across south wales. Temperatures down to 10 14d. Here is the low pressure to the north and then the secondary one developing and moving in north and eastwards. A spell of heavy rain in the morning in Northern Ireland, wales and South West England and that will move to the north east. The far north of scotland remains mostly dry with some sunny spells and showers. Later on, more showers developing behind it which could be heavy. Temperatures tomorrow between 18 and 21 degrees, but a fairly unpleasant day for many. At the weekend, that weather system will move away, a bit quieter on saturday but on sunday this next system moves in from the west and that will bring some strengthening winds. On saturday, the rain clears away eventually and we have some showers moving from west to east. Again, the chance of some of them being heavy and thundery. Sunny spells in between. Maximum temperatures of 23 degrees and while it will be a dry start on sunday, perhaps the best day of the weekend for many, there will be more rain and strengthening winds in Northern Ireland. Goodbye for now. Youre watching bbc newsroom live its midday and these are the main stories this morning the uks official economic forecaster warns a no deal brexit could cost the country £30 billion the chancellor says its worrying. I greatly fear the impact on our economy and our Public Finances of the kind of no deal brexit that is realistically being discussed now. The brother of the Manchester Arena bomber has appeared in court charged with murdering the 22 victims of the attack. At least 26 people have died in a fire at an Animation Studio in the japanese city of kyoto arson is suspected. The proportion of crimes solved in england and wales falls to the lowest level recorded Home Office Data shows. Primary School Children in england are being refused support for Mental Health issues despite a growing need for help. And coming up in sport the open is underway at portrush with rory mcilroy dropping four shots on his first hole. Good morning. Good afternoon. The office for budget responsibility is warning the uk could be pushed into recession next year if there is a no deal brexit costing Public Finances £30 billion a year. The obr the governments fiscal watchdog says that Economic Growth would fall by 2 by the end of 2020 if the uk leaves the eu without an agreement. Chances of a no deal outcome have risen recently, after both tory candidates to be the next Prime Minister said they would be willing to leave the bloc without a deal. Speaking to journalists shortly after the obr published their report, the chancellor Philip Hammond said he feared the impact on the economy of a no deal brexit. The report that the obr have published this morning shows that even in the most benign version of a no deal exit, there would be a very significant hit to the uk economy, a very significant reduction in tax revenues and a big increase in our national debt. A recession caused by a no deal brexit. But that most benign version is not the version that is being talked about by prominent brexiteers. They are talking about a much harder version that would cause more disruption to our economy and the obr is clear that in that less benign version of no deal, the hit would be much greater, the impact would be much harder and the recession would be bigger. So i greatly fear the impact on our economy and Public Finances of the kind of no deal brexit that is realistically being discussed now. Our economics correspondent, andy verity explained the significance of the report. This is not the office for budget responsibility predicting what is going to happen to the economy in the event of a no deal brexit, this is a scenario wherein a no deal brexit leads to a recession where the economy shrinks by 2 by the end of 2020. What they are saying about that relatively benign scenario is that in that event, Public Finances would be in trouble even in that benign scenario and debt would rise by around £30 billion or 12 by 2024. Whats interesting is the political context of this. For the last decade weve been hearing about the importance of austerity and repairing the deficit. Whats that, by the way . That is the amount by which the government outspends its income. There have been cuts and austerity in order to achieve a smaller gap between our spending and our income. And yet, that has been more or less abandoned. There is a much looser sense of what is important, fiscally, what is important to do to the Public Finances. The two conservative leadership candidates are talking about all sorts of spending promises as well. There are ironies because the conservatives typically accuse labour of being extravagant spenders but the candidates have made spending promises, as the obr says, of tens of billions of pounds extra without really saying where the money is coming from. What is your assessment of these various scenarios this morning, because the obr was set up by the government to provide independent guidance, yet throughout the Brexit Process depending on which camp youve been in, weve heard people dismiss reports, forecast scenarios, that have been suggested. There is some entitlement to be sceptical about the official view of what is going to happen. The obr hasnt been as off the money as the treasury has. Before the referendum, the treasury said the economy would shrink in the event of brexit never mind no deal by between 3. 4 up to 9. 5 . At the beginning of last year, the top dog, tom scholar, admitted the predictions had been premised on scenarios that never took place. For example, there would be no stimulus to the economy from lower Interest Rates. The bank of england did lower Interest Rates. The other one was we leave immediately and dont do any negotiations. Those scenarios may have been tailored to the fact the government was campaigning against brexit. Now we know weve had a relatively benign time over the last few years, the risks are things like if tariffs are reimposed or if we have a lot more red tape at the borders or fewer people coming here to work, then we might have less tax coming in. That was the obr opinion on the possible impact of a no deal brexit on finances. Meanwhile, the official who led the eus brexit negotiations, Michel Barnier, has said the uk would have to face the consequences, as he put it, if it opted to leave with no deal. Our assistant Political Editor norman smith is in the houses of parliament for us. Hello again to you, norman. Bring us up hello again to you, norman. Bring us up to date with what the reaction has been to these comments. There has been a ferocious reaction from both borisjohnsons camp and very directly from jeremy hunt because mr barnier has said in terms that the only deal in town is that of theresa may, and if they dont like it, thats it. He has been scathing of the idea of no deal, saying the consequences for the uk, economic, financial and also suggesting the eu has never really taken britain seriously when it has talked about no deal. Mr hunt says mr barnier hasnt really learned the lessons of mrs mays experience when her deal came down in crushing fla mes her deal came down in crushing flames three times. He has also suggested that if mr barnier was to hold out for mrs mays deal, it would be seen as trying to force britain back on its knees. Iain duncan smith, a close supporter of borisjohnson, has accused mr barnier of trying to threaten the uk. Lets have a listen to what mr barnier actually said. This document is so important and i recognise it is not so easy to read. 600 pages. Because we have put into this document with the uk, not against the uk, with the uk, the legal answers to each and every point of uncertainty created by brexit. That is the point. That is why this document is the only way to leave the eu in an orderly manner. And if we just left, if we just tore up the membership card . The uk would have to face the consequences. We know the response ofjeremy hunt and team johnson to mr barnier. What about those not in the brexiteer camp . About those not in the brexiteer 7 i about those not in the brexiteer m about those not in the brexiteer camp . Iamjoined about those not in the brexiteer camp . I am joined by sam gmail. About those not in the brexiteer camp . Iamjoined by sam gmail. What you make of the warnings from barnier . I think his warnings were made before the Leadership Contest kicked off and one of the features of the contest has been almost a sense of what happened in the First Six Months of this year didnt happen, that there were several real negotiations of the backstop, that there were several attempts to get it through a Hung Parliament that didnt happen, the Leadership Co ntesta nts didnt happen, the Leadership Contestants have ignore that and proceeded as though we are starting from year zero as far as brexit negotiations are concerned. What mr barnier said today is significant because it is saying we are not starting from zero, all of this has happened and there is no new deal. He highlights another aspect to all of this, too much of our conversation here is about internal party management, of factions within the conservative party as far as brexit is concerned, rather than what is negotiable with the eu. One of the other things mr barnier said is they had never really taken britain seriously when it came to no deal. Aunt brexiteers entitled to say, we really do mean it and we are serious. In that climate, will the eu blink . Being serious that you are going to cause serious harm to yourself is not a credible position or a responsible position for any democratic government to take. We know now that there are a lot of risks to no deal, whether its the union or the farming or manufacturing sectors. Everyday there is more news of the risk to us asa there is more news of the risk to us as a country, so threatening you are going to cause yourself self harm is not a credible position. Even if you then went ahead and left without a deal, the truth is so long as you wa nt deal, the truth is so long as you want a relationship with the eu, you have to negotiate a deal at some point. The day after no deal, you would still be looking to negotiate a deal even though you had just made it very costly and extremely disruptive for yourself. They have been repeated attemptss in parliament to find a mechanism to block no deal. There is another attempt this afternoon in the commons. What chance of success . What is going to happen . It is difficult at this stage to determine what chance of success is. I will be voting for those amendments because we want to stop government from suspending parliament in order to force no deal on the country, and my argument for this is simple there is no mandate for no deal so for a government to suspend the only democratic process we have in this country to push through a brexit option for which there is no mandate is constitutionally unacceptable. Looking at where we are now and you know all the arguments, what do you think is now the most likely . Is no deal where we are heading . There is no majority in parliament for no deal and so the only way no deal becomes likely is for the new Prime Minister who, by the way, would not have faced a general election, to find a way to bypass parliament to deliver this. And i dont think that without a majority in the house of commons that is a sustainable position for the new Prime Minister to take if they want to be premonition for very long. Thanks very much for your time. Mr hunts team and mrjohnsons team almost doubling down today, saying they are determined to ditch mrs mays deal and they are absolutely serious about being ready to leave without an agreement. Norman, letsjust without an agreement. Norman, lets just switch away from the political story at the moment and talk about another piece of breaking news. We discussed the last hour the news that labour peers are potentially going to be holding a vote of no confidence inJeremy Corbyn. Remind us of that. This is unprecedented. We have never seen this sort of move before whereby labour peers can actually hold a vote of no confidence in a sitting labour leader. If it was past it wouldnt mean jeremy labour leader. If it was past it wouldnt meanJeremy Corbyn had to stand down or anything like that but it would be an extraordinary expression of opinion, of censure. It would further crank up the pressure onJeremy Corbyn over anti semitism. It is being sparked following the decision taken late last night to sack diane hayter, who was the brexit spokesman in the house of lords after she criticised the atmosphere in the corbin camp as being a bit like the bunker in the last days of hitler. Many peers felt those comments were injudicious, stupid remarks, frankly, but they ta ke stupid remarks, frankly, but they take the view that baroness diane hayter has been one of the most prominent critics when it comes to the row over anti semitism, she signed the letter of an enquiry into allegations and there is an opinion thatJeremy Corbyn has decided to ta ke thatJeremy Corbyn has decided to take her out almost in revenge over peers that have been criticising him over anti semitism so now the peers appear ready to strike back, holding appear ready to strike back, holding a vote of no confidence in the labour leader. Thank you, norman smith. The Iranian Revolutionary guard have seized a foreign vessel, according to state media. Iranian tv says the vessel with a crew of 12 was seized by the revolutionary guard naval force by larak island in the persian gulf. Iranian authorities accuse the crew of smuggling one million litres of fuel. A statement from the Commonwealth Office saying we are awaiting further information. We continue to urge the iranian authorities to de escalate the situation in the region. We are saying goodbye now to viewers on bbc two. The younger brother of Manchester Arena bomber, salman abedi, has appeared in court charged with murdering the 22 victims of the attack. Hashem abedi was extradited to the uk yesterday. Hed been detained in libya two years ago. Lets cross to Westminster Magistrates Court and speak to our Home Affairs Correspondent dominic casciani. Tell us about what has happened there. A brief appearance this morning, anita, by hashem abedi who appeared in court flanked with custody officers in a grey tracksuit and white bottoms, speaking only to confirm his name, date of birth and british nationality and he then sat impassively. The clerk to the court read out the names of the 22 victims of the Manchester Arena bombing, which he is accused of murdering. The bombing was carried out by his brother. There is also a charge of the attempted murder of other people but also conspiracy to cause explosions with his brother, salman abedi. In essence, what the allegation comes down to, we heard from the prosecutor, kathryn selby, is that hashem abedi was allegedly involved in the buying of some of the precursor chemicals required to build the home made bomb used by his brother. He allegedly was involved in the buying of a car which was used to store those chemicals and he allegedly constructed what were called detonator tubes. The qc for his client said that hashem abedi vehemently denied the allegations and would ultimately plead not guilty to all 24 charges he faces. He didnt need to enter a plea today because this was the earliest preparatory stage of the process. Mr ali said that his client who had beenin ali said that his client who had been in custody since may 2017 had been in custody since may 2017 had been held by a notorious militia in the country, they held him in solitary confinement, they had subjected him to torture and he said his client had wanted to return to the uk since the beginning to clear his name. Now he is in custody at the moment because he is reminded by the moment because he is reminded by the chief magistrate. There will be a short procedural hearing on the monday at a crown court and then later in the month, at the old bailey, hashem abedi will be produced again in court for a setting of the timetable and a venue decided for the case. We expect this to bea decided for the case. We expect this to be a long process. This isnt going to take place in a couple of months, it could be a long time before the trial goes ahead but this is now the start of the process. Thank you very much for that. Two men have been arrested on suspicion of terror offences in lancashire. One was detained in lancashire and the other was arrested in burnley. Counterterrorism police in the north west carried out raids this morning and officers say they want to reassure people that they believe there is no immediate threat. The headlines on bbc news. The uks official economic forecaster warns a no deal brexit could cost the country £30 billion. This the brother of the Manchester Arena bomber has appeared in court charged with murdering the 22 victims of the attack. The brother of the Manchester Arena bomber has appeared in court charged with murdering the 22 victims of the attack. At least 26 people are reported to have died in a fire at an Animation Studio in the japanese city of kyoto. Arson is suspected. Sport now. One of the favourites to win the open championship, rory mcilroy, hasnt got off to the best start hes on four over in the first round at royal portrush. Its Northern Irelands first open championship in 68 years. Our reporter adam wild is there for us. Not the dream first round so far that mcilroy would have imagined. Not the good start that he would have wa nted not the good start that he would have wanted in his first round . That is somewhat of an understatement. He got off to a really terrible start. Carrying the hopes of so many fans here in Northern Ireland on his shoulders. His opening shot, the very first shot of his open championship went out of bounds and hit a spectator, breaking her phone whilst it was still in her pocket, so that becomes an unwanted souvenir for her. Even more unwanted for rory mcilroy and his army of fans here across the course. He hit an eight on the opening hole, for over power. He has pulled back a shot in the third, the hole behind me. For over 37. Pulled back a shot in the third, the hole behind me. For over37. Lets ta ke hole behind me. For over37. Lets take a look at the leaderboard. American webb simpson leading. Shane lowry has been doing very well indeed and scotsman Robert Mcintyre going along very nicely at four under. The frenchman there on to wander as well. Graeme mcdowell, who is from portrush, on two under so going along very nicely. Thank you. Theres full commentary of the open on radio 5 live throughout the day. You can watch the best of the action in the highlights show tonight on bbc two from 8 oclock. And england have taken an early wicket in what is a must win test match in the womens ashes this morning in taunton. Nicole bolton gone for 6 bowled by katherine brunt. England are 6 points to nil down to holders australia after losing all three of the one day internationals. Australia won the toss and elected to bat. Theyre currently 71 for one. Englands world cup winning coach, trevor bayliss, will take charge of Sunrisers Hyderabad in the Indian Premier League in 2020. Hell step down from the england job when his contract expires after this summers home ashes series. Italian champions juventus have completed deal for dutch centre back matthijs de ligt from ajax. Juve have paid an initialfee of £678 million for a player who helped ajax reach last seasons Champions League semi finals. Hes signed a five year deal. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. 12 israelis have been arrested in ayia napa in cyprus over the alleged rape of a british woman. Local media said police were called in the early hours of wednesday morning and Cypriot Police confirmed that 12 arrests were made. The 12 men are due to appear in court in paralimni today. In fact, i think the hearing has just ended. Our middle east correspondent is in paralimni for us. The hearing wrapped up in the last few moments, anita. The 12 teenagers arrived here in police vans a couple of hours ago, led through the Court Building here at handcuffs together in pairs. Some of their parents had flown from israel and were shouting m essa 9 es flown from israel and were shouting m essa g es of flown from israel and were shouting messages of support to them, some embracing them inside the building before proceedings got under way. Thejudge confirmed the before proceedings got under way. The judge confirmed the names of those 12 young man in court but then asked reporters to leave because of the age of one of those involved. One of the suspects is a 15 year old boy. The proceedings then carried on for the next hour or so and at the end of that the judge remanded the 12th in custody, giving the police a further eight days to carry on with their investigations. The lawyers we have just spoken to outside said that no formal plays have been entered. That will be further in the process and no charges have been brought. This is still in the very early stages of the investigation and after early yesterday morning a british woman in a diane abbott contacted the police to say she had been raped in a hotel in the resort there. It was shortly after that that these 12 teenagers were arrested. They are in contact with the police here and they say they are aware that a 19 year old british woman has been assaulted. Thank you for that update, tom. At least 26 people are reported to have died in a fire at a famous cartoon studio in western japan. Police believe the fire, which broke out this morning at a building belonging to the kyoto animation company, was started deliberately. Around 40 people are reported injured. Earlier i spoke to our correspondent in japan, Rupert Wingfield hayes. The death toll is a little confusing. The figures we have now are 7 confirmed dead and 17 showing what the Japanese Police call no vital signs. What happens in japan is if you have not had a doctor signing a death certificate, they will not officially confirm it as a death. But what it looks like very clearly now is 24 people have been killed in this fire so far. That may not be the end of it because according to police there are still a number of people unaccounted for. The death toll could go even higher. It appears that when they got into the top floor, the third floor of this building, in the last couple of hours and finally put out the fire, they found at least another 10 fatalities on the top floor. In terms of causes, the police are saying this was a deliberate act. They have a man in custody, a 41 year old man, in hospital. They say he deliberately started this. They say he brought a can of petrol and he spread it around the bottom of the building. And certainly they have a suspect in custody. What his motivation might have been is very unclear at the moment. This man is not associated at all, they suspect, with the company and our understanding is that he came from a town near to tokyo up here in eastern japan and nowhere near kyoto. Home Office Statistics out this morning show the proportion of crimes that have been solved in england and wales has dropped to the lowest level recorded. Separate data from the office of National Statistics shows that whilst overall levels of crime have not changed, individual crimes including theft, robbery and knife crime have increased. The latest Home Office Data shows that in the 12 months to the end of march 2019, just 7. 8 of offences resulted in someone being charged or summonsed to appear at court a fall from 9. 1 the year before. Separate data provided from the office of National Statistics shows that instances of knife crime are up by 8 since last year. And the same data reveals recorded offences of robbery increased by 11 over the same period. It is the lowest level since these figures were first compiled in 2015. In 2015 the number of cases where someone was charged or brought to court was 15 . It has been falling steadily since then and now, as you say, 7. 8 . It varies from case to case. There are some cases, possession of weapons and drugs offences, where the detection rates are higher. The home office has given some explanations for this plummeting level of detections. It says it may be due to the more complex caseload that police have, so harder to investigate cases. Also, they have more digital evidence to go through and they also say Police Recording practices may be partly to blame for this as well. And also the increasing reluctance of victims to cooperate with police. That is certainly one of the reasons fewer cases are coming to court but the home office says nothing about the fact that there are fewer Police Officers to investigate crimes. That is exactly the point i was going to make because it doesnt say anything about lower Police Numbers which undoubtedly, many critics will say, is what is behind these lower detection rates at a record low. There are 20,000 fewer Police Officers than there were in 2010 and there are also thousands fewer police staff and civilian support officers and they contribute massively to the effort in investigating crimes. We know there is a massive shortage of detectives as well. The latest figures on police work have also been released today, showing that numbers have gone up slightly by around 700. We are now seeing Police Numbers edging up but that is almost being matched by a fall in the number of police doing front line duties. Overall officer numbers up slightly but front line officers down. Lets just pick on one of those areas. Knife crime probably no surprise to anyone to hear that the instances of knife crime up by 8 on last year when you consider the number of tragic stories that we have reported on about deaths caused by knife crime. Yes. Those figures exclude Greater Manchester police for police counting reasons, there were 43,500 knife offences in those 12 months so that is an increase on the year before. A smaller increase of the year before so there might be some positive signs it could be slowing. There is also some other evidence that knife attacks which result in someone being killed are also coming down a bit. Although overall the number of cases of murder and manslaughter has gone up to 701, if you exclude the terror attacks of the previous year. So, knife violence is still a major problem. Violence overall is still a major problem and the increasing caseload for police but some signs the increases might be slowing a bit. We are going to take you straight to the house of commons because hilary benn is speaking on a proposal to make it harder for the benn is speaking on a proposal to make it harderfor the new Prime Minister, whoever it is, that is not hilary benn speaking as you can see at the moment, it would make it harderfor at the moment, it would make it harder for the at the moment, it would make it harderfor the new Prime Minister to pursue a no deal brexit by suspending parliament. This is an amendment that is being discussed, proposed by hilary benn. That is Alistair Burt speaking at the moment. And then when you go beyond that to consider that the house might not be setting during the run up to the date itself in order to consider all the other things, if we felt under the other things, if we felt under the weight of any pressure up to now, i would venture to suggest to the house, it would be of nothing if it is not clear where the country is going either because a deal has been agreed or because the consequences of no deal has been sufficiently spelt out that everybody has been able to take a view and we would not be here in order to reflect those concerns and take our own view on what their circumstances might be seems to me to be not only highly unlikely, undesirable and actually preve nta ble. Unlikely, undesirable and actually preventable. And ive added my support to the amendment being brought forward, to strengthen the amendment as passed in the other place in order to make sure that we reflect the views of our constituents by being here. It is not a suggestion one way or another about how this house would vote presented with the opportunity of a deal or not a deal but it is to make absolutely certain in the absence of current assurances that we would actually be here. And i commend my right honourable friends amendment to the house and i hope it will be fast. Thank you, mr speaker. I rise to support the extremely sensible cross Party Support the extremely sensible cross party amendment ably moved by my right honourable friend the memberfor leeds my right honourable friend the member for leeds central. It looks like a technical emotion and in many respects it is, because what we are dealing with here is a circumstance in which i never thought i would, as a member of this house, be faced. And that is, with a circumstance where the unwritten constitutional norms which i think we have all accepted in our time in this place are being openly played and challenged by people who may well, certainly two people, one of whom will certainly be an occupant of downing street by the end of next week, having been elected in an extremely mini poll of an extremely small and narrow number of people to be our next Prime Minister. During the many hustings and debates that have gone on in this election, we have gone on in this election, we have heard the question posed as to whether this parliament should be prorogued to send it away in order to get past the issue that this Parliament Three times has voted against leaving the eu without a deal. The very thought that britain, asa deal. The very thought that britain, as a great democracy which helped to forge the post War International rules based system, should start thinking about getting out of its treaty commitments by simply ripping them up and walking away and turning its back on negotiation would never have occurred to most of the people that would be our predecessors in this place. Certainly, during the referendum, the idea that there could be a no deal is not even on the agenda. In fact, it was com pletely the agenda. In fact, it was completely so off the agenda that it was not talked about at all and those who were telling us that we should in fact vote to leave the eu we re should in fact vote to leave the eu were actually saying that the deal would be the easiest in history studio angela eagle responding to an amendment moved by her Labour Party Colleague hilary benn. This is a cross party amendment which would try to make it harderfor the new Prime Minister, whoever that is, to pursue a no deal brexit by taking the action of suspending parliament. Angela eagle calling it an extremely sensible cross party amendment and she said, we are dealing with the circumstance which i as a member of this house never thought i could be faced with. We think the vote on that amendment will be this lunchtime, around 1 30pm. You can find out what has happened if you keep watching. It is time now for a look at the weather forecast. Good afternoon, we started today with a fair good afternoon, we started today withafairamount good afternoon, we started today with a fair amount of cloud and some drizzly rain. This was early at this morning in hastings. Most of the cloud and rain is clearing from southern and eastern parts and we are southern and eastern parts and we a re left southern and eastern parts and we are left this afternoon with sunny spells and scattered showers. Mostly showers will be in parts of scotland, Northern Ireland, perhaps one or two in cumbria but further southin one or two in cumbria but further south in england and wales, most places are dry and reasonably warm, 2124d, a little places are dry and reasonably warm, 21 24d, a little cool in scotland and Northern Ireland with the shells and Northern Ireland with the shells and breeze. The showers is away this evening and overnight the showers and breeze. The next batch and comes in from the south west early friday morning. It will be a bit fresher and less humid than in recent nights. The rain could be quite heavy particularly in south wales and South West England and Northern Ireland. It moves northwards and eastwards with many of us having a speu eastwards with many of us having a spell of wet weather followed by showers in the driest weather will be in the north of scotland with temperatures a little cooler than recently. Hello, this is bbc newsroom live with annita mcveigh. The headlines. The uks official economic forecaster warns a no deal brexit could cost the country £30 billion. The chancellor says its worrying. The brother of the Manchester Arena bomber has appeared in court charged with murdering the 22 victims of the attack. At least 26 people have died in a fire at an Animation Studio in the japanese city of kyoto. Arson is suspected. The proportion of crimes solved in england and wales falls to the lowest level recorded, according to new Home Office Data. Primary School Children in england are being refused support for Mental Health issues despite a growing need for help. Back now to our top story. The governments fiscal watchdog the office for budget responsibility says that a no deal brexit could cost the public purse £30 billion a year. The obr says that Economic Growth would fall by 2 by the end of 2020 if the uk leaves the eu without an agreement. Chances of a no deal outcome have risen recently, after both tory candidates to be the next Prime Minister said they would be willing to leave the bloc without a deal. Robert chote is the chairman of the obr. He says they dont know exactly what a no deal brexit would mean for the economy. What we are looking at is a comparison between a particular scenario that the imf has painted for how things have turned out compared to our current forecast for what the Public Finances will do over the next five years. Of course, the numbers that were thrown around at the time of the referendum, three yea rs at the time of the referendum, three years as at the time of the referendum, three yea rs as a at the time of the referendum, three years as a lapse since then and an awful lot has already happened to the economy and the Public Finances. There is already some impact of the brexit vote in what is going on at the moment. This is asking what would happen in this particular scenario of no deal brexit . Would happen in this particular scenario of Nodeal Brexit . Is this the worst Case Scenario . Its not the worst Case Scenario . Its not the worst Case Scenario . Its not the worst Case Scenario painted by the worst Case Scenario painted by the imf. For example, it has relatively few short term disruptions to the economy as a consequence of brexit. If you look back at some of the scenario is that the bank of england put out, these we re the bank of england put out, these were not forecasts, they were testing the resilience of the Financial System and those were more severe so Financial System and those were more severe so this is not the most pessimistic by any means. The chairman of the obr. A bbc investigation suggests theres been a significant rise in the number of uk primary School Children referred to Mental Health services over the last three years. The Royal College of psychiatrists describes the figures as deeply worrying, while the government says its committed to improving Mental Health support. Our special correspondent, ed thomas, has more. As a team of staff well quite often cry together over what were hearing children say. I think its going to take the death a child before people start taking it more seriously. I think the government needs to decide whether they want us to be social workers and Mental Health workers, or educators. The bbc has been hearing from schools across the country about the Mental Health of their pupils. When you have a child in year four who is talking about self harm or talking about suicide, thats shocked a number of staff. Talking about suicide, wondering what it would feel like, and having those conversations quite regularly. Its incredibly distressing when you hear a child as young as six, seven, express that level of unhappiness with their life. Freedom of information responses from 46 health trusts across the uk indicate the number of referrals made to child Mental Health services by primary schools for those aged 11 and under increased by nearly 50 over the last three years. I find it really abhorrent. Theres nothing that we can realistically do that is going to give the child the help that that child needs. For serious cases schools can refer to child Mental Health services. Some head teachers say securing support can be a challenge. External resources are reducing rapidly because of financial constraints. Camhs was the agency needed. Two years its taken and we are still waiting for an assessment for a child who has experienced extreme Mental Health distress. Primary schools cant solve everything. We need help. The government told us it was determined to improve Mental Health services, and by 2024, 345,000 more children and young people will have access to specialist care. Ed thomas, bbc news. Tens of thousands of passengers every year enjoy a trip down the river thames onboard the historic little ships. The oldest boat in Service Dates back to 1892, while another took part in dunkirk. However, the department for transport says new safety regulations could mean they have to be rebuilt, but owners say the costs involved will force them to scrap the boats. Robert hall has been investigating. Hes on the thames right now. Robert. Are all of these boats at risk of being scrapped . Are all of these boats at risk of being scrapped . There is a majority, yes. There is a hard core of boats that go back to the turn of the 20th century, won back to the 1890s. This one, the connaught, is 1911 and she has been carrying passengers ever since stop entirely safely, but the marine and Coastguard Agency feel that a new safety rule has to be applied across the board. I mentioned the connaughts past, that all it means that her future is somewhat insecure. I went down the river on are somewhat sunnier day than this, yesterday, to find out more. When the weather is fine and you know its a sign for messing about on the river. Welcome aboard the connaught, a passenger vessel built a century ago and like her sister ships, still plying her trade on the 24 mile route from Central London to hampton court. They are actually a unique design and they were built for the thames. When the tide is out at low water, they can get under the bridges which are low in this part of london. And they allow passengers still to have access to these historic routes which, as anyone who has been on them, are actually quite magnificent. River steamers launched for a tourism boom during the reign of Queen Victoria also saw military service. The connaught was called up as a hospital ship during world war ii. Newsreel in the event of air raids over the thames, it will be the river emergency service, the rems that will come into action with its personnel of trained nurses, stretcher bearers and complement of doctors. This is a statue of a gentleman by the name of william. The old river boats were designed to carry their passengers in comfort and some style. By the 1960s, the river was buzzing with traffic. But now modern Safety Standards are about to catch up with the last survivors from the original fleets. For vessels like this, the new regulations could mean a virtual rebuild. The connaught, for example, would lose one of her most distinctive features, this saloon at the rear of the vessel. It would be cut off, the deck would be re plated with bulkheads put underneath, and the family who own her and two other vessels say it will cost them half a Million Pounds per boat. They simply cant afford it. Dan adams is connaughts skipper and tour guide. He says the safety review threatens his livelihood. Its not practical to do it and it would send the company out of business. And in turn, if they go out of business, i go out of business because i would no longer have a job. Outside there was sympathy amongst his passengers. If these boats are good enough for dunkirk, theyre certainly good enough for us. I think it would be a terrible shame. If its managed all these years and its perfectly safe, why keep changing things . The reports authors say there is room for manoeuvre but they have to stay on course. Where there is room for discussion is on whether at different parts of the thames, say further upstream, where there is less hazard. In the tidal stretch, if you like, that survivability is really important in bringing those older boats up to the same standards that new boats are constructed to. The recommendations go before Parliament Later this year. The future of these river veterans hangs in the balance. This boat and her sisters have been in the hands of the Collier Family for 40 years. Danny is at the top of the company now and running it. How worrying is this for you . If these plans are implemented, it means i am out of business. Just spell it out for people who dont understand, i mentioned what was involved, but it isa mentioned what was involved, but it is a major structural change question mark a major change, it means moving the deck we are standing on. Dropping it two metres and putting a new saloon on top which would cost in the region of a quarter of £1 million. The marine and Coastguard Agency says it is tough but they have to apply universal tough but they have to apply u niversal safety tough but they have to apply universal Safety Standards to prevent universal Safety Standards to p reve nt a ny universal Safety Standards to prevent any tragedy. They are too draconian. They are not pragmatic at all. What you should happen . I think we should be allowed to carry on trading. We have traded for the best pa rt trading. We have traded for the best part of 40 years and i think we are a safe operation and i think all of these vessels are safe. Who is to say they are not . Where is the evidence . Why arent they so special . They are heritage craft built specifically for the upper river service. They are unique. They are river service. They are unique. They a re low river service. They are unique. They are low at rapid to enable them to navigate bridges like we have just come through under hammersmith. You would argue you are a special case, you and your colleagues who run the boats . I think our record speaks for itself. We are a safe operation. This is a bit of a knife edge because you dont know which way it will go. Absolutely. We are on the cusp of going out of business, that is the bottom line. Thank you very much. There are campaigners behind danny and his fellow owners, moves in parliament pulled that report from the marine and Coastguard Agency will be presented in november or december but as i said, it is very Uncertain Times but perhaps just one more season if this goes ahead. Robert, thank you very much. The headlines on bbc news. The uks official economic forecaster warns a no deal brexit could cost the country £30 billion. The brother of the Manchester Arena bomber has appeared in court charged with murdering the 22 victims of the attack. At least 26 people are reported to have died in a fire at an Animation Studio in the japanese city of kyoto. Arson is suspected. Travellers using Heathrow Airports terminal 5 have reported severe delays because of problems with baggage handling this morning. Among those who highlighted the issue on social media was the comedian eddie izzard. Our correspondentjohn mcmanus joins me now. Any signs of this being sorted . British airways says the issue has been resolved in terms of the computer malfunction that effectively more than 11 miles of Conveyor Belt inside terminal five carrying luggage from checking through to the hundreds of planes that depart from their every day and British Airways is the main airline along with its partner in the International Airlines group, iberia possible eddie izzard was one of many people complaining on social media about what has been going on. We have heard from places like warsaw, valencia and bologna, saying their bags simply have not turned up and infact their bags simply have not turned up and in fact one passenger i expect you a short while ago said that virtually the entire planeload of passengers and luggage had not arrived the airport. Apparently a local member of staff had said the luggage had not been loaded onto the plane. I ask British Airways and they said they were not aware of that particular problem but they say there has been a computer error which meant that staff had to manually process passenger luggage for several hours this morning and that led to a lot of queues with some people are missing flights. Others were told to take important objects from their hold luggage and put it in their hand luggage because their hold luggage might not make it to their destination with them so ba have been quite explicit about that. It has apologised and said the problem has been resolved but there are still delays that we know of. Thank you. 11 miles of Conveyor Belts that is a lot not moving thank you. Obesity should be classed as a disease, to remove the stigma that it is self inflicted and encourage those with weight problems to get help, according to researchers. Writing in the british medicaljournal, they say that up to 70 per cent of weight problems are inherited. They also claim the rise in obesity is due to cheap food being readily available. There has been a sharp rise in the number of young people being diagnosed with skin cancer. Cancer research uk says rates have gone up by more than 70 per cent since the mid 90s. The increase is being linked to the surge in cheap flight offers, which means people are going abroad more often. New drivers could be banned from travelling at night as part of plans to improve road safety in england. Ministers are considering the plan put forward by the department for transport, and comes as figures suggest one in five drivers are involved in a crash within a year of passing their test. But the aa warned excessive Safety Measures could become an unnecessary burden for motorists. Earlier, driving instructor sue papworth spoke to me from her car about the proposed plans. Most 17 to 25 year olds take their driving test to give them the freedom to be able to drive, particularly to get around in the evening from rural locations where there are no Public Transport Services for them. To use the word ban is quite strong. What i would like to see is for them to gain more experience in the car with someone like myself, or an older person, perhaps a parent, to give them the experience to be able to drive in those more challenging conditions. Our night time lesson is the norm or not . They are not unfortunately. There are more instructors who find that night driving either interferes with a social life, home life, could possibly be incurring more costs for the student if instructed had been working from first thing in the morning untilfive working from first thing in the morning until five or six oclock. They may be asked to charge the people more for an evening lesson. Obviously summertime is more challenging when it is light at four in the morning does not get dark until ten in the evening. Some sort of graduated licence over a period of graduated licence over a period of time might be useful to help ensure that we produce safer drivers for the more challenging Road Conditions that we face today but of a graduated license rather than an outright ban. Off the top of your head, what advice would you give to newly qualified drivers when it comes to driving at night vis a vis during the day . I think driving during the day . I think driving during the day is challenging enough for them with little experience. At night, i wouldnt say dont drive at night, i wouldnt say dont drive at night but i would choose very carefully where they drove. Limit the amount of passengers they have, have somebody in the car that might be slightly older and more responsible and holds a full licence and is able to be the extra pair of eyes and ears for them to help them see things that perhaps they dont see things that perhaps they dont see initially when driving at night, but not to be off put by a lot of other people of a similar age to themselves and be distracted by loud music or possibly the influence of drugs or alcohol, driving late at night, and obviously in the early hours of the morning. That was a driving instructor sue pa pworth talking to me earlier. Whether shes fighting Police Corruption as an undercover cop in line of duty, or taking on the role of a skinhead in this is england, Vicky Mcclure is known for playing tough characters. Her latest work, i am nicola, is no different and focusses on a dysfunctional and coercive relationship. Naga munchetti caught up with vicky, who told us about her favourite projects to date and what keeps her grounded. Vicky mcclure. Welcome to breakfast. Thank you. This is a first for me because we get to wear trainers. If i ever have the choice, that is what i will do. It feels good to have stuff like that around you. Doesnt it . Yeah, exactly. Tell me about i am nicola and your involvement, because you were involved in the writing as well. Dominic savage got in touch with me. His style is very much improvised, which i love. Obviously coming from the workshop in nottingham, there was a lot of work and we did a lot of workshops in improvisation so it is something that i do not fear much whereas some actors, if they have not done a lot of it, it is quite a nervous process because you have not got any script. He just said, what kind of things you want to explore . And i think relationships are pretty much something that everybody has been through and if youre still in that relationship then it means it is working and if you are not, it didnt work and for what reasons . I have past relationships that didnt work and i wanted to delve into trust issues and jealousy and things that i think we have all dabbled in through growing up, more than anything. When youre younger, you arejust like, you dont know what is going on. Very oppressive. Yeah. Oppression was the feeling i got when i was watching it but the character is still a very strong character and i think, typically, when you look at the roles you have played, that is typical of your acting career. Is that deliberate . It probably is. I read some scripts and think there is not much i can give to that. You work to your strengths and i think that is what i tend to want to get involved in. You have had broadchurch, this is england. Im looking at my list here because theres so much. Mothers day, the dementia choir, line of duty. What has been your favourite . The dementia choir means the most to me because it has nothing to do with my career, do you know what i mean . It was purely about trying to do something that makes a difference. This is england means an awful lot to me because it basically stemmed my career. And i absolutely loved playing lol, and i love working with shane. Who keeps you grounded . Johnny. My family, my friends. My friends are the same friends i have had since school. Summertime now. Give me your perfect summers day. Well. My perfect summers day would be on a beach somewhere with a cocktail but if it were at home, just having tunes on, lounging about. To be honest, though, i cant do that. Ijust cant do it. I get too hot, i cant sit still so im a bit of a fidget. And when the tunes are on and youre jumping around, are you one of those who dances like no ones watching . When theres music on, i cant sit still. I love to dance. I love it, yeah. A great image to finish with. Thank you so much for talking with us. Pleasure, thank you. In a moment welljoin viewers on bbc one for the one oclock news with ben brown, but first its time for a look at the weather with sarah keith lucas. Good afternoon. After a warmly warm and largely dry wit, the weather has been changing with some rain which has been welcome in southern parts. This was earlier in kent, quite a lot of cloud around. Through this afternoon, things should brighten up. Sunny spells for many, a few showers particularly in North Western parts of scotland and Northern Ireland in particular have some showers. Further south in england and wales, it is largely dry and sunny this afternoon, just a bit of Cloud Holding on in the fat south east. Temperatures, 21 24d, a bit of a breeze from the west far south east some showers in Northern Ireland and scotland and it will be quite the story. There could be the odd rumble of thunder mixed in with the heavier ones. The open continues at royal portrush. We expect further showers at times and tomorrow we could see some more significant rainfall affecting the open. This evening and overnight, the showers in the north fade away both a lot of dry and clear weather but later on you will notice the cloud and rain coming into the south west and south wales. A bit of a fresher at night, temperatures between ten and 14 degrees. Tomorrow it will be for low pressure that delivers a fair amount of rain, particularly heavy in south wales in the morning and South West England and Northern Ireland also seeing some. It pushes northwards and eastwards across the country and many of us will see a spell of wet weather followed by showery rain after the main band. Northern scotla nd after the main band. Northern scotland as the driest weather. Temperatures a little cooler than recently, 17 21d. On saturday, that low pressure moves on towards the east and later on sunday the next area comes in from the north west. A bit of a changeable theme. On saturday we lose the initial rain to the east and then have some sunshine and scattered showers almost everywhere. A little bit warmer compared to fried it with temperatures in the low 20s it looks like sunday will bring the best day of the weekend but further rain arrives in the north west later on. Goodbye for now. A warning that a no deal brexit could mean a surge in public borrowing. The Public Finance watchdog says leaving without an agreement could add an extra £30 billion a year to the deficit. Thats largely because you have less growth in the economy, which means less income tax receipts, you also have things like weaker house prices, less property transactions so you have less capital taxes as well. It comes as the eus chief brexit negotiator tells the bbc that britain will have to face the consequences if it leaves without a deal. This document is the only way to leave the eu in an orderly manner. And if we just left, if we tore up the membership guide . The uk would have to face the consequences. Well have the latest live from westminster

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