Transcripts For BBCNEWS Victoria Derbyshire 20240714

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Muslims and islam, according to a new report by the Muslim Council of great britain. I can see youre as scared as i am. Miss, i just want to help you. The report says the hit drama the bodyguard pandered to stereotypes of muslim women who wear the hijab as oppressed. Do you agree . Hello welcome to the programme. Were live until 11 this morning. The hpv vaccine for your son from september if he will be in the year 80. September if he will be in the year 80. Yeareight. And if hes too old to qualify, would you pay up to £500 to get it . We have covered this before, but government is bringing it in for free for boys aged 12 and 13, one call it says it should be available to boys to 18. And the labour plan to boys to 18. And the labour plan to tackle leasehold, a big issue for many. And as borisjohnson and jeremy hunt prepare for their only tv clash on itv tonight, we speak to ajeremy tv clash on itv tonight, we speak to a jeremy hunt supporter about whether his Spending Plans add up, with a borisjohnson supporter on the same subject tomorrow. To get in touch, details on screen. Nowjoanna gosling has the news. Downing street has reaffirmed its support for the uks ambassador in washington, after donald trump said his administration would no longer deal with him. The president posted a series of tweets criticising Sir Kim Darroch, and theresa mays handling of brexit, following the leak of emails from the ambassador which described the Trump White House as inept and dysfunctional. Offering the hpv vaccine to boys could result in 29,000 fewer cancers among men over the next 50 years, according to new research. The jab, which protects against the human papilloma virus, will now be given to 12 and 13 year old boys from september. Girls of the same age have already been eligible for the immunisation for a decade. The two tory leadership contenders will take part in their only scheduled head to head debate this evening. Boris johnson and jeremy hunt will appear on itv before a live studio audience in the north west of england. Party members are voting on which of the two men should succeed theresa may as Prime Minister. The winner is due to be announced on the 23rd ofjuly. New drugs have been approved for use by the nhs in england to treat a debilitating disease once thought untreatable. The new form of medicine, called gene silencing, will be used to reverse amyloidosis, a disease which causes nerve and organ damage and can be fatal. Instagram has got a new message for trolls. In a new feature to combat bullying, the app will ask, are you sure you want to post this . Itll pop up when a user is typing something deemed unpleasant. The company says tests have shown the message encourages some people to undo their comment and share something less hurtful. Nearly £40 million in government grants is being given to projects to develop new ways of charging electric vehicles. The money will be spent on 12 schemes to expand Wireless Charging and smart charging stations which limit them to non peak times and use only electricity from renewable sources. Sales of plug in hybrid vehicles slumped by 50 last month after the government scrapped a grant of £2,500. Thats a summary of the news, back to victoria. Thank you very much. If you have a son who will be in the second year of secondary school from september, he will be amongst the first boys in the uk to get a free vaccination which will protect him from certain types of cancer. Girls have been offered the hpv vaccine on the nhs since 2008 to help protect them from Cervical Cancer. After a Long Campaign and heaps of medical research, 12 and 13 year old boys will also be offered the vaccine in year eight at school from september onward. Health Officials Say the hpv vaccine will prevent 29,000 cancers in uk men in the next a0 years. Men can spread the hpv virus to women and themselves can grow up to suffer from hpv related cancers such as throat, head and neck cancer. Earlier i spoke to mandy parker, who had Cervical Cancer, her ten year old son ted, whos eligible to receive the hpv vaccine when hes a bit older, jamie rae, who had throat cancer and wishes he had access to the vaccine, 0liver nicholls, whos14 and wants the vaccination, and dr mary ramsay, head of immunisation at Public Health england. My Cervical Cancer was caused by the hpv virus. If i had had the vaccine, there was a huge chance that i would not have had Cervical Cancer and not had to go through the emotionaljourney that weve all been on, really since ive had it. You had to have a hysterectomy. What was hardest about that to come to terms with . It was really difficult, because im lucky enough to have children, but it takes away if i wanted any more children. It was a radical hysterectomy, it was a huge operation. It took me three months to recover. So it was a long time, and its emotional, i think it is the emotional effects of cancer that hit me later, and so if i had had the hpv vaccine, i might not have had to go through it and nor would my family, so it would have made a big difference. How do you react then, as a mum of girls and a ten year old boy, ted, to the fact that boys from the ages of 12 and 13, the second year of secondary school, will now get the hpv vaccine . Like girls have been doing for a number of years. Its massive. My two girls have been vaccinated, ted will be vaccinated when he is in year eight. It is huge, i think it is great news and so huge, i think it is great news and so important to prevent all cancers related to hpv. Ted, do you feel it is important to have this when you get to give eight . Yes, i dont want anyone, or myself, to go through what my mum did, obviously. I think it isjust like a jab, innit, it can prevent a lot of things that are quite bad. Do you not worry about jobs . Not really, if you think it is really important then it isjust five seconds. Provides juggernaut worry about jabs . Jamie, you had throat cancer and had intense radiotherapy for it, what was that like . To be honest, it was incredibly difficult. Its completely turned my life upside down and even nine years later i still had side effects today, it is a very, very rough journey. Still had side effects today, it is a very, very roughjourney. Could the jab had saved you from that trauma . Grin the jab had saved you from that trauma . Grin absolutely, the jab had saved you from that trauma . Grin absolutely, i have no doubt. Had it been available at that time, i have no doubt it would have prevented this cancer. How did you develop throat cancer . |j prevented this cancer. How did you develop throat cancer . I am not sure when i got hpv comedy human papilloma virus, possibly as a teenager or in my early 20s, but the gestation period before it became cancer isa gestation period before it became cancer is a long time, it can take decades. I was 43 when i was diagnosed nine years ago. It is like a time bomb, there is no way of knowing if you have it or not, if you are a man and it is a third cancer, it is very difficult to deal with. You were on the programme two yea rs with. You were on the programme two years ago pointing to the evidence for boys getting this three jab, like girls have been getting, it has taken like girls have been getting, it has ta ken another two years like girls have been getting, it has taken another two years but the announcement is today. How do you react . Won it is excellent news, i congratulate Public Health england on the decision to vaccinate boys. My only concern is that in 2008 they vaccinated girls between 12 and 18, my understanding is that only boys aged 12 vaccinated with the introduction of this programme. I think that is a mistake and a missed opportunity. So you think the vaccination should go up to the age of 18 through school . If you are 16 or 17 of 18 through school . If you are 16 or17 and at of 18 through school . If you are 16 or 17 and at school, you might have had the vaccine was introduced earlier, and if you do not get it, you are still at risk. I accept that the situation into thousand eight, less people were vaccinated, but it is still an issue and when i think be addressed. Oliver is 14, you are too old when this is welljudged, it is 12 and 13 year olds, but you are at risk of hpv related cancers such as head, neck and throat . |j at risk of hpv related cancers such as head, neck and throat . I feel like we should take. You should think about the other people who are at risk and who can get vaccinated, i think anyone under 25 can get vaccinated but through private health care. It costs. Not all families are able to manage to pay for that, it is quite a lot of money. I think it is about £500. For all three dosages. I want to be safe in my later life, i do not want to get throat or neck cancer, i want to get throat or neck cancer, i want to get the jabs. I missed it out by so little, i think it should be 3334 anyone under 25. Little, i think it should be 3334 anyone under25. I little, i think it should be 3334 anyone under 25. I think it should be free for. Doctor mary, why is it only people aged 12 . Good 0liver, i am sorry that you will not get this on the nhs but we need to prioritise the resources most effectively. The difference between the situation now and as the girls came in, asjamie hinted, its been a very excellent head protection that has been built up from vaccinated girls for ten years, almost all women under 25 have been vaccinated, meaning the risk to 0liver from catching the get del moral that ibis is much lower. When the vaccine came in we had a relatively short time to implement it and wanted to prioritise the most important group, younger boys, who can get protection before any risk. The vaccine is more effective at that age and you need less doses, as a priority it is much larger than the older group. 0livers chance of being infected has probably been reduced by 70 by the girls programme, probably more as time goes on and behead immunity builds up. Health secretary matt hancock tweeted we are rolling out the highly effective hpv vaccine to boys across the country to protect more girls from Cervical Cancer, which suggests he does not quite understand how much it protects boys as well. It does both, that is what is good about it. It will protect boys and people from getting conditions like jamies, which is terrible, but also the boys will not get infection and spread it to their partners, meaning their female partners, meaning their female partners will be protected from Cervical Cancer. Overall, it protects the whole population. Can you explain how it can be passed between people, through sexual intercourse . Yes, it is a very common virus, some of the types of data will lead to cancer, some will cause genital warts. You get it almost as soon start up Sexual Activity, that is why we want to vaccinate before that, why we vaccinate before that, why we vaccinate in year eight. Cheney, do you accept there is not Unlimited Money in the nhs and they have had to make a decision . I think it is a point, however i still think that when you have a virus that causes cancer and a simple vaccine can prevent it, i do not think there is an excuse not to use it. The costs are considerably less than before. But so many girls have had it since 2008, so heard immunity builds up and mary said it reduces the risk to men by 70 . I accept the risk is less, there is no doubt, but there is still a risk. It is ok if you remain within the herd, that is having Sexual Activity with anybody vaccinated, and the uk has very high levels of vaccination, but we live ina very levels of vaccination, but we live in a very mobile world and it is not just sex between people who have been vaccinated in the uk, and we have the issue of the Gay Community who are equally at risk. There are still anomalies and i believe it would be right to vaccinate up to the age of 18. Susanna Facebook Says my husband had hpv related turn cancer recently and i want my son to have this vaccine, as do lots of his friends, but he isjust 13 have this vaccine, as do lots of his friends, but he is just 13 so will be in yen 9 , he is not eligible and the nhs. We will have to pay 300 p per two vaccines before he is 15, otherwise it will be three vaccinations at over 600 and 50p, how is this right or fair . Vaccinations at over 600 and 50p, how is this right orfair . If vaccinations at over 600 and 50p, how is this right or fair . If the optimum ages under 15 then the government should give it to all boys under 15, girls have received this for 11 years. Lauren says one of my senses finishing sixth form and the other is heading into year 11, to get the vaccines via boots is full hundred quid each. Rosi says i am not sure why this was not given to boys at the same time as girls anyway. A mother on twitter says all boys should be given this vaccine. Contact us using the details on screen. The two men hoping to be the next Prime Minister will square up in a live tv debate this evening. Former foreign secretary Boris Johnson will be going head to head with the current foreign secretary, jeremy hunt, in a bid to become leader of the conservative party. And, of course, your next Prime Minister. Both tory leadership hopefuls have made promises ranging from tax cuts to defence. But do their Spending Plans add up . We can speak now to vicky ford, a conservative mp whos backing jeremy hunt. Good morning, thank you for coming on the programme again. Youll government has been telling families up government has been telling families up and down the country for almost ten years, while imposing austerity on them, that we have to live within means, but now mr hunter is planning to splash the cash to the tune of tens of billions of p . Jeremy hunt has some clear plants and growing the economy, because we know that if we grow the economy we get more tax income to spend on things like the nhs, he is obviously the person who got the largest ever increase in investment in the nhs. His first plan, a five point plan to boost the economy, is about giving those tax incentives to businesses to ensure they invest and grow, and part of they invest and grow, and part of the cutting the rate that businesses pay full tax means increasing their growth. They create morejobs pay full tax means increasing their growth. They create more jobs and we get more tax to invest. His spending pledges, according to the institute for fiscal studies, could cost between 37 and £65 billion, what is the actualfigure he between 37 and £65 billion, what is the actual figure he will spend . By reducing the tax rate that you charge, you increase the economy and grow it, you grow your tax take. We have heard the centre for economic and Business Research today saying his tax plans could boost the economy by nearly £30 billion. What is the figure he will spend . The plans are to reduce tax for businesses to the level in ireland, 12. 5 , if you had a steady state economy and you did not have the growth, it would be a 12 billion decrease in tax income, but because you grow the economy, we have seen this happen before, it ends up bringing in more money. He wants to invest more in defence. bringing in more money. He wants to invest more in defence. I was asking you, the ifa says it is between 37 and 65 billion, i am asking how much. There is the boost to businesses, then over five years and investment in defence, to increase defence spending, absolutely critical at a time when we are facing great threats. He wants to invest more money in education, part of other social mission to increase spending on education, and also tie that to an increase and focus on literacy standards, because we really need to increase the support we give to those currently leaving primary school. 6 billion for farmers in the event of no deal, 1 billion on cutting the Interest Rate on student loans. Do you have a final total of what he promises to spend . Of course it will depend on what happens in the brexit scenario. You can add them all up, as an economist myself i know you need to look at a dynamic economy. You have explained that. If this was an Opposition Party promising spending like this, much of it and funded, you dont even know the figure, you would be hammering them. We know there is 29 billion headroom that there is 29 billion headroom that the current chancellor has put aside in the case of no deal. Jeremy hunt has been very clear that in the case of no deal, some of his Spending Plans would have to go more slowly because he wants to give the support to businesses, especially those small farmers, small fishermen businesses that would be so impacted bya no businesses that would be so impacted by a no deal. So if there is no deal, which of the Spending Plans are chunked . She wants to keep the focus on giving Business Investment to create morejobs, which is absolutely crucial at the time of brexit. We have to increase productivity, we are in a digital revolution, the fourth industrial revolution, we have tuesday ahead of the game. We are a great place to invest in and we have to show that this is a great place to invest in. Ido this is a great place to invest in. I do not want our best and brightest setting up start ups in california, i want the business to start here, thatis i want the business to start here, that is why we are backing entrepreneurship, businesses, for people to create jobs and increase the productivity. Well paying jobs across the economy are key. He said that was £29 billion worth of hedging, it could be between 26 and 27, that is borrowing, which i know not many supporters make clear. Are you comfortable borrowing that much and more . Guest ages kiwi do not let barrelling it is kiwi do not let barrelling it is kiwi do not let barrelling go out of control. Barrelling needs to be brought down, but this is nothing like the £1 trillion the labour party had suggested. Are you comfortable with that level of borrowing . Google as with all prudent economists and conservative party policy for many decades, i want to see the level of debt sustainable, meaning we need to reduce the barrelling, but it needs to be done. But this is all right because the man u support wants to because the man u support wants to be Prime Minister . We are going into a serious period of change through brexit, we are in the middle of an economic revolution, a fourth industrial revolution, we must make the economy 34 purpose. Industrial revolution, we must make the economy 34 purposem industrial revolution, we must make the economy 34 purpose. If an Opposition Party was suggesting that this kind of barrelling was ok, for tax cuts here and there, spending pledges, you would hammer them. There is a difference between spending and investing. When you invest and grow you bring more income in, the cbi has said that jeremy hunts plans to incentivise investment would boost the economy might nearly £30 billion, would increase the economy by nearly 30 billion i think that its worth sharing for. 26 billion is a oneoff sum for one year, how will you pay for the spending pledges in year two . For the spending pledges in year two . If there was money available, we wa nted two . If there was money available, we wanted to go into areas which will increase investment. We have to increase investment and grow the economy. How much would the economy had to grow to pay for this . Looking at what happened the last time because Corporation Tax rates, we cut eight from 28 to 19 , and the income that came into fund hospitals, schools, the welfare state, increased by 40 . That is the growth we are talking about. You do not suggest the economy will grow by 40 . The income from business taxes. I can tell you the obr focus, but how much with the economy have to grow to pay for spending between 37 and 65 billion p . M have to grow to pay for spending between 37 and 65 billion p . If 12 billion of that is Corporation Tax changes, it is not a steady state, last time we change Corporation Tax rates and group the amount of money. That it can guarantee the economy will grow enough in year two and year three, there will be enough growth in the economy to fund all of this spending . Wet both in our country we have morejobs in this country we have morejobs in this country than ever before. Why is the chance to sing the british people have worked incredibly hard over a decade to rebuild public finances, i think it is incredibly important we do not throw that away and we had to live within our means . do not throw that away and we had to live within our means . I am defending jeremy hunts plans, i am not defending the borisjohnson strategy, which is very different. You are deflecting. The chancellor had said to both candidates we had to live within our means, the implication being that neither candidate is. I had to make that when we are at an economic standpoint, you had to mend the roof when the sunday shining, reduce the debt forfuture when the sunday shining, reduce the debt for future generations. We when the sunday shining, reduce the debt forfuture generations. We have brought project and now and we need to make sure that our education and schools are getting the funding they need, the infrastructure we need and the defence spending, and i will defend those, but we can only afford them if we get the economic boost. Mr hunt said he would tell businesses they had to go under in the event of a no deal with, a heavy heart. Why not say no, we will not plunge the country into crisis . People voted to leave. Not with no deal. I voted to remain, i want to see a deal. Why not say no to no deal . I want to see a deal, the current deal keeps getting blocked, to get a change deal we need to send somebody to europe usa negotiator and is trusted. I am asking you about no deal. It is really important we focus on plan a. And it is really important that we focus on what happens in the event of no deal, mr hunt says he would tell businesses they would have to go under, with a heavy heart. I am sure that its no consolation to them. That is why he has also said we need to put investment into supporting them to try to avoid that. Why doesnt he say no to no deal . Everybody knows he is only saying this to appeal to tory party members, he does not believe in no deal. We had a referendum. We dont need to go over history. We had to leave, there is a risk we could be tipped out without our own choice. That is why it is important we get that support to businesses, we know there could be a serious economic. He is trying to out boris Boris Johnson, Everybody Knows what is going on. There was a very exciting debate tonight, and i wish paris had to that weeks ago. It is really important we scrutinise the candidates. I wish boris had in that weeks ago. We know how many times we have seenjeremy hunt interviewed on tv, yet boris has been hiding. Whoever we approve has to go head to head with 27 other eu leaders, urgently and quickly. There are one or two people suggesting thatjeremy hunt should head on few interviews, he would not have spoken about abortion, fox hunting or these other bizarre things. Should a Prime Minister hunt satka Sir Kim Darroch, the ambassador to washington, or tell donald trump he has to work with him . Sac Sir Kim Darroch . hope we find who has leaked this, i am very hope we find who has leaked this, i am very concerned. Hope we find who has leaked this, i am very concerned. I think it is very important that we show support for our ambassadors across the world, and there was unity in the house of commons yesterday about supporting our ambassadors and making sure they feel that they have the ability to write candidly and privately. So Prime Minister hunt should say you have to work with our man, Sir Kim Darroch . It is very important we support ambassadors across the world, but the Bigger Picture is who leaked the information . That needs to be found out and prevented, because it is a National Security issue. Thanking for talking to us, vicky ford. The tv debate is on itv tonight. Well, downing street has this morning said the Prime Minister is backing the uk ambassador to the us after President Trump said he would no longer deal with him. Heres what mr trump said in a series of tweets last night. I have been very critical about the way the uk and Prime Minister theresa may handled brexit. What a mess she and her representatives have created. I told her how it should be done, but she decided to go another way. I do not know the ambassador, but he is not liked or well thought of within the us we will no longer deal with him. The good news for the wonderful United Kingdom is that they will soon have a new Prime Minister. While i thoroughly enjoyed the magnificent state visit last month, it was the queen who i was most impressed with lets talk to alan charlton, who was the deputy ambassador to the us until 2007. He also worked with kim darroch in the 905. Hello to you, good morning. Good morning. If President Trump now says he wont deal any longer with our ambassador in washington, should our ambassador stand down . It is going to be a decision for the next Prime Minister, as you have just been discussing, and i imagine the reason there isnt one in the waiting already for this post is because we have been awaiting this result because kim is due to leave anyway. At the end of the year. Four yea rs anyway. At the end of the year. Four years is a normal time and if he left a month or two early that wouldnt be a surprise. We will see. You dont think he should make that decision now, kim darroch, himself now . It is not his decision to make he is the queens representative. He could write a letter saying i dont think i should carry on. He could write a letter saying i dont thinki should carry on. He may could write a letter saying i dont think i should carry on. He may give advice but that would be confidential and hopefully not leaked. Right. Even if itsjust until the end of the year, it looks like he cannot work now with President Trumper. He cant even get access to the white house. So hes in diplomatic limbo and is no use to us. in diplomatic limbo and is no use to us. President trump. In diplomatic limbo and is no use to us. President trump. Sometimes these things blow over, its not the first time elite has happened and not the first time there has been controversy not the first time there has been co ntrove rsy over not the first time there has been controversy over donald trump. If you read the media in washington, this is not really an affair at all because people say the sort of thing is that he has said all the time. Its an issue here for the reason that you say and because of the need for a trade agreement and so on, but that will be a decision for the new Prime Minister make, whether he thinks that will work or not. Maybe ina week thinks that will work or not. Maybe in a week or two things will have quietened down but maybe not, and then you will have to see. Shouldnt they say you have to work with our man and that is kim darroch . What is your view . I think he would say, we have appointed someone who will take over from have appointed someone who will take overfrom kim have appointed someone who will take over from kim and have appointed someone who will take overfrom kim and he will take over on date x and meanwhile i hope the administration will work with him. Isnt that letting present trump dictate who our ambassador is . I dont think so because as i say they will be an appointment anyway and it would have been made six months ago had there not been this change of Prime Minister in minute and so it is perfectly normal. But there is an important point here made by your previous guest, which is that the ambassador has done hisjob, and what has gone wrong here is the leak and that is really serious and is not the first time, we have to find a way to stop these leaks. If President Trump continues to freeze out kim darroch in the meantime then we just have to accept it . He will do whatever he needs to do, he is president of the United States and there are lots of other things kim could do meanwhile but i imagine in any could do meanwhile but i imagine in a ny eve nt could do meanwhile but i imagine in any event he will leave in a few months time in any case so i dont think there will be a huge hiatus, the embassy is a big machine, they will be other people doing work as well. You know kim darroch, how will he feel about this . He will be mortified, he is a really nice guy and im sure when he returns you will interview him, you should, he isa will interview him, you should, he is a regular sort of person from humble backgrounds, as you will know, and a great analyst. And someone know, and a great analyst. And someone who doesnt cause a fuss. He is not a big media character, he is a person who tells truth to power, analyses, and he would not have wa nted analyses, and he would not have wanted this to happen. It may be that getting towards the end of his time he is taking, not more risk, i would say, but saying things a little more bluntly because he feels he ought to do that with the benefit of his experience of three and a half years, than he would have done in his first six months. But still, he wouldnt have expected this to have been leaked and im sure it would have been on a very restricted distribution in whitehall. Suggestions today it could be russia, cyber hacking. There are three possibilities. It could be some Civil Servant who may be making money selling it to somebody, or has a political grievance. It could be political. I suppose it could be, although i think our systems are pretty good, i doubt it has been hacked. But it may be possible. Im not an expert. Thank you very much, thank you for coming in. Alan charlton. Weve reported on the problems many of you have had with your leasehold house or flat over the last few years. Today, labour are announcing what they want to do about leaseholds if they were to win the next general election. Well hear more about that in a moment, but first, lets hear from lisa, the owner of a leasehold flat who had it repossessed after she couldnt pay her share of an invoice for major works. She spoke to Colleen Harris last month. I was in the process of actually selling my flat. I had a buyer, i exchanged. In november 2013, the same week i exchanged, they sent another letter, an invoice about works. And from £100,000 it went up to roughly £600,000. My buyers, they didnt want it any more and i couldnt afford to go to court for that and stuff like that because i was already in an emotional state. Lisas portion of the £600,000 came to around £50,000. By law, leaseholders must be consulted on Service Charges before any works are carried out, but the freeholder of lisas block took them to tribunal. They won the case, which allowed them to do away with the consultation and enforce the works due to the condition of the building. Colleen harris talking to lisa, who had her leasehold flat repossessed when she couldnt afford to pay the Service Charge after major works. Today, labour has promised to end leasehold ownership of houses and flats if they win the next election. I spoke to labours shadow housing minister sarah jones a little earlier about this. One infour one in four properties in this country are leasehold properties, basically properties where people have bought their homes thinking they own it but actually they dont. Every other major economy like ours has moved away from the leasehold system, and thats what we are announcing today because actually we have seen some horrific cases, and you have covered them before, of people who are ripped off, Service Charges, who are stuck with really exorbitant ground rents which makes it impossible for people to sell their homes, and people who face all kinds of caps on what they can do and payments on what they can do in their own home. So we want to do something for those people and theres two elements to this. The first is to stop the building of new leasehold and new flats, changing the tenure so we dont have any leasehold or a new leasehold flats. And the second thing is what to do with people who are stuck in leasehold right now. We want to do a range of things for them. Firstly, we wa nt range of things for them. Firstly, we want to cap the ground rent they pay to 0. 1 of the value of the property, thats been suggested by the committee, conservative backbenchers and its a very sensible price to set. We also want to make it much easierfor price to set. We also want to make it much easier for people to have transparency over the costs that they are charged, have much more reasonable charges, Service Charges, and to make sure people have more redress if they want to challenge the charges they are being given. And finally, we want them to be able to buy their freehold and finally, we want them to be able to buy theirfreehold much more easily and we want to cap the value of that at 1 of your property. So if your property is worth £250,000, youll be able to buy the freehold for no more than £2500. And again, thats been suggested by the law commission, a very reasonable cost, and we think it would make sense moving forward. You will know that last month the government announced that leaseholds will be axed for all new build houses. Is this you playing catch up . The government announced that in 2017, actually. They have made 60 announcements since coming to power in 2010, 60 on leasehold command they have changed absolutely nothing. You need to have legislation to change these things, they havent introduced that at all. And more importantly, theyre all talking about changing things for new homes, which is important but they havent got a single plan for people stuck in those homes already. These are people who have been sold leasehold properties, often in a very underhand way, nine in ten people who own leasehold homes regret buying them, and nearly 60 of them say they didnt understand what they were buying when they bought it. This is serious mis selling and people are stuck paying. We all know, those of us who have lived in flats, when you wait for months for the lift to be repaired and then you get given a massive bill and there is no evidence of why it should be that high. Those kind of things need fixing now and the government have no plans for that whatsoever. Why dont you ban ground rents altogether . Some people have pushed for that. You are right, there are more radical solutions that have been suggested in different places. Why not do that . What we have landed on as we have talked to property lawyers, we have talked to the law commission, we have talked to lots of different members of the select committee and all those sort of things. Have you talked to the people who have to pay these ground rents because there is no doubt that they would say, ban them altogether, we have had them on our programme. Absolutely and the campaigns the leaseholders have done have been tremendous and really helped us get our policy together. What we have landed on is this 0. 1 because it retains an element for the freeholder but it is at the point at which we think it is fair. The 0. 1 of the value of your property, or £250 a year or less, so thats nowhere near the exorbitant cost we have got. We have got some people facing costs of £10,000 a year. And no it is a lot less. Im saying, why dont you ban them . No it is a lot less. Im saying, why dont you ban them . Well, because, Mortgage Companies now have said they wouldnt give mortgages to people where they have exorbitant ground rents but they would if it was 0. 1 or less. That is where we have landed. Why not ban them . We wouldnt have to be looking at paying compensation to freeholders. We wa nt paying compensation to freeholders. We want this to be as fair as possible and we think about 250 cap is fair. Ok. Id like to ask you about brexit, if i may. It looks like the unions are shifting their position on brexit. I wonder, how would you sum up what is likely to be labours new brexit policy on the doorstep . Well, the shadow cabinet are meeting today, as i understand it, whatjeremy corbyn said last week as we need to put this back to the people, what the shadow chancellor said is we are a remain and reform party and that is where we have ended up. When we first had the referendum, theresa may said she could negotiate the exact same benefits for the deal as we have now and that has not come to pass. We know that is not possible. We know a lot more than we did before. And i think it is completely reasonable and essential that actually we go back to the people and ask them, you know, this is what the government has negotiated, is this exactly what you would want to see or not . Because everything is different and i think we are being forced down this road. If you had to sum it up, what would it be on the doorstep . You are not going to be given 20 sentences, are you . Put it back to the people, remain and reform. Except if there was a snap general election, apparently, labour would negotiate a new brexit deal, a better deal, you say, to be put to the people in the referendum. And then labour might completely ignore its own deal that it has just negotiated and Still Campaign to remain. There is nothing that says that in terms of labour, this is what the trade unions came up with yesterday. These are the five big unions who help fund labour and it would be very surprising if the leadership didnt move to this position as well. I think we will see what the leadership come up with today. My personal view is that we are moving towards being clear that we wa nt are moving towards being clear that we want to remain and reform because the reality is that i cant vote to make my constituents are poorer and i dont think many people could come and we are where we are. The unions have come to a view, the shadow cabinet will look at it, but i think if you listen to the shadow chancellor over the weekend, it is pretty clear what direction we are moving in. You said in 2017, we are leaving, we know that. How do you feel now about tearing up your ma nifesto feel now about tearing up your manifesto pledge to honour the result of the referendum . As i said, the reality of what we face now, which is theresa mays deal, which is dead anyway, but theresa mays deal would leave us worse off. That was not the basis on which i accepted was not the basis on which i a cce pted we was not the basis on which i accepted we would leave. I accepted we would leave on the basis we would have exactly the same benefits. I have exactly the same benefits. I have businesses in my constituency saying we cannot leave. I have businesses absolutely panicking and my brief, shadow housing, housing sector in terms of no deal brexit, absolutely disastrous. These are very serious issues and i think if we had known then what we know now we had known then what we know now we would have taken a very different position and thats why it is right to put it back to the people to ask them. Ok, so labour is now a remain party and wants to stop brexit . The shadow cabinet are meeting today and they will come out with their position. From my point of view, i think we have got to take it back to the people, we have to take it back to the people. Right, take a look at this clip from one of the most watched programmes of last year the bbcs bodyguard. She gasps and pants. Assalaamu alaikum. I just want to talk. Thats all. I can see youre as scared as i am. Miss, i just want to help you. You dont have to do this. You can change your mind. Is the portrayal of that muslim woman islamophobic . The Muslim Council of britain says it pandered to stereotypes of muslim women who wear the hijab as oppressed or subservient. Theyve got a report out today from what they call their centre for media monitoring, which claims some parts of the british media have a serious problem with portrayals of muslim people and islam, saying nearly 60 of articles and programmes it analysed associated muslims with negative behaviour. Two years ago, we spoke to zahid mahmood, whose family was awarded substantial damages and a full public apology after then daily mail columnist Katie Hopkins suggested he and his brother were extremists with links to alqaeda. At first, they were all against us, when Katie Hopkins, she published that article. And then when she made an apology a year later, then they all turned against her. So, there is no middle ground. The upsetting part is not the actual element of Katie Hopkins, its the mindset of people. How they can very easily be led against somebody or in favour of somebody. We can speak now with miqdaad versi, founder of centre for media monitoring, which is run by the Muslim Council of britain. Imtiaz shams, former muslim and campaigner. Sa har al faifa, from the Muslim Council of wales which is part of the Muslim Council of great britain. And deputy editorfor political magazine spiked, tom slater. Tell our audience how you have compiled this report and what you have found. We looked at 11,000 articles, analysed each of them based on a methodology agreed by one of the leading experts in the field, we analysed each of those articles against these different metrics and when there was a difference of opinion between two different people we looked at those and tried to discuss between them to get the right assessment for each different article. Through that quite thorough methodology we have come up with these statistics you have talked about and we have found that a large proportion of articles and clips from the news. And dramas. And dramas come on bbc for example, have negative connotations when it comes to muslims. That is not necessarily in and of itself bad when one stories done by that but looking at it overall, when you look at all of it overall, when you look at all of it together, what does that mean for a viewer and a read and what they would see muslims as when that is what they perceive, that is what they consume, that is the media they get. We look at particularly noting within how the right leaning publications the bias, or the very biased articles in terms of our highest category, that was significantly higher within the right wing publications compared to, for example, the new statesman, or the guardian. Tom, do you accept this . Reading the report what i have thought is while there is always something that can feed a narrative we might not support come at the same time it strikes me that lots of things are being conflated with that which i would be concerned about. For instance, one of the example cited in your report is the fact the bbc and guardian in the wake of the Westminster Bridge attack ran with a picture provided by the metropolitan police as well as by the Wire Services of the attacker Khaled Masood in mecca and europe what makes this point but this will subconsciously associate terrorism with islamic practice. While we might discuss the fact the extent to which Khaled Masood was really acting in the name of god and he committed the horrible atrocity, it is not irrelevant. It is important we should be able to discuss these things and my concern reading this report and looking at many of the examples and it is that often what we are not talking about is misrepresentations to the end of anti muslim bigotry, a far broader definition, a far more nebulous idea of islamophobia. What was your issue . You can choose lots of photos of this individual, why choose a picture when he is doing a religious practice that lots of other people do. What is wrong with choosing that photo . When the random individual looks at that Photo Associates that with the faith. What were saying is you can have that discussion. How do know they do . That is what we have seen when it comes to polling. Cambridge university the src roundtable looked at this and said the media feels an atmosphere of hostility against muslims and then we look at social attitudes and a third of the population believes there are sharia no go zones and a third of the publish and think muslims are taking over england, these are worrying phenomenon is happening in society and Research Suggests that media plays a role in driving this and what we are trying to do is show our perspective, looking at articles and saying this is something that needs to be looked at. A recent poll suggested that the British Public thinks the media is responsible for islamophobia. Sahar, when you see the clip that we showed from the bodyguard, how did you feel . I watched the bodyguard and after the First Episode i felt this was exactly the islamophobic narrative we are trying to challenge, but muslim women are suppressed and she is a terrorist and a bomberand suppressed and she is a terrorist and a bomber and not only that she is about to be saved by a white man in the train. But it is a drama. It is still drama but it contributes to the social conditioning of people to acce pt the social conditioning of people to accept the muslim women who happen to be brown of colour, to be dangerous, to be criminal, and it doesnt make the life of me easier, or other women. Tom, i could see tom frowning as you were saying that, the link between watching it and how it makes people think. Do you not accept that . Most of all i dont think people are that easily influenced by the media but the point i think it is important to draw out as well, when we chill discussion of religion or extremists. Lets deal with the specific clip and how sahar explained how it made her feel and influences people watching it, it reinforces this view of muslim women being oppressed. It comes down to the idea of the media effect and for generations it has been debunked, the idea that people are like lemmings, they view a betrayal even a drama programme, which isjust within a a drama programme, which isjust withina drum a drama programme, which isjust within a drum and go out and act on it. I dont think people are as simplistic as that. I think we have seen simplistic as that. I think we have seen the outcomes of such portrayals and victims of islamophobia. Meaning what . A spike in. Increase in hate crime, and islamophobic of use. You see lots of islamic women being called terrorists and bombers and now they are being called nadia because the woman in the bodyguard, her name, nadia, when we have a positive example, nadiya hussain, the winner of the Great British bake off, the same name was used in the campsite bodyguard, so when there is a positive reference to muslims, there is almost more negative and statistically speaking 21 negative references to muslims, not only in the print media but in drama. References to muslims, not only in the print media but in dramam references to muslims, not only in the print media but in drama. It is important to recognise there is a lot of anti muslim bigotry from the media, this is something that has been rising, you see anecdotally, for example. I think the issue becomes that it is the mcb, they have a history and also where they are now, iwould have a history and also where they are now, i would argue they are the problem when it comes to this point of view were muslims are like this or like that. Because they are not representative . Muslims are changing, the levels of people accepting gay marriage, for example, is skyrocketing pretty quickly and this change is happening today. There was a part in the report when they talk about sharia law and they say the penal codes are only within a specific subset. We are talking about murdering people here. The sharia penal codes are like murder, i would be killed sharia penal codes are like murder, iwould be killed in sharia penal codes are like murder, i would be killed in these kind of situations. Any kind of whitewashing of that kind of stuff makes the mcb pa rt of of that kind of stuff makes the mcb part of the problem. When we are looking at a report like this where you have to trust the credibility of the organisation because it is discursive analysis, then i think. You dont trust the report, you dont trust the mcb . You dont trust the report, you dont trust the mcb . No, i agree there is a problem, i dont want to read that from the mcb, i want to read that from the mcb, i want to read it from academic institutions. Independents. We have had independent experts feeding into this and looking into it. You can see the problem, cant you . You have employed them so they are not independent. We havent employed them, an independent academic considered the report impressive and looked at it and thinks it is amazing. What we have to look at is the credibility of the Muslim Council of britain is established, we have example after example and Media Organisations have recognised the betrayal they have had is wrong and have had to correct it, over 100 corrections from National Newspapers and broadcasters on issues relating to muslims because of the work we have done, to serious and it needs to change. We have to leave it there, im so sorry, imtiaz. Lets move on, we are talking about tennis now. Coco gauff, the fact that she was eliminated from wimbledon yesterday. She has absolutely set wimbledon alight. We are going to talk to nick saviano, whose academy she trains at in florida. Hello. Good morning, first, let me say, im part of the Coaching Team and she comes out with her father and Coaching Team Coaching Team and she comes out with herfather and Coaching Team once a week, and i spend the time with her and have over the last few months. But im just part of the team. And have over the last few months. But im just part of the team. No worries, obviously she has set the uk alight but i wonder, aged 15, how much do you think her talent is down to her physical ability, her physical development, and how much is it mental at that age . Well, it is it mental at that age . Well, it isa is it mental at that age . Well, it is a combination. Obviously she is a tremendous physical talent and one of the best of this generation. But you dont perform that well and go on Wimbledons Centre Court and perform well and be able to control your emotions and have some big wins, whether it is on court 1, or of the centre court, you have an international stage, and that in and of itself is impressive. Lets have a look at her in action. All right. Crowd gasps crowd cheers ijust adore the i just adore the euphoria, absolutely. Do you look, nick, for a supportive family, when a teenager like this as this kind of talent . supportive family, which she has, she has a wonderful family, supportive family, which she has, she has a wonderfulfamily, her father is primary coach and has been for years, and as i said, i am a contributor. But ive met her mother, she has two younger brothers, they have a very solid family, and, you know, she is the by product of that, a very solid individual, great value system, very polite, well mannered, great work ethic. So, just a really wonderful young girl. Let me ask you really briefly, if you would, nick. Next come the sponsors, the entourage, the increased scrutiny, the increased attention. How will she cope, while also trying to improve her game . She has already coped well. She was quite well known before she started herjourney and i think she will manage very well and she has a Great Support Team around her, a great Coaching Staff on a day to day basis, and management tea m day to day basis, and Management Team andi day to day basis, and Management Team and i think she will do extraordinarily well. How well . World number one by what age . She will eventually be one of the best players in the world, whether somebody ultimately becomes number one in the world and wins grand slams, thats something you have to just let the journey unfold. Cheers, nick, thank you for talking to us. We have a quick update on an exclusive story this programme broke on friday last week. It centres on allegations that representatives of a banks, including a Government Owned Bank uk Asset Resolution have forged signatures on Court Documents in repossession cases. Its just been announced that the chair of the Treasury Select Committee in parliament has asked the Financial Conduct Authority and the National Crime agency to investigate the allegations against uk Asset Resolution and also thank you for your company today. Have a good day. Weve had quite a bit of rain across the northern half of the uk but further south it has been dry, even some sunny further south it has been dry, even some sunny spells in the south west but you can see from the earlier rainfall radar the bulk of the heavy rainfall radar the bulk of the heavy rain has been across Northern Ireland and through much of scotland, the rain is a bit patchy are the further south you go but throughout the afternoon some rain could move into northern parts of england, further south it is largely dry, the best of the sunshine continuing in the south west and it will feel quite warm there, especially in the sunshine. 24 celsius in the south west. Elsewhere, temperature is about 1721, elsewhere, temperature is about 17 21, or elsewhere, temperature is about 1721, or 22 elsewhere, temperature is about 17 21, or 22 degrees. Throughout the night, we will continue with some outbreaks of rain, especially so across northern and eastern parts of the country. We will have a few clear spells across the south and the east but generally temperatures staying up at about 13 15dc. Through wednesday morning, quite a wet start, especially in parts of scotla nd start, especially in parts of scotland and eastern areas of england, tending to clear away, and sunny spells developing, warmer day, 25 degrees in the london area, still quite unsettled in northern parts with some showers. Bye bye. Youre watching bbc newsroom live, its 11am and these are the main stories this morning downing street confirms its full support for the uks ambassador to the us after donald trump said he will no longer work with him. Hong kongs leader declares that her controversial extradition bill which sparked weeks of angry protests is now dead. I reiterate here there is no such plan. The bill is dead. Analysis reveals a 4 pay gap between white workers in britain compared with those from ethnic minorities. A crisis of childhood a major study finds more young people are feeling under social pressure than ever before and struggling to cope. A pioneering gene silencing drug is approved for nhs use

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