Have to have a clean speech soon, if you listen to what i said in my speech, there are lots of things that need legislation, we will need to have a budget very quickly and by the way, that thing not connected tonight as we will have a budget with the preparations for a no deal brexit and big business tax cuts and the first week of september. Applause. And then well have the queen speech earliest available. Applause. And then well have the queen speech earliest availablem you can give me a date for a budget why not for the speech . As much as i love you and ive gotten to know you. Steady now. Ithink love you and ive gotten to know you. Steady now. I think there are some things we do not need to talk about in the public arena. So the which ill agreement, is it dad . As it is now, yes. We have to be dead. I wanted to get a deal, and so we have to make some profound changes to that agreement, not that does not mean ripping up the whole thing. But it does mean that backstop has to go. Entirely our amended . Or. Backstop has to go. Entirely our amended . Or. The reason why parliament did not accept that backstop is because it traps us in the Eu Customs Union tariffs until such time as the eu gives us permission not to follow eu tariffs. And that is not acceptable, it wont go through parliament and thats what has to go. If you are saying that we will remove any guarantees over not having hard part or infrastructure on ireland, then no, i think there is agreement and party we cannot go back to a hard border oii we cannot go back to a hard border on the island of ireland. Im feeling faint safe saying this one because priti patel is igniting. But its clear that whoever takes over as Prime Minister, will be absolutely committed to the belfast good friday agreement. One of the greatest achievements of british diplomacy over the last 30 years. Applause. But i often get calls saying the difference betweenjeremy huntand saying the difference betweenjeremy hunt and Boris Johnson, saying the difference betweenjeremy hunt and borisjohnson, as we can trust Boris Johnson hunt and borisjohnson, as we can trust borisjohnson because he feels brexit in his cap, whereasjeremy hunt does not because he boded remain and you did address back sol get back, but how do you. remain and you did address back sol get back, but how do you. I feel democracy in my gut which is why i will deliver brexit. Applause. Why do you think though you can deliver adlin do you think though you can deliver a dlin no do you think though you can deliver a dl in no way borisjohnson cannot . Deal. A dl in no way borisjohnson cannot . Deal. Boris can speak for himself, but what i will say is my experience as foreign secretary and my background as a negotiator before icame into my background as a negotiator before i came into business, and my ability to say tough things, which i have had to say incidentally to the Chinese Government over hong kong a few weeks ago and to President Trump la st few weeks ago and to President Trump last week, you know, with very difficult disputes when i was running the nhs, the ability to say tough things they need to be sad whilst maintaining relationships and hiding negotiations, is an important quality i have demonstrated throughout my life. But what i will not say someone who has seen many deals over the years, is that this will be easy. Nor is it impossible. And we have overcome bigger challenges and we have did and we can overcome this one as well. Applause. You mentioned donald trump and you rightly called him out for his tweets this week about the four congresswomen. But neither you nor your opponent actually used the word racist. Why not . Because i am the countrys diplomatic chief and i have responsibility for our risk relationship with our most important ally. And back and i had a relationship. And that is a foundation of the peace and prosperity we have had for the last 75 years. And i have to recognise. Applause. That the words i use need to be calibrated in a weight that does not do lasting damage to that relationship. But i think i made my feelings very clear, i think i said in that debate that i had 3 2 chinese children born on the nhs with british passports and i would be utterly appalled and horrified and totally unacceptable to me or my wife and everyone if anyone told them to go back to china and i hope iio them to go back to china and i hope no politician in this country would ever say that to them. Applause. Are you a feminist . I would like to think so, yes. What does it mean to you . Of course it means equality between men and women. But it also means being prepared to smash the glass ceilings that had existed for centuries that stop a lemon reaching their full potential. It means backing more women and peace and we have made great progress in the conservative party but not enough. It still only 20 . Exactly, i been a big support and can cans work for women to win, it means more female cabinet ministers, it means doing Everything Possible to do what we conservatives believe in, which is iio conservatives believe in, which is no matter who you are, your background, sexuality or your sex, we are the party of meritocracy and everyone should be allowed to fly flourish and prosper. Applause. David cameron had an eight list that had lots of women get elected in 2010, with you propose something similarand be in 2010, with you propose something similar and be in favourfor a short list . Im not in favour of all women shortlists. Applause. Because we are a meritocracy and i think the risk is that the values the achievement a woman makes when she achieves a job, she think she got it because of her sex. Applause. But that doesnt mean there are not thousands of things he can do and i think thats what we are all about that. I asked Boris Johnson if he dyed his hair, so can i ask you the same out of balance . No, sorry to disappoint, i do have a few grey hairs, itsa disappoint, i do have a few grey hairs, its a start. He might have a few more if you get this job. Hairs, its a start. He might have a few more if you get thisjob. Final question from me, if you could steal something from your opponents personality, what would it be . Well, i worked with forest on the london olympics and he was mayor and eyelids boris. And in fact member of the events were held at the centre, and we to meet every few weeks and it did not matter how serious are difficult the topics where we discussed. We always let the meetings with a smile on our face. And i think its a great quality. Applause. Let us start the question and answer session, and we will start right over there. The lady waving over there. In the green cardigan. And then there was somebody here. Thank you. Virginia crosby. Thank you, jeremy. The numberof women crosby. Thank you, jeremy. The number of women voting in the 2017 general election for the conservatives declined dramatically. How are you going to get women to vote conservative again . Thank you, virginia. Well, ithink vote conservative again . Thank you, virginia. Well, i think the vote conservative again . Thank you, virginia. Well, ithink the polling evidence is that one of the reasons that the number of women voting for as declined, by the way we cannot win unless they get a majority of women voting for as which is why this issue matters to us so much, but the reason is because that was an election where most of the discussion one way or another was about brexit. Thats why we have to get brexit and delivered behind us, and then talk about a broader canvas of issues, such as public services, particularly education, we were on the back flick of education and School Funding in the last election. Thats why its essential the sort that out and by the way, i would do this ina that out and by the way, i would do this in a way that i did it with the nhs. I put my money on the table and say i ten year plan thats going to show me how we make sure young people who dont go to University Get properly rigorous technical qualifications so we know we can get a basic decently paid job. I want to see how we abolish literacy illiteracy, and if you can show me i will put more money on the table and i think talking about other issues is how we will succeed. Right, you sir, i will go here. Is how we will succeed. Right, you sir, iwill go here. Mr is how we will succeed. Right, you sir, i will go here. Mr hunt, is how we will succeed. Right, you sir, iwill go here. Mr hunt, i would like to probe you further on a point you made previously about getting youth back into conservativism. We all know that the Education System is not simply towards the left. There is far greater representation dad than the right. But i want to know from you, is how you are going to bring conservativism back to the education syste m conservativism back to the Education System and how youre going to free the Education System from the grips of socialism . Thank you. I. I spotted the next william hague, fantastic. Ill tell you what we have to do. We have to make sure we have to do. We have to make sure we have properly, we are properly defending free speech on our campuses and we cannot have a situation. Applause. We cannot have a situation where people are harassed or intimidated or feel threatened because they do something as bold as to say they are a conservative. And to my knowledge, there is only one vice chancellor and the whole country who openly says he supports the conservatives andi says he supports the conservatives and i think we need a bit of honesty from the vice chancellor is in this country, not by what has made this country, not by what has made this country great is free debate in 19 values and not getting rid of the spanish inquisition and the great things that happened in our universities before they happen anywhere else and we need to stay true to those principles today as we always have done. Applause. Why should University Vice declare political allegiance . They shouldnt have to i mean everyone can decide oii have to i mean everyone can decide on theirown, have to i mean everyone can decide on their own, but im making a point that at our 300 universities, the fa ct that at our 300 universities, the fact that there is only one that feels able to declare that as an indication ofjust how difficult it is to support the conservatives in academia and that is right. The lady ofa academia and that is right. The lady of a bear academia and that is right. The lady ofa bearand academia and that is right. The lady of a bear and then the gentleman in the front of the second section. There. Thank you very much, my question at the last election, at the time i told my friend i would stand as a candidate because im from an ethnic minority, what i was wondering is how to change a change of perception that we are diverse and inclusive and we are notjust a party for the white, black, that white male like everybody says, we are more than that because perception is everything everyone perceives that when you are standing, especially in the ethnic minority, you actually standing for labour. What is your plan . Let me say first of all, first of all thank you for standing up for your beliefs because we are proud to have you as a conservative. Applause. I noticed that back boris badge, i will get you one and a moment. But the answer to your question, is this. Who are the most socially diverse colourblind group of people and our society is not its young people. They are the people who really do not notice if someone has a different colour to their skin and so different colour to their skin and so the way we are going to increase diversity in our own party is by getting more young people involved and thats why i want them to know isa and thats why i want them to know is a businessman, and most powerful thing you can say to the customer is youre hungry for their business. And i want every young person in this country to know that we, the conservatives are hungry for their boats because we offer them the brightest and best future and we are going for it and we can prove that what policies he announced. Applause. The guy right by the wall who is doing this. The social care system in this country is broken. As a former secretary of state for health and social care, how will you fix it was blue thank you. applause and a great question. Because we are the party that believes in fairness between the generations and there is iio between the generations and there is no conservative in this hall that does not want every single older person i and frankly, sir, if i was to talk about the austerity cuts that i had to bring in as part of David Camerons cuts, there are two areas that with the benefit of hindsight it is easy to say that they went too farand one of it is easy to say that they went too far and one of those was Police Numbers and the social care system. So how do we solve it, i think you have to do two things. First of all, local counsellors do need more money to deliver basic standard of care and social care. applause and i wanted tenure planned for the social care system just like i did for the nhs. But secondly it is about personal responsibility and we need to encourage younger people to save for those costs in the very la st save for those costs in the very last few months of their lives earlier just last few months of their lives earlierjust as they save for their pensions and in this country, we set up pensions and in this country, we set upa very pensions and in this country, we set up a very strong Pension System which made it the norm and under our conservative government, we introduced auto enrol, and i want to have a system where people are automatically putting aside a little bit more for the social costs towards the end of their lives. So they are gradually moving towards a society in which people are saving enough. It will take time but it will be the right thing to do. Enough. It will take time but it will be the right thing to dolj remember they got together in 2009 to talk about the future of social ca re to talk about the future of social care ten years ago. I take the point about austerity, but do you think it was a failure on your part not to prioritise social care during the tenure as Health Secretary . |j prioritise social care during the tenure as Health Secretary . I was formerly responsible for for my last six months on the job that i was very concerned about social care syste m very concerned about social care system because i could see our andes filling up because hospitals cannot find care packages in the community andi find care packages in the community and i became absolutely convinced that you cannot solve the problems of the nhs without addressing the problems in the social care system at the same time. So this is something that we have to do now. Right. Have you got with the guy in the corner by the wall. We are going to go to you and then we will go to you, sir. Good evening. Wave your wave your hand please. Hello. Good evening, iam wave your hand please. Hello. Good evening, i am a deputy chair. I wave your hand please. Hello. Good evening, iam a deputy chair. I met you at the hospital and. My question is with the ever increasing rise of christians being persecuted by nationally and internationally, losing theirjobs for expressing theirfaith, losing theirjobs for expressing their faith, what course of action when you take in order to deal or bring about change when you become the Prime Minister . When i become Prime Minister. Thank you. A very important question. 80 of the people around the world are persecuted for their faith, are christians. And i sometimes think of christians. And i sometimes think of christians as white, western, afflue nt christians as white, western, affluent people. But these can be the poorest people in the world, for the poorest people in the world, for the simple act of going to church is a risk of your safety and even your life. There has been a blind spot in foreign policy, may be for reasons of political correction or embarrassment oii of political correction or embarrassment on talking about religion, we have not done as much as we should cite commissioned the bishop to do an independent report and to what more we can do. He published that the week before last, it is an excellent report and his Prime Minister, i will implement all of his recommendations. applause no, here. And then well go to the lady there because i missed her last time. And a counsellor from salisbury, one of the criticisms i often get is our party do not have an mp were other opposition do. If you become the Prime Minister, would you become the Prime Minister, would you become the Prime Minister, would you be able to fill the gap and get us you be able to fill the gap and get us in . I think we found our next mp. Make sure you get on the candidates list and it would be an honour her daddy and parliament with us. applause the lady there, followed by the gentleman over there waving the newspaper. You say you support the people of hong kong, how far are you prepared to go to show your support for the british nationals overseas in hong kong. Will you give them the new blue british passports after brexit . Thank you. applause thank you for asking that question andi thank you for asking that question and i want you to know that the people of this country stand foursquare behind the people of hong kong we have a long historical relationship. applause we are so proud of what hong kong has achieved but during british rule and after british rule, part of that responsibility has been to say difficult things about the need for china to respect the 1984 declaration and we are prepared to use a declaration and we are prepared to use a Political Capital with china to defend but was agreed and that 1984 agreement. I understand your concerns about passports. That is obviously a much bigger issue, but what i want you to know that we will be there for you and will defend the agreements that we made with other countries that affect hong kong that are legally binding and Everyone Needs to remember that. applause gentleman over there and then the lady there in the blue jacket. Thank you for the opportunity. My name is matthew and here. I am extremely confident that both major candidates have committed themselves to no border down the irish sea. A my point is raised by taxation. Entrepreneurship, a lot of people set up Service Companies that are encouraged by the advisers, they have feedback from them perfectly legitimate and they are not being persecuted. They are now being persecuted. They are now being persecuted. This source of retrospective nist, second is other people are working and the taxation syste m people are working and the taxation system unfortunately under a conservative government, despite saying that they got rid of the budget has gotten more complex, the to of pension relief, the fact that people pay over hundred percent tax rates effectively at certain levels of income is a national disgrace. And i want to hear your plan to sort that out. Matthew, first of all, when it comes to entrepreneurs we have to do everything we possibly can to bear down on red tape and i think that taxation matters a lot andi think that taxation matters a lot and i certainly remember when i set up my and i certainly remember when i set up my business, that the worst taxes are the taxes you have to pay before you even earn a penny of profit that is why i am particularly worried about high street businesses suffering because of the internet revolution and that is why i said i would take 90 of high street businesses out of Business Rates which i think will make a big difference. But in terms of the overall complexity of the tax system, i agree with you and we should be a party that simplifies the tax system because of all the incentives you get it i think the most ridiculous thing going on is the amount of doctors retiring from the amount of doctors retiring from the nhs because they maxed out on their pension pots. They retire and they saw themselves back to the nhs and we end up paying both their pension and their salary and that is completely ridiculous that is something i want to sort out. What about his point about aisle 35 in the loan charge, are you going to sign the loan charge . |j the loan charge, are you going to sign the loan charge . I will look at it with sympathy but im not going to give an answer as to what directly i would do because i still need to give it proper advice and understand what is happening, but i do understand what its like to be at the wrong end of these kind of regulations trying to back tax people 20 years ago has to be wrong. We also have to have a fair tax system, im not going to lose the votes of everyone by defending everything the hmrc says and i will look at it with sympathy. But i need to see the facts before i make a decision. applause the lady there and lets go right up to the back there, the lady that just turned her head around, you. Chairman of the, you said you want to get all of our children reading. If you become Prime Minister, will you stop closing and make sure that our primary children have a library . Here is why Public Libraries matter. Because if you look at this rather shocking statistic of nearly a quarter of our Primary School leaders unable to reach to the require standards. Sadly, parents do not be to their children. And you can spot that very early on, even at the age of four before they have been formally taught to read, you can spot the children who are at risk of that. So we do need, if youre going to solve this problem to put in strategies very early on when children are young, access to books both in and outside of the school is a very important part of that. The person who i pointed to is not standing up over there. Yes, you and then well go over there to the gentleman in the eighth row with his hand. You. Get to see you, you are my neighbouring mp and Childrens Mental Health is in crisis and matthew was at a speech a couple of days ago talking about this. That but by 2030 its going to be the first row disability. Is the nhs prepare for this crisis . An important question. Other things i discovered when i was Health Secretary is half of all Mental Health conditions become established before the age of 14. The great tragedy that teddy make is that if you do not catch them early, depression, anxiety can become so entrenched that they are stuffed with people for life stuck with people for life. We have probably more provision than any other major european country, but we have waiting lists that are far too long. When i was Health Secretary, i lodged a Mental Health plan, we will become the first country in europe to have Mental Health and every secondary school and to do that we need to hire an additional 9000 people and that takes time. So, were only going to get to a quarter of secondary schools by the time of the next election but the way is the right way to go and i want this to bea right way to go and i want this to be a party that ends the scar of Mental Health problems that really can be prevented if you catch them young enough. It was actually you that i meant, have you got a microphone . Jeremy hunt has been taking questions for quite some time, coming to the end of this session and the final hustings of the conservative leadership race, he has been asked all sorts of questions that you would expect about brexit and the withdrawal deal and also about domestic policy and after that you heard from Boris Johnson and his fees on exactly the same topics. We will have continued coverage of the final hustings across bbc news and i wejoin outside source. Hello and welcome, youre watching outside source. Jeremy hunt and borisjohnson are coming to the end of theirfinal borisjohnson are coming to the end of their final hustings, and the race to be the next conservative leader and the uk Prime Minister. Borisjohnson has refused to respond to reports he can use the scheduling of the cream speech to prevent mps from blocking a note to brexit. Our Political Correspondent ian watson has the very latest. The families of those who died in at boeing 737 max plane crashes have been testifying for the press time. Patch is taking place in puerto rico after offensive and homophobic from messages the governor were leaked, we will be alive. Well explain how the row over Animal Welfare between sea world and the origin how group has developed. These two, borisjohnson and jeremy hunt, have made their final pitches to become leader of the conservative party at a hustings in east london. The deadline for Party Members to cast their votes is on sunday. Whoever wins will become prime mininster next week. Top of their to do list will be brexit and negotiating a withdrawal from the eu. Heres what they had to say. First of all, we need to take the provisions for our European Union friends who are living here, working in this country, and pass those protections into law, dont we. We should have done it years ago. Lets do it. Lets put it into law expect number two, we need to take the £39 billion and we are going to send that to brussels, for the talks in the state of creative ambiguity until we get the answer that we need and of course, we take the complex issues, actually not so complex, boy ta ke issues, actually not so complex, boy take the questions that are raised by frictionless trade across the Northern Irish border and every other from the uk and we remit them for solutions to the place where they properly belong in for solutions to the place where they preperly belong in the for solutions to the place where they properly belong in the context of the Free Trade Agreement that we all strike with our european friends and partners after we have come out on october the 31st. Does that make sense . We thought with their heads as well as believing that their hearts that is what we have to do with brexit, and if we do that the wrong way, then the europeans will block any changes to the deal, parliament will block no deal and they will get to a general election long before we get to october the 31st and we are going to overcome those hurdles by telling them politely but firmly, if we do not get a deal that will get through parliament. There would not be a deal but we are still leaving and we will Tell Parliament that just like them, we will leave no stone unturned to find a deal. Iain watson is at the hustings in east london for us. These are the final hustings, what is still out for you . Quite a few things that stood out, obviously the final applause and cheers forjeremy hunt, he went second. Whats interesting is thinking people who watch the proceedings, both candidates did not clash with each other, they speak separately to the membership, the people who decide on the next Prime Minister a week from today and one of them will be Prime Minister. What stood out what they seem minister. What stood out what they seem to be very closely together when it talks came to talk about that which ill agreement. One of them said it was bad and the current form, that was jeremy them said it was bad and the current form, that wasjeremy hunt and another said it was defunct. Boris johnson said that. The there are some differences on other issues, but i think quite striking was that they were together on the immediate challenge at brexit. On that stood out was that Boris Johnson challenge at brexit. On that stood out was that borisjohnson pitch, biggies he often has come across as someone biggies he often has come across as someone who biggies he often has come across as someone who wants biggies he often has come across as someone who wants to play the optimism card like oh we can do everything, we can change the economy invested in infrastructure and hold his head high. But today, i think perhaps he felt he was on the verge of power and moving into downing street to the residents of the Prime Minister, because he was playing down expectations in some areas, paintand playing down expectations in some areas, paint and expectations for example areas, paint and expectations for example trade deal with the us. He said negotiations were put quite robust and shouldnt expect immediate benefits come i think there is more a measure to help her borisjohnson, with inlets he has the character, but some more measure from them. Jeremy hunt effectively with saying he would prepare to cut business taxes as soon as september, and then i have to say, speaking to people, people are talking about the margin of his victory not whether he will win. And we can talk now to a long standing supportive jeremy hunt. You resigned of course as a government minister to try to prevent no deal, but tonight, jeremy hunt has made a clear and we have just heard them speaking, that he was indeed to prepare to leave without a deal, i did think its too far to the right and not enough clear blue water but still a narrow strea m clear blue water but still a narrow stream between him and Boris Johnson . I support jeremy because i think he is most likely to avoid a no deal. He takes the view as many do that its not imprudent to prepare for it, but not deliberate tactic and not surrounded by people who want to see no deal. He is the person who can negotiate a Good Relationship in europe, and sees the issue as a shared problem, which the eu did not want to no deal, and he believes that approach will prevent that and get us out and best this is pretend and i think thats a reasonable bet. We respect talking to a global audience and reminding people there is no overall majority of conservatives, that some people are saying isjeremy hunt was saying that they won the election for more young people to get on site, the numbers are saying they fear a site, the numbers are saying they feara snap site, the numbers are saying they fear a snap election. And i think borisjohnson is a better campaigner on that circumstance. If we do have one itll be one without leaving the eu and if we have one without leaving itll be a disaster, jeremy hunt is clear on that and frankly, the Archangel Gabriel said he would listen to and election without leaving the eu itd be a disaster. If its going to be election it will be after we leave, and i think polling suggests that during the quest of the hustings jeremy polling suggests that during the quest of the hustingsjeremy hunt is just as it clipped and in some areas of the country better equipped to win an election than Boris Johnson. You make an argument that there are. Its for the membership to decide at the cafe to sunday. Here suggesting some supporters say he will have a victory, but some of their own supporters are also considering thatjeremy hunt is lost in saying he puts up a good bite at the time to put in the tal . Way too early, at the two horse race and begin to happen. Whether its referendum, general election of 2017, whether its people betting on new zealand to win over to go the world cup final. They were all confounded, absolutely not the right time, jeremy hunt is doing a great job and will win. Briefly, what b you fear about that Boris Johnson permission of . Im not sure i fear anything, i think either one would bea anything, i think either one would be a better candidate than anyone produced by any of the other party. I preferjeremy, produced by any of the other party. I prefer jeremy, i produced by any of the other party. I preferjeremy, ithink produced by any of the other party. I preferjeremy, i think he would make a great Prime Minister, and i would like to see him succeed. Would borisjohnson would like to see him succeed. Would Boris Johnson make a would like to see him succeed. Would borisjohnson make a success of brexit . Either of them could they just need to approach that the right way and we need to get the deal to get the uk out in the best time for everyone , get the uk out in the best time for everyone, i prepared jeremy get the uk out in the best time for everyone, i preparedjeremy hunts approach, but i think will make a success up and when the next general election, which is. Thank you very much. We have to stop at that point because we have conservatives went saying he will and that next election i would be shocked if he didnt say that. He resigned to try to prevent no deal. Its clear that could happen, certainly one of the questions but candidates are asked tonight, is whether they could avoid no deal at both said they were prepared to leave without a deal and we re prepared to leave without a deal and were expecting that the eu chief negotiator is going to be pretty negative when it comes to the idea of reopening it which ill agreement that remember both the man said were dead or defunct. Ian watson, many thanks. The final hustings of the tory Leadership Debate that we will find us in his the new leader of the united kingdom. Virgin holidays has scrapped trips to seaworld and other theme parks with whales and dolphins in captivity. Virgin boss Richard Branson tweeted it was wonderful the firm was ending the sales and promotion of tourism attractions that involve captive cetacea ns. Seaworlds theme parks in orlando and san diego will be axed as destinations. Seaworld has hit back, saying it was disappointing to see Virgin Holidays succumb to pressure from animal activists and that activists mislead and manipulate Marine Mammal science to advance their agendas. Seaworld never recovered from this documentary. Its called blackfish and it raises questions about the abuse and neglect of orcas in captivity. Audiences fell, as did the companys share rights story well audiences fell, as did the companys share rights. Well the Animal Welfare institute has been working with Virgin Holidays to encourage their latest move. They congratulated virgin on twitter that captive cetaceans cannot thrive in concrete boxes, and encouraged other companies to follow their lead. I spoke to naomi rose, a Marine Mammal biologist from there. When they decided to stop reading the forecast, the us like it and change they can still keep and display them, but we are helping that Market Forces will place them to do the right thing and retire them to sanctuaries. We are seeing some of those sports is possibly taking place with a virgins position, let their reaction to that i assume you are happy. Im very happy about it, its an amazing development, i have been working with the Virgin Holidays effort to reva m p with the Virgin Holidays effort to revamp its approach to captive situation since 2014, and they have been doing it and a slow and steady way, and their evolution has reached the point we all wanted it to reach. See saying they are disappointed, they had done a lot at research and poured in lots of money for the research of these animals, is there an argument that perhaps they are doing a good thing . an argument that perhaps they are doing a good thing . I do not think so. Doing a good thing . I do not think so. Their argument that they had been doing lots of research, lied about his post black fish, so the research they have been doing lately is because that does market prices. Sol is because that does market prices. So i feel that one of the ways we could continue using these animals for research if that is in fact deemed necessary, is that they retire them to seaside sanctuaries. Quite frankly, the animals wouldnt be behaving more naturally and thats where they were. You touch upon Market Forces, people i still obviously going to this particular attraction, why is that in that case . Barren Amusement Park. Theyre going to be one, they are a marine themed Amusement Park and i think a lot of people, now that they know the archives that they are seeing at sea world will be the last generation, theyve gotten over whats known as the x factor. They dont feel as bad about going to see rod as a vacation destination. Knowing that the orchids they see are going to be the last generation. I think its the rod tip that last step and retire there or because to sanctuaries, the public would just feel completely comfortable going and returning drugs. So why are they not been . While they have been around for a long time, a long time, since 1964, and they really feel that what they are doing is right. I do believe that. They have a strong sense that how dare you accuse us of doing these things. That are harmful to the animal. And so they are just being i think, how the stubborn when in fact, if they really get an honest evaluation of their audience, they would recognise its time to change the way they do business. Naomi agrees with the decision. This is puerto ricos governor ricardo rossello. Hes facing calls to step down after leaked private messages between him and his closest advisers showed offensive and homophobic remarks. There have been big protests since the messages were published on thursday. The latest is due to get underway in the capital sanjuan at any moment. This has been the scene there all week. Big rallies. Protesters want mr rossello to quit. Theyre shouting we will kick you out and ricky resign. Some of them have been violent. The group chat was published by the centre for investigativejournalism. There are nearly 900 messages in total between mr rossello and nine members of his administration. Theyre a bombshell. In one chat mr rossello calls the former new York City Council speaker melissa mark viverito, a whore. An official alsojoked about the growing pile of dead bodies after hurricane maria. In another exchange, an official makes vulgar remarks about puerto rican singer ricky martin and says nothing says patriarchal oppression like ricky martin. Well ricky martin has fired back. We cannot allow our puerto rico to be in the hands of such leaders. The governor has so far refused to resign but he has issued this apology. Im not proud of what i did. They were hurtful comments. So, i apologize for what ive done he added this is a very painful situation for me, as governor, as a human being and as a puerto rican and weve also had this update from cbs correspondent david beg no who is sanjuan, puerto ricos governor, 11 current fmr Staff Members of his, must surrender their cell phones to the islands dept ofjustice by friday david joins me from the capital san juan now. Bring us up to date with this request for the cell phones. Please forgive me for wearing sunglasses its so bright here in the caribbean said looking into the camera and talking is difficult without the glasses. But let me tell you the latest, when it comes to this investigation, the governor and his staff have been told to surrender their cell phones, so i may have to surrender it by friday, and may drag in the next week and i spoke to as spokeswoman for the department of justice whether they were ordered to delete things on their phones are not, as she said i did not know, so its not deep at the bottom line, localjustice department will investigate, but thats precisely what are the reasons why the pipe thousands of protesters behind me did not feel confident it will turn out ina did not feel confident it will turn out in a way that ethical and believable because a lot of people on the island dont even know about their own justice on the island dont even know about their ownjustice department. On the island dont even know about their own justice department. We can see the strength of feeling the people its another protest has taken place since these revelations. So the first one was 48 hours ago it was peaceful for about three hours and then got violent. The protesters threw plastic Water Bottles at the police, and he is pepper sprayed and tear gas, dumpsters were lit on fire it became very violent. After that night, there were celebrities who said we are on our way to puerto rico and lets have another protest on thursday. The protest was not supposed to officially start for another 20 minutes, but already as i look out, i would estimate there are about 4000 people, its a Beautiful Day here in sanjuan, which is a city on a hail in the middle of the caribbean. That is the capital that closed today because of the protest. And we are awaiting the artist, celebrities to take the stage and what they would do is the people over here are going to be joined what they would do is the people over here are going to bejoined by we expect thousands more people who will then march to the governors mansion. I expect this will go on all night, if its anything like what it was 48 hours ago. We are hearing governors say he of what he has done, but when it comes to political fallout, has there there been any . No, not really, in fact he is the word shameful. I actually asked him what would it take for you to resign and he said i will not deal with hypotheticals. But you have to understand this because beyond the chat scandal. Let me sum it up as concisely as possible, Puerto Ricans it up as concisely as possible, puerto rica ns have it up as concisely as possible, Puerto Ricans have felt forgotten, bya Puerto Ricans have felt forgotten, by a government that has this man is not only money but things on the island for decades. Mismanaged. So when you speak to them they say that this was the final straw and its something theyve been dealing with for decades. For many people, that culminated during hurricane maria, and has gone downhill ever sense. And the chat scandal was the final straw. For a lot of people here. Certainly sounds like it, thank you so much for filling us in. To stay with us here on outside source. Stay with us on outside source still to come. Remembering the apollo moonshot, fifty years on the latest of our series on the build up to the first moon landing. Weve been reporting a lot on sudan over the past few months here on outside source. Today the Ruling Military Council and opposition leaders have finally signed a power sharing deal after all night talks. The two sides have been locked in a power struggle after protests led to president Omar Al Bashir being ousted from power back in april. Anne soy reports. At last, a deal that moves sudan closer to normal. Setting out how the military in the opposition will have a three year transition. Signing on behalf of the military was the general, the leader of the dreaded support forces accused of working against the protesters. This agreement is the fruit of continuous effo rts agreement is the fruit of continuous efforts that the sudanese people have long awaited in order to reap the horizons of freedom, peace, and justice. Not just justice that the horizons of freedom, peace, and justice. Notjustjustice that the protesters want to stop injune, the forces raided this camp and broke it up. Hundreds of the supporters were killed. The military put the death toll at just over killed. The military put the death toll atjust over 16. Killed. The military put the death toll at just over 16. Still a killed. The military put the death toll atjust over 16. Still a huge price to pay for democracy. But the generals are keen on having a guarantee of immunity from persecution. That is what is tolling the final agreement. Months of protests led to the fall of omar. It was the goal to have the power in the hands of the civilians. But now, they have to make do with a hybrid system and hope that the military will let go of power after the transition. This is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. Our lead story is Boris Johnson and jeremy hunt have gone head to head in the final hustings, in the conservative leadership contest, ahead of next weeks result. Some of the other stories that we are monitoring. The World Health Organisation says the outbreak of ebola in the democratic republic of congo is a Public Health emergency of international concern. But borders wont be closed and the who says the risk of the disease spreading outside the region is not high. More than sixteen hundred people have been killed in the outbreak. African services. The younger brother of the man who carried out a Suicide Attack at an Ariane Grande concert in england has been extradited from libya to britain. Twenty two people were killed in manchester in 2017. Hashem abedi was arrested shortly after entering the uk. Thats on the World Service english. A turkish diplomat has been killed in an attack in the northern iraqi city of erbil. Reports say gunmen opened fire at a restaurant. Its thought other people may also have been killed in the attack. Turkish service. And on bbc. Com news a fugitive bear likened to a superhero for its daring escape over an electric pen in northern italy is being hunted by forest rangers. The brown bear, named m49, was snared in the trentino region on sunday but escaped again, reportedly scaling three electric fences and a 4 metre high barrier. On tuesday we talked marked apollo 11s histroic lift off 50 years ago, taking three astronauts to the moon. The commemorations continue with caro this image the commemorations continue with this image of the saturn five rocket which took them there being projected onto the Washington Monument earlier. By now the astronauts had already left the earths orbit. Heres Rebecca Morelle to explain how, with a little help from a retro bbc throwback. Nearly 35 miles out from earth and hate in the mood at 70 miles an hour. A little bit less cold than we thought they were going to be, just now, Mission Control asked them why the long period of radio silence and they answered, that was not radio silence, thousand sandwich in my mouth. Does the presenter and the specially built bbc built studio which we have recreated here. By this point in the astronauts journey they were on their way, the third stage of the rocket has fired for the second time, pushing the spacecraft out of earth orbit in on its course to the moon. Once on track, the commanded service module, which is where the astronauts were, turned 180 degrees and docked with the lunar module, eagle. The rest of the lunar module, eagle. The rest of the third stage detached and floated away into space. The spacecraft continues the moon. Apollo 11, this is houston, how do you read . Over. Loud and clear and we understand that you are docked. Your thoughts always welcomed, that is the hashtag goodbye for me. Hello, lets get a check on the weather for the next few days. At that moment, its unsettled. There is rain in the forecast, much needed for the south. Next week, big changes on the way, potentially very hot weather, but well talk about that in a second. This is what we have got out there right now. System moving across the uk, the next one, that low pressure heading south which will reach southern and central parts at the uk. Here is thursdays weather map, and we had a weather find a chest exiting out into the north sea and behind it, fresh conditions coming in for scotland and behind it, fresh conditions coming in for scotland in Northern Ireland. Probably some thunder and showers around in a few areas. But in the south, afternoon looks dry and sunny with the temperature around 25. That was thursday, and this is friday. The next weatherfront is moving in, expecting rain to reach the southwest and wales early in the morning and basically the whole massive cloud of rain will spell to the east through the course of the day, and i think most of us will have overcast skies and there will be some rain through the day, including the south as i mentioned, not a lot of rain for much needed rain impact. Friday night into saturday, you can see spells of rain continued to move across the country. Lets look at the weekend. Saturday, low pressure is still making its presence felt, still a weather front to get through. If you have plans on saturday, expect a mixture of sunshine and showers, the main weather front is out of the way, its in norway and denmark. But behind it, and awake a bit, you see showers in the forecast guided randomly. Quite fresh particularly across western areas. Now, on sunday, the next weather front is approaching, you can see rain splashing into Northern Ireland and western scotland as well, but sunday at this stage, looking dry across the bulk of england and probably wales as well. Lets look at the jet on monday. Lets look at the jet stream on monday. Monday into tuesday, at thatjet stream is blowing into the southwest, pushing and cloud and rain. In the direction of the northwest britain, monday into tuesday expecting a weather front to continue to brush the northwest of the uk but at the same time, the wind is turning direction and coming from the south meaning temperatures are rising here. This is the pattern into next week, there is a big dip in thatjet stream going back up again, sending weather front to the north but ahead of it, we get hot air wafting from the south. The current thinking is, there is a pretty big heat wave on the way for spain, portugal, france and parts of central europe. Temperatures could easily exceed 40 degrees and you can imagine some of the heat filling and our direction but not to do similar to what we saw weeks ago. Dissimilar to what we saw weeks ago. What we are not sure is, is when theyjet stream will come back and send these weather fronts back in our direction, because this will cool things off. So we know the heat is heading our way, but sometime next week, there will be a dive in the jet stream pushing the heat away towards the south and the east and in its place we get slightly fresh air from the northwest. For next week, we know there is a hot spell on the way, probably effecting much of the uk particularly in south and the best guess is around 32 degrees which is not out of the question. Tonight at ten, the younger brother of the man who bombed the Manchester Arena has been extradited to the uk to face trial for murder. Hashem abedi, whos 22, was originally detained in libya and was arrested by police on arrival in the uk today and taken to a Police Station in south london. He will be charged with the murder of the 22 victims of the attack at a pop concert in manchester two years ago. Greater Manchester Police officers had arrested hashem abedi for murder, attempted murder, and conspiracy to cause an explosion likely to endanger life. Abedi is expected to appear in court tomorrow. Well have the details. Also tonight, under attack again the four Us Congress Members called the four horsewomen of the apocalpyse by President Trump, who claims hes not a racist. Well report on the final hustings in the conservative leadership

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